First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri: I have another ultrasound scheduled at 32 weeks. I think that'll be the last one unless baby is breech. I don't have maternity photos scheduled. I've been waffling on if I want to get them done or not. I don't think DH would be a huge fan. But it might be nice to get some last photos as a family of three.

Amy: I forgot with PGS it is a day 6 transfer. I think that's a great call and should give you some peace of mind. Grow embies, grow.

Jen: Aw. I can't imagine how much the shots stink! I'm always relieved when they take the dog into the back to give him his shots.

LadySosa: Yay for your new schedule being approved! Poor Charlie! Once when Fen was on steroids, he was really bugging me to go outside the second I got out of bed. First, I stopped in the bathroom to pee myself with the door open and he looked at me with the most pained look and started peeing on my parent's rug.
I picked him up and tried to put him in the shower and he was so confused.
When is your first day at the new job? I hope the meds don't take too much of a toll. Stay busy and focus on having fun.

Beagle: Happy to hear the pool is an easy fix. I slept pretty crummy last night too. Do you have a maternity pillow of some kind? A friend gave me one, DH calls it the taco, and it has been a huge help. Fen is on steroids for his allergies and he's panting a lot, which was shaking the bed and kept waking me.

I mentioned a little while ago I was contacted about a great job opportunity. I told them I am interested in the job but seven months pregnant and have some reservations about making such a huge transition. They still want to bring me in for an interview again, so I'm going in Monday. I was a little surprised at how formal the interview is as I interviewed with them in December for another job. I'm meeting with three of the same people, plus one new person. I've got mixed feelings. It would be an amazing opportunity if the pay is what I think it is.

But the timing just sucks. I've spent a fortune on my health insurance and am just about to meet my coinsurance limit. I'd have to go on DH's plan and we'd then have to meet the deductible and coinsurance limit again. Hubby's been encouraging me not to worry before I even have a job offer.
Hi ladies! :flower:

sars - Well, that's exciting on the job front - if not a little nerve-wracking too. It seems like they want you pretty badly if they asked you come in for an interview even after you told them your situation. That seems like it would open the door for some bargaining. If you think it'd be a great opportunity, then I say go for it if they offer it to you. Haven't things been a bit unstable at your job for awhile? Is this job with a different company? Just curious. In any case, an interview can't hurt anything! Good luck. Oh, I love your last scan picture. At our 20-week ultrasound the doc went into 3D mode - I sent a picture of it to my Mom and she's convinced the baby looks like my Dad's side of the family. I'm like "um, pretty sure it just looks like a baby" :haha:

Lady - Oh, poor Charlie just had to go to the bathroom. That is funny. Glad that's all it was. Dogs are just the craziest creatures. Our dog didn't eat her breakfast yesterday and it was still in her bowl at dinnertime - she wasn't interested. We let her in for the night and she was lying on our bed and you could hear her tummy grumbling and making all sorts of noises. We let her back out since I'm pretty sure she had an upset stomach! We let her back in a little bit later and locked her up in our room with us just to make sure she didn't try to leave us any presents elsewhere in the house. She must have felt better this morning since she ate her food right away! Oh, and hooray for starting the new job on Monday. That's so exciting. Hopefully, the new job will keep you nice and distracted as you prepare for transfer.

Beagle - Glad to hear the pool sounds like a fairly simple fix. Sorry you aren't sleeping well. Here's hoping the dog situation is all back to normal soon so you can get some much needed shut-eye!

JCM - Sounds like Charli weathered the shots better than momma - which seems to be pretty normal. It has to be hard to see your little one uncomfortable. :hugs:

Amy - Hope you're hanging in there okay. Can't wait to hear your update tomorrow!

Terri - Thanks for the positive words on the name thing. I never thought it would be so difficult. I know we'll get there eventually but I just wish we could agree on something already. How much longer on the birth control?

kfs - So, did your sister have a boy or a girl??? Glad to hear you're making a little progress.....I'm sure you are ready!

Erin - How are you doing, lady? Haven't heard from you in a little while - just a little over a week to go for you!

Hello to MrsL and Krissy!

Well, I finally motivated myself to get up and go for walk this morning. I rolled my trick ankle this weekend while we were hiking so I have been taking it easy this week since it was a little swollen and tender. Scout was driving me batty though wanting to go for a run so I decided I better get her out for at least a walk. It was very nice out so I'm glad we went. The afternoons have been getting pretty hot but the mornings have been gorgeous lately so I guess I had better take advantage of them. Won't be long before Fall is here!
Sars - wonder if you could stay on your insurance through the end of the year? I do have a pregnancy pillow, but it is just sort of awkward. I started putting a pillow behind my back. I also hate being on my side & so now I sleep a little further over in between my side & stomach...the pillow is pretty soft, so no squashing the baby.

Lady - I have one dog who immediately goes to sleep when we if he gets antsy, I know he has to pee or poo. But it is crazy. I have had some scary moments that end up turning in to all you can do is laugh at the panic you were feeling.

The rescue I was helping out called & needed someone to take a dog this weekend. The couple only had her 3 days & said she tore up a dog bed & so they wanted to return her. Makes me so angry! You have to have some patience with animals. But I just couldn't take her. We are gone all day Sat & we are just exhausted from the week. But she is near me & the rescue volunteer is over an hour away. So I offered to transport her Fri evening. They just called me & said not needed...they can't even wait one more night, so the couple is taking her to the volunteer themselves. Ugh!

I got the piece I needed to fix the easy fix but it was still $130. Oh well.

Birthing class rescheduled for Sat. Not really any other plans for me. We may go out Sun, but I am not sure we will do the long trip we planned last weekend. We will see how we feel. I just got the baby room back in order from after the bbq. So now I need to get all my cards in order so I have some shopping cards to buy the rest of what I need.
Here's my new niece - Josephine Marie. 7 lbs, 6 oz. :)


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Congrats KFS. What a cutie! I'm sure your sister is relieved too! You're next.

Booger: Yes, it's a new company (Runner's World.) Working in the media everything is always a bit unstable, but yes the last year at my job has been pretty rough. Feels like we're on sounder ground but that's what I thought when our last round of layoffs happened. If I were offered a position at RW, it would be a totally different animal. I work for a daily newspaper, so magazine production is very different. That's what makes it all a tad overwhelming. I'd be starting from scratch in many ways and they made it clear everyone puts in a minimum of 50 hours a week. Production weeks can be 60 plus. I'm hourly now so I don't work over 40 hours a week most of the time. Yes, there are days that are longer but I get the time back later. So, a lot to consider. It doesn't hurt to go in for an interview.

Beagle: I could probably COBRA onto my insurance for the rest of the year. I think that typically costs $500-$600 a month, so I'd have to see where we came out with that financially, if it makes more sense than just jumping on DH's. That makes me sick about the people trying to give back the dog. Dogs are not shirts you can return when you tire of them. Grrr.
kfs - Yay for a new niece!!! Now she just needs a new cousin!

beagle - Don't blame you for saying no to the foster place. And that is super annoying that the people who took her already don't want her. I will say - when I first got my ol' Buddy (my 14-yr old dog who died in Jan.), I was completely overwhelmed and I took him to the shelter to try and get rid of him after a few weeks. They guilted me into keeping him - and I'm glad they did. But I really didn't know any better at the time. Hopefully, the dog will end up at a better home.

sars - Runner's World!!! Well, the hours would definitely be a huge consideration since you'll be a Mom now. For me, that would be a bigger factor than the insurance. So maybe it's not the time to leave your current job but going to the interview certainly can't hurt anything. It's always good to get that kind of experience.
Kfs - what a cutie! I LOVE the name Josephine! Precious, congrats.

Sars - those hours should take additional consideration, but your hubs is right, it never hurts to go on the interview. :)
booger - yes sometimes people just are not well informed or prepared. But my organization tries very hard to let people know rescues are not always easy. Some people just want a dog as an ornament. And a beagle is a special breed anyways...not like most. So it can take extra work in the beginning but well worth it in the end. I think they told me the foster was considering adopting her. Some people think rescues are too strict, but they have to be. Too many people are not responsible. We have seen people return dogs for such stupid reasons. Mainly when they have a baby. I have seen people say the dog growled or snapped at a kid...then we find out the parent wasn't paying enough attention & the baby was playing near their food bowl while they ate! Stupid things like that. I can relate to the shelter story. My dog came from the pound & it was rough. He chewed my furniture, constantly had accidents, & showed no personality...we were just like what the heck with this dog? He would look me dead in the eye & pee after being outside. But after some time & patience, he is just amazing now. We have a dog door but he even does ok for a few hours without it. No chewing or anything. He is left out in the house all day.

Sars - what hours does your husband work? I know it may not be traditional, but if he has less hours & more stable & you love the opportunity, you could make it work. My husband works long least he will go back to that soon...which is why I have never been much for salaried work. It may be hard being away from the baby so long. But you never could work. You should also ask about maternity leave since most of the time you have to be employed a year before they have to cover you for FMLA.
My last hour of work yesterday was brutal. I think the sleep thing was catching up to me. Plus no one was here with me & I had nothing to do. My back ached, I hated sitting in my was awful. I went straight home to lay down. I spent the whole evening in bed...then went to sleep at bedtime & slept through the night. It was great. Of course I am still plagued by crazy dreams. Ready for the day to be over & the weekend to start.
sars-Runner's World would be cool, and maybe the position you're interviewing for now isn't the same as the other where you would have to work so many hours. But..a pros and cons list will be good, and your DH is right. An interview is not necessarily an offer.

beagle-Glad you got to relax last night and get some sleep. The weekend is almost here!

kfs1-I said it in another thread, but congrats on your new niece. She's a cutie. I hope you guys call her Josie. I think that is such a cool name. Unique, fun, friendly. Glad your appointment went well too. Your babe is getting really big though.

booger-I was listening to a podcast yesterday where a family brought back their dog because they were having a baby, and the person said 'Well, if you are planning on having two kids, what are you going to do with your first baby once the second is born?' The family was kind of shocked. HA! I think in most cases, the baby and dog can get along if there is guidance. In other news, Fun turns 1 today. I saw it in his paperwork last week that his bday is July 31. We are not doing anything special for him, except being nice. He did get a treat when he went in his crate. Crate treats are hit or miss, depending on whether I remember.

Erose-Are you going to have your baby before kfs1? hee hee. Update us when you can. It's almost time!

No update here.
I had an appt yesterday - ultrasound and stress test. All looks good - baby is measuring 8 lbs but no contractions or anything. I go back Tuesday if nothing happens and then we'll talk about inducing sometime the end of next week if necessary. I hate a crap-ton of wasabi last night - nuthin'. :)

Sars - Sorry that baby did not cooperate at your ultrasound but that is a great picture! That's a tough call about the job. Do you think you'll be happier there overall though? It might be worth making the move.

Amy - Listen to these other ladies - 7 is a great number. And maybe being different that your other cycles is a GOOD thing. :) Hang in there - I hate this part, too.

Beagle - Happy to hear that the pups are on the mend. We went through SOO many throw rugs because of issues like that. Good luck at your birthing class this weekend!!

LadySosa - aww, too funny about your pup having to pee. He was probably like Hellloo???? I need to go!!! Congratulations again on the new job - and the great new schedule!! I really think it was a great move. And good luck at the scratch!!!

Terri - Happy Birthday to Fun!!! Give him an extra-long belly rub today. :)

Hi everyone else!
KFS: You're very patient =) I agree with Terri I love Josie too. And I love just Jo or Joey. Little Women was one of my favorite books so I've always had a soft spot for Jo. I'll be rooting for an early August baby for you.

Terri: Happy birthday to Fun!!

I do have to say we hit the jackpot with Fen in terms of him being fully housebroken. He just had no idea what a leash was and barked like a loon at squirrels. The worst he has ever done is pull tissues out of the trash can or roll in his own poop.

Thanks for all the thoughts on the job ladies. The hours do give me pause too Booger. If I wasn't about to have a baby and the pay is good this move would be a no brainer. I've been trying to get a job there for two years. (Some of their reporter positions pay peanuts, but this is an editor job overseeing a section and they have my salary requirements, so I think it'd be a significant raise). It is just so hard to know what's best as a working mom since it is a situation I'm not in yet.

Beagle, my husband is definitely the breadwinner and he works a minimum of 9 hours a day. Long hours are his norm. We actually work at the same company but he is upper level management. I work a lot of nights now, so he is committed to day care pick up by 6 most days, so he'll just be going in earlier. With the new job, there is onsite child care but it closes at 6. When I interviewed in December, they told me most folks work at least 9-6, though some with kids come in earlier.

I told them I currently have 12 weeks fully paid maternity leave and it'd be tough to give that up. You're right FMLA does not apply until you've been there a year. But that'd be something I'd have to negotiate.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! The heat broke here and I've got my college friend's wedding, so should be fun.
Lady - I have a story very similar to yours. I was with my dad and we were coming back from his lake house with HIS dog. She was in the back seat panting and shaking like crazy. So I let her sit up front with me and she wouldn't stop. So I told my dad, you need to pull over, I bet she has to go to the bathroom. My dad was like, no she's fine, we just left an hour ago. I said, no seriously, something's wrong. He was like SHE'S FINE!! So I had to bring out my stern daughter voice and say, look Dad if you don't pull this damn car over right now (with my serious face lol).... well that worked and he pulled over and sure enough that poor girl had diarrhea for like 15 min. I felt so bad. I was like SEEEEE, I know your dog better than you do!! And she probably had to go SO bad and was holding it, poor baby.

Sars - I can't wait to hear what they offer you at the job interview. I hope it's something you can consider and that would work for you because wow, 50 hours would be overwhelming with a new baby. Although mothers do it all the time so it's whatever will work for you.

kfs1 - Congratulations on your new niece. She is so cute. I love the nickname Josie too hee hee. I was also a fan of Dawson's Creek :haha: when I was younger and the main character was Joey, short for Josephine, so of course I like that as well lol.

Terri - Yay!! Happy Birthday to Fun!! He's a Leo lol. Are you going to foster again in the future now that you've got your own pup?

Beaglemom - I hope you have a relaxing weekend after the stressful, bad week of sleep you've had.

AFM - All of my embryos are still progressing nicely YAY!!! She said they were all high grade embryos (for now lol). One was two cells behind the other 6 but was still considered good for day 3. So I'm a little relieved and will be able to relax a little this weekend lol. They just need to hold on for two more days. So even if 1 or 2 drop off and 5 or 6 make it to testing, I will be so happy! Fingers crossed things keep progressing well! Yay!!
Just a quick update: I have 5 embryos that were able to be biopsied and sent out for testing. Yay!! What sucks is I won't know the results until I arrive in the morning for the transfer. They get the results right around the same time the patient is arriving. Nerve wracking! I wonder if I'll get any sleep tonight lol.
can't wait to hear how it goes amy! so happy you had 5 to be tested, fingers crossed for you! try to get as much rest as you can
Hi ladies!

I started my first ivf with pgd testing cycle on Saturday. Im doing the long protocol & down regulating with Buserelin injections.
When should I expect to get those horrible side effects ive heard about?
Amy, good luck with the biopsy results 👍 x
Great update Amy!! I hope everything goes well today and can't wait to hear your additional report that all 5 are in excellent condition! I'm so happy to read your news.
That's so great Amy!!!!!! Thinking of you today!

Welcome Rachy. This is a great group of women with so much knowledge - you're in good company.

Yuuuuup - still pregnant over here.
Just a quick update: I have 5 embryos that were able to be biopsied and sent out for testing. Yay!! What sucks is I won't know the results until I arrive in the morning for the transfer. They get the results right around the same time the patient is arriving. Nerve wracking! I wonder if I'll get any sleep tonight lol.

Amy that is great! Same number I had. Believe me, I know how hard it is. My cycle got switched to FET so I guess they didn't put my embryos on the next day service because it wasn't necessary. So I had to wait even longer. But that phone call was such a relief! I am sure you will have great results. By the way, how many will you transfer? My office only allowed one based on my age. But I know some offices allow 2. And do you plan to let them tell you the gender?
I had the birthing class Sat...but the tour was not included which sucked. But we did go ahead & preregister. When we went up we told the lady & she was so relieved. Apparently the people in the waiting area were waiting to be checked in. Yikes! I know where maternity is, I am not sure I need the tour. We will see how we feel later on. The class was so boring mostly...the nurses didn't even seem like they had gone through the slides before. But when we got to the end, people asked a lot of questions & it was helpful. Overall I was glad I went. I also know my pain relief options which is another thing I really wanted info on.

Sunday we returned some shower gifts. Mainly some diapers they bought & I bought. I have way too many size 2. Then we picked up a few things. It is so fun being in the baby department with my husband. I also got to use some gift cards. I am mainly finished I think. I just need to figure out my bottle situation. I have bought some over the months. I think I will buy a couple more brands to see how they do so I have options.

So something else I thought about this weekend is who I want in the room with me. I know my mom expects to be there. But pushing & then after is a very intimate time, & I really think deep down I only want my husband there. So I need to talk to her about that. I am not ruling her out...I may change my mind. And during labor I think I will want her there. It is going to be hard to talk about. Also I know she expects to be home with me the first week. But I know for sure my husband will be home week 1. So I think it would be more helpful if she was there a different week. But I am not sure. Anyone out there want to share their plans for the delivery room & after?

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