First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Ten eggs retrieved. No motile sperm found with first sample after my hubs had a rage out night with friends. Second sample had sperm. I told the embryologist 'good luck'. I think this is the end of the game for me after exactly two years. I'm so pissed off. Hubs and I are not speaking and he's not invited to transfer should anything appear normal. I'll know in about ten-twelve days.
Logged on to say good luck to you Terri but I am too late. I would be pissed too but dont give up hope just yet!!!! :hugs:
Terri I hope they find some swimmers for you. Did he do 2 samples today? Just a little confused since I have not heard of this happening. Good luck!
Terri - Don't lose hope yet. 10 is a great number. That's more than I started out with. So now you only need 10 sperm and most likely his sample had at least that. I'm sorry this happened though. I understand you being so upset. Woman have to endure so much through out this whole process. We put so much time and effort into it, emotionally, physically, even monetarily... and if my DH went out partying the night before knowing that contributes to his low sperm count, I would be really upset too. (I'm assuming that's what happened??). But like I said you only need 10, you're not out yet. I'm thinking of you and praying everything works out just fine. :hugs: When will you get your fertilization report??

Beaglemom - YAY!! That works out awesome!! Now if we can just get little Derek Cooper to cooperate that would be perfect! :)
Don't worry amy. I told him he is not to come early! Of course health being the main concern, he also needs to wait at least until Oct so as not to ruin my maternity leave. And we need the good luck for some positives mid/late Oct.
Terri- sorry you have had this added stress. Why our guys do some of the things they do, i don't know. Hugs hun. Hope things still turn out great for you. 10 retrieved is wonderful!
Terri - Aggh! Well, try to be excited because 10 is a great number. I would be FURIOUS if my OH did that. Like other ladies said, after all that you've devoted to this. Ugh! I'm so mad just thinking of it for you!
.... But, Amy is entirely right. You only need 10 good sperm, in a sample that could contain millions. So don't give up hope. And try not to stress too much in the meantime. Take some time to focus on you.

AFM - My beta is 9/04, but I'll probably start home testing ~a week before that (this Thursday/Friday).
Terri - I'm sorry about your DH. I would be absolutely furious, too. But I agree with everyone else. You only need a few good sperm so your chances are still good. Hang in there. We're all on your side and praying for you.

I promise to check in soon. All I can say is WOW what an adjustment this little bundle has been. :) Taking it day by day.
Great egg count Terri! As for DH...what a dick. So selfish. I would have kicked him in the nuts (after the second sample of course). I say we stick him in the stomach with needles of hormones for a month. Ugh! Praying for a good fertilization report.

I haven't been around but I'll catch up! One of my stepdaughters has decided she would like to live with us full time so my life got a little more crazy. Oh, and DH started taking his clomid again (to keep his sperm count high). I'm like take it easy!!! I just had a baby!!! But I think he's worried of scarring up since he had that vasectomy reversal 2 1/2 years ago so maybe we can freeze good sperm samples if we need them.
JCM - Good to hear from you. I can only imagine how hectic things are for you right now. Hope you're doing well otherwise.

kfs - Update us when you can - I can't fathom how things must be right away. I don't think there's any way to prepare for a baby, really. :flower:

Krissy - Good luck in the wait. :thumbup: Let us know how the testing goes later this week.

Terri - Ugh. I just can't believe what happened yesterday. After all you have already been through.......just ugh. :hugs: I hope you're feeling better today. Let us know of any updates when you have them.

Hello to everyone else. Hope the weekend treated you all kindly.
Oh, Terri. I'm so sad and mad for you that you're awesome retrieval had to be marred by DH's thoughtlessness. That just sucks. Hope you're doing OK today and you get a good fertilization report. I agree with Amy it only takes 10 sperm.

Amy, thanks for explaining that. Beagle took the words out of my mouth. We're due the same day, so two October babies are coming! I need this LO to stay put until Oct. 9, our dear friends are getting married that day. Hopefully that's all the baby dust you need.

Krissy, yay for the transfer going so awesome. Our embryo was hatching as well and I could see it in the photo they provided. We felt really good about it and totally felt like it was our baby right away. Good luck in the TWW and with testing.

Booger: No wonder you aren't going out. That is nuts! Just to clarify, I did get a slice of divine cake at my shower. There was just none to take home, which I found seriously disappointing. LOL. Hope you made some good progress on the crib.

KFS: Thanks for popping in! Would love to see some photos of your little lady when you have a chance. Hope you're surviving these first few weeks.

I'm starting to feel really pregnant. I think I overdid it yesterday on my feet all day and today my whole body is so achy. My hands and feet are swollen and my joints are tight. I hope this isn't how I'll feel every day for the next 8 weeks!

We're getting out kitchen cabinets repainted tomorrow and some water damaged trim in the nursery repaired this week. I picked up the rocker from my parents for in there since the glider won't fit. Once the trim work is done, I think we are settled on the furniture layout. Boy is it tiny in there!

I scored some major Aden and Anais baragains at Marshall's yesterday. They had some bamboo swaddling blankets with no price. I have this design on my registry and they're $44 on there. I got them for $7.99, along with two packs of bibs, a towel and wash cloths for less than one pack of blankets on Amazon. I've washed and put away almost everything. Now I need to order art, baskets and the like.

Still no word back on the RW job, other than they'd received my edit test submission and would get back to me ASAP. We got our names on the wait list for a day care we like but I feel like we need a back up. The cheaper option is inconvenient to our house while the other one is almost $250 a month more expensive. Neither option feels great.
sars - I have been feeling pretty rough too. I don't sleep well & my feet hurt when I first get up. I am also out of breath ALL THE TIME! I went out shopping with my friend Sat but was not drinking enough so was so tired when I got home. We went out for a few on Sun & then a movie (American Ultra). Afterwards I just had to be on the couch the rest of the day. I was wiped. I keep buying too much stuff so I have more to wash & put away. I have 2 small laundry baskets done that need to be put away & probably another load to wash of toys/blankets/clothes. TJMaxx & stores like that have some of the best baby finds. I have found some great stuff & some clearance. I bought some Dr Brown bottles Sat & another blanket (like he needs it!). So now I have all the kinds I wanted to try...Dr Brown, Avent, Tommie Tippie, & Breastflow.
I had my follow up appointment with my RE this morning. He's decided he's going to do a full immunities/antibodies screening. He said he doesn't really feel this is an issue but wants to rule it out (I kind of thought he might do this since it's the only thing I haven't been tested for). He also is going to do another SHG, which he does before every transfer, but this time he's also going to do an endometrial scratch as well. So that's the game plan for next time. Now I'm just waiting (like always) for AF to start (in about 3 weeks) so I can start my BCP :)

Terri - You've been on my mind all day. I hope you're doing ok :hugs:
I'm alive. I had hubs listen to the report because I couldn't bear listening. So out of the ten, six mature and three fertilized. Hopefully those three will stay strong. :shrug:
Hi, I would like to join this group. I'm in serious need of support for my ttc journey...

In brief my history was

Got pregnant in May 2014 after 2 years of trying(actually got pregnant 2 months after DH sperm count issues got cleared) but miscarried at 20 weeks (August)with no particular reason.after that got hospitalized for pancreatitis due to gall stones and underwent surgery for gall bladder removal (sept ending). After 3months break started ttc with no luck (5 IuI s). My RE keeps telling that there are no issues with both of us. So it's unexplained infertility.after that we asked him for Ivf option as we desperately want a baby. So we are doing Ivf August- September.

I'm starting lupron this 28th ( had ultrasound this morning by drinking 25 ounces of water)
I'm so much confused,emotional, and feel like crying. I joined this group because me and my DH donot share our infertility issues with anyone. I need some people to share my feelings and emotions.......
Sending good thoughts for your 3 little embryos!!!

Welcome, ttc! I'm so sorry about your loss. That must have been just awful. This is a great group. As you can see we are all in different parts of the process and we all plan on sticking around until there's nobody left to wait for! I was also in the unexplained category and it was very frustrating. The 28th isn't very far away! Hopefully stims go quickly for you. ; )

Amy, sounds like RE has a good plan for you! Wait wait wait... Lots of baby action in October though! ; )

Hi everyone else! I'm so annoyed with DH right now and it's too long to type out so I will complain tomorrow. Just know that I'm mad at him. Lol I'm pumping my big boobs and passing out. I'll have time to play tomorrow.
I'm alive. I had hubs listen to the report because I couldn't bear listening. So out of the ten, six mature and three fertilized. Hopefully those three will stay strong. :shrug:

Terri - so sorry you are going through this after such high hopes & positive energy. My thoughts are around the same lines as Jen, so I won't type them out. it would be full of **** things to say about your husband. In a relationship, we do not ever want to blame the other when it comes to infertility. All signs pointed to my husband being the issue, but it is not healthy to blame him. However, my husband has been supportive & understanding the whole way. Considering part of your issue is count, your husband should be more considerate of everything you are going through...and not like you are the only one wanting a baby. You were ready to give up & then he wanted to keep going. He is being quite an inconsiderate jerk & I hope he changes his ways before little one comes.

Having said all that, I truly am hoping for some good results for you. All my fertilized held on the whole time. I think if 3 make it to biopsy, you have a great shot for at least one to come back normal. I know this is going to be a hard week for you. We are all here for you & thinking of you.

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