First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi Ladies :)

I'm feeling good today (emotionally). Not that I've been feeling really bad. I was really disappointed but the miscarriages were harder on me so I think this only cracked my heart a little, the miscarriages broke it in half completely.

Beaglemom - Before each transfer I've had a Sonohysterogram done and a mock transfer (so I've had it done 3 times so far). My RE is really adamant about this and I've never had even a hint of a fibroid, polyp, or cyst show up. The only issue that's come up so far (and this was found on my Hysterosalpingogram) was that my uterus is tilted.

Babywhisperer - I've been tested for pretty much everything under the sun expect for the antibody/immunity/NK killer type tests. My RE wasn't to concerned about this since I have a child that I conceived without really trying and didn't have any complications in my pregnancy. Usually this type of problem doesn't just show up after a healthy baby has already been easily conceived and born. Also, this is a huge controversial topic. They haven't scientifically proven that NK cells do cause repetitive miscarriages in some woman as well as some NK cells are needed in the uterus to assure that the placenta develops normally. I guess completely suppressing NK cells have caused the placenta to develop abnormally in scientific studies. However, I was told this is what the Medrol (steroid) medication is for "just in case". The steroid doesn't suppress them completely but just makes sure they don't take over. So this is something I'm not overly worried about but it won't hurt to ask him about it on Monday.

Terri - I still have 3 frosties left. I can't tell you how happy I am about that. But don't be scared, it's going to work, for both of us :) I'm excited for you to get this show on the road as well, it looks like we're going to be cycle buddies on our frozen cycles :happydance:

Here's my opinion on the situation. I've just had bad luck basically lol. The statistics are what they are. We were told in the beginning that our chance of success was 45% for regular IVF and 65% with PGS (for my age, 39). So it was never guaranteed even with the PGS that it would work. My last pregnancy progressed to 10 weeks without any issues and had that been a chromosomally normal embryo (which we found out after it wasn't) I believe I would have gone full term. So I believe both miscarriages were due to chromosomal issues. So what happened this time? We don't know. But then again, our chance of success is 65% leaving a 35% possibility of it not working. It could be something as simple as my body just wasn't receptive enough to the embryo after the high dose of meds I was on during my stims. Although I felt fine, who knows what was going on inside of me. So now I think my RE just wants to run additional tests just to rule out any other possibilities just for his/mine own piece of mind. However, I'm not sure what else he could check for but I guess I will find out on Monday. I know someone mentioned me switching RE's after my last miscarriage so I will add this... I really like, respect, and trust my RE. I'm at one of the best reproductive centers in Southern California and he has never done anything at all to make me doubt his competence nor does he ever dismiss anything we say or have concerns about. I see him personally at every visit, he does every ultrasound, check-up, and procedure himself. Honestly even if this next transfer failed, I still wouldn't switch. I whole heartedly believe he knows what he's doing and believe me, I'm picky about Dr's :) This is going to work guys (eventually lol), I have faith :)

So I know I don't ever really talk about my son (Marcus) on here. I guess I just felt that this is my own little place to talk about my struggle to conceive again and to talk to other woman about that, and that really has nothing to do with him. However, I just got his senior pictures today so I thought I'd share them. He just looks so handsome hee hee (says all mothers everywhere about their sons LOL).


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Amy - your son is very handsome! I think you are right in that luck just wasn't on your side this time. I jumped all in emotionally on my transfer...put the 30% failure rate aside. But yes it is still there & pgs is no guarantee. Good luck & I am glad you trust your dr. It will make all this much easier.
Amy- your son is so handsome! How exciting to see him graduate. How are you feeling about that? And I'm so glad you are seeing things optimistically. It's sad that the experiences you've gone through have made you numb to the sad result but it also helps you put things in perspective I guess!

Terri - YEAH for follicles progressing and trigger coming up! Sorry you're feeling full, but hopefully you'll be feeling some relief from ER.

Hope everyone's having a good week so far! I'll check in later!
I'm wearing my elastic band pants today! hee hee. I am still not sure if I'm triggering tonight, but it doesn't matter at this point. I'm getting close to the weekend, so I'm happy.

Amy-Your son looks a lot like you. :) Did he just graduate, or did he get his pics early in anticipation of graduation? What are his plans after school? I'm glad you explained everything about your doctor and your confidence in him. I hope he can figure out what the issue is especially with everything being aligned so perfectly this past time. I know for my frozen cycle they didn't monitor me as much as they did during IVF, so maybe increased monitoring of your hormones/lining may be a possibility. Our bodies are so crazy. Why can't they just send an alert saying 'It's time. Go now!' hee hee. Oh, and three frosties are awesome. I thought you had three total, so even better. :flower:
He's graduating in May. They took their senior pictures over the summer. You pretty much have all year to order them but I just thought I'd get it out of the way so I'm definitely on the early side for receiving them lol.
I'm exited that he's graduating. I've never been one of those mothers that cries on the first day of kindergarten or that kind of thing. I've always just been excited for him during each step forward in life. He's not a fearful or shy person either so that makes it easier as well. He's still not sure what he wants to do (in life in general) but meanwhile he will be going to college locally, so he's not leaving the nest just yet lol.
Terri - Do you have an appointment today to find out if you're triggering?
Amy - your son does look a lot like you...especially the smile.

So my husband ended up coming up to me last night & asking about changing my dog's appt so he could do it, changing my dr appts, & the pool. He also mentioned some new places to take pics. So I felt better. Then today he called me & said he was having a rough day & just wanted to talk to me. I think things are just rough for both of us. So tonight when I get home I am hoping he will be home pretty quickly...then we can go to this consignment event going on & maybe hitting a fast food place or something to make us both feel a bit better & b able to just relax. Food is our go to when we just aren't feeling so great.
Oh & I forgot to mention my appointment today. I apparently have hemroids which is awesome. They are small. My dr called in a steroid cream for me. I noticed some bleeding over the weekend. I wasn't concerned & figured it was something like that. No real pain or anything. Also she said baby was measuring 30 weeks instead of 31...but she wasn't concerned.
Hi ladies!

Beagle - Glad to hear your husband is coming around and you guys are going to talk about things. Even though this is an exciting time, it's also a nervous and anxious time! Everything is about to change - and even though it's a good change, it doesn't mean it's easy, especially when you have no idea what to expect.

Amy - Awwww, those are very nice pictures of your son. I agree, he does look like you. He looks like a good kid! It's good you have confidence in your doctor. I always did with mine too and it certainly makes the process a little easier.

Terri - Soooo, trigger tonight or no?? Thanks to the discussion you and sars have been having, I made cheese steaks for dinner last night. I'm sure they are not like the real thing but they were still pretty good. Yummmmm.

I have no self control right now. I went home and ate lunch - I have been trying really hard to be pretty healthy - but I stopped at the local bakery on the way back to work and bought a huge piece of german chocolate cake. I tried to convince myself I would only eat part of it but noooooooo, of course I ate the entire thing. Now I just feel guilty (but it was oh so good). Might have to go for another walk this evening.....

Here's a kind of crazy story - My sister's coworker is pregnant. Already has two sons - a 12-yr old and 14-yr old. Thought she was done having kids, was on birth control..............well, she couldn't figure out why she was feeling so tired and icky all the time - turns out she's pregnant......with triplets! She just found out she is having a set of identical twin boys and then they couldn't determine what the sex of the other baby was just yet. Can you imagine??? :dohh:
Booger - enjoy the eating. It's my favorite part. I just ate a huge bowl of chicken alfredo. I did not have lunch because I planned to stop somewhere when I picked up my dog...but still no call that he is ready. So I came back to work after my appt. I ate my healthy snacks but they do not satisfy. So I just is 3:45 here & I am pretty sure I will be ready to eat again at dinner around 6.

And that story is NUTS! I would be freaking out! I hope she has a healthy pregnancy. Multiples, especially more than twins, makes me nervous.
Checking in quickly because I have an Os game tonight but I have one more day of meds and I'll probably trigger tomorrow night for a Saturday retrieval. Yeah!!

My follies range from about 11-20.9 right now so hopefully tonight's dosage will put me in the 22-13 or 14 range. I still have ten visible. I'm happy.
Terri - that is a great update! So excited for your retrieval! Are you guys going to the game tonight?

Amy - your son does look like you. That's great that he is staying close to home after graduation.

Beagle - Ugh, sorry about the hemorrhoids. Jen can tell you all about that one! :/ Sorry your hubs is having a hard time lately, that's great that you recognize that and are supportive.

Booger - you are a preggo lady - you have every right to enjoy that chocolate cake! And anything else you fancy! Enjoy it.

I found out today that my TSH levels are elevated so I picked up a prescription (Synthroid) to combat that. I'm very curious to start taking it and see how I feel. I've been feeling fatigued and have a hard time concentrating lately but I thought perhaps that was due to the Lupron. But maybe it's from the hypothyroidism. It also makes me wonder if THAT is why the last couple embryos didn't work. They tested my levels a year ago, and so I guess they were normal then, but now they aren't I guess. Hm. Anyone else encounter this?
Started stimms On sat today will be day 6 for me.
Went in for my first u/s and blood work yesterday. The doc was pleased with the progression. 6 follicles over 9mm on the left, 7 on the right (one of them already at 13mm) then about 6 smaller follies. uterus lining 7.5. Estradiol 540
Was using 300mm follistem, as of yesterday my doc said cont. the follistem and add the low dose hcg and ganerilex.
My retrieval will most likely be Tuesday, I'm soon excited... This is my first ivf after 3 failed iui with unexplained infertility. I'm 30 yrs old.
So glad to find a place where I can talk to ladies going through the same thing!
Lady - I take Synthroid (well, a generic) for hypothyroidism. Mine wasn't super elevated but my RE felt like it was just high enough that it was worth treating. I started taking it in January prior to my February transfer. I was feeling kind of like you, sluggish and foggy. I started feeling better a few weeks after taking it. I still take the same dose now that I'm pregnant but they monitor my level every couple of months to see if it's staying where it should because pregnancy can make it go wonky. So, when your next transfer works and you get pregnant, make sure that when you get released to your OB that they know to monitor you and adjust your dosage as necessary. I think Amy takes medicine for the same thing, too.

Terri - Hooray for trigger day and Saturday retrieval!! I hope you had fun at the O's game last night.

Beagle - Hemorrhoids - joy. I have one too but it hasn't bothered me yet. I remember JCM complaining about them and I've read where they are quite common for pregnant women. Oh, the things you never really hear about prior to getting pregnant.

Tripledagger - Hi! Sounds like your stimming is going well! Your protocol sounds similar to mine. Good luck!

Most of the time I try not to feel bad about what I eat however I just felt so guilty after eating that big ol' piece of cake. I know I shouldn't feel bad since it's not like I'm stuffing one down every day but still, I still have 3 months to go and I don't want to pack on too much weight. I just know better than to think I'm only going to eat a little bit of something like that when I get it - I have poor willpower when I'm not pregnant. I do think it's important to try and eat well, especially during this time. So, yesterday is in the past and today is a new day! :thumbup:
Booger - my kid is going to come out as a hot dog, Hardees chicken tender, or a Sonic cheese stick! As for the hemorrhoids, they were not bothering me so to pain or anything. But there was some blood, so I figured I would mention it. Probably a good thing to get some meds before they get worse. But I had also not taken my fiber for a couple of days. I have not had too many issues in the department...only a couple of times I felt constipated & I just waited for it to pass.

We went to the consignment sale last night needing nothing & coming home with a big bag. We were not even using a cart because we just figured we would not find much. So we bought a bag of bottles that fit my pump...I had not been able to find these except Amazon & never bothered to buy them. Only bad review was mentioning bottle leaking. It was a bag of 6 I think with accessories for $12. I got this kind of snow suit type a cacoon...for the stroller to cover the baby in winter. He will be a fall/winter baby. Don't know if I will need it, but it was cheap & almost new. I got a small bag of more socks & hats. My husband said this kid will tear off socks as soon as he can reach his toes...basically just like me. But my thing is they are cheap & lost easily. I found too cute slippers with puppies on them, a small pouch I plan to use as a first aid kit for my diaper bag, & an educational dog that plays music & teaches body parts. Spent $35 all together. Tomorrow is the 50% off sale. I saw a couple of old school toys like I had as a kid & also my husband fell in love with an Elmo. So I am going back tomorrow to see if they are still there.
Lady - I take Synthroid (well, a generic) for hypothyroidism. Mine wasn't super elevated but my RE felt like it was just high enough that it was worth treating. I started taking it in January prior to my February transfer. I was feeling kind of like you, sluggish and foggy. I started feeling better a few weeks after taking it. I still take the same dose now that I'm pregnant but they monitor my level every couple of months to see if it's staying where it should because pregnancy can make it go wonky. So, when your next transfer works and you get pregnant, make sure that when you get released to your OB that they know to monitor you and adjust your dosage as necessary. I think Amy takes medicine for the same thing, too.

Terri - Hooray for trigger day and Saturday retrieval!! I hope you had fun at the O's game last night.

Beagle - Hemorrhoids - joy. I have one too but it hasn't bothered me yet. I remember JCM complaining about them and I've read where they are quite common for pregnant women. Oh, the things you never really hear about prior to getting pregnant.

Tripledagger - Hi! Sounds like your stimming is going well! Your protocol sounds similar to mine. Good luck!

Most of the time I try not to feel bad about what I eat however I just felt so guilty after eating that big ol' piece of cake. I know I shouldn't feel bad since it's not like I'm stuffing one down every day but still, I still have 3 months to go and I don't want to pack on too much weight. I just know better than to think I'm only going to eat a little bit of something like that when I get it - I have poor willpower when I'm not pregnant. I do think it's important to try and eat well, especially during this time. So, yesterday is in the past and today is a new day! :thumbup:

Booger- ahh that's so good to hear we had similar protocols and ur now preggers! Congrats!!!
When u did ur ivf how many eggs did they retrieve...also how many ended up fertilizing?
The title of this thread is totally outdated, but the thread is still going strong, so I thought I'd update this front page. We have some great girls on here at different stages of IVF, and its a great support group. We also have some success stories, and we're just hoping each and every one of us get our BFPs very soon. Feel free to join if you want to chat, have questions, or just need some support. :)

KrissyB - FET - August 21
LadySosa - FET- August 28
tinadecember - Fresh - August?
terripeachy - FET - September?

Our Successes
moni77 - Fresh 8/22/14 -:bfp: on 8/31/14 via beta (9dp5dt) :blue: Oliver Max born 4/7/15! Welcome to our 1st baby!
JCM - Fresh 9/15/14 - :bfp: on 9/22/14 on HPT (7dp5dt) :pink: Charli born 5/28/15!
Babywhisperer - Fresh 11/12/14 - :bfp: on 11/18/14 on HPT (6dp5dt) :pink: Emma born 7/17/15!
kfs1 - Fresh - 11/11/14 - :bfp: on 11/21/14 via beta (9dp5dt) :yellow: Adeline Ellene born 8/4/15!
ERosePW - FET - 12/9/14 - :bfp: on 12/13/14 on HPT (4dp6dt) :blue:Owen Steven born 8/10/15!
jkb11 - FET - 1/8/15 - :bfp: on 1/13/15 on HPT (5dp6dt) :pink:
knitgirl - FET - 1/12/15 - :bfp: on 1/16/15 on HPT (4dp6dt)
beaglemom - FET - 1/29/15 - :bfp: on 2/3/15 on HPT (5dp6dt) :blue:
sars930 - Fresh - 1/29/15 - :bfp: on 2/3/15 on HPT (5dp5dt) :yellow:
booger76 - FET - 2/23/15 - :bfp: on 2/29/15 on HPT (6dp6dt) :pink:
MrsL4 - Fresh - 6/13/15 - :bfp: on 6/21/15 on HPT (8dp5dt)

Aimee- ER scheduled August 25. FET scheduled for August 29 <3 :thumbup:
Booger- ahh that's so good to hear we had similar protocols and ur now preggers! Congrats!!!
When u did ur ivf how many eggs did they retrieve...also how many ended up fertilizing?

I had 20 retrieved, 15 were mature, 11 fertilized (using ICSI) and the we had 6 make it to blastocyst stage. We did PGS testing on our embryos and out of the 6 blastocysts, 3 were chromosomally normal. I was 36 when I went through my retrieval cycle. I had to have a FET due to the PGS testing.

In any case, I was on 300 units of Follistim (150 in am, 150 in pm), low dose HCG (20 units in the pm), and then Ganirelix towards the end. I stimmed for 10 days.
Beagle - I'll be curious to see how the medication works for you. Might end up asking my doc for some at my next appointment. We have a big consignment sale coming up in October I plan on hitting up. I'll have a good idea by then what I'll still need since my shower will have already occurred.

Oh, and I scheduled our childbirth class for 8/29. There were only 3 options left between now and due date and I didn't want to wait until October and the September date was not the best. Should be interesting.......
LadySosa - Booger is correct, I'm also taking the generic for Synthroid (50mg). When I was first tested a little over a year ago, I was at 2.7, then I was tested again after my first miscarriage (7 months later) and it had jumped to 4.3, that is when he decided to start treating me. He did say though that he didn't think even at that level that my thyroid had anything to do with my miscarriage. So I'm tested now about every 8 weeks and I've consistently been around the 1.0 mark.

Terri - YAY for triggering tonight and retrieval on Saturday. I'm looking forward to hearing your update :)

Tripledagger3 - Welcome!!

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