First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I won the court case for my dad! It's really easy to win when the person doesn't show up. I hope that lady is still alive. Eek..The note that my dad pinned on the door a few weeks ago was still on there this morning when I drove by, but the judge gave a judgement of over $4k to her. Not like we'll ever see that money, and I know she owes way more than that, but whatever. It's just a pain to deal with, so we're one step closer.

I went to the game last night and it was awesome. The Os won it in the end with a walkoff RBI to win 5-4. There were a ton of Mets fans in the stadium and that was pretty random for a weeknight. It was Os tshirt night, so after the game, I noticed a lot of people were no longer wearing blue. hee hee.

I also went in for my checkup today and my doctor did my ultrasound. He said he wants to stim me for one more day and probably trigger tomorrow night. I wasn't focused on the sizes because I was thinking about hurrying and getting out of there so I wouldn't be late for court, but since I still have meds (phew!), I don't care if I stim for 20 more days. Just kidding. I can handle one more day. Last night I took my shots in the stadium bathroom and I felt like a druggie. :rofl: uckily the toilet paper holder had a flat surface to hold my gauze and alcohol pad.

booger-Don't feel bad about that cake. I'm sure it tasted really yummy.

Beagle-nice score at the consignment shop.

LadySosa-I'm on another thread with a woman with high thyroid levels and she says that if it's markedly high, it will affect implantation, so hopefully the medicine will bring you right down to where you need to be.

Amy-Gah! We posted at the same time. Hope you're doing ok, sunshine.

Aimee-Good luck!

Hi to the moms! Miss you chicas.
:wave: Hi Ladies - LTNS
After the last chemical pregnancy, and with some craziness at work, I really haven't been all into TTC lately. Just letting time pass and haven't been thinking about things too much. That included being away from the forums - so I apologize for being so MIA. In the end I think it was really the right choice for me, the past week or two I took that time I'd usually spend stressing about TTC to focus on me a little more, and have started watching what I eat a little better (I've gained a bit of weight this past year and a half with TTC stress, and I was a bit on the heavy side for myself even before that started) and even started yoga to try to get a little more fit and to help me handle stress a little better. I've also been eating lots of warm soups and wearing my fuzzy socks just like I did last transfer... just in case there's something to that whole cold uterus thing ;)

To pick up where I left off on the forums, all the blood work came back normal, I didn't have any anemia issues and the vertigo and fatigue subsided. My lymphocytes were raised on the CBC so maybe I just had a minor cold or something.
And last but not least ... tomorrow is the big day! FET number 2. FXed with lots of :dust: and [-o<

I'll try to catch up a bit, but if I remember right there was a lot of activity in here scheduled for August. FXed for all of us!
Amy: Your son is so cute! I'm glad you feel so wonderful about your doc. I felt the same way about my RE. I really trusted her judgment and I would've stuck with her for several rounds if need be. I'm glad you're coping with this major disappointment as well as can be. It's great AF showed up so quick so you can get back on schedule. I didn't use the BC protocol, so I'm not too familiar. Will you just be on them for 2-3 weeks and then start meds?

Booger: Don't you feel bad about that piece of cake! Confession: I was very disappointed at the end of my shower b/c all the cake was gone. We totally bought a mini-cake at the store the next week. I haven't actually been gaining weight lately, despite exercising much less rigorously, so I've been trying to balance healthy eating with some splurges. And... now I really want some cake.

LadySosa: I hope the thyroid medicine does the trick in terms of making you feel better. Maybe that's what's been holding you up.

Terri: Congrats on the court win. Hope you got a cheesesteak after =). I'm glad stimming is going so well this time around. Sounds like you're responding well. I've administered several shots in bar/restaurant bathrooms. I even did my trigger in a movie theater bathroom. I always wondered what if someone sees me through the door? What will they think? My friend's husband is diabetic and he'll do his shots at the dinner table. Will your transfer be frozen to allow for the PGS?

Beagle: Awesome news that your pup is responding so well to the treatment and that your husband realized you were feeling badly. It sounds like you planned a wonderful birthday surprise for him. I really need to find out where our local baby consignment shops are. I am a big antiquer/ thrift shopper but my usual haunts aren't heavy on baby stuff other than clothes.

Aimee: Welcome and good luck! This is a great group of ladies.

Hi everyone! How is it Thursday already? I've been following around in the background all week. I kept getting locked out of the boards with my autosaved password :wacko:

Anywho... had a doctor's appointment today and I'm happy to report my urine was normal. Hopefully, I've dodge the three hour glucose test. (Refresher: last time I went, despite passing my 1-hour "with flying colors," there was a little bit of sugar. Doc said if it happens again I'd have to take the 3 hour). Baby's measuring normal. My weight is staying steady despite the massive amount of food I consumed over 11 days of Musikfest. I feel pretty good other than really stiff hands and feet. And I definitely am starting to notice my organs are smushed.

We are going to a pediatrician open house tonight and then I think we're getting our car seat and mattress at Buy Buy Baby. My registry completion discounts are available now, which is just making things seem super close.

Hope all our new mamas are doing good!
Krissy: We cross-posted there. Good for you for taking time for yourself and caring for your soul. I love yoga. It makes a huge difference in my stress levels. Sending you lots of baby dust and good wishes for tomorrow!
sars - check out They list several sales by state.
I think I meant to post on my last check in but totally forgot. The only thing I was going to say was at dinner last night I allowed my husband to vent & just talk about his projects at the new store. I could tell it made him feel a lot better. I am feeling better too now that my dog is almost through with his treatments.
Krissy-Glad your bloodwork turned out just fine, and good luck today!! I can't wait to hear that you're pregnant! fxfx.

My update is that my largest follicle is about 25 (eek!), but the others are right behind it, so I should have a fair amount in the mature/able to be fertilized range. I trigger tonight and I have retrieval on Sunday. I'm starting to get nervous about the PGS/PGD results. I guess time will tell.

Have a great weekend everyone and do something fun!
Terri - Well, hooray for trigger tonight! I can't wait to hear how your retrieval goes. I'm not going to lie, waiting for those results is nerve-wracking but that's what we're here for - to help you get through it! :thumbup: And congrats on winning in court for your dad. That's great!

Beagle - Glad to hear that DH was able to talk about some things and get them off his chest. Did you go back to the consignment sale and find anything fun?

sars - I would have to do the same thing if I didn't get cake at my own shower! I really only felt bad because it was such a BIG piece of cake. But I had been craving a piece for days so I'll stop feeling bad about it now........:haha: I haven't been able to get out and exercise very much this week due to the air quality. It's driving me crazy!

Krissy - Good luck today!!! I hope your transfer goes smoothly and this is your BFP. :flower:

Amy - We're on the same dosage for our thryoid. Must be a name thing. :haha:

No big plans for the weekend here. Since DH worked all last weekend, we didn't get to work on the crib at all so I'm hoping we can this weekend. I signed us up for a birthing class next Saturday. Should be interesting.

Here is a picture of what things look like right now where I live. It's pretty gross. I'm trying not to complain too much since we don't actually have any fires near us. Things are so bad right now in WA, OR, ID and CA. It's kind of scary.


  • smoky valley.jpg
    smoky valley.jpg
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booger-Oh wow..I wouldn't go outside either if it looked like that at my house. Has it affected your dog at all? I meant to write earlier that I'm glad you finally signed up for birthing class. I hope it's fun/interesting.

I'm actually going to try to do some heavy duty weeding tomorrow. Every day I look near our shed, I get disgusted (there's ivy and just ugly ground cover weeds), so I've had enough time staring at it and watching it get worse. I just have to start pulling up those weeds and spraying to keep the weeds away/at bay.
Haha - I forgot I had already posted about the birthing class. Oops.

Have fun weeding - while it's not the most fun work to do, I always feel a sense of accomplishment after it's done since things usually look so much better.
Booger - I always feel like I am repeating myself! Baby-crazies! I actually found the birthing class very helpful. I think you said you were doing natural? Can't remember. The one thing my nurses said was not to get too stuck on your birth plan. They try the best they can but things aren't always smooth. They did recommend to watch the epidural video (required) & get fluids to prepare for an epidural just in case you change your mind. You don't want to be too far along & in the "tough" position.

My husband threw out the leftover cupcakes we had after my shower after like a week in the fridge. I knew they had to go...but once I saw they were gone I said you could have warned me so I could get one more!

Plan to hit the consignment when I go out to get my pup...need to call to see if he is ready. Poor boy had to stay all day Wed because there was a miscommunication on the call back. He was shaking so bad when I dropped him off...from nerves...I felt so bad. Just one more after this!
Good luck today Fingers crossed this is it! :)

Booger- yes the fires are awful. My family's cabin is in Winthrop and my great aunt lives there. Scary times for all the people out there. I keep getting emotional when I think about the fire and those firefighters who lost their lives. Just heartbreaking. Stay safe yourself and keep out of that horrible smoke. Praying we (and you) get some rain.

Terri- yay for trigger tmro! Remember everything is out of your hands so all you can do is hang on to that confident optimism that you do so well :) looking forward to hearing an update over the weekend!

Hope everyone had a great week! We are headed to the beach today after work yay!
One hatching blast successfully transferred :happydance: And this time they had no problem doing the ultrasound. Last time the nurse was pushing RIDICULOUSLY hard trying to image straight through my pelvic bone, I was sore for hours! DH and I feel pretty good about this one, the embryo was REALLY hatching in the picture, like there was a whole second little ball off the main group of cells, and when they did the transfer we got to see this little comet of light on the ultrasound screen. Sounds silly but we think it seems like he/she is all ready to get in there and start growing :dust:

Terri - FXed for Sunday!! Sounds like things are moving along very nicely for you so far. And try not to worry about the PGS and remember that at that point it is really about quality over quantity :) If we do another stim, we're definitely going with PGS, even if there's only a few embryos... it's worth it for the peace of mind I think.
Good luck Krissy! I never really could tell anything about my embryo pic. Others see hatching & all that. I just saw an embryo. I think you guys have a great shot. Have a relaxing weekend!

Terri - good luck on your retrieval! Glad you have some good sizes in there!
terri - good luck with your trigger shot and retrieval this week! i hope there are some nice healthy eggs in there ready to be fertilized!

booger - wow that picture is crazy! i am in the southeast, so our news hasn't been as focused on that. looks awful. i have heard about the firefighters that lost their life....heartbreaking. i can see why you don't want to go outside! we don't have fires too often here, but occasionally there is a local fire and the smell and smoke outside is awful

hope everyone is having a great friday!
Sars - I have to have one natural cycle, which I just started Monday and I can start the BCP next AF. I will take that for about 14 days. So I'm still looking at about 8 weeks before my next transfer.

KrissyB - Congrats on being PUPO!! I'm so excited for you!!

Terri - Yay for triggering tonight!! I totally relate on being nervous about the PGS results. That is what I was most nervous about too. But we got good results and I know you will too :)

Booger - WOW that does look bad!! And there is nothing burning near you right now??

Beaglemom - I'm glad you are feeling better about everything!! Hopefully you'll have a nice relaxing weekend.

LadySosa - It's almost time for you too chica!! Can't wait :)

Have a great weekend everyone :)
Krissy-when is your beta? I'm really excited for you and your hatching blast. My gf just did her first IVF and her picture showed the embie hatching and she is pregnant so it does work!! Glad the procedure went a lot smoother too. That makes a difference. And yes!! To the little comet. That is such a cool sight!
Crazy busy week at work:(

But wanted to jump on and say good luck terri!!! So happy its time for your retrieval ♡♡♡

Krissy- grow little embie grow!! So happy to hear you and hubby are feeling positive!
Sars - I have to have one natural cycle, which I just started Monday and I can start the BCP next AF. I will take that for about 14 days. So I'm still looking at about 8 weeks before my next transfer.

Amy - I'm due in 8 weeks :winkwink:
Thanks everyone. Getting ready to leave the house in about 30 minutes. I have probably only had about two hours of sleep and I'm starving. My procedure is at 10, so I should be reporting back around 11:30 or 12. Just in time for lunch.

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