First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I got a BFP this morning!!! Clear as day!!!


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Oops!!! Haha! I am so used to typing out "BFN" but not this time!!! Yay!!!
Argghhhhhhhh lady!!! Congrats!!!!! You must be so excited. I'm thrilled for you xx
Ahhhhhh!!!! Yay! Lady that made me cry! Im sooo happy for you, it has been such a journey! Congrats momma!♡♡♡♡
Lady - :wohoo: I am SOOOO happy for you!! I kept checking in waiting for this post! Congratulations! :yipee:

I know you were planning to wait until your beta (even though I was secretly hoping you'd test early :haha:). What changed your mind? Any symptoms?
:wohoo: :dance:
Congratulations Lady!!!!! I'm just so thrilled and surprised to see that you tested early!!! Yeah, another bfp!!!! Awesome!
Thank you guys so much. It's been such a good day. We are here at the beach with my parents and they are thrilled. I woke my DH up with the good news and he was just over the moon. We hugged and cried and laughed and just soaked it in! We called and told my MIL and asked her to keep it to just her and my FIL but she promptly told ALL my SILs and BILs. Haha. I don't mind really, she is just so happy for us. It just makes me nervous that this many people know so early, I just hope Tuesday's beta confirms it and everything goes smoothly from here on out. As for symptoms, I've been feeling super fatigued and achey - my back aches, my joints, my abdomen. My boobs are also ginormous and sore (much to DH's delight), and I actually had a couple dizzy spells. I remembered hearing that can happen as an early sign, so I wasn't too concerned.

I'm not sure what changed my mind about testing early. I brought the test with us, so I woke up this morning and thought, what the heck, I'll do it before anyone is awake, just get it over with.

Hope everyone else is having a great three-day weekend!!!
:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: Wahoo Lady!!!!! I am so, so, so thrilled for you. I had all the same symptoms, including the light headedness. Good luck on your beta tomorrow!!!!
Hi ladies! Krissy, YAY for the great betas, I was super excited to read your news!! SO, SO happy for you!! And Lady, omg, CONGRATS!!!! I just knew this had to be it for you! Can't wait to hear your beta, I'm sure it will be really good because that line looks great. :) I'm so super happy for both of you girls. :flower::happydance::thumbup: Can you each let me know what date you got your BFP on your HPT, and how many DPT you were when you got it. That way I can update the front page for you! :)

jkb, I think I saw a post where you asked about my csection being scheduled at 38.5 weeks. Sorry that I'm just now responding! I was originally scheduled a week in advance, like you mentioned. But the hospital requested at least 10 days because of the surgery I had a few yrs back. But I still didn't understand the need to schedule the csection more than a week prior. The fibroid I had removed was very routine, it was on the outside of my uterus, and wasn't very deep in the wall either, so the scar tissue to my uterus was actually very minimal. So who knows. But I was okay with doing it a few days earlier anyway, because that last 6-8 wks of pregnancy was rough, LOL!!!

terri, I've been keeping up with you!! I know I already emailed you about this, but I'll say it again... One embie is all you need, so I'm praying that the PGS results will come back fine, and you'll be able to move forward and be prego before we know it!!:flower:

I'm typing this as Owen is sleeping, but he's due to eat any second, so I'm just hoping he wont wake up before I finish this update, haha! I wish I had more time to respond to everyone else, but please know that I have been reading everyone's updates and know what's going on. I jump on every couple days to read updates, but just haven't had much time to post.

So, things are going great here. I think it was BabyW who asked about nursing... I'm nursing some, pumping some, and also formula feeding. My plan was to attempt nursing and see how it went. And the way it all turned out, combo feeding is working out great for us. Owen took a full day to figure out how to suck, but once he did, it was the sweetest, most endearing experience for me. I really enjoyed nursing him, except the pain. My poor nips felt like pins and needles. I sucked it up and kept going through the entire night, but by morning, my nips were cracked and bleeding, so for that next day we gave him formula. After that, I pumped so that he'd continue to get the colostrum, and once I got home and my milk came in, I pumped so that he'd get some breast milk along with the formula. Then a couple days after being home, I decided to try nursing him again, and I was amazed that it no longer hurt at ALL. I'm not sure what he and I changed to make it work better, but he sure seemed to be getting it. I decided by that time though, that I wasn't going to exclusively BF since he had gotten used to formula filling his belly up really well, haha. So now I'm just giving him formula sometimes, pumped breast milk other times, and nursing directly at other times (because its such a sweet bonding experience!). It just happens to be what works for us, and I feel good that he's still getting the good healthy breast milk each day as well. :)

I still have this little jelly belly, haha! But its WAY better right now than it was for the first week after having him. I've lost about 24 lbs in four weeks, so I guess I can't complain. Hopefully that jelly belly will completely disappear soon. I will tell you what though... it feels SOOO good to stretch out in my bed and sleep halfway on my stomach again! (when I get to sleep of course). I had forgotten just how comfy that is, haha! No more heartburn, no more stuffy nose, no more restless legs syndrome. It literally all went away the day they pulled the little guy out. Its wild how that works.

Ok, this kiddo is about to wake up, so I need to get going. I'll try and post again soon so that I dont get so far behind and unable to respond to everyone individually! Love you girls!!:flower:
Lady!!!!! :wohoo::happydance::wohoo::happydance::wohoo::happydance: What way to start a Tuesday Monday - logging in and seeing your BFP made me a little teary, I must say. I am so, so, so, so happy for you and DH. I can't wait to hear how your beta goes today.

Nice to hear from you, Erin!

Hello to everyone else! :hi:

As usual, I'm exhausted from the weekend. hehe. Not sure they are ever relaxing. That's my own fault since I have trouble sitting still. I think my nesting instincts are manifesting in the form of baking, cooking and canning. Well, I guess in all forms of housework really, since I did a ton of all that this weekend in addition to housecleaning - I even washed and ironed curtains!

Now it's back to work - ugh. At least it's a short week.

Oh, and I think the crib will be done by this coming weekend. Can't wait to share pictures. The nursery is coming together so well.
ERose-So nice of you to check in on us! We miss you, but know that you're super swamped. Glad things are going well with little Owen. He's almost a month old. Aww..

booger-Glad you had a busy weekend! You can rest at work, hopefully. Hey, I was just looking at your signature thingy..did you have all 11 embryos sent off for testing, or not all of them made it to blastocyst status? Do you remember? If not, it's not a big deal. There's no way I can scroll back to find it. HA!!HA!!

LadySosa-How are you doing? Back to work today? I bet you're just beaming...make sure you stay hydrated and eat good for you stuff. hee hee. I bet your husband was pretty happy last night after the game. We left our friend's house at halftime, and all was well with the world since VT was ahead. I went to the bedroom to watch the second half, and the rails just came off. My hubs was downstairs screaming and cursing and Fun and I just went on to bed. I forgot that now football season is here, our house will be VERY LOUD on Saturdays and Sundays. I hope VT can groom their newest QB quickly and get it together.

:wave: to everyone else. Hope your holiday weekends were fun.
Lady - CONGRATS :happydance: :happydance: No question about that BFP! When do you go in for betas?

ERose - I'd say I got my first definitive BFP on 8/27 (6dp5dt). Glad to hear things are going well with Owen and BFing. Sounds like you have a real good handle on giving him the best while still keeping yourself healthy and comfortable as well. It really is all about a balance and finding what works for you.
Terri - I had 6 make it to blastocyst stage and get biopsied. I'm hoping you get your results this week. I am in denial that it's football season already - time seems to be on super warp speed right now.
Booger - take advantage of the nesting & the energy! I am wiped out! I finally got up the energy to finish washing things & put everything away. Now I need to organize my dresser/changing table. Other than that, I need to pack my hospital bag & baby bag, put the swing together, & install my car seat. I hope to do a little bit at a time when I am off in the evenings.

So my plans to organize were haulted by my mom visiting. My husband had family night at his store so she came. She is wiped out from work as well. She had to go back for an overnight shift last night. She asked if she could help but I said no. I knew she was so tired. But we went out shopping & man was I tired. She drove my funny! She pushed the power & was like how does it move? I said how do you make your car move after turning the key? Then she powered it back off. I was cracking up. But like I said above, I did put away all the baby clothes last night.

So i am off tomorrow. My husband has grand opening...which is exciting. Then I get my hair cut & maybe colored, then my maternity massage. I hope to get some things done in Derek's room in between. My husband is so tired. I am not sure we will really have any time together before the baby comes.

Erin - glad you checked in. I have some free formula I got over the months at different events. I will probably end up doing the same as you...just going to go with the flow.

Oh - another funny mom thing - Willie Nelson (her love) will be in Raleigh (2 hours away) on Derek's due date. So she said he better come early or stay in there because she has got to see Willie! It would be cool if he was born on the due date. Then the grandkids would be 8/15, 9/16, & 10/17.
HI ladies!!

Erin, so good to hear from you! Glad Owen is dong well and that you're getting the feeding down.

Terri, yes, we went to watch the game last night with some friends (even though I felt like crud) and everyone was on cloud nine. In the second half, that is, haha. I was thinking of you when we were watching it - like, uh-oh, Terri's hubs is not gonna be happy! DH and his buddy got a kick out of the VT QB saying, "It's gonna take more than that to take me out of the game." Then about 10 minutes later he gets creamed and breaks his collarbone. I bet he's regretting saying that on camera!

We also had our fantasy football draft yesterday, so that will keep me occupied this season! LOVE football season!

And some wonderful news today....I had my beta this morning and it is 425 (11dp6dt)!! I have another beta scheduled for Thursday! It was my nurse who called me this morning and she is just so sweet - she was so happy to tell me the news. WOOHOO! I am four weeks along. It feels surreal to say that... :) Symptom-wise, I feel pretty cruddy. Mostly it is my head. It started hurting yesterday and is still hurting. I've been drinking tons of water, so I know its not dehydration. I finally broke down and took some Tylenol today but it doesn't seem to help too much. Luckily I have the day off work today, so I'm just lounging on the couch being lazy. It feels good to have a day to relax and catch up on laundry!
I think twins are in your future!! Are you prepared for that? Great beta!!
That's an awesome beta Lady! Wonder if you've got two on board =) I had the same awful headaches too. Tylenol and water did wonders.

Krissy, I forgot to tell you congrats as well! Things are just going along smoothly.

JKB: I forgot you already told us the name. I love Ellie Mae. So pretty. Elizabeth is one of our top names because I love the name Ellie.

Erin: So good to hear from you. Glad you've got a good mix down of doing what's perfect for Owen. And down 24 pounds sounds pretty good to me in four weeks! Remember it took 9 months to put it on and be kind to yourself =)

Terri: I'm getting so impatient for you and your results. Hope you're hanging in there.

Beagle: That'd be super cool if you ended up with those birthdays.

Hi to everyone else!

We had a really jam packed weekend of BBQs, baby showers and birthday celebrations. It was great fun but by Monday night I had Fred Flinstone feet and I was wiped! I slept a lot and I feel better today.

We had what I was hoping would be our final ultrasound today. But looks like it won't be. Baby is still breech :nope: Everything looked healthy, so I know that's what really matters. Baby's got quite the coif apparently, you could see the hair blowing in the fluid. Baby is measuring 5 pounds 4 ounces now, still on target for 7-7.5 pounds full term.

My doctor says baby could still turn on its own. I go back to the doctor in two weeks and they'll check baby's positioning then. If he/she doesn't move, I'll schedule an aversion to try to turn the baby. If it fails, we schedule a c-section. I have to admit, I'm really bummed and not feeling optimistic it will work. The success rate for the aversion is lower for first-time mothers and it is really painful. Dr. said the earliest they would schedule the c-section is Oct. 12. I just really did not want a c-section. That was my main motivation for shooting for natural child birth.
Lady def has twins coming!

Sars I hope you can get the baby flipped. I know c section is not a number one choice to go but just keep in mind the objective is to get the baby of date and healthy. When it is all done with you won't care either way because little one will be here. I think being induced or c section is a little comforting in you know when it's coming and can be prepared.

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