First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Krissy glad everything is looking good.

I am having a lot of pressure today. I think the baby is just running out of space. Trying to drink more water. I also sometimes feel a cramp feeling similar to pre-af cramps. I think it is due to my water intake because it eventually goes away. I mostly feel fine...just tired. I don't have much of an appetite in the mornings. And then in the evenings I eat but I think I eat too much because I end up with reflux or indigestion. Something I am not familiar with. It almost feels like I have a pressure build up in my lungs or that area. Feels like I should be sitting up instead of laying down. So I think I need to try to eat earlier. I will wake up sometimes & just need to sit up for a while. I also have periods of nausea now & again. I think everything is just me getting towards the end. I am really wanting to get to my next appt to talk about everything. I don't feel like anything is out of the ordinary, so I don't plan to call in. My next appt is Wed.

So booger, don't feel bad about pregnancy complaints. Some women get really upset to hear we are ungrateful. That is BS. If anyone has seen the What to Expect is not my kind of movie, but pretty good. My favorite part was when she has to speak to a group about pregnancy & she just feels like crap. So she starts her speech but then starts crying & says I call BS on pregnancy! My feet hurt, my body hurts, gas, peeing...I just wanted my glow...where's my glow! I have been so lucky...I did struggle, but I got pregnant the first try & my pregnancy has been mild compared to others. No real sickness, no real food aversions. But I had my rough days. And I have a hard time getting out of bed every day now. I don't sleep so great. And I am just tired. And damn it, if I want to complain, I can complain! It doesn't mean I don't feel grateful or appreciate what I have. It just means pregnancy is hard. Sometimes I even curse this today...he just keeps pushing me in really uncomfortable places. But that doesn't mean that when I am home relaxing, me & my husband don't sit around just feeling him move & feeling facinated & grateful. I think all the time the wonderful things that are coming & wondering how he will be & how he will look & just hoping & hoping he comes out strong & healthy.

Another thing I forgot to mention & another thing to add to the pregnancy sucks list. At the grand opening I was taking pictures & video. It was early & foggy. So no sun & not hot yet. And just a side note, I think I look pretty awesome for almost 8 months pregnant! A few of my husband's female manager friends said to me how they felt so bad for me. How I had to stand up there all big & pregnant. One even said something about swollen ankles! Like my GOD..seriously! It it was separate conversations so not like in a group talking. So I got 3 or 4 separate comments like this. Why on earth? So besides the physical stuff we go through, we also have to hear insensitive comments like this from people we know & complete strangers. You just want to rip their head off!
New bump pic


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After your rant, I was wondering if we were going to see how awesome you look! hee hee. Yes, you look awesome, and complain away! I even think I see a little smile trying to come out and your hair looks great. It can't be all roses and unicorns every day.
Beagle - I think you look absolute stunning in that pic! And way more radiant than I looked when I was that pregnant in this kind of summer heat. Ugh! Some people just talk to hear themselves I think, with no thought of how others might take it. Try not to take it to heart.
Krissy- congrats on the great scan! What a relief!! Can't wait to hear about your next scan :)

Booger- sorry about people being insensitive, sometimes I think people have good intentions but just don't know what to say. You look great!!
Bealemom - You look great!!! I can't believe how insensitive some people can be.

Krissy - Congratulations on a great scan! Hopefully it gave you the peace of mind you needed and now you can have a great weekend!!
Lady - Man, that's killer that they make you wait that long! How cruel. Update us when you can.

Krissy - Glad everything checked out perfectly. Phew. Enjoy your weekend.

Terri - I would be excited about football if I did Fantasy too. I just don't like the NFL that much. I'm much more of a college sports lover. I know you're the opposite there.

Beagle - You summed it up perfectly. I almost feel like it's taboo to complain about pregnancy after dealing with infertility (and I'm just talking about my own feelings here). Honestly, I don't even feel like I can say we (we, being my DH and I) "struggled" even though we went through IVF (and I had to have a minor surgery in there too). As you know, my DH and I were fortunate it worked the first time for us too. We never did any IUIs and only actively TTC for about a year before we did IVF. The main reason we went ahead was due to not wanting to wait any longer because of my age. There are women some really tough women on this thread and others whose stories I read on here (and other places on the web) who have been through struggles I can't even imagine. I have had an easy pregnancy but there are still times when it's just not fun. But there's always that nagging voice in the back of my head saying "Well, don't complain because there are others who would love to be in your position right now." So mostly, I just try to suck it up and power on through.

I think you look great. It is hard not to let the comments of others get to you though. And for the record, you're smaller than me! I'm really starting to dread these last two months as I know I'm only going to get bigger and bigger.

For the record, I went and took a selfie just now at work (I'm so bad at those things).


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Sorry for the rant. But I hate stupid people. And I really get upset when people try to make pregnant women feel bad for they aren't grateful. Plus they don't know what we went through. Even if it was easy to get pregnant, you have the right to feel how you feel.

Thanks for the compliments. I force myself to smile in those photos, terri...and hold up my head so I don't have rolls under my chin! But I am super grateful for the way I look & that pregnancy has been good to me so far. I just hope I am measuring ok on Wed. I truly believe he is hiding in there. I don't see a huge difference in this pic & my last which was 32 weeks I think. I can feel stretching going on but my belly doesn't seem to get bigger. So I hope I measure ok. Another ultrasound would be nice, but I don't want to be on a list where my dr needs one & is worried.

Oh & in case I haven't said before, I have talked to this child & he is not to come early! I told him he needs to stay in mid/late Oct for good luck to the TTC folks! Terri & Amy are next!
Booger I think we look about the same or you a little smaller. Plus you have a girl which I hear they carry different from boys...who knows? I will say right around where you are is when my bump started looking for round instead like a flat sofa pillow :) I honestly thought I would just be a blob & never have the round belly.

Your pic looks good & I hate selfies too which is why so long before a new bump pic. I was waiting for my husband to be home at a decent hour. I have only taken 2 selfies this pregnancy. One because a FB friend asked for an update & one because someone said I had grown overnight & when I got home I thought I had too so I took a pic.
Sorry for so many posts. I really should take notes while I read updates. As far as my hair, thanks I do love it. I have had super short before. My plan was to grown out while pregnant. But I have thick hair & the blow drying in the morning was enough to make me pass out. So I was like keep some length up front but chop everything else off! She would be like how long here? SHORT! Then I wanted the color added. I told her to do whatever to she wanted & I like it. The good thing about having short hair & liking it short is you aren't really scared of hair cuts. I hate my hair in my face so she was like how will you like the bangs, I know you hate that. I said I will pin it back if it annoys me or come back to you to chop it off!
I love these pics. Both of you look so great I am a little jelly over here (but don't stop posting pics!). Ha ha. Have a great weekend everyone. I'm off to the Os game. It's hoodie night!!
Arrgggggh still no results they are killing me!

Booger you look great!!
Just got beta #2! It is 916! Ultrasound will be the week of sept 28th! Woohoo!!
Grr. I lost my post. The Os came back and beat the Royals 14-8 and we missed the hoodies by about five minutes but I'll take a win over a hoodie any day.

Lady-great beta!! I'm so happy that you're results are fab.

I got the bill for my PGD testing on Thursday night and then yesterday evening the nurse sent me a schedule and said 'have a great weekend!' But, no one called saying everything was ok so I'm freaking out a little. The schedule works great with my vacation because I would only have to take one shot while away. I'm starting to get a little excited but I'm also nervous to get too excited. Everyone keep your fx!!
Happy day!! Lady- !!!! Yay! Wonderful news:) so happy for you!! Cant wait for you ultrasound!

Krissy- so glad you were able to get some peace of mind! Hang in there and take it one step at a time.

Terri- I'm frustrated with your office for you! Clearly they have received some results.... why has the nurse not called you!! The news sounds promising so I'm keeping everything crossed for you! But seriously, i would call the on call and demand answers. You shouldn't have to wait out the weekend.
Lost my whole post too, so this will be short and sweet. I spent last night at L&D having contractions every 2 mins from 3 pm. They eventually sent me home even with the contractions because im not dilating. Grrr... plan for today is excercise and caffeine :) hope to start something.
Jkb-hope the next few days go well and little miss comes out perfectly! I think my nurse is off on the weekends so I'm just going to wait until Monday. It's really not hurting anything. Hee hee. If you don't get a chance to catch up with us, you'll do great and I can't wait until you tell us the birth story!
Thanks terri! Again, I so admire your patience ♡ hope your weekkend flies by and you get wonderful news monday morning :)
Good luck, jkb!! Hope things go smoothly for you and baby from here on out.

Terri - wow! I can't believe they still haven't called you with results. I am thinking it must be good news though if the nurse sent you a FET schedule. Surely, that must mean your embryo is normal. :thumbup: Sorry you missedyour hoodie but glad the O's won.

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