First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

sars-I hope the aversion works, even though I'm kind of scared of what that entails, and I'm not even going to look it up. And..I think the way they do c-sections now, you aren't going to have that huge scary scar, and it will be fine. And...if Erose can lose 24 pounds in a few weeks, you can do the same. I will say that 10/12 is a wonderful day for a baby to be born because it's my anniversary. hee hee. Plenty of time for baby to flip. :)

Lady-I forgot that you had yesterday off too. How awesome...enjoy every minute. I can't wait until Thursday and then your u/s to see two sacs in there! I'm super happy when I think about your success.

beagle-Hope your husband's store opening goes well. How exciting for him. Also enjoy your day of beauty. Let's see some more pics! hee hee.
Hey all,

Sars - I was the same as you, really didn't want a c section, it was the only thing I felt really strongly about. I ended up being induced when baby was 14 days late and ended up with an EMCS due to lack of progression. Terri is right, you can't see my scar at all now, it's so tiny and neat and the recovery was fine really, when I look back I just think of my newborn baby and not what I went through. Plus planned c sections are meant to be much easier and better recovery wise than emergency. Having said all that, I really hope baby flips and you get the natural birth you'd like.

Lady - brilliant news on your beta, what a great number! So excited to hear if its twins!! And in a weird way, glad you are feeling rubbish, all a good sign!! Haha. Enjoy it.

Terri - how are you doing lovely? How much longer till we hear about that eggy of yours?

Erose, glad to hear Owen is doing well. Enjoy every precious second, they grow up so quickly, I can barely believe I have a 3 year old! All those gorgeous baby snuggles are amazing!

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Afm, still riding the torturous wave that is the tww. Hate it. Even though I know this wont have worked I still find my self symptom spotting and of course it's all the progesterone sups. Two weeks is up Saturday and then I can test, stop the sups and back for baseline scan next week. My last go at ivf I think!
MrsW-How do you know it didn't work this time around? You sound so defeated..but even if it doesn't, at least you have another chance. :flower: That's more than I can say.

I refuse to look at a calendar and figure out when 10-12 days are up. I just have to wait for the phone call from my nurse and see what she says. So..I'm not really sure. HA!!HA!! I'm more excited about dinner with a friend and football starting tomorrow. And on Friday, the Orioles are giving away sweatshirts, and we have tickets to that game, so I'm really looking forward to the next two days. If I cane make it through today it'll be smooth sailing!
Lady- congrats on the awesome beta! And FXed for another great number tomorrow :dust:

Sars - sorry to hear about the breach, but there's definitely still time for the baby to turn. I had a c-section with my DD, and will probably have one again. It really was pretty stress free, so if that's the worst case scenario you're facing, you're doing pretty well :) Plus it's MUCH better to go in knowing you need a c-section than thinking you're going natural and then needing to do an emergency c-sec

Terri - you have amazing will-power! LOL I'd be staring at the calendar willing the days to go by! Way to go for keeping yourself busy and focused on other things. Life goes on throughout the whole TTC process and it's so easy to forget that.

AFM - I'm having a nervous day... Didn't feel too many cramps yesterday. And today the cramps are back but I'm not sure they're the same type of cramps I was having over the weekend or if they're more AFy.... Plus I had a tiny (and I mean minuscule) amount of brown spotting on TP this morning. I know it's probably all craziness, but I'm just feeling a bit anxious today. That scan can't come quickly enough.
Good morning, ladies!! :flower:

Krissy - Try not to stress. I know that's stupid to say because we all worry about these things. Not even a week to go until your scan! Hang in there.

Terri - Well, at least you have two fun things coming up to keep you distracted. I will sit here and fret for you. :haha: The wait is killing me.

MrsW - Sorry you're feeling like this cycle didn't work but I'm still hoping you are WRONG. :thumbup: TWWs are just the worst.

sars - Sorry little babe is still in the breech position. There is still time for he/she to turn though. I'm not sure about at your hospital but I think if you have to have the ECV they can give you an epidural to help with the uncomfortableness of it - but that's just what I've read - I obviously have no experience with this in real life. I hope little baby decides to cooperate here quickly!!! I love your Flinstone feet reference! My feet always look like Flinstone feet but when the swell, it's even worse - almost comical really.

Lady - That's an awesome beta! I went back and looked at my betas and mine was 419 at 17 DPO so I'm not sure you can read too much into those numbers right now as far as whether you are baking one or two. Either way - you are pregnant!!!! :happydance: And that is all that matters.

Beagle - I'm glad everything is ready for DCs arrival since you and DH are so busy and exhausted right now. Enjoy your day off today and your DH's store opening! I hope you can both get some rest once things settle a little bit. Enjoy your haircut and pampering. You deserve it! Haha - that's funny about the Willie Nelson concert.

Erin - I am glad to read your update and see that you are feeling so good (although tired). Even though I know that we'll be exhausted once baby gets here, I can't wait to have some of the uncomfortableness that's here right now gone. I hate to even say that because it sounds like I'm ungrateful to be pregnant and that's soooo not the case.

Amy - I forgot to say that I'm glad your doggie is doing better! Vet bills stink. But in the end, we just don't want to see our pets suffer. Hope she is back to her old self now.

jkb- How are you feeling???

:hi: to everyone else!

We bought my Mom's plane ticket yesterday for her visit out here. She is set to arrive a week before my due date so I'm hoping little stinky hangs out in there until my Mom is here. I'd love for my Mom to be here when she's born. No way to know what's going to happen, though. I think what has me most excited is that I have decided that if baby isn't here before then, my last day at work will be the day before my Mom gets here. I am ready for that day!
Terri - I haven't tested but I've got my usual pre af lower back ache and don't feel pregnant at all. I guess I don't know for sure and I'm honestly not wanting to be pessimistic but I'd rather prepare for bad news, I've had my heart shattered so many times now I just can't set myself up for yet more disappointment so I won't get my hopes up.

Booger - planning your last day at work, that's so exciting! It will come around quickly! I hope little miss stays out until your mom comes and then promptly arrives! Also you don't sound ungrateful to be pregnant at all, the latter stages are uncomfortable! I think I took pregnancy for granted last time a bit, I'm so excited to feel sick and uncomfortable hehe!!
Thanks lady. Krissy, I do agree it is better to know than go through labor and need one. I'm not worried about the scar at all. I'm not sure if I'll be jumping back into a bikini any time soon.

My worries are more than I'm very active. I had running related injuries for years due to my weak core and hip instability. I worked really hard in the last two years to strengthen that and I'd come so far. The the thought of someone cutting through all of those muscles is very demoralizing. Ironically, really strong core muscles are thought to be a contributing factor to breech babies. I'm trying all sorts of home remedies to urge baby to flip.

Terri, basically they give you a uterine relaxant and then manually try to flip the baby my moving it externally. So, they're pressing on your uterus, grabbing the baby and turning it. I too have read they'll give you an epidural, Booger, but my doctor didn't mention it as an option.

Thanks for the reassurance that it wasn't so bad Krissy and Mrs. W! I appreciate it.

Krissy, I'm sure it is just fine. But I know it is useless telling you not to worry. When is your scan?

Booger, That must be so exciting to have your last day planned and your mom's ticket booked! Are you starting to feel really uncomfortable? Other than the swelling and getting tired, I gotta say I don't feel too bad. How long are you able to take off from work? I think I'm going to work until Oct. 14 as long as baby doesn't come early. If I do have the c-section scheduled, I can go out earlier b/c I'll get 8 weeks of STD.

Beagle, Hope you're enjoying your day of pampering.

DH and I are taking a long weekend to Dewey Beach Friday through Monday. So, I've only got a day and a half of work left. I'm excited to just sit on the beach and read all day. I have a feeling it'll be the last time I can do that for awhile =)
Oh, sars, a weekend at the beach sounds fantastic right about now. Have fun!! Well, hopefully you won't need the ECV and if you do, I hope it's not too miserable. I am still feeling pretty good most of the time - my main complaint is having to get up 4 times a night to go to the bathroom. I fall right back asleep but it's still annoying. My back starts hurting too if I sit too long - so I'm actually more uncomfortable at work than I am at home because I'm usually moving when I am at nothing major. I have to say, I feel like I have had an easy pregnancy. Let's hope it stays that way for the next 9 weeks.

Krissy - Yes - it feels good to know when my last day at work is going to be! Less than two months to go on that front.

I'm very fortunate with my leave situation. Since I've been with my agency for 14 years now, I have a ton of sick leave saved up that I can dip into. I have also maxed out my annual leave carryover and I haven't used any annual leave this year so I actually have to use that before the year ends or I'll lose it. I have about 3 weeks of annual leave to use before I start using my sick leave. So if I have everything calculated correctly, I will be taking close to 4 months off. I think we might be able to swing some of that as unpaid leave too - which may sound stupid - but the more sick leave I can save, the better, since we'd love to have another child in the future (that's the plan for now, anyway).
Hey guys. The opening was great. Then I came home & took a nap. Then hair & massage. So I feel relaxed & ready for another nap. I will have to do another bump shot & post it. I actually don't have any new ones. My husband comes home late, so I never stay in my work clothes. So I am avoiding a pic of me in just underwear & a yankee shirt! Will try to get one tonight.

I am loving the day off. I wish I could have saved up more time, but it was impossible. So I have 3 days left plus the 5 I have to take on my first week of leave. So I would love to be induced so I can take the 3 days before my leave. But we shall see how he does. But I am taking 12 weeks. 1 week of PTO, 5 weeks of STD then the rest unpaid. Even if I have to use my credit card, I wanted all 12.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone's having a good week so far.

Terri- that is a great attitude! Just focus on other things that make you happy and keep you busy. :)

Mrs W. - don't give up hope just yet. If you recall this go-around I was feeling like I'd given up, I just didn't really feel anything (until about 7 days into it). When do you have your beta test?

Booger- yay for getting your leave all planned out! 4 months is a nice time away.

Beagle- I'm so jealous of your spa day! Sounds amazing. Glad your husband's store opening went well!

Sars- sorry about baby being breach. I hope you can still have the natural birth like you'd hoped! A beach weekend sounds awesome! You deserve a weekend to relax!

Krissy- try not to worry too much! Your scan is coming so soon, just try to keep your mind occupied with other fun things if you can. Just know that I'm right there with you. :)

Tomorrow I have my second beta.... Fingers crossed for me!! :)
Morning, ladies!

Good luck today, lady!!! Can't wait to hear your second number.

Beagle - Glad the opening went well and that you enjoyed your day of pampering. Any day that includes two naps is a good day, in my opinion. Every day it gets harder for me to come into work - I don't know how I'm going to survive almost two more months. I'm thinking of trying to get DH away for a weekend here in the next couple weeks for a change of scenery but it's now hunting season. :cry:
booger-Well, you're most important now, so hopefully he will take a weekend off and whisk you away. Are the fires still raging in the area? I haven't heard much about them, but I haven't been to the fertility clinic (where I see the news every morning). I don't watch the news at home, so I'm happily out of the loop.

LadySosa-Good luck today with your second beta! I can't wait to hear that it's like 1600 or something bizarro because there are two babies in there.

AFM-I'm just happy football starts tonight. I have dinner with a girlfriend and then football all night! I don't really like the Pats or the Steelers, but I have fantasy players on the Pats team, and I'm eager to see how Tom Brady plays after the deflategate :wacko: scandal.

Hi to everyone else. Hope you are enjoying your Thursday.
Lady- good luck with your repeat beta today! I cant wait for the update! Its gonna be great!!

Terri- your plans sound like fun! Im being all anxious over here with booger for you;) I'm envious of your self control and management skills. You're the best! Keep it up♡

Booger- i have been trying to get a date night with hubby and between work, church and family obligations it has yet to happen. I kinda feel like I'm going to have to put my foot down and tell some people no and get what i want;). I honestly just want dinner and a movie with him. I say make that weekend away work! You and him wont regret it. Cant wait to see your pics!

Sars i hope your lil one turns for you! I will second evetyone else and say my c section was not bad all but i understand your specific concerns. Hope it all works out.

Mrs w- sorry the tww is being hard on you. Hang in there hun. Hope you get totally surprised! We put our bodies thru so much for this process so, try not to symptom spot. I know how hard it is though.

Krissy- dont think you were apart of the group back when i was early on but, i have two episodes of major bleeds the lasted a few days each. So did baby w- try to not worry although i will say my bleeds devastated me at the time. But with hindsight being 20/20 i can say evetything can still work out fine. Praying you have no more brown spotting and all your results are perfect!

Erin- so good to hear from you and glad owen is doing so well! Thanks for the info about your section schedule. I will also be having agrowth removed from my left ovary during my c section. Im convinced that is the reason for my numerous miscarriages. Hunby and i joke that once it is. Removed we will get preggo and not have fertility issues but now we have our little embryos to use. So i told him he needs to "get fixed".

Beagle - yay for hubbys grand opening! Your day sounds amazing! I hope to squeeze a massage in soon too.

Afm- last sunday i was having crazy contractions 14 mins apart for 5 hours but then they just stopped. I still have some mild ones at all different times but i thiught for sure we would go in sunday night but nope, shes still hanging out:) have been doing cleaning all day and about to start again. I'm so ready to meet her♡ just want to say- you ladies are the best and have been so needed and appreciated during this time! Your prayers, support and words of encouragement mean so much.
HA!!HA!! You and booger and the rest of the girls on my other threads can have all the worries and anxieties in the world for my little embryo. hee hee. I just feel like all my worrying in the past few years has been for naught, so I guess I'm just over it. Or...I'm more at peace with whatever happens, so if it's good news, great, and if not, my life is wonderful as it is (for the most part), and it's nothing to be sad about. I'll just reroute and adjust.

I'm getting so excited for your jkb. I'm sure having contractions for 5 hours was nerve wrecking and then for them to just disappear was probably so strange. Hopefully they were 5 daytime hours. You're getting all sappy on us. We <3 you too! hee hee.
Sars - You know in a planned c-section they usually don't cut your abdominal muscles. There is definitely a down period while your scar heals that you can't use your abs that much because it will pull on the incision in your skin and uterus, and even that's just for a few weeks.
So I wouldn't worry too much about losing core strength. And in fact if you have an underlying hip issue, a c-section may be a better option for you anyway, because labor does put a LOT of strain through your hips. Part of my reason for choosing c-sec was because I have a cartilage tear and congetinal issue in one hip and was reccomended not attempt labor.

So glad so many people are managing to take some time off and relax and take some time for themselves :D

Jkb - Every day your little girl stays in there are still major growing days at this point, so I'm sure she'll come when she's ready. That false labor stinks though for a lot of reasons lol, plus I think she can go on teasing you for a while with it.

AFM - Turns out I'll get that scan a little earlier than planned. So this morning I had a bit more spotting when I woke up. Still very light brown, but a bit more than yesterday (just enough to reach my panties). My heart immediately sunk and I called my RE.
- In hind site... If I didn't have a CP last month, I think even I can realize that that was probably a little bit of an over reaction and there problem is nothing to worry about. But between the CP and how long it took us to get this far, I am having a lot of trouble really accepting this is going to work out -
Anyway, when they called back they said it was almost definitely completely normal. However if I would be more comfortable, I could come in tomorrow for my first scan (two days before I hit 6 weeks instead of 2 days after). I decided to take them up on it because I think I'll be agonizing (and TP inspecting) all weekend if I don't. So FXed I have good news to report tomorrow.
krissy - I understand the concern & def worth the peace of mind to make the call. Just remember, early on before 6 weeks there is a chance of not seeing the heart beat. But that is TOTALLY normal! But I hope you see everything you need to & everything is good to go. I am sure it is just implantation spotting which can happen up to 6 weeks or more...some women continue to have spotting & it is all fine.

Just curious how would the moms out there describe constractions? I assume I will just know when it happens. But I was just wondering. I want to be prepared I guess for if I get braxton hicks. So far I am pretty sure I have not.
Krissy - I agree with Beagle - don't freak out if you don't see or hear the heartbeat. My first scan was a 5 weeks and some days and we just saw the sac and polar body. We didn't hear anything until the next one over a week later. Good luck, today! I really hope everything is just fine.

jkb - Yes - put your foot down on that date with DH. It sounds like you are really running out of time!

Terri - I hope you had a nice dinner out with your friend and then enjoyed the football game. I don't like Tom Brady or Big Ben so I didn't really care about the outcome of the game. I'm more interested in the US Open right now, honestly. I really want Serena to win. She amazes me and I love that she has just gotten more badass with age. Oh, and I think most of the fires are in much better shape. Probably not out yet and they won't be until we get some significant rain or snowfall but the air is much better and I think most places are pretty safe at this point. We have been having lovely fall weather the last week or so - the last couple of days have been warmer but I think it's supposed to get cool again after the weekend. I'm ready!

Beagle - I can't really help you with the contraction thing. The best I've heard the Braxton Hicks described is that you will likely feel pressure and your belly gets super hard and tight.

Lady - You're making me nervous with no check-in yesterday. I hope everything is alright.

Anyone have any fun weekend plans? I am actually going out with a group of friends tomorrow night to a fundraiser dinner for a local nonprofit. I'm actually kind of excited as I am someone will be doing my hair and makeup. Normally, I wouldn't really be very excited about that but I'm thinking it's going to take a little extra pampering to make me feel pretty right now. It should be fun even if I can't hit up the martini bar.
The only reason I was excited for last night's game was because of my fantasy league. In real life, I don't care at all about either of those teams, except I never like the Steelers to win since they're in our division and our #1 rivals. I also play pick 'em with my work pool and we have to put confidence points on the winner. I initially had 16 on NE, but then I started freaking out and changed it to 5. At the end of the game, I wish I had kept 16. hee hee. Oh well..

krissy-Hope everything goes great today and reassures you. Definitely check back in.

booger-Glad the fires are dying down and you're enjoying the weather. Have fun at the reception tonight and the pampering. I feel weak, dizzy and sick today. Not sure what's going on. I don't know if I ate something bad last night or what. I feel like I'm about to throw up. Unfortunately, there is no chance I'm close to being prego, but I feel like this is how I would feel if I was. Yuck. My coworker is turning 70, so I'm treating him to lunch. I guess my budget will stay intact as all I want is a soup or something small to tide me over until dinner.

Lady-Yeah, check in, chica!
Sorry guys about no update! I had my blood drawn yesterday but I don't get results till today...ugh! The suspense is killing me.... I should hear by the afternoon, maybe noon if I'm lucky :)
FXed for your beta numbers, Lady!

AFM - The scan was very reassuring :) We saw a nice gestational sack with a little yolk sac inside. We MIGHT have even seen the fetus but because it's so small and because it's implanted on the far side of my uterus it was hard to get a clear/definitive picture. I go back in this coming Thursday for my next scan and he's really hoping to see a fetus and heartbeat then (he was very happy with what he saw today and didn't really have expectations of hearing a heartbeat yet because of the placement and how early I am). So... spotting has officially been called "Completely normal" and I can go about breathing again lol.

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