First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Lady - YAY!!! :happydance: Congrats on a great second beta!! I'm so happy for you!!

jkb11 - I hope you are doing good and things get moving along for you! Praying everything goes smoothly and you have yourself a healthy baby girl arriving soon. You will be in my thoughts.

Terri - You have the patience of a saint. I would have called the clinic as soon as I received the invoice lol. And now they've sent you your schedule without even letting you know your results! Grrrr I'm dying over here for you lol. I am so praying this means great news for you. It's got to be! It would be very cruel of them to send you your schedule just for them to turn around and say, oh please disregard that. It's just too much of a coincidence that you get the invoice (so obviously the testing is completed) and then the next day they send you your schedule. Fingers crossed but I have a good feeling about this!!

Booger - :hi: Just wanted to say hi and I hope you are doing well!! I haven't said hi to you in awhile lol!!
jkb - hope everything progresses well for you.

terri - sorry no was awful waiting for that call for me. But I am sure good news is coming.

I put our swing together last night. It was bought as an as is Target markdown. So I opened it & it had no instructions. So I found a youtube video. It was easy but I was up & down a lot. Bad decision. Then my last piece was broken. My husband came home & fixed it thankfully because I did not want to return this one & buy another one. Anyways...I put it together because my husband has been so busy...thought it would be nice. But I was uncomfortable all day yesterday & then had some slight cramping after the swing. So I went to lay down. I just have to accept that my days of helping out are over. I feel fine today.
Morning, ladies! :coffee:

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.

jkb - I'm in suspense here as to whether little Ellie Mae made her appearance this weekend. Check in when you can!

Beagle - Glad you got the swing put together. Hopefully, everything else is ready so you can just relax from here on out......

Terri - I'm curious to see if you get your results today since your nurse sent your schedule last week. :thumbup:

Amy - Hello to you too!!! :flower:

:hi: to everyone else!!

Nothing much to report here. My evening out with friends on Saturday was fun. Even a non-girly girl like me enjoys getting dressed up and decked out from time to time. It was fun getting my hair and makeup done, too. DH had a "two steps forward, one step back" kind of weekend with the crib. :nope: He had made a mistake last weekend that he fixed but then had to repaint some parts. When he went to dry fit everything together before gluing the last few pieces, the paint wasn't cured so when he pulled everything apart, some of the paint peeled off. I felt bad for him because he was so close to being done! So, he had to repaint all over again. This has definitely been a learning experience for him.
Lady - CONGRATS!!! :happydance::wohoo: You're pregnant!!! Can't wait for your U/s pics!

Terri - LOVE the new pic :) You both look so happy :D
I have no idea how you're holding out so well with your PGS results. I'm with the other ladies, I would have been calling non stop, at least all weekend long if not sooner! You're going to call today and get some answers, right? FXed for you!

jkb - Yikes! Sorry for all the labor issues :hugs: Hoepfully things start moving for you soon, but just remember every day she's in there is another day she gets to grow and develop.

Beagle - glad you got the swing done, but definitely listen to your body. There does come a point where sitting on the couch and issuing to-do lists is the most help you can provide lol.

AFM - Still spotting and still cramping. But I had lots of cramps with DD, and now that I think back I think I did have a weird bit of early pregnancy bleeding. :shrug: This is basically all just brown and it really hasn't gotten any worse, so I think this just is what it is for me for now. It's gone on so long (without getting worse - knock on wood) that I'm getting less stressed about it.
Amy- Thanks for the positive thoughts. I talked to a couple people and they agree with what you said. Oh, and my schedule has transfer on 10/15. isn't that the same day yours is? eek!

Krissy-Glad you're feeling better about your little bit of spotting, but I am positive, I would always be nervous. Hopefully it'll stop pronto. When did it stop with your DD? Did you take notes or remember?

jkb-I agree with booger-I hope Miss Ellie is almost ready to show up if she hasn't already. You put us all on babywatch.

beagle-I agree with Krissy. You had your time to do tons of stuff, so from here on out, you have to take it easy. Your tired husband will understand that now he has to do everything until at least baby is born. Hopefully you can enjoy these last few weeks of being a 2 person + 3 dog family.

booger-Aww..glad you had a great time getting dressed up for the party/reception thing. I bet you looked so cute with your little belly. Did you have to buy a maternity party dress? Sorry about the crib fiasco. Live and learn is right.

AFM-I said I was going to call today, but I'm scared! hee hee. I'm sure I'll get my courage up at some point. :hugs: to myself. I'll at least call the testing center because I have a question about my bill. Then maybe I'll call the nurse.

Update: I called Natera and they said "Oh, you can disregard the bill because that was the batching fee, and we just realized that you are not going to do batching." What in the heck? Then why even send me a bill? But..I put down a $750 deposit when I first wanted to do the testing in Feb., but never used it and now Natera is saying they never received my $750. Now I have a call in to the financial counselor to find out what happened to my $750. What a pain.
booger - sorry about the crib! But at least you guys are still early. And it will be worth it.

krissy - brown is def a good sign. I didn't have it, but it is normal. I did have one night of spotting after my pap. Freaked me out but was gone quickly & I called my dr just to report it. Nothing since. The brown will probably start to fade soon.

I know I need to listen to my body more. I def don't want early labor. So now just to organize the dresser & do the hospital bag. My mom came over & she swept my whole house which felt so nice!

So I have a dilemma. My uncle (mom's brother in law) kept calling & my mom didn't want to talk. She finally answered & found out her brother had died. She does not talk to them much but she thankfully had just talked to him a couple of days ago. He was only 56 & has had a life of problems. My grandfather was not such a great man & had a drinking problem. My uncle took up this same isse along with smoking. So he had cancer but apparently that was under control. Now he had a back problem which needed surgery scheduled for today. He was not drinking now. The theory is he took too many pain pills (by mistake). So just a short background here. I grew up with my cousins until I was about 12 or so then things kept getting more & more separated. My uncle & aunt have always been judgers & takers. Also the type to think they were wronged because someone else was doing well in life. I have always hated how they treated my mom. My aunt is a big religious woman however when NC had the Ammendment One (stated only man/woman marriages recogized) she basically came at my husband on FB because we both disagree with this & are pro gay rights & marriage equality. Now I will say if you disagree with gay marriage in general, fine to your own opinion. However she was nasty about it. Saying horrible things about gay people which in my opinion is just wrong to be so negative & disgusting about another human being. So anyways we both deleted them from FB & I really have no desire to communicate with them. They also have possession of my mom's hauling trailer which has a flat they never repaired so it is just sitting at their house. My mom used to have a hay field & they would come by & take hay for their pasture & never even ask. I could go on & on.

So my issue...I just don't want to go to this funeral. I feel sorry he is dead & I deeply feel for my mom on the loss of her brother. But I don't talk to them & they didn't even know until a couple days ago I was pregnant. I have no desire for my child to be around them. Also I don't know when everything will take place. But as it is now, my husband is off Wed & we have a dr appt. If it ends up any other day, I will probably have to drive myself & it is almost 2 hours one way. I just don't want to put in this effort to be around people I have no desire to be with. And I really don't want to share my pregnany with them.

I know I may sound selfish. And it will probably hurt my mom's feelings. But I have spent a long time working towards eliminating the negative stuff/people in my life. Also I texted my sister to see if she is coming. No answer. So I don't know. She is in Baltimore. I just feel torn here.
beagle-If you don't want to go, don't go. Your mom will understand. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, and what did we just say? You need to take it easy, so driving two hours to sit and be around people you are miserable with and driving two hours back is a nightmare. You didn't drive the two hours to Red Lobster, and that was for something you wanted, so no sense driving 4 hours for something you don't want. You can send a card if you feel that bad about it, but that will be plenty in my book. Play the pregnancy card if need be and tell them you don't want to go too far from home this close to labor. Or..just send your condolences and don't say anything else. If they get mad, so be it. They're already mad you deleted them from FB (if they noticed. ha!).
I mainly feel bad for my mom. I tried to pull the no time off at work left but she quickly said I should have a bereavement policy. And I heard her call to my sister. Nothing in her responses made it sound like my sister said she was coming. I don't care what these people think about me. But just as my mom has a hold on me, they have a hold on her. No matter how old she gets, they can guilt her something good. I hate for them to make her feel bad because of me. I didn't go to my dad's father's funeral years ago for a lot of the same reasons. It was a 4 hr drive. He wasn't a nice man. And same as now, I felt bad for my dad's loss. I guess I will just see how the week plays out. My mom knows how I feel about them. But I guess she thinks family is family & they should come together in times like these. I don't feel that way. And I can mourn his loss without going to a funeral.
Beagle - You're in a tough situation. It sounds like your Mom wants you to go but I can certainly understand why you don't to. I think you just need to talk to you Mom some more about it, if you can, and explain that you just really don't feel up to it at this point. She's obviously in a stressed situation - even if you aren't close, the death of a sibling is stressful. Add in the other family complications and it's just a bad situation all around. Just try to be there for your Mom as much as you can. Don't commit to going unless it becomes apparent that she really needs you. I'm sorry you're having to deal with this at all, let alone during the end of your pregnancy.

Terri - Oh, yeah, that billing error is annoying. I'd be nervous to call too - but I really think you must have a good result. That would be pretty horrible of the nurse to send you a schedule with no/bad results.

Krissy - Sorry you're still dealing with the spotting. It could just be some residual irritation from your US last week. Hoping you can relax a little - just a few more days until your next scan!
Hi everyone!!! I have been super busy! We had a dedication to god ceremony at my house yesterday with tons of people and now that it's over and my house is put back together, I can breathe. I wanted it done before surgery day...ugh two more weeks. Not looking forward to it. Anyway....

Lady! Yay!!!! Congrats!! Super excited for your scan!

Krissy, it's always nice to get that reassuring scan!

Beagle, I wouldn't go. Don't feel bad. You're exhausted anyway. Use that as an excuse if you have to. LOL and complain all you want. I did. I felt like it was my right to complain. I paid 15k to get pregnant plus another 15k for DHs vasectomy reversal all out of pocket. I'll complain again if I get pregnant by the grace of god. If someone doesn't like it, I'll tell them right where they can stick it!

Terri, ANNOYING! Like you really need to be missing money right now. Grrrr...where are your results? Maybe I should call and yell at your office? Haha...your new pic is super cute! Such a great photo!

Sars, the c section really wasn't terrible. I got the feeling back in my abdomen around my 6 week check up. It's just a matter of building muscle back to where it was. You'd have to do that anyway with a vaginal delivery anyway. They make you wait 6 weeks for working out no matter what. I will say having a c section that was planned didn't really change how nervous I was. I didn't feel prepared or anything. I was scared. But it was all ok. The only thing I'd change would be to get sleep before the big day. My OB prescribed ambien but I didn't take it because I was afraid it would make me sick. (All meds give me nausea I swear). So, I didn't sleep the two nights before so I was exhausted on baby day and well, every single day after. Ha!

Hi Jkb! Almost time!

Hi Amy and Booger! I want to see the nursery btw!

Hi to anyone I missed!
Terri - your transfer is right in line for either sars or me to deliver! I don't think I ever called...I just waited & waited. But I think you have good results just like everyone else says.

I wish my sister would respond. She is so self involved. Because I would feel really bad if she drove all the way down & I didn't drive 2 hours. But I can't go by myself for sure. And if I ride with my mom or sister I may just be stuck there forever. I am going to have to find a way to bail. This is going to sound so horrible, but if it had been next week I would be on dr orders not to travel.
I know I've never been pregnant, but you will be regretting not using that card when you had the chance. Call your mother and cry if you have to. Just tell her you can't do it. Is your sister 35w as well? hee hee. Just kidding. But seriously. It's far, and it's too much.
Krissy - I know the spotting can be unsettling (I've been there) but it's completely normal. I have learned from this board especially that it is even more common than I ever realized. Don't you have another scan this week? Hopefully that will give you further peace of mind.

Beaglemom - Ditto what Terri said. If you don't want to go, don't. Definitely play the pregnant card and don't feel bad about it either! But I do understand about your mom. I have gone places and done things I didn't want to do but did it for my parents. So I completely understand how you feel.

Jen - It's good to hear from you. I hope everything goes well with the surgery, no doubt it will be nerve racking though.

Terri - Have you called yet? I'm getting impatient over here! :haha: I haven't gotten an actual transfer date yet. I will find out after I start my BCP (which should be sometime this week). I usually get my schedule when I go in for my SHG 7-10 days after AF arrives. I'm thinking it will be towards the end of October though.

AFM - I got the results back on all the additional testing they did... and nada. There are no immunity/clotting/deficiency issues what so ever. Not even border line. The only thing that came back borderline was my Vitamin D test, which was 29 and they like to see it at 30 or above. I am relieved that there aren't any other underlying issues, though I honestly didn't think there were.
Amy - that is good on the test results. I think Terri got pregnant the first time when she upped her vit D. Did they offer suggestions on how to supplement? Oh & since sars may have a c-section & I plan to be late...maybe sars will be terri's lucky chip & I will be yours ;)

I have seen so much manipulation from family on my side & my husband's & I am so sick of it. I am just going to have to play that card & even say my husband is urging me to stay home as well. And honestly, I don't feel so great when I am up & about. Even at work. The other thing is I have also seen huge funerals & honestly thing they are a rip off. I think there should be a memorial & burial if that is what would have been wanted. But paying so much for it is crazy. I saw my mom basically pay for her mom's funeral & her siblings were so quick to add on the the bill. Funerals should be about remembering & fellowship...not just something you are obligated to do. Thankfully my mom will be able to convince them to do cremation since my uncle had no money whatsoever.

I do feel bad sometimes when I don't want them in my life. I feel the same about my SIL. And I express it to my husband. Why should I put myself out there for people who don't return it? And furthermore for people who downright disrespect me or my family when I have done nothing to deserve it.
The nurse called, and she said she hadn't heard anything yet. She was sending me the schedule to save my spot. The agony!!
Ugh Terri...just ugh! I remember the wait...hope results are soon.

So I had a weird sensation last night. I know a lot of us have not had babies yet, but if any of the moms are reading or if any of the pregnant ladies have felt this, let me know. I had like a tingle sensation in my vagina. It felt weird. My husband was concerned & asked if I was having contractions. I said no there is no pain. But I would move around when it happened. It almost felt similar to if you have an itch tingle in your bottom. It eventually stopped but it happened quite a bit. I googled to find nothing really accept similar insight. But one forum said it was dialation happening. I know you can dialate & be that way for weeks, so that wasn't too concerning. Just curious if anyone else felt this & knew what it was. I am sure it is just part of that big pile of weird crap that happens to your body. :)

Oh & I forgot to tell you my mom's friend brought her baby over Sun. I think she is 6 weeks. She was in the carrier. My dogs acted exactly as I imagined. Oldest smelled every inch of her...middle was scared & never went near her...youngest was interested until he realized the baby couldn't pet him. So I wasn't too nervous anyways, but seeing that made me feel a lot better.
Terri- sorry you have to wait more. I think this nurse has been really inconsiderate, she really should have had better communication with you even if she was just trying to save your spot. Could have been accomplished by adding a two sentence note to the top of your schedule when she sent it to you. I hope you get wonderful results today! Hugs♡♡ fyi- adorable new pic of you and hubby!

Beagle- i have had the "lighting crotch";) a few times but it was more intense than a tingle.... your doctor will probably start checking you for dilation in a week or two

Still no baby yet ladies!! Im at dr now waiting for my NST. I had to be seen yesterday because I started having bright red vaginal bleeding. They were worried about abruption but think everything is ok.... going to discuss with my regular dr today, she knows my history better. Just ready to have her out and know she is safe and sound:)
Hi ladies! :flower:

jkb - Well, I hope your NST goes well today. You've had such a roller coaster ride. We're all here rooting for the best for you and Miss Ellie Mae!

Beagle - I can't help you with the sensation. Sorry! I'm glad your dogs reacted well to the baby. I think ours will do the same. She won't really care either way as long as she continues to get a treat at least once a day. That's all she really cares about. Well, that and a walk every now and then.

Terri - What the hell?? Ugh. I can't believe they still haven't heard and that they went ahead and scheduled you anyway. I mean, I know that seems like the right thing to do but man, do they not realize the anxiety they are causing?? :nope:

Amy - I'm glad that all your testing came back normal. Now, we all just wait for either Beagle or Sars to have their babies so that you and Terri can get your BFPs. :happydance:

JCM - Good to hear from you. I'm glad the dedication went well. I'm sure your nervous about the upcoming surgery. How could you not be? But of course, we're all pulling for Charli and you guys. Hoping for the best possible outcome. Hopefully, it will all soon be a distant memory.

How is everyone else doing?? Any news MrsW? Sars - how are you doing??

I had a Dr's appointment this morning. Everything looks perfect. My weight stayed the same and my belly measured right on track. I had to go get my blood drawn to make sure my thyroid is still behaving itself. Other than that, we talked about making sure I go this week to get my Tdap and flu vaccinations. Just need to swing by the local pharmacy and get that done. I'll have to drag DH to get his but that's okay. He never gets a flu shot but I told him that's not an option anymore. :haha:
Ugh...lightening crotch sucked. That's what my bet is. I had it all of the time the last 6 weeks and I don't miss it! Lol

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