First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies!! I got back from the beach yesterday afternoon and went straight to work, so just getting a chance to check in and catch up.

Lady: You're pregnant!!!!! Congrats!!!! I'm just so thrilled for you.

Krissy: Congrats on a great scan. I'm sure that the spotting is nerve wracking but is very common. Good luck on the next scan, hopefully they'll be able to detect the heartbeat.

Booger: I feel for your DH on the crib. Scraping uncured paint is the WORST. You look so cute in your photo. Yay for uneventful doctor's appointments. I got my tDap already but the flu shot wasn't in yet. My doctor is doing a walk-in clinic on Oct. 1, so I'm debating on whether that's too long to wait. Last time I got it I had a really bad reaction, so I'm kind of dreading it. It's been funny my husband has been so hardcore about the tDap. Anytime someone mentions wanting to see the baby, he's like better vaccinate yourself.

Terri: Your new photo is so cute. The agony!!!! I cannot believe you don't have the results yet and your nurse did not make that clear. I'm not a fan of this lady. Can we get your old nurse back?

Beagle: I think it is totally reasonable for you to say that is too far to travel at this point in your pregnancy if you don't feel up to it. It sounds like the bigger hurdle is having an honest conversation with your mom about it being too much and finding other ways to lend your support. Good luck.

Amy: I didn't really think there was anything else but glad to hear you got a clean bill.

JKB: I'm sorry Miss Ellie Mae isn't giving you a break yet! This little lady is sure to be a real spitfire.

Jen: Glad to hear the blessing went well. I cracked up at your thoughts about "earning" the right to complain. Does your hospital allow skin-to-skin immediately after the c-section? I know I'd be looking at being separated from baby for at least 30 minutes. I hate the thought of that.

Gotta run to our labor and delivery unit tour. I'll check in tonight.
Sars-we missed you!!! Good to hear that the beach was fab, but sucky to yah right into work immediately afterwards. My previous nurse had been through this process so she was way more understanding of the emotional toll this process takes. I'm not sure if I told you guys but after my, I'm, maybe my second failure, she met with me and was crying! Of course it made me start crying. I feel like if I have a negative result my current nurse will just say 'I'm sorry it didn't work.' And that would be that. Of course I'm hoping that's not the case. Thanks for the kudos on the picture. Next to my wedding photos, this is one of my faves.

Lady/Krissy- how are you doing??

I think someone else asked me something but I can't remember.
Walking onto the labor and delivery unit tonight was definitely a bit of a "Holy shit, we're really doing this moment." I was glad I did the tour because I'd never been to the maternity floor of my hospital and you don't go in where I'd have thought.

Baby's been making some crazy movements tonight, so I'm hoping he or she is finally getting with the program.

I'm really annoyed I opened a bookshelf for the nursery that I ordered from Home Decorator's Collection and it is totally broken. And the parts that aren't are really shoddy construction. It's the last thing I really need to get the nursery in order. I'm debating do I bother exchanging it or try to find something else.

Hubs is going away this weekend for his annual men's family camping trip and I really wish he wasn't. I need his help with a ton of things this weekend, like hanging things and lifting heavy things. But it's an important family tradition, so I gotta shut up.

DH and I played each other in the first week of fantasy and I beat him 144 to 78. Pretty good start to my season. =)
Hi ladies!! Sorry I've been a little MIA lately.

Sars- welcome back from the beach! Was it nice and relaxing?

Booger- yay for everything looking good and being on track! I bet that's always a relief to hear.

Beagle - Sorry about the family drama. I agree, don't put yourself through unnecessary stress if you don't have to. Glad your pups reacted well with the baby.

Terri - Ugh! The waiting is so frustrating. Its funny, I remember the PGS results took a lot less time than I thought - it was like 3 days or something. I also love that pic of you and your DH. You guys look so happy.

Amy- glad you got a clean bill of health! I'm sure its a little disappointing though, sometimes you want to hear that there is something that was causing the issues, so that you can fix it! But at least that is one more thing done, to check off the list before the next cycle.

Jkb- sorry your gal hasn't come yet! I know she'll be here soon! Just curious, what is NST?

Jen - good to hear from you! I was just thinking about you guys - the surgery is coming up. It will be so nice to get this behind you.

Afm, life's been good. Still loving my new job. And soaking in the newly preggo-ness (I know, its not a word, LOL)! I'm only about 5 1/2 weeks along. The waiting for the ultrasound is agony. We keep second guessing it - DH asks me every day, "are you still pregnant?" "Still feel pregnant?" And I do the same thing (internally of course), almost like its too good to be true. So I think we're looking forward to the ultrasound I guess just to confirm things. And of course to check to see if its twins or a singleton! I'd done some reading and the beta numbers really don't indicate one thing or another, so we really just have to wait till the u/s. Sept 28 (DH's birthday :)).

Today is also our three-year wedding anniversary. It sucks cause DH had to fly out today to Wisconsin for work, and he'll be gone until Friday. So I am spending my anniversary watching House Hunters reruns and eating scrambled eggs for dinner! Haha. That's fine by me though!
Lady- I'm still over the moon excited for you! Hoope the ultrasound comes fast for you. Happy anniversary sorry hubby is out of town. I love watching HGTV! I dream of house hunters international, buying my own island!:) An NST is a non stress test. It basically monitors babys heart rate, watching for decels and monitors contractions as well. If baby has decelerations in their heartrate it can indicate the baby is in distress and needs to be delivered.

So yesterday my hubby was like, "lets encourage the contractions and maybe the will move up her delivery date:)" so he decided to get me a coffee which i have actually avoided while preggo and the we went on a vigorous uphill;) walk to encourage the contractions to pick back up, right before walking into the dr office. Well, dont ya know yhis was the first one i literally had no contractions during! So insane! Her little heart rate was up from the coffee tho! And she squirmed all over:) so unless she decides otherwise - 5 more days until i meet her♡
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

jkb - Well, I guess baby is just not quite ready to make her debut just yet. She sure is keeping you guys on your toes, though!

Lady - Yeah, those early weeks are hard when you know you're pregnant but there aren't really any other signs kicking in yet to let you feel like you are. Maybe you'll escape the misery of any morning sickness but mine kicked in right on time at around 6 weeks. Happy Anniversary! That stinks the DH is away - hopefully, you can celebrate when he returns.

sars - I thought the same thing when we toured the L&D area during our birthing class - like, OMG, this is for real! I'd say ditch the shelf and don't worry about exchanging it at this point. It sounds like it may not be of the best quality anyway so maybe finding something else would be easier at this point (especially if it's already assembled).

Terri - I agree with all the others - your new picture is super adorable. You guys look so happy! I hope this new nurse gets her act together pronto!

:hi: to everyone else!

Yesterday at my Dr's appointment there was one lady ahead of me when I showed up to the office. They called her back and took her to the US room. Well, I had to go to the lab after my appointment to get my blood drawn to check my thyroid levels and she came into the lab right after me. I wasn't trying to be nosy but she was checking in right next to me and when they asked the Dr's name who placed the blood draw orders I heard her say my RE's name. I just wanted to turn to her and give her a big ol' hug because I know she must be going through her IVF retrieval cycle right now. I was in her exact spot one year ago. In fact, when I was out on Saturday night at that fundraiser dinner, it was on my mind quite a bit - I went to the same even last year and I wasn't drinking any alcohol because I was stimming at the time. I even had to take shots in the bathroom at the event. Anyway, it just seems crazy to me it was year ago that I went through the retrieval process. Most of this year seemed like it was dragging at the time, but now looking back, it seems to have flown by. Crazy how that works..........
Lady my sickness kicked in right at 6 weeks too...on the dot! But I was never really sick, just queasy. If you decide to keep taking tests, don't feel like a crazy person. I did it at least until my 10 week scan at the OB.

booger - I totally get what you are saying. My FB has FB memories & on Labor Day we are usually in the mountains. So when I look at our picks I am thinking in 2013, I was on my very first clomid cycle on this trip...and we bought my stroller. We were 2 months in to this journey (if you don't count the years of not really trying). Then Labor Day 2014 I was on hold for IVF hoping for a grant. No one knew on FB, but I know. And now I am a month from meeting my son. Life is wild.

Dr appt soon. Just hoping he is measuring well today. I haven't called my mom yet. So nervous. But I will wait until after the dr. Still not sure if my sister is making the drive, but she doesn't want to. It would basically be back & forth in one day & that is really tough. Also my mom gae away her horses when she sold her house...good people & her neighbors. So anyways, yesterday one of them died! Natural causes...just old. It makes me feel even worse about not going. But I know it is the right thing for me right now.
Sars, no skin to skin for me! But I think it was because she being monitored and checked by a million people for her issues. I wasn't even thinking about skin to skin at that point. I was really medicated and praying she didn't need surgery. My mom and DH were in the operating room. They were holding her finally and showing her to me. I couldn't stop shaking. I was freezing! She was in the NICU for the first night but they let me and DH go in as much as we wanted. I held her in recovery and then they took her away. So I followed her to the NICU. Lol! DH did skin to skin while I was being moved from the OR though. He gave her some formula too. Charli and I manage to have a great breast feeding relationship though despite all of that. Time I didn't get so it's possible. Tell you OB and anesthesiologist that you need skin to skin and they will probably make it happen. That was our plan until they noticed her defect. : /
I should also add that our plan if anything went wrong was that DH go with the baby and my mom stay with me. It all worked out!
I called my mom & she was upset with me. She basically said whatever you want to do & wouldn't say much else. I told her I was sorry & I loved her. That's all I can do. It's pretty upsetting. But my husband just keeps saying I have to do what's best. And I don't feel an obligation to my uncle...only my mom...and I don't want to see any of the rest of the family. She will get past it. If I wasn't pregnant, I would go to be with her. Nothing else I can do about it now.
Oh & baby is 1 week behind which I feel better about. I told her about the weird feeling I had & she looked at me funny & said let us know if that keeps happening. Now on to weekly appointments.
Good job, beagle. Of course your mom would be sad, but when she sits down to think about it, she'll be ok with your decision. And..hopefully your sister will go and she'll be fine with that.

Glad DC is doing ok. And yay for weekly appointments! It's almost time!!
Beagle - I'm glad you talked to your Mom. I know it's hard but you're making the best decision for you right now and there is nothing wrong with that. I agree with Terri - time will take care of some of her pain in dealing with this. It will probably be a distant memory once DC is here! Glad your measurements are catching up. You are so close - aaaaack! I can't believe it.
Yes, I agree with Booger, she will forget about this once Derek is here! She will come around.

I am starting to feel, not queasy, but nothing sounds good. I have no idea what to eat for dinner cause yuck, nothing sounds good! Not even pizza. I'm trying to see if I can get my u/s bumped up to this Monday since I have the day off work, and it would be 6 weeks so hoping my nurse okays it. We'll see!
Lady I had that in the beginning. Nothing sounded good but also the sight of cooking made me feel sick. So my husband just basically cooked something & I would eat it. But if I had to think about what I wanted there was nothing & if I had to cook I would feel sick.

I know she will get over it. I don't know what is worse...being yelled at or her just being quiet. But I know she was upset about it. Hopefully she will just drop it because if it turns in to a thing, it will be horrible. I have all kinds of comebacks in my head ready...but I don't want to fight at all about it. But basically at the end of the day I have the right to surround myself with the people who bring positive energy in my life. And if she calls me selfish I will explode because I go out of my way when my sister comes to visit & I drop everything when my mom calls me 10 min before she gets to my house to announce herself. I would never use my child against her, but if somehow this does turn in to a thing, I would have to cut her out of my life until she calmed down. I just don't want a fight...not at this point in my life with my son so close. I have to make my family first. I have told my husband I don't want his sister around. And I told my FIL he has to bathe at the assisted living place & keep his room clean (meaning no unwashed 2 week old tupperware laying around) in order for the baby to visit. As far as my mom's family, I don't want them involved either. Both sides of our family have those people who are selfish & negative. And I refuse to bend my life to them. They don't deserve it. As harsh as it sounds, it's the truth. And my children don't deserve those kinds of people around them. My father lives in VA & he is notorious about asking us or my sister to visit. I don't plan to bend to him either. He can come see me. Especially in the beginning. That doesn't mean I won't travel...but I don't plan to be the one always driving around doing the visiting.
Lady, Happy anniversary! I love a good HGTV marathon. We had a lovely relaxing time at the beach. The weather wasn't awesome but that was OK because it made it feel fine to lay in bed and watch TV in the afternoon when it rained. I know what you mean about the food. I've been like that on and off, just totally disinterested in food. I hope you get to bump up your U/S.

JKB, Sorry, lil miss isn't cooperating. I can't wait for her debut!

Booger, Isn't it crazy to realize how life can change in a year? Last October, DH and I were on a trip to Puerto Rico and we called to get the results of his last SA, which they had wanted to retest. They screwed up and told us everything looked fine. They then called back to tell us things weren't OK and we needed to come in for an appointment. We went from so relieved to sad, to contemplating IVF. By that time this year, we'll have baby here. It makes me feel so blessed.

Jen, Sorry that was a senseless of question of me given Charli's scare at the beginning of life. I'm only allowed one person in the OR for a scheduled c-section and no one for an emergency. I've been told that they'd bring the baby to me for a second but the OR is way too cold for skin-to-skin. DH would go with the baby to the nursery. After about 30 minutes I would be brought to a room where I could have the baby with me. It is reassuring you don't feel that hurt your breastfeeding at all. I'm hoping to exclusively breastfeed.

Beagle, I'm glad you did what was best for you. You're mom might not understand in this moment but she will when she has some time to reflect. And yay for only being a bit behind. I'm sure DC is just growing away. My SIL's sister measured a week behind her entire pregnancy and they let her go to 42 weeks b/c they thought the due date was wrong. Sophie arrived 9 pounds 4 ounces.

I'm starting to reach a pretty uncomfortable state with my swelling. My hands and feet hurt a lot and my back is finally starting to ache. I see why people say the last few weeks can feel so slow.

I called my doctor today b/c my last appointment was 9/8 and my next wasn't until 9/25. The nurse agreed they wanted me to come in sooner, so I've got an appointment Monday morning. We'll see where the baby is then. If baby's still breech, they'll schedule the version some time in the next week. Baby is still really active and seems to be trying to turn. I'm kind of ready to just know one way or the other what is going to happen.
Well, I just got another invoice from Naterra and it said 'results won't ship until payment is made.' So, of course, I paid the bill and then asked when and how I'll get my results. He said 'your embryo was received on the 9th and processing takes 5 days so you should have your results tomorrow or the next day. We'll call your doctor.' SERIOUSLY??!! The 9th!!??? My nurse called me on 8/31 asking me if I wanted to do another batch or have them sent. I called her back on the 1st saying send them and they don't arrive until the 9th?! Unbelievable. I've been worried all this time and testing only takes 5 days?! They are really killing me slowly!! Chinese water torture is nothing compared to TTC with infertility. Gah!!
Terri - brutal... that's all I can say. But I also think back to all the agony of my ivf cycle. So many unspectacular delays. All of it ending up exactly how it should. Hoping all this will be forgotten soon because you will be pregnant. And nothing compares to infertility TTC.
Terri - Seriously?? That's ridiculous. We need better communication here people!!! We might all collapse from anxiety around here.

sars - I hope your US on Monday reveals that little stinker has turned around in there!! My doctor told me on Monday to get everything I want to do done in the next four weeks. He was like "When you hit 36 weeks, you'll be miserable. It's no joke." At our birthing class, they told us that if we end up with a C-section, they still do skin-to-skin, if possible. The nurse instructing the class said that even though our hospital is small (in relative terms), they are pretty progressive that way. I think it's just important to know that if it doesn't happen, you and the baby will be just fine.

Beagle - I hope your Mom can come around soon. Just realize that she is processing a lot right now too. If she tries to turn it into a thing - just don't play along. Nobody needs that stress and drama right now.

Lady - Beagle and I were pretty similar, I think, in that we never were pukey but were nauseated. From about 6-12 weeks, there were definitely things that just didn't sound good at all. I think I lived on grilled cheese and mashed potatoes during that time. Let us know if your US gets bumped up!

JCM - That must have been scary! You sound like you handled it well and obviously, you and Charli haven't had any issue bonding.

I keep thinking about what I want to happen and then realize that if it doesn't, it won't be the end of the world. I'm not writing a birth plan. I won't feel bad if I have to get an epidural or C-Section. I know women have been birthing naturally forever and that our bodies are made to do it, but that doesn't mean I won't welcome some relief if things get to be too much for me. Childbirth isn't a competition but I feel like it's been turned into one lately. I feel like there is so much pressure put on women these days to do things a certain way and if they don't, then you're a failure. It's ridiculous. My mother had 4 children and our births were nothing like how they do things now. We weren't breastfed. But you know what, we were loved, deeply, and there was never any question that we were safe and that our parents would do anything to protect us. That's what I think shaped our lives more than anything.

Sorry - I'm just venting. I just can't handle all the judgment that's out there these days. I think most people are doing the best that they can. Maybe that's naive of me.

Oh, and I'm not directing this at anyone - it's just a rant. I don't think we have anyone here on this thread that's judging or said anything like that at all. I think it's one of those things where people are spouting off so many things to me right now and asking our plans and then when you tell them, you open yourself up to "well, well, well......"
booger-I was listening to a pop culture podcast the other day and the topic was labor in tv/movies, it realistic? are the dads always so dopey? etc.. and one of the new moms said she was really annoyed that when you are obviously pregnant, it's open season for advice, and telling you what you should and shouldn't do when you didn't even ask. I think that if I ever get pregnant, I'm just going to make up lies about everything to everyone. Yes, I'm breastfeeding, no I'm not breastfeeding. It's a boy, it's a girl. I'm doing a c-section, no natural birth, it's a surprise, I did IVF. HA!!HA!!. Everyone will think different things and no one will know the truth. Get out of my face with your advice! hee hee. Sorry you have to go through all that. People suck.

My nurse actually emailed me today telling me I should have the results tomorrow or next week. I wrote back saying that I called them last night and told her about the 9th, etc..and that is why I was freaking out because I thought they got my embie sooner, etc...I didn't relay that I was upset with her because I won't be dealing with her for too much longer. I was also telling my girlfriend last night that I'm so happy this is the last time for me. I've had enough with paying bills, ultrasounds, blood work, hoping, taking vitamins, waiting, checking the calendar, taking shots, etc..I'm just done with it all. Seriously done-stick a fork in me. I still want a normal embie, but if not, THEN I'm really done! :haha:

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