First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri- i don't blame you. This process is so overwhelming and sometimes you just want to move on with life. Of course we are praying for your embryo and that everything works out, but I'm glad you're looking at the silver lining in case it doesn't. Either way, we are here for you!

Booger- I keep hearing "get ready for everyone to give you their opinion and advice". I am sure after hearing for 8 months it can grate on your nerve!
I'll have to catch up with the thread later, things are crazy at work.
But I just had to pop in and say..... WE HEARD A HEARTBEAT!
The CRL measurements are still pretty iffy because it's such a small thing to measure, but the RE guessed at about 5 mm and the HB was 115. I am just over the moon :cloud9:
Terri- oh my word! I'm glad i dont have the number for your nurse! I'm so frustrated with her unthoughtfulness, you are such a good person to tolerate her negligence. I'm keeping everything crossed for you to get great news about your baby! I can completely understand where you are at peace with whatever the outcome at this point. Wishing with all my heart this is it for you!

Krissy- yay!!! Such a sweet moment!!! Very happy for you.

Sars-hope lil one turns for you!

Booger-- im with you! Why does everyone think they have to share their opinions! ! It definitely gets old. This past week i have been feeling the DONE part of pregnancy. My body just feels heavy. Have gone back to that feeling of needing naps but having insomnia.

Lady- so glad to hear you are having an aversion to food;) hope they let you move your ultrasound up!!
Ditto on the motherhood judgements. Just let us all be good moms our own way. I do ask things sometimes because I am breastfeeding & how the delivery went. But just to get info & I make sure I express that. The questions have not been too bad for me, but it is def exhausting. I had 2 bad times. One was a practice manager who I hated (customer) & she asked me like 100 questions. I didn't want her to know I was pregnant because I hate her. And she seemed to go too far...not just the normal stuff. It was when are you due, boy or girl, what is his name, who is he named after. I was like my god I was only answering to make it stop but it won't stop! The other was I was at Target buying a bath tub & I was basically laughed at by the older cashier & she said I bought one of these & it was useless...we never used it. Wow. Thanks. I had a family member ask how much we spent on IVF which is kind of rude. But otherwise most people just accepted the IVF without much question...the ones I chose to tell. I agree...we do not have judgement here. I think it is more curiosity & our own concerns. Like with sars question about the c section. We are trying to assure you c section isn't the worst thing in the world. But we all also understand that we all have a plan in our head of how things will go & it is upsetting when it might not go that way. Just like how we all got pregnant. None of us planned to do IVF. So we are allowed to be upset things didn't go our way...doesn't mean we think the way others did things was the wrong way. I hope all that makes sense.

Terri - I hate this wait for you. Hopefully this will be your final & SUCCESSFUL try at IVF.
Yes. I think that was supposed to be my point - everyone has a reason for why they want to do something a particular way. Nobody is doing something with the intention of hurting themselves or their baby. We're all just trying to do the best we can. I really hope I can birth naturally and breastfeed exclusively, but if it doesn't happen that way, it will all be okay. I don't need someone telling me about how my baby will be grow up to be obese and dumb if they end up on formula. That's just not helpful.

I do try to appreciate and listen to people's advice. I mean, we're obviously going to make some mistakes and it would be nice to avoid some of them if we can......

I will admit that this all new to me. I used to sit there and silently judge people based on the choices they were making - it just didn't hit me until I was going through it how horrible I was being. I guess motherhood is already affecting me - hopefully for the better. :winkwink:
Oh, and Terri - I can understand you being done. I am so hopeful that this embryo is normal and will lead to your baby. But if it doesn't, there has to be some comfort in knowing you are ready to move on. :hugs:
Terri - You are seriously being so patient and understanding. It was really negligent and inconsiderate of the nurse to send you a schedule without a note or something saying "Pending PGS Results". That's all she needed to write. And really, she could have saved or reserved your spot in her computer without actually sending you the schedule. UGH!! I'm so frustrated for you. Then the whole not receiving the embryo until the 9th!! Grrrr!!!!!

Beaglemom - I'm glad you decided not to go and I'm glad you talked to your mom about it. I'm sorry she wasn't a little more understanding, but I'm sure as soon as the funeral passes this will all be water under the bridge. I'm also glad you feel better after your Dr. appointment.

Lady - Food aversions were always what hit me first too. Fingers crossed it doesn't get much worse than that for you. Can't wait for your scan.

jkb11 - You are so close!! I'm getting so excited for you!!

Sars - I really hope the baby moves into place for you. The version sounds really painful eek!!!

Krissy - Congrats on hearing the heartbeat!! I'm so happy for you!!

Booger - What you said about childbirth and also about the competiveness and judgment of doing this or that and if you don't then you're a bad mother is very much how I feel as well. I had a friend who tried to breastfeed and was having a really hard time with it. After about 4 weeks she gave up and just switched completely to formula. She wasn't concerned about her son (she knew he was just fine) but she was so concerned about what everyone thought of her. She asked me several times if I thought she was a bad mom. I told her absolutely not, that she needed to do what worked for HER. Who gives a sh*t what anybody else thinks. I felt so bad for her.

AFM - Since we are talking about unsolicited advise I'm going to give my two cents about childbirth LOL... This is just my opinion based on my experience, because after having my son, I learned it really does help not to be dead set on a specific plan, or at least not expect it all to go according to plan. I had a plan when I went to give birth to my son, and NOTHING went the way it was supposed to. I really had to throw everything I wanted to happen and planned to happen out the window. I forgot most the stuff they taught me in the classes when it came time to use it lol. And even after having a natural child birth I still didn't get to hold him immediately after like I wanted to. I had a few issues after my son was born, I had a fever and I wouldn't stop hemorrhaging, they thought that the medication they gave me to help induce the contractions was causing my blood not to clot so it took them over an hour to get the bleeding under control. It wasn't life threatening or anything, but they didn't let me have my son immediately after. In fact his father, and grandparents on both sides held him before I did. When I finally did hold him though, I didn't feel like we missed anything, and everything worked out just fine with breastfeeding. I just don't want anyone to get hung up on a specific plan or on that first skin to skin moment and think it will negatively effect anything if it doesn't happen. It won't.
Oh I had a plan. NONE of it happened. Did I mention EVERYONE in the OR works with DH? I'm like please don't discuss my vagina or hemroids with these people while you're doing a knee revision next week. LOL! One of the nurses actually said "oh, don't worry, we do this every day." I'm like "well, I DONT so if we could gently move my legs with no feeling instead of throwing them around so I'm spread eagle all of the time thad be just great..." Don't even get me started on those lactation consults coming in "breast is best you know". Excuse me, see that guy over there in the chair? He was formula fed and he's a brilliant surgeon so just shut your mouth and let me do what I want. Haha I was so scared of breast feeding. So afraid it was gonna hurt so I'd put it off and give a little formula and the lactation lady was like "you really shouldn't do that." I said "you really shouldn't open your mouth unless I ask you." Sooooooo if any of you need me to hitch anyone out while you're in the hospital, give me a call.
Sars, maybe DH can do skin to skin for you. It really was freezing in that room. Brrrr! I'm glad I didn't get to hold her in there. I was shaking out of control. I would have dropped her! My mom was the first one to hold her I think. Then DH. Then me. Nothing about that situation was perfect really. But it was for me. Because it was my delivery and that makes it special.

In other news, I can't wait for you all to have your babies because I'd really like to discuss these shows on Disney Jr. Charli is obsessed with Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Donald just really has a bad attitude and I'm sick of it. Hahahahaa my life right now...

Terri, for crying out loud! I'd like to punch that whole staff in the face. Haha I'm cranky. Charli is getting teeth. We are having a rough week. I'm so tired.

Lady, I lived on life cereal, pretzels (had to be the square snaps kind) and cheez its for the first 10 weeks. Saltines in bed before I got up helped the morning sickness a little. Have you ever tried to eat a saltine with a dry "I just woke up" mouth? Hilarious.
Hi ladies!

Krissy- congratulations! How special to hear the heartbeat. Did you get emotional? I know I will when the time comes.

Terri - seriously, the 9th?? That is so irritating. They take their sweet @ss time and here you are (actually, here WE are, lol) on pins and needles, thinking its all done and taken care of. I'd be really annoyed if I were you.

Amy- wow that is quite the story. It sounds like a scary experience with them not being able to stop the bleeding. This is all so new to me, I dont even have an OB yet, let alone have planned out the birth! I also don't think I would mind letting DH hold the babe first and even my mother/mother in law, but I am sure that preference will change as I am feeling more and more pregnant and more invested in the being growing inside of me. Call me naive, but I also didn't tell know how heated of a topic breastfeeding is. I think I new the "breast is best" as they say, but I wouldn't think twice about using formula if I needed to. People are so judgy!

Jen - Haha. You crack me up. Wow, Charli is already getting teeth?? Is that early or is that the normal time frame? Sheesh, I really know nothing about babies! I guess I better learn, lol.

I am still not feeling nauseous, knock on wood. But still having food aversions and weird cravings. Raisin bran for dinner, YUM! It also doesn't help that I have zero energy when I get home from work to cook anything. Which has been fine this week since its just me and DH is out of town. He gets home tomorrow. Yay! Me and Chuck have missed him so much! I broke down today and took another pregnancy test. It was positive. Phew! Oh, and I was able to get my ultrasound schedule for next Friday, Sept 25. Yay! One more week!
My doc just called me at work! He said 'You had three chromosomes that were at 1.' i said 'what does that mean?' He said 'You can't get pregnant with that embryo.' I said 'Ok, thanks for calling.' That's it for me girls. :cry:
Terri - I am so sorry. I don't really know what else to say. You never know what life will throw at you. Your chances of being a mom may not be over. You just probably won't have a biological child. Didn't you talk about adoption at one point...or fostering? After some time you may find that is your calling. But I know you will do what is best for you.
Oh & Lady I was so set on baby books...gave them up after about 3 months. I will figure things out as I go. But I may go to the used book store and find an actual baby book vs a pregnancy book.
Oh Terri, :cry: I'm so sorry. I know you're not a huggy person, but I am sending you a big ol' virtual hug. :hugs:
Sorry I've been MIA ladies but I have been reading along.

Terri - No words. I'm just devastated for you. What a crappy phone call. I hate your doctor and I hate this news. Let those tears flow if you need to for now. You can regroup when you're ready. xoxoxo
Terri- I am so sorry. I wish I could give you a big hug. I don't even know what to say other than I'm sorry and I wish the outcome was different. I hope this weekend you and hubs can spend some time together and just absorb the news. We are always going to be here for you!
Terri- there are no words. I'm so sorry. My thoughts are with you, we are here to listen. Hugs.
Oh, Terri. I was so hoping to see other news. My heart is broken for you. I'm so sorry. There really are no other words. Sending you a big virtual hug. Take some time for yourself this weekend and do something nice. Go for a ride or a run or slam down a big martini.
Terri - I am SO SO sorry. I am so heartbroken to hear this news. I wish I had better words of comfort for you. We are here for you if you need anything at all.
Oh no Terri :cry: I am so so sorry to hear.
As one of the other ladies mentioned - maybe adopting or fostering are still good options for you? I wish there was anything I could do to help soften that blow, but I hope you take some time for yourself and take care :hugs:

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