First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

I figured we could all use some cheering up so I thought I would post a few funny dog memes (at least they made me laugh).......


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Hey ladies. Hope everyone is hanging in there.

Terri, You've been on my mind. Sending you lots of prayers.

Just a quick update from me, I went in to the doctor yesterday and this little bugger is still breech. We've scheduled the version for Monday morning. I have a consult on Thursday to check fluid levels etc. to make sure it is safe to try the version. I think baby is trying to flip but not succeeding. There's been lots of switching sides and inching about. I'm also trying chiropractic and acupuncture. I figure it can't hurt. I also had my first cervical check at the appointment (that's not very comfortable). I'm 1 CM dilate and 50% effaced. Doctor said she was pleased with that. They warned I might have some spotting/bleeding after but said it should be dark colored. It was a little scary when it was bright red but nurse said as long as it happened once to not be concerned. It was only once, so I guess my cervix was just irritated.
My dr said she won't start checking my cervix until 38 weeks. I have no idea if the baby is the right way or not. She felt my stomache last time & didn't say anything, so I assume it is all good. I am so anxious for next week. I just want to get to Oct without going in to labor. I want to be out of work through at least the end of December.

Nothing new with me. I have not heard from my mom...but it's not like we talk any set time or anything. I am just going to see how things go. I don't really plan to call her. No real reason. I can never keep up with her work schedule. So if she wants to come by she will let me know.

I have most of my hospital bag laid out to pack. I did a lot of organizing over the weekend to get more out of my space in the nursery. I have a book shelf coming tomorrow. It is short & mainly for us when we are feeding the baby. For our phone or drink or whatever. The last thing I need to do is clean out a kitchen cabinet for bottles & wash all my bottles. Hoping to get some energy to do that this week. So my goal is by Sunday night I will be completely ready to have this baby! But he better not come until Oct. :)

Oh & my boss has still not sent out the divided customer list to the other assistants. I have reminded him, but he acts too busy. So no more reminders from me. I wanted to email the assistants with info on my customers like typical needs & contacts. And also email my customers their new contact while I am out. But if it is not his priority, then it is not mine either. They can survive.
Hi ladies! :flower:

Beagle - It's crazy how close both you and Sars are to the end! Glad to hear you only have a few little chores left to do and then you're all set. Your Mom will contact you when she's ready, I guess. I hear about not caring at work - I've been trying to prep people for when I'm not here. Those that care seem to have taken the initiative to work with me to figure things out and those that don't, I'm over trying to help them. There's still time, obviously, (at least for me) but if we get furloughed like we did two years ago, I might not be back at all depending on how long it lasts!

sars - I'm sorry to hear you have to have the version. I hope it works and that it's not too uncomfortable. Little baby better stay put after you have it done! I've read where the cervical checks are not fun. :nope:

Not too much going on over here. My shower was this past Sunday so now we have a good idea of the stuff we still need to go out and purchase. I'll try to get that done this weekend. One of the games was to make a baby out of Play-doh and then I got to pick my favorite one. It was pretty funny. I attached a few pictures of some of them.


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Hey ladies!

Terri- still thinking about you. I hope you're hanging in there.

Booger- thanks for sharing the dog memes and video! The video was so funny. Poor guy, he felt so guilty. I've definitely seen that face before, lol. Glad your shower was a success! The play doh babies are so cute- that's a great idea for a shower game!

Sars- sorry baby is still breech. That sounds super uncomfortable. Sorry you have to go through all that!

Beagle- that's annoying about your boss. They'll soon be wishing they paid more attention to these issues when you're gone! Soon enough it won't be your problem. Hang in there. As usual, you are so well prepared! Nice job.

Afm, still trucking along. My ultrasound is on Friday. Longest wait of my life! I haven't been having any nausea, thankfully. Just fatigue and some mild cramps/aches. And still majorly sore boobs. I told someone at work. I just had to tell someone! She's a young mom and she was talking about "when you get pregnant, blah blah blah" and I just blurted out, "I'm 6 weeks pregnant!" She was shocked. I told her not to tell anyone. I'm kind of regretting telling her, I'm just nervous that she might tell others. I sure hope not!
Booger - a lot of my registries started offering coupons for my unfinished registry...may want to keep it in mind. But I never used them...too anxious to be prepared!
Beagle: I don't think my office would do a cervical check until 37 weeks. She was checking b/c of the version. Wanted to see if I was a candidate for it. If I was already really dilated they might not do it. You are super prepared. I've got baby's stuff all packed and some of my stuff. Our weather is so mercurial lately I feel it is hard to pack. With work stuff, just repeat: not my problem.

Booger: How was your shower? The play-doh babies are hilarious. I'm not sure where you're registered. At Buy Buy Baby we used 800 of the 20 percent coupons, so that was better than using the registry completion discount. For Amazon, I waited to get the 15%. I actually haven't placed my final order yet. We have everything we need immediately.

Lady: I remember being SO exhausted those first few weeks. Everything felt hard. I can't wait for your ultrasound.

Thanks for the good wishes with the version. I went to the chiropractor today and I gotta say even if it doesn't work, it felt awesome. I've mentioned how I have hip issues. It hasn't been bothering me but he put his finger into the one spot and it is inflamed. He told me my pelvis is out of whack, which would put my uterus as well, making less room for baby. I'm going back every day this week and I have acupuncture tomorrow. He told me to keep hanging off the couch upside down at night. If the version fails, I'll keep up with the chiropractic visits b/c it can't hurt and my insurance gives me 30 visits a year.
Morning ladies. :coffee:

Lady - Only two more days until your scan!!! How exciting. I can't wait to hear how it goes. Yes, the tiredness of the first trimester is real. I came home almost everyday and took a little nap. :sleep: Hopefully, the lady at work can keep her mouth shut. It's hard not to to tell people early're so excited, you just want to blurt it out to the world.

sars - I agree with you on the chiropractor - even if science says it doesn't do much, it feels so good. I am getting a massage tomorrow and I can't wait. My friend gave me a gift certificate to a local spa two years ago for my bachelorette party - I'd say I'm overdue to cash it in! Thanks for the advice about the coupons - I'll have to keep an eye out.

Beagle - Thanks to you too for the advice about the discounts. I'll have to see what Amazon has going. We registered at Target and Amazon - the Target registry was pretty much cleaned out so that's good. I only got a couple of duplicate gifts (all from Target) so I should be able to exchange a few things too.

jkb - How are you doing??? Curious to know if little Ellie Mae is here yet.

Hello to everyone else!

My shower was really nice. It was a Sunday brunch so the food was amazing. There were several breakfast casseroles, a blueberry coffee cake, chocolate-dipped strawberries, baked brie, donuts, pineapple, and chocolate cupcakes! I was so full when I left. There were lots of ladies there and we all had a good time. It's amazing to see how generous people are......this little girl is already so loved. I just wanted to cry with happiness.

Well, pictures of the nursery really should be coming soon. The crib is done! But, we can't put it in the nursery yet as I need to organize everything we got from the shower. It's all in the nursery still in bags and boxes. :dohh: I can't wait to have everything organized. DH is going hunting/camping this afternoon through Saturday so I should be able to get everything pretty much put away by the time he gets back.

Just need to pack some bags now............
Lady - Definitely feeling the exhaustion as well. Plus I have a chronic upset stomach. Not enough to be sick, but enough to just put me off all day. :sick: Best of luck Friday!

Booger - I love those play doh babies! What a creative idea, I've never heard of that done at a shower and it's such an awesome game!

Sars - Best of luck with the version. Hopefully it's successful and everything goes smoothly from here on out.

Terri - I hope you're hanging in there and taking all the time you need for yourself. We're still all here rooting for you if you want to vent or chat!
Terri - You are still on my mind all the time. I hope you are hanging in there. I miss you. I know that your trip is coming up soon. I hope you have a great time and are able to get your mind off all this TTC heartbreak.

Sars - I'm so sorry you have to do the version. I really hope it works! I'm kind of scared for you though, it just sounds painful.

Beaglemom - That is so great you are almost ready. You'll just be able to relax your last few weeks and that's awesome.

Booger - I'm glad you enjoyed your shower. What a cute idea with the play-doh babies. And very original too, I've never heard of that before.

Lady - I'm so excited for your scan on Friday. I really hope your co-worker doesn't tell anyone else. I guess this is her test to see if she's really trust worthy or not lol.

AFM - I started AF over the weekend and started the BCP on Monday. I got my schedule and I am scheduled for transfer on Oct. 23rd. So one month from today. I go in next Thursday for my first ultrasound, blood work, SHG, and endometrial scratch. The only thing I'm confused about is that the nurse referred to it as an endometrial biopsy. So I told her that my Dr. called it a scratch not a biopsy and she replied and said that was the scratch and they would be sending a small sample to pathology to check for any uterine abnormalities. Does anyone know if this is standard during a scratch? Because when I talked to my Dr. about it at our last meeting, he didn't say anything about that. He just talked about the benefits of the scratch and implantation. I thought a biopsy and scratch were two different things? A scratch sounds simple, a biopsy sounds more involved (and expense lol).
Booger - after my shower I was so unorganized. I couldn't wait to put it all in its place. And I had a small shower. I feel great when I am in the room now...everything almost in its place.

The guy I work with just had his 20 week scan. He missed the first scan. He said everything feels a bit more real now that he knows the sex & saw it. But the weird thing is, the pregnancy still doesn't feel real to me. I don't really think in terms of a baby. Last night we cleared out a shelf for the baby in the kitchen. I washed a load of bottles & had them air drying. I looked at it & I said to my husband look at this. A baby is coming. It is so sureal.

Had my appt today...watched the epidural video. She said what do you think? I said yeh we are def doing that. We talked a but about how things used to be & all that. She said I think you will be happy with the epidural. So I don't know what I measured, but I guess she didn't like it because she sent me for a scan. I was a little upset at first because my husband couldn't come today & we had no idea there would be a scan. But it ended up being no big deal because he is so big in there you can't really make much out. I am measuring right around 36 weeks & he is about 6 lbs 2 oz. So I am looking good...still behind, but I guess the scan put the dr at ease. I did find out where he is. Head down & feet up by my ribs...exactly where he should be.
Amy I would think a biopsy would be a simple thing if they are already in there to do the scratch. Technically PGS is a biopsy...just taking a tissue sample. You could confirm with your dr but to me it sounds like they are just trying to rule out one more thing while doing the scratch. But it could end up with an additional cost. But I really am not sure...just the way I am seeing it using those terms.
Krissy, Hope you're feeling OK. I'll take all the good luck vibes I can get

Booger, Your shower sounds delicious. Luckily, I was eating lunch while reading about it or my stomach would be rumbling. We were blown away by the generosity of folks. I can't wait to see the crib. I've got a prenatal massage DH got me for my birthday that I have to schedule. Enjoy your pampering!

Beagle: Glad to hear DC is the right away. I didn't think you'd have an issue. By 37 weeks 97 percent of babies are head down. My child is just a special flower.:wacko: That's exciting you got an unexpected peak of the boy but sorry your husband missed out. I am curious to hear how much they think baby weighs when I go in tomorrow.

Amy: I have no knowledge of this but I think that Beagle's guess sounds spot on. You should check if it is going to cost you more ahead of time. Your schedule is right on track for one of our baby's! Thanks re: the version. I wish I didn't have to do it but it is what it is. I'll be having a consult tomorrow and find out if I can get the epidural/if they recommend it.

I went for my first acupuncture session this morning before work. She did some needles to open up my SI joints, pelvis and to ease my lower back pain. And then she burned moxibustion by the pinky toe of both my feet. My OB actually recommended doing this b/c it's been shown to be quite effective in flipping breech babies. They have no idea why. It was nuts that the second the needles went in the baby went wild moving and for an hour after the moxi it was nonstop as well. She gave me a few sticks of it for DH to light and burn by my toes several times a day! Oh, the things I never thought I would be saying before I got pregnant. I'm headed to the chiropractor after work! Tomorrow at noon I have my version consult with the prenatal specialist I've been seeing through out my pregnancy for the U/S. I love the doctor so I'm happy if I have to do the version it'll be him doing it.

So, yeah I'm one big boring ball of breech baby news.
Amy- yay for getting your schedule! Only a month away- woohoo! I had the same thing - scratch and biopsy. I just wanted the scratch but my doc said its really the same thing to take the biopsy as it is to scratch the endometrium, so they just send off the biopsy to double check results. That's how my doc explained it.
All that Chinese medicine stuff is facinating. The accupuncture never did anything for me...but that doesn't mean I don't believe in it. Not a negative experience...just didn't do anything for me.

Man...exhaustion is coming back. I was relaxing this weekend but I really should have been getting things done because I was feeling pretty good. Either Mon or Tues I was so wiped out I thought I would need a mid day nap. Today it is kicking in again. Also my body is aching for Pepsi all the time! I try so hard to resist...but it is tough. I had one today. I know it's not the end of the world if I have one, but I am not keeping up my water like I should. I drink a ginger ale at night & sometimes that helps the urge. Better than a pepsi considering the caffeine.

Has anyone gotten a freebie emfamil bag? I finally opened mine. It has tons of goodies in there. Plus free formula. I am sure it won't last long, but nice to have. I had 2 bags & both had different stuff. I got one at the huge consignment sale & one at my 3d scan. I know we all are probably doing breastfeeding, but I recommend signing up on their website. They will send samples & pretty decent size cans of formula. If you don't end up using or needing it, I am sure you can find someone who can or donate it to a shelter. You can also get a ton of coupons. One of my bags had a sample of post pregnancy vitamins. I was wondering if such a thing was made. It helps with breastfeeding. I think their stuff is neat because all the literature they give you talks about breastfeeding but they are a formula company. Makes me think they know breast is best but they also know some women need/prefer to use formula.
Hi ladies, quuck update more to come :)

Ellie Mae is here:) and beautifully perfect. She is doing well, she weighed 8lbs 4 oz and was 21.5 inches long!! Boy was my dr wrong. Haha. She has a head full of hair and is the sweetest thing ever! Section went well, hope to be d/c'd tomorrow.
Congrats! Welcome to the world Ellie Mae! So happy to hear all went well.
Good morning, ladies! :flower:

jkb - Hooray!! I'm glad everything went well and that Ellie Mae is perfect. :cloud9:

Beagle - I say have your Pepsi - one a day isn't going to hurt anything. There isn't very much caffeine in a Pepsi - way below what's considered safe during pregnancy, anyway. Also, I'm with you on the whole "a baby is coming" thing. It still doesn't seem real to me, even when she's doing somersaults in my belly and our house full of baby stuff. It will be real soon enough though, for sure!

sars - I read something not that long ago about moxibustion actually helping. I had never heard of it before. It seems impossible but I guess a few small studies show some results. It certainly can't hurt anything!

Amy - Hooray for having your schedule in hand and having a transfer date! It sounds your biopsy/scratch question has been answered - I can't provide any insight as I never had either. I'm just happy to see you're on your way again. :thumbup:

Krissy - Glad to hear you're doing well - minus the upset stomach. :flower:

:hi: to everyone else!

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