First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Good morning ladies!

Yay JKB!! Welcome to the world Ellie Mae! So happy to hear that she has arrived and is healthy! You've come a long way mama- congrats!!

This morning the nausea kicked in. Ugh ugh ugh. I just had to make a beeline for the bathroom in case I yacked. And everything is making me gag- the smell of the bathroom at work made me feel worse! I was worried that I wasn't having nausea but now it's here and I wish it wasn't. Bleh.
Oh boy, Lady! :sick: The bathroom at work can be a very dangerous place when you're nauseated (because of the smell). My sense of smell has been elevated this entire pregnancy. I can smell someone smoking a cigarette from miles away, I swear. I hope it doesn't get too bad for you!
Welcome Ellie Mae!

Ditto on the smells...I seem crazy because I always smell something & no one else does. It was always hard for me to clean up poop accidents in the it is so much worse.

I know I am ok to drink the Pepsi. But they say to drink so much water & if you add in a caffeine drink you have to do twice the water to balance it. So still trying to resist. But I did have one with lunch yesterday.
OMG...just realized my little ticker has the baby flipped.
Oh, Lady sorry to hear the nausea is in full force but that's a good sign too!

I also have a killer sense of smell. DH thinks I'm nuts the things I smell.

While doing the moxibustion last night, DH thought it'd be hilarious to play some voodoo music. We were dying laughing.

Beagle: I have one Coke Zero a day, if that makes you feel any better. It has way less caffeine than a cup of coffee and that's OK.

I just wrapped up a visit at the perinatal specialist. Baby has moved but not the way I hoped. Baby's frank breech now. We're scheduled for the version Monday at 8 AM and my doctor highly recommended the epidural, so I'm going to get it. He characterized it at a 50/50 shot, perhaps slightly better. I have two strikes against me in that I'm a first time mom so I have less laxity in my uterus and the placenta is anterior. Some studies have shown the ECV doesn't work as well with an anterior placenta for whatever reason. I still feel it is worth a shot, so I'm going for it! I'll keep up my hanging off the couch and burning Chinese herbs at my toes but have modern medicine in my back pocket. The U/S tech mentioned that baby would be in the perfect position for delivery if it would just flip. She also was shocked by how much hair baby had blowing in the fluid. It gets me excited to think about seeing that shock of hair.
Darn...I should have asked about hair on my scan!

Sars - if she doesn't flip, the dr will do a c-section? When would that be?
On my last two scans, the techs have mentioned it because there is so much. Those Italian gene =) They would want to schedule after 39 weeks, so the earliest would be Oct. 11. The date I choose will depend on: what doctor is on what day and if it is best for me to wait until Friday. I've had yet another issue setting up my maternity leave with HR supplying incorrect info. My boss is trying to sort this out.

If the doctor I want is on Wednesday, I'd been thinking that could be a cool birth date: 10/14/15. My dad's bday is 10/17, so I'd get discharged Friday or Saturday AM and we could at least celebrate at my house as opposed to the hospital.


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Congratulations jkb!! Welcome Ellie. I can't wait to read about your birth story if you have time someday.

Booger-your shower sounds really great. I have never heard of the play doh babies either. Cute! And yay for the crib being finished!

Lady-gross. Hee hee. Glad things are going well. Oh, I hope your coworker can keep a secret. And I'm happy you have someone at work to talk to about all this stuff.

Amy-yeah for a transfer date!! The scratch/biopsy is standard. It hurts for a few seconds and then it's done. It'll be worth it for sure.

Beagle-sorry your mom hasn't talked to you. Give her space and she'll call you when she's ready or you can call her when you feel like talking. Your workplace is still the same. You gave them chances to get prepared so if they don't care, you shouldn't worry. It's just work. Not that important.

SARS-the voodoo music with your toe lighting sounds funny. I hope everything will be fine, but it sure is a wondering game at this point. I'll keep reading!

I'm in Seattle with my girlfriends and we're doing great. There was a fatal accident yesterday which had traffic all tied up everywhere but we were able to get where we needed to be (Safeco field and dinner). Today we're going to Vancouver. I'm on east coast time so I'm up super early. Have a great week everyone!
Terri - Good to hear from you! You are up early for the pacific coast. I read about the horrible accident yesterday. Scary! Enjoy the rest of your visit. :flower:

sars - That hair blowing around in there is hilarious. Come on, baby - flip around for mama!!! I don't blame you for getting the epidural for the version - it will probably help you relax if you can't really feel what's going on.

Beagle - I noticed your ticker baby flipped too. How funny. I'm glad to hear that DC is in the correct position in real life too! One less thing to worry about. And it's good you were able to make a decision about the epidural. I keep leaning more and more towards it too - still some time to make up my mind.

Lady - Good luck at your scan today!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes.

:hi: to everyone else!

I can't wait for this work day to be over and it's just started. I have a meeting at work this morning that I'm dreading - if I can get through that, then the rest of the day should be cake.
Terri - glad you checked in & having fun! Enjoy Seattle!

Booger - I think I have said before...I would get everything prepared for the epideral & just see how you feel. You don't want to get to a point where it is too late & they haven't prepared. You can always say no & go natural. I think you have to have fluids & watch the video...and make sure there is a dr around to administer. And if you feel ok going natural, no big deal, just don't get it.

Last of the baby bottles went in the dish washer this morning! Now to actually pack the bag this weekend.

Someone on instagram said she had an upset stomach & in the bathroom a lot. Her dr said it can happen leading up to labor & like 2 days before you will have diarrhea for a couple of days. Makes me nervous because I have been having an upset stomach & bathroom more often the past 3 or 4 days. But I am sure it is just my body being weird. I don't think there is a sure way to know labor will be coming other than it just coming.
Terri- so good to hear from you! And welcome to Seattle! Yes that accident is such a tragedy. My coworker was lamenting about how she just rode the duck last week with her 5-year old and all her preschool class. She was thankful of course that this didn't happen to them. But still, so sad. I hope you have a great time here, enjoy Vancouver! You'll pass through my college town, Bellingham. It's kind of a fun town if you have time. And also check out White Rock, which is just over the border. It's an adorable beach town- great place for lunch and some ice cream! And if you like sushi, of course Vancouver is probably one of the best places for sushi! Enjoy!

Sars- lol on the hair! So amazing that baby already has hair.

Booger- at least it's Friday!! Woohoo! I hear you, it'll be a long day, but then it's the weekend, so yahoo for that.

Super excited for my scan today! I woke up at like 5:00am and DH was already almost ready for work. I was like, why are you up so early?? He said he couldn't sleep he was too excited. How cute is that?? So, 1:00 will be the moment of truth. I'll keep you ladies posted. :)
Oh and I just want to say I'm so excited for you ladies to be having your babies soon! You will have some precious little newborns just in time for the holidays! I don't know what it is about the holidays but they always make me want kids. It's coming soon you guys!!
Terri, good to hear from you. Enjoy your trip! I hope you have a fabulous time. I love Seattle.

Lady:Good luck today!!! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Booger: Doc said the epidural makes you more relaxed, so the procedure is more likely to succeed. My primary reason for wanting a natural childbirth was to avoid a c-section, so I've got no qualms about the epidural for the procedure. So, I'll get to see what it is like as well. Hope your meeting went well.

It's been a crazy week at work and I'm ready for the weekend! I wrote a story about a bride who is going to be the 11th bride in her family to wear the 120-year-old dress and the story has just gone viral.
jkb11 - Yay!! Congratulations to you and your family!! I'm so happy for you! I hope you and baby girl are doing well.

Sars - I'm so glad to hear you are getting an epidural for the version!! Congrats on your story going viral also, that's awesome!!

Lady - Sorry about the nausea kicking in... but good luck at your scan today! I'm so excited for you!! I can't wait to hear about it.

Lady & Terri - Thanks for letting me know about the scratch/biopsy. It makes me feel better knowing that it is a standard thing they do when doing a scratch.

Terri - I hope you are having a great time in Seattle!!

Have a great weekend everyone :)
Well ladies the scan went well!!!! Baby is a normal size and we saw the heart beating! Everything looked good! And in fact I graduate from my RE. It seems a bit early...but I'll go to an OB that's in the same hospital, so not too far away. At what point did u all graduate from your RE?
Yay, Lady!!!! :wohoo::happydance::wohoo::happydance: That's awesome!!! I never saw my RE after my BFP since they were so far for me. They did have me go to my OBs office for weekly US until 9 weeks. But to be honest, it kind of seemed like overkill to me. If everything looks normal, I think it's great to transition to your OB/GYN.
Wahooo. Congrats Lady!! I'm so thrilled for you. I think I graduated at 8 weeks b/c my insurance would no longer let me see her. Then I went to the regular OB at 9 weeks.
Congratulations LadySosa!!! :dance: I knew it would be just fine. How happy are you guys?? I never graduated. :shrug:

We drove through the scenic Chuckanut drive to get to Bellingham and beyond and then we jumped back on the highway. We had a fantastic day in Vancouver. We went to the public market on Granville Island, Stanley Park and we did this awesome Interactive ride called Fly Over Canada. It was such a great day!

Today we're doing the Pike Place Market tour, Harbor Cruise, probably going to the space needle and then dinner. My bestie and I have been up at 4am almost every day, so we just get our showers and chill at Starbucks until my sister and other bestie wake up. Loving my birth city, that's for sure. I didn't realize how much I missed the west coast.
Terri I am jealous of your trip. It sounds like you are having so much fun!

I had a 6 week scan then 8 week scan. Then went to my ob at 10 weeks which is when I stopped the meds.

Rough night for me. No solid sleep and I kept turning to each side which is exhausting right now. I was up at 3 and fell back asleep around 6. Now I am up again at 10 and feel a lot better. Told my husband I didn't feel good when he woke up. I think he was nervous. And I almost started crying. I can't explain it. It was just so exhausting. So glad it is the weekend and I can sleep in and relax. No real plans for me today. Raining all day which should make for a nice day to relax.
Lady - woohoo. Congratulations!!!!

I'm waaaaay too behind to respond to everyone but I'm so excited for all of you who are almost ready to go and for the new BFPs!!! I've been reading along - just hard to respond.

Sorry I've been MIA. Things were crazy - not gonna lie - but I'm starting to feel somewhat sane now. Breastfeeding wasn't working and I had to stop and I was dealing with some depression for a bit there... I think the sleep deprivation really got to me and little Adeline is colicky but I'm feeling much better now. And I know I owe you a pic - I'll try to jump on a computer soon to post one. Love you girls!

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