First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi all...

Started taking gonal f 150, menopur 150, lupron 5 from Saturday. My levels today are 1100. I'm having 10 follies on right and 11 on left which are almost at same sizes. Very much waiting to see how many mature follies I will end up with...

Congrats to those who met with success...

Thank u all...
Hey guys. Rough weekend rough morning. I woke up at 3 every day. I went back to sleep at 6 and up around 10. But that makes me feel groggy. Today was the same except I didn't want to be late for work so I just stayed awake. I snapped at my husband. My dog for up at 3. He told him to lay down which woke me up. I took him out. This dog needs to go out if he says he does. Back in bed wide awake and exhausted. When I very it my sleep is nor comfortable. Dogs up earlier than usual to eat my husband tells them to lay down which they won't. So I get up. He follows me dating he will do it. What's the use? I'm already up. Same thing Hatsune with laundry. I go to get it. He says he will do it. Well obviously you won't or you would be. I'm just so tired!

Lots of pressure today. Could be having Braxton hicks. Not sure. Might not make it through the work day but gonna try. Losing weight instead of gaining. This baby may make an early debut.

Here is a new pic.


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I'll write more later - just wanted to hop on and say "good luck" to Sars. I hope your version goes as easy peasey as possible today.
Good morning, ladies. :coffee:

Beagle - So sorry you had such a rough weekend. Not that it matters when you're in the thick of it, but you shouldn't be pregnant too much longer! Hopefully, your DH will see that you aren't kidding around about the exhaustion and will start being more proactive. If it's any consolation, you can't tell how tired you are in your picture - you look great! I love your hair.

kfs - Thanks for your check-in! It's good to hear you're feeling better now. Of course, we'd love to see a picture when you get the chance. :flower:

Terri - Sounds like your trip to Seattle was amazing. I hope it doesn't take you too long to recover and get back into the groove of things in normal life.

Sars - I Googled the story on the wedding dress. That's pretty cool - and congrats on going viral! :winkwink:

Amy - :hi:, Amy! Hope you had a nice weekend.

JCM- I think Charli's surgery is coming up on Wednesday. You guys will be in my thoughts and I really hope for the best possible outcome. :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else!

I'm in a good mood today - I get to go on a field trip for work so that should help the week go by quicker.

This weekend was actually pretty good too. I got the last of the tomatoes canned, my friend came over and helped me organize the nursery, and the crib is finally up in the house! Pictures attached. I'm in love.

Yesterday, DH went and cut two loads of firewood. I tagged along but was sworn to light duty. I have to admit, it was hard to watch him do all the work. I normally load up the truck since he does all the cutting. Luckily, the wood split really easily out there so I could at least help stack the small pieces into the back of the truck. It was a gorgeous fall day and we brought Scout with us, so I spent most of the day hiking (waddling) around with her. We also heard a bull elk bugling and cow elk calling back - it was just a great day to be outside. We also took a short drive out of town after it got dark to go see the blood moon lunar eclipse. I am surprised I'm not more tired but it will probably hit me tomorrow.


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I love your furniture. Did he make all 3 pieces? I love how simple it is. Simple but so pretty. I def want to go white when I have a girl. My new shelf is similar to your shelf except it is sort of cubed with 4 sections. So later I can use those sorting baskets if I want. You could too. I need to do a new photo set since I am actually done done for real done with the nursery. Oh & I got my bag packed...I packed too much...especially for the baby. Oh well.

I felt sort of bad snapping at him. But when I am so tired already & not sleeping it is rough. And I just cry when I don't feel well. I know he works hard & so many more hours than me with more stress...but I am feeling stress too. And then there are little things. My dog has been itching for weeks & I say he needs to go to the vet. Nothing from him. So finally last night I just said can you take him Wed which is his half day. He made the appt today but only because I am mad. And also he had to buy these large ticket items for his store. They are supposed to show how you can order online & have things delivered that the larger stores carry. Anyways, it was like $500. I keep asking if he has returned them so it goes in to his inventory & we get our money. Nothing. I said I need them returned by the end of the month because it is on the credit card. He keeps forgetting. I understand forgetfulness...but I just think he needs to try harder. I feel bad saying it because he has been so great. But things are getting really hard for me. And all I can think about is when Derek comes I will have a week with him & my mom & then I will be on my own for 11 weeks. Because I don't think my husband will take any more time off. He never even checked on his FMLA policy.

Ugh...I just think everything is filing up here in the end. I should feel better soon I hope. And if nothing else, I will have my baby soon enough. Which is all that matters. He would be perfectly fine if he came now that I am 37 weeks. I think that used to be full term but it is changed to 39 weeks. So I just need a safe delivery & I will be happy.
Oh & I am trying to make use of all my space. I am not hanging any clothes up. We have a tall dresser in the closet for his bigger clothes. I did put hooks on the back of the closet doors & I bought one of those canvas hanging shelves for the closet & put his blankets & sheets in there. I think it added a lot of convenient storing space. I also thought about buying those storage bags & putting it under the crib, but I couldn't find any the right size.
Thanks Booger!

Unfortunately, this little bugger didn't cooperate and is still breech. They'll scheduled my c-section tomorrow when I go in for my weekly appointment. It was a good trial run since everything was basically the same as a c-section until the procedure. The epidural shot wasn't bad at all. After IVF, the shot they give to numb you is nothing. Way less painful than the progesterone.

I didn't like the sensation of the epidural at all. It may have been the combination of the medicine they gave me to relax my uterus (it makes your heart race) but I felt really panicky initially. Once they set up the oxygen, I did feel calmer. I have to say I am so thankful I got the epidural b/c the version was super uncomfortable with it. I can't imagine it without. Baby did great with the entire procedure but refused to move. So, that's that. It took about an hour and a half for the epidural to totally wear off and for me to get discharged.

To make me feel better, my nurse was telling me how her daughter flipped at 39 weeks, two days before her c-section, and she was so pissed b/c she wanted one. It's funny as much as I wanted a vaginal birth, at this point I'm relieved to just know.
There were so many tiny babies in the nursery when we got there at 6:30 this morning. Almost all girls. It was surreal to realize I'll be doing all of this in less than 3 weeks.

Terri: Your trip sounds amazing. I hope it is all fabulous. I've never made it up to Vancouver.

KFS: So good to hear from you! Would love to see Ms. Adeline. I'm sorry to hear you had such a tough time with breastfeeding but I'm happy to hear you're feeling better and doing what's best for you all.

Beagle: Sorry this weekend has been so rough. When I don't sleep, I'm a mess. (I'm scared for this when baby comes) Have you tried taking Benadryl before bed? My OB said that's OK to help you sleep.

Booger: I LOVE THE CRIB. The nursery looks so,so adorable. I'm so impressed your husband built that. It is lovely. Your entire weekend sounds great.

Jen: I second about Charli's surgery. I was thinking of it over the weekend but Booger beat me to it. I'll be sending prayers it all goes smoothly.

I promise to have some nursery photos later this week. DH also took a few bump photos of me yesterday but they're on his phone. The second bookcase I ordered came Thursday. I got it put together this weekend. DH finished the new trim in the nursery last night, so I got to start putting everything in its final place.

I never expected to be this down to the wire. I'm such a planner but it is just how our weekends worked out. I was so excited to get the bookcase in there as it was the last thing and I was ready to start decorating it/putting books on there. And then I realized I put three of the shelves front plates on upside down! Doh! So, I gotta fix that and DH has to hang the art. But everything else is ready.

Well, I'm going to try to squeeze in a nap before I work at 2. I've been up since 5:30 and I'm going to be struggling on deadline later tonight.
Sars glad the procedure went ok even if it didn't work. And yes you never know she could still flip.

I was told I could take benadryl but I don't want to be groggy. I may try Tylenol pm though.

Lunch time for me. Looks like I may actually make it through work today. I am going to inquire with hr if I can start my leave early without a Dr. I won't be paid for the last 6 weeks anyways
Beagle: For most people, Benadryl only lasts 4-6 hours, so you should be fine by the time you wake up.
Hmmm...if it only lasts 4-6 hours, may not do the trick for me...but it could make the 6 hours I get more restful. I may try that. I was going to do tylenol last night but when I got in bed it was too early...then I didn't feel like getting back up. And I was worried if I laid it by my bed I would forget about it & a dog would get it.

So I had a woman I work with (she is in another city) ask if I was allowing visitors in the hospital. Isn't that weird? I mean this lady trained me...I like her okay...but we are not by any means close. I told my husband I only want blood visiting or my best friend. No one else. I wasn't even planning on wearing a bra while in the hospital. I would prefer a call & set up a time to see me at my house. I think some people are just truly baby people. I am not one of those. I don't have to hold every baby & I most certainly have never had the desire to feel a pregnant person's belly. But I am like that in general...not really touchy feelu. So that is another reason I would like to leave work on my due date. Then no one would know when I deliver until I tell them. Maybe I sound selfish. But I think I deserve to enjoy this time...not worry if someone is going to see me with no bra, wearing slippers & a robe, & may or may not have washed my hair. Why not instead of someone asking someone if they can visit you in the hospital how about can I watch your dogs for you while you are away or pick up your mail or something helpful like that. I mean I appreciate them caring & wanting to see the baby...but seeing the baby is kind of selfish in their part. Anyways...I am also not one that really likes attention.

I feel like I am rambling a lot today...not much going on at work & really just wanting to be home already. I put in the inquiry to HR. We will see what they say. I figured it up, & if they allow it, I can work 5 hr days up until my due date starting next week if I want.
Sars - Congrats on the viral story!! That's awesome. So sorry to hear the version didn't work out (and that it was a bit unpleasant), but even if it comes to a c-section, sounds like the baby is healthy and happy (even if happy upside down lol) and that's far far more important than anything else. And you're right, there's still time for things to sort out naturally.

Lady - Congrats on the scan!! :happydance: My RE graduates once a steady heart rate is detected (usually about 7-8 weeks)

KFS - Wish things were going smoother for you, but it does sound like all-in-all things are going fairly well. That inital sleep deprevation is TOUGH to manage, try to keep making some time for yourself in all the craziness.

Beagle - Love that pic! Your hair and that dress are rocking! And you just look like such a proud mama-to-be :) Sorry you've had it rough with sleep as well. Don't worry too much about snapping, I think you earn it this late in the game :)

Booger - Love the nursery - it's adorable!

AFM - Today was graduation day :amartass:
We had our 8 week ultrasound and everything looked perfect. Baby measured at 14 mm (7 weeks 6 days, but totally fine and mildly arbitrary at these small sizes) and heart rate was pumping away at 169 bpm. Actually slightly faster than my DD was at this point. So I'm weaning off the last of my meds, and I move on to a regular OB now. Official due date - May 8th.
The doc did say that what he'd reccomend and what the nurses recommend for weaning of the drugs is a little different (the nurses push to stay on progesterone until 12 weeks). When did everyone else wean off?
I realized this weekend that between all the issues getting this far, and especially after the loss last cycle... that I haven't really fully accepted being pregnant yet. And so it came as an extra shock when my DH said he thought I was starting to show already (Thanks to it being my second, and because DD was gigantic). I dunno... I guess it's just all starting to feel real and wonderful and good. Like little bits of stress fall away day by day. LOL this sounds sappy and silly but I don't really know another way to put it, and maybe some of you other long-timers know what I mean. It's a good day. :cloud9:
Krissy - my dr at the fertility clinic & my ob both said to stop at 10 weeks...cold turkey. But some women get nervous. I was going to ween off but honestly, I was so happy to stop the P gel inserts. But if you have meds left, I don't think it will hurt to ween yourself off or keep it up until 12 weeks. The heartbeat seems high...maybe another little girl ;)
Beagle - Honestly I'm so torn on what gender we're hoping for. I feel like I want a boy for me and DH but I want a girl for DD lol. So I'm over the moon about it either way really :)
Good morning, ladies! :coffee:

Krissy - Congrats on graduating and that awesome heartbeat. :thumbup: Very exciting. I stopped all drugs at 10 weeks cold turkey and was happy to do so. I was tired of being on so many different medications and I trusted my doctor that he knew what he was doing. And I think it's great that you're feeling happy about being pregnant. I do think it can be hard when you have to go through fertility treatments to finally relax. :hugs:

Beagle - I certainly think you are allowed to dictate who you want to come visit you in the hospital. If you don't want a ton of visitors, then you should tell people. But I would expect some people to show up anyway. Babies just get people excited. I don't think I'll care who comes by - but my hospital does have quiet hours from 2-4 on the maternity ward, so that's nice. Also, I would check with your doctor on the sleeping issue - I think Ambien can be prescribed and Unisom might also be safe (I was told I could take it in the first trimester to help with nausea but I don't know about the third trimester). I know it sucks, but I think you'll just have to keep hounding your DH. You're tired and he is just going to have to get over your telling him what to do right now. That's just my opinion though. :hugs:

sars - Well, I'm sorry little stinker wouldn't cooperate yesterday. But maybe there will be a little comfort in knowing when he/she is going to make his/her arrival - unless he/she decides to turn like your friends baby did! It sounds like you are otherwise ready. We need to get a bookshelf as well. Hope I can find one small enough that will also kind of serve as a side table. If not, I guess it will just have to wait a little bit. DH was like "I can build one" and I just shook my head. Maybe one down the road but I am ready for that room to just be done!

:hi: to all the other ladies out there!

Thanks for the compliments on the nursery. I am really happy with the way it came out. My mom made almost all of the fabric things you see in there - the diaper stacker/organizer thing hanging on the door, the organizer caddies on the crib and the changing table, and the crib sheet. There is a skirt for the crib too but it's a little small so she is going to fix it when she gets out here. I think Beagle asked if DH had built all three pieces in the nursery and the answer is no - he built the crib and the changing table. I found the dresser on Craigslist and painted it. It was just the perfect size for that room and I liked its simplicity. The top of the changing table is removable so when we are done using it in that capacity, we can just take it off and it can serve as shelf for something else. So, now I'm just waiting on the glider/recliner to be delivered and finding the small bookshelf and we should be done!
Booger - this is the bookshelf I bought. It actually held a lot more than I thought. We are using it as a bookshelf/side table when midnight feeding. I really like it. But it looks like no white :( I got the birch & it is just a really really light natural wood color. I can try to remember to take a pic of mine. Not quite as dark as my wood but it works. It sits just about 6 inches above the bottom of our window.

I am def going to ask about some pills Wed. I tried benadryl last night. Not good. I woke up still when the dogs did. Not too big an issue except I felt so out of it when I woke up. And when I wake up I have to go to the not too fun. I will try the tylenol PM tonight. I did that once a few weeks ago & it worked really well. But I was actually taking it for a headache or something.

Oh & my taking early FMLA was denied :(. Only if I have a dr note. But I feel much better than yesterday. The benedryl did help some in getting more sleep. So I think I can tough it out. But it is also occuring to me that 12 weeks is not the same as 3 months. So I need to check my paperwork to see if HR approved 3 months or 12 weeks.
Hi ladies! Hope everyone's doing well!

Terri- your trip sounds amazing! I'm glad you're having a good time with your besties. Ever think about moving back to the west coast?? ;)

Beagle- sorry about the sleep troubles. That is so frustrating. FMLA is 12 weeks (not 3 months) so your HR should've approved it as such.

Booger- your nursery is so pretty! I'm so jealous! I guess I need to start thinking about putting a nursery together...we have popcorn ceilings in some of our house including the room that would be the nursery. I HATE it! But this is a constant fight between DH and me. It doesn't bother him and he doesn't want to spend the money to have it removed. We removed it ourselves from our basement a couple years ago and it was a TON of work. And the ceiling was popcorn-free but still had scars and scuffs all over. It doesn't look great, but people don't look at the ceiling too often! So unfortunately I may have to live with the ugly ceiling in the nursery. You are so lucky you have such crafty people in your life (and you!) to put together such a gorgeous, sentimental space. I told my mom she better learn how to quilt or knit so she can make a baby blanket! Haha.

Sars- so sorry the version didn't work. That was quite the operation- sounds so unpleasant. :( but congrats on your story going viral- that's awesome! I'm going to google it next time I'm at my home computer!

Krissy- congrats mama! I'm just a week behind you so I totally know the feeling. I will be stopping estrogen at 10 weeks and progesterone at 12 weeks. I'm so ready to discontinue those!

Kfs- so good to hear from you! Sorry the breastfeeding wasn't easy and about the depression. I hope everything is back on track for you! Can't wait to see a pic of little Adelynne! (Sorry if I spelled it wrong lol)

Afm, I am having such a hard time focusing on work! My mind wanders to babies and nurseries, etc etc etc. I scheduled my first OB appointment for next Friday morning. So excited! I hate that I have to miss a bit of work again, I'm sure my boss is wondering what's up. Oh well, I'm not ready to spill the beans yet. My nausea has been yucky, it's so hard to eat anything. Nothing sounds good except for carbs. Yesterday I was craving bagels and cream cheese so much that I had to stop at the grocery store on my way home to get some. Then on Sunday on our way home from the beach I was craving a frappucino from Starbucks (I never drink those!), so we stopped and I got a decaf one. It was amazing haha. Definitely getting pregnancy brain (losing things, just feeling spacey, forgetting things), and another weird symptom is that my veins are very noticeable on my legs. I'd heard that was a symptom and it is pretty gross! It doesn't help that my skin is the color of snow (had to stop spray tanning!). Anyways, I ordered some preggie pops and some pregnancy books on Amazon so those should be arriving today. Yay!!
Krissy, Congrats that's such wonderful news. I'm thrilled you're starting to feel like you can get excited. My doctor stopped me really early on the progesterone b/c my levels were so high naturally. I chose to trust my doctor, although I know some people were surprised. It's clearly worked out. Yay for a May baby. I was born in June and love that time of year.

Beagle: Sorry to hear they denied your early FMLA. But glad you slept a little better. I'd definitely check with your doctor on some sleep aids.

Booger: I got the large version of this shelf but it comes in two and three shelves. I was seriously impressed with the quality for the price. Granted it isn't an heirloom piece but I didn't want to spend $400 on one.
It's awesome how much handmade love went into your nursery!

Today's been a roller coaster thus far. I woke up to find out I pulled off a very unlikely fantasy win. Two of my players put up 40 points Monday night after I lost my QB. Then I headed to my sister-in-law's mom's funeral.

Then I went to the doctor where I learned the doctor I wanted to perform my c-section is on vacation the week they want to do it. And so is another doctor, so I'm going to have no say in who performs it or when it is. They office will just be calling me and telling me when to come in. I had a bit of a meltdown over that in the stairwell of my doctor's office. Now, I'm getting an NST and baby is so active, I have to sit here until it settles down.

Two positives: I will get 8 weeks of STD for the c-section and I didn't have to get a cervical check today. I just feel really emotionally exhausted right now.
Well girls, I'm back from Seattle and I'm so sad to be back at work. It was amazing, and I already want to go back. If you ever get the chance to do a food tour, totally do it! That may have been my favorite part of the trip. Well, that and walking through Stanley Park in Vancouver, and catching up with my old middle/high school friends, and hanging with my sister, and winning fantasy football (week two for me being 'Manager of the Week'!, and going on the harbor cruise, and waking up early and drinking coffee (SO GOOD Yeah!) while I watch all the early morning runners pass by, and having more fun than kids at the pop culture museum (EMP), and seeing Dale Chuhily's glass structures and gardens and making a music video and watching the replay, going to the top of the space needle etc...etc...HA!!HA!! bestie and I are going to see Kinky Boots at the theater. It's true, we can't get enough of each other. This just happened to be the date of my show ticket. hee hee.

Sorry I don't have time to write more right now. :hugs: to all.
Sars - The fact is even if you scheduled you C-sec with the doc of your choosing, there is always a chance the baby will want to make an early appearance, at which point you'll be in the hands of whichever doctor is on staff then anyway. That's what happened with me and DD. I AGONIZED over which doc I wanted, and trying to find a day that worked with that doc.... then she decided to come 10 days early, putting me in labor laaaaaaate Sunday night/early Monday morning - right at the end of the weekend shift which is the LAST thing I wanted lol. But all's well that end's well and it turns out the doc I ended up getting with did an INCREDIBLE job.

Terri - So glad to hear you're having yourself a blast! The trip sounds amazing!! Enjoy the show tonight!

Lady - I agree with the nausea. It stinks... luckily I haven't really gotten sick yet (although there have been a few close calls :sick:). For me it's all about proteins though... which is rough because they also make me more nauseous lol. So I crave them... go to make something... gag through making it and the first few bites... and then I'm still hungry afterwards lol.
Jen - Hope Charli does great today!

I went to the dr today & told them how the movements seemed to be slowing down for baby. The dr hooked me up to the machine to monitor & he wouldn't move. But I was hungry & hot. I had to ask like 3 times for ice water. Finally after getting that he started up & everything was fine. I was annoyed because I could have left a lot sooner if they just brought me some damn water. The dr was saying if he didn't move we would have to go to the hospital for more monitoring. I wasn't too nervous but I think my husband was. He was poking everywhere to get him started up. But the water did it. I just think I have a stubborn baby who likes being snug & not bothered. But everything is fine & I am going to try to monitor his movements more closely. My mom happened to call & I told her about it. She is so nonchalant about it. Which actually makes me feel better not to have her nervous. She said he will slow down towards the end & she thinks he likes to get snuggled up in his PJs & sleep like his grandma. I said uterus is his blanket. And for that reason she also does not think he will be early at all. We shall see.

So because of all that drama, I forgot to ask about the timing after my due date on when they would induce.

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