First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Jen, Hope everything well perfect for Charli today!

Krissy, I know I've got no control of when this bugger shows up. But the idea of scheduling with my favorite doctor, who I think I could get on board to let me have a few minutes of skin-to-skin in the OR, was making this unwanted change more palatable.

Beagle: Glad baby cooperated. I'm surprised they didn't you water right away. When I went in for my non-stress test Tuesday the first thing they did was give me ice water. DC's got less room to move. Does your doctor not have you do kick counts? My doctor's office is obsessed with you counting for kick counts nightly (10 kicks in a two hour period.) Baby is crazy active so I don't usually do it, but on quieter days it does ease my mind. My OB allows you go to 41 weeks and then they induce.

I still don't have a c-section date, which is annoying me. After a rough day yesterday, I'm feeling like I'm in a bit of a better place mentally about all of this.
They never really say anything about kick counts. The nurse asked yesterday if I did them. Like you I never did because he had been very active up until this week. And this week only a little less active. Which I think is normal and I was also using my doppler. So I want really nervous. I was happy to do the test to check him out. Just so annoyed with the nurses not doing water right away. Plus it was lunch time so I think they were annoyed I was still there. They shut down at lunch. But it was only the one nurse. The Dr was great. She had to leave for a procedure but my other 2 Dr were in the office still. So overall I was just annoyed at the whole experience. But feels good to know he is okay in there.

And side note... he moved almost constantly all afternoon in to the evening. The most all week.

I feel like one Dr told me week 41. But then another said he wouldn't be born as late as Halloween which is the end of 41 for me. So I don't know. We shall see. I think starting week after next I may stay working on trying to induce myself with all the wives tales. Right now I don't feel too awful so I want him to stay in there.
:hi: ladies!

Beagle - Ugh. Sorry it took so long for them to get you water. I'm glad little DC started jiving away once you did get it though and that everything is good. My doctor has never said anything about kick counts either. They just always ask if the baby is moving around a lot. I was doing them a month or so ago since the pregnancy tracking app I have on my phone has the little tool to do so. I haven't done them in awhile though since I feel her moving most of the time. I can't believe you only have 17 days left. Little DC could make is appearance any day now!

sars - Well, that stinks about potentially not having the doctor you want. Maybe you'll go into labor on your own here soon and one of the two that you like most will be available. One of my pregnancy books (Expecting Better by Emily Oster) says that % effacement appears to be a better predictor of when you'll get moving than dilation so since you were already at 50%, then maybe labor will come pretty soon? :shrug: I just started thinking about how I would feel if my doctor wasn't available for some reason - he's the only doctor in his office so if for some reason he isn't, then I really won't know anything about who delivers. My doc hasn't indicated he won't be around but I guess you just never know. I can't do anything about it. My hospital is great though, so really, I know I'd be in good hands no matter what......

Krissy - Hope the nausea doesn't last too long. How bad was it with your first pregnancy? I know it can be different every time, though. Mine went away right around 12 weeks so you aren't too far away if you get that lucky (or luckier). :thumbup:

Terri - Welcome back!!! I hope your first day back to work wasn't too rough. I'm glad you had such a wonderful trip. Makes me want to head over to Seattle right about now.

Lady - I was a total carb craver too. I think I survived on mashed potatoes, grilled cheese and bread. And it's completely normal to think of nothing but work - it's hard to concentrate on anything else once you finally get pregnant, especially when you've had to try so hard. The entire upstairs of my house has popcorn ceilings and I hate them too. I have no idea why they put them in (whoever did the remodel) because it was done in like 2007 or so. And we have pitched ceilings that come almost all the way down to the floor in places because of the roof line so there is so much ceiling and popcorn everywhere. I just got a quote on getting them removed and redone. I am thinking of doing it in the spring. I hate them that much.

Jen I hope everything went well yesterday and that Charli is doing well. :hugs:

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday. Everything looks good. They did the swab for Strep B and also did a cervical check. Nothing going on yet which is to be expected since I'm just at 34 weeks. My Dr was like "Yep, nothing going on - in fact, I can't even feel a head." So he then proceeded to poke around on my belly to see if she was head down and thankfully, she is. It cracked me up because he is all feeling and poking around my belly and was like "Here's her big round head down here and here's her big soft butt up here." I guess that goes to show what training and years of experience bring you because I have felt around many times on my belly trying to guess and it all feels the same to me!

He was joking that I could have Halloween baby. I wouldn't care other than it would be before my Mom gets here and I really would love for here to be here when baby is born. I joked with him that it would get me out of having to hand out candy - we have anywhere from 800-1000 trick or treaters. I'm worn out at the end of the night in a normal year - I can't imagine this year! Luckily, some friends are coming over to help.
booger-that is funny about your doctor, but it's the same with ultrasound techs, and other experts. They know what they are looking at, but a normal person has NO idea. I hope your baby comes after your mom gets here. We stopped giving away candy years ago, and now no one even shows up. The houses in my neighborhood are detached, and it's not like a huge cluster. Kids seem to like townhouses or smaller neighborhoods so they can get to a million houses in ten minutes.

beagle-Glad DC is back to being on the move.

Jen-I hope Charli's surgery went well and you don't have to do those treatments that you were doing.

LadySosa/Krissy-When is your next appointment? Nah..I'm not planning to move to the Pacific Northwest anytime soon, but if a job took me there, I probably wouldn't turn it down.

Amy-How are you doing? Did you start injections yet?

sars-Hopefully they will get a date to you today so you can plan your life. hee hee. Are you super uncomfortable, or things are still fine?

Kinky Boots was awesome. The main actor/actress had an amazing voice, and because this a show with drag queens, the costumes, hair, colors of the set were so bright and it made me feel good. I do love drag queens, so this show was right up my alley. I wonder if the people in the show are REALLY drag queens or just actors. If you get the chance to see it, check it out in your 'hood.

Baseball season is winding down. We had tickets for Tuesday's game, but it got postponed due to rain. My hubs was going to go because I had theater tickets, and then he forgot about it (like husbands do if you don't remind them of their schedule every day), so now we will exchange the tickets for a game next year. I also have tickets for Friday's game, but with Hurricane Joaquin approaching, I'm not sure what they will do. The worst part is that the high is only 51. BRRRRRR!! I'm not ready for 50s, even though it's just for today and tomorrow. Hopefully they'll cancel this game too. The Os suck, and no one wants to sit in the rain and watch a sucky team. That's the latest from the Old Line State!
Booger - I have no clue what I feel with baby either. Except now that it is confirmed he has flipped, I know he feet are up top & elbows are what's poking my sides. I wish my dr checked cervix early on. Seriously 38 weeks seems late in the game.

Sars - I met the last dr yesterday & liked her. So I feel good about my team. But you never know how things will go. I think in the end, you just have to trust your hospital & nurses. And if you are not comfortable with something speak up. I think I am also used to rotating because of my fertility clinic. I had a dr assigned but I saw them all. 1 woman (my dr) & 2 men. I was not excited about that. But I found them to be pretty great & I got used to it very quickly. Funny how fast you get used to so many people seeing your private areas.

So my mom called about something today. Then she was like you need to let me know if anything happens with the baby. I said I will. And she was like well you only told me yesterday because I called. I said I would have told you when I talked to you again. But everything was fine & no hospital so I didn't see the need in calling right away. Oh my mother. And the baby is all squirming around all morning today. I have done nothing different at all.

Terri - about the Os...sorry not sorry :) I think my Yankees have the Wild Card. But I don't think it is official. Stupid Blue Jays clenched yesterday I think. I would have loved to have playoffs last year for Jeter's retirement...but of course I will take it any year. It would be exciting to go to the World Series & win with Derek's due date around the corner!
Terri - Kinky Boots sounds amazing. As you can imagine, not too many places to see such shows in Montana. Sorry you missed the game but that's pretty cool that you can exchange them for tickets for a game next year. I hope you guys avoid the hurricane. DH's family is in CT and it seems like they always get hit with torrential rains this time of year. Meanwhile, we sit up here and are dry, dry, dry. It's hard for people to believe that we have so many trick or treaters. Our neighborhood is old and it's just been the place people have always brought their kids for decades - literally. On one hand, I love that it's fun for the kids to run from house to house and get candy but on the other hand, it gets expensive! My favorite are the little kids - I can't stand the teenagers. I know people say "well, let them be kids while they still want to" but they should have better attitudes if they want me to give them free candy! Haha - I'm already a grumpy old lady.

Beagle - I was surprised they did the cervical check so early. I think they only did it since they were doing the swab for the Strep B. The Yankees sure are stinking it up right now. My DH says they are in as the wild card but they had better step it up if they want to do anything in the playoffs. They're just too old.
Yeh we keep going back & forth. Some weeks we are amazing...then others it just like what is happening here? And we seem to lose when it when we played the Blue Jays...perfect opportunity to steal first place. And even though it didn't matter as much, we lost most if not all of the games to Boston these past few days. Boston is way low on the stats, but we always want to beat our rival team. Especially when we are in NY! And the past few weeks they were looking back because it was Jeter's last week. It just depresses us...he was the guy to make things happen especially when it counts.

I am nervous about Halloween only because my kids seem kind of dumb. So if I cut out all the lights, I hope they don't knock anyways with me having the new baby. But then if we have nice weather, I may be outside with candy & the baby. I like seeing the kids. I don't mind the teenagers...except usually they are not even dressed up. That annoys me.

So yes everyone is talking about the hurricane & we are in for some flooding. Hoping nothing too serious.
Terri, I've heard amazing things about Kinky Boots. It sounds fabulous. Book of Mormon is coming to Philly for a run end of November and I'm hoping we can sneak in to see it. That is cool about being able to exchange tickets. It is chilly here too but I'll welcome it. My feet are so swollen! I think it might be from the epidural/IV fluids from what I've been reading.

Beagle: I'm glad you feel good about all the doctors in your practice. I think my office could've done a better job in circulating you with appointments. My friend, who is 38 weeks, still hasn't met them all. My dog's name is Fenway, so I have trouble rooting for your Yanks. I think a lot of your modesty really goes out the door between IVF and pregnancy.

Booger: Glad nothing is going down yet. At 34 weeks, little lady has some more cooking to do =) Has your doctor discussed who covers for him, if he is unavailable? With the unpredictability of labor, there's always so much up in the air in terms of who will be there. I hear your nurse is really the most important. I love all the nurses I've encountered so far. I've just had some difficulty coping with the idea of a c-section. It was comforting to exert some control and be able to pick when and the doctor. But oh well.

I've actually gotten pretty good at detecting the baby. The head is very clear. It's hard and doesn't have much push back. Since baby's tucked into a ball, I can then feel the spinal cord/back. The butt is more bouncy and the legs/arms are hard to detect.

Overall, I still feel really good. I'm sleeping soundly and enjoying it while I can. Poor DH only has a sliver of bed left with my 7 pillows and the dog. I've just some swelling and major rib discomfort in the last 24 hours. Baby is on a nerve or something. I'm going to the chiropractor today and hoping he can ease that a bit. I'm going for a prenatal massage on Saturday. I can't wait.

I still have not heard from the doctor. I discovered my friend gave me a pair of maternity leggings in the closes she gave me and they're the best.things.ever.

Halloween is huge in my neighborhood because it is really dense, lots of row homes etc. But our city is weird and they always do trick-or-treat the Friday before Halloween from 6- 8p.m. We're rarely home and have never given out candy at our house. Scrooge here. Fen barks like crazy at people knocking on on our door/coming on our porch, so I haven't tried to since we got him. We have gone over to our friends and handed out candy from their porch. And every year we do that, we end up having to run out and get more candy b/c we run out. Booger, I'm with you on the teenagers that are rude or try to take a ton.

If I feel up to it, I think it could be fun to walk over to our friends' house again and bring the dog.
Beagle - That's so aggrevating about the water! But I'm glad all is well :)

Booger - Everything about this pregnancy is the opposite of my last (and all worse! lol). Bad skin, bad nausea, worse cramps... The only thing I had with DD was just HORRIFIC fatigue and I think I still have time for that to kick in lol

Terri - My first "normal" OB appt is this Tuesday. :) Glad to hear you loved the show!

Are any of you ladies with Halloween potential newborns planning on any baby costumes (or themed swaddles/onsies)?
My little one has a pair of pjs and a onsie for Halloween. But I bought them on clearance last year. When preparing for ivf all the holiday stuff was super cheap. He had a ton of Christmas because I got them for like 70 cent! And I found a spey cheap turkey pjs for thanksgiving.
Krissy - Oh, I'm sorry to hear you are having a rougher go this time around. I hope it doesn't last too much longer. :sick: I don't have any plans as baby isn't due until after Halloween. I love Halloween and I usually dress up for work since most years we have a potluck on that day. Everyone keeps giving me ideas of what I should dress up as this year since I'm pregnant but I have no idea what I'll do. :shrug:

Beagle - Well, the Yanks finally pulled off a win and made the playoffs. DH was pretty happy. Now to play our final games against the O's. I hope you guys don't get hit too hard with rain/flooding.

Terri- Are you going to the game tonight? I know you were on the fence since the weather wasn't supposed to be the greatest. Glad to see you guys pulled off the win against Pittsburgh last night. I used to like the Steelers but I don't care for Big Ben at all so it's hard for me to cheer for them now.

sars - That is strange that your city does trick or treat at the same time/day every year. Although, a policy like that in my town would certainly cut down on the amount of trick or treaters I get. The last couple of years have been pretty neat because someone has showed up as the headless horseman and clops around the streets on his horse. I hope you get your C-section scheduled soon. I have to admit, I would be annoyed too. And I agree - the nurses do all the work, it seems. Then the doctor shows up at the end and takes all the credit. :haha: So I guess what we should all be hoping for is a really great nurse. I was also happy to see that nothing was going on yet when they did the cervical check. This little girl certainly does have some more cooking to do!

:hi: to everyone else! I hope you're all doing well.

Well, I am going to do something that I hate when other people do.......I'm going to start to tell you something but not the whole story........We finally picked out a name. At least a first name. But I can't tell you just yet since it's only about 99.9% sure we'll stick with it. :haha: I'd like to get the middle name finalized too before I start spilling the beans. I did tell my Mom and sister and they loved it so that makes me feel better. It's kind of fun to refer to her by a name finally. :cloud9:
booger-I'm so excited that you are starting to decide on names. Yay!! I think that's a really fun part of pregnancy. What do you hate? When people tell you their whole list, or why they picked the name they did? Or search for approval.

I'm still undecided on the game. I'm just waiting for an email saying it's cancelled. ha ha. I probably won't end up going. I'm such a wuss when it comes to cold weather, even though I could bundle up. I honestly don't know yet. Glad the Yankees made it to the playoffs for those that like them. It's exciting when your team does well. Hopefully they can continue to win. I'm super happy that the Ravens finally won. It was getting SUPER discouraging around here because the Ravens have always been good, so it's really bad when they are terrible. So, a win against our biggest rivals is great.

Beagle-Would you try to go to the World Series if they made it? That would be insane, but really fun if you could get tickets. I guess we'll just have to see if they make it. One step at a time.

Back to the grind for me....have a great weekend everyone!
No way I could make the world series with baby coming. But it would be awesome.

Booger glad you may have a name. Hopefully people will love it or fake loving it. I hate when people judge your baby names.
Hi ladies...

I hope everyone is doing well. I just wanted to check in real quick since I didn't get a chance all week!! I've seriously had the worst week ever. I am SOOO glad it's Friday. I am so ready for a HUGE glass of wine lol.

I had my baseline ultrasound and endometrial scratch this morning!! OUCH!! LOL. I start my Estrace on Sunday... and so it begins :)

I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
Amy-woohoo for getting started!! The scratch does hurt but it'll help you!! I'm excited about our next bfp!

Beagle-I didn't think so, but I thought I'd ask anyway. The game for tonight was cancelled and there will be a doubleheader tomorrow. Unfortunately, I made plans to see my younger sister since she's in DC. I'll trade tickets for next year so I still win. Plus, I'm over this cold front and just want to stay in my house and read/watch tv.
Hi girls!!! Surgery was great! It went better than expected which is awesome. First night sucked because she was in pain. Narcotics constipate so Tylenol only. Poor baby! She using her butthole perfectly. She has all of the muscles she is supposed to have and things come out normally so far. She's nursing a lot, I think for comfort and getting her appetite back. We are home now and we are getting better sleep. Hospitals are noisy. Changing her diaper sucks because I can't wipe her. I have to spray with a water bottle and pat dry. Then put her medicine on. She tolerates it. In two weeks her old hole should be healed. Then we start dilation on her new one. For about 2-4 months. That will suck but at least this whole thing is halfway do e! Plus, no colostomy bag and she has a normal butt. Lol it looks great.
JCM - That's fantastic!! So glad to hear it went well. And you may be half way through the process itself, but you're so much more than half way through the hard part. The cleaning and dilation may stink, but you're past the danger zone of the hospital and the surgery itself :) So glad for the three of you!
Morning ladies. :coffee:

Jen - Hooray for Charli and your family. That is awesome news. That made my day yesterday to log in and see how well everything went.

Krissy - :hi: Hope you're feeling better.

Amy - Sorry the scratch was painful but glad it's over. I'm so happy you're on your way again. I am so ready for a glass of wine too. I told my DH he might have to sneak a beer into the hospital for me.

Terri - Oh, I meant that hate it when people say they have something to tell you but then only tell part of the story - like a teaser. Hehe. It is exciting to have a name picked out but now I'm starting to rethink it. Ugh. We told DHs Mom and she didn't say much. But that's just her way so I'm trying to ignore it - my Mom and sister loved it so I should weigh that more, right? :haha: I hope you had a nice weekend.

Beagle - I hope you're staying high and dry and avoiding the flooding. Yikes! It looks miserable there. Sure wish you could send the rain our way.

How did everyone else's weekend go?

Our weekend was pretty good. DH made a batch of beer on Saturday since he was completely out of homebrew. That is a very strange situation in our house. I tidied up the house and washed the last of the baby stuff. Then I packed the hospital/diaper bag for the baby and got most of my hospital bag packed too. We installed the car seat and went to the inspection place on Saturday morning but they said they weren't doing them. :grr: Well, then change your website to the correct information. I am fairly certain DH didn't put it in just right but he wouldn't listen to me, so I was needing them to prove me right. I guess I have to make an appointment now to get it inspected. Oh well. I have fixed what I thought was wrong so I am now hoping to pass with flying colors.

Yesterday, we went and cut another load of firewood. This time we remembered to take a chair for me to sit in while DH did all the work. I took the dog for a nice long walk while he cut the trees down. Our little dog ran all over like a maniac and completely wore herself out. As you can see in the attached picture, at least one of us took advantage of the chair.


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booger-Oh!! hee hee. The teaser to the story is what you hate? I obviously though it was something about baby names. Yeah, if your mom and sister like it, I'd weigh that more, of course, they are more like you and would like it rather than your MIL, but it's your baby. Your dog is so cute in the chair. hee hee. Great picture!

Jen-So glad Charli is doing well and the surgery went well. A few more weeks of the dilation (or whatever), and then you can leave her alone! hee hee. You sound really happy.

My weekend was great. I didn't go to the game on Friday because it was cancelled, so I sat at home and fiddled around. Then on Saturday I had a foster dog meeting, where we were introduced to the new director. He's cool. Then, I went to DC to an oral surgeon's gala event with my younger sister. That was fun and it was so nice to meet other minority oral surgeons across the country. And it was cool seeing my sister too. Yesterday we went to church and watched football. It was a fun, rainy, chilly weekend.

Hi to everyone else!
Good morning ladies!

Jen - SO glad Charli's surgery went well! What great news. And she's on her way to having a normal...umm.. butt hole. :) So happy for you guys.

Booger - So cute! Love your pup chilling in the chair haha. The stories you tell us about MT really make me want to visit for a vacation! And yay for picking out a name! Don't let your MIL sway your decision. If you and DH like it, thats all that matters.

Terri- glad you are able to get your tickets exchanged for next year! That is a win. Sorry you're having such crummy weather, i hate to brag but our weather has been perfect! Yesterday it was 70 degrees and sunny. Today is looking like its going to be more of the same. I'm sort of ready for some real fall weather, but I'll take what I got I suppose.

Krissy- sorry your symptoms are worse this go-around. Maybe that means its a boy?? ;) Looks like your OB appointment is coming up? I keep hearing the first trimester is the hardest - the nausea is there but nobody knows you're pregnant yet. It can be kind of a lonely experience.

Amy - yay for getting started and getting the scratch over with! I know its not a very pleasant thing, but its over so quick and one less thing to worry about. So excited for this cycle for you! I sense a BFP coming! Hope this week will be better for you.

Afm, DH traveled to Michigan for work yesterday. He'll be gone until Wednesday. I have today off luckily, cause otherwise when its just me and I have to work, our pup is home alone for like 10 hours. :( I hate it. But he'll be home Wednesday at noon so Chuck will only have one 10-hour day.

My first OB appointment is on Friday morning. So I'm really looking forward to that! These cravings/food aversions are tough. Like yesterday I was so hungry for butternut squash ravioli for lunch, so I went to the grocery store and hunted for butternut squash ravioli and romano cheese. My mouth was watering as I was hunting for it at the store. When I got it home, I was like, "meh". Then I saw fruit loops in the pantry and I was like "YES!!" So I had fruit loops for lunch instead. Haha. I still haven't worked up the appetite for the raviolis yet, they're sitting in the fridge.

Yesterday I just went to town on the house - cleaning, vacuuming, laundry. I have like ten bags of old clothes to take to the thrift store today. It feels good to purge what we don't need anymore! Then I think today I'll do a little shopping - none of my work dresses really fit me anymore. Thats less to do with having a baby bump and more to do with gaining weight all over. Ugh.

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