First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Jen - happy the surgery went well. Such an odd situation she is in. I can't remember how common or uncommon you said it was. I think I said before but you are so lucky to be home with her during this time.

Lady - the food stuff may or may not go away the whole pregnancy. I was lucky. Not too many aversions. I was indecisive a lot but really I just needed food. Like right now I am so hungry but don't feel like anything. So I will just grab something & it will be fine.

Booger - The name thing can be hard. For me it was just a feeling of this is it & I know it. I hope you get that feeling. Because I know you respect your mom & sister's the end no one's opinion matters but you. And if no name until she is born, that's ok too.

Amy - when is your transfer scheduled? I have already forgotten.

Terri - that stupid team of yours! I didn't watch the games so I don't know if you guys were good or my team just sucked. Wild card game is Tues & I am just so nervous. Yankees have not been where they should be. We just barely made it to the Wild Card.

I do not feel like myself anymore at all. I slept awful last night...tossing & turning & never comfortable. I think I have actually hit the stage where I am ready to be done with pregnancy. And this kid has kicked it up a notch in the movement department. It is both reassuring & frusrating.

Not a whole lot of water here...well not dangerous levels. SC got most of it. My friend is there. They were nearly washed away!

On Wed they will check for dialation. We will see where we are. My husband has just thrown out Thurs as THE DAY. But I still think he will be stubborn in there. I came to work today in a shirt that doesn't fit (pulled my skirt up higher), didn't wash my hair, & just overall feeling awful. My coworker said I am glowing (my body feels 20 degrees hotter than usual), my hair looks great, & I look thin. :)
Jen - happy the surgery went well. Such an odd situation she is in. I can't remember how common or uncommon you said it was. I think I said before but you are so lucky to be home with her during this time.

Lady - the food stuff may or may not go away the whole pregnancy. I was lucky. Not too many aversions. I was indecisive a lot but really I just needed food. Like right now I am so hungry but don't feel like anything. So I will just grab something & it will be fine.

Booger - The name thing can be hard. For me it was just a feeling of this is it & I know it. I hope you get that feeling. Because I know you respect your mom & sister's the end no one's opinion matters but you. And if no name until she is born, that's ok too.

Amy - when is your transfer scheduled? I have already forgotten.

Terri - that stupid team of yours! I didn't watch the games so I don't know if you guys were good or my team just sucked. Wild card game is Tues & I am just so nervous. Yankees have not been where they should be. We just barely made it to the Wild Card.

I do not feel like myself anymore at all. I slept awful last night...tossing & turning & never comfortable. I think I have actually hit the stage where I am ready to be done with pregnancy. And this kid has kicked it up a notch in the movement department. It is both reassuring & frusrating.

Not a whole lot of water here...well not dangerous levels. SC got most of it. My friend is there. They were nearly washed away!

On Wed they will check for dialation. We will see where we are. My husband has just thrown out Thurs as THE DAY. But I still think he will be stubborn in there. I came to work today in a shirt that doesn't fit (pulled my skirt up higher), didn't wash my hair, & just overall feeling awful. My coworker said I am glowing (my body feels 20 degrees hotter than usual), my hair looks great, & I look thin. :)

Amy - I see your date now in the signature. Good luck!
Thanks everyone!! 1 in 5000 babies have it BUT there are usually more issues affiliated with it like heart conditions (hole in the heart) and spinal issues. So, we were lucky. I'm glad I stuck it out with breast feeding though. It was a nice comfort for her in the hospital. Even if she wasn't hungry because of all of the sedation and nausea she could at least use me as a pacifier. It was really sweet in recovery.

Lady, I loved cereal and lived on it for a long time. And ice cream. Now I hate ice cream. Lol!

I do not miss that uncomfortable feeling beagle. You sound a lot more patient than I was though.

Booger I didn't even realize how close you were! I can't wait to hear your name!

Krissy, sorry you're feeling so crummy. I was sick the whole time and took diclegis and it helped some. Lollipops helped after brushing my teeth in the morning. Silly to get my teeth all sugary after brushing but if I didn't suck on something that made all of that saliva taste fruity I would have puked a full hour every single time. Yuck!

Hi Amy and Terri!!
Sars, hope you're feeling good!

Jkb hope you're doing well with your baby girl.

Babywhisperer, I miss you and your stories. Hi!!! In case you check in!

Who did I miss? I have a baby asleep on me, watching scandal, updating my baby book with two dogs asleep on my head and shoulders. We are quite a sight to see today!
Ugh... brushing teeth gets to me still some days. The only time I would really throw up. Even more I cannot easy anything before brushing. I told my husband I was like the gremlins. No food after midnight. I got up and ate around 2 and it all came back at 7 when I brushed.
beagle-I can't believe you only have 12 days to go. Thursday is too soon, I think. hee hee. My guess will be on Oct. 12. It's a wonderful day for love (it's my anniversary!).
October 11th is mine! I got married on 10/11/12.
Hi ladies,

Jen, That is such wonderful news about Charli! I'm so glad things went well and that the end is near for you. She's lucky to have such a wonderful mama.

Booger: I'm dying to know what you picked. I do care what my parents and brother think. But I've realized that I really don't want to hear the insight of others. I'm starting to hope this is a little lady because I'm not feeling sold on any boy's names. DH is impossible. He likes one name that is not taken by one of our immediate family member's. And I like it, I do. But I'm just not in love with it. Your pup is so cute in the chair!

Terri: Sounds like a really great weekend. Is your younger sister an oral surgeon?

LadySosa: I so, so know what you mean with food. I've been going in and out of that still at the moment. I was obsessed with bagels in the first trimester. I'm back on the bagel train now in the final days. Buy yourself some clothes you feel good in. it makes such a big difference.

Well, ladies. Baby has a potential birth date. I'm scheduled for the c-section Friday Oct. 16 at 10 AM. I'm excited because it gives baby as long as possible to cook in there. And there's the possibility baby makes an arrival on its own.

I spoke with the nurse that ran my labor and delivery class today for some tips on how to convince my OB to not go with the standard protocol. She was very positive and told me some mother's have had luck getting skin-to-skin in the OR at the campus I'm delivering at. The other campus is apparently a bit more supportive but she put me in contact with the nursing manager and gave me a list of points to make. So, fingers crossed.

It's really surreal to have a potential concrete date for baby's arrival. We finished off our registries and got the nursery finished this weekend. I'm feeling pretty prepared and getting really excited to meet this little one.

We had a great weekend. We went out to dinner to two of our favorite restaurants, watched some football Sunday and my fantasy team is 4-0.

I tweaked my neck in my sleep last night and my neck is now killing me. My cankles are out-of-hand and baby's lodged up in my ribs. So, physically I've felt better. Buuuut in the grand scheme of things I still have it pretty easy.

Here's a bump photo of my at 37 weeks. Just finally stole it off of DH's phone. He's awful at sending such things.


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I don't have any special days in oct except my grandmother on the 2nd. But that was too early. I am still hoping for the 21st because that is Back to the Future day. My best friend leaves out of the country on the 9th. So she is hoping he holds out until she comes back. I am so ready to meet him.

Sars so great to hear they are holding out so long. Just be prepared. People keep telling me their stories of having a section scheduled and their water breaking early. But you will do fine. It would be cool if we had the same delivery day.
sars-What a pretty photo. You look so happy and your bump is adorable! Glad the c-section is scheduled but I think baby will come out before then too. fxfx. Yes, my younger sister is an oral surgeon in New Mexico. She's the only minority and female surgeon in the state. I think there are 32 oral surgeons in her state, so it's quite an accomplishment and her practice is doing well. Oh, and I'm 3-1 in Fantasy but after last night I moved into first place out of 12. Now if I can just maintain my position. I've been lucky because no one on my team has gotten hurt or suspended.

Jen-Your wedding date is awesome. hee hee. I didn't know you were an October bride. As much as I hate the cold, it was warm/sunny when we got married. It was also the day of the Bmore marathon, so it was fun watching the runners in the morning and then getting dressed and getting ready afterwards. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

beagle-Godspeed to the Yankees. I didn't watch the games either (I actually did stuff over the weekend), so I have no idea if the Os were awesome or the Yankees were terrible. I guess we'll find out this week of the playoffs. Too bad the Os decided to play well the last 4 games. :wacko:
Sars I meant to compliment your photo as well. You look really good! The end is near or so I am told.

Terri how awesome your sister being the only minority and also a woman. Such an accomplishment.

So I found my fmla paperwork. They did actually approve it as 3 months vs 12 weeks.
JCM - I haven't dared brush my teeth on an empty stomach yet. I'll take a look for diclegis. My DD L-O-V-E-S lollipops, and I don't think I could make her understand why I could have one first thing in the morning and she couldn't, so I'm trying to avoid that route lol (which is a shame because I've heard so many reccomnedations). I do think overall it's subsiding though. Allergies and Asthma are my biggest complaint now - yay ](*,)

Beagle - FXed it's not too much longer for you. I hated those last few days of pregnancy, and my DD came 10 days early lol.

Sars - Glad things are winding down for you too and love the bump pic!! Lot of excitement coming up in here :D

AFM - I've got my first scan with a regular OB today and just a few more days left on Progesterone. Almost on a "normal" course now :)
Krissy I used the prego candy. You can find it at babies r us or amazon. Our lemon candy worked. Maybe tell your daughter it is a cough drop or something. I also heard the magnetic bands are really great. I never tried them.
Morning lovelies. :coffee:

Beagle - Well, it's do or die day for the Yanks. Guess we'll see what happens. My DH is thinking of joining a fantasy hockey league because his buddy's team had an opening. The draft is tonight so I think we might end up over at his buddy's house so that means watching the game with company - could get interesting. Hmmmm, if I'm going to guess on a date for little DC to make his appearance, I'm going to say Oct. 19. No particular reason - just a guess. Sorry it's past your due date. :haha:

Terri - That's pretty awesome about your sister. Congrats on moving into first place with your fantasy league. I hope you can stay there for the rest of the season.

sars - You look so cute in your picture. I love your shirt. I'm a stripes girl and you look adorable. I'm with you on feeling lucky about having an easy pregnancy. I would hate to have a difficult pregnancy because to be honest, I don't love being pregnant. I have a couple of friends who absolutely love/loved being pregnant. :nope: Not me. Hooray on having your date scheduled. :happydance: I'm sure that's a big relief. But maybe little baby will change it's mind, flip around, and surprise you and DH!

JCM - That is a cool anniversary date. Easy to remember. I can keep track of the day we got married but I sometimes mix up the year - and we've only been married two years - how sad is that? We have been together forever though, so I blame that as the reason. I'm glad that Charli is doing well at home. :hugs:

Lady - You should come visit MT sometime. The western part of the state is just lovely. The mountains are beautiful. It's really not that far......just saying. :flower: I hear ya on the food thing. I almost feel like the first tri symptoms are coming back for me. I am craving carbs and cheese like no other right now. And smells are killing me. I put on lotion yesterday morning that I hadn't used in awhile and I was making myself sick. :sick: Then this morning when I walked into the office at work all I could smell was this horrible cleaning chemical smell. Ugh. I agree with Sars - find you some nice comfy clothes. Leggings are amazing right now. If I had been pregnant in winter, I would have been all over them.

So, I'll share our name that we have picked. Our last name is short and only one syllable so it really takes at least a two-syllable first name to sound right and most names that end with an -ey sound (like Riley) don't sound very great either. Anyway, we are thinking Piper. I love it and it does go great with our last name. I wouldn't mind being named Piper and I don't think it sounds too childish. Now to pick a middle name. :shrug:
Krissy - Good luck at your scan today!! If you can't get a prescription for Diclegis you can make your own. I know that sounds crazy and kind of kooky but that's what I did. I spoke to my doctor about it and he was fine with it. It was much cheaper than the prescription. All Diclegis is is Vitamin B6 and Unisom. You can take 10 mg of Vitamin B6 (I bought mine off of Amazon so I could find a tablet dose small enough) and half a tab of Unisom (doxylamine). I took at bedtime to avoid being sleepy during the day. It seemed to help. Just an idea. But obviously, talk to your doctor first and see what he/she thinks.
Krissy: Good luck at your scan today! Can't wait to see a photo. I hope you start feeling better soon. These ladies have some great tips. Ginger ale/ginger beer helped settle my stomach when I felt queasy. But I didn't really have morning sickness. I just got car sick.

Beagle: It would be very cool if DC and this baby decided to arrive on the same day since they've been in tandem this entire time. It is so surreal how close we are.

Terri: I kind of think baby will come early too but husband thinks it will cooperate and be punctual. That's awesome about your sister. You must be very proud of her. I'm shocked I'm 4-0 and because I had Rothelisberger in last weekend. I needed Jamaal Charles and Travis Kelce to put up 39 points in the Monday night game and they did. :happydance: I've run the Baltimore half, not the full. It is a tough but fun course. That would be a fun start to a wedding day.

Amy: I forgot to say congrats on getting started! I've got some good feelings here for you.

Booger: I discovered maternity leggings in a drawer of clothes my friend gave me. Hallelujah are they awesome. And I'm not a leggings kind of gal normally. Piper is such a cute name. It is my best friend's girl name. Montana is high on my vacation list. I'll be sure to let you know if we venture out west.

It's funny we've had the middle names settled from day one: Christopher for my husband's cousin who died of lung cancer in December. It also happens to be my Dad's name. And Adelia for my fiery 96-year-old great-aunt. I'd love Adelia for the first name but my niece's name is Amelia and DH doesn't like it. The first names are proving harder.
I love Piper!! There was a girl in school named Poppy, and I thought that was so unique, and she was so cool. Piper kind of reminds me of that. She'll be a cool Montanan with an awesome name! And no one will be abbreviating it. I'm also a fan of short enough names where there is no abbreviation (like mine!).
Thanks, ladies!

sars - I love both your middle names. We have some options but just haven't settled on one yet. Who knew that picking a name would be so hard??
Hi ladies!

Booger - I love that name! I have a friend named Piper and she is very hip and stylish. Def a great name!

Sars- great pic! You look so cute and such a precious bump. Kudos on being 4-0 on your fantasy. I'm 3-1 and it feels good to be winning! Last year I was in last place so its nice to have a better team this year. I have Aaron Rodgers, Julio Jones, Demarius Thomas - those have been my money makers! :)

Beagle - I can't believe your time is almost here. Time has flown! It seems like just the other day when you were getting your BFP.

Krissy - can't wait to hear how your OB appointment went! I got the Preggie Pops (but they are like lozenges) and those have been helping.

Today was rough for me, I had a splitting headache and felt so nauseous all day. I ate Cheerios for breakfast and lunch, then after lunch I threw up - at work! Ugh. I had to basically run out of a meeting and make a beeline for the bathroom. Our pup was constipated again yesterday, so I had to deal with his frantic pacing and whining into the wee hours of the morning. I feel so bad for him, and there's really no way to relieve his tummy immediately. So I woke up at 1am to feed him more canned pumpkin and miralax and take him out to potty again (to no avail). He finally pooped today at lunch and tonight thankfully, so he is feeling better. And of course DH is out of town this week so its been a lot to handle on my own. He gets home tomorrow, yay! SO looking forward to that. Anyways, it's only 8:45 and I'm in bed already. It's wonderful....Good night all!

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