First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies. :flower:

Lady - Ugh. Sorry you're not feeling so swell on top of DH being out of town. That's rough. Add in the sick pup and it sounds like this week just stinks. Hooray for going to bed at 8:45! I think I was in bed earlier than that last night. I was completely exhausted yesterday for some reason.

I feel terrible today. I don't know how to describe it other than just tired and icky. I might end up going home but I'd prefer to tough it out as I know each day it's just going to get harder and harder to stay motivated. I could work from home, I suppose. I might just have to start doing that as people here at work really are starting to wear on me - had a fairly new coworker yesterday tell me that I "just keep getting bigger every time she sees me". :dohh: Um, I'm pretty sure that line shouldn't come out of anyone's mouth, ever. She's lucky I'm nice and didn't say "so do you!"
Ugh, LadySosa, that sounds awful about getting sick at work. Poor Chuck! I was going to suggest pumpkin but you're on top of it. I hope your week gets better.

Booger: You should have slapped that lady at work. Why do people think that is OK? Every once and awhile, I have those days where I feel like I got hit by a truck and just felt awful. I just had to sleep and I woke up feeling better the next day.

I had an appointment with the doctor performing my c-section. He's very sweet. He was telling me how he loved delivering breech babies vaginally, said it was a lot of fun, but alas they won't let him do it anymore. He was totally down with skin-to-skin in the OR, as was the nurse manager yesterday. So, baby is going to get to stay with us through the whole surgery barring any medical issues. I feel 1000X better about this. I'm starting to get super excited and impatient for baby to finally be here. It is all just so surreal.
Booger people are just stupid. Speaking of which my husband told people I put my hospital bag in the car. Well people started thinking we were in labor. Anyways he corrected them but one of his dumb friend went on to day how a due date was not a schedule and his kids were both late. I don't know about you guys but worse than anything I hate is a MAN trying to tell me how a woman's body works.

Lady I had some rough times too in the beginning when my husband was gone a lot. Sucks.

So no dilation today when I was checked. She said they wait 7 days after the due date to induce. Ugh. I'm gonna have to start working on getting this kid jump started. Mainly because these people at work are stupid. My bOSS calling constantly trying to get me on the phone just to see how things are going. Just seems people won't stop calling. Another won't quit about how I shouldn't be at work at all. Musty exhausting. Oh and the other guy who has a pregnant wife freaked out because I touched my stomach when the baby moved. I always do that. People need to calm down. And bids annoyed because Dr appt not on his calendar. I never know where they are. Jesus!
Oh Sars... glad appt went well and you are feeling better about the c section.
Sars - I'm so happy you're feeling better about the C-section now. That's got to be a huge relief. My coworkers comment was the first of that kind so far, so I tried not to be too annoyed, but still, come on. I am feeling better now than this morning. I think it's the thought of coming to work that makes me ill!

Beagle - I think we're all in the same boat where it's just easy to be annoyed. I think most people have good intentions and have no idea that what they are doing or saying is annoying right now but that doesn't make it any less so. It's funny - all the ladies at work are telling me how I'll be late since it's my first baby and then all the men at work are telling me how their wives all went early.
That's a good thought. But my husband's friend is an ass. I can forgive most people of their ignorance. Not this guy. I told him how my sil told my husband to never tell me to breathe during labor. Meaning her husband annoyed her with it in the delivery room. My husband's friend got serious and aid you have to tell her to breathe or she will forget. Give me a break. He thinks he has all this knowledge we don't. It's like hello we can Google some stuff too!
JCM - I'm so glad to hear the surgery went well and that baby Charli is on her way to a full recovery.

Booger - I love the name. So so cute. It reminds me of Piper on Charmed who I loved. Yes I watched Charmed, don't judge lol :)

Beaglemom - I can't believe how close you are getting. Literally days away!!

Sars - You look great! Besides your baby bump, you hardly look pregnant. I remember towards the end of my pregnancy, my whole body started swelling up lol. I'm so glad you got the c-section worked out and that you're feeling a lot better about it.

Terri - That's awesome about your sister. You must be a proud big sister :)

Krissy - I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Hopefully you'll find something that helps ease it for you.

Lady - I'm so sorry you're not feeling well either. And worse than that, getting sick at work. Ugh that has to be the worst. I'm sorry about your pup too, I hope you both start feeling better soon.
Hi ladies.

We're all on baby watch - I can't believe that Beagle and sars are in the single digits for days left! And sars is really only a little over a week away if she doesn't go early. I'm so excited I can hardly stand it!! :wohoo:

Amy - Hey, I liked the show Charmed too but I had forgotten all about Piper! No judgment here on your choice of TV shows.

Beagle - Yeah, some people just can't help themselves in the advice department. So, is next Friday your last day at work or are you going to keep working if DC doesn't cooperate and arrives late? I'm sure you've already told us but I can't remember.

Let's see - nothing exciting to report here. Can't wait for the weekend. We get Monday off even though it's a lame holiday. At this point, I don't care. I have a doctor's appointment that day but at least I don't have to come back to work afterwards!
Day off for me too on Monday. After my day greatest I am kind of pissy today. So may call out tomorrow. I have 3 days of pto left. Was going to hold them for if I get scheduled to be induced...I can use them the days before. But at this point I am just so done.

I have to work up until the day. Unless like I aid above I have a schedule. Fmla will not kick in until baby is born or Dr takes me out. Wondering if I go in on the 19th they will let me induce on the 21st. Back to the future day. Not sure if they will let me choose
Sars - Awesome news about the c-section! Really sounds like its all coming together.

Booger - I love the "So do you" come back lol. Some people have some nerve and/or absolutely zero common sense

AFM - my morning sickness... moved south, shall we say. I still have a good deal of nausea but really it pales in comparison to how close I need to stay to a bathroom for other reasons (sorry for the tmi). Worse than that, I think it might be bile related. I had my gall bladder removed over 10 years ago, and the only time I've ever been this sick is when I eat things that trigger those kinds of issues. And since mostly I've been craving heavier, fattier, spicier foods...... :sick: Not a good combo.
So last night was one of the best nights of sleep for me. I woke up on time & feeling really good. But I still decided to stay home. I am hoping to keep this going today & get my house in order. I was to clean & organize my freezer & fridge. Wash clothes. Sweep all the rooms. I will probably be exhausted, but I have a 3 day weekend to recover.

Hope everyone else is doing well.
Beagle - Glad to hear you got some good rest last night. And hooray for taking today off and having an extra long weekend. Have fun cleaning and tidying up - I have a feeling I'll be doing that this weekend too.

Krissy - Ugh. Sorry you're dealing with GI distress. That's the worst! I hope you're near the end of all of this morning sickness/nausea stuff.

Lady - I think you have an OB appointment today - I hope it goes well. I don't think I remember you saying what your due date is - we need a ticker!

I hope everyone has a nice weekend. I know I'm looking forward to ours. Nothing on the schedule - it just means not being at work. :haha:
Hi ladies!
Booger- such a rude thing to say by your coworker! I agree with you, you should never say that to anyone, pregnant or not.

Beagle- glad you're feeling good today! And hooray for staying home and getting things organized and ready.

Sars- so glad you like your doc and the c-section is all sorted out and scheduled! Wow, you're almost there!!

Krissy- I can sympathize. I am definitely going #2 more frequently now. It is annoying!

Today was my OB appointment and everything went well. Baby is right on track and we saw the heartbeat again. We could see the tiny little leg and arm nubs forming! We're getting so excited! I think my due date is May 15. DH and I were not thrilled with the new clinic, but I think it was just the medical assistant who wasn't terribly pleasant. I felt like I was being interrogated and they seemed super disorganized. She's like, "go give a urine sample, here's the bathroom." Usually they say, "use the disinfecting wipe first, write your name on the bottle, and place it here when you're done." Nothing. So I was standing in the hallway with my pee in a cup like..."what do I do with this??" We met with the nurse practitioner today, who was kind of weird, and next appointment (in 3 weeks) will finally be with our doctor, who my nurse raved about. So hoping our experiences improve. I'm just glad the baby is on track!

This weekend we have some friends visiting from out of state. We're trying to think of something fun to do tmro. DH is like, "let's go wine tasting!" I just looked at him. "Really?" I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't. He's like, "just cause you can't have fun doesn't mean the rest of us can't." I was so mad at him! What am I gonna do while they wine taste?? Stand around and watch ten drink delicious wine?! Yeah no thanks.
Morning, ladies.

How's everyone doing?

Lady - So good to hear your OB appointment went well. And yay for a May baby. Just in time to have a little time off in the spring/summer. I hope you had a nice weekend and didn't have to go wine tasting without the wine tasting. That would be pretty tortuous.

Beagle and sars - How are you guys doing?? Hanging in there?

Hope everyone else is doing well.

Not much going on here. Glad it's a short week at work since I had yesterday off. Dr's appointment went well yesterday. Still tracking just right. He'll start doing cervical checks next week. My Group B strep test came back negative so that's good. He just said not to have my baby this weekend as he'll be out of town. Well, I sure hope that doesn't happen - baby needs a couple more weeks of cooking, at least.
I know its been a long time since I have been on here but I need to have a break. I am happy to see the babies and pregnancies!!! Congrats to everyone! How is everything going for you ladies...truly have missed you all!
Hi ladies,

Sorry for the radio silence over here. Still no baby. Just a lot of headaches, both DH and I are sick. I was running a 101 degree fever yesterday and a mean sore throat. To top it off the hospital called yesterday to confirm my c-section for THURSDAY. So, my option is currently to go in Thursday or 2:30 on Friday, which means I can't eat for 14.5 hours before the surgery. I'm truly unhappy with both option. If I wasn't sick, I'd go for Thursday but I'd like to give myself all the time to get better I can. I'm headed to the doctor now to figure out what the hell the deal is. I'm just so frustrated at this point.

Lady, thrilled your appointment went well!!! Yay for May babies. I'm a June baby myself and always wanted a spring baby. It's my favorite time of year.

Krissy, Hope the tummy settled down. I've had a few periods like that throughout this pregnancy.

Brighteyez: good to hear from you! Hope you're doing well.. Are you trying another round?
Hi Ladies,

Lady - I'm sorry the new clinic was a little disappointing. Hopefully you'll have a better experience next time. I'm glad everything is on track with the little one though. I just remembered that you did PGS on your embryos, so do you know the sex of the embryos that they transferred? If you don't, are you going to find out?

Booger - I'm glad your appointment went well and that everything is on track. Also glad your GBS test was negative as well. Less than a month to go now :)

Beaglemom - How are you feeling? The baby watch continues :)

Brighteyez73 - It's nice to hear from you. I hope all is well.

Sars - I'm so sorry you're sick. That just really sucks and is the worst timing. I hope you get better really soon. Can you postpone your C-section for just a day or two to give yourself a little more time to recover? Let's us know how your appointment goes.

AFM - Not much going on over here. I am so over this 90 degree weather in October. I am more than ready for fall and winter. I'm craving sweaters, boots, and hot chocolate :) My next appointment is on Thursday. If everything is looking good, I start my Endometrin on Sunday and transfer is next Friday. Whoo hoo!!
Lady - Definitely make sure you find a clinic you're happy with, and don't settle. The OB I started with with my DD always just rubbed me the wrong way, and I was so happy when I found someplace better. LOL my DH has also made plans for winetasting for us with friends (friends who don't know I'm pregnant yet lol). I had to chew him out at home and make him come up with an excuse to cancel.

Booger - Glad everything is moving right along as it should.

Sars - Sorry you're having so many scheduling issues and aren't feeling well. Hopefully you get the rest and recovery you need for either time.

Amy - FXed for you on Thursday and that this transfer is the one! :dust:

AFM - I think I'm starting to come out of my stomach issues. At least I'm eating fairly normally/healthy again and seem to be tolerating it for the most part.
Hey guys...going to try to post daily so no one is wondering if baby came. But I've had a hectic few days.

Lady - I totally forgot about PGS for you. But if you transferred 2, you may not be able to tell. But yes let us know if you are planning to find out.

Sars - again I am hating this situation you are in. I hope you got your answers & things go smoothly for you. Sorry you are sick. Make sure the dr knows about it before the procedure. They may want to wait a day or so. Or give you meds.

Amy - excited for you!

brighteyez - good to hear from you.

So I have a personal update & baby update. First I am hving cramps off & on. Had a headache today. My system also seems to be clearing out because I am going to the bathroom more often. The mucus discharge is increasing. And (this will sound weird) if I squeeze my nipples, I have a discharge. I thought I noticed something & they looked different, so I thought I would see what happens...& I am producing something in there. So my body is gearing up. I still think I will go late. Appt tomorrow & I am hoping for some progress. We have tried several times to have sex with no success. No matter what position, it just isn't working. My body is not in to it. I feel tight down there so it is kind of uncomfortable. But the sex we did have made m have cramping, so I am hoping it did something even without the semen. I bought a pineapple to eat which I have not tried yet. Also plan to use my breast pump. They say stimulating your nipples with a pump can help move things along.

So I need some opinions here. My SIL (not a fb friend) posted something with my husband tagged. It was her family wall in her house. She framed pics of family. There was one of me & my husband. She can see things I tag him in. It was one of my photos of us on vacation. So she copied & printed & framed this without asking. The post also said the wall was almost finished just waiting on the new son. I find it very violating she did this without asking. And her post implies she plans to do whatever she wants with pics of my son. My husband doesn't see the big deal. I don't think just because pics are on fb you have the right to copy them without permission. Just to be clear here...despite my personal feelings about her, if she had said she was doing this wall & wanted a pic of us, I would have gladly found one & mailed it to her. I have a problem with the not asking. So the more I ask the more upset I am. My husband hates conflict. I am trying to decide if I should message her or let him. Either way she needs to be told. My plan for the message was to say I understand you wanting a pic of us for your wall, but I would appreciate you not use pictures with me in them from fb for your personal use. I feel the same way about upcoming pictures of Derek. If you want pictures of me & Bruce or Derek just ask & we will gladly mail you some.

Any thoughts guys?

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