First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Amy: You're getting so close. I feel you on the fall. I'm also getting excited for my super swollen feet to fit back into my boots! I can only wear flip flops now.

Beagle: Sounds like things are moving along. I noticed I've been leaking a bit of colostrum as well. That sounds like a tough one with your sister-in-law. I personally don't have any expectation that once I post something on Facebook I can really control how it is used. But if it really upsetting to you and you think it is going to be ongoing, I think you should let your husband talk to her. Make sure he emphasizes you'd just prefer to send photos rather than be taken off of Facebook.

Booger: Glad to hear all looked good at the doc. No news is good news right now, so the lil lady can keep cooking.

My OB's office won't let me go to 40 weeks with a breech baby, so Friday is my last chance to go in for the c-section since they don't do scheduled sections on weekends. I'm not sure what they would do if I was seriously sick, like with the flu or something.

I am feeling better now that the fever has broken. I worked today and I do feel like I'm improving. I went in to my OB today and they just said fluids, fluids, fluids and to rest. They seem to think it is viral, so not much else to do. They called over to the labor unit and were told that I am scheduled for a c-section at 12:30 Friday. I have no idea where that time came from since it is the first I'm hearing it but it is better than 2:30 or later as I was told. So, it just sounds like things will be pushed back 2.5 hours. I can deal with that. My OB's office told me I could drink up to 8 ounces of water in the morning but just not to mention it.

My family is coming up Thursday night and we're going out to dinner, so that should be a lot of fun. It really sucks being sick right now because it is just taking away from the crazy excitement I was feeling. We expected to be going out to dinner and doing all sorts of fun things. Instead, we both got into bed at 5 p.m. last night and ate soup out of coffee mugs. But what can ya do?
Hello Sars,

It's great to back amongst you ladies! I have been great just took a break. We are doing an FET on 11/17/15. I am on BCPs now and will start shots and have my baseline done on the 30th. The meds are due here tomorrow and I have my Mock Transfer the 15th. But how are you doing I see you will be having baby soon which is exciting. Congratulations!!!:happydance:

Hi ladies,

Sorry for the radio silence over here. Still no baby. Just a lot of headaches, both DH and I are sick. I was running a 101 degree fever yesterday and a mean sore throat. To top it off the hospital called yesterday to confirm my c-section for THURSDAY. So, my option is currently to go in Thursday or 2:30 on Friday, which means I can't eat for 14.5 hours before the surgery. I'm truly unhappy with both option. If I wasn't sick, I'd go for Thursday but I'd like to give myself all the time to get better I can. I'm headed to the doctor now to figure out what the hell the deal is. I'm just so frustrated at this point.

Lady, thrilled your appointment went well!!! Yay for May babies. I'm a June baby myself and always wanted a spring baby. It's my favorite time of year.

Krissy, Hope the tummy settled down. I've had a few periods like that throughout this pregnancy.

Brighteyez: good to hear from you! Hope you're doing well.. Are you trying another round?
Hello Amy - Awesome to hear from you'll as well!! I missed the connection but just needed a break. I am well and ready to start again with an FET this time. Yaaayyy for transfer next Friday, I am sending prayers and baby dust your way!!!

Hi Ladies,

Lady - I'm sorry the new clinic was a little disappointing. Hopefully you'll have a better experience next time. I'm glad everything is on track with the little one though. I just remembered that you did PGS on your embryos, so do you know the sex of the embryos that they transferred? If you don't, are you going to find out?

Booger - I'm glad your appointment went well and that everything is on track. Also glad your GBS test was negative as well. Less than a month to go now :)

Beaglemom - How are you feeling? The baby watch continues :)

Brighteyez73 - It's nice to hear from you. I hope all is well.

Sars - I'm so sorry you're sick. That just really sucks and is the worst timing. I hope you get better really soon. Can you postpone your C-section for just a day or two to give yourself a little more time to recover? Let's us know how your appointment goes.

AFM - Not much going on over here. I am so over this 90 degree weather in October. I am more than ready for fall and winter. I'm craving sweaters, boots, and hot chocolate :) My next appointment is on Thursday. If everything is looking good, I start my Endometrin on Sunday and transfer is next Friday. Whoo hoo!!
Hello Beaglemom - How is everything? Looks like baby will be soon which I am sure you are ready to cradle your bundle of joy!

Hey guys...going to try to post daily so no one is wondering if baby came. But I've had a hectic few days.

Lady - I totally forgot about PGS for you. But if you transferred 2, you may not be able to tell. But yes let us know if you are planning to find out.

Sars - again I am hating this situation you are in. I hope you got your answers & things go smoothly for you. Sorry you are sick. Make sure the dr knows about it before the procedure. They may want to wait a day or so. Or give you meds.

Amy - excited for you!

brighteyez - good to hear from you.

So I have a personal update & baby update. First I am hving cramps off & on. Had a headache today. My system also seems to be clearing out because I am going to the bathroom more often. The mucus discharge is increasing. And (this will sound weird) if I squeeze my nipples, I have a discharge. I thought I noticed something & they looked different, so I thought I would see what happens...& I am producing something in there. So my body is gearing up. I still think I will go late. Appt tomorrow & I am hoping for some progress. We have tried several times to have sex with no success. No matter what position, it just isn't working. My body is not in to it. I feel tight down there so it is kind of uncomfortable. But the sex we did have made m have cramping, so I am hoping it did something even without the semen. I bought a pineapple to eat which I have not tried yet. Also plan to use my breast pump. They say stimulating your nipples with a pump can help move things along.

So I need some opinions here. My SIL (not a fb friend) posted something with my husband tagged. It was her family wall in her house. She framed pics of family. There was one of me & my husband. She can see things I tag him in. It was one of my photos of us on vacation. So she copied & printed & framed this without asking. The post also said the wall was almost finished just waiting on the new son. I find it very violating she did this without asking. And her post implies she plans to do whatever she wants with pics of my son. My husband doesn't see the big deal. I don't think just because pics are on fb you have the right to copy them without permission. Just to be clear here...despite my personal feelings about her, if she had said she was doing this wall & wanted a pic of us, I would have gladly found one & mailed it to her. I have a problem with the not asking. So the more I ask the more upset I am. My husband hates conflict. I am trying to decide if I should message her or let him. Either way she needs to be told. My plan for the message was to say I understand you wanting a pic of us for your wall, but I would appreciate you not use pictures with me in them from fb for your personal use. I feel the same way about upcoming pictures of Derek. If you want pictures of me & Bruce or Derek just ask & we will gladly mail you some.

Any thoughts guys?
Hi girls..I'm still on baby watch for the most part.

Beagle-I agree with sars; tell your hubs to tell his sister that your FB pics are off limits, or you're not going to keep her as a friend on there because she's stealing your stuff.

sars-I hope you can hold out until friday, but it does seem weird that you're going to have a new baby when you're feeling sick. Hopefully the cold will move out in the next couple days so you can enjoy time with your family.

Amy/brighteyez-yay for transfer.

AFM-No updates to share. :wave: to everyone else.
Beagle - All of your signs sound good, so things sound like they're moving ahead nicely. But don't read too much into the nipple discharge. I had leakage issues (and I mean enough to need to change my shirt if I slept in a white teeshirt without a bra) for MONTHS before DD was born - SO annoying. So I'm afraid that's not necessarily a sign of things being close lol.

Sars - I hope your cold lightens up over the next day or two. I can definitely imagine it being a little bit of a buzz kill.... but I bet once the baby is born, you'll forget all about it <3
My husband did send her a message last night. She is actually not my friend...she got the pic from my husband's page because he was tagged. I had blocked her after she did it, but changed my mind. If you block someone they cannot see anything you post even if a mutual friend is tagged. I offered to message her, but he did it. I know they think I am being a bitch about it, but it really upset me to think about. I was even in bed this morning contemplating deleting my page all together. I know in theory I have no control on what happens to my pics I post, but I am very particular on who is added to my fb. So I just assume my friends & family will be respectful of my posts. I was actually so upset thinking about it, I was crying...totally the hormones, I know. But I feel better he said something & I told him to get her new address since she moved. I plan to be dilelgent in sending out prints in the mail to family.

I will try to come back after my appt to update if I have any progress.
Hi ladies!

Brighteyez - Hey there, lady!! Good to hear from you. I was wondering what had happened to you. Sometimes you just need a break. It's nice to see you're gearing up again for transfer. :flower:

Terri - Hi! I hope you're still doing well in your fantasy football league.

Krissy - Hooray for starting to feel better! :happydance: That's great. Here's hoping you stay that way for a long time.

sars - Oh man. That stinks that you were so sick but good to hear you are on the mend. I can't believe your baby will be here in two more days! I can't wait to hear if it's boy or girl! Of course, I know things will be hectic and crazy for a while so just update us when you can. :hugs:

Beagle - Well, it sounds like things are moving in the right direction. I'll be curious to hear your report out after your appointment today. I think it's weird that your SIL did that with the pictures but I think once you place something on Facebook, your privacy goes out the door. Not that it makes it right, but you can't really control what people do with something you put out there. You can certainly say something to her and hope she respects your wishes.

Amy - I'm with you on the weather. We have been having beautiful days of all sunshine and like 70-80 degrees. Um, it's October in Montana and I'm still wearing flip flops everyday. I'm ready for fall. I would love for it to get cool and rainy for as long it wants. Transfer is just a little over a week away! :wohoo:

Hello to everyone else!

Yesterday was an ugh kind of day. I felt okay until after lunch and then I started feeling pretty crappy. I think that's just how it's going to be until the end. A few good days followed by an icky day every now and then and so on. I honestly think it's coming back to work after the weekend that makes me feel sick. :haha: I ended up going home after lunch and just napping. I feel better today. I finally feel ready for baby though. My bag and baby's bag are packed and we have the essentials at home.
Beagle - It looks like we cross-posted. Funny you mention deleting your Facebook page. I actually deactivated mine last week. Everything and everyone was annoying me - not to mention that I felt like I was wasting too much time looking at stuff that was just getting on my nerves. I can reactivate it later if I want and everything will still be there. I personally don't plan on sharing much baby stuff on there anyway - I think I'm just hormonal too but I think people overshare information these days. I had a friend post a picture of his kid on the training potty in his living room. Cute picture, maybe one for the family photo album but just didn't seem like something I would be happy if my parents had put out there for all the world to see!
Brighteyez: How exciting to be gearing up again. Fingers crossed this all works out.

Beagle: Good luck at the doctor today! I hope you get some encouraging progress. I'm happy to hear your husband talked to his sister and it made you feel better. That's what is important.

Booger: I can't believe how close you are getting! I'm sorry work has been such a drag lately. But yay that you got to sneak out and fit a nap in. Sometimes going on Facebook can make me feel bad. I don't post much myself and definitely want to be cognizant of limiting baby's exposure. Those potty pics and such make me cringe. Babies today will have a massive digital identity amassed by the time they're old enough to have a say.

Today is my last day at work, which is a very weird feeling. I've worked consistently since I was 15, so the idea of not working for 3 months is so strange.

I'm feeling OK cold-wise. I am seeing my PCP this afternoon to make sure they still think it is viral.

Ironically, the hospital called me this morning to tell me that the woman in the 10 AM slot Friday had her baby last night. So, after much stress and many tears, I am back to my original 10 AM c-section Friday. I'll be sure to keep you ladies posted once he or she arrives! I'm still feeling boy but everyone lately has been adamant it is a girl. Baby has been super active the last two days. I'm going to miss these kicks and punches. But I'm also so thrilled to finally meet this little one. It all feels so surreal.

Crazy, we all thought my good friend and neighbor, who was due this past Sunday, was going to go early because she was having intense false labor a few weeks ago. She went to the doctor today and she isn't even dilated. Looks like I'll be having my baby first, which no one expected since she's so big. Doctor guestimated her baby at 8.5.
Yeh, like I said...I don't expect total privacy, but I would expect some respect as far as my stuff goes. The other thing is my mom is like whatever if it's family. My husband too. So I was like so where is the line? If you go to a friend's house & there is a wall of photos of you from fb, that's ok? Besides, she may be family, but not close family. Not sure how he worded it. But better from him I guess since I would have pissed her off. FB seems to be the only way to really keep touch with all the family. And my beagle rescue friends. So I want to share pics with them. I just don't expect people to copy them. Also my husband shares his photography. So I said is it okay for someone to steal that? What's the difference? But it's over with now.

Ok guys...anticipation over & don't refuel it. Baby is doing nothing. Sars will beat me to the finish line. She has already scheduled my induction date...Oct 26. I would go in the night before. I have a Mon appt & Fri appt. If no baby any sooner, my last day is next Wed. I have 2 days of PTO left. I do not plan on telling my boss anything. He has had plenty of time to prepare. I think I will just say dr called me Thurs morning & told me my induction I will come in only change my out of office then just go home.

So guys wish me luck on helping this baby along. Any old wives tales, just let me know. I will try sex again, but not sure we can make it happen.
Beagle - Well, I know you say not to refuel your anticipation but you just never know what's going to happen. So, let's just hope you don't have to make it to induction day. I don't think any of the old wives tales work so I won't offer any advice there, just think about how awesome it is that you only have one week of work left if DC doesn't come sooner!

sars - I'm glad you're back to a C-section time that you feel better about. :thumbup: :happydance: about this being your last day at work. I know it must feel weird but you'll be busy enough in a couple of days!

I just can't wait to see the new babies!
Beagle - Well, I know you say not to refuel your anticipation but you just never know what's going to happen. So, let's just hope you don't have to make it to induction day. I don't think any of the old wives tales work so I won't offer any advice there, just think about how awesome it is that you only have one week of work left if DC doesn't come sooner!

sars - I'm glad you're back to a C-section time that you feel better about. :thumbup: :happydance: about this being your last day at work. I know it must feel weird but you'll be busy enough in a couple of days!

I just can't wait to see the new babies!

I am going to try the breast pump thing, eating pineapple, relaxing baths. But otherwise, we will just have to see what happens. It is nice to have a date in my head though...even if it's not the date I would want. Little man thinks my womb is a luxury hotel!
Hi ladies!! Please forgive me for being MIA. The first 6 weeks were brutal. On top of being sleep deprived, mastitis, I got a wound infection while on the antibiotics so they kept me on them another week. The last 6 weeks I spent trying to sleep train Emma.

How are all of you lovelies? Kryss, JKB, & Lady congrats!! Booger and Beagle you're almost there! Terri I'm sorry all didn't go as we had all hoped and wished for you. Amy I have been thinking of you and hope you have better luck this time. The scratch doesn't sound fun at all. Sars I commend you for trying a version. I have had friends who have done it with no success so I just felt it was better to skip it....that and everyone keeps saying that since she couldn't turn and Jack flipped to face up while pushing, that I must have a narrow pelvis. Hmmm. Hi jen, how's Charli doing since her procedure? Hi Brighteyez! Erin, Kfs...everyone hello!

I cannot wait for the next crop of babies to be born. I wish all of you smooth and fast deliveries. My leave really went so fast. I spent a week looking at bigger cars, another week organizing 2 closets, but mostly I spent as much time with Jack and Emma as possible. I would record every ounce she drank, every minute she slept to see a pattern and try and get her onto a schedule. If she woke up at night I would know if it was from a lack of calories for the day and adjust. She is definitely more particular than Jack was at this age and doesn't sleep as well. If she's going through a leap or wonder week, her sleeping and eating is affected. She is a smiley and happy baby so we are blessed. She has been sleeping 10-6ish most nights thankfully since I started back to work yesterday. Yes I am back in the icky environment that I left. It has only gotten worse since I was on leave. No one is doing any business, morale is awful, and it is depressing. One guy stopped coming in most Mondays and Fridays while I was out and when confronted he said when he is back to making money and working with people he likes that he will come back into the office. It's nice to know I am not alone in feeling frustrated, but it is disheartening to know that no matter how many people complain, nothing will change. To make matters worse 3 firms have let people go in the last 3 weeks, so more people like me are out of work and would love my seat. I am sure they are trying to come here and since most of these guys are 60 or over, they will be able to request my accts as they have been in the business as long as I've been alive. I hope things turn around soon, b/c this is not sustainable for our desk.

Emma turns 3mos on Friday and as of this past Friday she was 12lbs 8oz and 23.25 inches long. Jack is over 3ft and starting to string 3 words together, like "piece of popcorn"....that's how I found out my husband had been giving him popcorn, like why does he know those words? He is a parrot which is good and bad...we have to spell things out a lot. He's obsessed with the moon and mars, he asks to see them before he goes to bed. I absolutely loved being home while he was in this stage, he is so cute but such a little devil. He has acted out a bunch in reaction to not getting as much attention which is to be expected. He is so entertaining. He takes turns kissing Emma and being rough with her....thus beginning a life long relationship of that dynamic.

It's amazing how the mind works. I am already forgetting what the early and late stages of pregnancy were like, how anxious I was with every ultrasound, the nesting I did in preparation, and how ready I was to have her. Now I get a little sad thinking I may never have another child. I may never know that feeling again. We do have one frosty, but this recovery and Emma not being as good of a sleeper as Jack (but seriously is a good sleeper in her own right), has dh wanting to stop at 2. I know we are so blessed with 2 healthy kids, but part of me always wanted 3. If we lived in a less expensive area maybe he would consider it...but then again he really has felt the loss of all freedom with the 2nd baby. For a guy who grew up being able to do what he wanted since he was the oldest of 4boys, this has been a major change.

I hope everyone is doing well. This is such an emotional journey, and it never ends, from TTC to being parents. I learn more every day with Emma, I changed the nipple on her bottle and she stopped pulled easier and she fed more efficiently = happier baby. I have almost stopped pumping, now pump a couple of ounces every other day. I have some frozen so she will get more than 3mos of breast milk. It's amazing how time has flown...I think of all of you...figures that I had to return to work to find the time to catch up!!
Baby whisperer - so good to hear from you!!!

Hi all of you other lovelies. On baby watch over here!!! Can't wait to hear some news! xoxoxo
Hey Terri, Thank you hope it goes well!

Hi girls..I'm still on baby watch for the most part.

Beagle-I agree with sars; tell your hubs to tell his sister that your FB pics are off limits, or you're not going to keep her as a friend on there because she's stealing your stuff.

sars-I hope you can hold out until friday, but it does seem weird that you're going to have a new baby when you're feeling sick. Hopefully the cold will move out in the next couple days so you can enjoy time with your family.

Amy/brighteyez-yay for transfer.

AFM-No updates to share. :wave: to everyone else.
Hello Booger, looks like you are almost there!!!:happydance: Thank you and glad to see everyone is still here. Yes, it was well needed and now I am ready to try again. Also good and motivating being back on the BNB to see all the pregnancies and babies,

Hi ladies!

Brighteyez - Hey there, lady!! Good to hear from you. I was wondering what had happened to you. Sometimes you just need a break. It's nice to see you're gearing up again for transfer. :flower:

Terri - Hi! I hope you're still doing well in your fantasy football league.

Krissy - Hooray for starting to feel better! :happydance: That's great. Here's hoping you stay that way for a long time.

sars - Oh man. That stinks that you were so sick but good to hear you are on the mend. I can't believe your baby will be here in two more days! I can't wait to hear if it's boy or girl! Of course, I know things will be hectic and crazy for a while so just update us when you can. :hugs:

Beagle - Well, it sounds like things are moving in the right direction. I'll be curious to hear your report out after your appointment today. I think it's weird that your SIL did that with the pictures but I think once you place something on Facebook, your privacy goes out the door. Not that it makes it right, but you can't really control what people do with something you put out there. You can certainly say something to her and hope she respects your wishes.

Amy - I'm with you on the weather. We have been having beautiful days of all sunshine and like 70-80 degrees. Um, it's October in Montana and I'm still wearing flip flops everyday. I'm ready for fall. I would love for it to get cool and rainy for as long it wants. Transfer is just a little over a week away! :wohoo:

Hello to everyone else!

Yesterday was an ugh kind of day. I felt okay until after lunch and then I started feeling pretty crappy. I think that's just how it's going to be until the end. A few good days followed by an icky day every now and then and so on. I honestly think it's coming back to work after the weekend that makes me feel sick. :haha: I ended up going home after lunch and just napping. I feel better today. I finally feel ready for baby though. My bag and baby's bag are packed and we have the essentials at home.
Hi ladies.

babywhisperer - Thanks for checking in! Good to hear from you. I'm sorry you're already back to work and that things haven't improved while you were away. It's good to hear that little Emma and Jack are both doing well. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to go back to work after that time with them at home.

beagle - Oh, I don't think there's any harm in trying those things if you want - it doesn't seem like it could hurt anything! I'm sure having a date on the calendar is somewhat of a relief but I sure do hope that DC decides to come on his own time and sooner than the 26th!

sars - I can't believe you're having a baby tomorrow!!!! I'm so excited for you and DH. I hope this last day goes well and your dinner out tonight is fantastic. And of course, I'm sending loads of good vibes your way for a smooth C-section tomorrow. :hugs:

kfs - Hello! We are still waiting on a baby pic. :winkwink: Hope you're doing well.

:hi: to everyone else out there.

I woke up this morning and thought it was Friday. Well, at least Friday isn't too far away now. Oh, and I have finally gotten around to checking into child care options. Nothing like waiting until the last minute (even though it really isn't last minute since I'm hoping not to need it until May). I have two place I am looking into at this time. They are both less than a mile from home and close to work. Just hope one of them works out.
Hi ladies.

babywhisperer - Thanks for checking in! Good to hear from you. I'm sorry you're already back to work and that things haven't improved while you were away. It's good to hear that little Emma and Jack are both doing well. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to go back to work after that time with them at home.

beagle - Oh, I don't think there's any harm in trying those things if you want - it doesn't seem like it could hurt anything! I'm sure having a date on the calendar is somewhat of a relief but I sure do hope that DC decides to come on his own time and sooner than the 26th!

sars - I can't believe you're having a baby tomorrow!!!! I'm so excited for you and DH. I hope this last day goes well and your dinner out tonight is fantastic. And of course, I'm sending loads of good vibes your way for a smooth C-section tomorrow. :hugs:

kfs - Hello! We are still waiting on a baby pic. :winkwink: Hope you're doing well.

:hi: to everyone else out there.

I woke up this morning and thought it was Friday. Well, at least Friday isn't too far away now. Oh, and I have finally gotten around to checking into child care options. Nothing like waiting until the last minute (even though it really isn't last minute since I'm hoping not to need it until May). I have two place I am looking into at this time. They are both less than a mile from home and close to work. Just hope one of them works out.

Thank you. It is hard but the greeting I get when I come home is awesome. I appreciate my time with them more. Working makes me a better Mom...I just hope I can work some flexibility into my schedule or work closer to home eventually. Btw, Piper is a great name. It has become very popular here, as has Kingsley, Pepper, Poppy, Madison, Riley, and Lily. Your daycare options sound great...not having to go far in bad weather is key.
Hey guys. Not much to report. I did a long bath last night & the pump. I had some cramping pressure or whatever is happening down there...maybe contractions...while I was doing it. I was on my phone & read not to did it if things were happening because of overstimulation. So I stopped after 10 min. Plus I had not taken any of that stuff out so my battery was not charged or anything. Will do that again tonight. The bath was really nice & I lit insense. I keep forgetting to cut my dumb pineapple! Hopefully I can remember tonight. I walked around the shopping center at work at lunch. Got my lunch then got some candy at the stores. Will see if that does anything. But now my boss is out so I have my shoes off & just relaxing.

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