First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hey guys. Not much to report. I did a long bath last night & the pump. I had some cramping pressure or whatever is happening down there...maybe contractions...while I was doing it. I was on my phone & read not to did it if things were happening because of overstimulation. So I stopped after 10 min. Plus I had not taken any of that stuff out so my battery was not charged or anything. Will do that again tonight. The bath was really nice & I lit insense. I keep forgetting to cut my dumb pineapple! Hopefully I can remember tonight. I walked around the shopping center at work at lunch. Got my lunch then got some candy at the stores. Will see if that does anything. But now my boss is out so I have my shoes off & just relaxing.

You losing the mucus plug yet? That's how I knew it was coming soon.
Hey guys. Not much to report. I did a long bath last night & the pump. I had some cramping pressure or whatever is happening down there...maybe contractions...while I was doing it. I was on my phone & read not to did it if things were happening because of overstimulation. So I stopped after 10 min. Plus I had not taken any of that stuff out so my battery was not charged or anything. Will do that again tonight. The bath was really nice & I lit insense. I keep forgetting to cut my dumb pineapple! Hopefully I can remember tonight. I walked around the shopping center at work at lunch. Got my lunch then got some candy at the stores. Will see if that does anything. But now my boss is out so I have my shoes off & just relaxing.

You losing the mucus plug yet? That's how I knew it was coming soon.

Yes but it is not a lot...I see a little every day.
Hey guys. Not much to report. I did a long bath last night & the pump. I had some cramping pressure or whatever is happening down there...maybe contractions...while I was doing it. I was on my phone & read not to did it if things were happening because of overstimulation. So I stopped after 10 min. Plus I had not taken any of that stuff out so my battery was not charged or anything. Will do that again tonight. The bath was really nice & I lit insense. I keep forgetting to cut my dumb pineapple! Hopefully I can remember tonight. I walked around the shopping center at work at lunch. Got my lunch then got some candy at the stores. Will see if that does anything. But now my boss is out so I have my shoes off & just relaxing.

You losing the mucus plug yet? That's how I knew it was coming soon.

Yes but it is not a lot...I see a little every day.

I started 2 weeks before my water broke. I was only a fingertip dilated and then I started losing pieces that looked like gelatin. Monday and Tuesday morning there was a lot of egg white and Wed evening my water broke.
Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say good luck to Sars! So excited for you! Can't wait to hear an update and see pics!!

Brighteyez and BabyWhisperer- so good to hear from you both! We've missed you. Glad to hear Emma is doing well BabyW and that you're starting again soon, Brighteyez.

Amy- time has flown! Can't believe transfer is just around the corner! So excited for you.

Beagle- you're so close! Hang in there!

Booger- almost to Friday, hehe. Yay for getting a jump on finding a daycare! I am sure at least one will work out!

Hi everyone else!
LadySoca - Thank you feels good to be back and I missed you ladies as well. :hugs:

Hi ladies! Just wanted to pop in and say good luck to Sars! So excited for you! Can't wait to hear an update and see pics!!

Brighteyez and BabyWhisperer- so good to hear from you both! We've missed you. Glad to hear Emma is doing well BabyW and that you're starting again soon, Brighteyez.

Amy- time has flown! Can't believe transfer is just around the corner! So excited for you.

Beagle- you're so close! Hang in there!

Booger- almost to Friday, hehe. Yay for getting a jump on finding a daycare! I am sure at least one will work out!

Hi everyone else!
sars-I'll be thinking about you today. Hope everything goes great, and all is well. Can't wait until you can come back and update us.

beagle-You are getting so close. Just keep walking and DC will be here in no time. fxfx

booger-You crack me up about work and always wishing it was the weekend? Do you have any more vacation days or are you trying to save them for when Miss Piper is born? Take 'em if you can! hee hee. It's required for your sanity.

babyw-welcome back!! It's too bad your workplace is still awful, but at least you get a nice greeting from the kids. Too cute.
Sars - thinking of you!

Nothing new from me. Tomorrow is a local comic-con & we are going to that. I basically plan to take pics all day & upload a folder called what I did on my due date :)
Thinking of you Sars!!! So happy for you. What an incredible experience you are going to have.
Happy B-day to Baby Sars!! :cake:

Beagle - Have fun at the comic con - cute idea with the pictures. I love that your ticker says 1 day to go!

Lady - How are you feeling??

I had a fun conversation with a coworker yesterday. Her husband is a cattle rancher and she was telling me to watch out for any major weather changes around my due date - that a big change in barometric pressure could possibly help trigger my water breaking. I have heard of that but didn't put too much stock in the idea. However, she says they see it in their cows all the time. It will be dry and then a big storm front will come through and bam, a bunch of calves are born. I just thought it was kind of funny. So, Beagle - keep an eye out for any crazy weather headed your way!!

I know I shouldn't complain about work so much. Sorry! I am very grateful that I have a job with such great benefits and pay. I'm just bored with everything here and ready to be done. I guess I'll find out next spring, but I have a feeling it's going to be hard to come back.
Happy B-day to Baby Sars!! :cake:

Beagle - Have fun at the comic con - cute idea with the pictures. I love that your ticker says 1 day to go!

Lady - How are you feeling??

I had a fun conversation with a coworker yesterday. Her husband is a cattle rancher and she was telling me to watch out for any major weather changes around my due date - that a big change in barometric pressure could possibly help trigger my water breaking. I have heard of that but didn't put too much stock in the idea. However, she says they see it in their cows all the time. It will be dry and then a big storm front will come through and bam, a bunch of calves are born. I just thought it was kind of funny. So, Beagle - keep an eye out for any crazy weather headed your way!!

I know I shouldn't complain about work so much. Sorry! I am very grateful that I have a job with such great benefits and pay. I'm just bored with everything here and ready to be done. I guess I'll find out next spring, but I have a feeling it's going to be hard to come back.

Booger it's true, and so is the impact of a full moon. My water broke the day before a full moon and snow storm....nurses swear by this.
Thinking of you today Sars!!

I can't believe how close some of you are! I'm on total baby watch over here! I'm sorry that I haven't been posting much but know that I'm still checking in and reading up on what's going on.

I have 1 month left of my maternity leave starting this Monday. Little Adeline's been doing much better now that she's on hypoallergenic formula. She's been smiling and cooing a lot lately - I'm loving her so much. We survived our first trip this past weekend. We rent a big house with about 20 friends in Cape Cod every year. Definitely different having a little one but we had such a great time. My next challenge is to try to get her to nap in her crib before daycare starts and to try to get her to sleep through the night. She's currently sleeping in a rock n' play and she usually wakes up once in the middle of the night - sometimes going until around 5 a.m.

OK - here are a few pics FINALLY ladies. One from the day she was born and the other 2 are more recent.


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kfs - Oh my goodness!!! Little Adeline is too cute for words. Those cheeks! Awwwwww. Thanks for sharing your pictures. I was only kidding with you (sort of). Well, what I mean is that I know it has to be hard to share pictures of your little one on the web with people you don't really know. So, thanks for doing so. I'm glad things are going smoother now. Enjoy this last month home with her - I'm sure the days are flying by!
No full moons coming until after induction date. No idea how to tell about the weather. But it is warm today high 70s & will drop to high 60s tomorrow.

Booger - the last month is just hard. You are tired & irritable. You just want to be home. You just want to meet your baby & be home. So it's totally understandable to complain about work. And sorry to say that at least for me the last 2 weeks were the absolute with no baby, a week gets added on.
She is beautiful!!!! I am so happy for you. And a good sleeper! If ever you want a little guidance On Becoming Baby Wise is great for sleep training.
Booger- complaining about work is totally normal and that's what we're here for! You've been there forever so it's natural to feel bored and ready for something new. I'm sure when baby arrives it will give you a new perspective on things.

Kfs- your new gal is precious! She is just a doll!

Afm, I've been feeling ok. Yesterday was not such a good day- I was nauseous and so cranky and tired. Today I am feeling better. The nausea comes and goes. I have my next appointment in a little over 2 weeks, and by then I'll be past 12 weeks! I feel so fat, nothing healthy sounds good, just junk and carbs. Ugh.

Oh, and someone had asked about the gender/PGS...we transferred 2, one was a female and one was a male! So we know no more than if we haven't checked the gender. I guess we'll have to wait just like everyone else. Darn! One really nice thing is that I get to discontinue Estradiol in 2 days! Then just a couple more weeks of crinone. Yay!

We are off to eastern Washington this weekend for some r&r. Have a great weekend all!
Hi ladies,
I'm sorry for leaving you hanging. I forgot my password and couldn't get it to reset on my phone so I could post yesterday. I read all your good wishes and they meant so very much.

We welcome Brian Christopher to the world at 11:13 AM yesterday, weighing in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and 18.5 inches. He is totally healthy, perfect and just beautiful. Breastfeeding hasn't been the easiest but finally last night around 4 a.m. he latched and fed for 25 minutes. He got circumcised this morning so he is sleeping hard now.

I've probably slept three hours in the last night but boy were they awesome hours of sleep. The c-section went smoothly. No reason that Bri was breech they could see. Everyone keeps saying my incision looks great, I haven't looked.

We found out it was a boy when as they were pulling him out they asked if we were waiting for dad to announce the sex, we said no and the anesthesiologist said, "Mom, was right!" And I started bawling, It's a boy? It's a boy? They brought him to me as soon as Nick cut the cord and he stayed on me in the OR for the entire surgery. I got to keep him on my chest as we were taken to recovery and our families popped out of the waiting room and saw him in the hallway. It was just an amazing day. And I can't believe he is ours.

I'm also really excited because the skin-to-skin worked so well one of the labor and delivery nurses told me I was a pioneer and that this is going to be the new norm for all c-section moms. So, I'm just so glad I spoke up because it turned a disappointment into a wonderful experience.

Beagle: I'm so excited for you to meet your son soon!


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And a few more photos because I couldn't resist...


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Yay, Sars!!! A baby boy. You guys all look fantastic and so happy. :)

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