First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Congratulations Sars!! I am so happy for you guys! Your story brought tears to my eyes. Brian is adorable!
Congrats Sars!

I'm still here... officially 1 day late.
Hi ladies,
I'm sorry for leaving you hanging. I forgot my password and couldn't get it to reset on my phone so I could post yesterday. I read all your good wishes and they meant so very much.

We welcome Brian Christopher to the world at 11:13 AM yesterday, weighing in at 7 pounds 4 ounces and 18.5 inches. He is totally healthy, perfect and just beautiful. Breastfeeding hasn't been the easiest but finally last night around 4 a.m. he latched and fed for 25 minutes. He got circumcised this morning so he is sleeping hard now.

I've probably slept three hours in the last night but boy were they awesome hours of sleep. The c-section went smoothly. No reason that Bri was breech they could see. Everyone keeps saying my incision looks great, I haven't looked.

We found out it was a boy when as they were pulling him out they asked if we were waiting for dad to announce the sex, we said no and the anesthesiologist said, "Mom, was right!" And I started bawling, It's a boy? It's a boy? They brought him to me as soon as Nick cut the cord and he stayed on me in the OR for the entire surgery. I got to keep him on my chest as we were taken to recovery and our families popped out of the waiting room and saw him in the hallway. It was just an amazing day. And I can't believe he is ours.

I'm also really excited because the skin-to-skin worked so well one of the labor and delivery nurses told me I was a pioneer and that this is going to be the new norm for all c-section moms. So, I'm just so glad I spoke up because it turned a disappointment into a wonderful experience.

Beagle: I'm so excited for you to meet your son soon!

Oh my goodness is he a cutie! Congrats mama and btw no one looks that good after a c section!!! I'm so happy the skin-to-skin worked well and that he latched...that's more than half the battle. Enjoy every minute. Rest up and heal well. Reading your recap brought me right back to that moment when I first saw my babies. It's the best feeling in the world. xo
Congratulations sars!! I'm so glad everything worked out perfectly and Brian is just the cutest little thing. I like the picture of his footprints (I almost said paw prints. oops!). You do look fab, and that's awesome that you are the skin-to-skin pioneer. Way to go. Enjoy that sweet little baby. They grow up fast. :hugs:
Dr appt this dilation. Ugh. He is dropping though & I feel the heaviness lower. So looks like Monday is my day. I would love it to be sooner, but it is what it is. Last day of work will be Wed. So I will have 4 days to rest up. My husband is taking a half day Wed so he will be home cleaning up the house & doing some yard work. Last night we did a belly cast. I haven't heard anyone say they did one on the board. I was hesitant but thought I would regret it if I didn't. I think it turned out well. The baby pushed on me so my belly tightened & the whole thing detached from my belly. Then I go really hot & I think a little clausterphobic, so we took it off before it really hardened up. I would have liked it to stay on longer to harden & even do a couple more layers. But I think it turned out well & we can add layers to it. It kept its shape really well. We also did some pictures down town Sat morning. We got some really good ones. I will try to upload them when I get home. They are all on my husbands sd card & computer.
Morning, ladies.

Beagle - Sorry that DC seems to want to want to stay snuggled up in there as long as possible. But, like you said, at least you know it's next Monday (only a week!) if he doesn't come sooner. I'm thinking he will. My good friend went in on her due date for a cervical check and nada - then she went into labor like 2 hours later so you just never know.

Lady - I can't believe you're already at 10 weeks - I'm hoping the nausea tapers off for you soon. Hooray for getting to stop the Estradiol and the Crinone not being far behind. It's so nice to get off all the medication after feeling like you've been on it forever. Carbs were all I wanted for the first trimester - I love salads and the thought of one during that time was just terrible - but right around 12 weeks, the nausea and aversions went away - I hope the same happens for you!

:hi: to everyone else! I hope the weekend treated everyone nicely.

Our weekend was pretty nice. DH and I went and got another load of firewood (the shed is finally full now :happydance:) on Saturday. Yesterday, I made a couple of book slings for the nursery. I couldn't find a book shelf that I liked that was small enough and then my friend suggested a book sling type setup. She said they are super kid friendly because the kids can see the front of the books and can pick the ones they want as they get older. Plus, they don't take up any room. I've attached a picture so you know what I'm talking about. It's not the one I made - I still need to get brackets for hanging.

Getting ready to head up for a doctor's appointment. Hopefully, everything still looks good. Baby is pretty squirmy these days so I have no reason to think otherwise. My belly feels gigantic - I keep joking with DH that it looks like supermoon.


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Morning, ladies.

Beagle - Sorry that DC seems to want to want to stay snuggled up in there as long as possible. But, like you said, at least you know it's next Monday (only a week!) if he doesn't come sooner. I'm thinking he will. My good friend went in on her due date for a cervical check and nada - then she went into labor like 2 hours later so you just never know.

Lady - I can't believe you're already at 10 weeks - I'm hoping the nausea tapers off for you soon. Hooray for getting to stop the Estradiol and the Crinone not being far behind. It's so nice to get off all the medication after feeling like you've been on it forever. Carbs were all I wanted for the first trimester - I love salads and the thought of one during that time was just terrible - but right around 12 weeks, the nausea and aversions went away - I hope the same happens for you!

:hi: to everyone else! I hope the weekend treated everyone nicely.

Our weekend was pretty nice. DH and I went and got another load of firewood (the shed is finally full now :happydance:) on Saturday. Yesterday, I made a couple of book slings for the nursery. I couldn't find a book shelf that I liked that was small enough and then my friend suggested a book sling type setup. She said they are super kid friendly because the kids can see the front of the books and can pick the ones they want as they get older. Plus, they don't take up any room. I've attached a picture so you know what I'm talking about. It's not the one I made - I still need to get brackets for hanging.

Getting ready to head up for a doctor's appointment. Hopefully, everything still looks good. Baby is pretty squirmy these days so I have no reason to think otherwise. My belly feels gigantic - I keep joking with DH that it looks like supermoon.

Booger - I really like those. I saw someone on Youtube use spice racks from Ikea. They are thin so they don't take a lot of room. I also saw some at you could personalize. It was an actual piece of furniture. But it was long & thin...same concept of your slings. Each shlef holds a few books & the kids can see them from the front. Something I may consider once he is bigger & the baby stuff is out of his room.

Crazy...if things go as baby will be 3 days old exactly 9 months after transfer. I can't believe all we have done. And I can't believe it when I see his embryo pic. It is amazing.
Amy - haven't heard from you in a few days. Hope all is going well with the meds. Maybe baby Derek is holding out so you will have some good mojo when you start testing. If you still transfer on the 23rd, it may be too early to test on the 26th when I deliver.
booger-Those book slings look really cool. You are so crafty. I love it!

beagle-Hang tough! you're almost to the finish/start line. hee hee.

LadySosa-Ticker, please! I can't keep up without it. Yay for stopping your meds soon. that is going to be so nice. And..I hope you have a good day at work without nausea.


Kfs - Love the pics!! Adeline looks like such a doll and I love the name. She has such smiling eyes <3 That's amazing that you braved a trip iwth her already, glad it went well!

Congratulations Sars :happydance: Brian is adorable and so happy to hear you got the birth experience you wanted :D The BFing should get easier and easier too

Beagle - Sorry Derek is in no rush to get out, but it sounds like you guys are doing a good job making the most of the last few days.

Terri - Hi :wave: How are things going?

AFM - Chugging a long. Symptoms are starting to wind down, which is good... but it's also making me more nervous since I haven't had a scan in 3 weeks lol. It's always so hard to just trust everything is going well in the early weeks.
Booger don't forget you can go from zero to water breaking pretty fast...I went from fingertip dilated to water breaking in a few days both times. When I got to hospital for Emma I was 1-2cm so it could still happen. I was very active with stairs, cleaning, and lifting my son. I hope it happens for you soon.
Congratulations Sars - Just beautiful, enjoy and get rest as much as possible.

Hello and how are things Terri, Beagle, Booger, Krissy, Lady Sosa, Amy and anyone else I may have missed.

AFM - I went to for the MOCK Transfer on Thursday the 15th and was told that my uterus was great and she wish all that she saw were like mines....this is not the first time someone has said this to me. So I said well hopefully the embies agree this time around and make it their home for the next 10 months....LOL she just smiled :)
Hey ladies! Ok, I think I got my signature updated with a ticker! Hopefully it worked...
Babywhisperer - It's so good to hear from you. So glad to hear everyone is doing good and that baby Emma and little Jack are growing and thriving wonderfully. I'm sorry to hear the work situation hasn't changed though. It just sucks to have to go back to all that.

Kfs1 - Baby Adeline is just adorable, smiling and everything. Sooo cute!!

Sars - Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you and DH. A baby boy... so you were right! Mother knows best :haha: He is so precious. I'm glad everything worked out with the skin to skin contact too. And like everyone else said, you looked great, not at all like someone who just had a C-section :)

Beaglemom - Oh man. I'm sorry DC is being a stubborn little guy. At least he's dropping right!! Hang in there. Only two more days of work though whoo hoo!!

Lady - YAY for getting to stop your meds!! That's the best LOL :)

AFM - Nothing new going on here. Started my Endometrin yesterday, and my progesterone lozenges and Medrol pack today. Only 4 more sleeps :)
BabyW!!!! I've missed you so! Glad you are handling two babies so well now. Super mom! Charli is doing great. She was so brave. A real bad ass. Lol

Love the pics kfs! She is adorable!

Congrats Sars! I love his name and I'm glad you had a great c section experience. I just loved mine...hopefully you can get some rest. That's what everyone kept telling me but of course I just wanted to stare at her all night.

Hi everyone else! I need to address everyone but I am so tired. Charlis follow up is this week so we will start dilating again...ugh not looking forward to it but I'll power through. She is growing so fast. Said mama the first time the other day. It was so cute. Then she screamed it over and over again tonight because she was mad and crying...still cute. I had an appt with my RE last week and I am going to stop breast feeding the end of the year so I can try to get pregnant with a small amount of meds...but mostly on my own. Isn't that crazy? We figured DH has a small window of time before things could scar up down there after his reversal so we may as well try. I secretly want 2 more..hee hee. Poor DH. He will have so many children. I'll jump on and play more tomorrow during nap time! Mas you girls!
Hi ladies,

Beagle: I'm thinking of you every day. BabyW is right things can change so fast. My dear friend who was due 10/11, still hasn't delivered. She's scheduled for an induction Thursday night. She came to visit us in the hospital, same one where she is delivering, and they were joking and offering her a bed.

BabyW: It is so nice to have you back here. We missed you so much. I'm sorry to hear that your work situation hasn't improved. You're such an inspiration, juggling all this, and being such a great mama to Emma and Jack.

Booger: The book slings are just adorable. I've been looking at ordering some acrylic bookshelves for next to the rocker for our favorite reads.

LadySosa: Wahoo for a ticker. That makes it so real. It is exciting when you get to stop the meds.

Brighteyez: I too hope your embies agree they need to take up residence in your perfect uterus =)

Jen: Charli is such a champ. I'd love to see some new photos. How exciting you're jumping back into pregnancy again. DH and I have 8 frosties but we've talked about how exciting it could be to do things naturally the second time around.

Hi Terri. I cracked up at your paw prints comment. I can't tell you how many times we've called Bri, Fen and vice versa. Speaking of our pup Fen has been a dream with him. Just a dream. I'm including some photos of them.

Thanks for all your good wishes! We are just so in love. We got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. My mom is staying with us until Thursday and then she'll be back after DH goes back to work.

I chose to go home later so I could meet with the LC again. If you want to breastfeed, use them! The LCs and nurses were such a huge help to me. I am meeting with the one at my pediatrician tomorrow too. BFing has been a bit of a struggle but I think we are finally coming out on the other side. I apparently have flat nipples, so there were some major latch issues at first. I've been breast feeeding, pumping and then using a syringe and my finger to feed him the milk. He was slow to feed but since midnight has now fed 13 times! The last two nights, Bri's decided that he wants to party from midnight until 6 a.m. It has been rough but boy is it worth it.


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I took this today!

And this after her surgery
sars-Love the pics of Brian and Fen. glad he understands what's going on. I'm so happy for you.

Jen-Charli is just the cutest! She looks so content and so pretty. Those eyes are killer.

Amy-You're getting close to transfer! Yeah.

beagle-Hope you're hanging in there.

LadySosa-Thanks for making a ticker. I'm getting :jo: and I can't keep up with everyone.

brighteyez-I agree whoever said that those perfect embies need to go in a perfect uterus. fxfx
Sars - Sorry to hear about the BFing and sleeping issues, but glad you're still loving it all :) Have you tried using nipple shields? They're pretty helpful in a lot of situations, but I think flat/inverted nipples is one of the things they're specifically designed for.

JCM - She is S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G!!! Such a beautiful little girl and she's looking so big already!

Beagle - Any new developments? Hope you're hanging in there!
Hey guys. Nothing new here. Next appt Friday. Today is my last day at work!!! Leaving at 2 so I have a ton to do! I am so glad to be free & hopefully have a couple of days of rest before labor.

Jen - your kid's face just cracks me up! I love it!

Sars - glad things are going well. The first days I am sure are rough.

I thought I might go in to labor last night because some back pain started. Little boy was moving all over...but nothing. We shall see.

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