First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies. :flower:

Krissy - Glad the symptoms are winding down for you. :happydance: I'm sure things are going just fine but yes, we never stop worrying, I don't think.

Terri - Hello!

JCM - Aw! I'm loving the Charli pics. She's gotten so big and seems like a happy baby. I can't believe she's already saying Mama - that had to be the sweetest sound to hear.

sars - Glad everyone is home and doing well. Hopefully, you and Bri have turned the corner on BFing and it just keeps getting better. It's only been a few days, so don't be hard on yourself or anything. You guys will get there! Fen looks like he is happy to be a big, dog brother. Too cute.

Amy - Just a couple more days to go!!! :happydance:

brighteyez - Glad the mock transfer went well. Sounds like you have a nice cozy home for your embies!

beagle - Thinking about you everyday and wondering if little DC is going to give you some relief soon! Last day of work today!!! So exciting!

Lady - Hooray for your ticker!

:hi: to everyone else!

Nothing exciting going on here. Two more weeks of work for me and two weeks until my Mom arrives. I can't wait! Dr's appointment on Monday was uneventful but that's good. He measured my big belly and said that and the heartbeat are all good.
beagle-Get walking...that will coax DC to move on out! So happy today is your last day of work. It's been a long time coming.
Thanks everyone! She is so big now! 15 pounds...I can't believe it. The pediatrician was saying that she's pretty advanced for her age. She's doing things that a 9 month does. She's growing too fast. Waaaahhhhhh! But she's a lot of fun.

Beagle I actually had a dream your water broke today. Maybe I'm psychic. Go get a foot massage! Lol!

Sars, I hated breastfeed ding at first. Now I'm sad to start weaning. It got easy at 6 weeks for me. I used Jack newmans nipple cream. You need a prescription and you get it at a specialty pharmacy. Helped with cracked sore nipples in a day. It was incredible. Those painful latches are awful. I hope they get better fast because breast feeding is so convenient at this point.

Booger you are close!!!

Love your ticker Lady! Glad you're feeling better Krissy. I worried allllll the time.

Yay Amy!!! Almost time! I'm sure you're pumped.

Hi Terri!

Good news about your mock, Brighteyes!!!
Sars - Awww Fen is just adorable with the baby!! Dogs and babies make me happy. I go on YouTube just to watch videos of babies with dogs LOL.

JCM - Charlie is just too cute!! Really, she is just absolelutely adorable.

LadySosa - YAY for the new ticker :)

Beaglemom - YAY for your last day of work!! I hope you're doing ok and hanging in there.

Brighteyez - I'm trying to remember your timeline. I remember that like 6 months ago you were doing a fresh transfer and you had a few embies that were doing really good.... and then you kind of disappeared. Did you transfer those embryos? Or is this frozen transfer the embryos from that last fresh cycle?

Hi Terri & Booger! :hi:

AFM - Only two more sleeps!! I'm getting so excited.
Thanks Booger, I pray the embies think so too!!! Time is winding down for you for your bundle of beautiful joy!:happydance:

Hi ladies. :flower:

Krissy - Glad the symptoms are winding down for you. :happydance: I'm sure things are going just fine but yes, we never stop worrying, I don't think.

Terri - Hello!

JCM - Aw! I'm loving the Charli pics. She's gotten so big and seems like a happy baby. I can't believe she's already saying Mama - that had to be the sweetest sound to hear.

sars - Glad everyone is home and doing well. Hopefully, you and Bri have turned the corner on BFing and it just keeps getting better. It's only been a few days, so don't be hard on yourself or anything. You guys will get there! Fen looks like he is happy to be a big, dog brother. Too cute.

Amy - Just a couple more days to go!!! :happydance:

brighteyez - Glad the mock transfer went well. Sounds like you have a nice cozy home for your embies!

beagle - Thinking about you everyday and wondering if little DC is going to give you some relief soon! Last day of work today!!! So exciting!

Lady - Hooray for your ticker!

:hi: to everyone else!

Nothing exciting going on here. Two more weeks of work for me and two weeks until my Mom arrives. I can't wait! Dr's appointment on Monday was uneventful but that's good. He measured my big belly and said that and the heartbeat are all good.
Hey Amy, I did the fresh cycle in March but my progesterone levels was too high for transfer and only 1 embryo made it to freeze. So I now have two frozen embryos the other one is from the first fresh cycle in November last year. So those two embies will be transferred on the 17th of Nov. I pray they stick at least one :haha:

Sars - Awww Fen is just adorable with the baby!! Dogs and babies make me happy. I go on YouTube just to watch videos of babies with dogs LOL.

JCM - Charlie is just too cute!! Really, she is just absolelutely adorable.

LadySosa - YAY for the new ticker :)

Beaglemom - YAY for your last day of work!! I hope you're doing ok and hanging in there.

Brighteyez - I'm trying to remember your timeline. I remember that like 6 months ago you were doing a fresh transfer and you had a few embies that were doing really good.... and then you kind of disappeared. Did you transfer those embryos? Or is this frozen transfer the embryos from that last fresh cycle?

Hi Terri & Booger! :hi:

AFM - Only two more sleeps!! I'm getting so excited.
Sars - You and me both. Baby is so adorable and love the babysitter :winkwink:

Hi ladies,

Beagle: I'm thinking of you every day. BabyW is right things can change so fast. My dear friend who was due 10/11, still hasn't delivered. She's scheduled for an induction Thursday night. She came to visit us in the hospital, same one where she is delivering, and they were joking and offering her a bed.

BabyW: It is so nice to have you back here. We missed you so much. I'm sorry to hear that your work situation hasn't improved. You're such an inspiration, juggling all this, and being such a great mama to Emma and Jack.

Booger: The book slings are just adorable. I've been looking at ordering some acrylic bookshelves for next to the rocker for our favorite reads.

LadySosa: Wahoo for a ticker. That makes it so real. It is exciting when you get to stop the meds.

Brighteyez: I too hope your embies agree they need to take up residence in your perfect uterus =)

Jen: Charli is such a champ. I'd love to see some new photos. How exciting you're jumping back into pregnancy again. DH and I have 8 frosties but we've talked about how exciting it could be to do things naturally the second time around.

Hi Terri. I cracked up at your paw prints comment. I can't tell you how many times we've called Bri, Fen and vice versa. Speaking of our pup Fen has been a dream with him. Just a dream. I'm including some photos of them.

Thanks for all your good wishes! We are just so in love. We got home from the hospital yesterday afternoon. My mom is staying with us until Thursday and then she'll be back after DH goes back to work.

I chose to go home later so I could meet with the LC again. If you want to breastfeed, use them! The LCs and nurses were such a huge help to me. I am meeting with the one at my pediatrician tomorrow too. BFing has been a bit of a struggle but I think we are finally coming out on the other side. I apparently have flat nipples, so there were some major latch issues at first. I've been breast feeeding, pumping and then using a syringe and my finger to feed him the milk. He was slow to feed but since midnight has now fed 13 times! The last two nights, Bri's decided that he wants to party from midnight until 6 a.m. It has been rough but boy is it worth it.
Hey Terri - LOL what is a perfect uterus anyway....I have no idea what imperfect nor perfect looks like. I think a uterus that holds beautiful babies are perfect or is what makes them perfect. :haha: How are you doing lady?

sars-Love the pics of Brian and Fen. glad he understands what's going on. I'm so happy for you.

Jen-Charli is just the cutest! She looks so content and so pretty. Those eyes are killer.

Amy-You're getting close to transfer! Yeah.

beagle-Hope you're hanging in there.

LadySosa-Thanks for making a ticker. I'm getting :jo: and I can't keep up with everyone.

brighteyez-I agree whoever said that those perfect embies need to go in a perfect uterus. fxfx
I know I should be walking or something but at this point I'm ok with the induction and just want to relax. Work was so hectic and of course didn't get everything done. Every one was nice and my boss insisted on hugging me. And everyone told me how good I look for being 9 months.

Jen I wouldn't mind going in to labor. We will see how the night goes. Right now I feel exhausted and restless at the same time. Just glad I am home and don't have to worry about going in to labor at work.
Good luck with your transfer today, Amy!!! I'm so excited for you. :happydance:
Check in when you can, Amy!!!

We started dilating yesterday. It is AWFUL. She screams this horrible scream and I cry. I hate it. Twice a day for 3 months...going up a size every 2 weeks. Then, month 4 is once a day. God help me.
Good luck today Amy! Today you'll be PUPO! Congrats :)

Jen- ugh, so sorry. Hopefully she'll get used to it and after a few days it won't be so traumatic. :(
Jen - ugh. I'm so sorry you and your LO have to go through that. I hope it gets easier after some time. 😕

Good luck today Amy!!

Beagle - congrats on being done with work. Get some rest!!!
Thanks guys... I'm home and officially PUPO!!! Whoo Hoo!! I'm so excited.

JCM - I'm so sorry the dilating in so awful. That must be so difficult for you to do.

Beaglemom - How are you holding up?
Congrats Amy!! When is your official beta, and when are you testing?

Jen-Yikes..I'm so sorry you have to do that.

Beagle-Hope you're in the hospital now and little Derek is here, we just don't know it. fxfx. Hope everythin goes well. :flower:

kfs1-:kiss: I've missed you.
Hooray, Amy!

Yeah - Beagle - where are you?

JCM - Ugh. I'm sorry. That has to be so hard. I can't even imagine. :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else!

It's the weekend - we all know how I feel about that!
Hey everyone.

Jen - so sorry about Charli...hope it gets easier. I am sure it is so tough for you to hear that scream. :(

Amy - congrats & good luck!

So I have had an exhausting day. I was in the hospital...but not to have a baby. I don't feel so great in the AM, so I had a slim fast today. My appt was at 10:30. I expected the usual & then lunch after. So my husband forgot my appt. I called him & the dr was a little late so it was fine. But then a little late became a lot late. So the same dr who had me do the non stress test a few weeks ago (maybe you guys remember not such a great day for me) saw me today. She wanted to check me since I am late & to be sure it was safe to go through the weekend. She ordered an u/s to check his movement & fluids. And something called a breath test. So I am fine on fluids & all but he was sleeping. I had just had the shake, so he had eaten & the rooms were warm & I forgot my water. So he wouldn't wake up & practice his breathing. This would not have been a big deal if it weren't Friday & my office closes at 12. So off the the hospital I went. Since he failed on breathing he had to have a non stress & pass that. So now it is past noon & I am running on no fluids or food except a slim fast. So we hit McDonalds & I got a small burger & an ice tea heavy on the ice. I live in kind of a medical town & they all shit down at noon so traffic is awful & I am annoyed at going to the hospital. Oh she also said 9 people were there to be induced & hopefully I could still get in Sunday night. So that pissed me off. I am just ready for him to come out & if I don't deliver Mon or earlier I screwed up my time at work! So then we get to the hospital trying to figure out the parking garage & stuck behind a total moron. I am bad with road rage anyways. So we park at the very top & make our way to maternity. So there are 2 desks & 4 chairs full. No sign in or anything. So all I am thinking about is how awful check in for real may be. So we get to the desk & there is no room for me anywhere. I have to do a ton of paperwork & yes I am preregistered. So by the time we are done they have room for me. I get undressed & hooked up. By now the food & cold drink are kicking in so he is starting to bump around a bit. Side note, I am totally not stressed about him. He has been flip flopping like crazy every night for like the past 3 nights. So right in the beginning the nurse says he is looking great. I just have to stay hooked up 15 min & will be good to go. So all in all we are fine. I was going to run some errands but just decided to go home & get back on the couch.

So anyways!!!! I feel fine...just ready for my baby already & really wish this was not how I spent 3 hours of my day doing. My husband called my mom on the way to the hospital. He so doesn't know how to talk to her. He started out with my sent me to the hospital instead of everything is fine but this is happening. I truly would not have been sent over if my dr had been on a regular day schedule. So once the nurse said we were probably good to go my mom says good & I am so nervous. She also said for me to leave the baby alone. Typical grandma...must be my fault. This child is going to have a unique personality for sure!!!
Sorry about your day, Beagle! But I'm glad everything is okay. Only a couple more days.....You got this!
Terri - My official test date is Nov. 4th... but I will probably test at home next Friday.

Beaglemom - I'm sorry you had such a rough day. But try to relax and enjoy your weekend, Monday will be here before you know it.

I forgot to mention earlier that we transferred a little girl today :) We had 3 girls and 1 boy to begin with, we transferred a girl last time, a girl this time, so now we have 1 girl and the 1 boy left.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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