First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi LadySosa - We cross posted. I'm doing good. YAY for your 12 week appointment. Such a big milestone. I'm excited for you to start telling people and decorating. So exciting!! I'm sorry that your hormones are getting the best of you, but DH is just gonna have to deal, it's the least he can do since you have to do everything else lol.
Hey guys. On my phone so this may be short. So I went in at 530 sun night. They checked me and I was 1 cm. Really?!? So they started the med to get my cervix soft and dilating. My mom was a nervous wreck! I told her to stop dating she was nervous because it made me nervous. So I had to lay on my back 2 hours for the med. The heart beat was lay often because he was moving around. If dipped a couple times. My mom was in a panic mode. I was fine. My Dr came in. I explained I had no reservations about anything. Do what you have to do. So the dips made my Dr nervous because I was being peeped to deliver. And the med did not work at all. So she dais she could use a balloon to dilate. When she started that my cervix bled. So she said basically we needed a section. Not emergency. So I was prepped and everything. I don't Geneve too much about it. I could only feel the pulling and pressure of the procedure. No pain. My husband didn't watch everything but see when he came out. Everything seemed to move fast. So I heard him cry and my husband say something about all the hair. They took me to recovery. I saw the baby before and my husband got some pictures. My mom came back and told me how scared she was. She was also upset she want in the room. My Dr asked me I'd she was a nervous person. I said only when it comes to get kids. Oh that reminds me. When being peeped to deliver my Dr asked if any questions and my asked all kinds of stuff. Drove me crazy. She was also asking the nurse about the monitor. I was just kind of in a chill mode and wondering if I could easy or not. So anyways the brought me to my room. And then I was suddenly in possession of a baby.

He did great with bf yesterday but today having issues. He wants everything in his mouth which doesn't really work. And he wants to be on me all the time. He will start to feed them literally call asleep with my nipple in his mouth. It will be better at home when I can switch to formula or pump out whatever. The nurses are nuts about breast is best.

I feel pretty decent after the c section. Kind of glad I did that because I don't think I could have delivered with my mom in the room. She was seriously diving me crazy. She will probably tell the sori as if derek's life was in danger. And she is nuts here too. With us non stop. Feeling me how to do things. She was telling me to wal around while I still had a catheter. I aid I was ordered to bed rest still. Her at the house this week may be rough. Oh and she got pissed because I asked her to stay sun night at my house with the dogs. She was refusing. I was so mad. Tools my husband of he ended up going home for the dogs I was sending her away. She is dpac to help but instead she just does what she wants. She ended up going home to feed them but then coming back. Because by then we knew the meds did not work to make me dilate.

I think that is pretty much everything. Huge baby in my world. So keep that in mind booger. At 36 weeks be was 6 lbs. Birth was almost 9! Full head of hair. I feel like I'm forgetting something. But I don't know.

Still can't believe I have s baby.
Sorry I'm a bit behind in here, and missed some excitement too!

Amy - Congrats on PUPO!! :happydance: Sorry if you answered this already, but when is your beta? FXed for you :dust:

Beagle - CONGRATULATIONS!! Such a handsome little boy with all that hair! Sorry to hear things got a little hectic (such as your mother lol) - but I'm sure it's all worth it now :D For the BFing, we had weight issues with DD (she ate a good bit but was pooping a T-O-N) so they actually told me to keep tickling her and nudging her while BFing so she wouldn't fall asleep in the middle - in case you need him to hang in there a bit longer :)

Booger - I actually got a good bit sicker since then, but it seems to chilling out again now... just in time for the fatigue to set in :wacko: It's always something, I suppose lol

Bright- Good luck at baseline on Friday! I always thought time moved faster once all the meds start up.

Lady - Apparently! LOL I just told someone today I was 11 weeks, so I guess I lost count. I hear you on the moodiness - but for me it's been sobbing. Happy sobbing, sad sobbing... just waterworks at the drop of a hat. Sometimes it isn't even something sad, but it just catches me the wrong way and I get that lump in my throat and I have to fight back tears LOL. It's just crazy what all these hormones do to us. I have the same plan re: the 12 week scan. Once we're past that we're going to tell our DD and then make extended family/close friends announcements. I'll wait until after thanksgiving (and all family knows) then go public on FB. With work I'm trying to get past a big deadline on Nov 18th before making any waves.... but that'll really be pushing how far I can cover things with my wardrobe :shrug: LOL
Sorry about your mom beagle. That sounds annoying and you sounded very calm. Give her a list of chores when you get home. Lol keep her busy. When they are newborns they are on the boob all day and all night. They aren't efficient at getting the milk out yet so it takes them longer. Used to be 30-40 mins on each side for me. Now she gets it done in less than 10 minutes. A good latch is actually getting most of your boob into his mouth. Those babies can suck and squeeze it in there! It's amazing. If you want to pump or give formula, do it there! Don't let those nurses tell you what's best. You know. You're his mom. Too bad your mom can't help with breast feeding. Lol! That would keep her occupied for sure!

Hi everyone else! Dilation is going better. She is tolerating it a lot better than she was. Thank goodness.

Terri, I actually watched football last night! Only because the cardinals were on Monday night football and if you live in arizona you have to watch it. I had a big glass of wine and listened to DH yell at the tv. It was lovely.
Yes, Krissy I feel the same meds is like next to the final step.

Sorry I'm a bit behind in here, and missed some excitement too!

Amy - Congrats on PUPO!! :happydance: Sorry if you answered this already, but when is your beta? FXed for you :dust:

Beagle - CONGRATULATIONS!! Such a handsome little boy with all that hair! Sorry to hear things got a little hectic (such as your mother lol) - but I'm sure it's all worth it now :D For the BFing, we had weight issues with DD (she ate a good bit but was pooping a T-O-N) so they actually told me to keep tickling her and nudging her while BFing so she wouldn't fall asleep in the middle - in case you need him to hang in there a bit longer :)

Booger - I actually got a good bit sicker since then, but it seems to chilling out again now... just in time for the fatigue to set in :wacko: It's always something, I suppose lol

Bright- Good luck at baseline on Friday! I always thought time moved faster once all the meds start up.

Lady - Apparently! LOL I just told someone today I was 11 weeks, so I guess I lost count. I hear you on the moodiness - but for me it's been sobbing. Happy sobbing, sad sobbing... just waterworks at the drop of a hat. Sometimes it isn't even something sad, but it just catches me the wrong way and I get that lump in my throat and I have to fight back tears LOL. It's just crazy what all these hormones do to us. I have the same plan re: the 12 week scan. Once we're past that we're going to tell our DD and then make extended family/close friends announcements. I'll wait until after thanksgiving (and all family knows) then go public on FB. With work I'm trying to get past a big deadline on Nov 18th before making any waves.... but that'll really be pushing how far I can cover things with my wardrobe :shrug: LOL
They have him some formula last night but it was a big deal to them. I need to ask for some tonight. He may wouldn't sleep.

Surprisingly my mom is worse at home because she does all chores which is annoying because she is all over the place. Do you want this washed? And blah blah. Not to sound ungrateful but sometimes people cause more work for you by trying to help. Now she just told me she is headed home tomorrow. So if will be nice to just be me and dad and baby.
beagle-thanks for the story. Good thing you remained calm and didn't let your mom get to you too much. I guess I should say she's probably just trying to be helpful, but forgets what it's like to have your first baby. Hopefully when she leaves, you DC and hubs can get on a good schedule and figure things out so when she comes back, you'll have a list and know what you want and don't want. Do you hate that we call him DC? I was thinking about the other day. Just say so. hee hee. How is he fitting in his baby clothes?

Krissy-You can make it in your clothes a few more weeks! Especially since it's getting cooler-well, here it is. I forget where you live. It's bulky sweater time!

Jen-Glad you enjoyed wine during the game. I was in the car driving for the first quarter, but I hated that the Ravens scored and then 2 seconds later the Cards scored. Luckily, I had Chris Johnson (the running back) on my fantasy team, so at least I got some points out of him scoring. After that the Cards pretty much ran away with it. I did stay up late to see the depressing loss at the end, but what can you do? Glad Charli is handling her dilation better these days. Fewer tears for all.

Sars-How are you doing? I bet you are just loving life.

booger/sars-I'm going to sign up for the DC rock and roll half on Friday. I need to get my butt back in shape (literally), and this will do it. The race is mid-March, and then my running friend and I will plan for a marathon in May or June. My older sister and I may also run a marathon in the fall, if we can find one that both of us want to do. She's a triathlete, but has never run a marathon. I told her I'd start one with her, and then she can run off and meet me at the finish line. hee hee.

:wave: to everyone else. It's O time for terri, but my dad doesn't have any hot dates, so it's been a party-free home. booo...hee hee. I stopped taking prenatals a long time ago, and my fingernails are still growing like crazy. In the past, they only grew with prenatals. Maybe this is a :jo: thing. I can't be that healthy.
I have no issue with him being referred to as DC. But I do think I have my mom finally calling him Derek. He seems fine in his clothes for now. I didn't buy a lot of nb anyways. I may have too many nb diapers. I am getting discharged today. Derek may needs to be circumsized. Going to try to get some rest now while he is full and with daddy.
Hi girls, I have missed SO much! Actually, i haven't missed anything! I read all the time (it's one of my relaxing things I do when I have a moment to sit down without baby and chores. :) I wanted to see if you girls could check the front page and let me know what updates I need to make... I know who's prego now (congrats, btw!!!), and I know who's had their babies (congrats to you also!!!), but obviously can't recall all the dates, etc. So for those of you that I haven't updated on page 1 yet, if you could just give me a heads-up that would great!

Well, obviously WAY too much for me to post replies too, ugh!! I wish I could though. :( I do want to say to Terri, I'm so very sorry how this all turned out for you, after all your hard work and perseverance. How discouraging... but how great that you are moving forward and enjoying your life to the fullest. You are such a positive and inspirational person, and I just adore you, and I wish you the very, very best going forward. I recall someone asking you about the fact that you had mentioned adoption at one point, but I didn't recall seeing a response (unless I missed it). I must say Terri, it seems you are the EXACT type of person that is just MEANT for a certain child to enter your world and become your love. It seems like adoption stories often are about people like you that would make an excellent mother, and has tried until you're blue in the face (and on the belly!) to become one. Typically there is a child out there just waiting for you to come save them, and you would be OH SO GOOD at it!!! :) BUT... adoption is a very, very personal decision, and I want to respect that you may or may not still be thinking about it, but either way, if you want to talk about it, you will talk about it on your own when you're ready. <3 Btw, I've been meaning to email you, so will do that soon. I also have access to my work email again, so it will probably come from that one.

Beagle, congrats, congrats, congrats!! I'm so happy for you!! I remember that day like it was yesterday, and I was just on cloud 9, happy as a clam. Btw, I agree with Jen, do whatever you want in the hospital... the lactation nurses can be helpful, but they are also intimidatingly pushy. I know you've already said that you went ahead and gave him formula, so sounds like you are doing just fine standing your ground... And you are right, it gets so much easier when you get home. Owen and I got it down just a few days after going home and I'm not even sure what we did different! But with no nurses around, I chose my OWN position for holding him, I did it when I wanted to, and I gave him formula when I needed to. That enabled me to really enjoy the whole BFing/bonding experience without any of the pressure, and it was really fantastic for me. I'll never forget it. (after the initial pin cushion and bleeding experience at least, LOL!). I'm no longer combo feeding though... no more nursing or pumping. Strictly formula now. We went through a rough patch where he was SOOO fussy 24 hours a day, that I didn't have time to shower, much less pump! So I couldn't keep my milk up. When I look back on it now, I wish I hadn't given up, and I sometimes consider relactation. But I probably won't do that. I miss bonding with him in that way, but as he's gotten older, we have a ton of other ways that we are bonding now too, so I guess I'm okay with it... :)

Hi to everyone!!! I SO wish I could reply to everyone!! Welcome back Brighteyez!! I was wondering what happened to you! GL with this next round! I'm so super excited for you. :) :) :) Let me know your status so i can update on front page.

We have some new girls too, right??

So, AFM, things are going good... besides the 2-3 weeks of crazy fussiness that lasted all day long (and I got NOTHING done around my house!), he's a really good baby, and we've been amazingly fortunate that the kid has been a big smiler since he was about three weeks old. I'd tell people, and they'd say no way, just gas. Well, since I was able to trigger his smiles by kissing his neck and blowing on his belly, I highly doubt it was gas! I was right, because he kept it up, and has been such a smiley baby ever since. He smiles at everything... just saying his name in a sweet voice makes him smile. :) Its very rewarding, and gets us through the more difficult times. ;) Anyway, here's a couple of recent pics for those who aren't friends with me on FB.

Oh, and I go back to work Nov 30. That's when my 16 weeks will be up. I have some anxiety over it... it will be really hard. And at the same time, as it gets closer, I sometimes feel ready to get into what our normal everyday routine/schedule will be... It might be nice to get that started, see how its gonna go, and be able to eat an entire lunch with no interruptions (LOL! just kidding! ...sorta... :winkwink:)


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Wow Beagle - that was alot. Glad everything went well and you and baby i doing well!!!

Hey guys. On my phone so this may be short. So I went in at 530 sun night. They checked me and I was 1 cm. Really?!? So they started the med to get my cervix soft and dilating. My mom was a nervous wreck! I told her to stop dating she was nervous because it made me nervous. So I had to lay on my back 2 hours for the med. The heart beat was lay often because he was moving around. If dipped a couple times. My mom was in a panic mode. I was fine. My Dr came in. I explained I had no reservations about anything. Do what you have to do. So the dips made my Dr nervous because I was being peeped to deliver. And the med did not work at all. So she dais she could use a balloon to dilate. When she started that my cervix bled. So she said basically we needed a section. Not emergency. So I was prepped and everything. I don't Geneve too much about it. I could only feel the pulling and pressure of the procedure. No pain. My husband didn't watch everything but see when he came out. Everything seemed to move fast. So I heard him cry and my husband say something about all the hair. They took me to recovery. I saw the baby before and my husband got some pictures. My mom came back and told me how scared she was. She was also upset she want in the room. My Dr asked me I'd she was a nervous person. I said only when it comes to get kids. Oh that reminds me. When being peeped to deliver my Dr asked if any questions and my asked all kinds of stuff. Drove me crazy. She was also asking the nurse about the monitor. I was just kind of in a chill mode and wondering if I could easy or not. So anyways the brought me to my room. And then I was suddenly in possession of a baby.

He did great with bf yesterday but today having issues. He wants everything in his mouth which doesn't really work. And he wants to be on me all the time. He will start to feed them literally call asleep with my nipple in his mouth. It will be better at home when I can switch to formula or pump out whatever. The nurses are nuts about breast is best.

I feel pretty decent after the c section. Kind of glad I did that because I don't think I could have delivered with my mom in the room. She was seriously diving me crazy. She will probably tell the sori as if derek's life was in danger. And she is nuts here too. With us non stop. Feeling me how to do things. She was telling me to wal around while I still had a catheter. I aid I was ordered to bed rest still. Her at the house this week may be rough. Oh and she got pissed because I asked her to stay sun night at my house with the dogs. She was refusing. I was so mad. Tools my husband of he ended up going home for the dogs I was sending her away. She is dpac to help but instead she just does what she wants. She ended up going home to feed them but then coming back. Because by then we knew the meds did not work to make me dilate.

I think that is pretty much everything. Huge baby in my world. So keep that in mind booger. At 36 weeks be was 6 lbs. Birth was almost 9! Full head of hair. I feel like I'm forgetting something. But I don't know.

Still can't believe I have s baby.
Hey ERose - glad to be back and see your handsome guy!!! Just needed a quick break but we are back and moving forward now. M transfer date is suppose to be the 17th of Nov. last bcp is today which is awesome and I have baseline Friday, i will update Friday!!! I totally understand the anxiety around going back to work but everything will be great and exciting to start a new schedule but it will take some got this!:thumbup:

Hi girls, I have missed SO much! Actually, i haven't missed anything! I read all the time (it's one of my relaxing things I do when I have a moment to sit down without baby and chores. :) I wanted to see if you girls could check the front page and let me know what updates I need to make... I know who's prego now (congrats, btw!!!), and I know who's had their babies (congrats to you also!!!), but obviously can't recall all the dates, etc. So for those of you that I haven't updated on page 1 yet, if you could just give me a heads-up that would great!

Well, obviously WAY too much for me to post replies too, ugh!! I wish I could though. :( I do want to say to Terri, I'm so very sorry how this all turned out for you, after all your hard work and perseverance. How discouraging... but how great that you are moving forward and enjoying your life to the fullest. You are such a positive and inspirational person, and I just adore you, and I wish you the very, very best going forward. I recall someone asking you about the fact that you had mentioned adoption at one point, but I didn't recall seeing a response (unless I missed it). I must say Terri, it seems you are the EXACT type of person that is just MEANT for a certain child to enter your world and become your love. It seems like adoption stories often are about people like you that would make an excellent mother, and has tried until you're blue in the face (and on the belly!) to become one. Typically there is a child out there just waiting for you to come save them, and you would be OH SO GOOD at it!!! :) BUT... adoption is a very, very personal decision, and I want to respect that you may or may not still be thinking about it, but either way, if you want to talk about it, you will talk about it on your own when you're ready. <3 Btw, I've been meaning to email you, so will do that soon. I also have access to my work email again, so it will probably come from that one.

Beagle, congrats, congrats, congrats!! I'm so happy for you!! I remember that day like it was yesterday, and I was just on cloud 9, happy as a clam. Btw, I agree with Jen, do whatever you want in the hospital... the lactation nurses can be helpful, but they are also intimidatingly pushy. I know you've already said that you went ahead and gave him formula, so sounds like you are doing just fine standing your ground... And you are right, it gets so much easier when you get home. Owen and I got it down just a few days after going home and I'm not even sure what we did different! But with no nurses around, I chose my OWN position for holding him, I did it when I wanted to, and I gave him formula when I needed to. That enabled me to really enjoy the whole BFing/bonding experience without any of the pressure, and it was really fantastic for me. I'll never forget it. (after the initial pin cushion and bleeding experience at least, LOL!). I'm no longer combo feeding though... no more nursing or pumping. Strictly formula now. We went through a rough patch where he was SOOO fussy 24 hours a day, that I didn't have time to shower, much less pump! So I couldn't keep my milk up. When I look back on it now, I wish I hadn't given up, and I sometimes consider relactation. But I probably won't do that. I miss bonding with him in that way, but as he's gotten older, we have a ton of other ways that we are bonding now too, so I guess I'm okay with it... :)

Hi to everyone!!! I SO wish I could reply to everyone!! Welcome back Brighteyez!! I was wondering what happened to you! GL with this next round! I'm so super excited for you. :) :) :) Let me know your status so i can update on front page.

We have some new girls too, right??

So, AFM, things are going good... besides the 2-3 weeks of crazy fussiness that lasted all day long (and I got NOTHING done around my house!), he's a really good baby, and we've been amazingly fortunate that the kid has been a big smiler since he was about three weeks old. I'd tell people, and they'd say no way, just gas. Well, since I was able to trigger his smiles by kissing his neck and blowing on his belly, I highly doubt it was gas! I was right, because he kept it up, and has been such a smiley baby ever since. He smiles at everything... just saying his name in a sweet voice makes him smile. :) Its very rewarding, and gets us through the more difficult times. ;) Anyway, here's a couple of recent pics for those who aren't friends with me on FB.

Oh, and I go back to work Nov 30. That's when my 16 weeks will be up. I have some anxiety over it... it will be really hard. And at the same time, as it gets closer, I sometimes feel ready to get into what our normal everyday routine/schedule will be... It might be nice to get that started, see how its gonna go, and be able to eat an entire lunch with no interruptions (LOL! just kidding! ...sorta... :winkwink:)
hi ladies!

I typed up a long response yesterday and then lost it and then I had to go to a meeting so I never did get a chance to repost.

Now I can't remember anything I wanted to say. :shrug:

Erin - So good to hear from you!!! Sounds like things are going well and little Owen sure looks like he is a joy to have around.

Brighteyez - Hooray for being done with BCP! Here's hoping everything looks good at your baseline scan tomorrow. :thumbup:

Beagle - I hope things have settled a little with your Mom and that going home will be less stressful than the hospital. So excited for you and your new family. How did DC do with is circumcision? I hope he isn't too fussy for you. How are you feeling after the C-section?

Terri - Your half-marathon/marathon plans sound awesome!! I'm more than a little jealous. I really can't wait to start running again. I give major props to all the ladies out there that run late into their pregnancies - I can't imagine trying to run right now. I'm thinking if all goes well, I should be able to start some sort of exercise schedule again in January - so maybe a spring/early summer half-marathon isn't too crazy for me to be thinking about either.

JCM - Glad to hear the dilation is getting a little easier. :flower:

Krissy - Sorry to hear that you actually were feeling ickier. :nope: Hopefully, it passes quickly! You're almost in the second tri too! Good luck at your scan tomorrow. Let us know how it goes.

Lady - Nice to see you're feeling better and that the appetite is coming back. I think we can all relate to your issues with DH! Well, at least I know I can. Sometimes we just have to get it off our chests - even if we end up sounding naggy or mean. I mean, c'mon, shouldn't they get it already?? :haha: Just a few more days until your appointment now.

Amy - Well, it sounds like test day could be tomorrow! I have everything crossed and sending all the good vibes to Cali that I can. So hopeful and excited for you.

:hi: to everyone else! Hope your're all keeping on, keeping on.

It's probably good that yesterday's post got eaten by a web worm because I was having a pretty cranky day. Hadn't slept well the two previous nights but last night I actually got some decent sleep despite our little dog giving me about six inches of space. She has been super needy lately - wonder if she senses somethings up?

I was soaking in the tub this morning - my new favorite activity - and it dawned on me that this is the last weekend that it's just me and DH all alone (my Mom gets here next Wed. so even if baby waits until due date or later, we won't be alone next weekend). I started crying. It was probably a pretty pathetic sight. I wouldn't say I was sad, necessarily, just processing that this time in our lives is over. Time to transition to a new family life. It's just still all surreal - even with my huge Supermoon belly it's still hard to believe that we are having a baby.

I told DH that we had to go out for a date. So, tomorrow night we're going out for sushi!!! :happydance::happydance: I haven't had any all pregnancy, mainly because we just never think to go to the sushi place here in town (which is surprisingly good for a small town).

Anyway, I'm in total countdown mode at work. We are having a costume contest and potluck tomorrow so that should make the day go fast. Then it's only 2.5 more days! :wohoo:
Booger - have a great date night and weekend for two <3 It is a hard adjustment, even years later to sometimes look back and think "Remember when it was just the two of us" - but all the love, laughter, and adventures you have in the meantime more than make up for it. :D

AFM - Scan went great! Baby is measuring ahead (13w 1d when I should be 12w 4d), NTS was 1.8, and heartbeat was 155. And this little baby is a FAST one. He/She was moving, bouncing and fidgeting the whole time. My DD moved around a lot but it always looked like it was in slow motion/through water. This little one was moving so fast it was hard to see things clearly half the time. I got 3D pics and VIDEOS too - which I've been watching non-stop lol. I'm just over the moon.
And I got the harmony test drawn today as well, so I'm pretty sure we're planning our gender reveal party for Thanksgiving weekend <3


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Erin - It's so good to hear from you!! I'm so glad you and baby Owen are doing well. He's just adorable. Getting so big already!!

Brighteyez - Good luck at your scan tomorrow.

Booger - I'm sorry you're getting a little emotional, but you deserve to feel that way and to let it out :) YAY for date night though!!

Krissy - Congrats on a great scan. Great picture!!

AFM - I'm still just hanging out. I've almost given in and tested so many times, but I kept telling myself, NO you can wait!! So I'm a little proud of myself lol. I'm not feeling anything though. And I mean nothing at all. I'm feeling a little discouraged because of that, but I guess we will see tomorrow :)
Well I took two tests this morning (FRER) and both were completely negative :cry:

I just don't get it. I can get pregnant with abnormal embryos but give me two chromosomally normal embryos and nothing. I'm just so sad.
Amy-:hugs: what day is it? It still pretty early so don't give up just yet. I do understand the confusion though. So just hang tight and see what happens in the next few days. I am feeling a little sad for you now, but you can't give up. Ok? :hugs:
I agree with Terri, Amy. I think you're the equivalent of 12DPO today, right? That's still pretty early. Now, I know some people get BFPs by then but that's not the average. Please don't give up hope yet! I can only imagine how difficult this must be. :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Amy - I agree with the other ladies!! Hang in there! Are you just 7dpt? There's plenty of ladies who get bfps after that, especially after FETs. FXed it's just a slow implanter and/or that the FET is just making your hcg a little sluggish. Keeping everything crossed for you :flower:

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