First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Amy - sorry to hear things did not work this time. I think transferring 2 is a good plan. I don't see why you would have to wait a cycle. I hope dr clears you & you are good to move on. We all know how awful the waiting can be...and how terrible to have to think why things can't work when they should.

Lady - glad your appt went well. I am sure things will be great for you during your pregnancy.

Things are going well here. Little man is not going to be fitting in to any new born clothes anymore. He is way too long. Good thing I did not buy too many of those. However I have a ton of Christmas stuff (bought super cheap last year) but I think he will be wearing it in Nov. My husband has been amazing. I don't know how things will be hen he goes to work on Monday. But we should be okay. Derek seems to want to eat all the time. It makes me want to do formula a few times a day, but I am trying to keep up with exclusively breastfeeding as long as possible.
Hi ladies!

Beagle - So good to hear that things are going well for you, DH and DC! :thumbup: I'm sorry DH has to go back to work next week. I think you're doing great breastfeeding. My Dr. told me on Monday that far too many women worry about labor when they should really be worried about how hard breastfeeding can be. He said it's good to know going into it that it can be challenging and isn't always this beautiful, magical thing that happens easily. It sounds like you and DC are getting the hang of it, so that's great.

Lady - Glad your Dr's appointment went well! And hooray for leggings!! It's pretty much what I live in these days. I worked from home today and yesterday and it's wonderful to not have to wear real pants. I waited a little longer to tell everyone at work but that's cause I'm weird and everyone at my work is so nosy. I think it's fine if you're ready though - it's hard not to be when we all had to work so hard to get to this point.

Amy - Still thinking of you. :hugs:

Hello to everyone else!

Tomorrow is my last day at the office! I will likely need to do some work from home on Thursday and Friday of this week but that should do it. It feels so good knowing I don't have to walk back into that place for almost 4 months.

My mom arrives tomorrow too! I can't wait to see her. And she is super excited to be here too - especially since she knows she'll be here for the baby's arrival.

I had my weekly check-in on Monday and things are good. My belly has stopped growing, which is fine by me but he estimates baby to be about 7lbs, 6oz now. I teased him about being accurate and he said he is usually within a half pound. Figures she'll be around 8lbs at birth. Only time will tell - kind of funny to think about. I think I've pretty much decided that I will get an epidural. We had a nice long chat about it at my appointment and I feel good about my decision. I guess it could all change at game time but that's the "plan" for now. I had no dilation - which I expected and know it doesn't really mean anything anyway. We also talked about how far past my due date he'll let me go and he said he won't induce before 41.5 weeks unless there is a medical need. So, I guess I have come to terms with the fact that it could be 2.5 more weeks before baby is here. Oh well, at least I'm pretty much done with work. Mom and I can catch up on lots of movies in the meantime.
Booger - so awesome that you're almost done with work!!! I stupidly worked from home right up until the day of. It would have been nice to have some time off so i think you're doing it right. How long will your mom be staying with you?

Beagle - ugh. That stinks that your DH is going back to work next week but I know you'll be just fine.

Lady - Wahoo for a great appt and for leggings! I lived in leggings towards the end. Nothing better. :)

Hi everyone else! Adeline is 3 months today. Crazy!!! Work starts on November 16. I cried half the day on Monday but I'm trying to not think about it and just focus on the time that I have left. Money stinks.
It would be nice if we could just win the lottery. I don't even need that much!
Amy - So so sorry this time didn't work out. Tons of thoughts and prayers for the next transfer (and you not having having to wait for it).

Beagle - Great to hear things are going so well with your family!

Lady - Awesome on hearing the heartbeat. I agree that wait from pregnancy confirmation to the 12 wk appt was KILLER. Getting to wear leggings and long sweaters is one of the bigger reasons I had hoped for a winter baby lol. How/when do you think you'll tell work? I'm agonizing over that myself, but I know I want/need to hold off until a big deadline on Nov 18th at the earliest (and hopefully not show too much by then lol).

Booger - Hope you are enjoying your last day at work! Four months off and help from your mom all sounds wonderful. Glad to hear things are going well, and hopefully it's not a full 2.5 wks before you get to meet your LO.

Kfs - Happy 3 months to Adeline (and you for getting her that far :)). Time always goes too quickly, and it just gets faster and faster. Hope work isn't too bad for you and you get back into the swing of things quickly enough.
Amy I agree with the other women and transfer both embies. I know waiting in limbo is the absolute worst. try and star busy....I did words with friends during any down time to keep my mind off things.

Booger, yeah for no more work!!! I can't believe how time has flown by. I cannot wait to see pics.

Beagle I hope you're doing well and finding a good rhythm.

Not much has changed for us, Jack is wild and so full of energy but still my mush. Emma is growing like a weed and sleeping really well at night, but her naps could use some help. Her baptism is this Saturday so we have been busy planning that. She's such a sweet baby, full of smiles and LOVES to be held. She only cries when she's tired which is amazing. I still can't believe I have 2 healthy and happy kids. I miss therm while I'm at work, but the separation for the most part is healthy for me. I just wish I could work closer to home or from home 1 day a week regularly. I am looking into making a career change and leave finance and go into pharma sales. It is so competitive here though, about 50-75 people apply for each spot. It would be a significant pay cut, but the benefits and schedule affords me a better work-life balance in the long run. If I can hang on 3 more years until hubby makes partner we would be in better shape...but I am burning out. I'm disgusted at the lengths people will go to hinder my revenue production for fear of competition. No thought to me having 2 small babies, just pure greed and fear of losing control. I wish I could say it's not like this everywhere, but it is prevalent especially in 100% commission comp firms. It's every man for himself. Away from that things are strangely calm and stable. We met with the deacon about the baptism last night, tonight I have an open house for our town's 16 preschools...yes 16...and one would think that with so much competition it would be a buyers market, but a 2s program consisting of 2hrs a day 2 days a week is upwards of 3-5k. It's bananas. A full time 4s program is 10k and if you need bus transportation, add another 2k. That looming overhead is what has me hesitant to leave finance...maybe make the move when we don't have the cost of preschool on top of a 3k/month nanny...and yes that is the going rate or even a little on the low end for our area. And even with all of that I am freakishly ok! No major anxiety b/c I know it will all work out. It's just going to be a tight 3-4yrs. To help offset that I am cooking like a fool!

Our grocery store does delivery too which saves my life as the super markets near us are truly the 8th ring of hell...and thank God for Amazon Prime! The super market we use allows you to accumulate points over a 30day period that can be used for discount gas at Shell stations...I saved 90cents per gallon last month. We barely do take out anymore, and this Friday will be our monthly date night...and monthly is perfect since we are so busy. We have my bff's sons baptism next weekend, a dinner party at our house, and then boom the holidays! I guess I am good in crisis mode b/c coming home and cooking and feeding the kids and putting them to bed has been fine. Yes I have zero free time for myself, but I am making a deal with hubby that 2 nights a week I get to go to the gym if we have food I am cooking on Sundays 2 meals that we can get 4 out of...and big bonus, my Mom is making us on average 1 or 2 meals a week...usually a soup and some other dish like chicken or stew...I just have to make a veggie or salad. Score! It does take a village and we are so lucky to have my parents close by, but we have found our groove with 2 kids under the age of 2. Everyone keeps telling me "small kids, small problems. Bigger kids, bigger problems". I think that's why I want to transition my career into something more flexible and closer to home....I will get 2hrs back into each day, hours I will need in a few years for homework and projects. So for you ladies thinking about how life will truly feels like it's always been like this. I don't lament the loss of free time, multiple nights socializing, or fancy vacations twice a year. It's been as smooth a transition as I could have imagined. And I will definitely feel a lot better when I get back into shape. That is a major hurdle and will take time but hubby said he would do whatever he can to support that since I put my body through a lot having 2 babies so close together, no to mention what all those hormones have done.

My only major gripe is my hair! The dreaded baby hairline is back in full effect. I lose so much when I shower I screamed thinking there was an animal coming up my drain. Like last time this will likely last 3-4mos and take a full 18mos to not see a difference. I am going for a major cut, 1st since I had the baby, on Friday.

I think of every single one of you and wonder how you are. One tip for you ladies with newborns and about to have babies, On Becoming babywise is a life saving book. Swaddle Me's are amazing and now we are using the Merlin Magic sleep suit since Emma is starting to roll over. White noise machines are also a huge help.

Have a ggreat week and I will try to keep up when I can!!
It would be nice if we could just win the lottery. I don't even need that much!

I second the lotto win dream!!!! Here are 2 Halloween pics for you to have a chuckle.


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Hi ladies!

Babywhisperer - Cute halloween pics! Your little ones look like they were having a good time all dressed up - even little Emma looks content. I hope you can find a way in the future to makes things work with a different job. Thing sound so hectic and crazy but it also sounds like you have figured out a way to make things work for now.

kfs - Oh, I'm so sorry that work is just around the corner. I hope you can just soak in all the baby goodness these last days before you have to go back. And though I'm sure it will be rough at first, soon, it will just be the new normal. :hugs: If my Mom hadn't decided to come when she did, I would have probably tried to work right up until baby comes, but I figured since she is here, I might as well make the most of the time we have together - especially since we live so far apart and I hardly see her.

beagle - I'm with you on the lottery. I always joke that I would love to just win enough to maintain the life we have now.

Krissy - Just two more weeks until the 18th - not so long now. Hope you are feeling better again.

:hi: to everyone else.

Well, my mom made it in safely so that's good. Now we just all wait for baby. :haha: I feel pretty good today as I slept well last night after waking up super early yesterday and not being able to go back to sleep. We ran a bunch of errands yesterday after leaving the airport and I was exhausted when we got home.

I am so happy I don't have to go back to the office. The one coworker who always makes stupid comments asked me yesterday if "being pregnant was as uncomfortable as I made it look". I just looked at her and walked away.

I'm taking my dog to get groomed today. The first time in the 11.5 years of her life! I just don't want to deal with giving her a bath myself - mainly cleaning up the tub afterwards and trying to contain all the hair and shaking. She's going to hate it but she really needs a bath. She doesn't need much actual grooming however, I can't wait to see her afterwards.
Did anyone else get a low PAPP-A level at their 12 week NTS?
Dr. Google suggests that it's not uncommon among IVF pregnancies, but my OB didn't mention anything about that (and I reiterated the fact that I was IVF). I'd be a bit of a nervous wreck right now but THANKFULLY we got the Harmony screening done as well and that gave us a 1 in 10k chance of Down Syndrome, so between that and a great measurement on the scan itself, I'm ok assuming the PAPP-A was just a bit of a false positive (and I did still have only ~1% chance even with the PAPP-A being off). Now I'll just have to go for few extra ultrasounds to make sure there are no placenta issues that could be the cause of the low reading.
Whew. Not the morning I was expecting lol :wacko:
Krissy - Sorry. I didn't do the Nuchal test. Since we did PGS testing on our embryos, I opted out. It sounds like everything looks good for you despite that low reading. I think the Harmony test is supposed to be really accurate. Still, we never like to get off readings. Try not to worry - it sounds like things are just fine. Especially, if your doctor didn't say anything about it. Dr. Google is not always our friend.
Oh, sorry, my head wasn't clear enough when I was typing that.
I DID get a low PAPP-A reading... my OB freaked me out a bit about all the possible things that could mean (although she did keep reiterating how they were relatively low risks), but Dr. Google suggested it was just a common thing for IVF pregnancies. This time Dr. Google was the nice one :) but even at it's worse case, it does sounds like things are more or less fine (just more chances to see the baby!)
Hi ladies!

Babywhisperer - Cute halloween pics! Your little ones look like they were having a good time all dressed up - even little Emma looks content. I hope you can find a way in the future to makes things work with a different job. Thing sound so hectic and crazy but it also sounds like you have figured out a way to make things work for now.

kfs - Oh, I'm so sorry that work is just around the corner. I hope you can just soak in all the baby goodness these last days before you have to go back. And though I'm sure it will be rough at first, soon, it will just be the new normal. :hugs: If my Mom hadn't decided to come when she did, I would have probably tried to work right up until baby comes, but I figured since she is here, I might as well make the most of the time we have together - especially since we live so far apart and I hardly see her.

beagle - I'm with you on the lottery. I always joke that I would love to just win enough to maintain the life we have now.

Krissy - Just two more weeks until the 18th - not so long now. Hope you are feeling better again.

:hi: to everyone else.

Well, my mom made it in safely so that's good. Now we just all wait for baby. :haha: I feel pretty good today as I slept well last night after waking up super early yesterday and not being able to go back to sleep. We ran a bunch of errands yesterday after leaving the airport and I was exhausted when we got home.

I am so happy I don't have to go back to the office. The one coworker who always makes stupid comments asked me yesterday if "being pregnant was as uncomfortable as I made it look". I just looked at her and walked away.

I'm taking my dog to get groomed today. The first time in the 11.5 years of her life! I just don't want to deal with giving her a bath myself - mainly cleaning up the tub afterwards and trying to contain all the hair and shaking. She's going to hate it but she really needs a bath. She doesn't need much actual grooming however, I can't wait to see her afterwards.

Booger "I am so happy I don't have to go back to the office. The one coworker who always makes stupid comments asked me yesterday if "being pregnant was as uncomfortable as I made it look". I just looked at her and walked away." I would have asked them if they are as stupid as that sounded. People can be so dumb and rude!

Enjoy the time with your Mom!
LadySosa - Congrats on your 12 week appointment and hearing the heartbeat again!! It must be such a relief to hit that milestone. So happy for you!!

Booger - YAY for no more work!!! :wohoo: and YAY for your mom arriving!! So exciting!

kfs1 - Happy 3 month birthday to Adeline. So precious!!

Babywhisperer - I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Such adorable pictures. I'm sorry the work situation is still shitty though. On Becoming Baby Wise must be an oldie but goody, I remember reading that when my son was a baby, 17 years ago lol.

Krissy B - I had to look up what a PAPP-A test was lol. There are so many more tests becoming available these days. But I'm sure everything is just fine since the Harmony test came back normal.

AFM - My BFN was confirmed yesterday with my blood test. I spoke with the nurse that called to give me my results and told her I wanted to go straight into another cycle. She hesitated at first but then put me on hold to speak with the head nurse (which is my nurse anyways), she came back and reluctantly told me to go ahead and start the pill when my period started but that I needed to discuss a game plan to move forward with my RE. So I'm meeting with him on Tuesday, I guess I'll know more about what is going to happen then. I am happy about being able to start the pill right away though :)
LadySosa - I have a HR question for you. I have a friend that has a situation with a coworker. But she's never reported anything because this other employee is really vindictive and is really good at throwing other people under the bus and then playing the victim. But someone else finally complained about her and said you can even ask Carissa (which is my friend). So they called my friend into HR and said tell us what you know. She said she wouldn't say anything unless she could remain anonymous. So they said well we will try to be vague but if she pushes to find out who complained, we have to tell her... but if you don't tell us what you know, that is grounds for termination. So basically they threatened her into telling them but then said they couldn't protect her identity. Is this legal? I have no idea but it just seems so wrong. She also lives in Utah, so I'm not sure if HR laws change from state to state either. Any thoughts?
Booger - jealous you were able to save up some time & take off before baby came. I could have tried harder, but 9 months of no time off was too much. But glad I am doing 12 weeks even though I won't be paid after 8. So the c section did have the 2 extra weeks of short term pay benefit.

krissy - I was pgs as well, so I didn't get any of the routine prenatal testing. I am sure you are fine. I would look at it as an excuse to get more ultrasounds...something most pregnancies do not get.

Amy - I am not an HR person, but everywhere I have worked has had an open door policy & confidentiality. And also if there is retaliation by the other party, the other arty could get fired. The whistle blower was never threatened. Her situation seriously sounds like a complete illegal situation.

Nothing new to report here. Every day feels like a Saturday. But when this week is over, it will get a bit more real & difficult. I will be on my own during the day. Scary. Attaching our halloween pic. Don't judge. My mom's idea. And you can't tell but I was right beside him & had just let go of him a few seconds for the pic to happen.


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Typing from my phone so this is short and sweet! Hi everyone!!!

Amy I was so happy to see they said ok to no waiting. Yay!!!!
And really crappy about your friend. I'm curious to see what happens with that!

Ahhhh BabyW, my hair started falling out last month and I was freaking out so I chopped it off. It seems to be a little better this week but still kind of shedding I. The shower and during blow drying my hair. I saw my RE and he's ordered a bunch of bloodwork to check my thyroid. I want to make sure I'm in good health before I start trying to get pregnant. I know I know, I just had one but I need 2 more of these. Believe it or not, taking care of an infant is way easier than raising a bunch of stepkids. Do you think hair loss has to do with breastfeeding? Ive weaned her to be 50/50 as far as breast milk and formula. She will be off the boob by Christmas I think. Plus I lost way too much weight so I'm wondering if I have a thyroid issue. I knew breastfeeding helped with weight sometimes but I lost all baby weight plus another 15 pounds. I look a little sickly. : /
Amy - glad you can move forward. Hope your dr agrees. I think I said before but I went straight in to an FET cycle after retrieval, so I don't see why you couldn't do that since only an FET & no implantation. Good luck.

Booger - I forgot about the co worker of yours. What a jerk. Everyone I work with was amazing & I spend most of my time with 2 men. They never said anything rude like that. The worst thing they would say is comments about how much I ate. But it was all jokingly & in good fun. It never bothered me.
Typing from my phone so this is short and sweet! Hi everyone!!!

Amy I was so happy to see they said ok to no waiting. Yay!!!!
And really crappy about your friend. I'm curious to see what happens with that!

Ahhhh BabyW, my hair started falling out last month and I was freaking out so I chopped it off. It seems to be a little better this week but still kind of shedding I. The shower and during blow drying my hair. I saw my RE and he's ordered a bunch of bloodwork to check my thyroid. I want to make sure I'm in good health before I start trying to get pregnant. I know I know, I just had one but I need 2 more of these. Believe it or not, taking care of an infant is way easier than raising a bunch of stepkids. Do you think hair loss has to do with breastfeeding? Ive weaned her to be 50/50 as far as breast milk and formula. She will be off the boob by Christmas I think. Plus I lost way too much weight so I'm wondering if I have a thyroid issue. I knew breastfeeding helped with weight sometimes but I lost all baby weight plus another 15 pounds. I look a little sickly. : /

Jen how soon will your re let you try again? I want to be pregnant before I turn 35. Will be 34 in April. But I think it makes my husband nervous. But we agree on no birth control. So we will see what happens. I keep thinking about my baby girl frostie.
Beaglemom - That is such a cute picture!! I love it!!

Jen - It sounds like you might have an overactive thyroid. Or anemia. My hair started failing out like crazy after my second miscarriage. They said hair loss was normal in pregnancy but since it started after the loss, they checked my thyroid and for anemia but both came back normal. Then it just stopped? So it must have been my hormones or something. It was really weird though.

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