First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Jen, I have Hashimoto's so underactive thyroid but am on Synthroid. I think hormones change when you wean. As soon as I stopped completely my hair started to shed. I am getting my thyroid checked in 2 weeks to see if I need to increase my meds. You may have an overactive thyroid, and thyroid issues are VERY common after having a baby. I would love to be 15lbs under my pre-baby weight but it's so hard to lose w/ Hashi's. I take prenatals still to help with iron and to keep my biotin levels up, but may add collagen in the form of gelatin from Great Lakes Hydrolyzed Collagen again like I did last helps my hair, skin and nails and helped heal my gut since I have leaky gut syndrome from years of antibiotics for Lyme. I know when prego your hair goes into a rest state and you don't shed, but the hairloss around the hairline is hormonal. I have patches of hair missing and it's what happened last time...and it grows back in so wiry forcing me to do keratin treatments when it grows back in. I envy you for getting back on the baby train so fast...I want a 3rd!!!!
Hi ladies! I got far behind but I'm caught up now. It's funny I spend a ton of time reading on my phone but it is hard to get the time to get two hands for the laptop.

Amy: I am so, so sorry this did not work for you. The waiting is just killer. In many ways I felt that was the hardest part. Being in the middle of a cycle you at least feel you are moving towards something. Yay for getting started right away.

Beagle: Derek's picture is precious. I love all of his hair. My husband went back to work Monday but I've had my mom here. Next Monday will be my first day solo too! Good for you for sticking with the breastfeeding. I had a very difficult time the first few weeks. Bri wasn't gaining enough weight but my pediatrician was really supportive and I stuck with it. I'm thrilled I did because I love nursing him now. I don't know if you got a pump but I've found it helpful to pump milk and then DH feeds Bri by putting his pinkie in his mouth (so he sucks on it ) and feeding him with a syringe. It helps avoid nipple confusion.

Booger: I can't believe you are almost here! I am so excited for you. And cherish this time with your mom. It's awesome you get to spend all this quality time before and after. The time with my parents has been so special and I am so grateful for it. Total side eye to your asshole coworker. At least you don't have to see them for months!

KFS: Adeline is precious. I'm sorry work is fast approaching! I'm already dreading the thought of going back. I hope it isn't too difficult a transition. Enjoy these final days at home with all the baby snuggles. America's maternity leave system is a joke.

LadySosa: Wahooo to being at the 12 week mark!! I felt like we could really take a deep breath then. We started telling friends and family but waited until 20 weeks to make it Facebook official. Leggings and jeggings are your friends.

Krissy: I'm sorry for the scare. We did do all of those screenings because we didn't do PGS. But nothing came back abnormal. I still did get to have lots of U/S because my OB practice treats all IVF pregnancies as high risk. And it was pretty awesome to see the baby so often!

Jen: I know that thyroid issues are really common post-partumn. My SIL had a super overactive one and lost a ton of weight. Thankfully it is a simple bloodtest to find out usually.

BabyW: You are just super woman =) I'm glad you've found a balance and are taking time for yourself. Showering is like the highlight of my day currently =) Your workplace sucks. I hope you can find a job that allows you to have the family time you want with Emma and Jack. There just aren't enough hours in the day.

Terri: I'm so excited about your half and marathon plans. Will this be your first full? I can't wait to start running again. We've been having some crazy warm weather that makes for awesome running.

Hi to anyone I missed! Life is pretty awesome over here. We've gotten into the swing of breastfeeding and B is sleeping really well at night. He typically feeds between 11-12 and wakes up twice to eat. He slept 5 hours straight last night. We had a weight check yesterday and he's up to 7 lbs 12 oz. he's the sweetest, cuddliest baby. I couldnt feel luckier. One of my best friends flew in from Chicago last weekend to meet B and do our newborn photos. Here's a link to them:
sars-The link is password protected, and I even tried the hint. You can PM it to me. I've run three marathons, and two or three halves, so I'm just getting back into the swing of things and starting out easy.

Hi to everyone else. Great pics, glad you are all well, yada yada. I dropped my phone in the toilet on Wed. Thursday all was fine, and today I can't even get a charge, so I'm feeling sad and out of touch. Time to buy a new one, I guess. I really didn't want to have to do that so soon. :hissy:
Good morning ladies! Sorry I've been a little MIA. I've been reading along, just not posting.

Amy- so happy you are able to get started right away. The answer to your question is a two-parter: 1) they shouldn't force her to talk. Technically it is legal to threaten termination (Utah, like most states is employment at will, so employers can term for any reason), but IMO it is unethical. 2) yes, when dealing with complaints of harassment/discrimination/whatever, we cannot guarantee confidentiality of the complainant. I will say that retaliation from the problem child towards the complainant is illegal. Sorry your friend is going through this- how stressful.

Booger-you're so close! Can't wait for your LO to make her arrival! Glad you're getting to spend some quality time with your mom.

Terri- sorry you dropped your phone in the toilet! What a pain!

I haven't had time to check pics but I'll do that soon! Hi to all the new moms and glad you're all enjoying your new babies!

We saw the new James Bond movie last night. So good!! I love me some James Bond. I've officially told everyone, extended family, coworkers, boss, friends. The only thing we haven't done yet is the Facebook post. Not in a huge hurry for that. I've been feeling pretty good overall, getting my energy and appetite back. And I feel like I'm starting to show a bit. The constipation is not fun tho, that hit me Friday. I know I need to probably eat better w more fiber. I have Wednesday off for Veterans Day - yay!! So excited.
Sars - Such cute pictures!! He is sooo adorable.

LadySosa - Thanks for answering that. I'm actually surprised at the response though. I thought for sure you should be able to complain and remain anonymous. However, I just found out that the lady causing all the problems quit on Friday. I guess she was in HR for over 2 hours and came out crying. Then they found out this morning she quit. So not sure what went down, but so many people in the office are relieved. It's so weird how only one person can disrupt an entire office. Congrats on sharing the news with everyone. How exciting. Was your new job supportive?

AFM - I started AF on Saturday, so I started the BCP yesterday. I meet with my RE tomorrow, so I'll let you guys know how that goes tomorrow :) Happy Monday!!
I actually am not going to be preventing and hope that I can get pregnant on my own by the time she turns one in May. If I'm not pregnant by then, I will try a cycle or two with clomid or iui I think. I have no embryos left and I'd really not like to do another round of ivf. : ) If I get pregnant tomorrow, I'd be happy with that too. I'll take what I can get. I'm seeing my RE for my test results next week. I'm back to getting my period every 26 days so that's special. Lol
JCM - a lot of time the huge flush of hormones you get from pregnancy is exactly what your body needed to fix any fertility issues you had TTC#1. So FXed #2 comes much easier for you :) And getting regular periods back so quickly sounds like a great start.
Hi ladies!

Sorry for the radio silence - having my mom around is busier than working full time. :haha:I'm not complaining, she just keeps me going and going.

JCM - I really hope you can get pregnant naturally and not have to worry about fertility treatments again. How wonderful would that be?

Amy - Well, I hate saying it but Hooray for AF arriving. I'm glad they are letting you start BCP again right away and keep moving ahead. At least, I hope that's what is still happening. Hope your appointment with the RE goes well today and he cooperates with your plan.

Lady - That's awesome that you have told most people now. :happydance: I bet they were so excited for you guys!! It's fun seeing other people get happy for you.

sars - Super cute photos!!! You guys look so happy. It looks like you're feeling and recovering well.

Beagle - That pumpkin picture is adorable. DC does have a head full of hair! Were you expecting that? I hope this week goes smoothly for you - I know your DH had to go back to work. :hugs:

Terri - Did you get a new phone? I hate it when crap like that happens. Hope you're doing well.

Krissy - Interesting about the low reading and IVF. Well, I guess the extra monitoring will give you some peace of mind, so that's good.

:hi: to everyone else!

Nothing going on here - still pregnant, which I anticipated would be the case. I was only about 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced at my appointment yesterday, which I guess is better than nothing but doesn't really mean anything either. I go back next Monday if nothing happens before then. We went ahead and scheduled an induction for Nov. 19 (41 weeks and 1 day) but I'm really hoping I don't need it. I keep going back and forth on whether to stick with that day or wait longer. We'll see how Monday goes - I've been researching like crazy and it seems like it should be fine as I'll be plenty enough along. And I do trust my doctor - just wish she would come on her own! Still 10 days before the 19th so hoping that's enough time.

Baby must be sitting right on my tailbone as it has been aching like crazy. It's just uncomfortable - so I'm really hoping she decides to make her appearance soon. Other than that, I still feel pretty good. My mom and I have been trying to take a walk everyday.
Booger - still plenty of time for your LO to arrive. I was convinced I was going to have to be induced and Adeline came naturally. Everyone who saw me said that my belly was still too high - I didn't have that traditional "drop" or whatever. :) fx! :)

JCM - that would be so awesome if you could conceive naturally! Let's hope Krissy's right about those hormones!

Amy - woohoo for no waiting! Let us know how your appt goes!

Hi everyone else! Does anyone here have low AMH? A good friend of mine just started IVF and she had low AMH. Just curious if you ladies have any advice.

Oh - and speaking of shedding, my hair has been shedding like crazy!!! I got a haircut and it was awful. She was pulling mounds of hair out of the brush. :(
Good luck Jen. I am hoping for a natural conception as well. We shall see. But I do have 1 pgs embryo left.

I did not expect the head of dark hair. I had hair but it was very fair & from my pics seems like not a whole lot. I found out afterwards my husband had hair...he has brown hair. But when I saw I pic it really wasn't a lot. I found an old pic of my dad very very early on...within the first few weeks. I think Derek looks just like him. Even his facial expressions. He has my chin & lips which I got from my dad. Also I would not say I had a lot of heartburn either. Mainly reflux but that wasn't even often.

Day 1 without my husband went fine. We had a ped appt & he now weighs 9 lbs 1 oz. So he is above his birth weight & dr says he looks great. I had to hold him at the dr because he was fussy. He slept in the car but I had to run to the store & that was not fun. I have decided when I am on my own, I need to use the baby carrier you wear vs the car seat. He is a good baby. He just likes comfort & I think his day was all screwed up by the appt. My day is pretty routine. He sleeps, eats, & poops. I pretty much relax & watch tv doing small chores in between. The only issue I am having is he does not like to go to sleep at night. He wants to nurse constantly. The past couple of nights I just kept him in bed with me. My husband doesn't feel safe like that though. Maybe today I can get in a nap & stay up later tonight. Nurse as long as he wants & see how it goes. I have also considered giving him formula at night.

Breastfeeding is going well but if I am honest, I really just don't enjoy it. I know it is good for him, but I feel like after over a year of fertility treatments & 9 months of pregnancy, I still don't have my body back because of breastfeeding. And I don't mean my figure. I just mean it would be nice to feel ok in my leaky fluids or just being uncomfortable. I have been giving him a bottle of formula a day to get him used to it. I will keep up breastfeeding as long as possible, but I think I will be quitting once I go back to work. And I am pumping & storing as well. I just pumped today while nursing. That turned out much easier than I thought. So I will stick with that routine. Then I am not spending more time on my boobs than necessary. Before it just felt like if I wasn't nursing I was pumping...and I barely had time to pee.

My husband did almost all diapers when he was home. And he is so awesome because he still does the first one before he goes to work.

Tomorrow will be another busy day. I have another dr appt to get his circumcision checked & I need to go to the courthouse to get his birth certificate. I am going to try to be ready earlier so that he eats right before I leave & then his content & sleepy. We shall see.
Beaglemom - I'm glad things are going good and that you're managing just fine now that DH is back to work.

AFM - My appointment with my RE went well. He didn't have a problem with me jumping straight into another cycle. I thought I'd have to push for it, but surprisingly I didn't. We agreed to transfer both embryos this time and he said he wants to change my estrogen and progesterone to injectables. This will be a new thing for me since I've never done the injectable estrogen or progesterone. When the time comes, I'll probably need tips from you guys. All of my shots so far have been subcutaneous. I'm a little nervous about the intramuscular shots. Glad to get started again though. They estimated the transfer will be after Thanksgiving but before Christmas. My nurse is supposed to e-mail my schedule to me in the next couple days :) Yay!!
Hello ladies sorry! Been busy buzzing around the house and working. How is everyone?
Wow. Where's everyone been? Not much going on here. Today's the last day of my maternity leave so feeling weepy. :( I think I'm meeting up with my in-laws for lunch though so it'll be good to get out of the house to do something fun with the baby. Hope everyone's well!
Kfs, I know the feeling...anxiety of missing the baby sucks. It gets easier and you get back into a routine, a new normal if you will. Everything will be fine. Can you work from home ever? I try to work from home a day every other week, but the jerk on my desk is counting days I do that despite guys on my desk working from home whenever they can. I know it's hard, but it gets easier.
Hi ladies!

Nothing too crazy to report from my end. Kfs- I'm sorry your maternity leave has come to an end! You must be a mix of emotions, I know I will be. I wish I could stay home with our LO, but DH won't let me! He is too accustomed to a dual-income lifestyle. And we haven't sat down to crunch the numbers, but I don't think we could pay all our bills on his salary alone. But I would be willing to cut back- he isn't. So we discussed perhaps me returning to work part-time. That seems to be a good compromise. We'll see- still need to crunch the numbers to see if we could make it work. That way we could do daycare just a couple days/week and maybe rope my mom into once/week. I dunno- it all depends on a lot. We'll see. I've been feeling pretty good lately, but am still in that awkward phase of maybe showing a little, but other people can't really tell I'm preggo. Today we are headed to San Diego for the weekend! So excited to catch some rays and have a fun weekend. Also this weekend I'll be 14 weeks- officially into the 2nd trimester.

Booger- how are you feeling???
kfs1 - I'm sorry your maternity leave is ending and you have to go back to work. Leaving the little one in someone else's care is so difficult. Nobody takes care of baby like mommy :)

LadySosa - Congrats on being in your 2nd trimester. So happy for you. Have a great weekend in San Diego.

Booger & Beaglemom - How are you guys doing? Any updates?

Terri - I hope you are doing good. You are often in my thoughts!

AFM - I got my schedule and my transfer is scheduled for 12/17. I'm excited and really nervous. Only 4 weeks and 3 days to go lol.
Amy-Yeah for a schedule!! Woohoo!!

Hi to everyone else. I'm just happy the weekend is here. It's been a long week. It's nice outside too, so when I get home I'm going running! I can't wait.
Yay Amy! It'll be here before you know it. I feel mighty good about this one for you. This is it, I know it. What a wonderful holiday season you'll have!
Hi ladies!

Amy - :happydance: for getting your schedule and having a date for your next transfer. I am excited for you, especially since you didn't have to wait a cycle in between. I really hope this is the trick for you and DH!

Lady - Congrats on making it into the second trimester! Have fun in San Diego - that sounds very lovely right about now. I have thought about going back to work part time too. I know we could swing that, just have to see what my work thinks about it. And I guess, how I feel about it when it comes time to go back to work.

Terri - Enjoy your weekend and your run. I'm jealous. Can't wait to start running again. We have been walking quite a bit this past week but it's just not the same.

kfs - Oh, I'm so sorry you have to go back to work on Monday! :cry: It will difficult for sure but as baby whisperer mentioned, soon you'll get into a groove and hopefully, it won't be so bad. I'll be thinking of you Monday morning. :hugs:

brighteyez - :hi: You're getting really close to transfer aren't you? Next week?? Hope you cycle is going smoothly.

Beagle - It sounds like you and DC had a big week but are adjusting to your new life quite easily. That's great. You must be feeling pretty good after your C-section? It's nice to see people bouncing back so quickly. I think it's fine if you don't love breastfeeding. Everyone has to do what is right for them. Who knows, maybe as time passes it will start to feel more natural and better. But if not, you'll have done what you felt comfortable with and that's great.

:hi: to everyone else! I hope everyone is still doing well.

As for me, well, we are still waiting for our little Piper to make her grand appearance. I am feeling pretty good most of the time but I know I'm getting a little crankier each day. I think it's more from cabin fever than anything else. The bad part about living in a small town is there is only so much to do and see. My mom and I have been keeping busy with small tasks around the house but we're running out of things to do. I can only sit around and watch TV so much before I start getting stir crazy! Plus, I think I mentioned this before, but my tailbone is starting to ache pretty bad so it's really hard for me to sit comfortably for too long. I guess the baby is pressing down in that area now.

Anyway, I go back to the doctor on Monday morning to see if I've progressed at all - otherwise, it's just a waiting game until Thursday morning at this point. I am okay with the induction if she doesn't come on her own before then.

I'll try to do a better job of keeping you guys updated.

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