First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Booger - wow...I had lost track of time...this week is it for you! So exciting. I enjoyed doing nothing when the time got closer but you & me are different types of people. Just do some things that make you happy & relaxed. The first week (at least) with baby is so exhausting. I was never too stir crazy. But I did keep having the urge to go out of town to the outlet or bigger towns like an hour away. But I was nervous to go in to labor. I hope she comes on her own, but don't be afraid of the induction...or a c section. The best thing I did for myself is trust my dr & let them take care of me. I had no reservations on I was fine with the decisions. I would still try a vaginal birth in the future.

kfs - sorry about maternity leave coming to an end. I plan to take Derek in to daycare at least a week prior to returning to work to get myself used to it & also try to get a routine down.

Lady - congrats on another trimester.

People tell me I look great for having a baby. Especially the c section. I am lucky. I have not weighed in a few days, but I am pretty much bad to pre baby weight since I have lost all the retained fluids. Still some belly flab & in a perfect world I would want to be pre fertility treatments weight. I took the pain meds for a week. Bleeding stopped after 2 weeks. Oh & this is sort of TMI...but it took a week for me to have a bowel movement. I was just to the point of buying some meds to help things along & then it happened & I was fine. I recovered well from my polyp removal & my retrieval...I think I have a pretty good recovery system. The advice I have for anyone is take the pain meds if you need them. And if you need them try to take them before the pain hits. I was in tears almost every day for a week because I was in pain (didn't take the meds as often as I should), I was hormonal, & I was exhausted. Let people help you. If you are breastfeeding you will basically be attached to the pee as often as you can so you aren't stuck in the middle of a feeding...keep water nearby...& let and ask for help.
Hey Booger - How are you feeling? Yes I will get my instructions and time tomorrow (Sunday) for Tuesdays transfer. I am so excited and ready to have my baby or babies back home.:happydance:

Hi ladies!

Amy - :happydance: for getting your schedule and having a date for your next transfer. I am excited for you, especially since you didn't have to wait a cycle in between. I really hope this is the trick for you and DH!

Lady - Congrats on making it into the second trimester! Have fun in San Diego - that sounds very lovely right about now. I have thought about going back to work part time too. I know we could swing that, just have to see what my work thinks about it. And I guess, how I feel about it when it comes time to go back to work.

Terri - Enjoy your weekend and your run. I'm jealous. Can't wait to start running again. We have been walking quite a bit this past week but it's just not the same.

kfs - Oh, I'm so sorry you have to go back to work on Monday! :cry: It will difficult for sure but as baby whisperer mentioned, soon you'll get into a groove and hopefully, it won't be so bad. I'll be thinking of you Monday morning. :hugs:

brighteyez - :hi: You're getting really close to transfer aren't you? Next week?? Hope you cycle is going smoothly.

Beagle - It sounds like you and DC had a big week but are adjusting to your new life quite easily. That's great. You must be feeling pretty good after your C-section? It's nice to see people bouncing back so quickly. I think it's fine if you don't love breastfeeding. Everyone has to do what is right for them. Who knows, maybe as time passes it will start to feel more natural and better. But if not, you'll have done what you felt comfortable with and that's great.

:hi: to everyone else! I hope everyone is still doing well.

As for me, well, we are still waiting for our little Piper to make her grand appearance. I am feeling pretty good most of the time but I know I'm getting a little crankier each day. I think it's more from cabin fever than anything else. The bad part about living in a small town is there is only so much to do and see. My mom and I have been keeping busy with small tasks around the house but we're running out of things to do. I can only sit around and watch TV so much before I start getting stir crazy! Plus, I think I mentioned this before, but my tailbone is starting to ache pretty bad so it's really hard for me to sit comfortably for too long. I guess the baby is pressing down in that area now.

Anyway, I go back to the doctor on Monday morning to see if I've progressed at all - otherwise, it's just a waiting game until Thursday morning at this point. I am okay with the induction if she doesn't come on her own before then.

I'll try to do a better job of keeping you guys updated.
Hope your appointment shows some progress today, Booger!!

Yay for a schedule Amy!! Glad your dr is on board with moving quickly. I didn't do injections for P and E. I had to shove things up the V for that. Ugh. Intramuscular doesn't sound fun. I think Erin and Moni did those shots..

Sorry about the end of maternity leave Kfs. I'd be so sad too! Also, sorry about your hair. Mine started falling out a ton at 4 months and now it's slowing down a lot so there's light at the end of the tunnel!!!

Hi to everyone else! It's so cold in Arizona this morning. 39 degrees. Brrrrr! I took the dogs outside and I literally froze while watching them pee. LOL! I'm not cut out for cold weather. I have my RE appt today to get my million lab results. I'm betting my testosterone is way low. I have zero sexual drive. Hopefully he'll help me bump it up. Especially if I'm trying to get pregnant on my own. I'm drying my boobs up right now and holy hell does it hurt!!! They are more painful than when I first found out I was pregnant. I took my meds from my c section last night because I was in so much pain. Plus, on top of that I haven't been getting too much sleep. Charli is teething and it's so sad. Which makes me glad I'm done breast feeding. She'd be clamping down on my boobs for sure! I have her in the swing watching octonauts. Haha! Hopefully she passes out so I can get a nap. She has a surgeon appointment this week to go up another size in dilation. We moved her up ourselves last week and it went ok. I'm nervousness for this one. It's 12mm and I think that's the highest we go. Then I keep doing it for another 2 months. So, I'm halfway there. Sigh. I hate shoving things up her butt.
booger-Hope your appt. goes well today and things start moving along. I also hope you and your mom can find something to do this week. :hugs:

kfs1-Hope your first day back wasn't too traumatic. I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you and talk about your little girl. Ease in...ease in.

Jen-At least you can see the end of the tunnel for Charli. I hope the appointment goes well.

brighteyez-How many embies are you transferring? The transfer is the easiest part. Can't wait until your PUPO!
Hey Terri,
How are you? I will be transferring 2embies. I go tomorrow at 11:30am and embies transferred at 12pm. I am so excited, nervous and scared at the same time. I worry about them getting past thaw. I took of for the rest of the week and may try to do acupuncture the day before and day after. What to you think?

booger-Hope your appt. goes well today and things start moving along. I also hope you and your mom can find something to do this week. :hugs:

kfs1-Hope your first day back wasn't too traumatic. I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you and talk about your little girl. Ease in...ease in.

Jen-At least you can see the end of the tunnel for Charli. I hope the appointment goes well.

brighteyez-How many embies are you transferring? The transfer is the easiest part. Can't wait until your PUPO!
I never did acupuncture, so I can't really speak on that, but babywhisperer did it and I think Jen did also, so it can't hurt anything. It would probably be a little relaxing too, so why not schedule it? Ok on two embies. I can't wait for your update tomorrow.
JCM - Glad to hear things are progressing well with Charli... Even if the day-to-day can be rough, at least an end is in sight!

Brighteyez- Best of luck tomorrow!

Beagle - Glad the recovery is going so well for you! I agree the more help you ask for the faster you can heal and keep yourself emotionally stable. Which is probably the part I found the hardest.

Lady - Hope you had a great time in SD and congrats on the second tri!!

Amy - FXed and I hope time flies for you! :dust:

Booger - Hope you're all hanging in there. How was the doc today?

Terri - How are you doing, hon? Hope life is treating you well. Any more trips or adventures coming up?

AFM - just chugging along. Looking forward to my appt next Tuesday to get another listen to the HB. But I'm starting to hit that point where I feel pregnant (all those aches and pains and pressures) more regularly, so I think all is well in there. It's so hard to tell in the early weeks! And a little part of me is dreading our gender reveal in case things go wrong at the next major scan on Dec 2nd.... But I suppose there's always a chance thigns can go wrong, and if the HB and my physical measurements are good on Tuesday, I'll do my best to trust in that.
Hi Krissy-Glad to hear things are moving along. One more week until your appointment. I'm sure all is well. Thanks for asking about me, everyone.

My hubs and I tailgated yesterday prior to the Ravens game and then we watched the game in his company's club level seats. Everyone was so bundled up while tailgating, then we got into the stadium and it was SO HOT. It was fun just watching people find their seats and then start taking all their layers off. hee hee. We lost at the last second because of a penalty, but I had a fun time and we got out of the parking lot before traffic was unbearable. Here's a picture and yes, my mouth is always open! hee hee.

Saturday night one of our friends had a 40th bday party at a fancy restaurant in DC, and there were 10 of us. The food/drinks were excellent and the company was even better. Friends are the best! hee hee.

My dad is still in town; I think he's been here for almost a month. My brother is now my dad's tenant in the rental property, so not sure how much longer he plans to stay. Maybe until this weekend which will be good because my husband is going to his college football game. It'll be nice to be alone with Fun and vacuum, sit around and not have to cook for anyone.

So, tons of fun things happening now that fall is here. I pretty much hibernate in the winter, so I'm trying to have my fun before it gets too cold to go outside!


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JCM - I'm sorry little Charli is having a hard time right now. I'm so glad to hear you're halfway through the dilation though. The end is near and that is just awesome.

Booger - Can't wait the hear how your appointment went today.

kfs1 - I hope you had a good day back to work... even though I'm sure you can't wait to get home after work :)

Brighteyez - Good luck tomorrow!!

Krissy - I can't believe you're 15 weeks already. I'm sure everything will be just fine. Can't wait to hear how your appointment goes next week though.

Terri - Such a cute picture :)
Hi ladies! :flower:

Terri - Love the picture - it looks very nice out! Your game and dinner out sound fabulous. You are always doing fun things. Busy lady! Well, it's best to stay busy really. Especially before winter when it can get a little harder to do things.

Brighteyez - Good luck tomorrow!

Amy - :hi:

JCM - Good to hear from you. It's so funny to think that you are gearing up to try to get pregnant again and I'm still sitting here pregnant the first time. I really hope it happens easily for you this go around. 2 more months for Charli and then I really hope the worst is behind you in that regards!!! She sounds like she has been a trooper through all of this though - and you too!!!

Krissy - Good luck at your appointment next week. I'm sure things are all good in there. Just try to relax - it won't be too much longer and you'll be half way done already. :thumbup:

Beagle - Glad to hear that things are still going well for you! Hope DC is still growing like a weed.

kfs - I hope today wasn't too bad for you and little Adeline. :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else!

Well, baby is still all nice and cozy in my belly. No progression from last week. My doctor did the membrane sweep which was surprisingly not that bad. I had read where it can be pretty painful. We'll see if it does anything or not. Otherwise, we wait! If nothing happens beforehand, we report to the hospital at 7:00 am on Thursday morning to get things going. At least now I know that I am only going to be pregnant for 3 more days (at the max). I think that's been the hardest part of all of this is the waiting and having NO CONTROL over what's happening. I guess I had better get used to that feeling!
Booger - I just wanted to drop in and wish you the best of luck tomorrow. Check in when you can. I can't wait to hear from you!!
Booger-You are probably about to hit the road, but I'm also wishing you a smooth and easy delivery. Welcome to the world Piper! We can't wait! :hugs: <3<3
Booger - Woohoo. Today's the big day!! Can't wait to hear your update.

Brighteyez - Congrats on your transfer. Hope everything went well.

JCM - Ugh. I really feel for you. I'm happy that you're at least half-way through!

Krissy - Good luck at your appt next week! I'm sure things will be fine.

Terri - I'm sure you'll be happy to have some alone time soon. Loving the pic of you and your hubs.

Beagle/Amy/Babywhisperer - Hey there ladies!

So, I'm in the midst of my first week back to work. Thanks so much for the support ladies. The first day was HORRIBLE but it's been OK. Daycare says that she's been great but she is EXHAUSTED after we pick her up. I'm sure she's just getting used to things but it's just so sad. Work has been fine - they're very supportive and they're letting me work from home 2 days a week until the end of the year (possibly longer) so I can keep Adeline home later and pick her up earlier. I still have to bring her for part of the day, though, because I have video conferences and things and wouldn't be able to get anything done. Anyway, we're adjusting to our new normal. I just hope she is a little more rested eventually. It's tough ladies.
Yay Booger! Today's the day! Soo excited for you!!! Can't wait to see Piper!
Thank you KFS1 - It went really well now just anxious to see if my babies I didn't believe they made it to thaw but I am happy and blessed that they did and were almost perfect in regards to their cells (99%). And yes this a transition for her but she will adjust soon. Keep up the great work...awesome mom!!!:hugs:

Booger - Woohoo. Today's the big day!! Can't wait to hear your update.

Brighteyez - Congrats on your transfer. Hope everything went well.

JCM - Ugh. I really feel for you. I'm happy that you're at least half-way through!

Krissy - Good luck at your appt next week! I'm sure things will be fine.

Terri - I'm sure you'll be happy to have some alone time soon. Loving the pic of you and your hubs.

Beagle/Amy/Babywhisperer - Hey there ladies!

So, I'm in the midst of my first week back to work. Thanks so much for the support ladies. The first day was HORRIBLE but it's been OK. Daycare says that she's been great but she is EXHAUSTED after we pick her up. I'm sure she's just getting used to things but it's just so sad. Work has been fine - they're very supportive and they're letting me work from home 2 days a week until the end of the year (possibly longer) so I can keep Adeline home later and pick her up earlier. I still have to bring her for part of the day, though, because I have video conferences and things and wouldn't be able to get anything done. Anyway, we're adjusting to our new normal. I just hope she is a little more rested eventually. It's tough ladies.
Thanks, ladies. Induction is going well but slow. Things are moving but still no baby - hopefully by tomorrow I will have a real update for you!
Hi ladies! Sorry for being so quiet. I wanted to pop in and say good luck Booger! I can't wait to see photos of Piper. Here is hoping for a smooth and healthy delivery. Good luck!

Amy: I'm so thrilled you can have your next transfer so soon. With the holidays it will be here before you know it.

KFS: I'm glad you're starting to hit your stride back to work. I'm already dreading it. I don't think I am cut out to be a full time SAHM, but I would love to be home until Brian was at least six months. Since I often work nights, I will at lest have the day home. That's awesome your job is being so flexible.

LadySosa: Wahooo! Welcome to the second trimester. I found I didn't really look truly pregnant or fill out maternity clothes til like 6.5-7 months. It kind of sucks. I hope you find a child care balancing act that works best for you all.

Terri: What a wonderful picture! You guys look like you're having a blast. You're so beautiful. I could never rock no hair. EVER.

Jen: Sending you good baby vibes. And I hope Charli does well with the next step. As tough and emotional a this is for you to do, just think she'll never remember any of it. You've been such a rockstar through this.

Beagle: I'm glad you're feeling better and recovered. I've been pleasantly surprised by how quickly I've recovered. Only hiccup was a stray stitch that didn't dissolve but they doctor took care of that quickly.

Hi to anyone I missed!

Time is flying by here. I can't believe it is almost Thanksgiving. We've had some sleep regressions because poor B has been having some major gas that wakes him up in pain. We're trying gas drops and a baby probiotic. We're also working on getting him to take a bottle. Dude wants the boob. We haven't found a nipple with a slow enough flow. But I'm at least building up a good supply of frozen milk.

My parents came to visit last night and took us out to lunch today. We went to visit DH at work (my new office as well), so my parents could see it and my co-workers could see the baby. Then we grabbed lunch. It was fun. I've been keeping pretty busy most days. A friend brought us lunch Monday, grabbed lunch with my MIL yesterday and family here today and Wednesday.

We have a friend's gender reveal Saturday. It's the first one I've been to. I'm excited.

Ahh, Booger!! I'm so excited for you.
Booger hope all is going well!

Sars I try to stay busy but it is hard going out alone. Went or today and it was pretty hectic. I was almost crying on my way home. Derek has no issues with bottles or pacifiers and then back to the breast. I do formula at least once a day. If I go out I pack a formula bottle. I am trying to use up my samples. One express soon and I think it is rough on his system. It is called gentle ease. I don't know if it's the formula but for 2 days his first poop is not until at least noon and he is extremely backed up. Fills the diaper. And you can tell in the morning he is attaining or had gas. Not giving that kind to him today and we will see tomorrow if that is what caused it. Last night was rough I think for the sane reason. Up every 2 hours. So hopefully it was that brand and he will be feeling better.
Hey beagle! I'm so happy to see that your baby is here!! Congrats!

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