First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Is your husband in the room for retrieval or is that when he does his thing?
No, they put you in a prep room first, and he is there with me. Then they wheel me to the retrieval room. I'm not sure where he went when I was wheeled out, but when I came to, we were both back in the prep room eating snacks. hee hee. He gave his sample when we first showed up. He did it at home because he's a baby and can only get 2ml at home. If we were at the site, he SWEARS he would only be able to get 1 ml. hee hee.
That was basically my situation too... he was in prep with me up until retrieval. They don't let him in for the retrieval because it's an OR... docs and patient only. I think that may be when he gave his sample, or he may have done it when they were first prepping me, and then he came and hung out with me before they rolled me in. He was able to watch the retrieval on a monitor outside of the OR if he wanted to, but he said he couldn't tell what was going on anyway, so he just went and sat back down, hehe. And like Terri, I recall laying there chatting with the anesthesiologist and nurses in the OR, and then BAM, I was awake back in the recovery room with DH. Like a time warp. Pretty funny.

I'm about to leave for my appt to confirm that they'll be doing my FET a week from now. My lining should be where it needs to be, and my estrogen should be good, so I suspect next Mon/Tues will be it.

I'm not totally certain, but I think now that I'm up to FOUR of those patches, I think I'm having some side effects. I've had a raging headache for 3 days, feel a little bit off, nauseated on and off, some anxiety/nervousness, and even some lower abdominal discomfort. What it reminds me of is when I first bumped my clomid up to 50mg months ago. I had side effects only around O time, and they were identical to these. I went back and looked at that chart, and I logged almost ALL of the same exact symptoms. I did take my Lupron about an hour late several days in a row. And I've had a CRAZY amount of EWCM (the most and best EWCM I've ever seen). So i'm wondering if the increased estrogen and being late w/the Lupron injections made my body try to O. I really dont know, that's only speculation. I made sure to do the injection on time this morning, and although I still have a slight headache, the rest of the symptoms seem to have gone away, at least for now. I suppose it could be the patches alone... I've read some other girls having similar side effects. It just reminded me SO much of my O during that 50mg of clomid. I guess I better just be careful and make sure to take the Lupron on time. That's the first time I've ever been a little too laid back about any injections.
Hi ladies,

Long time lurker/stalker here. I know eRose (and some others on here - Hi Terri & Moni :hi:) from another thread and she kindly invited me over here knowing that I am starting down the IVF road. Thanks, eRose. Love you girl.

A little background info. I will be married 5 years this coming Friday to the most amazing and supportive husband. We've been actively TTC since January 2013. In December, I had just made an appointment to see a specialist when I got my first BFP. Sadly, the pregnancy ended shortly after at 6 weeks. A few months later, I started working with my RE. So far, one tube unblocked, one polyp removed, and 2 failed IUIs. My DH has low motility and his counts are on the lower side.

Next steps are to have my DHs varicocole repaired and to hopefully move on to IVF next cycle. The only potential obstacle is insurance $ running out but I'm hoping to work that out soon.

Anyway, glad to join you ladies! I still need to read back to catch up on your stories.
I actually love the trigger because the needle is way smaller than my heparin. Ok well, I don't love it but I prefer it! Now, I get a break on all injections so I just get to be normal. Haha

Erin, I had lots of cm yesterday and I kind of freaked out thinking I was trying to O on my own. I always used to O on cd10-12 and yesterday was 12. At the doctor yesterday they assured me it was totally fine and nothing is happening.
I hope you have great lining today!!!

I think they might let DH watch tomorrow. Maybe cause he's a surgeon? Or maybe my RE really likes him? He's interested to see everything. Maybe I will have DH do his thing at home in a cup. I think he's always had better count at home and he's obviously more comfortable there! My RE has everything set up in his office so it's not a new place I'll go to. I actually used to call it the scary room. There's giant black curtains in that room and that is all I've seen. His practice is a smaller practice and I know everyone there by name so that's nice. Except I won't know the person who gives me the drugs. He has people come in for that. I hope I get someone nice! I know I keep saying this but I really feel like I just came off of bcps. This is all happening so quickly!!!
Yeah - I started in one room where the nurse drew the circles on my behind for the progesterone shots (which I am still taking every morning by the way...) When I went in for the retrieval, hubby went to give his sample and I was done before him! (He might have gone in a bit after me, I'm not sure.) I was a little crampy afterwards and I had some bleeding for about 24 hours - bring a pad.

I had a ridiculous amount of CM while I was stimming - and it lasted for days! I was worried as well, but had faith in the Lupron.

Welcome over here KFS! Now you'll get the same update on multiple threads as well!

AFM - scan went well this morning - saw a picture perfect sac and yolk! Doc expects my numbers to be over 1000 with what he saw. He forgot to print us out a photo but promised to spoil us next week with photos. Go back next tues and hopefully will hear the heart beat! Now I have to get some work done!
Welcome kfs1...I am hoping to do IVF soon as well. I am currently waiting on an IVF grant. But if I am not chosen, I will still move on right after their decision with loans to fund.

Thanks for the info. I remember what it was like waking up when I had my wisdom teeth out...such a strange feeling. My husband was under once & we had to go back to the doctor a day or so later because he wouldn't stop throwing up. I have never had any horrible reactions like that to meds so hopefully the same with the retrieval.

JCM - time does seem to be going by so fast these days! Good luck!

Back at work today...the one thing I wanted to happen while I was gone did NOT a little frustrated at that. But overall just trying to catch up.
moni- :wohoo: :wohoo: It's official now, right!?! You feel great now, and you can get back to work, so it's all good! I'm still so happy for you and Chimmi. Against all odds, moni has success!! hee hee.

kfs1-Of course you know I will say welcome a million times over! <3

JCM-Yeah, once stimming stops, everything does happen fast. I liked the trigger because I didn't have to poke myself anymore and it was just a waiting game from there. You now don't have to set any reminders or clocks! hee hee.

Oops. lunchtime..more later.
Hooray, Moni!!! :happydance: That's awesome.

kfs1 - Welcome! I "know" who you are from a couple of the testing threads, I think. Plus, I kind of stalk the BFP Chasers thread and you are on there. :flower: I'm just starting my first IVF. I'll should be starting injections on Friday. :help:

Jen - Glad to hear the shot went well and that you now have a break. I'm sorry, I don't know what the heparin shot is for - it's likely you may have said but I have a horrible time keeping things straight. When is your retrieval on Wed?

Beagle - Glad your first day back is going okay. :winkwink: Any idea at all when you'll hear about the grant? Did you ever find out for sure that they got your application?

Erin - Sorry to hear the patches and/or the late shot have been giving you a little trouble. You're almost done, though! I hope you're feeling better today.

Terri - Hope you had a nice lunch! I'm already hungry (well, who am I kidding, I'm almost always hungry) and it's not even lunchtime yet. :nope:

Howdy to everyone else! Hope your day is going well.

I am amped up today for some reason. Just had a very animated meeting with my boss where I unleashed a ton of frustration and information on him. Oops! :blush: Good thing that he is understanding, if not overly sensitive sometimes. I feel better though.

My medications should come tomorrow. A little nervous about opening that box after reading about y'alls experiences. DH made it back from fire he was fighting. Phew. Always good to have him back in the house. I have to run at lunchtime to get some of our IVF paperwork regarding the PGS notarized. Hope the notary at my bank isn't someone I know!
The grant website says decisions on Oct 1...but no I have not gotten a confirmation email. I plan to email them next week if nothing by then. I went to their physical address (I was in that area & they are an hour away) & it was a UPS store. So I am thinking they have some sort of mail service with them.
The beta was at 2469!! Progesterone was over 40 so I get to cut the injection back down to 1cc a day - I was kindof hoping I could stop those...but not going o complain about a little butt soreness! Back on the 16th for another scan and should be able to see the heartbeat then!

Terri - yeah I feel great - but still a bit nervous (probably always will be!) Things are definitely going in the right direction!!
Thanks so much everyone for all the warm welcomes :) I'm sooo happy!! I have friends now :yipee: well you all were my friends before, you just didn't know it :haha:

ERosePW - (Erin, yes I knew that was your name haha) I am definitely going to try for a natural miracle this month before I start my BC. It's funny because BNB is actually where I learned how to start temping, charting, FF and all that good stuff. I'd probably be bumbling around and barely going to see my regular OBGYN if it wasn't for what I learn here. Btw, I'm so excited for you!! Getting so close!!!

Booger76 (Amy) - So funny that our stories are so similar and we even have the same name. Were you also born in 76 also? I'm only assuming because of your screen name... however you could just like the number 76 lol

Terripeachy - It's so funny that everyone thought of you when the Ray Rice news broke because I did the same thing. I knew you were not going to be happy at all. They were saying that the Ravens built the whole team around him so it's a big loss for the team?
I'm not sure how long I'm going to be on the birth control. She told me all the active days so I'm assuming 21 days? They gave me the pills already and I'm to start taking them on Cycle day 2, then call to go in for my SHG, mock transfer, med prescription, and my schedule. So to be honest I don't know a whole lot yet.

JCM - Getting so close for you as well!! So exciting!!! I know that you had trouble with your medication arriving on time. Did that end up working out? And would you ever use them again despite what happened?

Moni77 - Great news!! So happy for you :)

Beaglemom - I really hope the grant comes through for you. That would be so awesome!!!

Hi Brighteyez73 & kfs1
Amy-I'm happy you have friends now too. I found bnb because my OB said to start temping and 'if your temp stays up, you're prego.' I didn't believe it was as easy as it sounded so I started googling and found everyone here. Of course, she was in med school and temping her first month and she said to her husband, 'from what I learned in school, we're pregnant!' I'm glad I was new to all this stuff when she told me that story. Now I would have to strangle her. First time success. Grrrr. Hee hee. Oh and yeah, all of our chickens are/were on Ray Rice. Hopefully we can recover. We are lucky in that our team has been really good since about 1999 so it's going to be terrible if we really suck. They came here in 1996. This city bleeds purple and orange (Os). Hee hee. It's gross if you see it in real life. :rofl:

Moni-great numbers and a 1cc shot is nothing! I'm sure you'll be able to stop when you go back.

I ordered meds today. Now to drink wine before bed. I'm getting my drink on these last few weeks! Moni, I gotcha girl! Hope you like red blends.
Hi brighteyez73... I'm doing really good. Thanks for asking!
I'm so excited for everyone. I love checking in and seeing how everyone is doing! I saw that you are doing a vlog about your ivf journey. You are so brave. I'm definitely going to check it out!

Terripeachy - so funny about your OB. If only it was that easy :roll:
Amy1976 - I'm impressed with how fast you moved as far as testing right when you began to TTC. It took me over a year before I visited an RE and even then I was freaked out for some reason. I think it's great that you're skipping over IUIs and medicated cycles. It sounds like IVF is perfect for you and I hope that you get your BFP soon!

JCM & Erose - You're almost there ladies! What are your actual estimated dates for ER/FET?

Beagle - Maybe we'll be IVF buddies if all works out. I hope the grant goes through for you!

Booger - I love how you know who I am from stalking because I sort of know who you are from stalking, too! That's so amazing that you're starting your injections this week! :dust: to you. You and Terri will be IVF buds this time around, right?

Moni - Congratulations again! :happydance:

Terri - Love that your OB said "if your temps stay up, you're pregnant." HAHA. I've had people try to explain how ovulation works to me and how important it is to get the timing right. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE? :)

brighteyez73 - Just wanted to say hi and best of luck to you! Where are you in the IVF process?

Nothing to report here. Just busy stalking you ladies. You're all in such different places but it's SO exciting. :dust: to you all.
Good morning, everyone!

I just quickly wanted to say hello to kfs! I'm so sorry your last IUI didn't work out, Sweets. I'm glad you've popped over to join us though for your IVF, and I'm excited you'll be sharing your journey with us. I just know this is gonna be it for you girly!!

Moni, extra congrats!!! I'm SO happy your numbers look awesome and your u/s went well. It's official, yay!!!! :happydance: Sooo happy for you, I can hardly contain myself!

Ok, I have to get to work, but I'm planning on responding to everyone properly from work (instead of on my phone!). The big contract I've been working on has fallen through as of yesterday, so I think I'll have more playtime now, hehe! Can I just say... I love our little group... I feel like we really lucked out with this group of gals, especially with many of us already knowing each other. Sometimes these AC groups get huge and move so fast it's hard to keep up. I'm pleased with how this one has worked out. :)

Ok chat again soon! Xoxo
kfs1 - Hello! I will find out what's next on tomorrow. I have had all the testing done and have an injections class next week on the 17th. So hopefully it will be soon.
ERose-Sorry your contract fell through, but I'm glad you can play. I totally hear you about our group. My first thread on the TWW side is a million and one pages (I joined at 1/4 MIL), but there are a core 4-5, and it's really perfect. Every now and again someone random will jump on and post something, and it's like 'I know you did not read a million pages just to tell me that you have a 7-11 in FL.' Seriously?! hee hee. They don't come back to stay so I already know the answer. I like smaller groups and can :ninja: the bigger groups. hee hee.

kfs1-I'm sure if I wanted to know more from the OB, she would have told me, but at that point, all I knew was to stop taking BCPs and start temping, oh, and BD every other day between CD8-CD18. I only needed the important stuff. No one tells me obvious stuff, but I don't talk about it with anyone really for them to tell me. My younger sis was the only annoying one (you won't feel anything). Oh, and a coworker said to take Geritol (There's a baby in every bottle). My sis has been the only irritant so far, and she means the best from within her bubble.

I'll have to see if I will really be IVF buddies with booger. Hmm..I think I'm a week behind. My stims start on the 19th.

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