First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Moni-I love the baby daddy idea. I guess we posted at the same time, and I'm just now seeing this.

beaglemom-I forgot to say that I think you should be fine on transfer day, but I would ask him to take off anyway. They are his kids getting placed in their home for the next 9 months and it is kind of interesting for them to see what's happening. I think you'll want him there.
ERose - Thank you. I am getting super excited and I will update BNB and my vlog later today after visit.
Morning ladies! Feeling better than I was yesterday. Still really bloated and a little crampy. I imagined the worst of course and thought I'd feel a pain from a needle somewhere in there! Haha I think if been injecting myself too much and too long! Anyway, waiting by the phone for my call all day! My nurse usually texts me everyday so maybe she will just do that. I love it because I don't always answer calls. I'm a texter!

K- I'm a big fan of those vitamins! Hubby was on them for this last year and his count got a lot better!
Beagle, I do the same thing. Usually I'm so creative about announcements but for some reason I can't think of something I want to do yet. Probably because I'm anxiously waiting for Monday. So far, everything feels ok so we will try the fresh transfer. My acupuncturist is going to be there so hopefully it will be a great experience. I told hubby he didn't have to take off work no big deal and he said no, the husband is usually there when the wife gets knocked up. Haha good point. Plus, my paper of instructions says I get a Valium when I get there and I have to have a full bladder. Hmmmm good luck with not peeing all over everyone right??
Yes, Terri for sure two if I get enough. I think I may have said a little more but everyone is being nice and keeping it quiet.
Come on, phone!!! I have to know!!
Ok so the total was 9 eggs, 5 mature, and as of this morning all 5 fertilized and look great! Yay!
Jen - that is awesome!

Moni - I def want him to be there...but basically I am just thinking the worst & I have no intensions on waiting until January. Plus I need that IVF check for this year to go along with all my other medical expenses for taxes. But basically he will do what he has to do. If nothing else, he will just come clean as to the why...his work doesn't know anything.
Hi ladies!

Jen - I'm so glad that things went well for you. Hooray for all 5 mature eggs fertilizing. :happydance: Grow embies, grow! Your story about saying you were ready to party made me laugh. I love it. Hopefully, you continue to feel better as the day goes on.

Terri - Enjoy watching your game tonight - I know that's a big rivalry and with everything going on, I'm sure it's an even bigger deal. I used to like the Steelers but I'm not keen on Ben Roth. so I might even be pulling for the Ravens. :winkwink:

Beagle - Have you tested yet? I can't remember if you said you were going to or just wait for AF. How awesome would it be if this was your lucky cycle. My cousins announced one of their pregnancies around Christmas - she is super creative and did something cute but I can't remember exactly what - sorry! I haven't really thought about it, mostly because I love keeping things secret as long as possible. Gotta get pregnant first and then maybe I'll think about what I'm going to do.

Moni - Your Baby Daddy idea is cute! I think we will likely wait until at least past the first trimester too.

Erin - I think you're relaxed attitude about the temping is a great sign! I'm not going to temp this cycle because I don't want one more thing to worry about if they start to get wonky for some reason. I'm glad things are looking really good for your transfer. Only one more week to go!

Amy - I'm actually a 1978 baby. Not sure how the 76 ended up on the end of my name. I think BNB threw it on there, must have already been another booger. :haha:

kfs - Glad DH is starting his supplement again. I like to think that getting mine to take his vitamin in the morning is prepping me for being a Mom since I basically have to lay it next to his plate to get him to take it.

I can't remember who asked about alcohol. During my phone consultation about injections yesterday we discussed this a little bit. She basically said that once I started stimming, I needed to treat my body as if it was pregnant. So no drinking, no hot tubs or saunas or overheating. Stay hydrated and keep my heart rate below 140. I have had a few glasses of wine this week. I think last night was probably my last glass for awhile. My husband homebrews beer so we almost always have about 5-6 kegs (5 gallon kegs, like the old soda kegs) around the house. It is sometimes very hard to have just one glass, especially in the summer! But I have been really good this summer since I figured not drinking could help us.

Things looked good at my ultrasound this morning. Of course, I won't know about the bloodwork until later today.

Since I am out of town from my clinic, a different doctor is doing my monitoring, obviously. I have to travel to the closest bigger town because my local hospital can't get the bloodowork results done STAT. The Dr. who did my ultrasound this morning was new to me but he was awesome! He came in just to do my scan as he was scheduled to take the day off - how amazing is that? I'm not even one of his normal patients. He asked some questions to get to know about me and my situation. Then during the ultrasound he did a really nice job of pointing things out on the monitor and explaining what things were.

He said my lining looked nice and thin, about 3mm, which is what they want right now. I had between 5-8 follicles on each side and he said these were likely old, crusty (my words, not his) ones and that is what they want right now too. This was news to me as I always thought the AFC at this point was counting the new, young follicles. In any case, he said this is also the ideal situation because they want to be recruiting healthy, newer eggs during stimulation. He is obviously not and RE so I'm not sure if everything he said was correct, but my RE recommended him so they must trust him to know what he is doing. He said everything looked great - so I feel pretty good going into this.
Yes beagle when are you testing? You should be done with your tww this week right?

Booger, sounds like a great visit. I love it when they point stuff out and explain. When I look at that screen I just see black, white and gray. My doctor always makes sure he shows me what he's looking at. Glad you're feeling comfortable. Especially since you have to travel!

I am not allowed any alcohol, or caffeine for the next couple of weeks. Hopefully longer. I'm actually not even that anxious about this tww and normally I'm already thinking about it before ovulation. I have to just keep busy I think. Today I am lazy on the couch. Lots of awful lifetime movies! Plus, hubby will be bringing me a smoothie! Luckily my stepdaughter love DisneyJr and is really taking advantage of the fact that I'm letting her watch it all day! Lol the other kids are at school so it's nice everything is working out so well. I haven't really had an interest in eating until now but I don't know what I want. I'm definitely not constipated and I was afraid I would be. I'm actually the exact opposite. I'm about 10 pounds heavier than usual this week and every time I go to the bathroom (every hour or so) I weigh myself and I've only lost one pound! Lol 138! My stepdaughter is too cute. She keeps touching my stomach saying the baby looks really happy.
I think I will hold off on testing until at least Sunday which is 14 dpo. I have not had any of the usualy brown spotting as of yet...but it can be unpredictable. I am feeling a little bit of not really feeling that optimistic. More looking forward to the cycles coming up.
Jen-Congrats!! All 5 fertilized. I knew it! Enjoy your time in front of the boob tube. :) Mmm...smoothies.

Freedom Pharmacy just called saying that I only had $155 left for coverage, and I owe $7038 for meds. I called my insurance and they said 'Have them use the override code. There is no problem on our end.' This is exactly what happened last month when I needed more Menopur. Luckily, I have over a week for everyone to figure this out. I'm not paying $7000 for medicine. I'm really not. For now, I'm going to wait to see what happens when they call me back. I did tell hubs about the predicament. I wonder if he will actually make a suggestion as to what we should do :nope: I should look up that site that Jen sent the link for, just in case.

booger-Yeah, cheer for the Ravens, not "Rape"lisburger. hee hee. Your doctor sounded really great. Glad you had a good experience. It really makes a difference.
What a mess, Terri! Yes my meds took longer than expected but apparently I'm the first that had happened to. It was About half the price but give yourself enough time just in case. The usual deal is they ship out on Friday and you get them Monday.
You guys are making me nervous about meds!!! LOL! But I think my dr office orders the meds while I am doing my 2-3 weeks on bcp.

I think I am pissing off my boss. I use to do this conference call getting updates on certain customers & loans. Very I was talking to people on my level & they viewed me as some sort of tyrant rather than an info gatherer. So anyways my new boss came up with an awesome plan of a shared excel sheet. I put all the customers in & each assistant enters their own updates. So much less stress. So ANYWAYS my banker asks me about someone else's loan & I said I have no idea. I don't keep up with anyone else's stuff. And he said so basically not your job...I said no, not my problem. He acts like I am not being a team player or something. He treats me like I am the other half of his brain. UGH!
I know we are not supposed to share - but if you get into a bind I have a little bit of the meds left - I think we were on the same ones Terri...

Glad things are moving forward Booger - this will be an exciting week coming up!!

AFM - not really feeling anything anymore...but then most women don't really feel anything before 6 weeks. Hubby is already half way done with the first pregnancy book we got from a friend...I'm still on the first chapter. :dohh:
Thanks Moni-It is all going to work out. I'm glad I called early because I thought something like this might happen. I don't need to start my first meds until the 19th, so I still have over a week. I will let you know if things become dire.

beaglemom-Don't worry about meds..they'll get them to you when you need them.
My meds came yesterday. I used Walgreen's Specialty Pharmacy and they were very competitive with their prices. I e-mailed about 20 different pharmacies and they ended up being the best deal, surprisingly. They have 3-4 different discount programs available depending on the type of medication you are prescribed. I applied for 3 of the programs but didn't qualify for one of them. I did enroll in 2 others that saved me quite a bit of money. They only way the discounts programs work is if you are paying for all your meds out of pocket. The two programs I did qualify for were the DesignRx and NewLife. NewLife you pay $25 to join and you get $100 off for every $1000 you purchase. Walgreen's sends you a $25 gift card so in the end, I guess it really doesn't cost you anything. DesignRx is free - you just enroll and then I think the discount is about 30% off of certain medications if you use a pharmacy which is part of the network (which the Walgreen's Specialty Pharmacy is).

Anyway, I thought I would put that out there Beagle. Not sure if you have insurance coverage for IVF or not.
Moni - I love the baby daddy idea. It's going to be so fun for you to see who picks up on it!!

Beaglemom - A Christmas surprise is also awesome. Are you going to do something like put the sonogram in a frame and wrap it? That would be so fun!!

Terripeachy - So sorry about the lay-offs. That can be so scary and stressful. Did anyone you're really close to get laid off?

Jen - I'm happy to hear you're doing well. Yay for 5 fertilized eggs :)

Booger76 - I'm glad to hear your appointment went well. Crusty eggs, I love it lol. I have to pay for all my meds out of pocket, so I'm definitely going to check out NewLife and DesignRx.

The no alcohol and caffeine thing is no big deal, it just sucks lol. I only drink about a half a cup of coffee in the morning, so stopping that was no big deal. When I do drink soda, it's 7-up which doesn't have caffeine anyway, so I'm good there. We went out to dinner this past weekend and DH asked me if I wanted a glass of wine. I said no, don't you remember the Dr. said no alcohol. He was like I'm sure one glass wouldn't hurt anything, you haven't even technically started yet. I said I know, but if I have one glass, I'm for sure going to want 3 lol :wine:
I think my insurance covers part of the meds. But i will have to compare just in case.

Oh and I have horse booties for my mom and an auntie shirt for my sister.
JCM – Yay for 5 eggs! That’s so great. Can’t wait to hear how they’re progressing. And I love your loopy anesthesia story. When I was waking up from my last surgery, I kept saying “You guys are the best. Seriously” to the nurses. 

Booger – So happy that your appointment went well and things are looking good!

Terri – WTH about your meds?? So frustrating! I’m glad you knew enough to call, though.

Hi everyone else!

My RE’s office called with the final # for IVF. If I were to move forward with IVF in November, it would be $4000 out of pocket, which isn’t as bad as I thought but isn’t great. We’re currently under my insurance so we’re looking into switching over to my DHs insurance in January as another option. I REALLY wanted to get things moving next month but I’m OK with waiting if it will be covered. I just want to be 100% sure that it will be covered before making the switch. Anyway, if things don’t progress, I’ll still stick around and stalk if you guys don’t mind.

Today’s my five-year wedding anniversary. Seriously feels like yesterday – so crazy!
Happy Anniversary, kfs1!! You did it! Are you guys doing something special? It's a Friday too. Doesn't get any better than that.

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