First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies!

Quick check-in to say Good Luck to Jen at egg retrieval today. I hope everything goes well for you!

Moni, your beta number was great. Hooray!

Terri - I should start stimming on Friday so you'll be about a week behind me. In the end, I think I'll be bringing everything home for the thread since we are doing a freeze-all for the chromosomal testing. We're looking at a FET in November.

Hello to everyone else!!! I gotta run - busy day ahead! I'll try to do a proper catch up later. I have my injections class over the phone this afternoon. That should be interesting.
booger-I would watch the Youtube or manufacturer's videos prior to the phone class, because you may have questions after watching them. Look up Ovidrel Vidoe or Ganirelix video. ERose may still have the link to the manu. videos. I have it at home but not at work. If you don't watch, I think listening on the phone would be confusing. hee hee. Have fun!
booger, I do have the link here at work if you're interested... You can find everything on YouTube, but I liked having one link that contained all the drug vids. The only one of my drugs that it didn't have was my trigger, which was Pregnyl. But it was the same steps as the Novarel trigger, so that vid worked for me.

So Terri, I hope your Ravens will be fine without Rice. He's probably sitting around thinking they made a huge mistake letting him go, so it would please me to see the team do just fine without him. I'll root for your Ravens (except when they play my Bears, hehe!).

Jen, GL today!! I hope all goes perfect and you get lots of eggies!! Check in when you're feeling up to it.

brighteyez, looks like everything is moving along for you! Keep us posted as you get more info. I'm getting super excited for you.:thumbup:

kfs, my FET will now be Sept 18th officially. I'm excited. I feel good about this one. :) No ER for me this time, as I still have six embies frozen and waiting. So this cycle has been a lot easier.

beagle, anything new with you as you wait to hear about the grant?

Amy, yes, you def have friends here. :flower: And I agree, I learned a lot from these forums too before actually signing up. I bet just about everyone on here stalked for at least a little while before joining, hehe!

Hi Moni! Hope you're feeling good!!

AFM, as stated above, my FET is officially scheduled for 9/18. My appt yesterday went well. My lining is good, and my E is where they want it. They would normally schedule the transfer for a week later, but my RE isn't around the first of next week, and instead of handing me off to another RE in the practice, she suggested we just do it next Thurs when she's back. It's not quite as time-sensitive as a fresh IVF cycle since my E levels shouldn't fluctuate much if I stay with 4 patches, and they have control over the embies since they're frozen.
Oh, and for the first time in over a year, I'm totally slacking on my temping (not that it matters much with IVF/FET). I've missed tons of days, and on the days I didn't miss, I didn't even care what time it was, or if I accidentally got out of bed first or anything. I'm mostly just using my chart this time to take notes and track my meds. I temped during my initial IVF cycle, only because I wanted to make sure my temp went up once I started the P, and make sure it stayed up. But this cycle, for the first time in over a year, I found myself forgetting, and not really minding. I won't be O'ing (or even have a retrieval) so I decided it doesn't really matter. I'm getting a few temps in just so that I can make sure I see a rise when I start the P supps, but that's about it. I def keep track of my notes/symptoms/meds, etc. because I've found going back to that info later helps a lot (no way I'd remember otherwise). But I'm feeling pretty laid back about actually temping. It's actually kinda nice.
ERose-I think it will be a while before the Bears play the Ravens again (unless we both go to the Superbowl!). We played your division last year in the regular season. They rotate them around. How many embies are you transferring next week? You better enjoy drinking your wine/beers/Jager bombs for the next week too, as this is it for you, chica!
Thanks Terri, I sure hope so!! Feeling very optimistic. :thumbup:

Transferring 2 again. My RE doesn't do 3 without extenuating circumstances if her patients are under the age of 40 (and technically my embryos are still only 37 years old since they froze them before I turned 38, haha!). I guess if I were to have one more failed cycle, she might consider 3 for my next FET, but I'm not even sure about that. But since this is my first frozen transfer and she feels my body is in much better condition to receive the embryos this time, she won't do more. It was also mentioned that I'd be way too high risk if 3 embryos took. I'm about 105 lbs and 5'3". It's weird for me to think about 3 actually taking though, ya know? Considering how long I've been at this, and considering my fresh cycle didn't work out, I guess it's difficult to get my head around suddenly having that many work out, when I can't even get one to work out! LOL But I will trust that my RE knows from what she's seen over her many years of practicing, I guess. ;)
Hi ladies...busy day for me which has actually felt really good...I love you guys, but I feel psychotic checking the threads every 5 minutes.

So no news from my grant...if nothing by next week I will email them. I also had to pay a fee so I am looking to see if that checks clears as well. Just some proof they got my application! I don't even know my dpo right now...I guess I will see once my sig shows up when I hit post. Still considering a medicated cycle next time to use up my IUI...just u/s, trigger, & timed intercourse. My insurance will pay & I will be out about $160 vs $1000. I know it is a long shot, but a better shot than no wasting the follistim which I think is out of date soon so no good for my IVF cycle.

Ugh...still 1 major task to complete I better go before 5 o'clock hits & I am too late.
Oh & Erin - some how with everyone else's updates, I lost track of you...I was thinking you had 6 that's awesome you have 6 left. So basically 3 tries, right? But you will only need this there is room for siblings later! :)
kfs1 - Yes I was very fortunate on how quickly we got the issues discovered and addressed. I made an appointment with my OB at the 6 month mark under the guise of an annual pap smear. I came armed with all my charts and concerns ready for some resistance but I was really surprised that she was willing to start testing right away. She said that she's pretty aggressive with woman over 35 trying to conceive because we don't have time to waste. I'm very thankful for that.

terripeachy - Speaking of 7-Elevens, we have them everywhere here too hehe :) Are you guys still enjoying wine or beer or whatever your choice of preference is, up until you do your transfer? My RE told me to cut out alcohol and caffeine now and I haven't even started my BC yet?? That just doesn't seem fair if you can and I can't lol (I'm pouting right now). I love my wine but so far I have been on my best behavior *sigh*.

ERosePW - I love this little group too, I'm glad to be a part of it "officially" now lol... and WHOO HOO for Sept. 18th.

Jen - Can't wait to hear how today went :)

Hi to everyone else!!
I like to drink wine, but I often never really think to do it. It usually sits in the fridge forever not drinking never seems like a change for me. As far as caffeine goes, I actually think it is a good plan to try to quit that now only because it can be a hard habit to stop. I was often irritated & had headaches while quitting. I slowly did this using half caf & now I drink decaf coffee & rarely drink soft drinks unless I am out at a restaurant. Plus it is a good habit for pregnancy. Having said that, I am not one of those fanatics about things...I think a TTC or pregnant woman can still enjoy her coffee :)
Jen-I'm starting to get worried now..It's already 7:30pm (I forget where you are though, hee hee).

ERose-Oh yeah on 2 transferred. I had a mental lapse there, but yes, you don't want to do more because you'll need more for siblings. Your RE does know what she's doing, so all will be well next week.

beagle-I'm on a constant checking hiatus as well. If nothing is on my subscribed list under User CP, I close out. HA!!HA!! I figure that at some point I really have work to do. :)

Amy-My place says to cut out alcohol completely, but seriously, if I have to take BCP and after that have protected sex, I can drink. HA!!HA!! I think I will actually stop once I start stimming because I don't want any interferences, and I don't know that I will do a good job taking my shots if I'm loopy. Since this last cycle failed for me, I have had a beer or glass of wine every other night or so. That was pretty much my regular schedule anyway, if I thought about it. My hubs has liquor and his beers in the house, but I'm more particular, and I don't keep a stash of wine/beer that I like, so if he gets it for me, I have it. If not, no biggie. I think I'll cut caffeine at stimming too. I did cut it last time during the TWW, and I think that's all they recommended, but I drank OJ instead and felt just as good in the mornings.
Hi guys!!

I'm still a little out of it but overall things went well. I don't remember much (who put my pants back on??) it was quick and painless. I didn't have any sleep last night because I was so crampy. I'm not even really sure on my final actual count that were retrieved but he said he had 5 perfectly looking matured eggs. My ivf nurse said usually he can look at an egg and say "that one won't make it" haha! So yay! Finally resting in bed all day. They are a little concerned about hyper stimulation so I have to measure and weigh myself every 8 hours. I feel insanely bloated but everyone was really nice and kept me calm. I guess my heart rate was super high when I first jumped up on the chair. I was a little embarrassed. My favorite nurse was there to do my IV for me too. So that made me relax a bit. DH said they asked how I was feeling and all I would say is "I'm ready to party". Nice right? Anyway, they will call me tomorrow and let me know how my 5 little eggs are getting along with sperm!

Welcome to ksf! Glad you joined us!!!
Glad it went well jcm!

Erin excited for your plan.

Beagle hoping for good newson the grant.

I was able to drink on the bcp and did so since I wason vacation inVegas but nothing since I started the stims. I thought I would be able to have a drinkbetween retrieval and transfer...since nothing was inside me, but Nope still restricted. But it was worth it!
Luckily Terri has been having a glass of wine for me...soon none of us will be drinking!
Jen hope you feel a little better as today goes on. Very exciting. Are you guys def doing fresh or waiting how you feel in a couple of day?

I forgot to mention this last night. Every cycle I think about how to tell everyone when I am pregnant. And yesterday the best thought came to me. Since fall is coming we are back to the point where my pregnancy can be a Christmas surprise.
JCM - Glad to hear that it went well. I love that you said "I'm ready to party." Anesthesia can make you do such silly things. :) Anyway, I hope the bloating goes down today. That's the worst feeling.

Beagle - Awwww. A Christmas surprise would be great! Do you think you'll tell your immediate family right away or will you hold off? The last time around (before my MC), I had only told my DH (obviously), my mom, sister, & my closest girlfriend. I didn't tell DHs family until after the fact.

Erin - Your RE sounds fantastic. I'm sure things are going to be perfect this time around!! :) And good for you for not temping. It really doesn't seem to make a difference with IVF so one less thing to worry about! I don't mind it during the week but I hate having to think about it on the weekends.

Terri - I think your drinking plan sounds good. Drink until your stimming starts. I mean - you're on BC as it is! You deserve SOMETHING good. I stopped drinking right around the time of my IUIs both cycles. Ugh - but I didn't even think about the caffeine factor. I guess it's a good idea to cut that out, too. I only have coffee in the morning but I LOOOOOVE my coffee.

Hi everyone else! DH has started taking fertilaid again which is good. Natural cycle this month so I'm not holding out much hope but the vitamins should help a bit. It will be nice not to have to be on meds for this month at least.
kfs - a med free cycle is amazing...that is what I just did & I don't think I have had one of those this entire YEAR! I have been on at least clomid or femara every cycle. If you only do one cup of coffee a day, you are fine with that. I sometimes drink soda, so I basically decided if I quit coffee, I wouldn't feel so bad about the occassional mt dew. I read this once & I truly believe it...basically do what you think feels best...if you think you will blame yourself because you drank coffee or a glass of wine, then cut the habit...otherwise do what makes you happy.

So an odd morning for me so far. So I called the nurse after hours yesterday. They called me back this morning. However my blue tooth does not have caller id...& they asked for Anna...I was like I am not Anna, goodbye. Then I looked at my phone & saw it was the nurse! So I was like crap! I hope they call back. So then about 10 minutes later she called & said I do not know what is going on today but I keep calling you trying to talk to other people! So bascially they said absolutely a great idea to do the timed medicated cycle...let insurance pay & cross our fingers. No reason to waste the follistim. Basically if the seal had not been broken I could have saved it for IVF. So anyways, that's where I cycle (if there is a next cyle) will be femara, follistim, u/s, & a trigger followed by timed intercourse. So the nurse says call us when your period starts...or maybe it won't! They are so nice. The other good news is I will be in the area (if my cycle is on time) the day I would need my baseline, so no time missed from work.

So another question for you experienced ladies. I know for obvious reasons my husband has to be with me on the day of retrieval...we need his sample plus I am all drugged up. But it is necessary for him to be there for the transfer? I assume the transfer is similar to an that right? My husband of course wants to be there. But November & December are crazy months in the retail world. So my thoughts are worst case scenario he requests retrieval day but he may not necessarily get the other. However it is medical & he is awesome at his job, so I think he could get some special consideration. Plus technically it could count as FMLA, so he should get it if medical related.
oh man...forgot to answer your question kfs. So as far as telling people...I plan to tell my mom right away. But I want to do it in a special way. I will probably wait at work for a little while, but not sure how long. I would like to wait on my husband's family too. They all have big mouths. I would love to tell his parents but they are both old & I just know they would let it slip. But if I were to do IVF in early November which is what I am hoping, then I would probably wait until Christmas to tell everyone just because it is such a great opportunity.
I think you are fine on the transfer day to be by yourself. Hopefully the timing works out that he can be with you - that was the day that we found out that only one made it and it wasn't the best quality - so it was good to have him there to help with the decisions. If there was more than one left we would have had to decide how many to put in right then. So I guess if he cant be there, hopefully you can have him on the phone when you are speaking to the doc - unless your clinic discusses all of that in advnce.

For me the end of the first trimester will be right around hubbys bday - so I plan on doing a facebook post wishing my "baby daddy" a happy birthday and see who gets it. Unfortunately a lot of people already know - but I have been clear - no facebook mention until after the first trimester.
Jen-Glad you're feeling ok. You seem better than I expected because I remember you saying that anasthesia kind of makes you crazy, so I'm glad you're doing ok, and 5 eggs is plenty! Do you have an idea how many you plan to transfer? Probably two, I'm guessing. Today will be the phone call for the # fertilized, and then we wait for more. I hope the phone call says 5!

kfs1-Natural cycle-check! And yes, glad your hubs is back on fertilaid. Mine has three pills left in his bottle, but if he doesn't think it's necessary, neither do I. I'm over talking to him about this stuff. hee hee. I only drink one cup of coffee in the mornings too, but since it's still a bit warm outside, I'm really ok without it. I just like it. But, I don't think I need it. On weekends I may or may not have a cup, so :shrug: it just depends on what's going on.

moni-You're welcome! I gladly oblige. hee hee.

beaglemom-Glad you can do what you want for the next cycle! A Christmas surprise is nice. I can't even get that far as planning to tell people. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

We had layoffs yesterday. Two people were in my building, and 150 overall. It always happens in September. I'm safe for another year, thankfully, but now I'm unmotivated to do anything. Luckily tomorrow is Friday and everyone will be sleepy from the Ravens/Steelers game. I need to power through for 8 hours. *sigh*
Terri - I have also decided to eliminate the supplements as the bottles empty out. I will stay on prenatal & DHA (I think that's right) & the multivitamin...& multivitamin for my husband. At this point, I feel confident that with his count they can find a few good swimmers.

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