First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

kfs, I HAD to laugh at that cottage cheese remark, hahah! It really is so much like that. Enjoy your little parties this weekend! Oh and yes, we were PG on our own before, although it wasn't totally natural. I was taking the lowest dose of Clomid that month. But just to push out my O by a few days because I was O'ing around day10! But nope, no IUI or trigger or anything. Perhaps I should've been more patient after that, but I was feeling like we were running out of time.

beagle, glad you're feeling better today. I've never had BCP make me tired before, but I dont know how different these are that they give you guys for IVF. Not sure the difference in the hormones...
We are all updating at the same time :) Everyone must be as excited about work today as I am :)

Erin reminded of one other hing I forgot. My mom actually loves my husband more than is too funny. She has never been one to wait on a man...but I mentioned once not making my husband food & she said make that poor mana sandwhich. I said you didn't raise me that way :) However, I was talking with my banker about cheating once time & said my mom loves my husband way more than me...would chose him over me to hag out with any day...however, if he EVER hurt me or cheated on me, everything would be out the window. She would lend a hand with the bonfire of all his stuff! I told my mom & she laughed...but laughed in that way like damn right! I love you until you mess with my babies!

Erin - time seems to be flying again for you...may not feel like that to you, but it does to me. I am so anxious for my appointment...just ready to see where I stand on everything. I think I will feel so much more reassured after Thurs. I get to find out for sure if my timeline will work for the dr office & what to expect.
Good morning everyone! Happy Friday!!!!
I've been reading and enjoying all your posts but haven't really commented in the last couple days. I'm still in the loo-oong wait before starting IVF (probably start in Dec), so not a lot is going on for me. My nurse said she is going to give me a preliminary calendar to help me plan ahead - is it weird that I'm super excited for that calendar?? Hehe.

Oh, the MIL stories. I feel for you guys! Jen - that must be so challenging. To have to deal with a cuckoo MIL and crazy ex-wife. I don't envy you. At least you have your DH on your side!

My husband is originally from Guatemala and his family still lives down there. So, distance-wise its great, BUT - they talk on the phone AT LEAST once a day. Haha. I had my own frustrations dealing with the hectic Hispanic family traditions, but I think I'm finally learning to appreciate it. My hubby thinks its WEIRD that I see my parents (who live about an hour away) a couple times a month. If it were up to him, we would visit at least every weekend! Ha. But, that's one of the reasons I fell in love with him, is that he is soo family-oriented. My in-laws are wonderful people, so supportive and caring. They always call me on my birthday, our anniversary, and after my surgery they called to check in on me. So, I am fortunate in that sense! You better believe if/when we have a baby my MIL will want to stay with us for like a month (at least)! LOL.

My doc put me on BCP (actually Nuva Ring) a few weeks ago and MAN am I emotional. I feel like I'm on the verge of tears every day. I start getting depressed about stupid things, and the other day I flipped out at my poor hubby. I just think - if this is what its like on BC, I can't imagine what it will be like on lupron and all those other drugs? My hubby and I talked about a "safe word" last night LOL (FWIW, "Oklahoma").
Are you on Nuva Ring leading up to IVF? I never took it before...when on bcp years ago I always took ortho tricycln. I feel like for this process the ring woul be great. I have to set an alarm to take my pill. I am hoping to do retrieval early Dec...& yes I am very excited to see some sort of calendar/schedule as well!
Are you on Nuva Ring leading up to IVF? I never took it before...when on bcp years ago I also took ortho tricycln. I feel like for this process the ring woul be great. I have to set an alarm to take my pill. I am hoping to do retrieval early Dec...& yes I am very excited to see some sort of calendar/schedule as well!

Hey Beaglemom - yeah, the Nuva Ring is meant to lead up to IVF. I love it! Soo much more convenient than any other format for me. I could never remember to take the pill each morning. :nope: Besides, the pills also made me nauseous. The Nuva Ring doesn't do that.
Good morning everyone! Happy Friday!!!!
I've been reading and enjoying all your posts but haven't really commented in the last couple days. I'm still in the loo-oong wait before starting IVF (probably start in Dec), so not a lot is going on for me. My nurse said she is going to give me a preliminary calendar to help me plan ahead - is it weird that I'm super excited for that calendar?? Hehe.

Oh, the MIL stories. I feel for you guys! Jen - that must be so challenging. To have to deal with a cuckoo MIL and crazy ex-wife. I don't envy you. At least you have your DH on your side!

My husband is originally from Guatemala and his family still lives down there. So, distance-wise its great, BUT - they talk on the phone AT LEAST once a day. Haha. I had my own frustrations dealing with the hectic Hispanic family traditions, but I think I'm finally learning to appreciate it. My hubby thinks its WEIRD that I see my parents (who live about an hour away) a couple times a month. If it were up to him, we would visit at least every weekend! Ha. But, that's one of the reasons I fell in love with him, is that he is soo family-oriented. My in-laws are wonderful people, so supportive and caring. They always call me on my birthday, our anniversary, and after my surgery they called to check in on me. So, I am fortunate in that sense! You better believe if/when we have a baby my MIL will want to stay with us for like a month (at least)! LOL.

My doc put me on BCP (actually Nuva Ring) a few weeks ago and MAN am I emotional. I feel like I'm on the verge of tears every day. I start getting depressed about stupid things, and the other day I flipped out at my poor hubby. I just think - if this is what its like on BC, I can't imagine what it will be like on lupron and all those other drugs? My hubby and I talked about a "safe word" last night LOL (FWIW, "Oklahoma").

So sorry you are having such a hard time on Nuva Ring! I am on Lupron and feeling the same way. Others have shared that they didn't have a hard time on Lupron, so maybe you won't either ... It's helpful to remind myself that it is just the meds and crazy hormones - that I'm not actually losing my mind. :wacko:
I was on the Nuva Ring for years and loved it! I miss it a little actually! I don't remember the name of bcp I was on during iui and ivf but it was the worst I've ever felt. I will never take it again! So really, I was much better on the other drugs than that stupid little pill. Maybe you'll feel the same way. Plus, when I was injecting 5 times a day I felt like everything was moving fast with all of the upcoming ultrasounds, retrieval, and transfer appts. So maybe I didn't have time to "feel" anything on those drugs.

Thanks for the support everyone! She is a real piece of work! Hopefully the outcome will be a good thing but you never know with her! She's still doing the stuff with the ex WHILE we are in counseling which makes me feel like she doesn't take this seriously at all. The counselor came up with a great illustration for the situation. Your son comes home all bloody and beat up because he got in a fight with his best friend. The best friend is standing next to him. You, as his mother go tend to the best friend and make sure he's ok and support him and ask him if there's anything you can do for him for an entire year and don't pay any mind to your own son. BAM! Even after that example, she STILL didn't get it. Whew! Anyway, I'll let you know what happens at the next one. I have to psych myself up before we go in there. Haha like I'm getting ready for a boxing match or something...maybe I should wear gloves..

Sooooo, I took unisom last night. DH called me in a prescription for this nausea medication that someone recommended. I'm seriously worthless these last two weeks so I'm going to take drugs. We go to pick it up...700 dollars! Apparently my nsurance doesn't cover it. Dumb. So the pharmacist says basically all this pill is is unisom and b6. So we got that instead. Took it before bed and let me tell you, I'm a different woman. I even ate cereal this morning and liked it! So I figure I'll use the unisom trick if I don't stay ahead of filling my tummy before nausea kicks in again. What a relief. I even showered and blew my hair dry this morning before 9! That's progress!

Can't wait to hear your fertilization report!
Jen, so glad you got a good night's sleep and feel better! I knew a girl who had nausea about 24 hrs a day during her entire pregnancy, and the Dr gave her a prescription for something that she just carried with her everywhere she went. She said it was a lifesaver, and it was ok for during the day too, as it didnt make her sleepy. If your nausea stays bad during the day and you want me to find out what she took, let me know, and i can find out. Maybe it wont be $700! Geez, some meds can be ridiculously expensive!

LadySosa, so great to hear from you!! Sorry you're so emotional. Sounds like lots of our girls are having some difficult times with the suppression phase of this whole thing, huh? Well, I hope you'll feel better, especially since you like the Nuva Ring in general! And no, its not weird that you're excited for that calendar, I recall being really happy when i finally got to see it all written out!

beagle, it actually does seem like time is flying by! I've felt like that ever since starting my very first IVF though. This stuff, for some reason, seems to go by a LOT quicker than just those regular cycles. No idea how or why! I'm looking forward to your appt too. :) I know it feels good when you finally get a schedule. I giggled at your MIL comments. I think you have mentioned that before, haha!

knitgirl, you're def not losing your mind! I do the same if I have a bad day on any of these meds, and I just remind myself... hormonal, hormonal, hormonal. It helps me get through a rough day or few hours, or whatever I'm having. While BCP never bothered me before, and the lupron didn't bother me, I have to say when my estrogen starts rising for any of these protocols, I do have a day or so where I'm emotional or irritable. And reminding myself of what's causing it, always does help. Luckily it only lasts about a day or so for me though.
I used to take Nuvaring! yay!! I loved it too because I didn't have to remember that it was there. Although, because it was a special name brand prescription I remember paying more for it. The BCPs that I took were free-generic and I think Obama has made all BCPs free (or something?).

Sorry everyone is so emotional on all their drugs. That has to be terrible.

My appointment is next Wednesday with the doctor. I'm on break for at least this month. My husband is off gallivanting at his college for a football game, so I'm just worrying about me this weekend. The weather is in the mid 60s, and I just got my motorcycle back from the shop so i'll be going out riding tomorrow. Yeah!

Hi to everyone else. If I don't check back in, have a great weekend!
I used to take Nuvaring! yay!! I loved it too because I didn't have to remember that it was there. Although, because it was a special name brand prescription I remember paying more for it. The BCPs that I took were free-generic and I think Obama has made all BCPs free (or something?).

Sorry everyone is so emotional on all their drugs. That has to be terrible.

My appointment is next Wednesday with the doctor. I'm on break for at least this month. My husband is off gallivanting at his college for a football game, so I'm just worrying about me this weekend. The weather is in the mid 60s, and I just got my motorcycle back from the shop so i'll be going out riding tomorrow. Yeah!

Hi to everyone else. If I don't check back in, have a great weekend!

Your appt is the day before mine. I hope it will be good info for you...I am sure your dr has your best intensions in mind. And I know you are probably working out all the questions you need to ask.

I don't have any questions except my schedule. Is that strange? I feel like I have all the info I need. I guess getting more info on the PGS is a good idea, but I can't imagine us changing our minds on that. So really all I want to know is if you can do my retrieval when I want or close to it.

Side if this needs to be said...I am ready for the day to be over!

Oh & the weather is really nice here as well...I am hoping to be motivated enough to plat my fall bulbs this weekend.
Terri, I'll be curious to hear how Wed goes, so keep us posted (as if you need to be reminded). I'm glad you're relaxing for a month and just thinking about yourself and getting a breather. I think it'll be good for you. I've had to do that each time so far anyway, and it is nice. So you'll have the house to yourself a bit this weekend, that's nice! I always love having me time! Ride your motorcycle, and do other things you love, and just enjoy it!!:thumbup:

Beagle, so excited for your appt next thurs! I know you are SO ready! Plant your bulbs this weekend, and enjoy the gorgeous weather. The day is more than halfway over, yay! I'm so ready for the weekend too!
26 were retrieved. 23 of those were mature and 21 fertilized! I think I'm still in shock. The dr said they would check them again until Sunday and I will get an update then. Jen and moni- can you remind me of your numbers? When the dr told me all I could think about was she had told me to be prepared for probably half to not be mature or fertilized. I haven't told my hubby yet. Yesterday he was like 26 wow that's ALOT. He's gonna be surprised.

As far as the BCP and lupron go- it was bad on me too! Mainly the lupron made me sleepy like crazy!!
26 were retrieved. 23 of those were mature and 21 fertilized! I think I'm still in shock. The dr said they would check them again until Sunday and I will get an update then. Jen and moni- can you remind me of your numbers? When the dr told me all I could think about was she had told me to be prepared for probably half to not be mature or fertilized. I haven't told my hubby yet. Yesterday he was like 26 wow that's ALOT. He's gonna be surprised.

As far as the BCP and lupron go- it was bad on me too! Mainly the lupron made me sleepy like crazy!!

Congrats!! So exciting! :happydance:
Jkb, that really is an amazing report! :) Really awesome. Super happy for you! :)

Moni and Jen can respond to your question, but to give you more reference points.... Booger has already had a retrieval as well (she's waiting to do a fet), and Terri and I have also had retrievals. So you can get more stats. It's quite different for everyone. I had 20 eggs, 18 were mature, and all fertilized. I think we lost another right after fertilization. We ended up with 8 embryos that made it to day5 blasts that were strong enough to survive freezing. We didn't do PGS though, so no idea how many of those 8 were chromosomally normal.
I used to take Nuvaring! yay!! I loved it too because I didn't have to remember that it was there. Although, because it was a special name brand prescription I remember paying more for it. The BCPs that I took were free-generic and I think Obama has made all BCPs free (or something?).

Sorry everyone is so emotional on all their drugs. That has to be terrible.

My appointment is next Wednesday with the doctor. I'm on break for at least this month. My husband is off gallivanting at his college for a football game, so I'm just worrying about me this weekend. The weather is in the mid 60s, and I just got my motorcycle back from the shop so i'll be going out riding tomorrow. Yeah!

Hi to everyone else. If I don't check back in, have a great weekend!

Me too Terri! I loved the ring, no issues whatsoever. I think I am so sensitive to hormone level the surge when you take the pill and drop off when it's time to take the next made me feel like I was on a roller coaster.

So sorry for all the bcp and Lupron side effects. It's amazing what we are willing to do for this journey, having supportive family and friends really makes a difference.

Jen, sorry about the MIL drama, she needs to learn her place. Her son comes before her feelings anything else and the wedge is of her own making.

JKB thats an amazing outcome so far!!!! So thrilled for you. I can only hope to have a response like that!!
Forgot to add that I am CD1, coming back into the city tomorrow morning for baseline u/s and b/w (wish I could stay in bed until baby wakes up since I never get to see him in the morning and it's the best time). So it looks like I start to inject tomorrow night, here we go!
26 were retrieved. 23 of those were mature and 21 fertilized! I think I'm still in shock. The dr said they would check them again until Sunday and I will get an update then. Jen and moni- can you remind me of your numbers? When the dr told me all I could think about was she had told me to be prepared for probably half to not be mature or fertilized. I haven't told my hubby yet. Yesterday he was like 26 wow that's ALOT. He's gonna be surprised.

As far as the BCP and lupron go- it was bad on me too! Mainly the lupron made me sleepy like crazy!!

That is a really great number! I hope I respond that well.
Terri, I'll be curious to hear how Wed goes, so keep us posted (as if you need to be reminded). I'm glad you're relaxing for a month and just thinking about yourself and getting a breather. I think it'll be good for you. I've had to do that each time so far anyway, and it is nice. So you'll have the house to yourself a bit this weekend, that's nice! I always love having me time! Ride your motorcycle, and do other things you love, and just enjoy it!!:thumbup:

Beagle, so excited for your appt next thurs! I know you are SO ready! Plant your bulbs this weekend, and enjoy the gorgeous weather. The day is more than halfway over, yay! I'm so ready for the weekend too!

I am so ready! Can you believe the 2 of us have been on these forums together for a year now? It is crazy. I think I had been back to TTC (aggressively with doctors) & you had just started going to the dr after trying for a year (I think). It is wild to think of where we were & how a year later we are almost bump buddies. It has been a long & exhausting year for sure.
Forgot to add that I am CD1, coming back into the city tomorrow morning for baseline u/s and b/w (wish I could stay in bed until baby wakes up since I never get to see him in the morning and it's the best time). So it looks like I start to inject tomorrow night, here we go!

Good luck at your appt tmr and with the shots! :thumbup:

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