First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Terri - So funny about your Dr. They actually told me to skip my morning dose, I bet that's why haha. I like your Dr. though, he sounds so cool. Mine is quiet and so reserved. I'm glad to hear your med situation will work out. Yes, tomorrow is the day!! So excited!!

JCM - No BDing for the first trimester :huh: Holy Moly!! We are older so obvious we don't need to BD every night or anything but I can't wait to see my DH's face if the Dr. says that :haha: LOL!! So sorry that your in laws are such assholes!!

Beaglemom - Endometrin is exactly what I'm taking. Inserting the pill is fine. But then it melts or dissolves and then eventually starts to leak back out. It's also white and a little clumpy, so it totally reminds me of a yeast infection. UGH!!

Moni - I kinda wish I was taking the shots instead, but then I heard they are painful and leave you with a sore butt. So I don't know which is worse lol.

Babywhisperer - Thinking of you today!!

Sammy - So sorry about your loss. I wish I had some good advice to give but I'm not sure what the best decision would be. If they are really that worried that twins could be extremely dangerous for you, maybe transferring one would be the best option. But only you and your Dr. can make that decision.

Leens08 - YAY for triggering tonight!!!

kfs1 - So excited about tomorrow. Excited, nervous, anxious, LOL. How are you feeling?

Knit/Brighteyez - How are you ladies feeling?
Kfs- congrats on transfer!!! So excited for you. I love going thru all the steps with you ladies. It helps me wait patiently for my turn.

BabyW- yay for transfer! Sorry for the added stress of the unknown. Hope everything falls perfectly into place.

Bright eyes- I have terrible squint eye! So I'm probably the last person to validate a test for you. I can make myself see lines!! But I say if it's getting darker that's a great sign!!!

Since I'm having a frozen transfer how soon after transfer could I test???
Amy- I almost forgot. I say find other ways to be intimate with hubby. With all my previous losses I was on crinone and initially I forgot and we had sex and minutes after my hubby jumped up and turned on the lights because he was itching soooo bad. Hahaha he totally had an allergic reaction to it! He was like how did you forget you had meds crammed up in there!!
On a serious note, it also made me really sensitive and if I added sex to that I would have bleeding and after all we have been through to achieve pregnancy I think the peace of mind is worth refraining from it for a while. There are other ways to help him out;)
I am doing ok! just a lot of cramping and pressure. I have some test I took to test out trigger shot they got really really light and now they are getting darker. what do you think?

I can't see anything from my phone is there a 2nd line? I hope there is!!
Sorry brighteyez, I can't tell.

Ok ladies…the update…

So I had my mock today. First off…traffic…yikes! I was 10 min late then ran in to complications so I was almost 30 minutes late for my class! So I got in there & he started. It was not as bad as an HSG but he was up in there for a while. I guess I have a high cervix. And then after a year of no issues, they find a damn polyp. I blame the bcp. So I don’t remember the name of the surgery, but basically I have to wait a PTO day. And everything is delayed. But it is not terrible. My surgery is the 25th, I will have a baseline that morning, start meds 12/1, follicle scan on 12/5, retrieval between 12/10-12/14, transfer 12/16-12/20, test around Christmas. So it is not horrible but it does mess up all my planned time off. I warned my manager so shouldn’t be any issues. But I am a little bummed on the new delay.

On a brighter note, I got my meds ordered. Walgreens did great. I ended up around $3100.
Sorry brighteyez, I can't tell.

Ok ladies…the update…

So I had my mock today. First off…traffic…yikes! I was 10 min late then ran in to complications so I was almost 30 minutes late for my class! So I got in there & he started. It was not as bad as an HSG but he was up in there for a while. I guess I have a high cervix. And then after a year of no issues, they find a damn polyp. I blame the bcp. So I don’t remember the name of the surgery, but basically I have to wait a PTO day. And everything is delayed. But it is not terrible. My surgery is the 25th, I will have a baseline that morning, start meds 12/1, follicle scan on 12/5, retrieval between 12/10-12/14, transfer 12/16-12/20, test around Christmas. So it is not horrible but it does mess up all my planned time off. I warned my manager so shouldn’t be any issues. But I am a little bummed on the new delay.

On a brighter note, I got my meds ordered. Walgreens did great. I ended up around $3100.

So sorry for the delay but it's good they found it. It could hinder implantation and if it grows it can be an issue. I had one and they removed it. It was a d/c which you're put out. There is some cramping and bleeding like a bad period. The next day was past the cramping. The good thing is after the procedure you are more likely to implant bc they scrape.
Yes. Not too upset. Just hope I can get a beta before Christmas.
Speaking of scraping, OMG!!! Endo scratches HURT!!! The nurse said it'll hurt for about ten seconds, so breathe out of your mouth. It started hurting, so I counted one, two, three, and the doctor was done. HA!!HA!! Talk about severe cramping....once I got up and put my jeans back on, I felt as if nothing happened, but it was a doozy. hee hee. One down, one to go next week. And..I took some fake advil that the work nurse gave me 45 minutes before, but I wasn't able to get it done in 45 minutes because I had to wait and call my OBGYN, so any pain relief that I did have was all gone by the time they did it. *sigh*

beaglemom-Sorry for the delay, but BabyW is right, it's best they find it now. did the transfer go? Oh..your appointment is this afternoon I think, right? I thought they always did this stuff in the morning.

brighteyez-I can't see a thing, but I suck at looking at those tests. That's another reason why I don't test on my own. I'm not a fan of, I couldn't see anything, but that doesn't mean there isn't a darkish line there. Your beta is on the 20th or 21st? It's still pretty early, do don't get discouraged.

jkb-My place still makes me wait two weeks to test...but a lot of places let people test sooner, so who knows. Do you have a schedule yet? Are you supposed to be taking meds?
I'm estimated for transfer January 8th give or take a day. I have to start PIO shots prior to transfer as well as estrogen pills and patches. I go next week just for labs. I feel like mine is forever away. My office closes the whole week of Christmas.
jkb, my clinic is like Terri's, they made me wait 14 days after my fresh transer, and then it was supposed to be 12 days after my FET. But I got a BFP after my FET at home first, so they let me come in early for the blood test. Jen and I both got BFPs at home on an HPT by 7 days after transfer. I had a squinter at 6 days, but didnt say anything until it was a decent color the next day. ;) (sadly, mine ended as a CP, but it renewed my hope in this whole process, so it's ok)

terri, I agree! My endo scratch during my fresh cycle HURT too. I didn't have it done for my first FET, but am getting it done again tomorrow for this next FET. Not looking forward to it. After she confirms no polyps during my hysteroscopy, endo scratch it is! I guess we'll do just about anything these days, huh?:winkwink: Btw, I had the same P issue... my RE had to scrape it outta there to do my transfer (the FET), and afterward, she decided she wanted some back in there for safe measure, so she had the nurse go get a sample and she put it in before letting me back up!

beagle, sorry about the polyp... I wasn't expecting that news at all. I didnt realize they could even find that during a mock! Must've seen it on the u/s, I guess, huh? Well, at least they found it! You can be grateful for that. Sorry you got pushed out more. I know that feeling. FXd that you can do it as quick as possible and have a beta before xmas!

brighteyez, I can't really tell on the pic, but I'm sure you can see better in person than we can. It's still early though, so no worries! I'm looking forward to you testing again in a day or so to see if they're still getting darker!:thumbup: Look at that cramping as a good thing. :)

BabyW, what time was your transfer today? I think the news on your embies is good. When I showed up on the day of my transfer, they had a good idea of how many they could freeze, but there were two embies that they were waiting a little longer to find out. For some of them, the decision can be made by day6 if they are still growing well.

Leens, yay for triggering tonight, wuhu!! So excited for you! Wow, time has just flown!

kfs, glad you're feeling good and staying comfy. :) I can't wait until you guys all test!! This is so exciting. I think we're going to have a lot of good news from this group!

Hi to knit, booger, Jen, Moni, Amy, LadySosa, and everyone else!

AFM, just sitting tight, waiting for hysteroscopy, endo scratch, and baseline b/w tomorrow. Hoping all is well, and that they tell me to start my E patches tomorrow night. I'd be really happy if they do that. I hope there isn't anything that would make me need to wait, although since my appt isn't until 1:30pm tomorrow, I have a feeling my b/w results won't be ready until the next morning (they usually need us in there before 930am to get results same day). Oh well, if that's the case, its just one more day.:wacko: LOL
Thanks! I was thinking about 6days since I won't be taking ovidrel this time��
I already have my test waiting to be used!
Thanks! I was thinking about 6days since I won't be taking ovidrel this time��
I already have my test waiting to be used!

That's the beauty of FET. You can test as early as you want without worry that the trigger is still lingering. :)
Speaking of scraping, OMG!!! Endo scratches HURT!!! The nurse said it'll hurt for about ten seconds, so breathe out of your mouth. It started hurting, so I counted one, two, three, and the doctor was done. HA!!HA!! Talk about severe cramping....once I got up and put my jeans back on, I felt as if nothing happened, but it was a doozy. hee hee. One down, one to go next week. And..I took some fake advil that the work nurse gave me 45 minutes before, but I wasn't able to get it done in 45 minutes because I had to wait and call my OBGYN, so any pain relief that I did have was all gone by the time they did it. *sigh*

beaglemom-Sorry for the delay, but BabyW is right, it's best they find it now. did the transfer go? Oh..your appointment is this afternoon I think, right? I thought they always did this stuff in the morning.

brighteyez-I can't see a thing, but I suck at looking at those tests. That's another reason why I don't test on my own. I'm not a fan of, I couldn't see anything, but that doesn't mean there isn't a darkish line there. Your beta is on the 20th or 21st? It's still pretty early, do don't get discouraged.

jkb-My place still makes me wait two weeks to test...but a lot of places let people test sooner, so who knows. Do you have a schedule yet? Are you supposed to be taking meds?

So sorry the scratch hurt badly but glad it went quick. It's amazing what we can endure. Men could never hang.

So my appt was 1:45 but Dr didn't call me in until 3:15. He said I had a great looking blast and suggested only doing one since they think it's a 40-45% chance and transferring 2 only increases odds 10% more but odds of twins is high. He said I might have a couple to freeze. They are watching the remaining 8 but think I might have 3 to freeze. Again no guarantees. He wasn't going to volunteer the grading but I pushed. He said Cornell rarely gives out perfect grades and 1 being the best mine was a 2BB. I have a pic and will upload later. God speed little blast. Find your home and get cozy. Thanks for all the well wishes. I wasn't really emotional I was more nervous. When they said I would have a pic I said oh great I'll post to Instagram and the girls in the waiting room laughed. I make jokes when I'm nervous. The Dr said to take it easy for 2 days. No shopping! He actually said no shopping or going out. He also said I should limit picking up Jack. That should be interesting. Thank you all for your thoughts. Stuck in traffic leaving the city and getting car sick. Will catch up later. But thank you all for thinking of me.
Beagle sorry about the delay - but hopefully it is for the best!!

Babyw - yay for joining the PUPO crowd!! Take it easy and FXed!!
Beaglemom - So sorry to hear about the delay. It's bitter sweet. Good that they caught it but sucks that it pushes everything back.

Babywhisperer - Congrats on being PUPO. I'm glad everything went well and you had a great looking embryo to transfer. Rest up and take it easy!!
Thanks everyone...not too upset about it...just glad it won't put me in to January. I am more upset I have to take the day off...I really wanted all my time off for after my transfer to relax. But oh least I have the time available. But I am feeling physically crappy today. So sorry if I repeat anything. That dr was in there moving around FOREVER! Plus I had an upset stomach. I was rushing around so couldn't stop for the bathroom on my way to my class. So I sat there as long as I could since I was already late. Then went to the bathroom. I was cramping a lot & went to the bathroom. So no bleeding but cramping in my abdomen & near my ovaries. Then I got home & was going to take a bath. I put my hands on my belly & it was so tender. Oh & I was also running low on gas on my way to class. I have a digital gauge. When I was headed home I looked up a gas station that was 1.5 miles away, my car said I had 2 miles left, & I had NO gas bars! Luckily another station came up within a half mile. I was so nervous just coasting down the road. So it has been a rough my class is on taxes...yuck. My table partners are all on my side wanting me to help them so I feel like I can't even breathe. Then 1 invited herself to lunch with me. I had not talked to my husband yet & really just wanted some peace. I don't know any of these people. It was weird. I am not very social with strangers.

So anyways...bath over & just sitting in bed watching tv with the pups & husband. We ate dinner in bed too. My husband is the best & the best at reading me. He reheated my stuffed shells & came in the bathroom & asked if we HAD to have a vegetable. Which was exactly what I was thinking! :) Stomach still tender. I hope to be feeling better tomorrow.

I told my husband since everything has been moved it sort of interferes with the retail holiday schedule for him. So I said go to your manager & tell him you will need 3 days off in the next month & we don't know when the other 2 are. He will try to switch his schedule, but if it doesn't work out he just needs the day off. His manager was very understanding.
What does 8+1x1pn mean? I can't believe I'm pupo! I feel like I'm prego already with how much the progesterone makes me get up during the night. Literally every 2hrs. I renew my idea for a craftmatic bed that sits over a toilet.
Good evening, lovely ladies!

I swear, if you don't log onto here every couple of hours then it's almost impossible to keep up!! So much going on. But that's good - just means we have lots of support!

Babywhisperer - I'm glad that your transfer went smoothly today!!! :happydance: Well, other than your delayed appointment time. I'm liking your Craftmatic bed idea!:winkwink:

Leens - Congrats on your trigger!! I hope it went well. Retrieval is just around the corner now. So exciting! Whenever my DH is gone for long periods of time I have conversations with my dogs too. Hehe. They just look at me like I'm nuts.

kfs - You may have mentioned this already, but when is your beta? I hope your little embies are snuggling in nicely.

Brighteyez - Well, I'm on my iPad right now and I can't really zoom in to look at pictures so I'm afraid I'm not much help. Sorrry! But I hope that in a couple more days, I won't need to zoom in to see a second line.

Amy - Well, after all the discussions about the loveliness of Crinone, I think I'm actually glad I'll be doing the PIO injections. Now, that may change once I actually have to start taking them! I do switch to suppositories at some point if I do end up pregnant this go around but I'm not sure exactly when. Good luck tomorrow!! I'm sending positive vibes your way!!! And yes, the snow is very pretty but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't enjoy the 9 degree temps outside right now. Brrrrrrr.

jkb- My calendar calls for me to have my beta 9 days after my transfer. So I'll transfer on Dec. 9 and have my beta on Dec. 18. I don't plan on testing at home beforehand but we'll see. I might cave. Just not sure if I can handle seeing a negative HPT if that happens.

Beaglemom - Oh man, I'm sorry to hear about your delay! But, like everyone else has already said, it's better they found it now and can fix it quickly beforehand. Your mock sounds about like mine - what normally takes a couple of minutes drug on forever. I'm glad they do them though so that doesn't happen on the actual transfer day. That stinks you have to move your time off around though. :hugs:

terri - Sorry that your endo scratch was so painful! Good thing it didn't last the whole ten seconds. Isn't it funny how something can be so painful and then boom - it's over and nothing. I'm glad it's over. You have to have another one next week though? I couldn't tell from your comment about one down, one to go........

Erin - I hope your hysteroscopy and endo scratch go smoothly tomorrow and don't cause you too much discomfort. I know how anxious you are to get moving. "Just one more day" - I feel like that should be our Mantra around here sometimes. :thumbup:

Sammy - Sorry I'm chiming in late here. Your situation sounds complicated. I'm very sorry to hear about your stillbirth. :hugs: It sounds like your doctor has the right plan though. And Erin's advice is very sage as well. I wish you the best of luck in all of this.

Hello to Jen, LadySosa, knitgirl, and Moni!!! I hope I didn't miss anyone - if I did, it wasn't intentional. I'm pretty tired right now.

Well, my day was kind of crazy. One of my coworkers whose cubicle is right outside my office started choking this morning and two of my other coworkers had to give her the Heimlich maneuver! I heard someone coughing, and then it went to a very strained and loud wheeze, I ran out of my office and my other coworker yelled at me to go grab another lady who is an EMT. I sprinted down the hall and grabbed her, still not really sure exactly what was going on at this point. It was very scary. Luckily, she got whatever it was out and is now fine. She had to be taken to the hospital though because they thought whatever it was might have actually gone down into her lungs but her scan came out all clear. It was nuts!

I battled some insomnia last night all stressed out about this little 5K we were supposed to be hosting on Saturday morning that I am helping plan. Well, we ended up canceling it due to the cold and the course being icy so I'm hoping I get some sleep tonight!
booger-That story about your coworker is insane! I'm glad they were able to get that food/candy out and I'm also glad you're a runner (Jen never would've found the EMT in time-just kidding). Sorry about the 5k being cancelled, but now you can get some rest so I'm happy about that for you. Yes, I have one more scratch after I stop taking BCP, so next Wednesday.

ERose-Hope all goes well today. The pain won't last long!

Leens-Hope your trigger was ok last night. Retrieval tomorrow, woop woop.

jkb-Don't worry about your office being closed. You can ask us about stuff, and also, the nurses will probably be on call if you have questions. My office closes, but they just don't do procedures/surgeries. I think they still do ultrasounds and bloodwork though. Part time people can do those things.

Amy-Can't wait to hear your report today. Just relax and those eggs will be gone before you even know it. Make sure you eat a great lunch afterwards too.

BabyW-I'm sure that means 8 cell embryo, and then something else. Google it. I don't know..hee hee. That sucks you had to wait until 3:15. Why were they so delayed? How did your hubs do at his trial? No shopping, meaning no lifting of groceries? that's weird to say. My people said no running or lifting over 25 lbs. I'm not a shopper, so that would not concern me.

knitgirl/Brighteyez-Any additional updates?

kfs1-Are you taking endometrin? I can't remember. Are you back at work today? Fun times...not.

AFM-Just a food update. We had shepherd's pie last night for dinner. My dad said 'I don't really eat chopped meat, but this is good.' HA!!HA!! He had seconds. And I have more for lunch today. Not sure what we'll have tonight. I have to find a recipe for something!

Hi to Moni/LadySosa. I think that's everyone.
Amy - Wishing you so much luck today!

Beagle - Bummer about the polyp but it's actually a good thing that they found it beforehand. Awww, and your hubs gets extra points for taking care of you. Hope you're feeling better today.

Terri - Yikes. Glad you made it through the endo. I'm glad it was at least quick even though it as painful. Woohoo - one step closer. And yeeeeep. Back at work today. I'm on Crinone, prednisone (last day is today), baby aspirin, and an estradiol patch. Oh and I loooooove shepherd's pie. :)

Erin - Good luck at your hysteroscopy and endo today. Hope it's not too painful. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Babywhisperer - FanTASTIC news. Grow little embie grow! Soooo happy for you. Hope you're resting up today.

Knitgirl/Brighteyez - updates?

Booger - My beta is on 11/20, so 9 days after my transfer as well. That's so scary about your co-worker. I would have freaked out. I'm so bad in those situations. Luckily, a bunch of people in my office regularly go through volunteer medical training here so I know who to grab if something happens. Sorry about your 5K getting cancelled.

Hey there everyone else!

Haha - you ladies talking about your doctors scraping progesterone out of you - OH MY GOD! I can't imagine. My doc had me take it the morning of my procedure, too, so I'm sure it must have looked glorious down there. Nothing new here. Back at work - taking it easy. Man, this wait is going to be torture.

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