First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Max was on our list of names!!! Too funny! But we have a dog named Mac so I took it off the table. ; ) I should get my blood test results the end of this week or beginning of next. Then I will get more serious about names. I just keep changing my mind! Although DH and I both love Henry. My mom HATES it. In fact I got a text from my sister that said "I'm at dinner with mom and she's complaining about the name Henry." Haha I read the text aloud to DH and he smiled and said "well, I guess it's Henry then!"
Sad news, my girlfriend who was one week ahead of me pregnant, got her blood tests back and found out its a girl but also that there is a missing chromosome (turners syndrome). The baby passed away this morning. Pretty awful. She didn't even feel anything weird. So that was rough. I sent her one of those edible arrangements (mostly for her little girl who was devastated I guess). I feel so bad for her. Yuck.

Erin, your schedule sounds so organized! I love it.
Oh, you and Erin will practically be on the same schedule! Woooohoooo!!!
Erin I think out of the 4 left, you have a great shot...keep up the positive attitude!

Jen - I am so sorry to hear about your friend. That has to be so horrible for her.

About baby names, we pretty much are set on names & we love them...although my husband is not 100% on the boy name...but he will come around. ;) We don't know if we will stick to this, but we plan to not reveal the name until the ink is dry on the birth certificate! I heard my sister get so much crap from my mom on names. I don't want anyone ruining them for me.

Terri & Erin - I forgot to say...I obviously wish your fresh/fet cycles had worked...but I am super excited you guys will be waiting along with me :)

Oh one more update...I emailed my nurse & dr we wanted to proceed even without the rubella immunity...both came back with no problem...I just have to sign a waiver...but they didn't seem concerned.
Yeah Erin! Sounds like a good plan. Don't stress about the delay. All good things in their own time. I think you have a wonderful chance of a couple of embies to transfer. I also think your approach is very smart, informed and practical. The information we we get from doing a cycle and tweaking the protocol can make all the difference.

Jen, I am so sorry about your friend. I can't even begin to imagine what she feels like. She is going to grieve and need good friends like you. If she needs distance bc you are prego don't take it personally. I have a friend that had a mc and it was hard for her to see another friend of our prego. She was happy for her but still sad and feeling the loss. I am so excited for you to find out the gender. We chose our sons name pretty easily. And the funny thing was we bought our house from a family whose son is Jack and daughter Kate. Those were 2 names we had. Even funnier, a friend of mine was prego with me and she wasn't finding out the sex and I hadn't found out yet so she asked me what names I had picked out for boy or girl. I told her and she looked stunned. Her dh said "no way" so loud. They had the same 2 names picked out too. We found out the sex and they waited. They chose Charlie and it fits their son perfectly.

Beagle 2 weeks for meds to get delivered is more than enough time. You are ready to go!

Afm dh wants to postpone his trial by a day which I think is unnecessary. They should be able to tell me what we are working with that morning right? I felt so bad, he did my PIO shot tonight but didn't pull the needle out straight so he nicked me and I bled all over the place, pants, floor, my hands. Then as he means Jack in to say goodnight to me he loses his balance and knocks his head into my nose hard and that bleeds as well! So I am literally bleeding from both ends tonight! I have off tomorrow for Veteran's Day so I'm running errands trying to keep busy and take my mind off what's going on. I am doing acupuncture tomorrow and Wed after the transfer and probably Fri.

I totally forgot the progesterone makes me constipated. More prune juice and Colace! I feel like I'm 80!
ERose-I like your new picture! I am sure you'll have viable embies-3 if not 4, so I'm getting super excited for you. Sorry for the delay with AF and the hysteroscopy (sp?), but we'll be PUPO together most likely, and Beagle will be with us too! Yeah.

Jen-I am SOOO sorry about your girlfriend. What are the odds that she finds out about the abnormality a day before the baby passes away. So, so sad.

BabyW-You definitely have a lot going on tonight! Hopefully your butt and nose don't hurt anymore.

Amy-It's normal that not all of the eggs fertilize. Sometimes they are abnormal or not mature, and it's just common to have some that don't fertilize. You have a great number remaining though.

kfs1-I'll say a special prayer for you tomorrow morning. I can't wait for you to be prego for the second time. I can't remember if I knew you when you were pregnant the first time. If I did know you, it was early in our relationship. I know Amy mentioned food poisoning, but I hope that you enjoyed your sushi if you did have it for dinner. Whatever would pick you up out of your funk, is fine by me.

This week is definitely an exciting one for everybody. Go ladies, go!!
Terri - Dec. 9th is the same day as my transfer! Well, hopefully, pending the results of my mock transfer on Friday. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one. I hope your Dad is enjoying his delicious dinners! He's lucky to have you cooking such great meals for him. Maybe he'll stop trying to make his lady friends feel sorry for him. He shouldn't be pushing his luck with the chef.

Erin - I am sorry you are having yet another slight delay. I swear when going through this every day matters! I'm glad that you have a solid plan though. I highly doubt you'll have a result where none of them are normal. You have 4 to work with so I definitely think you'll have good results.

Jen - So sorry to hear about your friend and her baby. That's just awful. :cry: I'm glad you're feeling better each day. I can't wait to hear the results of your tests. How fun. I don't blame you for wanting to get a job. I don't love my job but one of the things I do like best about it is the interaction with my coworkers. I need that. Good luck!!

Babywhisperer - I'm sorry you've had such a rough evening! You're a good sport about though. I would think that they should be able to tell you what's going on that morning but I don't know that for sure. Can you and DH go through a couple of scenarios beforehand so you'll know what to do already. Kind of like an "if this happens, then we'll do this" type of discussion?

Beagle - Two weeks is plenty of time for the meds. Although I know you want to just have it all straightened out already. I would think that if your clinic was truly concerned about the Rubella they wouldn't even let you move ahead. You're getting closer!!!!

knitgirl - I'm glad your transfer went so smoothly! That's a great start. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. When is your beta scheduled? Do you think you'll test at home before then?? Stay away from Google (easier said than done). :haha:

Amy - Congrats on your 10 embryos! I think that's great. I had 20 eggs retrieved, with only 15 mature and then 11 fertilized and from what I could tell through my internet research (see my little Google addiction there too) was that was a pretty average fertilization rate so you're doing well! Grow embies grow!!

Leens - The injections do get old after awhile - hang in there - you're getting so close!!! :thumbup:

kfs - Good luck tomorrow morning, lady!!! You've got lots of positive vibes heading your way. :dust:

Good evening to everyone else out there! This has gotten to be such a big group that if you don't check in often enough you get behind quickly!

I forgot to take my shot on time tonight. Ooops!! I was busily making dinner and it just slipped my mind. I was only about 45 minutes late so I don't think it matters that much - I'll email my nurse just make sure. She might tell me to just make sure I'm on time tomorrow or maybe she'll tell me to just stick to my "new" time. :shrug: Either way, I'm not stressed. what a difference a couple months makes because there was no way I was missing that first stim shot. I think I had all that stuff laid out about an hour before I was to take it and just kept looking at it!

Well, it's snowing and cold here. Montana winter has arrived! I don't mind the snow but I'm not looking forward to that high of 13F tomorrow. I know it's Montana but that's even cold for where I am located. All of our relatives back East always comment on how they couldn't take the winters out here but to be honest, I think they aren't as bad. We don't have the humidity and that makes a huge difference. Anyway, I'm glad the snow is here - even if I may not get to enjoy much skiing this winter.
Beaglemom 3 beagles WOW, I have one Basset and one Doberman/sausage cross, my mixed breed is so good, if I had two Bassets I'd probably be in tears everyday - oh my word she is stubborn, it doesn't help that I have two extremely spoilt cats. Beagles are beautiful pups - good to know it will get easier, my Maddie is only 8 months old.

JCM Good to know this whole process we're going through is easily forgotten once we all get our BFP!!!

ERosePW I'm doing a fresh egg retrieval, my first IVF after 2 failed IUI's - hubs and I have been trying for almost 3 years (3yrs in March). My CD1 was on 2nd November, my egg retrieval is on Friday. Thanks for adding me! You girls have been amazing, really helping me through this uber-stressful time.

Terripeachy I saw on someone's post that you lost your mom, I'm so sorry to hear. I know what you're going through, I lost my dad in 2008 (Alzeimers) and my mom in April this year (cancer), her wish was to see my child, that never happened, she was my best friend, the only person I confided in about anything really close to me. I miss her so much every day, to be honest I'm really struggling without her - I don't know how to do life without her and although I'll be really happy when I get my BFP and when my baby is born, I'm really scared to go through all of this without her. If you ever need to talk, as I said I know a bit about losing parents.

AFM - Tried Centrotide with a longer needle and the inflammation and itchiness was reduced by quite a lot.
Leens-Thanks...I'm sorry to hear about your losses as well. As much as people don't talk to their parents or don't talk to them often, that is my only regret. My mom and I had a fine/normal relationship but I seriously only talked to her a couple times a week and I would give anything to talk to her. Ok..enough on that sad front. Glad your needle change helped things a bit. I can't believe you are already for retrieval after two weeks. That went by fast.

Booger-Awesome that we'll be doing our transfers on the same day. Way back when December seemed so far away and now it's almost here. Time flies when you're preococupied with TTC. Today is our last warmish day here. Mid 60s, and I just read that it'll be cold for the rest of November. Time to think about buying new sweaters. That is my wintertime consolation. If I MUST be cold, I must have/buy cute, warm sweaters.

So I did a bit of reading on the endometrial scratch and I think it's going to be a good thing. They say that the "injury" to the uterus helps implantation because the increase in white blood cells helps growth of the lining, and that also helps the embryo. All I can do is be hopeful.
I forgot to ask my doctor about the scratch. Is there a certain time in your cycle you have to have it done? I will try to remember to ask during my mock tomorrow. ha mock is tomorrow! I cannot even believe it!

So today is a bank holiday for me...I love bank holidays. I hope to get some stuff done today. My credit card bills have started coming in & I def need to balance the bank account. I also have some bulbs I never planted in Oct. So I want to do that today since it is pretty nice out & not too cold. I also want to do some cleaning. And I plan to make stuffed shells for dinner. I also have to call Walgreens about my meds.
Kfs, totally no problem going to work the next day. I felt like nothin ever happened! The day of, I just watched movies and ate a lot.

My nausea gets better every day that passes! I guess my mom was always sick through 14 weeks so I have her to thank for this! Also, be prepared to take lots of naps! I'm in bed by 8:30 every night and up at 7. Then I take two naps during the day. Exhausted! I haven't had to buy maternity pants yet. I plan on wearing my yoga pants for as long as possible. My weight stays the same but I have a little bump already. Different than the bloating so that's exciting!

Excited for you that you've got a bump!!:happydance:
terripeachy and beaglemom I'm sorry I wasn't clear, I think I was typing late at night, Beaglemom you were correct - what I was trying to say and also correct about German Measles being common in SA, we have to be alot more careful than you would have to be with viruses like German Measles. This is why I don't understand why there are anti-vaxers in SA, I understand USA - whole different debate, anyway. I was considering not vaccinating but that would have been a mistake, tho not if it's so uncommon - I think you've made a fine decision :)

kfs1 holding fingers, toes, thumbs, everything else I can think of - grow embies grow!!!

brighteyes I was thinking today I don't know what is worse, waiting to hear if your embies are going to make it til transfer day or waiting to test, whatever it's just far too much waiting, poor us lol. loads of baby dust to ya!

Amy1976 Good question, they've only given me 2 types of progesterone - one tablet and one suppositry (woo that's gonna be fun - not) but yours is a bit hectic but if it's going to help I think it's worth it *sending hugs*

AFM - So over these injections, only three more, including my trigger. Egg retrieval is definitely set for Friday, I had a scan this morning, my RE is happy with sizes, ect...but there's not alot to work with. He was hoping for 10-15 but it looks like I only have 8 and only 5 are a good size, we are hoping it will improve this is why we are doing the retrieval on Friday instead of Thursday.

Hubs will be out of town for 3 days which is not commonplace, he is going to a small town called George for work which is about 5hrs drive away but will be back on Thursday eve so I guess it's just me and my 2 cats and 2 pups.

Beaglemom I guess your name is beaglemom because you have a beagle? We took the dogs for a walk yesterday, there was a lady with 3 beagles, we almost got a beagle but ended up with a basset hound instead but she said they are just as naughty and stubborn and bassets, are yours also impossible?

LOVE Basset Hounds! They are so adorable!
So looks like beagle, Terri, booger, and I will all be around the same time. Yay! Nice that we'll have each other. :)

Leens, thanks for the info, I'm adding an estimated transfer date for you on the front page. I'm putting Nov 19th, assuming you'll have a day5 transfer. But if you end up having a day3 transfer, I can change it for you.:flower:

booger, I have that rare occasion where I take my shot or other meds a little late too. It always shocks me when I realize it, since its almost all I think about, LOL. Its not likely that one time will hurt anything.

kfs, thinking about you today! So excited you'll be PUPO soon!

Jen, I'm so sorry for your friend! :nope: That has to be devastating for her. I'm glad she has you to be there for her.

BabyW, so sorry about all the bleeding! Your DH must've felt so bad, hehe! Hope you're doing better today.:flower:

beagle, I'm so excited your mock transfer is tomorrow! Seems like time actually does really fly when it comes to IVF. Way faster than IUIs and regular cycles.

Terri, I agree, the endo scratch should be a good thing. They are doing mine this Thursday when I have the hysteroscopy. She said since she's gonna be in there anyway, she may as well do it then. I agreed... might as well get it all over with in one shot.

Good morning to everyone else!!
beaglemom-My doctor said that I have to do it while on BCP and then a week later (after I start my del-estrogen). When I did my searching around, it said that it could be done in the luteal phase as well, so not really sure why he's doing it now versus doing it at another time. My doc said that only about 5% of people need it, and they use it as a last resort because there's no point spending time "scratching" people if a majority of people can get prego without it. He also said that because everything seems to be ok with me, and we've had two failed IVFs, maybe this is the push that I need.

I just called the pharmacy about my meds, and they said it takes 5-7 days for processing. I said that I am paying cash, so no reason going through my insurance. The lady said that it still takes 5-7 days. UGH! I haven't received my revised schedule, but my initial one said I am supposed to start shots on Friday. I hope that changes a smidge so that I can get my stuff. Why does ordering meds have to be so difficult/stressful?

I like stuffed shells and havent' had them in a long time. Hmm..hee hee. Enjoy your day off. I am at work as usual..trying to figure out when I will use a mental health day before the end of the year.
Good morning ladies! I just love reading all of your updates. Even tho there's really no progress with me, I get so wrapped up with your stories. I tell my hubby about your stories as if we're old friends. He thinks I'm kooky. He's like, "And who are these women? Your virtual friends??" Hehe.

Jen - I LOVE the name Henry! So cute to picture a little baby boy named Henry with a little cap. So sorry about your friend, that must be heartbreaking.

Booger - I'm so jelly of the snow! I'm ready for some cold weather/snow! They say this year in Seattle we're due for another nasty winter!

Erin - I like your new pic! And your positive vibes are infectious!

BabyW - Oh no! That sounds terrible, but kind of comical! I hope you're all healed by now.

kfs - good luck today! Can't wait to hear the results!

Terri - sorry about the meds taking forever. Sometimes they take less time than they say so maybe you'll get it by Fri?

beagle - congrats on the mock transfer today! Must feel great to be making progress!

Amy - 10 embies is a lot! Congrats!!

Re: Mock transfer - what is this? Does everyone have to do it? My doc didn't mention this to me it called something else?

AFM - uggh the waiting is killing me. Our ER is set tentatively for Jan 20. That seems like a lifetime away! So I'm just trying to keep myself busy to not think about it. I think I'll take up knitting again. =) I put up my Christmas tree on Sunday. Everyone's giving me crap for putting it up so early, but I don't care! Christmas stuff makes me so happy, why wait?! My dh had a five-hour long interview with Amazon yesterday, and he finds out today if he got the job. Even if he gets it, I'm still a little nervous - they have a reputation of working people crazy long hours and their vacay policy is terrible. But, it would be more $$ and that's all he cares about! Maybe I could be a stay at home mommy if he's the breadwinner. =) We always joke about that - he says "no way - you're working!" (with a whipping motion and sound effects - "whishaw") But I know deep down he'd love for me to stay home if we could afford it. We shall see.
Just popping in for a quick hi!! Lots happened yesterday!1

When are people testing?!? Looks lke we will have a lotof Christmas BFP!!!
Good afternoon ladies!

LadySosa - Oh, waiting is the worst. I swear if we aren't going to be the most patient mothers.....I remember thinking after we scheduled our IVF that it was going to take forever to get there but Jan. will be here before you know it. Not that that is any consolation - we want what we want when we want it!! :haha: Hopefully the holidays will be enough of a distraction. And maybe us BnB ladies can keep you a little entertained as well. We didn't get very much snow - maybe a couple of inches - but it's enough that everything is pretty now! The sun is shining bright with a beautiful blue sky. I might bundle up and take our doggie for a short walk.

Terri - Ugh on the pharmacy thing. I swear every time we get one wrinkle ironed out one more pops up. So annoying. Hmmm, maybe some sweater shopping will appear on my agenda today. I did a closet purge of my winter clothes in the Spring and I'm looking a little short on cute sweaters.

Beagle - I can't believe your mock transfer is already here. Things seem to really move fast once they get going. I hope you get your meds all figured out today.

Erin - I figured it's not big deal to be a little late with the shot but I still e-mailed my nurse anyway. Just want to make sure all my i's are dotted and t's crossed. I still can't believe I forgot since it was on my brain all day! I think I was distracted by DH. He had just gotten home from hunting, yeah, that's it, blame DH. :haha: Good luck on Thursday. I hope your hysteroscopy goes well. I had mine back with my first mock transfer and it was uncomfortable but not unbearable. Way better than my HSG.

Leens - Glad the needle switch helped with the injection. So sorry to hear about your parents. My dad died almost two years ago and I miss him more everyday. I was a true daddy's girl. I notice myself calling my Mom more now just because I know that you never know what's going to happen. :hugs:

kfs - I hope your transfer went smoothly today! :flower:

Hello to Amy, moni, brighteyez, JCM, knitgirl, babywhisperer, and jkb! I hope I didn't miss anyone.

I have the day off today, too. I'm trying to get some filing done. I have about 2 years worth of crap (bank and credit card statements, medical information, house papers, etc) stuffed in boxes that needs to be dealt with. Ugh. I really need a new filing cabinet. Hmmmm, maybe another online shopping distraction........
Hi ladies!

Brighteyez - Congrats on the transfer of your two embryos!! :happydance: And congrats on having 5 to freeze. That's excellent!

Amy - First, congrats on your awesome retrieval! :thumbup: 16 eggs is stupendous. Have you gotten your fertilization report yet today? Wow - that is a lot of estrogen and what a pain to have to do all three, three times a day! I'm sure your doctor has his/her reasons but that seems kind of annoying. Maybe it's to keep you distracted. :winkwink:

knitgirl - I hope your transfer went well today! :thumbup:

terri - I'm so glad that you have a plan to move forward!!! How awesome and exciting is that. What shots are you starting with - Lupron? Do you have a tentative date for transfer yet? :shrug:

kfs - I'm with you - I'd rather my doctor be blunt rather than sugarcoat things. Again, I don't think they think about how things are going to come across or sound sometimes when they say them. I'm sure if she really didn't think that you would have embryos to transfer on Day 5, she wouldn't have you wait. It's really hard not to be stressed out during all of this so don't feel bad for being that way. I found the wait from retrieval to Day 5/6 to be just awful so I completely understand. Sometimes I think it's easiest to to jump to the worst case scenario so that if it did happen for some reason, we're already somewhat prepared for it. Hang in there - we are here for you! :hugs:

Leens - Glad you are progressing nicely! :flower:

Beagle - Oh man - sorry about the Rubella thing! I'd like to think I'd be patient enough to just get the vaccination and wait but I'd probably just move ahead too. :blush:

babywhisperer - I'm so glad to hear that your retrieval went well. I hope you are feeling better today! :thumbup:

Hello to everyone else!! Hope you are enjoying your weekend.

As for me, I'm mostly recovered from my bout with the stomach bug. Ugh. I had forgotten how miserable it makes you feel. I guess it's been going around. I felt so bad that at one point I remember lying in bed seriously rethinking our decision to have kids because I felt like that at that point there was no way I could care for another human being feeling the way that I did. Now, I know that I could (and would!) but it made me ponder there for a few minutes.

I helped DH with raking leaves this morning as I simply couldn't take another day of lying in bed. My body hurt from lying down so much! I don't know how lazy people do it. Now it's raining and I think it might be time for a nap.:haha:

Thank you Booger!!! I am so excited:happydance: the 21st can't come quick enough!!
KFS1 - I am happy but scared and I did a lot of resting yesterday. Today I am at working feeling pressure and crampy but not too bad.

Moni77 - My test date is the 21st.

Leens08 - Both are very stressful. Waiting to hear updates about babies and the TWW is horrible....LOL but it will be here soon, is what I keep telling myself:haha:
Knitgirl - the constipation after ER was horrible!! I went and brought Colace and warmed apple juice it helped some but it was no joke.

Transfer was over before I knew it started which was crazy but hey we waited all this time why should it be prolonged LOL!

Baby Dust to all of you ladies who are still in the process of achieving your BFP's

LadySosa, I didnt have you on the front page somehow! Not sure how I managed that, but I hope I haven't missed anyone else. I just now put you down for fresh transfer late January. Does that sound about right?

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