First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

HELP, New to blogging, I hope I remember how to log back in to see response.
Im 42, one failed IVF cycle. Now using donor eggs, retrieved 12, 6mature,5 fertilized......if its good on day 3, we put two in, if they are better than good and last to day 6, the doctor is pressing to only put in one.
Im obese, have HTN and lupus. Ive lost one pregnancy to stillbirth after clomid in 2009, and we have been struggling eversince. I am VERY inclined to want to place 2 in, given my age, I hope that one will take, and if two take....I have a lot of praying to do.
Any thoughts. I know there are risks with my medical history-which is under control-but I guess its scaring my IVF doctor. We are praying for a healthy baby.
Lost baby #1 at 5 1/2 months, chorioamnionitis, delivered stillbirth, 2009.Diagnosed with lupus 2011.
Hi ladies,
Wow! The thread's been busy. I'll have to catch up in the morning. Just a quick report. We transferred 2 blastocysts, one grade AB and the other BB. Everything went very smoothly. I may have 1 to freeze. We'll know by tomorrow. It was much more emotional than I thought - I don't know why I thought it wouldn't be. My doc seemed super-happy and positive which was great. Beta on 11/20. Love you ladies.
Awesome news kfs1!!! Glad all went well. So happy for you. Congrats!!! The 20th it is!!!
Erin - I like your new picture also.... so sorry about the waiting!! Why does it always happen that way lol??

Terri - YAY for Dec. 9th!! Less than a month away whoo hooo!! How can they possibly say it takes that long to process? What if it was something you needed to take immediately? Can you try a different place?

Babywhisperer - Progesterone makes us constipated too?? Ugh just great lol.

booger76 - I've got my fingers crossed that everything goes perfectly at your mock transfer on Friday!! I'm also soooo jealous of the snow. I want some lol :)

kfs1 - I'm thinking of you!!

JCM - That is so heart breaking about your friend. I can't even imagine being in her shoes. My heart goes out to her. I'm not sure if you said already but did you ever tell your mother in law you were pregnant? Just curious how that went?

Leens08 - I'm glad switching the needles helped a bit :) You're almost there!!

AFM - I don't think I explained my medication correctly lol. I'm taking 2 types of progesterone 3 times a day (oral and vaginal inserts). Also an estrogen pill 3 times a day, then an estrogen patch I switch every three days. So if I'm not mistaken, LadySosa you got 2 types of progesterone also right?
And can I just say UUGGHHHH!!! about the vaginal progesterone!! I mean UGH!! AND EEEWWWW!! AND JUST GROSS!! I seriously hate them. I feel so gross. I know I sound like an 8-year old talking about cooties right now but that's seriously how I feel lol :) My DH was just asking me when we could start having sex again and I was like trust me buddy, you don't want to go anywhere near down there right now lol. But then I started thinking, what if I have to take this long term, how will I ever make love to my husband again? Because EEWWW!! Will I have to scoop it out first lol. I know one of you has a tip that you haven't shared with us yet!!
I also found out this morning that I get no further embryo update until the morning of my transfer!! Like really?? I don't know what's more stressful, knowing or not knowing. I wish I knew something but I guess I'm going in blind.
kfs1 - Whoo hooo!!! Great news!! I'm so happy for you!!
HELP, New to blogging, I hope I remember how to log back in to see response.
Im 42, one failed IVF cycle. Now using donor eggs, retrieved 12, 6mature,5 fertilized......if its good on day 3, we put two in, if they are better than good and last to day 6, the doctor is pressing to only put in one.
Im obese, have HTN and lupus. Ive lost one pregnancy to stillbirth after clomid in 2009, and we have been struggling eversince. I am VERY inclined to want to place 2 in, given my age, I hope that one will take, and if two take....I have a lot of praying to do.
Any thoughts. I know there are risks with my medical history-which is under control-but I guess its scaring my IVF doctor. We are praying for a healthy baby.
Lost baby #1 at 5 1/2 months, chorioamnionitis, delivered stillbirth, 2009.Diagnosed with lupus 2011.

Hi Sammy, I'm so sorry for your loss, Hun. :hugs: As far as how many to transfer, I don't think anyone can answer that question for you, as its such a personal decision. I've been having two transferred, BUT my DH and I are both okay if we end up with twins. You have to keep in mind that if you have two put in, its certainly a possibility. So if your health issues are serious enough that your Dr says no way, or if you and your DH feel pretty set on NOT having twins, putting in one might be the best option. Like I said though, nobody can make that decision for you. Maybe talk to your Dr about it more, as he knows your health concerns too, and if that's a big factor, you'd def want to take it into consideration. All the best to you Hun!
kfs, today you are PUPO!!! Wuhu! :happydance: I'm glad it went well. And I do agree, it is a little emotional... But its a happy emotional, because you just put your baby in there!:winkwink: Here's to hoping for a frosty too. I'm glad everything went so well.

Amy, I wish I could give you a tip on that nasty P gel stuff! I wasn't feeling real cute with that stuff in there all the time either, LOL. But I couldn't deal with the PIO shots, so I just went with it! My RE told me I might have to dig some out myself some days, but I never did. It usually came out on its own at some point. I had to wear a panty liner every day, it was really annoying. As I talk about it, the PIO sounds SO much more convenient, and I'm sure it is in that respect! But I'm a wuss. If my pregnancy had worked out, I would've had to keep using it, so if you find a good way to be with hubby while using that stuff, let me know! I'm gonna have to figure something out eventually!
Amy-I got my new schedule today and I think I will be able to get my medicine by the 19th, and that's the estimated start date. Phew!! Maybe I freak out too early. I totally hear you on the nasty progesterone. My only tip is wear a pantiliner and swear off BD for a while. HA!!HA!! Even my doctor commented on it the first transfer I had. He's like 'Let me get a little of this progesterone out.' REALLY??! You have to say that out loud? Just do it and keep it moving. :rofl: Hope all goes well for you on Thursday (right?). I can't wait to hear how it went.

Jen-I forgot to say that I think Henry is too cute. My little cousin is Ty Henry, and he is just the cutest boy. I also had two classmates in middle school named Henry. Also cute. HA!!HA!! My uncle Henry..not as cute anymore, but a very nice man (Ty Henry is his grandson).

Sammy-Welcome. I'm 40 and had three embryos put back in twice without success. ERose always knows what to say, so I just agree with her. It's up to you and how you feel. If you can put one and freeze one, go for it!

beagle-Can't wait for transfer tomorrow!! Woop woop.

LadySosa-My place and others, apparently, do a mock transfer just to measure where they are going to put the embryos, and to discover if there are any issues, like booger had. It's pretty simple. They just put the catheter in, measure where it needs to go and make a note of it. It seriously takes like two minutes if that.

Is something else happening tomorrow? Oh yes, BabyW, wishing you all the best tomorrow. I hope you and DH can make your flowchart tonight and figure out 'If X then Y. If M, then P.' Math nerd alert. HA!!HA!!
Hi Sammy! I transferred 2 only because if we ended up with multiples, we were 100% good with it! Sorry to hear about your loss. Just awful. I agree with following whatever your RE wants to do!

Kfs....WOOOOOOHOOOOO! I've been waiting ALL DAY for your update! Great news! Glad your dr felt good and seemed pleased.

Haha Amy do you know my RE told me no sex for the first trimester? I finally asked why (not like I minded because I've been feeling anything but sexual) and he said sometimes orgasms irritate the cervix and your cervix is already most likely irritated from the progesterone suppositories so it can bleed a little. When I was on crinone after my iui I had a little bleeding actually. He said he just says no orgasms so the newly pregnant, fragile women don't call every week bleeding and freaking out. I'm glad he did because I would have been the bleeding woman. Lol! I'll get busy after I'm off the stuff next week I've decided. BUT one time, I kind of had to clean myself out, then had sex right before the next dose so the area wasn't "empty of progesterone" for too long. I don't know about anyone else, but my suppositories make me feel full and a little swollen down there. No room for a penis to be poking around disrupting my situation!!!
Oh yes MIL knows. She kind of gave a half smile and said "ohhhh". Whatever! Counseling last week was a shit show. My father in law just constantly cuts my husband down and literally stomps his feet! He even got really shitty with the counselor. I was almost embarrassed for the guy. So I got a little angry during my turn to talk and I told him he was really un nice man and is nothing but negative and it's too bad he acts like a child. I think I'm going to sit next week out. Haha! Those people are nuts!

Soooo to add to my long post.... I bought maternity jeans today!!! I said I wasn't gonna need them and DH and I ran lots off errands today before he goes hunting for a week and my jeans wouldn't button! I left them open and used this belly band I had and my pants kept falling off! So I went to destination maternity and this really nice woman helped me find perfect pants. A little pricey but they should last me all pregnancy. The band at the top is so comfy! I wore them out of the store. : ) I have to admit, they are cuter than some of my lucky or express jeans. Anytime I've seen the pants they always looked so frumpy but it's great cause you technically can stay a size 26 the whole time and just stretch the top way out. My brother actually said "you can fit like a watermelon in those!" Well, nick I plan on it!
BabyW, fingers crossed everything goes smoothly tomorrow morning!!!
So for progesterone, I will be taking endometrin which is a vaginal tablet. I had a choice in that, the gel, or the shot. She said the endometrin was the most expensive but was probably the easiest one to use.

I finally have my meds pretty much worked out. I signed up for a discount program, so I will call back tomorrow with that ID & then I will be all set to get it mailed out...plenty of time. I asked to get it next Wed since I start meds the following Mon.
Welcome Sammy - it is a tough decision - we had hoped to put in 2 to increase the odds, but only ended up with one left. But we also would have been ok with 2, if that's how it turned out. I have sjogren's syndrome - which is in the lupus family - if you are doing well on your meds (plaquenol is safe to take during pregnancy) you should do fine during the pregnancy. FXed for you.

Yay KFS!!!

Amy - I took the shots - so didn't have to deal with it. However, I was not really feeling like BDing for a lot of the first trimester anyway - I guess the cramping, bloating and gassiness really didn't make me feel very sexy and some positions just hurt...everyone is different though!

Jen - yay for the maternity jeans - aren't they amazing!! The clothes now a days are so much better - I am really liking what I bought. Ended up with a migrane today - otherwise would have done some more shopping.

Beagle - getting close!!!
Hey All! Kfs I'm so happy for you! When did they tell you the grading before or when you got to the Dr for the transfer? How are you feeling? Any cramping?

Booger I'm jealous of the snow. It's going down to the 30s here this week but no snow yet. I love the change of seasons here. I had off and made sure to get outside today as it was 60 and might be the last warm day.

Amy I'm sorry about the progesterone. It's not fun and as you can tell we all hate it. How are you doing?

Hi Brighteyez I hope the cramping is your little one snuggling in tight.

Terri you make me laugh about charts. I sat down with DH and discussed the scenario which would really pose a challenge for me. What if we only have 2 just ok 5 day embies. Do we transfer both? He said he would defer to the Dr. I really wish he could be there with me to hear the Dr with his own ears. I hope they will let me know what we have in the morning? Is that what they do or do you only find out when you show up?

Erin, Beagle, Booger and everyone else in December what a great crew you have to do this with! I'm trying to catch up on all the posts from today. A lot happens when I don't check in often.

Same in sorry for your loss and wish you much success on your journey. You will find the women here know so much and can be a great shoulder to lean on.

Afm and the comedy which was the scene in my kitchen last night oh man. It's funny the side of my Butt that bled doesn't hurt. Dh did a better job tonight. He felt so bad and I felt bad for him. He's rehearsing his questions for his examination of their first witness tomorrow. I have butterflies in my stomach for him! I went to acupuncture and she hugged me when I left. She is so sweet. She wants me to come after the transfer tomorrow. She wishes I could skip work since it's super stressful but I will only be there from 7:30-1. I plan on taking my time in getting to the Dr and arrive early instead of rushing in midtown traffic.

To all you ladies may God bless you each and every one. You have made getting to this step so much easier, less stressful, and so much less scary than I anticipated. Thank you all. I will try and update if I hear anything. In the meantime I'm thinking of all the ladies who did their retrievals and transfers this week. I hope to be toasting all the bfp's with sparkling cider!!!
beaglemom I've been meaning to ask for a while, what is a mock transfer?

Terripeachy Sorry you are having trouble ordering meds :( Cape town is supposed to be the "slow city", the rest of SA always mocks us, saying it takes days for anything to happen because we are so busy staring at the mountain or swimming in the sea (really with all the sharks?) but it takes max 1 day to get my meds, it wasn't something that I thought was a "win" but I guess it is now, so thanks for that, we have to take our "wins" wherever we can get them :) Hope you get your meds sorted out asap.

Sammy0620 I'm so sorry about your baby, I cannot even imagine. I think the trouble is we don't have enough belief that the embryos will turn into real babies but that is the reality, they can. I would love 3 babies but I would struggle to put 3 through school and university, I'm from South Africa so we don't get our education funded. This is why I'm only transferring 2, twins we can do, it's a personal choice but I think the question to ask yourself is if you are ok with 3 babies. Welcome, this is an awesome feed, I only joined about 2 weeks ago and the girls have been amazing - they are really helping me, more than I could ever say!

kfs officially PUPO!!! The awful two week wait, we are all here and we are all holding thumbs, fingers, toes, ect, ect... for you!!! Exciting time!!!

Amy1976 Aaw poor you, one day your child will be an evil teenager and you'll turn around and tell him/her what you did for them, epic win for you!

JCM Your MIL and FIL sound crazy! Why are they adding to your stress? Don't they know you should have as little stress as possible now? My husband's sister in Johannesburg makes me crazy like that, high on weed all the time but she knows everything. Eeeek, these insane people!

AFM - I'm very chatty today because DH is away and I only have my furries to talk to but my pups and cats were tired last night, kept on waking them up to play with me but they just kept on falling asleep :( Upside I was able to have hot curry last night, DH hates hot food, it makes him feel nauseous.

Trigger tonight, yippeeee last injection, triggering with Ovitrelle, yes I've spelt it correctly, wondering if Ovidrel is the same medication???
Wishing you a smooth, stress-free transfer this morning, babywhisperer! :flower:
Babywhisperer - Wishing you SOOOO much luck today! You're in my thoughts. And good luck to your DH at his trial today. To answer your questions, I didn't hear a peep after my day 3 update until I got into the office, right before my transfer. I do feel a little crampy/bloated but that's nothing new since I've been feeling that way for the last week or so from the meds/ER.

Erin, Terri, Beagle, and Booger on the same cycle. I LOOOOVE it. :)

Erin - That said, I'm sorry that things were delayed a bit for you Erin. No worries, though. You'll have some strong embies to transfer for sure.

Terri - Any news on your meds? How annoying. It's always something!

JCM - I'm so sorry about your friend. :( I absolutely love the name Henry. Too cute. Curious, why weren't you going to buy maternity pants? Aren't they a necessity?

Knit/Brighteyez - How are you both doing?

Leens - I'm so sorry for the loss of your parents. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you without your mom to confide in since you were so close. Know that she is with you in some way. In happier news, congrats on the trigger though!! You're almost there. :)

LadySosa - I hear you about waiting but I definitely think the holidays will be a welcome distraction. Much to do, drink, and eat. :) I hope your DH gets the job but that his work hours aren't too crazy.

Sammy - I'm so sorry for your loss. I would think that transferring 2 would be the way to go but I don't know anything about how your medical history might have an affect on this. Either way, remember, it only takes 1! When is your transfer?

Amy - I'm right there with you about the progesterone. It is SOOOO disgusting. I have no advice on the BD front though. :(. And as everyone else said, pantiliners will be your new best friend. How are you feeling today? Pumped for tomorrow?

Beagle - Yahooo for getting the meds situation worked out. What a relief. Good luck today!

And now the wait begins. :) Working from home today. Planning a nice healthy dinner for tonight and I'm going to continue to eat well for sure.
Hello ladies,

How is everyone?

KFS1 - how are you feeling?

Babywishperer - Good luck today and relax!
Thanks for all the good thoughts. Dr called me and said we have one nice looking blast to transfer and some he hopes make it to tomorrow to freeze. Is this verbal hedging? What would your takeaway be with that little info? I'm convinced I am not meant to know detail until I get there. He said I can talk to Dr Chung before hand.
My office didn't tell me anything until I got there. I think it's nice that they told you about the one they want to transfer today. So, I would be positive.
I am doing ok! just a lot of cramping and pressure. I have some test I took to test out trigger shot they got really really light and now they are getting darker. what do you think?


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