First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Amy- I'm so excited for you. And frosties to boot which is even better!! Definitely take it easy today. You're pregnant!!!!

Kfs1-did you find out if you had frosties? I am seriously losing my mind being active on three threads. Hee hee. Are you expecting a boy or a girl? :winkwink:

Just a quick update from me, my meds are ordered and on their way. I'm guessing the earliest I would have received them would be Saturday so now I'm happy my cycle was delayed. The initial date to start injections was tomorrow. Now it's estimated for Wednesday after my second scratch. Since we'll all be pregnant soon, im leaning Team Pink for myself. Kamille or Karrie is my name of choice today. Hee hee
Congrats Amy!! So happy for you. :)

Terri - 2 frosties for me. 1 better quality than the other. :) yaaaaay for progress with your meds and scratches. Awwww - a mini baby-girl Terri sounds good to me.
Hi girls! Just checking in. I had two "beautiful, high quality blasts" transferred today. These are the words my Dr. used lol. No grades, no letters, no numbers, just "beautiful" and "high quality". He said that I had another "high quality" blast and two "good quality" blasts that they are freezing. Then there are two more they want to observe for another day and determine their fate tomorrow (I guess they were a little behind). He said he was very pleased and even pleasantly surprised "given my age". Why do they have to throw that in there lol. I'm feeling pretty good, just relaxing on the couch. I'll catch up with everything I missed later when I'm not on my iPad (hard to type on this thing).

Yay!! Such great news!!
It's just a hunch for today, but of course, I'll be so happy with either/both. Hee hee.
Hi girls! Just checking in. I had two "beautiful, high quality blasts" transferred today. These are the words my Dr. used lol. No grades, no letters, no numbers, just "beautiful" and "high quality". He said that I had another "high quality" blast and two "good quality" blasts that they are freezing. Then there are two more they want to observe for another day and determine their fate tomorrow (I guess they were a little behind). He said he was very pleased and even pleasantly surprised "given my age". Why do they have to throw that in there lol. I'm feeling pretty good, just relaxing on the couch. I'll catch up with everything I missed later when I'm not on my iPad (hard to type on this thing).

So awesome Amy!!! I hope you are feeling good and resting!
Amy congrats!! So excited for you.

I can't wait to see all these bfp start appearing!

Erin- hope everything went great today!rest well

Terri- sorry the scratch hurt so much! My RE has never mentioned it, wondering if I should inquire...
Kfs- when are you thinking you will test?:)
BabyW and Amy, congrats on being PUPO, I'm so happy for you both!!

Girls, sorry I didnt check in yesterday... I had a heck of a rough day.

My hysteroscopy was horrendous, and I'll never forget it. Just an FYI (because beagle, I dont want you to worry), mine was not operative, it was diagnostic. For an operative hyst, they put you under anesthesia. For a diagnostic, they don't, because they're just going in to look. So I was awake. Apparently, its not bad for everyone, just some cramping. Not in my case. My RE got into my cervix, but the entrance from the cervix to my uterus was shut SO tightly, that she couldn't get the scope in. In all the times she's been in my uterus either dropping off sperm for my IUIs, or dropping off embryos for my IVFs, I've never had an issue... likely because my cervix was open as it should be during that time of my cycle. Considering I'm on LUPRON to suppress hormone production, my cervix had no reason to be anything but locked up. I can't even explain the pain... it was like someone had lit a fire on my insides and was throwing gasoline on it. She pulled the scope out to try a catheter just to see if that size would go in. It went in, so she tried a smaller scope closer to the size of a catheter, but still got resistance. She said we could reschedule when they could put me under anesthesia, but I knew this would delay my transfer by a couple weeks, so I said just get in there. I was shaking uncontrollably.

Afterward, she tells me she doesnt want me starting my patches for a few more days, so my FET is pushed out more. They scheduled my b/w for next Mon, so I should start my patches that night. But that whole experience just made me so emotional. I was ok until I left the clinic (still in pain). I got in my car fumbling around desperately for more Ibuprofen, and I just sat there and cried. I was a traumatized, sad, pathetic little mess. I cried almost the whole way home, thinking how tired I am of all of it. That is very unlike me... I'm usually a chipper and positive person, and I've just been rolling w/ the punches for quite some time. No matter how many times I've been poked, prodded, disappointed, devastated, etc, I always pick up the pieces pretty quick and move forward with faith and optimism in my heart. But yesterday's experience put me over the edge. I turned into a complete headcase for the rest of the day.

Anyway, sorry to unload on your girls like this... You're the only group of girls who would really understand. I'm feeling a lot better today, and getting back to my normal self.
Aww, Erin, I'm so sorry you had to go through that! That sounds so traumatizing and painful! Sometimes its good to let yourself cry. Especially when you're always strong, sometimes we just need that moment of vulnerability. I'm impressed that you powered through the procedure! I don't think I could've done that. I'm glad you're feeling better today, hopefully the pain is gone? Also hope your DH is taking good care of you. :hugs:

Congrats Amy! Sounds very promising!!
ERose-Oh no! That sounds so crazy and so painful. My two cramps sound like nothing compared to your test. So, in the end, did they find anything? I'm not sure what the hysteroscope does, or what they are looking for (too lazy to look it up), but what was the end result aside from pain and tears? Knowing you, there was probably nothing of note, which is a good thing. I'm just SO sorry it took all of that to find everything in place.

And remember, you're allowed to cry and get mad, and not be positive. Only a superhuman or robot would not be emotional about this, so it's ok. It happens to all of us. It's tiring and overwhelming and every now and again, you just have to let it all out and then regroup. You know we're here for you, and if I was near you, we'd be going to see Gone Girl, eating buttery popcorn and dots tonight!

jkb-My doc said only like 5% of the people need it, so I wouldn't worry about it just yet.

kfs1-What exciting things do you have planned for the weekend?

Hubs and I are going to our church's couples conference tomorrow morning and in the afternoon I have my monthly outing with my high school friends (meaning bestie), my coworker as a special guest and one other friend. We're staying in and having a cheap Italian dinner and I'm bringing caramel apples (not Italian). One of my friends is about to move to hickville NC, so we're pretending this is also his going away party. I hope once my other friend leaves we can have a dance party. HA!!HA!!

Sunday-no plans...not sure if my dad is leaving on Sunday or not. He went to PA yesterday so he ate, and I had cookies for dinner. Tonight, my brother is supposed to be hosting us for dinner, so I'm on break from cooking for the weekend. Yeah!
Thanks girls. Apparently I'm still emotional, because just reading your posts made me cry again. LOL What a disaster I am. Maybe its the relief of having my feelings validated, or just the kindness coming from people who get it, is so refreshing. Terri's mention of seeing a movie and eating junk food makes me REALLY wish we were local. It would be GREAT to hang out w/ girls dealing w/ the same crap, and be able to pick each other up in person w/ wine, movies, and junk food. I believe this Lupron is doing a number on me. Since I opted to do this hyst, I'm technically on the stuff longer than I was in my other cycles, and the longer you're on it, the worse it affects you. Hormone suppression SUCKS. I'm actually looking super forward to starting my E and halfing my Lupron.

Oh yes, the results... almost forgot, haha. No polyps. She did say I had some sort of slight curve at the top, but probably harmless. There's something called a septum that is fibrous and doesnt get enough blood flow, so it can cause m/c, but she said a septum isn't just a curve, its much more pronounced and shaped different. The only way to be 100% certain though, would be to have the hyst again under anesthesia and cut into the tissue of the curved area to make sure it's not fibrous. She said it was up to me. So I asked what her opinion was, and she said in her honest professional opinion, it's probably NOT fibrous, probably completely harmless. So I'm gonna skip it. I hope I'm making the right choice!
Erin - glad you got good results - sucks you had to go through that pain. So what is your new transfer date? Feel better soon - but don't feel bad about feeling down now!

So I have come to a dreadful resolution - no more marinara sauce for me this pregnancy :nope: Everytime I have eaten pasta so far(and I only like tomato based sauces) I get very bloated, gassy, heartburny and uncomfortable and it keeps me up most of the night. This is going to be rough because my favorite lunch dish is the day the local café does make your own pasta (every Thursday). Not to mention the rest of the times I eat it for dinner. Hopefully it gets better after I have the baby!!
Erin - Man, that sounds like it was an awful experience. You poor thing. Man, you are a TROOPER for having gone through with it. And I'm sure you're making the right decision about moving forward. I don't think your doctor would steer you in the wrong direction.

Terri - Sounds like a fun weekend. I literally have NOTHING planned and I'm afraid I will go crazy just sitting around. Thinking of doing some shopping on Saturday but we shall see.

Moni - So sorry for the heartburn. Hope you can find another yummy food to take the place of marinara-covered eats.

Hi everyone else!
Erin - I'm so, so sorry your hysterocopy was so painful! :hugs: I think it's completely normal for you to have had your mini meltdown- If anything, you probably needed it! Sometimes you just have to cry it out. I'm sure the evil Lupron is finally catching up to you too. All things converging at once is just cruel. But I'm glad you got it out and are moving forward.

I'm sitting in the ladies lounge in Nordstrom's killing time before my mock this afternoon. Left a little too early this morning but I wasn't sure how the roads would be with snow predicted. Typing on my iPhone sucks! I'll check in formally tomorrow!
Erin so sorry about all that pain. My dr told me about something to open the cervix. Not sure if he was doing it during my mock or ifit was referenced for the hysto. So I am pretty useless. I think I am anxious about mine. Mainly because I hate hospitals & the thought of beig in one ALL DAY LONG just sucks. I hope I do not feel too bad after because even today I am having cramps after my mock & lots of brown gross clotty stuff coming out. No spotting this whole time on bcp until now. But I feel a little nausous...I think it is nerves & stress more than anything.

So one of the other assistants quit. Not replacing now her workload is on the remaining. But really just 2 of us because we are the ones who do our jobs. So unfair, but that is how things go. I also had a meltdown with my manager who I assume in turn told my bankers to step up & stop stressing me now everyone is like I don't want to stress you out & treating me like a baby. I don't need to be tip toed around, I need you to do your job! Ugh.

So just filled my remaining prescriptions for my steriods & pain meds & all that. Just so ready to move forward.
Oh & Moni my worst fear about pregnancy (after knowing baby is healthy of course) is finding I cannot eat one of my favorite things & that carrying over to after I am pregnant.
Thanks girls. Apparently I'm still emotional, because just reading your posts made me cry again. LOL What a disaster I am. Maybe its the relief of having my feelings validated, or just the kindness coming from people who get it, is so refreshing. Terri's mention of seeing a movie and eating junk food makes me REALLY wish we were local. It would be GREAT to hang out w/ girls dealing w/ the same crap, and be able to pick each other up in person w/ wine, movies, and junk food. I believe this Lupron is doing a number on me. Since I opted to do this hyst, I'm technically on the stuff longer than I was in my other cycles, and the longer you're on it, the worse it affects you. Hormone suppression SUCKS. I'm actually looking super forward to starting my E and halfing my Lupron.

Oh yes, the results... almost forgot, haha. No polyps. She did say I had some sort of slight curve at the top, but probably harmless. There's something called a septum that is fibrous and doesnt get enough blood flow, so it can cause m/c, but she said a septum isn't just a curve, its much more pronounced and shaped different. The only way to be 100% certain though, would be to have the hyst again under anesthesia and cut into the tissue of the curved area to make sure it's not fibrous. She said it was up to me. So I asked what her opinion was, and she said in her honest professional opinion, it's probably NOT fibrous, probably completely harmless. So I'm gonna skip it. I hope I'm making the right choice!

I am so sorry it was such a bad experience. I hated mine too. It feels like a massive labor contraction. I can only imagine how you felt. You have been so strong and such a great cheerleader for all of us, but you need to vent too. It's like why can't one damn thing to right. You try and stay positive and encouraged but there are obstacles at every turn. How you get back up is how true character is defined, and girl you are someone to look up to and admire. It's not healthy to hold the feelings of frustration and disappointment in. We are all here for you as you have been for us. Vent, cry, go take a kick box class, whatever you need to get through this.

How is everyone doing?

Afm nothing to report. I have to go for blood on Mon and Wed for luteal phase bw. They don't call with results. Still not report if they had any embies to freeze.
knitgirl I'm sorry but friends suck, it's useless talking to them, they really don't understand at all. I've stopped, I just say everything is ok and chat to you all, you're very lucky if you have one person that understands. I understand they don't get it but I for one am tired of being hurt by the people closest to me.

Amy1976 Congratulations! Here's to two sticky wishes!!!!

Terripeachy I agree with you 100%, we'll all be pregnant soon!

ERosePW The hysteroscopy sounds awful, but I agree with Terripeachy and the rest, you're allowed to cry, scream, feel sad whenever you want. What we go through is really crappy, what we put our bodies through is insane so we are allowed our mini-breakdowns whenever we want :)

AFM - My egg retrieval went well today, I've been in loads of pain today so I've just been chilling on the couch, eating custard, biltong and nuts. Hubs has been amazing, his sample thing went well but when I asked him about it (want to know if it's the same as in the movies), he got all shy, seriously he has way too many feelings for a guy. Never been put under before, I found it very weird, I remember my doctor lifting up my one leg to put it in the stirrups (is that the right word for it) and then they were waking me up. Only problem my blood pressure wouldn't normalise, stayed low so they kept me longer than required, plus I didn't listen to the GO STRAIGHT HOME comment, instead we went to the shops to get snacks and I almost fainted in the shop.

I'm a bit worried, they only got 6 embies and only 4 were good quality, I called the lab today but my doctor will call tomorrow and he'll let me know more, really hoping they all fertilise and mature, fingers crossed!

BTW I started my progesterone tablets today and what I thought was a suppositry, turns out it's one of those horrible things that you put in your vijayjay, only problem is I have hayfever so every time I put it in, I sneeze and it shoots back out. Also, how far do you put it in, as far as you can reach? Hubs says he can tell when I've just inserted it as my face is all scrunchy and I walk like a duck, really? making fun of me while I'm in pain and uncomfortable? sooo not the best idea, told him to take his stupid comments and shove it up his arse lol *evil wife*
Erin I just you remember a LONG time back when we were talking about me having 3 eggs during IUI & what I would do if all fertilized & split & we sort of had an auction type thing going on on the thread? So basically 5 women could have one of my babies. Well we did a vlog about all the baby crap we bought being a stroller. And my husband said with our luck, we would have twins. And I said uh, no...we are only having one baby & if that egg splits I know a lot of women on my women who I can give a baby to. I don't know why that popped in my head. I think because of all this talk abotu why can't it be easy. If I felt like I could emotionally & physically handle it, I would totally go octomom & start handing out babies on this thread! it should be so in Dumbo when the storks come. I feel like when we finally have a baby, we totally can be those moms that say to ungrateful you know how hard & expensive it was for us to bring you in to this world!
knitgirl I'm sorry but friends suck, it's useless talking to them, they really don't understand at all. I've stopped, I just say everything is ok and chat to you all, you're very lucky if you have one person that understands. I understand they don't get it but I for one am tired of being hurt by the people closest to me.

Amy1976 Congratulations! Here's to two sticky wishes!!!!

Terripeachy I agree with you 100%, we'll all be pregnant soon!

ERosePW The hysteroscopy sounds awful, but I agree with Terripeachy and the rest, you're allowed to cry, scream, feel sad whenever you want. What we go through is really crappy, what we put our bodies through is insane so we are allowed our mini-breakdowns whenever we want :)

AFM - My egg retrieval went well today, I've been in loads of pain today so I've just been chilling on the couch, eating custard, biltong and nuts. Hubs has been amazing, his sample thing went well but when I asked him about it (want to know if it's the same as in the movies), he got all shy, seriously he has way too many feelings for a guy. Never been put under before, I found it very weird, I remember my doctor lifting up my one leg to put it in the stirrups (is that the right word for it) and then they were waking me up. Only problem my blood pressure wouldn't normalise, stayed low so they kept me longer than required, plus I didn't listen to the GO STRAIGHT HOME comment, instead we went to the shops to get snacks and I almost fainted in the shop.

I'm a bit worried, they only got 6 embies and only 4 were good quality, I called the lab today but my doctor will call tomorrow and he'll let me know more, really hoping they all fertilise and mature, fingers crossed!

BTW I started my progesterone tablets today and what I thought was a suppositry, turns out it's one of those horrible things that you put in your vijayjay, only problem is I have hayfever so every time I put it in, I sneeze and it shoots back out. Also, how far do you put it in, as far as you can reach? Hubs says he can tell when I've just inserted it as my face is all scrunchy and I walk like a duck, really? making fun of me while I'm in pain and uncomfortable? sooo not the best idea, told him to take his stupid comments and shove it up his arse lol *evil wife*

All you need is one lady. My sister in laws sister had 1 egg and she's 16 weeks prego. Stay positive. Make sure you hydrate and get the anesthesia out of your system. You will feel better soon.

I heard from the Dr and I only have 1 6 day blast that they froze. Cornell is super strict with their guidelines for what they freeze. I guess the other 1-2 didn't look as good. I'm feeling slight dull cramps probably from the progesterone and I'm a Popsicle. My Mom and the baby are super warm and my hands are as if I'm a corpse. I turned up heat and just can't get warm. Heading out for a much needed date with dh. It's been a while since just be and I went out to dinner.

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