First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Good morning ladies,

Babywhispher - Congrats on being PUPO!!!!

I really don't have any updates today I am 11days past trigger and 4dp5dt. I keep testing hoping the trigger is out but it seems like it is still lingering. I attache pics yesterday. I can post todays test if you ladies like. I had a headache today, litte cramping last night, fever blister and face breaking out today, I am eating pineapple core, and beta is on the 21st (next Friday). Other than that how is everyone?
LadySosa, I didnt have you on the front page somehow! Not sure how I managed that, but I hope I haven't missed anyone else. I just now put you down for fresh transfer late January. Does that sound about right?

Yes, I think that's correct! Thanks Erin!
I'm estimated for transfer January 8th give or take a day. I have to start PIO shots prior to transfer as well as estrogen pills and patches. I go next week just for labs. I feel like mine is forever away. My office closes the whole week of Christmas.

jkb: I hear you! Sounds like you are playing the waiting game like me! My transfer is tentatively set for Jan 20. Hang in there, like the girls say, I'm sure it will be here before we know it!!:flower:
Erin thinking of you today! I hope it all goes smoothly. Can't wait to hear your update.

Kfs how you feeling lady?

Terri I need to not read your msgs when I'm hungry. Dr Chung thinks the 2 days post transfer are the most crucial and anything that could cause contraction would hinder implantation. I'm scared bc last night at 2am I got up and got very sick for an hour. It must be a stomach bug bc dh is running to the bathroom at work with the same thing. I hope this doesn't cause an issue or interrupt what needs to be happening in there! I love Shepherd's Pie too! Yummy comfort food.

Booger you are great in a crisis it sounds! Sorry about the 5k, it's disappointing but out of your control. It would be dangerous to run on ice. Maybe you can reschedule?

Leens yeah for the trigger! I felt relief from the bloating when I triggered, hopefully you do too!

Brighteyez, are you feeling ladies?

Hi Moni, Ladysosa, Jkb, Sammy!

Amy thinking of you!!

Here's to hoping for the best holiday season full of bfps!!!

I put the holiday music channel on TV on and read a book to Jack. I've decided to work from home. I was exhausted after my stomach issue, and really let's be honest, my office is toxic right now and the stress can't be good for me. My entire family is happy I decided to stay home instead of taking 3 trains to work, 3 trains home, running up all those stairs on the first very cold day here. I feel guilty but dh reminded me that's my work ethic but health comes first. I'm going to acupuncture later and hope that helps me relax. I feel more nervous now waiting in limbo.
Babywhisperer - You poor thing! I hope you're feeling better. You made the right move staying home for sure. I only came in because I simply drive in and can just chill at my desk. Very little movement. There is no way I could go in if I had to take all of those trains and everything. Rest up today!

I'm feeling fine. Completely normal, aside from the bloat that's been with me for weeks. Trying to keep positive thoughts in my head.
Babywhisperer - I am doing ok just waiting for this tww to be over. I try to stay busy with school and work.

How are you feeling?
Hello hsband started googling last night. I think he is really worried...he also saw the word cancer. I don't think he likes the idea of me being out of commission. Not in a bad way...he i just not used to be showing such vulneraility like with a surgery. I am never sick. but he willtake good care of me & spoil me. He als talkd to his boss about his schedule. So now jut waiting...waiting game again. Hope it is fast. I am still a litte tendr in my stomach today.
BabyW - oh no! That sounds like no fun. :( Hope your stomach feels better soon! Good thing that you can stay home and stay warm. Congrats on being PUPO!

Kfs - what is the prednisone for? I had to take that when I was sick as a teenager, it is a terrible drug. Made me gain weight, grow facial hair, get a 'moon face' -ugh. Congrats on being PUPO! Does 'beta' mean the day that you find out if the pregnancy 'stuck'? All these new terms I am learning! =)

Booger - OMG! That must have been crazy!! I can't imagine! I think if I were in that situation I would probably panic and run around like a chicken with my head cut off. This summer DH and I went to Napa and experienced the earthquake - super super scary - we both panicked in the dark hotel room and just ran around in circles looking for our pants. Not exactly crisis-savvy.

Terri - Nom nom nom, I love Shephards Pie! Thanks for clarifying what a mock transfer is. I'll have to ask my doc if I need to go through that.

Jen - congrats on getting maternity pants! I'm sure that is an exciting moment! MMmm, those pants sound delightfully comfortable.

Hi to everyone else! Almost to Friday!

Afm, feeling crampy today and my boobs are sore, that means AF is on the horizon. My hubby loves it when I get AF because my boobs get huge! LOL. Then when my period is over they deflate like empty balloons. He's like, "where'd they go??" Haha.

And thanks everyone for the encouragement through the loo-oong wait. I guess the silver lining is that I can enjoy the holidays, and like y'all have said - eat, drink and celebrate without having to stress too much! The new year will bring new hope for the future.
Haha Terri! This is exactly why I went to nursing school! So I could have just saved his life without running anywhere! DH is hunting this week so I have started to walk in the evenings. Someday I might get up to a light jog! I get my blood drawn today to see what my levels are for me to have to be on blood thinners still. I explained to my OB that I'm thinking there's plenty of blood flow to my uterus because my baby still has a heartbeat and I'm still sicker than ever until I take my pills. I'm just really hoping my blood is too thin on this heparin and she says I can stop. Probably not gonna happen though. 2 shots a day until 20 weeks is a small price to pay I guess. My stomach just never has a chance to heal up! Not too mention heparin burns and itches. I'm such a complainer.
So my girlfriend is having her D&C today. I spoke to her yesterday and she is at the stage of "what happened was what was supposed to happen". She said when they measured baby at 11 1/2 weeks (when they discovered no HB) it was measuring at 10 1/2 weeks so they think she passed away the week prior. Ashley said that makes sense because her nausea just stopped at one point and she didn't even need her zofran anymore. So, embrace your nausea!!! I think that's why I wait to feel crappy before I take my pill. So I can make sure it's still there!
Hello hsband started googling last night. I think he is really worried...he also saw the word cancer. I don't think he likes the idea of me being out of commission. Not in a bad way...he i just not used to be showing such vulneraility like with a surgery. I am never sick. but he willtake good care of me & spoil me. He als talkd to his boss about his schedule. So now jut waiting...waiting game again. Hope it is fast. I am still a litte tendr in my stomach today.

Don't think for a moment it's the big C, bc it's not. My Dr said less than 2% of polyps he's seen end up being suspicious, and of that 2% an even smaller amount is cancer. Tell dh to stay off Google and Webmd. This is a delay but nothing more, don't read into it. Try and look at the positive, finding it and removing it will increase your chances of a bfp. I only needed the day of the procedure off, the next day was back to feeling fine. And btw, not the worst thing for dh to see you are a mere mortal just like him, it's good for them to feel they need to step up and in doing so it is good practice for what is to come with pregnancy, delivery, and a new baby. After having a baby you will not be on a pogo stick whipping up meals like Terri is doing every night, dh will have to do a lot. It's better they get used to it now in small doses. I remember the first 4 weeks after having my son, I was used to sleepless nights being prego, but it was a huge adjustment for dh. He was used to me doing all the cleaning, cooking, food shopping...even now when I had the retrieval and was super sore he was like "I'm doing everything myself", I just laughed and explained that's a typical weekend day for me while he works. He's never been alone from breakfast-dinner with Jack. He has had to learn by doing since he's the oldest brother and the first to have a baby. All will be fine, trust that. I know you were set on a certain timeline, but this delay is going to help you in the long run. Be sure to keep Saltines and gingerale around for when you come home from the procedure. I get sick from anesthesia and pain meds and relied on them for a few hours.

Dh did a great job at trial, all but 2 counts were dismissed which is huge. He's out tonight at a work function, he calls these events the rubber chicken circuit. I am feeling better, just trying to stay busy!
Yes I know all that is true. I am not concerned...but I never really had any procedures before & hat hospitals. My husband des A LOT at home. So I don't think it will be a huge adjustment for him. But I am usually the strong one & the worrier. He def read all the most likely not cancer bits too. He is just concerned. He has never had to do this before. I am not too stressed on my timeline. Jst wishing to be pregnant already.
Haha Terri! This is exactly why I went to nursing school! So I could have just saved his life without running anywhere! DH is hunting this week so I have started to walk in the evenings. Someday I might get up to a light jog! I get my blood drawn today to see what my levels are for me to have to be on blood thinners still. I explained to my OB that I'm thinking there's plenty of blood flow to my uterus because my baby still has a heartbeat and I'm still sicker than ever until I take my pills. I'm just really hoping my blood is too thin on this heparin and she says I can stop. Probably not gonna happen though. 2 shots a day until 20 weeks is a small price to pay I guess. My stomach just never has a chance to heal up! Not too mention heparin burns and itches. I'm such a complainer.
So my girlfriend is having her D&C today. I spoke to her yesterday and she is at the stage of "what happened was what was supposed to happen". She said when they measured baby at 11 1/2 weeks (when they discovered no HB) it was measuring at 10 1/2 weeks so they think she passed away the week prior. Ashley said that makes sense because her nausea just stopped at one point and she didn't even need her zofran anymore. So, embrace your nausea!!! I think that's why I wait to feel crappy before I take my pill. So I can make sure it's still there!

Still gutted for your friend, but relieved to hear she is coming to terms with what happened. It's a terrible experience for anyone to have to endure. I agree with you about the symptoms, it used to freak me out when they would come and go. I don't know how I got through my 1st tri. I hope you can stop the shots soon and that the nausea subsides into your 2nd tri.
Yes I know all that is true. I am not concerned...but I never really had any procedures before & hat hospitals. My husband des A LOT at home. So I don't think it will be a huge adjustment for him. But I am usually the strong one & the worrier. He def read all the most likely not cancer bits too. He is just concerned. He has never had to do this before. I am not too stressed on my timeline. Jst wishing to be pregnant already.

Can your dh tell mine how much he does lol! Hospitals are not my fav for sure, but you'll be in and out fast. It will acclimate him to see you in that state. The whole labor and delivery thing to quote a very good friend can be "tribal". It's never as bad as you fear though, but it helped dh to get used to seeing me in pain knowing there was nothing he really could do but be there for me and be supportive. If you told me 3yrs ago he'd be giving me pio injections I would have laughed you off the planet. I'm trying to stay off Google during my 2ww, I don't want to get worked up. I know it's hard, but I will drive myself crazy. Poor dh thinks my upset stomach is a good sign! I'm like, way too early buddy. Imagine we knew less than 24hrs after transfer!!! This whole process is so fraught with anticipation, worry, stress, hope, you name it. I just know I don't handle disappointment well so I am trying not to get ahead of myself. In the meantime....How is everyone doing? Any fun plans for the weekend?
Sammy – Welcome! I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby. This is a wonderful, supportive group of women and we are here for you through this process.

Kfs – Yahoooooooo for transfer!!!

Leens – congrats on your trigger – no more shots is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?

Babywhisperer – Yahoooooooo for transfer!!!

Jen – I’m so sorry to hear about your friend’s baby – so devastating. I was 11 weeks when I miscarried, and they think the baby stopped developing around 8 weeks. I remember that my nausea stopped around that time too.

Brighteyez – I don’t think I can see the picture that well.
Amy – Yahooooooo for transfer!!!

Beagle – they found a polyp in my uterus too – I had the hysteroscopy to remove it and the worst part was cramping when they squirted water into my uterus. But they numb you for the procedure, and I was given Valium to relax me. Sorry you have to have that delay.

Terri – I’m so sorry the scrape was so painful! Just hearing the words scrape and uterus together makes me cringe!

Erin – I hope it all went well today and wasn’t too painful.

Booger – I keep having the same problem with keeping caught up. I’m glad I have a Google buddy in you, although I’m trying not to do it too much. That’s so scary about your coworker!!

Hello everyone and sorry if I missed any of you – there is soooooo much activity on here!

Afm, it is exciting to be PUPO, but also really hard. I am getting prego symptoms from the Crinone – bigger/sore boobs, tired, etc. and I soooooo want it to mean a BFP. I read online about people testing at 5 and 6 days post 5d transfer, so I tested last night and this morning, which I know is silly since I am only 4d post 5d today. Of course it was BFN. My DH doesn’t want to test until the beta which is 12/19 and said that if I do I can’t tell him the results. We are both worried about a false BFP. I am trying not to make myself crazy with this TWW, but it’s hard. I have a really good feeling about this, but am trying to stay grounded. The blast was a XBAB and the RE and nurses all seemed really pleased with it. I love the pic of it and keep looking at it. If I can figure out how to attach it, I will. I’ve also been having very specific cravings and am somewhat moody – I’m assuming this is also the Crinone.

I’m feeling really disappointed in a couple of my good friends who just don’t seem to be very interested in this process for me – meaning they know I’m going through it but haven’t asked about it or checked in. They don’t live near me, so we don’t see each other often but we usually communicate frequently – it just really bums me out. I’m at a place though where I’m just not going to worry about it, and am grateful for the people who are supportive of us and curious about this process for me and DH.

I’m looking forward to reading more updates! Love to you all!!
booger oh my word what drama at your office, it just shows you, things can happen so quickly!

beaglemom wouldn't it be awesome to get a bfp christmas time - BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!!!

terripeachy Aaw shame man, it even sounds painful, I would never cope, I had an HSG in June and after I fainted and vomited lol

babywhisperer I had to laugh at your "find your home and get cozy", I'm definitely going to use it.

brighteyez baby dust to ya! Wish I had more thumbs

AFM - My trigger went well :) Hubs is back home and tired and the mosquitos are really starting to work on my last nerve, it's getting hot so they are very active, everyday I get like 4 or 5 more bites, useless cats they chase flies, why can't they chase mosquitos?

Really nervous for my egg retrieval tomorrow, we leave the house at 5 to 6, we have to be at the hosptial between 6 and 6:30, the lady called today to ask a bunch of questions which made it so real. As I said, I've never been in hospital before so it makes me just that much more anxious.

On a lighter note, hubs is nervous about "doing his stuff" at the lab tomorrow, for my IUI's he did it at home and drove it to the lab, but I was like, seriously??? If the only thing that I had to worry about was that, seriously? That is yummy yummy, I would do that every hour on the hour if I had the time, I'm having needles poked into my vijayjay!!! Oh my word, my husband is a complete drama queen.
Leens-I would ask if he can bring in his sample. My husband was able to do that, and it was fine. Help a brother out! Tomorrow will be just fine. Seriously.

knitgirl-My girlfriend apparently had 9 IUIs and many IVFs, and when I was a swinging single, I listened to her, but none of it even phased me. I didn't know about TWW, I didn't know what any of it even meant. Now that I'm going through it, I'm like CAPITAL NINE IUIS?!!!??? and HOW MANY IVFS??? hee hee. Your friends probably just don't realize all the stuff that you're going through, so I say cut them some slack. Oh, and 9DPO is still super early for testing. Don't get upset now.

BabyW-glad you are enjoying your time off.

beaglemom-Yeah, hubs needs to step away from the computer. It'll be fine.

ERose-Check in when you can, chica.
I am under the impression they will put me to sleep for the hysteroscopy.
LOL, Leens!! You crack me up!! I read your posts in my head in a SA accent. Teehee. You'll be great tomorrow! Hospitals are a little scary, but not so bad to have so many people catering to you and (hopefully) trying to make you comfortable! If all else fails, hopefully they give you meds to appease your anxiety. =) Good luck!

And knitgirl, I understand that would be a little sad, frustrating that your friends aren't asking after you. At the risk of defending your friends, I think some people don't know what to say, and maybe they think you'd prefer to not talk about it, so they don't ask. I am so bad with friends when they are going through a rough patch in life. I am terrified of saying or doing the wrong thing, so a lot of times, I don't say or do anything. I always kick myself later, because I feel like they're willing me to say something about it, but I just get so uncomfortable that I freeze up. Hard to explain. I agree with Teri though, you might want to cut them some slack. They also probably don't understand what all is involved and how extensive the process is. In any case, you got us chica!! Hang in there!
I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for our men having to do their business in a little room in a little plastic cup. I just had a man working on my uterus & vagina for like 20 min with a nurse standing watch. And that was probably my 7th u/s. Besides pregnancy & delivery. I appreciate what he has to do, but def not getting sympathy & god forbid he whine to me about it.
Hi girls! Just checking in. I had two "beautiful, high quality blasts" transferred today. These are the words my Dr. used lol. No grades, no letters, no numbers, just "beautiful" and "high quality". He said that I had another "high quality" blast and two "good quality" blasts that they are freezing. Then there are two more they want to observe for another day and determine their fate tomorrow (I guess they were a little behind). He said he was very pleased and even pleasantly surprised "given my age". Why do they have to throw that in there lol. I'm feeling pretty good, just relaxing on the couch. I'll catch up with everything I missed later when I'm not on my iPad (hard to type on this thing).

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