First time IVF - Started Lupron last Thurs - Would Love some Buddies

Hi ladies!

Brighteyez! Oh, wow! Twins! Congratulations. I know you said you hoped it was twins and it looks like you got your wish.

Amy - How is Mya doing? Did they ever figure out what was going on with her? Based on what you were describing, I wonder if it was either Addison's disease or Cushing's disease? Our old dog had Addison's and if that's the case, try not to stress too much about it - we controlled it very well. He was diagnosed when he was 4 years old and live to almost 14 years old - and he was a St. Bernard mix so that's pretty old for a big guy. I can try to answer any questions you have if it ends up being Addison's.

Beagle - Luckily, my nieces and nephews are all old enough now that they won't mind cash or a gift card. And I know everyone completely understands - it's nice to have so many gift card options nowadays. As far as getting pregnant again, I plan to wait until after Piper's first birthday to transfer again. In fact, when I go in for my 6 week checkup with my OB/GYN, I plan on asking for an IUD. I don't want to accidentally get pregnant and I also don't want to have to worry about remembering to take a birth control pills everyday. Seems crazy, I know, but that's our plan.

How is everyone else doing? I hope you're all doing well.

As for us here in MT, I have a cold. Yuck. First one in about a year so I really can't complain. I think we are safely past the point where I have to worry about Piper getting it, thankfully. It just sucks to be all congested. Oh well.

And I am never taking my baby out in public again :haha: My Mom and I went to the grocery store for the first time on Sunday. Piper got all pissed off in her carseat and was throwing a fit in the produce section. This weirdo lady runs over and was like "I knew I heard a newborn crying. Is she hungry?" Then she proceeds to try and stick her finger in Piper's mouth. I yelled at her to get her hands off my baby! Seriously, who does that? I got Piper out of the carseat and she calmed down pretty quick. Then I put her back in there and put the carseat cover over her for the rest of the time we were in the store. Ugh. Gross. Plus, it just stressed me out. I mean, I know I can't keep germs away from her forever and I don't want to be one of those crazy, helicopter parents but I don't know what possessed the lady to think it's ok to stick her finger in some other persons newborns mouth. :devil:
Hi ladies!

Long time, no speak but I've been following along.

Amy - I hope all is OK with your puppy.

Krissy - Yaaaay. Congrats on another little girl! :) Love the pics of that cake and your LO. She's too adorable. Oh, and my RE never mentioned any risks about stillbirth. Sometimes I wonder what these doctors are thinking when they say things like that.

Lady - And yaaaaay to you, to! Congratulations! You must be SOO excited. :)

Brighteyez - Congratulations!!!

Sars/Beagle - I can't believe that you're both having your post-partum visits already. Time really does fly!!

Booger - I, too, had thought about getting an IUD. As you said, I know it seems crazy after everything we've all been through but I'm definitely a worrier and am not yet ready for another child. But in the end, I might just keep track of my cycles and just try to be safe - only because I don't feel like dealing with another procedure right now. :) I would prefer it if they were 3 years apart but again, I would be happy even if I only have Addie. Ummm - and I can't believe that crazy lady in the store! What the hell are people thinking? You should have put your finger in HER mouth and said "Do you think that's acceptable?"

Terri - Hey there lady. Miss you.

Not much to report here. Addie just turned 4 months old (what!!!) and has her first cold, the poor thing. Adjusting to life as a working mom - it's tough to be organized but working from home a few days definitely helps. Things have been great though - can't complain. We're loving this little girl! :)
Booger - Those were the results I was waiting for the other day and they came back negative. Now she's sending me to get a GFR test done? I guess it's the only test that can definitively diagnose kidney failure if all the normal diagnostic tests are contradicting themselves. She actually said she doesn't think it's her kidney but has to definitively rule it out before moving on. She said the only thing left is her brain. Like something is blocking her receptors that tell her when she's thirsty so she's not drinking enough water. Like a tumor I guess? Then she said, she's not acting like a dog with brain function abnormalities though, so I don't know. She contradicts herself with what she says LOL.

That is crazy about the lady in the grocery store. I can't believe a stranger should attempt to stick her finger in your baby's mouth. What did she say when you yelled at her? I hope she felt like an ass.
Amy - hope you get an answer soon on your pup. I know it sucks especially when you don't know what's going on.

booger - I have only had one bad experience when a lady reached in & touched Derek's face. I was too stunned to really say anything. People are so weird. I would never do that...never touch another person's child especially a stranger. Glad you lashed out at her.

I have some cold symptoms as well...lots of coughing...sore throat...& congestion. Hoping I don't get Derek sick. I try to use sanitizer & cough away from him. I don't know if I updated you guys but he weighed 12 lbs 5 oz at his month check up. He is pretty much too big for his 0-3 clothes. I am going to try to go through them today & organize my next size of clothes. I am so glad I stocked up on all sizes...I would hate to have to be out there buying clothes right now. I would probably just order them online. I am all about the online stuff these days. It can be so hard to go out alone. I have to make sure he is changed & fed & I am all set. Sometimes by the time I am ready he wants to eat again. He eats so much. My dr didn't say anything bad about his weight. He is so chubby. A little round belly, cheeks, & rolls on his limbs. But I think he will grow in to all that. I also put down my deposit on day care. So crazy to think if I did vaginal I would already be back at work if I couldn't afford to stay out the 3 months. He is just starting to realize the world & it is so fun. He sticks out his tongue & for the most past knows he is doing it. We stick ours out & you can see him trying to remember how to stick his out. I try to smile close to his face & working on seeing if he will open his mouth when I do. He also clicks his tongue but I don't know if he knows he is doing it. The first month was nice but I am really loving the new phase & look forward to more advances. Oh & he has been cranky a lot (mainly always hungry)...not too bad...but he is also hard to put down to bed. We basically have to let him fall asleep in his swing. Well last night was the same. My husband got him in bed around 10. He usually wakes up every 2 hours like clockwork...feed & change. I woke up at 2 am & he was still asleep!!! But of course I couldn't fall back asleep. I watched some tv & ended up waking him at 4:30 because my breasts were full & painful. Also I didn't want to fall asleep & then he wake me up & I be groggy. So basically I have no doubt he would have slept until at least 5:30 when my husband gets up. We will see if he keeps up the longer stretches.
Congrats on the baby girl lady!!!

Brighteyez how amazing twins!!! So excited for you!!!

Amy sorry to hear about the pup. I absolutely love dogs but am never would be chaos with 2 kids under 2 and a dog. maybe one day. I am so sorry yopu have to deal with the stress of living near a terrorist attack. I work for a firm that was devastated by 9/11 so the fear is always close to the surface. it's a terrible thing to live in fear and to see how people have no regard for human life. I pray that devastation stops.
Hello how is everyone? Ok ladies heres a surprise 🎁. I have been bleeding since from yesterday due ti a Sub-chronic hemorrhage. Which prompted a visit to the office 🏢 and guess what they say?
Sorry ladies that it didn't attach. Here it is.


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TRIPLETS??? Holy moly!!! How are you feeling about that?

Amy - 4 more days!! Counting down for you lady. I hope your pup gets better fast and its nothing serious.

We had our family Christmas party last night. Hosted 15 people - my aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, sister, etc. plus 2 more doggies and 2 kids. It was a fun time as usual, but A LOT of work! Our (DH and me) feet and backs were aching by the time everyone left. Clean up wasn't too bad, except that our power went out from a wind storm right after everyone left. So we cleaned by candlelight! :) I'm glad that is over though, one less thing to stress about. Now we just have a few more nephews to Christmas shop for, then we fly to Guatemala on Saturday. I'm excited! Meanwhile this weekend I'm 18 weeks along and my bump is starting to show. I felt something weird last week, which I THINK was my baby girl kicking! It was this funny flutter feeling. But I haven't felt anything since. I'm excited to feel her in their.

Ok, I wanted to run something by you guys, since I'm not a parent (yet). So my cousin is really weird, and his wife is equally as weird - like just don't know any social graces and always say/do things that make you scratch your head. Last night before they left she said, "Oh, I need to change Kimmy before we go!" So she plops the baby down in the middle of our living room on our couch, and starts changing her diaper right there on our couch! With no mat! I was HORRIFIED! Granted, it was just pee, but still! I almost said something like, "can you do that in the bathroom?" But I just bit my tongue. Then they ask for a plastic bag and tied it up and then handed it to me, and said, "can you throw this away?" Again, I was horrified. So I asked if he could take it outside to the garbage can (I claimed it was because the inside one was full). Am I being reasonable in being horrified? Or is that fairly normal? I don't want to be all judgy, but I want to have an idea of baby etiquette in a social setting! What do you mamas think??
TRIPLETS??? Holy moly!!! How are you feeling about that?

Amy - 4 more days!! Counting down for you lady. I hope your pup gets better fast and its nothing serious.

We had our family Christmas party last night. Hosted 15 people - my aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, sister, etc. plus 2 more doggies and 2 kids. It was a fun time as usual, but A LOT of work! Our (DH and me) feet and backs were aching by the time everyone left. Clean up wasn't too bad, except that our power went out from a wind storm right after everyone left. So we cleaned by candlelight! :) I'm glad that is over though, one less thing to stress about. Now we just have a few more nephews to Christmas shop for, then we fly to Guatemala on Saturday. I'm excited! Meanwhile this weekend I'm 18 weeks along and my bump is starting to show. I felt something weird last week, which I THINK was my baby girl kicking! It was this funny flutter feeling. But I haven't felt anything since. I'm excited to feel her in their.

Ok, I wanted to run something by you guys, since I'm not a parent (yet). So my cousin is really weird, and his wife is equally as weird - like just don't know any social graces and always say/do things that make you scratch your head. Last night before they left she said, "Oh, I need to change Kimmy before we go!" So she plops the baby down in the middle of our living room on our couch, and starts changing her diaper right there on our couch! With no mat! I was HORRIFIED! Granted, it was just pee, but still! I almost said something like, "can you do that in the bathroom?" But I just bit my tongue. Then they ask for a plastic bag and tied it up and then handed it to me, and said, "can you throw this away?" Again, I was horrified. So I asked if he could take it outside to the garbage can (I claimed it was because the inside one was full). Am I being reasonable in being horrified? Or is that fairly normal? I don't want to be all judgy, but I want to have an idea of baby etiquette in a social setting! What do you mamas think??

Hello Lady and thank you, I am very shock and excited at the same time.
Congrats brighteyez!

Lady-As a non-parent and civilized human, your cousins are nasty, and I would've said something. First, don't change your baby on my couch, and NO, I'm not throwing away your baby's disgusting diaper.

:wave: to everyone else!
Brighteyez congrats. That is wild!

Lady I was just at a friends yesterday. First change was pee and my husband used the mat and changed on the floor. The next was poo and I told him to do it in the bathroom. We carry small bags similar to dog poop bags made for diapers. We used that but I asked my friend if it was okay to throw in her trash or if we should take it with us. Hope that helps. And also just because only pee doesn't mean they won't pee or poop in the middle of a change.
Brighteyez holy smokes girl! Congrats you are 3x blessed!

Lady that is weird. We change the kids in our house on a mat no matter what. In other people's homes I go to an unoccupied room or bathroom always. I've never seen that before.

How are all you ladies doing?

I have a scary/funny story to share. We had the kids Christmas party at our club yesterday afternoon. I put the baby in the car to leave and put the diaper bag on the floor below her seat. I shut the door and the door locked with my keys inside. My heart sank into my stomach. She started to cry and scream as we called AAA. They were there in 15min but I couldn't bear to hear her scream like that. It was so stressful but she was ok. We go home and dh pours a beer into a pint glass and drops the bottle. Glass and beer go everywhere and I rush over to help him clean it up. I turn around and Jack has his sippy cup turned over and he's shaking it pouring milk all over his pj's. We just got our Christmas tree on Sat and was supposed to do the lights last night but decided to postpone let me electrocute ourselves or torch the house. We were losing at life last night clearly.

Away from that comedy of errors I am gearing up for Jack's 2nd bday party and am doing all the cooking. How did he get to be 2!!!! He's still my baby and so attached to me emotionally I know I will cry at his party. Emma loves watching him play and be silly, she cracks up all the time. Life is good and crazy and I am wishing all of you Happy Holidays. Miss you ladies. I hope all of you new mama's are enjoying every moment.
Brighteyez - OMG TRIPLETS!! That is just crazy. So one of your eggs split and you'll have a set of identical twins. I think the odds of that happening are really, really small. How exciting though. And scary lol.

Only 3 more sleeps for me!! So excited!
@Brighteyes: Lord have mercy!!! I never respond in writing, but this is epic!!! Wow!!! How does your family feel...? God is good all the time! You have been greatly rewarded! WOWWW!
TRIPLETS?! Wow!!! How do you all feel about that? Talk about getting a whole family in a single shot! Congratulations!
Amy - good luck tomorrow!! I will be thinking of you and sending good vibes your way for a smooth and easy transfer. ��

Brighteyez - triplets! That's insane. Wow.
Amy-Hope everything goes well for you today. Are you transferring one or two this time around?
Thanks guys!! I am back home and everything went smoothly this morning. We thawed our last two embryos (one boy and one girl). Both survived the thaw and both were transferred. So I am currently PUPO!! YAY!!

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