First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Lauren I remember you mentioning your dad before and if I remember rightly it wasn't great then either. It sounds like he and your SM are all talk and no action when it comes to you, and now Beau. Talking up their 'big gesture' then never following through on it. It's horrible, especially as Beau is the first grandchild, but at least you know not to count on them for anything.
Those dresses are lovely, I love the cream lace puffball near the bottom.

Lindsey :hugs: I am so sorry you're having a crappy day and night with Sarah. If it makes you feel any better I did just cry because Isabelle isn't settling well today at all, so I know exactly how you feel. Is Seth able to take her for a while to give you a break?
That said, Simon offered to take izzy and I said no as I feel like its my responsibility to settle her when she is so upset, which only makes things worse I think. And considering seths unsuccessful attempt the night before last, maybe not the best idea! Poor Seth! But it is nice for the men to get a taste of what we 'put up with'!
I really hope she settles soon and you both get some much needed peace and sleep.

Brittany I know how you feel about feeling hounded by people. I literally have not had one single day alone. But then, when I do have a few hours alone, I find myself looking forward to whatever people I will see later, so I'm clearly just never happy!!

dtd nowhere near happening with us! As Simon put it there is still "stuff going on downstairs" with me (ie I'm still having some light pp bleeding!) so for that reason firstly it's a no go. Secondly, I do not feel ready at all yet, I feel so unsexy and bleuggh.
Now, practical question: we are very much sex in bed type people. What the heck do we do with the baby when we are ready to dtd again?! Stick her out in the hallway?! :haha:

pumping for anyone who is/has pumped breastmilk, how much did you get at each pumping session? And how much does LO generally take in one feed from a bottle?

Grobags does anyone use these? I have loads and Isabelle is now the right weight to start using some, but I feel like with so many nighttime nappy changes it will just add to the amount of faff while I'm half asleep. Does anyone use them and find they aren't too difficult for nighttime changes? Atm I just cover her in a cellular blanket (tucked in nice and tight, so all safe!) and it's easy to whip off when I need to get her out.

afm I may have mentioned yesterday but Isabelle has a little cold at the minute (thanks to whoever brought us that) so she is stuffy and kind of miserable (although I've seen babies feel worse) but because of it she is back to being really unsettled. Monday and Tuesday we great days, yesterday she mostly slept and then last night as we continue with her bedtime routine, she just wouldn't settle. I basically fed her for an hour and a half non stop before she drifted off, and was fine after that, although woke slightly more often than normal in the night.

Today she was fine in the morning then this afternoon she was so unsettled. Screaming unless I fed her and then let her sleep on me, and since we were with family and everyone wanted a cuddle, it didnt go too well! When we got home we tried to start her bedtime routine but she was so upset and screaming I just went straight to feeding her, but she still hasn't settled. Simon found me rocking her crib and sobbing because I just feel so useless when she is crying for no real reason. Plus because she is so unsettled last night and tonight I've sat next to her crib while she drifts off/wakes for another quick feed from about 8-10pm so Simon and I haven't spent any time together :(

Not a good few days for us.

We are also 'sex in bed' people... And we actually attempted with her in the room. OMG that sounds awful when I think about it. Poor thing. But while they're so young I don't think it's too much a problem.... As long as they are in bed... Away from you lol. I'd find seeing her off-putting. I guess once things get better we might try elsewhere, like the living room or something?

Gro-bags, I have one. A lot of people love them. However, they don't work with us and the hammock so she is in gro-swaddles instead which are great! She has it under her arms as she likes to move them. We will use gro-bags once she has transferred to a cot. You can change them easily too, just unzip it around their legs but keep their arms in. You just open, change and zip back up.

When I expressed I only got 2oz (1oz each boob) at the most but I wasn't feeding as much as you girls do so you'll prob express more? I know breasted babies don't drink as much breast milk as they do formula. Beau is on 3oz going on to 4 and feeds every 2-4 hours. Last night she went about 5 and a half!! Was well impressed lol.

Sorry to hear about you having a tough time :(

This may sound daft but have you checked her gums for tooth buds? Beau has been dribbling loads over this week and when I saw my mum today she looked at me and went 'you got your teeth early' ... Well when beau was crying earlier I only went and saw two white marks on her lower gum!! :-s so I read about it and it is possible for them to start developing their 'buds' this early, although rare. Some people say their babies had been really unsettled ect.
Holy crap, teeth already?! No way would I have eve thought of that. I'll have plenty of chances to check, with her mouth being so open wide while she's screaming! Wll do that tomorrow.
How long can Beau use her hammock for? You're right about unzipping the grobags, wouldn't be too bad at all I suppose, especially as she starts needing fewer changes at night. Hopefully she'll like them, as I have no idea what I'll do if she doesn't! Plus we have loads!
5.5hrs between feeds?! I can only dream of such a day - today I was lucky to get 5.5 minutes :haha:
She's finally drifted off to sleep so I'm hoping that the rest of the night is ok. It does amaze me that no matter how bad her day is, she settles every night by 10 at the latest and sleeps the same from then on in. We are very lucky in that respect.
Lindsey - I'm so sorry you have had a rough night. :hugs: Is there anything you can give Sarah to help with the gas? I've read somewhere that pushing their legs up against their chest can help with gas pains but for the most part we haven't had issues with gas so I'm not sure if that actually helps anything. Could you cancel the visit with your MIL? I imagine you're not feeling up for company right now.

Lauren - You and I sound the same regarding visitors. DH and I are both rather anti-social and prefer going out ourselves or with friends. Since Aiden got here it's like everyone expects us to suddenly want visitors all the time which is definitely not the case. I don't get why people think that just because we have a baby that our personalities are suddenly going to change.

Sorry about your dad and step mom. I would be rather annoyed with that situation as well. :hugs:

Sarah - DH and I are usually DTD in bed type of people too. We have fooled around a few times while Aiden was in the room (not ready to DTD yet either) and oddly I didn't find myself weirded out by him being in the room at all like I thought I would be. There has only been one time that he woken up so we had to stop but for the most part he slept through everything and never even knew anything was happening. I might feel differently when we're actually having sex again though and might try to settle him in his room for a nap in his crib before we actually DTD so probably won't be able to have spontaneous sex until he's in his room all the time if that's what we end up doing. But I guess what I'm saying is see how you feel about DTD with Isabelle in the room before trying to come up with other ideas about where to put her. You might be surprised and not have any issues with her being in the room like me, especially if she sleeps through everything.

As for pumping, I have read that anything from .5 to 2 oz is a normal amount to get from both breasts for a mother who is exclusively breastfeeding. How comfortable you are with your pump/the type of pump along with the time you're pumping also will effect how much you get too. I find that I get the most milk in the middle of the night since Aiden sleeps longer (during the day he's nursing just about every 1-2 hours where as at night it's every 2-3 hours) so I don't bother pumping during the day because the amount of milk I get is not worth it. Aiden usually nurses on one side and then I'll pump the side he doesn't nurse on. Normally I get around 1 oz on the breast I pump though this morning the breast I pumped was so full that I managed to get almost 2 ozs.

With bottles, we've only given him 2 ozs but both times we've resorted to giving him a bottle because he was being way too fussy at the breast and I just couldn't deal with him unlatching by pulling his head back with my nipple in his mouth (anyone have that happen yet, ouch!) or digging his razor nails into my boob anymore so I'm not sure if he would drink more then that at a time or not since he's had milk from me before giving the bottle both times we have done so. I did read somewhere not to freeze more then 2 to 3 ozs of breastmilk in a bag though so that you're not wasting a lot of milk if your baby chooses not to drink it.

I don't use grobags, I just swaddle Aiden which is fast for me or DH to undo when we're half asleep. Though if I remember correctly you're advised against swaddling where you live.

Sorry you've had such a rough few days. People being sick is another reason I have been so tired of visitors. Hope you have a better night tonight. :hugs:

AFM - DH is working late again tonight (he didn't get home until 7 last night) so I'm on my own for the most part today too. I have a hard time with DH working late since I have such a difficult time doing anything for myself without him here. Like half the time I can't take a shower or try to cook food without Aiden waking up or the dog starts barking because she wants to go out. So then I usually have to stop what I'm doing and go tend to them. It's just easier when DH is here since I know he can handle things while I'm taking care of myself. Hopefully tomorrow won't be yet another late day, it would be nice to have more then a couple hours with him before we go to bed.

Also, I told MIL no about visiting. I basically said my days are too hectic right now and I would just rather wait until we get into a bit more of a routine before having people over. She hasn't responded back to the e-mail though so I have a feeling she's mad. Oh well I guess. It's not like I didn't expect that kind of reaction from her so I made sure DH was on the same page as me so if she starts complaining to him about not getting to visit he can back me up.
Sarah, I hope Isabelle settles for you soon. It's tough when they continue to cry despite our best efforts. :hugs: I feel the exact same in that it should be my responsibility to take care of Sarah when she's so upset. I felt a tiny bit better when Seth took her and she still cried because at least I knew it wasn't just me. Then again, I wish one of us had been able to calm her down!

What finally worked last night (for a while at least) was a warm bath, a full stomach, and being rocked in the glider. Today I finally got her back to sleep and she woke up with a full was gross...but she's seemed better ever since. :shrug:

Sex, we've done it a few more times. It's getting better but it's still not great. This may be TMI but I feel looser? :(

We mostly have sex out in the living room right now because I also feel weird about doing it with the baby in the room but we've done it twice while she was asleep in her bassinet.

Grobags, I have a Halo SleepSack. We tried it the first few nights and Sarah didn't seem to like it. It's pretty hot here now so I just use a light muslin blanket and swaddle her myself.

Pumping, I first used my pump around 2 weeks and in the beginning, I think it took me a few pumping sessions to get enough for one bottle. Now I can pump about 2.5-3 oz per breast now if I pump first thing in the morning. I've tried pumping at night (10pm) and I'm lucky to get 1 oz but I know that your supply is lower in the evening/night. Sarah usually nurses from one side which allows me to pump the other. She takes about 2-3 oz in a bottle but after yesterday's stomachache, 3 might be too much!
I posted at the same time you did, Brittany! We use Colic Calm for Sarah's gas and I do bicycle her legs and massage her stomach and back. Sitting her up in my lap seems to help (gravity?), as well as bouncing her. Usually one or more of those things work for her but last night she was inconsolable. She's never acted colicky before so I hope it was just a one time thing. :(

Unfortunately, it's too late to cancel MIL's trip but hopefully she'll be helpful again like she was last time. She's only staying until Sunday. I have my 6 week checkup tomorrow morning so she'll be watching Sarah (Seth will be home, too).

I'm sorry your DH is working late. I find that the hardest time to be alone is in the evenings when Sarah tends to fuss and cluster-feed. Hopefully he doesn't have to work late for very much longer. And I'm glad you told your MIL no! Even if she is mad, you'll feel better in the end now that you don't have to worry about her visiting.
I too feel as though I can't do certain things when Adam isn't here... She sleeps for long periods in the day usually but instead of going in the shower or cooking, im cleaning or doing washing ect...

So it's 00:20 here now. Beau was last fed at around 8:30 and at 11:30ish she started doing the 'feed me' mouth movement while she was asleep. Adam and I both felt tired so decided to wake her for a feed, otherwise we'd be getting woken up shortly after going to bed!! But she decided to only drink 1oz and fell asleep, couldn't wake her again so put her to bed... She then woke up and started moaning, so got her up, tried feeding... She drank about a third of an ounce and fell asleep. So put her to bed again and she has woken and is moaning again!! I did burp her before putting her down. So frustrating when you known they need to drink more before they settle but don't. So I'm going to play on my phone in bed for a bit. She is being too noisy for me to sleep so I'll stay up until she either cries or falls asleep.

Oh and it's now officially my birthday, happy birthday to meee lol :cake:
Happy Birthday, Lauren!

Aiden does the same thing in the evenings when I try nursing him. He'll keep falling asleep in the middle and then wake up a few minutes later when he realizes he's unlatched himself acting like he's starving. The past two nights it's taken about 2 hours for him to eat enough that he actually stays asleep.
Happy birthday Lauren! :cake: have you anything special planned for today or the weekend? Sounds like a long night last night with Beau, I hope you managed to get some sleep?

Thanks for all the info re: pumping, I guess I will just have to start and see what happens. I'm terrified I won't be able to get anything out, even though I know I produce enough to feed my beast child :haha: and it's making me hesitant to start trying, which is stupid as the sooner I start the better to build up a stash in the freezer. :dohh:

Brittany, did your mil ever respond to your email? Hopefully she will be understanding of you and how you feel, or at least she will pretend to be even if she isn't lol.

Afm: Isabelle settled well eventually last night and slept for a good while. I think we are trying to put her to bed too early, so I will suggest to dh that we work on it later tonight. She's ended up settling just after 9pm the last two nights, when we tried to put her down at 8, so we both had a miserable hour trying to force her to sleep. So hopefully if we start later tonight then it will be a bit smoother.
We got some saline drops for her nose today to try and clear her snottiness, so I'm hoping that makes her feel a bit better.
Sarah, MIL did respond. I think she was trying to make me feel guilty for telling her no because she kept saying how much she missed Aiden and how she just wanted to hold him for a little bit.

Hope the saline drops and later bedtime help Isabelle.

AFM, Aiden's one month checkup went well. He is now 20 1/4 inches long and 7 lbs, 7 oz. So he has basically been gaining an ounce a day. Not much longer and he's going to be out of his newborn clothes and into his 0-3 month clothes.
Hi Girls!:flower:

I suck with keeping up with online things atm. Grrr!

I got myself a new phone today though, so I'm hoping that might help as its an iphone so better at accessing the internet than my old blackberry was!

I think my laptop may die anyday now, it keeps making strange "electrical" sounds if that makes sense?! :/

- so sorry to hear about the hard time you had with Sarah a few nights ago. That sounds awful :/ I'm glad she settled in the end. Its so hard when theyre so upset and nothing we can do seems to help :hugs:

Sarah - I've been wondering if Tyne is getting his buds too! He has little white parts on his gums and sometimes he seems to be crying for no reason at all - but he's not very drooly, so that makes me question it?!
I hope Isabelle feels better with the saline. I asked my Dr about products for babies with snotty noses and they didnt recommend anything! What was yours called and where was it from? Tyne is still a bit snotty so I could do with something!

Lauren - Happy Birthday!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Hope you enjoyed your first Mummy birthday! What did you do to celebrate?
I would be SO annoyed about your Dad and SM too! I mean, a bath seat thingy and £30 for their first grandchild...REALLY?! :/
Do you think theres any chance thats not the whole gift and they're waiting to give you something else when you've moved?

Brittany - Aww glad Aiden's check up went well! Its funny you say he seems like he'll be out of his newborn clothes soon, I feel like Tyne is never going to grow into his newborn stuff! He's still wearing his Tiny Baby/Premature clothes! :wacko:
He can't be much different in weight than Aiden though - I would imagine he's heavier since he was last weighed almost 3 weeks ago, and he was 7lbs 3oz then! He MUST be over 7lbs 7oz by now!
I'm going to weigh him tomorrow out of interest.

Gro Bags - I have lots too but Tyne isn't at the right weight for them yet, so it feels like forever until we'll be using them - I'm worrying that we have the wrong tog as we stupidly bought them ALL in 2.5 tog thinking he'd be using them from birth and he'd be cold!
By the time he grows into them, I think he'll be needing 1.0 tog :/ Oops!!!

AFM - not much new to report. I'm still having a BAD time with all the bleeding etc. Went for more blood tests today so hopefully will have more answers soon.

My mother is DOING MY HEAD IN at the moment. She's always commenting on how Tyne is "spoiled" and saying we cuddle him too much - she's noticed that he wakes up when we put him to sleep in his pram and cries to be held again. So now everytime she walks past and one of us has hold of him she makes a comment about how we're spoiling him. (But of course, when SHE wants to hold him - its fine!)

Tonight she even kept calling him a "naughty boy" when she was talking to him - I know she was only teasing, but I found it a bit annoying. I don't really want my 5 week old child told he is a "naughty boy" just because he cries for a cuddle sometimes and isnt sleeping through the night yet.

Am I wrong in not EXPECTING him to sleep through the night yet?! I mean, ffs - he's 5 weeks old!

I'm actually quite impressed with him tonight, we fed him at 10.30 pm - he took 4 ounces, and went to sleep in my arms. I was finishing off watching a film so I brought him up and laid him in his moses basket at 11.00, its now 00.10 and hes still fast asleep.
I'm quite happy with that! I'm expecting him to wake around 2ish for another feed.
Thanks for the birthday messages :) I didn't do a huge amount if I'm honest. Went round to Adam's grandma's in the morning, his mum and auntie were there too. I sound awful saying this but I don't like Adam's mum holding Beau because she is a smoker and smokes in her house... So it will be all over her clothes. She doesn't have a garden so her clothes are dried on a horse... But are exposed to smoke. And to top that off, she is smelly too. And I hate seeing her cuddle and kiss Beau when she smells!!! But I can't say anything, I find it so frustrating!!! Her whole family have spoken to her about cleanliness but nothing has changed. His family are all over Beau too which I don't really like, my family will cuddle her or just hold her hand ect but after a little while they leave her alone. His family hold her and pass her around.

Anyway... After we saw them we went for lunch then popped in to town. Last night I went out with my sister, I probably drank 4 small glasses of wine and a couple of alchopops. Which for me isn't that much.... Unless I've gone 9 months of not drinking lol. OMG I felt like shit when I woke up this morning. I got home at 1 (didn't leave home until 9) and I was up at 2:30 to feed Beau. Adam was up at 5 with her then went to work at 6 so, yeah, feel pants lol.

To add to the annoyance of my dad, he didn't even bother ringing or texting me yesterday to say happy birthday!! I just dont know what is wrong with him at the moment!!!

Hayley, I read your blog this morning - about the 'after birth experience' lol. I think your hospital enjoyed looking at your lady flower a tad too much :haha: I had that bottom painkiller straight after the surgery while still in theatre, think just after my catheter was put in. I had my pad on the bed looked at probably twice while I was there. I had my catheter pulled out and was told I had to go to the toilet within the next 6 hours or something, I had to pee in a bed pan and let them know once I'd gone. Made me laugh actually. I said I needed a wee as soon as the catheter out but the midwife was like 'no you won't, the catheter will have drained you' (I personally think it wasn't in properly) but I hobbled over to the toilet anyway and did a huge wee!! She came in after and said 'oh, so you did need a wee' noooo I was making it up!! Tut.
I wasn't given much pain relief either. I had two paracetamol and another tablet only twice a day. I was given oromorph (or however you spell it) but only because I asked for it!! I thought it was really bad actually. I was in loads of pain too.

Oh and I thought it would be a few more weeks until our LO's start sleeping through the night? And not all babies do anyway, our friends baby is 5 months and he still wakes up multiple times.

I need to eat something but have bob all in!!! I reaaaally wanted a McDonald's breakfast but can't blummin drive, especially as I still felt drunk!! So I might rummage through the cupboards in a minute.

Hope everyone is ok? Xx
Hayley your blog post (and Lauren your post above!) about your hospital experiences really made me laugh! I agree that your hospital enjoyed looking at your lady flower waaaay too much Hayley! Mine checked my stitches once after birth and that was that!
I also had a suppository painkiller but they did that straight after stitching me up. I assume it was amazing as I never felt anything until two days later!!!!
We got our saline drops from the pharmacy, they are literally just called 'saline drops', but I saw some in tesco too. My brother recommended them (he's a dr and a trained pharmacist) so we were out getting them ASAP. They definitely give her relief for a while, so I would recommend them.
I've heard people say their LO sttn at 4 weeks, but my nephew only started about 6 months ago and he's almost 2!!!!
How can you spoil a 5 week old?! Funny, my mum is the same. She comments on how my aunt and my SIL always held their baby and "never put the poor thing down so they could learn to settler" but its fine for her to cuddle Isabelle for as long as she likes?!?! Hypocrites.........

Brittany: just tell your mil she will definitely get to cuddle him again soon. When you are able to figure out a good time for her to see him that won't interrupt his schedule or make you change your other plans (even if you have none :haha:)

Lauren: if I had four glasses of wine I'd be hospitalised! And that is before being pregnant too! Wine and I do not mix at all! Sorry you're feeling delicate today - I hope beau doesn't cry too much and make you feel worse!

Afm: I have on my pre-pregnancy skinny jeans today!! Ones I had even forgotten I owned! Ok so I have a little bulge over the top - BUT the point is that the button is in and the zip is up without too much of a fight! :haha:
I'm so tired today, after doing two stretches of 3 hrs between feeds (bringing us to 3am) Isabelle was awake from 3-4am and then again at 5am, and at 6am had to be brought into bed so I could get some sleep. BUT I don't sleep well when she's in bed as I'm so worried about crushing/smothering her! So little sleep for me last night.
Lauren - Oh I dont blame you for feeling funny about Adam's mum holding the baby. I'm lucky in that my immediate family don't smoke, but I have one cousin who smokes loads and even when she comes to visit us she's always popping in and out for ciggys.
I HATE her holding the baby coz he stinks of smoke when I get him back, and it makes me paranoid about cot death ,etc! :/
She obviously thinks nothing of it though, as she was the one who smoked in the car while I was pregnant and smoked/drank all throughout her own two pregnancies!

Aww that must be so upsetting for your Dad not to wish you happy birthday :( Has he always been like that or is it a recent thing?

Lol! Hmm maybe the hospital did just rather like my lady parts! lmao! I think its coz I had that massive loss on the first evening - coz of that, they were FOREVER opening my legs and checking the pad!
I had the bum painkiller in the theatre too but obv didnt feel it then, they just told me I'd had it lol - I got another one that night once the one from theatre had worn off.
Then the next day they were still giving me diclofenac but in oral form instead of suppository!
Sounds like you didnt get much pain releif at all! Didnt they give you paracetomol on a drip? Thats how I got mine! I got oralmorph regularly too. I loved that stuff lol!

Sarah - Lol! Glad it gave you a giggle!
I must have a look for the saline drops in Tesco!

OMG your nephew didnt sleep through for a year and a half!!! :wacko: I'm not sure I could handle that! lol! Were his parents walking zombies?!

I know! My mum is driving me NUTS - and shes obviously been sounding off to my Dad about the cuddling thing, as he just came in and said "Arent you worried about spoiling him?" just coz I had hold of him! He'd JUST dropped off!
I'm going to tell my mum shes not allowed to hold him at all today incase she spoils him, see how she likes it!

Oooh well done with the jeans!!! :D

Last night - So last night, Tyne slept from 10pm until around 1.30 am. I fed him and he took 2 oz, then he slept until 4.45 am. Then OH fed him and he took another 2oz - then he wouldn't settle at all, kept dropping off for 20 minutes and then waking up crying. He then took another 2oz at 5.30 am, but still wouldnt settle in his basket so he came into our bed.
He settled right away then of course, and slept until about 8.45 am!

So this seems to be the pattern we're developing - great sleeping from 10am until around 1.30/2am. Sleeping again until around 4.30 am, and then not settling until around 6am and then coming into our bed and sleeping until around 9!

Because we dont sleep until around 2 am, it means we're only getting 2.5 hours sleep until he comes into bed with us and then getting another 3 hours (but like Sarah said, I dont sleep properly when hes in with us as Im worried about him being squished or overheating!).

SO we definitely need to change OUR sleeping patterns to fit in with his - we NEED to start going to sleep at 10 and having those 4 hours of sleep!

Advice? - I wanted to ask you girls opinions on something. Remember I told you about my "friend" Dori who was supposed to be a godmother, but couldnt go to the christening because it was the same day as her new boyfriends mothers birthday?!
Well basically the last I had heard from her was when I group text everybody to announce the birth, she had text back and just said congratulations. Since then she hasnt bothered to text and ask how either of us are etc, she's "Liked" one or two pics on facebook but hasnt actually commented on any.

I have been rather annoyed as she hasn't even bothered to send a New Baby card or gift - baring in mind that it was her birthday two days before I gave birth and I still managed to go out and send her a card and a gift, I think its quite rude of her not to bother!!! - but I let it go.

But then it was the Christening last weekend, and again - she hasnt bothered to send a card or anything.

Is it just me, or is this really out of order considering she was asked to be a godparent?! And the fact that she has barely even acknowledged Tyne's existence at all given the fact that she and I have been quite close friends for the last 6 years, and all throughout my pregnancy I was extremely supportive of her and her ridiculous man problems - having her over to my flat all the time crying on my shoulder, taking her out to cheer her up, dropping her home at 10 pm coz she'd missed her train, etc etc.

Last night I group text a load of people with my new phone number and she was one of them - I thought I'd use it as a last chance kind of thing to see if she would text back and at least ASK after the baby or how the christening went, etc - the text I got back just said "Hiya, when are you coming back to Devon?" - no mention of "Hows the baby", "How was the christening"...nothing!

I am SO annoyed and I really feel like I can't ignore it. I'm tempted to just delete her off my Facebook and not even say anything to her but I don't know....if it was you, would you be annoyed about it?! And would you tell the person why you were annoyed?
Hayley, I personally think you should tell her where to stuff it. Her new boyfriend is obviously much more important than Tyne. If she was serious about being his godmother she would make much more of an effort!! I know it's hard and you keep giving them that 'one more chance' thing.... She isn't worth it.

I also think you should try going to bed earlier. Even if it's just one of you so your refreshed when you get up in the morning.

As for my dad, me and my sister have had loads of problems with him in the past. He has a good way of making us feel guilty, like we don't try hard enough... But actually, it's him not making the effort. When I first got with Adam aged 16 he stopped talking to me, it was because I'd spend ''his weekend'' with Adam instead of him. In all honesty, I think he is jealous in some ways. He goes on about how proud he is blabla but deep down he hates the fact that we are our own people and doing well with our lives. Everything is about money too with him, its like he has to be better than us. For instance, he has said multiple times 'but you can't afford that' pffft, we earn more than he does and he hates it!! He doesn't like the fact that I drive a new BMW either and he is driving an old corsa. We have had massive fall outs about his drinking before too but won't go in to that. My mum is massively against him and has to apologise to us for the way he behaves. I'm sure she'd say something if she could, that would just cause even further problems though. My sister is really p'd off with him at the mo too. He asked her to look after they're youngest for a night as they are visiting friends down south, she agreed. Anyway, he called her yesterday to arrange when they were dropping him off ect then all of a sudden that 1 night turned in to 2 and he is blaming Charlotte for apparently not remembering. I believe her when she says he only said one. So now her bank holiday is taken up looking after Finlay.

Anyway, I could moan for England at the moment!!!

Beau has a milia spot on her chin which she has had since birth. It's driving me mad! It looks horrible and I want it to go! I read that it take around 6 weeks for them to go but her's just looks as though it's getting worse. The milk spots have cleared up really well though.
Oh Hayley that isn't good at all. She definitely is (at the least) being a crappy friend. I would be majorly pissed off with her as well. But maybe more than pissed off actually...she has basically ignored the most important thing that has ever happened to you, how is she supposed to call herself a friend in that case? I understand not everyone is "into" babies, but it only takes a second to ask how Tyne is, or pick up a card. And if she was meant to be godmother, then she should be all over gifts etc. maybe she is annoyed because you wouldn't change the christening date?
I wouldn't even bother telling her you are annoyed. She'll only make some pathetic excuse (is any excuse ok to not bother with your son?)
Lauren, Isabelle is covered in milk spots. They are REALLY bad :( she looks like she has a really bad rash. They really upset me because they make her look awful :( anyone seeing her for the first time must think she's hideous :cry:
Sarah, they're horrible aren't they :( Beau had them really bad about a week ago, I felt so sorry for her (not that she had any idea!) but her poor little face was covered and it made me feel so bad. You want to show how perfect they are to the world but the spots ruin it.

I washed her face everyday with water and cotton wool. She has one or two little ones still but overall it's improved loads.
Lauren, I'm glad you had a good time on your birthday! I'm such a lightweight after almost a year of sobriety. My MIL was here this weekend so Seth and I had a few beers on the back porch, and I had an insta-hangover. I didn't even feel tipsy first...just went straight to the killer headache!

Hayley, so sorry about Tyne's godmother. I'd be very annoyed!! I agree, if she can't be bothered to care about you or your son than I wouldn't even bother telling her how you feel (unless you want to) and just unfriend her. It sounds like you've given her more than a few chances.

As for me, my MIL just left after spending the weekend with us. It's been interesting. She arrived Thursday at 10pm, just after Seth put Sarah to sleep, and was talking so loud that I woke up - and I was asleep upstairs! The next morning, I brought Sarah downstairs in a onesie and she immediately took her into the nursery to change her into something "cute." WTF? MIL babysat her during my postpartum visit (Seth was home too but he was working on his laptop) and she kept Sarah awake during her naptime and would not give her back to me when I got home. I told her to give her to me so I could put her down for a nap and she told me no! Too bad!! After 4 hours of MIL being in her face, I finally got Sarah down for a nap but she was so cranky about it. I get that my MIL lives 3 hours away and doesn't get to see the baby as often, but the only time I got to hold my own daughter this weekend was when I was feeding her! Even then, MIL would follow me into the nursery and talk to me while I was doing it...

Sarah was actually really happy this weekend, though. She's full of smiles and "talks" all the time now. I love it! She's still not really on a schedule. I've started giving her bath, followed by PJ's and clean diaper, quiet time & one last feeding, and then I put her down slightly awake around 8-9. Friday night she was up every 2 hours on the dot from 9-6. Last night it was she was asleep at 8, woke at 11:30, 2:30, 4:30, up for good at 7. Every night is different!

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