First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Brittany - I'm sorry to hear that MIL has been stressing you out again. I get that she's excited, would it be possible for you to say you're not doing the hour drive at the moment but set some specified time up at your place that they can all come visit you? At least that way you're showing willing but it's on your terms and if they're so concerned about seeing Auden they can make the effort to come to him!

Sarah - I'm so sorry about your bad day. It dies sound like little missy was just overtired, I know when that's happened with Tyne before he's been totally inconsolable. It's so hard, especially when you're alone! I'm glad Simon came home when he did and that your nice evening had somewhat made up for the bad day!

Lauren's suggestion if a walk in the pram is a good one, I find that works for Tyne most of the time... Drives in the car work best for us too! He can be screaming and as soon as we start driving he falls straight to sleep every time.

Lindsey - that was so rude of that person to say those things! What's the big deal about Sarah's size?! 11 lbs at 7.5 weeks sounds fine to me?! And I'm sorry but babies cry and they do not know or care what occasion they might be crying over!! Did the silly woman not have any kids herself?! How rude!

AFM - Tyne has still been doing the two ounces every two hours thing today. I SO miss the four hour stretches!! Today I almost had a breakdown coz my dad brought me fish and chips from the chippy for my tea and then Tyne started crying for yet another bottle as soon as I sat down to eat it. I won't reheat battered gosh so it ended up getting chucked in the bin and I swear I almost sobbed with resentment that the baby was getting his bottle And my dinner was in the bin! What a horrible mother!!!

I'm excited about tomorrow, as we've got Tyne booked in to have professional pics taken at Pixifoto in Mothercare! I will probably end up being conned out of a small fortune but I'm excited to see what he's like at the shoot and how the pics turn out!
Lindsey I don't blame you for wanting to stay home!! I don't let anyone hold Beau unless she is awake... Properly awake. She gets really ratty when tired so I refuse to have anyone keep her up for their selfish sake. I hate how we do have to put our foot down, we shouldn't have to! They should know for themselves. Arrgh. Yesterday I was at my mums all day as she was having a BBQ and everyone left her while she slept and fussed her a bit when she woke. That's how it should be.
Next time someone asks you to go round, make an excuse not to go!!

Hayley, the photoshoot sounds exciting :) I want one with us and Beau but I'm so incredibly un-photogenic id probably hate every photo they take!!

I wasn't lucky enough to have another 6 hour stretch last night lol. She woke at 1:30 and stayed awake until 3ish, think she had belly ache so gave her some gripe water and shes been trumping ever since!!! But was awake again at 4:30 and didn't drink much, didn't settle in bed so brought her to mine. Still didn't settle but decided to beat me up haha... I got kicked, punched and headbutted!! So put her back to bed, where she cried and moaned until 6... So eventually Adam got up with her and I stayed in bed until 10.
hayley babies have an inbuilt "food monitor"- they know when we ar about to eat and ping their eyes open, mouths screaming at that exact point. Several times this wee I've had to get Simon to cut up my entire dinner so I can hold and feed Isabelle with one hand and shovel some food into myself with the other. I would recommend covering baby with a muslin before attempting as I do often drop food on her....
It's those little things that get to me as well and usually send me into a meltdown. :hugs:
Can't wait to see some of the pics of Tyne!

Lindsey oh whoa :hugs: sounds like you've been having it rough these last few days as well. I hope today is going better for you, and Sarah is more settled. It's this crying for no reason thing that I hate - it makes me feel like the worst mother in the world.
I can't believe how people treated you and Sarah at the party. Asking you to stop feeding her is ridiculous. Most adults wouldn't want food whipped out of their mouths for a why would it be ok for a baby? And if people are making fun of Sarah being 11lbs at 7.5 weeks its a good thing they can't see Isabelle! I would guess she'll be up to 11lbs long before then (she's heading to 10 now and she is only 4 weeks!) anyway, all that weight gains means is that you are doing a great job feeding her.

Lauren sounds like your night was quite similar to in lots of baby being awake and not so much sleep. Great about Adam being able to take her so you got a lie in though, I hope you're feeling better rested and raring to go now!
I had her out in the pram in the morning with the dogs and she does settle well in that, and Simon actually took her out again in the afternoon when he got home, and after that she slept for a few hours. Sadly it's raining today...but we're off out in a bit anyway with the dogs. Fun.

Afm well after our great evening I had the worst night with Isabelle yet. I haven't a clue what was wrong :shrug: she went to bed at 9.30pm and woke at 12am which is ok...and then she woke every hour (or less) after that so the most I managed was 40mins unbroken sleep. She didnt cry, but was grizzling and moaning in her crib getting ready to cry, she didnt seem to want fed a lot - would take a bit but that was it- and her nappy didnt always need changed. So....I dunno! Chalking it up to a bad night is about all I can think of.
I was so exhausted and confused as to what was wrong that at 5am I started sobbing as I changed her nappy. I don't think me being tired from earlier in the day helped at all. I got to the point where I was so tired I would just lift her out, soothe her a bit, stick her on the boob until she fell off, and pop her back straight away. No nappy changes even thought of, no cuddly burping sessions as usual. Just get her back in there as fast as possible to try and catch a few minutes sleep.

It makes me marvel at how people with babies who do that all the time survive. I'm a wreck today!

I was gutted this morning that I could only express less than 0.5oz. But I tried again after I had a nap, and creepily looked at Isabelle while doing it :haha: I heard that looking at a photo of your baby while you express helps, so I just stared at the real thing. She gave a few little cries as well which seemed to help, so I ended up with 2oz, which I am off to my dad's with so he can watch her and I can catch some sleep. Simon tasted my breastmilk yesterday :sick: he heated her bottle then bounced in saying 'it doesn't really taste of much at all...' Gross.
Lauren - aww I'm sorry Beau had an unsettled night, nice that you eventually got some sleep though!!

Ohh we're not getting on the pics with Tyne, I'm not up to that at the moment lol. These will be just Tyne in his own, I'm taking his Chrisyening suit along to get some pics gone in that too but mainly I want a couple of naked newborn ones on him on his tummy! He's going to be due a feed though so we'll see how that pans out! Lol

Sarah - Oh dear! Last night sounds hard going :( I know what you mean, I have no idea how people with colicky babies who are up screaming all night must cope!

These bad nights actually make me think about my friend from Devon who had her baby daughter Rumer 3 weeks ago, she broke up with the Dad halfway through her pregnancy so now she's a single mum and she lives alone.. I can't imagine how hard it must be on her with nobody to take over sometimes :/

Lol... The Simkn drinking your breast milk thing reminds me of Friends when they're all daring Ross to try the breast milk. I don't think I could taste my own! Has anybody tasted it?!
I tasted Tynes formula once and it is absolutely VILE! Tastes absolutely nothing like milk :/

AFM - our night wasn't too bad. Tyne had a bath around 11 and then had his bottle and went off around midnight. He slept straight through to 4:30 which is unheard of these days! He didn't settle we'll after that though, not crying but just moaning in his crib so at around 5:30 we gave in and put him in between us, he literally went straight to sleep in an instant! Little swine!
He slept until 8am, we fed him and then he came back in with us until 10am, and then we got up!
Sarah, I mainly saw DH's family on holidays and occasional get togethers. Probably averaged out to once every 2 or 3 months. Now it's like they expect me to see them every week which I refuse to do. Especially considering how I'm treated by them. Like in the hospital FIL was asking why my toes point in all different directions. Uh they don't but even if they did how dare he make comments about them considering I had just given birth and I'm exhausted and sore. The last thing I need is someone making negative comments about my body. Then when we went to the in-laws so Aiden could meet his great grandparents no one let me have a seat so I was having to sit on hard wood floor. I was either 2 or 3 weeks pp (can't remember which) and still very sore from the tearing. Then when I told FIL I was sore from giving birth still he was like "that was weeks ago, you need to suck it up". Then he went and started complaining to everyone else about me being sore. I can't stand being around my DH's family and I don't think anyone could blame me considering.

So sorry for your awful day with Isabelle. :hugs: Dealing with them when they're overtired is the worst. Especially with breastfeeding. I don't know about Isabelle but when Aiden is overtired/fussy he is awful when I try to feed him. He'll repeatedly scratch and pinch me with his nails. Then he'll latch and unlatch by pulling his head back so he is biting down on my nipple. Ouch!

I'm surprised my DH hasn't tried my breastmilk yet. :sick:

Lindsey, so sorry you are having a rough time with Sarah and that you had to deal with rude family members. I'm in the same boat with DH's family. I'm finding that babies seem to bring out the worst behavior in people. I hope you have a better day today. :hugs:

Hayley, I hope the photoshoot goes well. Looking forward to seeing the pics assuming you will share them on FB. Also like you and Sarah I'm lucky if I get time to eat with both hands. One night Aiden was so fussy and wanted to nurse nonstop right at dinnertime. I was so hungry that I had DH feed me.

AFM, I can get real smiles from Aiden when I talk to him. :happydance:
Brittany oh my goodness I cannot believe how rude your FIL is :growlmad: your mil sounds annoying, but FIL is just mean and rude. I can't believe how badly he treats you. Does dh notice the things he does/says? And yay for Aiden smiles! You need to get some pics of it so we can all see his cuteness!
Isabelle has started being really silly at the breast. She plays with my nipple in her mouth, taking it in then spitting it back out. She started a few days ago, and does it at almost every feed. It can take a few minutes for her to actually start sucking, and her latch isn't as good anymore. This is especially irritating and horrific at night when I'm half asleep and basically just force her face into my boob!!!

Hayley I saw some of the pics of Tyne on fb :kiss: what a sweetie! Did it all go well? Sounds like a perfect night with him last night! :thumbup: long may it continue!
I also wonder sometimes how single mothers cope. There have been several times when I've been having a tough hour or so, and just keep thinking "it's ok simon will be back soon" if I didn't have that sometimes I don't know how I'd cope. I'd definitely be much more reliant on my family that's for sure!

I don't know if this counts as tasting my breastmilk, but I put it onto my wrist to test the temp when we heated her bottle and then licked it off, but it was only one drop and I didn't really taste anything lol!
Hayley, Seth's step-mom has two daughters (now 20 & 24) so you think she'd be a little more understanding. She and Seth have never gotten along and I think she was jealous or upset that Sarah was getting so much attention. She's a bitch like that. :shrug:

You're not horrible at all! It feels like every time I sit down to eat (or do anything for that matter) Sarah needs me. I don't know how they know, but they do!

Sounds like you and Tyne had a good night! I hope your photo shoot went well. I'll have to look on Facebook to see if you've posted any pictures.

Sarah, I'm so sorry about your bad night! Hopefully it was just a one time thing and Isabelle settles better for you tonight. :hugs: I have no idea how single parents do it. As much as I've complained about Seth, I couldn't do this without him.

I'm also having trouble with our latch, which is weird because we were doing so great. Maybe she's had too many bottles recently. It's the most annoying at night when I'm tired and can't see all that well and I can hear her taking in air.

Brittany, I remember reading about your FIL on your journal. I wouldn't be in a hurry to go see them, either, if that's the way they acted!

I love baby smiles!!! They make all the crying and sleepless nights worth it. You'll have to get a picture of Aiden smiling!

AFM, I tried not letting Sarah sleep for more than 2 hours at a time during the day yesterday. She normally naps for 3-4 hours and was waking every 2-3 hours at night so I was hoping to reverse that but no such luck. She did a 3 hour stretch from 8-11, then woke at 1, 3, 4:30, 5:40. I tried giving her the pacifier to see if she would soothe herself back to sleep but nope. I think she had a little bit of a stomachache. :(

She's been happy so far today and we're going to let my mom watch her for an hour or two tonight so we can go on a quick date.

I downloaded some new baby-related apps: the Wonder Weeks and Enfamil Amazing Baby. The second one suggests activities to do with your baby based on their age.
Lindsey, did you pay for those aps or were they free?

I felt really bad this morning, when Beau woke for a feed at 1:30 she wouldn't settle for ages after. I started falling asleep but her trumping woke me (:haha:) but I heard her pooing also.... I think. But went to her at one point to give her a dummy as she'd dropped it and smelt her. She didn't smell so I assumed the poop noises were just trumps. We don't change her in the night as it wakes her up even more. When I picked her up at 5:30 for a feed she felt really wet, so changed her. OMG - full on nappy explosion!!! It leaked all the way through to her bedding!! But I felt awful because she did poo when I heard but didn't change her :( she doesn't have a rash or anything... But even still. Poor thing.

I'm still waiting for smiles. Should be getting them soon I imagine.

I also agree with them having some food radar lol. Beau always wakes when I'm about to eat!! So now I'll try and cook/serve up shortly after her falling asleep. When I was at my mums the other day, just as the food was ready beau decided she wanted feeding so I ate half a warm burger and the rest was cold lol. We are going for lunch at 1 with some friends so I'll try and feed her before we leave!! (easier said than done..)

I know a couple of you have spoke about weight and clothes, I'm interested to know what Beau weighs. She has just started outgrowing her first size clothes so is now in 0-3 months. Although they vary in weight so some are too big for her still. I have loads of little shoes I'm waiting to put on :) but her feet are small so none fit her!!

Hayley, I love the photo with Tynes little feet in between hands. I want one like that!! Also, saw the footprints you did. I want to do that but have been unsure what to use, did you use children's normal poster paint? Beau is really ticklish on her feet so it will be funny attempting to do it!

I know I've moaned about my dad a lot recently so sorry for still going on... But yesterday I spoke to him. He wants to go out for food so I said we could go for lunch at the weekend (thinking he might want to see Beau) but no!! He wants to go out for an evening meal with just the two of us and expects Adam to look after Beau. He didn't even say 'you and Adam' either. I'm so angry. I said I'd let him know but I'm going to offer lunch at the weekend again with all THREE of us. If he shrugs it off again than he can piss off!! He has made no effort with Adam in nearly the 8 years we've been together and never includes him.... Now it's Beau. It makes me so angry!!!! He makes out family is so important blablabla. It's all just a load of bull. He has some serious issues. I don't know what's wrong with him.
We have fallen out a few times and I can see it happening again. I dont think he can accept that I am an adult and not a kid. Although he didn't give two craps about me when I was a kid, he saw me and Charlotte once every 2 weekends even though he only lived up the road, when we did go round he never did anything with us (and he wondered why I stopped going when I reached a certain age) and when I was a baby/toddler he went out drinking all the time. But now he talks about how he wants to see us more often ect ect, really talks the talk but STILL makes no effort whatsoever!!

If you can't tell, I'm angry lol. Sorry to moan to you bunch!
Hayley, I saw your pictures on Facebook and they are so cute. I regret not having done a newborn photo shoot. I guess there's still time and we've taken plenty of pictures ourselves but it would have been nice to have something professional.

Lauren, you have every right to moan! I can't believe your dad wouldn't want to see his granddaughter. My dad was similar with the drinking. Every weekend that I was with him (my parents divorced when I was 2), we would end up at the corner store buying beer and I'd watch TV while he drank. Not fun. He did eventually sober up but by then our relationship was pretty damaged. It took a long time to repair. Hopefully you can talk some sense into your dad or some day he'll regret not being very involved.

The Wonder Weeks app was $1.99 and Amazing Baby was free. Wonder Weeks is cool because it explains the various mental leaps that babies go through and their behavior during those leaps.

Sarah is wearing 0-3 clothes and some 3 month clothes depending on the brand. Some of them are still too big.

We had a good night. My mom watched Sarah for about 3 hours while we went on a date. I think we needed that. She also slept from 9:30-1:30! She woke every 2 hours after that but I'm not complaining.

Mother's Day is on Sunday here. Anyone have plans? We haven't talked about anything yet. It will be a bittersweet day this year because it's also the day my dad passed away 2 years ago. Being a mom this time willl be a nice distraction.
Lindsey I'm so sorry to hear about your dads anniversary :hugs: but as you said at least you have something super positive to focus on this year. Mother's Day in the UK is in March, so we all missed out this year!
Very glad you and Seth got out for the night. I'm looking forward to doing the same with Simon sometime in the next few weeks once I have a good stock of freezer milk. And well done Sarah on the great stretch of sleep! Again, she seems to match Isabelle here - last night she did 8.30-1.30 and then roughly every two hours.
Izzys latch was much better last night and today. I've found that if she's REALLY hungry (like when she woke up after her 5hr sleep) she has no trouble at all. So I think it's just laziness on her part, and at night it's laziness on mine as as long as she gets on there, I'm satisfied!!

Lauren I honestly can't believe your dad doesn't want to see Beau. If he has some problem (unfounded though it is) with Adam I can see why he wouldn't invite him...but Beau? What a dick. What does he expect, you'll just say "oh yeah forget my daughter, I'll leave her and come to see you who clearly couldn't care less about the two most important people in my life" what a total ass.
We're still in some of our newborn clothes, but outgrown some. The sizes are so random lol. I'm gutted though as some of her newborn stuff I LOVE and I feel like she didnt get a good chance to wear it all :( I feel like its been wasted!

Afm: you may remember ages ago I mentioned my friend who is also pregnant and how weird she was about everything. Well the last two weeks she has refused to see me, even though I've asked her four times to do something and every time she has flat out refused, or said yes and the cancelled. I was both annoyed at her, and also worried about her as she has been a real hermit and I was worried that she was struggling with the realities of her impending labour (due next week), so today I forced myself and Isabelle onto her, and she was in much better form, and seemed pretty upbeat so I'm pleased on that front. Still worried that she is unprepared though :/ she held Isabelle so awkwardly, and when Izzy cried she didn't move her, or try to soothe her, just kind of....stared at her. But hey, she'll learn quickly lol!
Isabelle did another 5hr stretch last night, but was a little fussy from 4am onwards. I felt so much better today though after some better sleep.
I'm taking her downtime school tomorrow to show her off....I REALLY hope she doesn't scream the whole time... :wacko:
Lindsey, sorry to hear about your dad. As you know, mothers day has already passed here and I just brought my mum a plant (pretty one :)) and a card. Will be different next year as I'll be the mum!! Adam best buy me something from Beau lol.

What did you do on your date? We do need time to have with our partners, I don't want to be one of those couples who end up sleeping in seperate beds in 20 years time because the romance was lost :haha: Adam and I seem to be getting along really well, have done for a while now. But we both enjoy being out with Beau, Adam seems really happy and he is much more loving. When I am ready I think I'll leave Beau with my mum or sister for a few hours one day so we can go and have a meal one evening.

Sarah, we must have posted at the same time!!

I agree about the dad thing, he is a dick. Don't know what to do....if it isn't one thing, its another. I can confront him and try and sort things out but it will all go back to normal again and he will try and blame me - its never his fault!!

I remember you telling us about your friend. Glad you finally managed to see her though. I have always been awful with babies and children before I fell pregnant. I'd refuse to hold babies because they'd always cry on me and I wouldn't have a clue what to do. I was the least maternal person....even though I have had lots of experience with them. Your friend will be fine once she has given birth. I still think its really strange how easy we adapt to mummyhood.
We grabbed some Mexican food and went off-roading in the riverbed. Nothing major but it was something we used to do regularly before the baby. I love going out as a family but it was nice to do something that was special to the two of us. Although, I made my mom send me a picture of Sarah every hour and I was definitely ready to see her when we were done. :lol:

Sarah, I was the same as Lauren! I felt really awkward holding my friend's babies and I still don't feel 100% comfortable doing it now. With my own, I'm fine! I think your friend will be fine, too, once she has to do it all day, every day. Glad to hear that you got to see her!

Sarah is totally her own little person now. We're sitting here "talking" to each other and she's smiling and interacting with me. She's no longer a tiny newborn that just eats, sleeps, poops and sees right through me. I love spending time with her and I feel so much more rewarded!
Aww thats so sweet. Beau is interested in more things now, I have this pink bumble bee thing that plays music when you pull a string. She loves it! She doesn't go to grab it yet or anything but watches and follows it around. Very cute. I notice her watching me when I walk around too. Can't wait until she starts giggling :)

I've never actually eaten Mexican food, even though I have been to Cancun twice. Guess its more Americanised there...kind of like parts of Spain ect where its just full of English and all they sell is English breakfasts and burgers lol. Actually, I lie....we have been to one, it was a few weeks ago because I had Nacho things.

I am really tired so I am going to go to bed, I'm sure my little cherub will be up in a couple of hours!!
Jealous! I live about 3 hours from Mexico and have never been. I'd love to go to Cancun. Being so close to the border, we have a Mexican restaurant every 500 feet lol.
Never been to Mexico but love Mexican food (well, the British version!!)

My friend will definitely get used to babies once her little lady arrives, as we found out you don't have much choice!! These little babies have an awful habit of pulling us in at the deep end!

Isabelle is starting to spend so much more time awake now, and loves lying on her play may staring about. Not really focusing on anything yet, but she did grab her monkey toy from the playmat yesterday and wave it about for a few seconds. She definitely looks at the zebra - it's black and white (obviously!) so I think it's easy to focus on.
Her smiles are still pretty infrequent...I want more of them!
Brittany - Geeeez your FIL sounds like a real treat!!! I can't blame you at all for not being in a big hurry to be around him!!! :nope:

Sarah - I'm glad you and Isabelle got to see your friend and that she seemed ok. Like the others have said, I'm sure she'll be fine with her own baby. Some people are just awkward with other peoples kiddies I guess, once her own natural instinct kicks in I'm sure she'll have no problems. Did she mention much about her own impending labour? Is she very nervous about it?
Geez dont all those worries seem like FOREVER ago for us now?!

Lindsey - I'm definitely going to download those apps tomorrow. I had some great ones for pregnancy that gave different little stage-related facts every day, I'd love something like that but about babies!

I'm glad you enjoyed your date night! I know what you mean, its so lovely having family time but its nice to have time as a couple too.
Jon & I have been out for meals a few times (Funnily enough, everytime has been for Mexican food! lol) and even though we end up spending the whole time chatting about Tyne, its still nice to have the time to ourselves! :)

Lauren - Are you gonna take Beau to one of the drop-in weighing clinics? I like knowing what Tyne weighs! We were sent some digital baby scales to review on the blog so I'm gonna weigh him once a week, otherwise I would def go to the clinics every now and then!

Isn't it so sad when they start outgrowing their clothes?!! Tyne has just literally outgrown a few of his Tiny Baby sleepsuits and two of his Tiny Baby daytime outfits! I almost cried!!!! lol.

In a way its a good thing, as he has at least 30 outfits in Newborn/First Size/Up to 1 month to start wearing and I'm worried if he doesn't get into them soon then the seasons will be all wrong!!

But its still sad! Its crazy how different the sizes are with different brands though. He's outgrown Asda Tiny Baby and Tesco Newborn, but he still fits perfectly into Tesco Up to 1 Month and Sainsburys, M & S, Next and Mamas & Papas Tiny Baby - infact in the Next Tiny Baby he has tons of room left!!! ?!!

With the foot print, It was a set I bought in Mamas & Papas - it was £10 I think, and you got the little canvas plus a paintbrush and the tube of paint. I'm not sure what kind of paint it was actually!!
It was really simple to do, we just brushed the paint onto his feet and pressed the canvas against his foot quickly!
Word of warning though - hands dont work! lol! We wanted to do one foot print and one hand print, but we quickly learned that new babies do NOT open their hands out for long enough to print - and they will still try to get their hands in their mouths, even when they're covered in green paint!!! :wacko:

I'm so sorry to hear about your problems with your Dad. He sounds a right bloody nightmare! :/ I would be really upset about it too. I think your plan of re-suggesting the meal with the three of you is the best approach.

Photo Shoot - thanks for your comments on the photos! The ones I put on Facebook are just camera phone snaps of the a4 print out they gave me with all the thumbnails on, they're very poor quality and not the ones I ordered lol.
The ones I ordered won't be delivered until the end of the month.
I would advise against anybody thinking of using Pixifoto though - I was really unimpressed with them!!!
They kept us waiting for AGES while they were shooting another family, and by the time it was our turn it was Tyne's feeding time and he was really agitated!
And the worst part was that they wouldnt give ANY idea of the prices of prints until AFTER you had told them what you want to order!!! It was ridiculous!!!
Who wants to say what they want to buy without knowing the price first?!!!
They just kept saying they don't do packages, and you have to build your own package and then they tell you the price based on what you choose - but the price was a factor in what I wanted to choose, I don't have an endless supply of money for gods sake!!!!

Plus the staff choose what prints to use on collages before you have your viewing - so if I wanted a specific shot on a canvas but the staff hadn't selected that one as a canvas print, I couldnt have it!!

it was ridiculous. It was all so confusing! I ended up paying £155 and thinking I'd ordered some 10x8 photos and one framed collage - but when I read through my form later it turned out I hadnt ordered anything framed?!

I've sent a big complaint email about it. I'm so not happy!

If anybody in the UK does want a photo shoot, I saw a great deal today at Max Speilmann - they're doing free baby shoots, and the package is one large framed collage (4 pictures), 2 smaller framed prints, 1 small canvas print and 2 photo mugs - all for £30!!!! I'm GUTTED that I didn't see that offer before I went to Pixifoto :(

Smiles - I'd had one or two over the weeks that weren't wind, but on Tuesday Tyne suddenly started giving lots of REAL smiles - its funny coz he was spot on 6 weeks!! He's been smiling lots today, it is SO cute!!!
He still doesnt interact with toys or anything though, but he smiles away when anybody talks to him or tickles his chin! :cloud9:
I can't believe the faf you had at the photoshoot Hayley, expensive too!! I have walked passed them in mothercare before and thought about possibly having a shoot.....I'll stay well clear now!!

Thanks for the tip on the other photoshoot :thumbup:

I'm not taking Beau to be weighed as we have the health visitor in a couple of weeks so she will be done there. Hopefully we will be discharged as I'm sick of seeing her...she is lovely but keeps getting on at me about iron tablets. I don't want to take them!!

Adam has just left for work, he will be back around 11pm. So I am going to do the housework and enter some competitions, well once Beau has fallen asleep anyway. I have a ratty baby to look after because she is over-tired.

I have a viewing tomorrow with the new estate agent we are on with. I told the lady when she came round to take photos and sign paperwork, that I don't have time for people that haven't looked in to the size of our rooms ect. Everyone that has come with the other agent have all come back saying '' its nice but too small for us''. It is a real hassle trying to clean up and look after Beau, I don't want time wasters. So hopefully Haarts will have spoken to people about it.

Lindsey, you should definately go to Cancun!! There is a place not too far away from there called Xel-ha we went about three times on the first visit and once again on the second. It is amazing!! Cancun is a real party place in the evening though, the clubs are great. There is lots to do for the kids too but with you not living too far away (its like a 10 hour flight from here) I'd go for a long weekend.
I know - so annoying! They replied to my email saying they're passing it on to management and I'll have a response in 48 hours, so we'll see!!! :/

Ah right, yeah the health visitor weighed Tyne before she discharged us. Well...I say "discharged" - did you know that the health visitors dont actually discharge people until the child is around 5 now?!!
They stop coming out to do regular visits but you don't get discharged, as they come back out for a visit around their 1st birthday and then every so often until they're school age! I was surprised when mine told me about that!

Ooh are you managing to keep up with comping? I haven't entered a single one since having the baby!! Blogging is about all I can manage now - even that is hard to keep up with! :/

Aww hopefully the estate agents will be able to weed out time wasters for you, it must be so annoying!!!

AFM - todays task is to look into new teats for Tyne. I think he might be struggling with the 1's and maybe thats why he's started taking less milk but more frequently?!

I just called my Dr to get my last blood test results and apparently I'm dangerously anemic now!! So I HAVE to start taking the iron tablets properly :( I had been taking one a day but I'm supposed to take 3.
I've got to have another blood test at the end of next week, so they'll know if I'm not taking them I suppose! :/
No I didn't know that about the health visitor. Well hopefully after a couple of years she will have stopped moaning about iron tablets lol.

I can't believe your anemia though, how have you been feeling? When my iron levels were really low I felt so tired and crappy. I managed it quite well with diet though. Hopefully you will get better now they've told you about upping the tablets to three a day.

We got bigger teats for Beau. What bottles do you use? We use TT. She was falling asleep all the time with the 1s and as soon as we put her to bed thinking she'd finished, she would cry wanting more. So brought vari-flow which we saw a big improvement with but realised if she sucked too hard she'd choke because too much came out. So we then settled for 2s. She is much better with them apart from when she is half asleep and spurts most of it out because she isn't swallowing properly.

Yes I still enter comps, try and do as many as I can. Think Adam being at home more often recently helps, or I'll hold Beau while do them. I last won something a couple of weeks ago :)
Worst night ever. Sarah was up every single hour after catnapping all day yesterday. I thought for sure we'd have another good night. Of course, today she's tired and has pretty much slept like I wish she would at night! I could cry I'm so tired.

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