First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hi ladies! Sorry to hear so many of you have been having some rough days with your babies. I've been lucky lately. Aiden tends to do great in the morning and through the night. It's usually early evening that I have the hardest time with him since he wants to cluster feed, starts screaming if he isn't being held, etc. Thankfully DH is normally home at this time so I have his help. Yesterday I would get about 10 minutes upstairs to clean up and DH would be taking care of Aiden. Then I would come downstairs and take Aiden so DH had 10 minutes to cook dinner before we would trade off again. I was hoping that experience would help DH realize how hard it is to get things done when Aiden is like that but DH didn't think it was so bad. Guess I should of left him to deal with Aiden for a lot longer. :lol:

Sarah, so glad everyone loved Isabelle. :)

Lauren, I would be really upset about the trip as well. I just don't think it's fair for us to be expected to take care of the babies 24/7 while our OH's get to go out and do whatever they want. I'll be fighting with my DH in November when he says he is going deer hunting for about a week. He's already been saying he's going regardless of what I say which pisses me off. The fact that the area he is going to is several hours away and gives him no cell reception so should something happen to Aiden I have no way to get a hold of him (which is why I'm against him going) is just not something he cares about I guess. :(

In other TMI news, I finally decided to take a peak downstairs with a mirror because I've been noticing stinging pain whenever I have a BM lately and I just don't think I should be having pain from a second degree tear still (the pain while having a BM is new). I was horrified at what I saw and basically started crying hysterically. I feel like I look like a Frankenstein down there. The scar is probably a little over an inch long and it's raised so much that I feel like I have a third inner vaginal lip since that's what it reminded me of when I saw it. I was crying so hard about it that DH was thinking it was a bloody, infected mess down there and that we were going to have to go to the ER. He didn't think it looked bad at all so I don't know. Maybe I just have it in my head what it used to look like down there and so this change is just too big of a shock. Am I the only one who had tearing? I just feel so unsure about whether or not I'm healing right. PP checkup next Tuesday.
Brittany, you poor thing. It probably isn't as bad as you think. When I looked at my scar for the first time I freaked out!! I'm much more comfortable looking at it now and check it reguarly. Mine looks strange as I have the line then dots either side from where the staples were, had about 7 or 8. But if you are worried then defo speak to your doctor, especially if its causing you discomfort.

Hayley, yes I am going the same weekend. He is leaving on the Thursday and I am leaving on the Friday. If I spoke to him about it he'd throw a hissy fit. I told him I didn't want him just after he paid and he started having a go saying ''why didn't you say anything before'' blablabla..... but even after speaking about it then he didn't even consider not going. If it wasn't planned so long ago I would have told him not to go. Its just he has arranged it with his friends and if I said I didn't want him to go, I'd be the bad girlfriend :/

I to get so pissed off that they think they can just do what they want. When did becoming parents turn in to a one man job??? Also, this working away thing annoyed me. He is in Manchester which is 2 hours away, for the last few days he has travelled it. But this week has decided to stay. I know he looses out on travel money and has to be up at 5am but he knows how Beau is behaving yet still chooses to stay away. I don't feel like talking to him at the moment.

Sarah, your not the only one who has become angry. I have shouted at Beau more than once, telling her to shut up. I feel bad after doing it but we can only take so much moaning and crying!!

Hayley - :haha: about the devil child. Made me giggle.
I hope Beau settles in a couple of days.

My friend situation is annoying - two of them HAVE babies!!! yet still make no effort. Neither one has asked to visit or anything. One baby is around 15 weeks or so, the other is coming up to a year. So its not like neither are newborns. I am in touch with another friend but its all about her and her messed up life all the time. I text her earlier today and all she spoke about was herself, never once asked how I or Beau was. My closest friends at the moment is my mum and sister :/

I think I need to buy some sort of play thing for Beau. She gets bored and wants attention when she's awake and as much as I enjoy cuddling her and playing, I don't always have time when I am trying to get ready or cleaning up ect. Not sure what to buy though :./
Lauren I highly recommend a play mat. Isabelle LOVES hers. She is so happy on it, and has been known to stay on it happy as anything for 45mins! We got ours from asda for about £20 so not super expensive either, just im case Beau doesn't like it. It's our go to for her when she is awake now!
I'm sorry Adam is away all week, I am in awe of you even thinking about doing a week alone and not breaking down into tears. Simon is away on a stag do in June for three days, and I'm happy for him to go as he rarely gets to see these friends (they all live in England) but I'm just thinking how the hell will I cope?!
Also I'm so glad that I'm not alone in the shouting at the baby thing. I then thrust her at Simon like she was a sack of potatoes and threw myself into bed in tears! :blush:
How is Beau doing today?

Brittany I didn't tear but did have an episiotomy, and weirdly I've been having a little pain the last two days, so also had a look down there. Everything just looks DIFFERENT. Thank god I don't have to look down there often. If you are sore I would definitely get it checked out, and remember its not long at all since Aiden arrived so you won't be fully healed yet. Once you do, I'm positive it will all look much better :hugs:
I hope you get a better evening with Aiden tonight, or that his cluster feeding stops soon.

Afm: in laws have left and I'm surprisingly glad. I didn't mind them being here at all, and they were super helpful! Walked the dogs etc, which is so useful. But as I mentioned before it meant Isabelle's routine was just up the left and she has been so grumpy, not sleeping during the day at all etc. so it's been hard going and she has been SCREAMING as she gets so tired. Also, because they get to see her so little, I don't like to butt in to their time with her. So when she is screaming with them they try and soothe her, it rarely works of course cause all she wants is boob, but I don't dare say to them because I don't want them to feel they aren't trusted with her, or I think they can't take care of her etc. I know that's silly, and I don't have any problem taking her off anyone else. Plus Simons parents are SO gentle they would hate to think that I am fretting about Isabelle while they have her, but that's WHY I don't want to grab her back - because I don't want to upset them.
Also, they insisted on saying every time she cried for no reason "oh you must have wind/a bad tummy" OR she's cranky and overtired......

Anyway, I'm upset they've left as they really don't get much time with her, but at the same time I hope it helps her get back to normal. It just took me forty five mins of feeding toget her to bed, and then as soon as she went down her eyes popped open. I just left her, and she seems to have self soothed :thumbup:
Sorry for the short replies. I can't ever seem to get on my laptop lately so I apologize if I missed anything.

Sarah, your husband's blog on baby poop was hilarious! I'm ashamed to admit that I've also uttered the words shut up :( I felt terrible and cried right along with her afterwards as I obviously didn't mean it but after hours of crying in the middle of the night I was at my wit's end.

Hayley, the Wonder Weeks is accurate so far for me as well. Except I have 11 days until this leap is over!! Help me!!

Sarah only woke twice last night. Instead of picking her up the second she starts stirring, I let her be for about 5 mins and she's been putting herself back to sleep. Let's hope it continues!
Sarah - eeek sorry to hear about Isabelle's bad night!
I'm also guilty of snapping with Tyne before - I didn't actually shout but I snatched him up from the moses basket more roughly than I usually would and said to him in a real stern voice "You're a naughty boy!" - I swear he looked at me with a really sad face and I just burst into tears and started telling him I was sorry and he wasnt really a naughty boy! I cried about 3 times that day just from feeling guilty!!!! I guess these things are going to happen to us all!!! Its hard going :wacko:

Aww bless you not wanting to upset OHs parents. At least now you can get yourself back to normality!
My parents are like that with when the baby cries, there's always something thats wrong with him - infact my Dad always says "Awww Whats the matter with him?"....they can't accept that sometimes he just cries!!!

Brittany - Oh dear :wacko: I'm not sure how downstairs is supposed to look after a tear, but it may just be that it'll take a little longer to heal properly and look more normal. It hasnt really been that long after all. I hope they can reassure you about it at your pp check. :hugs:

Lauren - Ugh I have friends like that, who only ever talk about themselves and never even ask how I am or the baby is. Its infuriating. I have always had friends like that but I think now I have more on my plate with the baby I have less time and patience for these people! They can all jog on!
When I got upset about Dori, my mum said to me she'd rather have no friends at all than a bunch of fake friends who are only out for themselves - I'm going to live by that from now on.

I've been thinking the same thing about needing something else to entertain Tyne when he's awake. He has a play gym that he lays under and looks at, and some black & white first baby books that he likes to look at sometimes. Like Sarah, I got my gym from Asda for about £20 - its a Bright Starts one.

I still feel like I could do with something else but its hard at this age as they're not really properly interacting with things yet - I'm thinking of maybe getting a bouncy chair as I read that they can be really good for helping with wind, too.

Lindsey - eeek 11 days! How has this leap been?! Is this the second leap for Sarah?

Oh thats great that Sarah has been self soothing! I'm jealous, I'd love to be able to try that but with Tyne's hernia I'm too worried that leaving him to cry even for a minute would make it worse - is that really stupid and over-cautious of me?! :wacko:
Sarah's definitely been fussier and wants to be held constantly. This is the second leap. You're not over cautious! Luckily, Sarah doesn't really cry at night - just wakes up and grunts for a minute or two. If she cried, I'd definitely pick her up!
Hi ladies :wave:

I'm sorry I don't post in here that much but I'm trying to keep up.
As you know OH works away and it's been five weeks now. Like you seem to be experiencing (thank god I'm normal) I've found it tough. Little one went through that second leap whilst he was away and I got to the same point as you. I even shouted that I didn't know what was wrong with her'.

I've actually found the opposite with my friends. I'm a very closed person and have a very select few friends. I don't let people in easily. My friends have been great and even my friend without a baby has offered to come and stay with me for a few days to help with the baby when OH is away.

I'm sorry you're all having your own difficulties, no one said it was this hard. It doesn't help having useless OH's either! I sympathise with you all on that one as I know mine wont be the best when he's home. I think I'll just be grateful for a pair of hands.

I've probably got another ten minutes before the crying for food starts. Going to try to power nap.

Love to you all xx
Morning girls and Hi Nicola :flower: nice to hear from you.

Nicola, you are very lucky to have such good friends. I've always had the same friends, grown up with them ect but we all tend to keep to ourselves. But I am just annoyed that no one has even wanted to see Beau when I made an effort to see their LO's. Never mind, I can cope without them. Especially when I have you bunch to talk to :)
Does your OH work away for whole chuncks or is he home at weekends? I think I can remember you telling us a while back...but not 100%

Lindsey, I am the same. Beau will occasionally wake during the night and with me being on automode, I get up...only to realise she has fallen back to sleep. She is normally really good at night, just these last couple of days where she has been so damn ratty in the day!! I hope you don't have 11 days of the leap lol...I don't even want to download that app because if I was told I'd have another 2 weeks of this I would go mad!! :laugh2:

Sarah, bless you for feeling upset about family not spending much time with Isabelle. It must be difficult when living so far apart.

I might consider buying one of those mats from Asda then. I have looked at mats and play gyms in other shops and some are sooo expensive!! If I had a sewing machine I'd make one myself (I made one at school during my GCSE's and it was fab lol, not sure where it went though). I read in my baby book that at this age they are interested in noise....which I can see as she loves her musical bumble bee and she is always watching telly (even if I keep her away from it!! she stretches to look :haha:)

Well I think I know the reason why I have felt so crappy and emotional - first period :blush: it started last night, I was expecting it to come a while ago but didn't. Hopefully it won't last too long. At the moment it isn't particuarly heavy either.

I have another viewing today and have decided to let my mum have Beau for a few hours ...first time leaving her with anyone!! :cry: but I have definately made the right choice. We have only been up for 50 minutes and she is already moaning, crying and kicking her legs. Again, don't know why.. But I struggle to get anything done when she is like this. Well I best get off the laptop and pick her up...even though she will get bored of cuddles after 10 minutes and start moaning again :dohh: I hope this passes soon.
He works abroad so no weekend visits unfortunately. This chunk was 5 weeks.

Sometimes you need that space to help keep sane. You'll miss them but you always manage to get so much done.

You lot don't know how much better it makes me feel to know that we have all snapped at LOs, and that I'm not a monster! There is only so much we can all take I suppose :shrug: and as Simon helpfully pointed out...I do have quite a short fuse :blush:

Lindsey that's great news about Sarah sending herself back to sleep. Isabelle will do that when she first goes to bed some nights, but during the night she will only resettle for five mins before waking up properly and demanding food!!

Lauren good luck with the viewing. I'm sure leaving beau will be very hard, but you will enjoy the few hours to yourself! If you're anything like me that time will be spent doing chores...oh glamour!

Hayley I have a bouncer for Isabelle, and its amazing. She naps in it during the day as she doesn't like her Moses basket, and te vibrations and bouncing motion mean she finds it easy to fall asleep herself. She also loves just sitting and staring at the toy bar, and I use it to pop her in when I'm showering etc, so would definitely recommend one.

Nicola whoa you are doing a great job having dh away for so long! I am in awe of you, I would be a total mess by now!

I could have killed Simon last night. Isabelle fell asleep at 9.30 and an hr later started to grizzle. Simon went up and got her out, changed her nappy (which usually lasts until midnight at least!) and then of course she as screaming so he takes her on a walking tour of the house! What?! Nooo! You soother her back to sleep in the crib, or a quick rock and then back in! I stormed upstairs and (quietly) yelled at him, the demanded he give her to me so I could feed her back to sleep. Two mins and done ;) but then she was up every hr or two last night, which I totally blame him for of course!!! :haha: we're back onto our schedule today so I'm hoping things will be better tonight.

Uk ladies does anyone watch made in Chelsea?! It's so crap but I love it! Honestly, their lives are ridiculous!
Lauren, I definitely recommend a play mat. I got one from Babies R Us at my baby shower and it's been great. I'd also recommend looking at a Burlington with a Baby Depot for one if you have those stores in the UK. I remember being in there before Aiden was born and they had activity mats on clearance for $5. Really wish I had bought one considering how cheap that is for something brand new.

Sarah, I hope Isabelle gets back into her normal routine now that your in-laws have left.

Lindsey, glad to hear Sarah has started putting herself back to sleep. I would think that will make the transition to her crib/room easier when that time comes. Aiden only puts himself back to sleep at night time so far. He'll frantically be searching around for my boob after I feed him and then fall back to sleep a minute or two later. He still has moments where he seems to think he needs my boob in his mouth in order to sleep. He is starting to be a little more accepting of his paci so hopefully soon that will be enough for him.

Nicola, glad your friends are offering to help you out while OH is away.

AFM, I was googling about the pain I've been having and it seems the symptoms for a anal fissure match up with what I've been experiencing. I won't know though until my PP checkup Tuesday if Dr. Google is right since I can't exactly examine myself. :lol: In the meantime I've been trying to drink even more fluids, use stool softners, etc to prevent irritation. I just wish my body was back to normal. I was really feeling depressed about it all yesterday. Everyone always talks about how painful childbirth is or about how hard it is to have a newborn, no one ever talks about how hard the recovery from childbirth is. I feel like I was very unprepared for that part which is why I have been so hard on myself about my body and thinking things aren't right since I still have pain and occasional bleeding, etc.

DH is also working late tonight so I'll be on my own with Aiden and the animals. Fingers crossed everything goes well.
Aiden is able to wear 0-3 month clothing now!! So excited about all the new outfits I have for him to wear.
Don't be in awe, you do what you have to do. In the same situation you all would cope. You just do. I'm nothing special just forced into a situation I have to deal with. X
Hi everyone, hope your all having a nice day? :)

Brittany, I hope your problem gets sorted soon. I can't imagine it to be very comfortable for you. And yey on Aiden fitting in to his bigger clothes :) Some of Beau's nicer small stuff is started to become a little snug so I can't see it being too long until she is out of them. I will be selling everything on apart from one or two things which I want to keep.

Sarah, my mum offered me a big swing type thing which plays music, vibrates, moves ect...they paid a couple of hundred for it for Reuben but its HUGE so I declined the offer. I would have loved it but physically don't have the space here, it would just take up too much room. We are going to the baby show in Birmingham this weekend (:happydance:) which I am looking forward to. Hopefully we will find something there for her.
I'm not surprised you were annoyed with Simon, I would have been too!! I don't change Beau's nappy in the night unless we need to as it really wakes her. It is usually full in the morning but she is happy.
Made in Chelsea - Oh god no!! lol. I can't stand the people on there. I love programmes like Geordie shore though :winkwink:

Nicola, do you not find it hard with your OH being away...not looking after bubs, as you said, you adapt... but emotionally? I find it really hard when Adam works away for a week normally, I miss his company even though he has done it most weeks since we got together. That was nearly 8 years ago!!

AFM - we are dealing with another dilemma, or two. Adam was told today that work are making even more people redundant!! They were all, or most anyway, were on temp lay off. A few of the men have been to the union moaning about not being paid 37 hours. So the company are having to get rid of even more. Not sure whether they are using the point system which they made for the original redundancies or making new ones. Hopefully Adam will still be safe.
Second one - Still not having much luck selling. Adam spoke to one of the agents yesterday (the bigger one) and they basically told him that we have to lower our price or we won't get it sold. We physically cannot afford to lower the price anymore than I have done :cry: so we are now considering renting it out but the money we have to put in to that is silly!! It will cost a couple of thousand just to get it prepared for rental!! Then we have to come up with another couple of thousand to move ourselves in to a rental, unless the house came furnished, we'd have to buy all appliances ect. But renting out is a huge risk, what if we don't have anyone living here and we have to pay the mortgage and our rent. I can't do that on maternity pay!! I am beyond hating this place now.... if I need to take the bin out or pop to the car ect, I have to leave Beau in here by herself and I worry so much about locking myself out or something and not being able to get back in. Then the person above us seems to be really noisy at the moment, I didn't even think anyone was living there...I keep hearing a dog bark and I have seen this horrible chavy looking lad walk up there. I also worry about people being loud and waking her when she is ratty... then I worry about stupid things like someone's oven blowing up or something daft (yes I am being OTT here lol) and it blowing our apartment up....anything!

But at this rate I will end up having to go back to work early, I have already thought about work and in all honesty, I don't want to go back at all!! We can't even give the damn car back because that will also cost us another couple of thousand. I need a bloody money tree!!!

I feel like all I do is moan at the moment about one thing or another :dohh:

And OMG. My bleeding is horrible. TMI but I put a tampon in earlier and as I put it in (soo sorry if this sounds horrible!!) but blood just came out and went every where. I had it all over my hand, floor and even my CLEAN towels!!! I have to change every couple of hours and wear a pad also. There was me thinking I'd get it easy. Oh the joys!!

I am having to put Beau down for naps now. She gets ratty around the same time every day, 10, 12 and once in the afternoon...that varies though. She is in the little room in her moses basket at the moment. Sleeping really well actually. Before we could just leave her on her beanbag and she'd sleep. That doesn't happen anymore. She also doesn't sleep in my bed either!!1 She wakes at 6:30/7ish and that is it...she won't sleep again until I put her for a nap. We are starting to get smiles though :) - when she isn't crying that is!!

Sorry for the long, whiny post!!!
Lauren, so sorry for everything you're dealing with. I can only imagine how stressed you are. :hugs: Your apartment situation sounds similar to my BIL and SIL. They have a 2 bedroom townhome they are wanting to sell but they are unable to lower the price any more on it. They have 3 kids in one bedroom since they can't move so they're really cramped.

If it makes you feel better I'm stressing about money too. We just got bills for Aiden from our hospital stay and his pedi appointments. The hospital bill is almost $4,000 and the pedi bill is around $730. DH says his insurance hasn't covered anything yet because they want a copy of Aiden's birth certificate first but I don't know anything about that since DH doesn't talk to me about anything insurance sends him so all I know about is the bills that we can't afford. Then he wonders why I get so mad at him when he talks about wanting to get a pet turtle or buy a carbon system or something for his fish tank.

AFM, Aiden is still sleeping well at night. We have 3 to 4 hour stretches between feedings. It's been great for our sleep but horrible for my breasts. I woke up this morning with terrible pain in my upper left breast. I'm thinking it's a plugged duct but I'm not really sure. Will be calling the lactation center after Aiden finishes nursing.
Oh no, I hope the insurance covers everything... I'd hate Adam not to talk to me about finances!! I was annoyed when he went out and spent over 100 on a pair of bloody running trainers the other day, I wouldn't be so bothered if he brought something he actually needed. I wouldn't moan if he went out to buy a pet turtle though :p they're so cute!! hehe

Have you tried a warm compress to help with your breast? I had a blocked montgomery gland when I was stopping bf and ouch!! It was so sore, I couldn't even touch it.

I do think my hormones are all over the place at the moment and thats why I am stressing about everything!! I do write things then look back and think 'why did I put that' lol.
Normally I take care of all our finances since I'm just generally better with money. I think DH may have chose not to mention the insurance stuff since I told him when we got married that I didn't want to deal with it since it was such a hassle trying to get me covered under his insurance. Everytime I would call to find out why they were refusing me the woman I had to speak to was a real bitch and treated me like I knew nothing. I got fed up with that pretty quickly and told DH he had to deal with it.

I called the LC about my breast and she said it definitely sounds like a plugged duct. I have to keep up with either nursing or pumping if I can't nurse that side every 1 to 2 hours. Aiden is so fussy since with that plugged duct he's not getting milk nearly as quickly as normal. We're in for a long night tonight. :( Really hoping things clear up soon (LC said 24-48 hours). In addition to the frequent nursing I need to keep up with warm compresses and massage so fingers crossed doing all this stuff is better tomorrow.
Brittant h whoa sorry to hear you have hit a bf hurdle. I know plugged ducts are very common, i guess we are ridiculously lucky non of us have gotten them before now. I hope that its closer to the 24hr side of things until it clears up, and that Aiden isn't too fussy overnight because of it. I'm sure the last thing you need when feeling sore already is a moony baby.
That's awful about your hospital bills as well. It's insanely expensive!! I really hope all the insurance stuff gets sorted out asap and covers it all (or as much as it can) and it isn't too much of a financial burden on you guys.
I also handle most of our money stuff, but luckily we don't have to deal with health insurance the same way you American mums do.

Lauren that's not geat news at all, about Adam's job or about the price of your house. Is there no way you would consider staying where you are for longer until the prices go up, or you find a buyer at your current price?
I remember from before that Adam was top in the points system, so I really hope that they base the new redundancies on that and he is totally safe.
Great news about Beau's napping becoming so regular! It will make it much easier on you if you know when she is doing certain things, and much easier to keep her happy on her schedule. We are still in the 'nap when i feel like it' stage of life!!

Afm I was out all day doing bits and bobs, and Isabelle slept most of the day. We like her to have a nap before we start her bedtime routine, so we take her out in the pram with the dogs. Usually we are back and she is awake again around 7.30. Well tonight she decided she would continue to sleep in the pram. Simon kept saying we should wake her so that she wouldn't sleep too long and mess up her night sleep. I said no. But then i doubted myself (cause seriously...I still feel so new and unsure about this whole mum business, and assume everyone must know better than me) so at 8.15 I let him lift her from the pram. She stayed asleep. I took that as a sign to leave it. He did not. He woke her. So what happened? Of course she screamed blue murder and we didn't get her bedtime routine at all. So now no doubt she will have a crap night.
To add insult to injury we had decided I would feed her off one side then he would give her some in a bottle tonight and settle her so she is ready on Friday when I'm out. Well, now she's up there acting like he is torturing her as she usually comfort sucks to sleep. I want to rush up, grab her and feed her to sleep, but know I have to let them get on with it :(

Does anyone else constantly feel like they are the only one who can settle LO properly? My answer to all her fussiness is BOOB IN THE MOUTH. Maybe not the best course of action, and i may regret it in the future...but at the minute it works!! SO when she cries with other people i just feel like nobody can settle her like I can (which is true) and why won't they just give her back?! Silly I'm sure!

Tomorrow we are heading to a big agricultural show (weather permitting) with my dad and nephew. We're only taking our sling, first time out all day with it, so I hope it all goes well!

Ok, silence upstairs. Either she's asleep, or her latched her on to his own nipple :rofl:
Oh poor Simon. She screamed and screamed until I went up. Fed her for 3mins and she was out like a light. Simon is very upset, annoyed and frustrate that she wouldn't settle for him. Bless him.

Hayley I remember you saying you signed up to a website that connects you to companies who then send you stuff and you review it for your blog, is that true? I said I'd ask you as Simon has just started a blog (you may have seen me link it on fb) and I said he should sign up to it.'s not exactly a website you sign up for as such, it's one that you send out a request through to pr companies.
It's slightly complicated so if you need a hand filling it out let me know. Just go to and go to send media enquiry. (Don't share it round too much with other bloggers tho, it's my little secret weapon!!! Lol).

Response source can be a bit funny though and sometimes refuse to send out enquiries for brand new blogs, they refused my sister when she tried it and one of my blog friends too. They like to be able to see how many followers you have...I'm not sure if its an option to show that through Wordpress though?

If Response Source isn't going to send your media request out though they will usually send you an e-mail back to explain why.

They also sometimes say that they like bloggers to write some reviews up on their blogs before they'll send anything out so that they can see your style of reviewing/writing - before I was sent anything to try I would just write up reviews of products I had bought myself and either really liked or really disliked!

Alternatively if Response Source doesn't pan out.... Twitter can be useful - there's the #prrequest hashtag which bloggers can use to ask if any companies would like product reviews.

Simons blog is really fun! Daddy blogs can be big business!

Once you get going and you've been doing it for a while the PR requests come to you.
It is DEFINITELY worth keeping up the last 7 days alone I've made £65 just from copying & pasting two articles onto my blog (sponsored posts), and product wise I've had:

A personalised photo cushion (£40), personalised photo book (£30), personalised photo mug (£8), 2 x personalised name art prints (£60), £30 voucher to spend on baby clothes at, baby outfit from,uk (£20), baby changing bag from The Miracle Bag (£50), a childrens tablet (£80), Nursery wall art stickers (£120), Kelo-Cote c-section scar cream (£30), Arnicare bath oil (£8.00), Witch face wipes (£3.00), Collection 2000 Mascara and Nail Varnish (£10.00), Eylure false lashes (£5.00), and for Fathers Day reviews.... Lynx products worth £10, Sure for men products worth £10, Green & Blacks chocolate bundle worth about £30, personalised Fathers Day mug and beer gift set (£40), Braun wet & dry shaver (£45), Demijohn whisky (£50), Panasonic portable charger (£40), E-cloth car cleaning supplies (£15) and SKYCIG e-cigarette kit (£20.00)....

so that's £754 worth of free products in the space of a week...all for writing what I think of them!!! Its CRAZY how worthwhile it is to blog!

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