Lauren - Way to go Beau on sleeping so long!!! Thats amazing. What on earth is your secret?! lol.
I feel awful but because the symptoms of Graves disease also include extreme tiredness I just thought the way I was feeling was because of that rather than the anemia. But turns out its both of them combined - so I have NO chance!!!
Sarah - I'm glad your friends at school loved Isabelle. I'm sure EVERYONE loved her, even if she was screaming - she's so adorable who wouldnt love her?! Did she wear her little ladybird suit? I just LOVE that!
Brittany - I'm sorry to hear about your problems with DH. I would be absolutely raging if that were me....I would actually rip his head clean off, particularly when you're so tired yourself! I hope he realises his mistake and tries to be more helpful of a night from now on.
Lindsey - thank you for the app recommendations, the Wonder Weeks is about all I can cling to for sanity at the moment!!!!
AFM - WORST NIGHT EVER last night. Honestly...I felt like I was inches away from an actual nervous breakdown. It was horrendous.
Tyne had seemed quite unsettled all evening, kept going to sleep but then waking up after ten or twenty minutes and being really grouchy - he didnt have a proper sleep from about 4 pm onwards.
That night we put him to bed, he woke up. We tried EVERYTHING. He basically SCREAMED the house down pretty much non stop all night long - from 1 am until 7.30 am.
He took his bottles, but as soon as they were gone he carried right on screaming - Jon & I both tried EVERYTHING, and NOTHING worked. He slept for literally 30 minutes for the WHOLE night.
I cried my eyes out, Jon & I ended up arguing in the frustration of it all - it was a nightmare.
This morning at 7.30 he finally dropped off for about an hour and a half - and even then, the only way he'd sleep was laying next to me on the bed with his head leaning against I barely slept!
After that we gave up and got up. I think he may have been constipated coz he kept giving a pained cry and looked like he was straining on and off all night - then this morning he filled his nappy and seemed much happier after that. But he still didn't sleep until 2.30pm when we went for a drive in the car!!!
It looks like tonight is going to be a similar story - he's been really grumpy all day again, and he seems to be staying wide awake this evening even after his bottles.
I bought new teats today and he's drinking fine, but still not going long between feeds.
The Wonder Weeks App - as Sarah said, is amazing!!!! I can't believe how accurate the chart is and the information about leaps!!
At first I did it wrong and put in Tyne's birth date instead of his due date, and I was confused last night about why we had such a hard time when according to the chart we were in a "Non eventful" period - but when I fixed it today and put his due date in, it turns out we're right in the middle of a "stormy period!".
He's in his first leap and EVERYTHING it says makes sense - he wants to be cuddled all the time, he's only quiet when he's with me, etc etc.
Apparently we have 2 days of the leap left - I am literally counting the hours!!! If it wasnt for that app I think I'd go mad from not knowing what the hell had happened to my lovely baby and how long to expect this to last for!!!!
Lindsey have you found the chart to be accurate for Sarah?