First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Aww Lindsey :( use today to catch up on your sleep.

I'm half expecting it tonight too, Beau slept from around lunch time right up until 5ish before feeding, fell asleep again, fed and slept some more. I put her to bed about 20 minutes ago but she's having none of it so im going to go and get her. Might keep her awake for another couple of hours before putting her down again
Sarah - FIL never makes his rude comments to me when DH isn't around. I just try to make sure I'm never left around FIL without DH so I don't have to deal with him but that's not always easy.

Lauren - So sorry for all the issues with your father. I don't blame you for being irritated considering how he has been behaving.

Lindsey - I'm glad you had a nice time out with Seth. I'm hoping in a couple weeks DH and I will be able to go out to eat somewhere with Aiden. I figure a restaurant would be good practice giving Aiden a bottle rather then me nursing him just to see how he does since he likes to comfort suck and does not like pacis. Would rather have at least one short outing go okay before we go to Indiana next month for my cousins graduation.

As for Mother's day, we don't really have anything planned. DH and Aiden got me flowers and some chocolate along with a personalized photo frame for a picture of me and Aiden. The flowers and chocolate was delivered today and DH asked if I liked the photo frame before he ordered it. He has been working long hours at work so he hasn't had much time to really plan anything.

Also love my little conversations with Aiden and getting smiles from him. They're still not very frequent but they do make the tiredness worth it.

Hope you have a better night with Sarah tonight. :hugs:

Hayley - They actually don't do handprints at birth in the hospital I delivered in anymore due to how difficult it is. I remember DH and I having an awful time trying to get Aiden's handprint for DH's tattoo.

Sorry your photoshoot didn't go well. I would have been really upset if my hospital photoshoot went like that. My only complaint really is we had to order stuff that day which was just too much since we had to pick out a birth announcement template and everything the same day and really didn't have the opportunity to shop around like I wanted to since the template we got wasn't one I was in love with. Next time around I will be ordering the disc with all the photos which gives me the printing rights and wait on everything else. It was ridiculously expensive doing it the way we did.

AFM - Had a bit of a rough night with Aiden last night. I woke up at midnight since that is usually when Aiden gets up for his first night feeding. He was fast asleep though and showing no signs of waking so I went to go pump so I could relieve some of the discomfort. 5 minutes later Aiden is wide awake screaming as if he's starving to death. Since he was wide awake rather then being half asleep I had a horrible time getting him to settle again so was up until about 3 AM. Really hoping this bad night has not messed up our night routine since it's so predictable right now and I've already adjusted to it.

DH is working until 7 tonight so probably won't be home until around 8. No breaks for me today since Aiden and I will be in bed before DH gets here. And DH is working tomorrow too. I try not to give DH a hard time about his work since its his job that allows me to be a SAHM but its so hard doing everything alone. I feel lucky if I get a couple hours of help from DH before he has to go to sleep and basically becomes useless. I hate feeling like a singe mother, it's so hard.

On a happier note, pictures I've ordered of Aiden arrived today so I was able to start putting them in his baby book. I find it exciting flipping through his book as I add more info and pictures/mementos. I can't believe a month ago it was empty.
Lindsey huge :hugs: I'm so sorry to hear about your awful night, and I really hope you managed to catch up on some sleep while Sarah did during the day, and that tonight goes better. Was she eating the whole time she woke up? I know this seems to be my answer to all...but growth spurt? Fingers crossed it isn't and was just a bad one, like we had on Tuesday (and I suspect we may be in for today...)

Hayley that's ridic about the photos! Simon is a part time photographer, as is my BIL, and they have both done family photoshoots with prints (Simon then offers framing extra as that's his 'daytime' job) for sooo much less than what you paid. :growlmad: My BIL is actually coming to do some photos of all 3 of us tomorrow as we don't have a single pic of the three of us yet!

Brittany I was doing some of Izzy's baby book the other day, it's so much fun! I decided (since ours is just a blank book) to take a few pages and dedicate them to each month - a page about what we did that month, her 'firsts' that month, and pictures. I can't wait to get it nice and full!
Sorry about your crappy night with Aiden, I really hope it doesn't mess with his schedule at night at all. Since Izzy started sleeping longer stretches at night (around 5hrs until maybe 1.30/2) I'vebeen waking up SOO uncomfortable. So tonight I'm going to have a quick pumping session before I go to bed. Well...that was the plan - she didn't settle well tonight so she went to bed much later so that plan may not follow through!

Afm Simon's parents are coming to stay tomorrow for 2 nights which is great. It will be lovely to have them - I just hope that the weather is nice so we can make the most of them being here and not be stuck indoors.
Today I took Isabelle to my fears about her screaming the place down pretty much came true :haha: It's fair enough though as, for some reason, she had a weird amount of sleep this morning and only a quick snack before we left, so when we arrived she was STARVING, but I felt like I couldn't whip the boob out in school (probably get arrested!) so it was almost an hour until I got to feed her. She did fall asleep though, and showed her angelic sleepy face, rather than her screamin' demon which she showed to most people, including one of my classes!!
When we came home it was almost 6pm, and she had slept the whole way home, so she was ready to be awake...but then she was overtired and didn;t get her pre-bedtime nap, so she was overtired even MORE, and didn't settle well. So I'm hoping that it isn't a sign of a bad night - I've come to enjoy the 5 hour stretches she does!!

Also, my mum basically told me yesterday I feed her too much :( She had been eating a lot yesterday, and I said jokingly "again? that's every hour!" and my mum said "Oh that's too much - she's eating too often" which of course made me feel stupid and like I over feed her. Talking to my SIL (and also in the bf forum here) though I know I'm NOT over feeding her at all, so I'm cross with her for making me feel like I am doing something wrong.
I'm on my phone so I won't type much but I did want to let you know, Sarah, that my mom has said the same thing. When I go over there and have to feed the baby 2-3 times in just a few hours, my mom always says, "You're feeding her again?!" I was FF and she stopped BF my sister after two months so she seems not to know about growth spurts and the fact that BM is more quickly digested than formula or that babies nurse to build up our milk supply. I'm sure you're doing the right thing. Try not to let it get to you! :hugs:
Sorry to hear about some having bad nights :(

I can't believe your mums both said that Sarah and Lindsey. I think it's so bad, they should leave you to do what you want. You shouldn't have to be told what's right and wrong, you learn what baby wants and how much they need. And as you said, the bm digests quicker.

I am amazed with Beau, after thinking she'd have a bad night due to sleeping so long yesterday she slept nearly 8 hours!!!! 8!!! She woke at 5 which was perfect timing as Adam was getting up for work so he fed her and put her back to bed then we both got up at 8. I can't believe it. I would love that to carry on but knowing my luck now, she will have an awful night tonight lol.

Right I need to get cleaning, only have about 3 hours to do everything, get us both ready and go out. Beau is wide awake now though so hopefully she won't want too much attention so I can get things done!
Lauren I couldn't be more jealous! We had a bad night (awake every 1-2hrs) but Simon took her from 6-8am so I could get some sleep. But well done Beau! Long may it continue!!!

Lindsey, what's weird is my mum is a big bf advocate, and we were all bf for at least 6months, so I don't understand. Maybe she's forgotten how much newborns eat? O maybe things were different back then and they tried to keep them to a schedule? I dunno. What I do know is that if I didn't feed Isabelle when I do, she'd scream the house down!
I think we are very lucky to have her sleep so well. But she does still have her moments. Makes me wonder if the hammock does have anything to do with it....I don't really want to test it though and put her in her moses basket lol.

So while we had the viewing I DROVE (:happydance:) to a garden centre not far from here - it has a nice cafe and a shop where you can buy some lovely gifts from. But it was so nice to actually be able to go out again by myself...well not by myself, you know what I mean :)

In a good mood today :) Beau is asleep now and all housework is need to find something to do :coffee:

Hope everyone else is having a nice day?

Oh and Sarah, sorry I didn't mention it before. But glad the school visit went ok, even if she did cry a little :) bet everyone was happy to meet her?
With breastfeeding you can never know how much the baby is eating. He or she may only drink an oz and that's why they want more again so soon. Plus there are growth spurts, comfort sucking, etc. I'm thankful that I haven't had anyone make comments about me breastfeeding. My mom actually has been really interested in learning about it and has said she wishes she had at least tried to breastfeed me and my sister instead of going right to formula.

Aiden and I had a decent night last night, thankfully his off night yesterday didn't mess up his evening routine. DH and I on the other hand aren't on good terms. He worked until 7 PM yesterday so didn't get home until around 8 PM so I took care of Aiden alone all day. Was expecting DH to help at night with the diaper changes so that I could get up and go to the bathroom and such rather then continuing to do everything alone. Not to mention, the faster I get to nursing Aiden once he's awake the easier it is to get him back to sleep. Anyways, DH just did not want to wake up. The first time I tried he would have his eyes open and be looking at me and then he would start yelling at me about work related stuff that had absolutely nothing to do with what I was saying. Clearly not awake. Eventually I got him up. The second time I wasn't so lucky. DH started making fun of me by mocking everything I was saying to him. I was so hurt that I started crying and just took care of Aiden myself instead of bothering with DH any longer. DH is aware of how he treated me since I told him all about it this morning when he finally woke up for work. He was extra nice to me before he left for work today but I'm in no mood to forgive him right now. I'm pissed that he seems to think he doesn't ever have to do anything at night. I don't like getting up either but I do it because I have to. I just hate that he can't do the same.

I had more to type but it sounds like Aiden just had a massive poo in his diaper so I need to go take care of that.
Brittany, sorry to hear about your DH. Hopefully he will have realised he did wrong during the night and will do his share tonight. Im sure they think they don't have to do certain things sometimes. Adam overall is really good but occasionally I have to tell him to do certain things or he will choose the easy option out. As I mentioned before, he used to get frustrated with Beau during the night and just swing her instead of sorting out the problem. Since I moaned on here he has stopped... Whether or not he read it, I'm not sure? Never said anything though.
Simon can be the same - when she fusses at night it's usually me who gets up but if we have a bad night (like last night) he will generally take pity and get up once. He doesn't change her nappy or anything, just grabs her into bed :huh:

Brittany sorry to hear dh has been so unhelpful, and That he upset you so much during the night - definitely the last thing you need ESPECIALLY when you are already tired and feeling tired etc. I know what you mean about being alone all day and wanting that time when dh comes home. A few times I've been surprised that Simon doesn't rush in the door and grab her off me - he'll come in and potter about doing bits and then come see her. What also annoys me is if we've all been out, when we get home he just takes himself off (to the toilet, or to do something) and expects me to sort Isabelle out. Never mind that I might need the toilet, or anything else. It really makes me cross.

Lauren: is it really 6 weeks since Beau arrived?! Glad you are able to be driving again, having your independence back will be great! Everyone at school loved her - well my close friends there did and that's all that matters to me!! There is school sports day I a few weeks so I think I'll head down again to that and hopefully she won't scream the whole time!

Afm: I'm sure we are in for another bad night :( Isabelle has been fussy all day, and with visitors her schedule (loose as it may be!) is gone. It's now 8pm and she should be upstairs getting ready for her bath. She's out with simon and his dad walking the dogs to try and put her to sleep, because she missed her nap around 6/6.30pm because things were going on. So now her whole bedtime routine is fucked (excuse the language) and we haven't eaten dinner yet so it will be well after 9pm before she goes down.

I annoyed as well because Simon doesn't seem to understand the importance of the nap she has before her bedtime routine starts. If she missed it she gets over tired and bedtime doesn't go well, so mostly the night doesn't go well. But he makes no effort to do anything to help her sleep - I had to make him take her out right now. I guess that's because he doesn't get up with her at night. Sometimes when she grizzles or cries he pulls the covers over his head. I could beat him to death when I see that..
I know he doesn't get her whole day routine like I do, but he should have figured out by now what happens in the evening, and respect that.

I'm so worried that she won't sleep well tonight I actually feel like I'm about to cry. :(
Oh I think it was Lindsey who mentioned the wonder weeks app? I downloaded it today and its spot on - says we are in a 'leap' and all the symptoms match Isabelle's current mood.

Unfortunately it also says it will last 8 more days. I may be dead by then if this grumpiness continues!!

But would defo recommend it.
Lauren - Way to go Beau on sleeping so long!!! Thats amazing. What on earth is your secret?! lol.

I feel awful but because the symptoms of Graves disease also include extreme tiredness I just thought the way I was feeling was because of that rather than the anemia. But turns out its both of them combined - so I have NO chance!!! :happydance:

Sarah - I'm glad your friends at school loved Isabelle. I'm sure EVERYONE loved her, even if she was screaming - she's so adorable who wouldnt love her?! Did she wear her little ladybird suit? I just LOVE that!

Brittany - I'm sorry to hear about your problems with DH. I would be absolutely raging if that were me....I would actually rip his head clean off, particularly when you're so tired yourself! I hope he realises his mistake and tries to be more helpful of a night from now on.

Lindsey - thank you for the app recommendations, the Wonder Weeks is about all I can cling to for sanity at the moment!!!!

AFM - WORST NIGHT EVER last night. Honestly...I felt like I was inches away from an actual nervous breakdown. It was horrendous.
Tyne had seemed quite unsettled all evening, kept going to sleep but then waking up after ten or twenty minutes and being really grouchy - he didnt have a proper sleep from about 4 pm onwards.

That night we put him to bed, he woke up. We tried EVERYTHING. He basically SCREAMED the house down pretty much non stop all night long - from 1 am until 7.30 am.

He took his bottles, but as soon as they were gone he carried right on screaming - Jon & I both tried EVERYTHING, and NOTHING worked. He slept for literally 30 minutes for the WHOLE night.

I cried my eyes out, Jon & I ended up arguing in the frustration of it all - it was a nightmare.

This morning at 7.30 he finally dropped off for about an hour and a half - and even then, the only way he'd sleep was laying next to me on the bed with his head leaning against I barely slept!

After that we gave up and got up. I think he may have been constipated coz he kept giving a pained cry and looked like he was straining on and off all night - then this morning he filled his nappy and seemed much happier after that. But he still didn't sleep until 2.30pm when we went for a drive in the car!!!

It looks like tonight is going to be a similar story - he's been really grumpy all day again, and he seems to be staying wide awake this evening even after his bottles.

I bought new teats today and he's drinking fine, but still not going long between feeds.

The Wonder Weeks App - as Sarah said, is amazing!!!! I can't believe how accurate the chart is and the information about leaps!!
At first I did it wrong and put in Tyne's birth date instead of his due date, and I was confused last night about why we had such a hard time when according to the chart we were in a "Non eventful" period - but when I fixed it today and put his due date in, it turns out we're right in the middle of a "stormy period!".
He's in his first leap and EVERYTHING it says makes sense - he wants to be cuddled all the time, he's only quiet when he's with me, etc etc.

Apparently we have 2 days of the leap left - I am literally counting the hours!!! If it wasnt for that app I think I'd go mad from not knowing what the hell had happened to my lovely baby and how long to expect this to last for!!!!

Lindsey have you found the chart to be accurate for Sarah?
Oh whoa Hayley sounds like your leap is making Tyne into a bit of a devil! Poor baby, and poor mummy and daddy. How did last night go? Anymore sleep?

I don't know if the wonder weeks will always be true...but like you hayley right now it makes me feel better about my child being an evil demon at times!!!
Hayley, so sorry to hear about your night. Must have been horrible, especially with feeling tired and crappy anyway!!
I hope you had a better night last night?

Beau had a good night again, only woke at 3.30. But has been so ratty today, moaned from 7:30 then come late morning the rattiness turned in to screams. I knew she was tired at this point but just wouldn't sleep. Every time I held her she'd cry, put her down and she'd cry. Eventually she did nod off, I hope she sleeps for a little while. I am still in my pjs, haven't eaten anything... Good job I had no plans. I'm going to attempt to eat something now anyway.

As for my night time secret.... I'm afraid I don't have one lol. I do think the hammock may have something to do with it though.

Oh I spoke too soon. She is awake again!
Arrgh....sorry girls, me moaning again!!

Well Beau carried on being mardy and crying ALL day, as soon as I think I have 20 minutes to sort myself out or do her bottles ect, she cries. So once Adam got home around 3:20 I thought 'great'. She was asleep anyway by this point as she'd fallen asleep on me, so put her down and was on her beanbag for a while. She soon woke and started moaning again, I passed her to Adam as he'd been at work all day (doing nothing btw). She'd cry but he'd just hold her, stick dummy in and carry on watching what ever he was watching on his ipad. Well around 6:10 he gave her some milk then went 'I've got to go soon' to go where.... running which he has recently started doing with a couple of friends most nights - all of which are going to Ibiza. Adam says he is trying to be healthy, bullcrap, its because he is going to Ibiza (which I am still un-happy about). But instead think ''Lauren has had to deal with mardy, crying, Beau all day. I'll stay in'' ...he went. Then started a huff because he was late. LATE, he would have been like 5 minutes late if that. I'm sorry but I am sure his friends wont be angry with him if he is 5 minutes late because he was looking after his daughter!!!!
Then to top everything off, he might have to work away all week. On days. Which means he can do what he pleases in the evenings. And here I am. At home.

I think I am mostly pissed at the running thing because I know they're only doing it because they are going away (I don't believe its because he wants to be 'healthy'). I really don't want him to go. I hate the thought of him being at a place which will be full of girls...nice looking girls who all have perfect little bodies and their hair and skin all lovely...and I'm here looking like shit. And that he can go off and enjoy himself without a care in the world. I don't get no f*ing breaks away with my friends do I. If I did I'd only get branded a bad mother anyway. I have no reason not to trust him but you hear about stories of guys going abroad on stags ect. All you need is one drunk boyfriend and another egging him on.

I am also upset that money is tight as he hasn't be working properly for the last month so hasn't been getting paid well and my mat pay has now reduced. And I am still living in this bloody place. And my dad pissed me off.

Arrrgh not in a good mood at all!!! :cry::cry::cry:

I am so sorry for moaning, I know some of you guys have got it tough at the moment. I just needed to get it off my chest. I have no one else to really talk to, my friends seem to have dissapeared too :shrug:
Lauren, I'm so sorry!! :hugs: :hugs: We're here to listen to you vent. It's hard being home all day with a grumpy baby while our men come and go as they please (Seth was out fishing and drinking till midnight last night - the night before Mother's Day!). Adam should've recognized that you needed a break - his friends can wait!! Seth does something similar when Sarah cries. He doesn't think to get up and walk around or rock her if she's fussing, just thinks he can put her in the swing and then wonders why she's not settling.

I trust my husband too but I'd still be uncomfortable with him going on a trip like that. I think you have every right to feel the way you do. Did you say that you were going somewhere during the time that he would be gone?

It's funny how a lot of my friends have disappeared too. You ladies have really saved my sanity over the last year. If we didn't all live so far away, I'd suggest that WE all go out for a girl's night!!

Hopefully your day gets better but you can always vent to us! Your new profile pic is adorable, by the way!
Lindsey a night us with us lot would be perfect! Shame that we do live so far apart (and I'm not sure the men could cope for a whole evening! :haha:)
My friends haven't been great either. I thought they'd be so eager to come and see Isabelle, but they've been once. Even though I am a new mother it's ME contacting THEM :huh: I'm not sure that's how it's supposed to be at all.

Lauren :hugs: I'm so sorry you had such a shitty day. When the babies are like that it just makes everything so difficult, and makes you feel like crap as well. And I totally understand the bit where you've been struggling all day and oh comes home and acts like taking the baby is a massive deal - I really do not think they know at all how hard it is to be alone with a screamer all day, they just don't get of difficult it can be being alone when you are tired and they are being impossible.
And you do not look awful at all, you look great! I dont look anything like I used to around my stomach, but I look good in a different way - a "I'm a mummy, I can do anything!" way lol.

I hope beau sleeps well for you tonight (only waking at 3.30?! I'm so jealous!) and you feel better tomorrow.
Thanks girls. I feel better this morning, although she has started moaning already!! We've havent even been up an hour yet! Think she just wants to be held. Last night she was up shortly after 3 again but kept me up over an hour. I really hope we don't have a repeat of yesterday.

Imagine how strange it would be for us to meet each other :haha: I wonder if we'd be able to just start chatting or have nothing to say. I'd like to think we'd all get on straight away :) but I agree with Sarah, don't think the men could cope lol.

Lindsey, yes I'm going to Cornwall with beau and my sister. I'm looking forward to that but it's not the same as going away. Even if it will take me over 7 hours to drive there lol!!!

I wanted to do something today but I don't have a clue what. It's lovely and sunny at the moment but we are supposed to get heavy rain soon which will last all day :shipw:


Ok so Beau has been mardy and seems to want feeding all the time. Read online about growth spurts and they usually have their second between 6-8 weeks. That's the only explanation I can think of for her behaviour. Driving me mad though. She is napping now but seems to struggle to go in to a deep sleep so wakes at every little noise.
Adam text me not long ago either to tell me he is working away all week. Great!
Sarah - Ha! He REALLY was the actual devil. We were supposed to go on Sunday morning to church to collect his certificate of Baptism - we couldnt go because I was worried they'd take one look at his screaming and start throwing buckets of Holy Water on him to try and cast out the devil!!! :haha:

How has Isabelle been lately?

Lauren - Aww I'm sorry Beau has been having a moody few days. I do think growth spurts are the reason - that or the "leaps" that the Wonder Weeks app talks about...from your due date Beau is probably in the middle of the first leap too and I definitely think there's some truth in it.
When you read the explanation of what the "leap" is and the symptoms/signs of it it makes loads of sense!

I don't blame you for being annoyed with Adam about the running and the Ibiza thing. I would be absolutely raging! Infact there is just no way I would wear it. I am happy to sound like a bitch - I would flat out tell him he's not going if it was me!!!
I know its too late now as hes probably already paid and everything, but he should think himself bloody lucky that you're letting him go!!

I understand your worries about the girls and feeling bad about it because you don't feel at your best at the moment - but I'm sure there isnt anything to worry about on that front. Have you told Adam how you feel about that? He'd be the best person to reassure you about those worries :hugs:

I wish I could say something more helpful. Are you going to Cornwall at the same time as he is in Ibiza? At least that will distract you a bit as its a change of scenery.

Lindsey - A night with us all would be amazing!! It is such a shame we all live so far apart.

Tyne's Nights - this "Leap" thing is definitely an experience! That night I mentioned was the worst one by far, the nights since haven't been easy but they have been getting progressively better little by little - the night before last he slept for about 3 hours in 45 min increments, and last night he slept for about 4 hours on and off.
Today is supposed to be the last day of the leap before we go into a "sunny" period - FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!!!!!

Friends - funny what you all say about your friends, I feel the same way. I'd heard lots of people mention that once they had babies their old friends seemed to abandon them and lose interest, and I was convinced that wouldnt happen with my friends - but it has.
There's Dori of course, who I've already told you about (still no word from her !) - but also the rest of my friends. I NEVER hear from them - I never get a text or phonecall asking how me or the baby are getting on, nothing at all.

I get that not everybody is into babies, and if you dont have kids yourself than you might not want to talk about babies etc - but if they are friends then they should appreciate that having your first child is pretty much the BIGGEST life changing experience anybody can ever go through - you'd think they could at least bother their arses to send an occasional "Hows things" text :nope:
Hayley :rofl: poor Tyne, just imagine them all yelling "OUT SATAN!" As you enter your church!
I'm glad to hear that Tyne's nights are heading in the right direction, fingers cross once ou are out of this leap tomorrow he is back to sleeping well again.

Afm: last night wasnt good :nope: Isabelle has been super fussy and grizzly all weekend, and today is no different. I think it's partly because the in laws are here, and her loose routine is all messed up still. So last night she slept from 9.30-12.30 and then was awake from then until FOUR. By 1 o'clock I was cross. I guess I was tired, but I actually told her to "shut the f*ck up and go the f*ck to sleep" :blush: I am very much not proud of myself, but I just couldn't handle it last night for some reason. Luckily Simon took her downstairs and I slept for a few hours, and when she came back up at 4 then she settled much better. She is currently screaming her head off fighting sleep as her grandad rocks her trying to put her out like a light.

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