First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Nicola - good to hear from you! I'm glad at least your friends have been supportive.

Lauren - I think the mats were lower priced because of the baby and toddler event at Asda? I'm not sure if its still on but if it is, its worth a look.
Otherwise they can be SO expensive! Are you signed up to Bounty newsletters? Coz i often see good deals on them through those emails.

Eeek sorry to hear about your period! I told you guys about mine - it was RIDICULOUSLY heavy!!!
My Dr actually told me its best not to use tampons for the first period after having the baby and coz I was so heavy anyway I found they kept just sliding out when I was walking coz they would soak through so quickly! :/ In the end I went back to the maternity pads - as gross as they are I NEEDED the thickness!!!

Mine lasted for about 10 days and got heavier and heavier until about the 9th day, then just suddenly stopped!

How has yours been now?

I am DREADING the next one! I stupidly googled periods after c-sections, and some girls were saying they had periods like that for EIGHT months after their c sections :wacko:

Aww I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with the house and Adam's job, it must be so stressful for you :hugs:

Sarah - Thanks for the tip about the bouncer! I will definitely look into getting one! Tyne has his swing but he isnt too keen on that, and he has the rocker that we were sent for the blog - its nice and it has a vibration thing on it, he used to really love it but lately he isnt really interested. But I think ROCKING is different than bouncing....bouncing would be better I think?! Plus the rocker has no toy bar on it so its quite dull!!!
I'm struggling to find a bouncer I like though - none of them seem to bounce very much!!! I want one of the old fashioned ones that REALLY bounced, but these new kinds all seem too rigid?!

How did it go with Isabelle tonight? *fingers crossed*

Brittany - How are you feeling now?
That must be SO difficult with the blocked milk duct. I had that in pregnancy and it was SO painful, it must be even worse for you as you're actively feeding. I hope it repairs in the 24 hours rather than the 48!

I'm SO confused about the clothing thing! Is Aiden still under 8lbs?

Tyne is 10 lbs now and his NEWBORN clothes still don't fit him (I tried again today, they're miles too big!) - his 0-3 month ones he seems like he won;t be able to wear for MONTHS!!! :wacko:
I don't understand how that is?!

AFM - I'm staying up until 4am tonight. Jon is exhausted from always being the one who gets up with Tyne of a night, and so I said I'd take a turn - but I physically cannot go to sleep and then wake up when he cries, I think its to do with my thyroid and the anemia - when I'm asleep I am literally out cold, so I'd prefer to just stay awake!!
Tyne was REALLY unsettled until about 2.15 - but its 2.55 now and he's been fast asleep in his moses basket since then, so fingers crossed he stays put for a while. (Ha! Literally as I typed that he jumped and his eyes flew open!! I SWEAR he knows what I'm typing!!!!)

I'm feeling really anxious tonight - I read on Facebook tonight that a girl from where I used to live in Exeter had died suddenly. She was a mum of 2 young kids in her 20s, so I was intrigued as to what had happened to her - I looked on her profile and it turned out she died from something to do with her thyroid :nope:

Apparently 2 days ago she was absolutely fine, then yesterday she was in intensive care and today she's dead.

It has absolutely terrified me, I knew that theoretically people could die from thyroid problems but I've never actually heard about it happening before....:cry:

And typically I THEN realised that I was supposed to have a phone consultation with my thyroid nurse today to discuss my last blood results - I then realised I hadn't given the hospital my new mobile number so I missed her call and now I have to wait until Monday to find out how my blood tests looked and how my thyroid levels are :nope:

Its so scary :cry:
I love reading these you make me feel normal x

Emotionally-yes I feel abandoned and often get mad. Again, just have to deal with it.

I also get frustrated with people whe she's crying and they don't settle her. They just leave her in the same position and day things like: 'what's wrong with you' I just want to take her off them!

My period is still going on after 13 days. 13 days if bleeding is just not fun anymore. I think it's payback for 9 months off.

I've got a similar issue with my house but thankfully can rent mine out and I'm moving to my parents for three months whilst my house completes.

Thanks for making me feel human and normal.
Sarah - I often feel like I'm the only one that can comfort Aiden. Especially since like you my answer to Aiden's fussiness is a boob in the mouth too. Aiden will take a pacifier from my DH though and he refuses to take one from me most of the time so I guess we just have to let our DH's come up with their own ways of comforting the LOs.

Hayley - I haven't had Aiden weighed since his 1 month check up but since we figured he was gaining about an oz a day he should be over 8 lbs. I think the only reason Aiden fits into his 0-3 month clothing is because of how long he is rather then his weight.

I also don't blame you for being anxious about your thyroid after what happened to the girl you knew. Awhile back my cousins grandson died of SIDS and ever since that I've been more nervous about it. I think when we know someone who has died from certain things it makes them more scary. Hope everything is fine with your blood results when you call.

AFM - I think we got the plugged duct unplugged. My breast feels soft again but it's still sore so I'm not 100% sure. At least Aiden hasn't been ridiculously fussy at the breast and seems to be in a good mood.

I have bright red bleeding today as well. I read that it's normal for red blood to reappear from time to time during the first 6 to 8 weeks PP. I have some very mild AF like cramping though so I'm unsure if this is PP bleeding or AF. I guess how long the bleeding lasts would answer that question for me.

Aiden is sleeping great at night. He cluster fed for a couple hours and finally fell asleep sometime between 9 and 10 (I was falling asleep myself so not exactly sure when he fell asleep). I then woke up at 11. Normally Aiden doesn't get up to nurse until sometime between 12 and 1 so I got up and pumped and then went back to bed. I woke up again around 2 and had DH get Aiden up and change him and re-swaddle him. Aiden wanted nothing to do with eating though and went right back to sleep. So I got up and pumped again. He finally woke up to be fed around 3:30. He went around 6 hours between feedings!! I'm assuming this is a one time thing since sleeping that long is more common in babies 3 months or older from what I read. I do think him sleeping so well at night is due to the evening cluster feeding and him being swaddled.
Brittany, that is good of Aiden sleeping so well!! Glad your boob is on the mend too!!

Hayley, by looking at your photos Tyne looks tiny..compared to Beau anyway, I think she is a right chunky monkey but has only just come out of her first size and is in wearing up to 1 month and 0-3. Depends on what it is and where its from as they all vary so much.
How is Tyne in his beanbag now? Beau will only spend a bit of time on it now, she gets bored I think...she used to sleep on it really well and now doesn't sleep on it at all.

Others settling - if I am honest we haven't been in a situation where someone else has to sooth them apart from my mum or sister but they do it just as I would and Beau settles really well. Adam on the other hand thinks he can just stick a dummy in her mouth and hold her, I can't wait until he has her for a whole day when she is ratty and realises that you can't do that. But normally I am the one to sooth her when we are together.

I was looking at some bouncers today that rocked, vibrated and had flashy lights ect in Mamas and Papas but they were around 160 pounds!!! :O You can get cheaper ones but they don't do anything exciting, but no way am I paying that much for one when she'll be out of it in a few months.
My mum gave us a lamb (Lammy is his name lol) and it plays a heartbeat, but wooshie like it would sound in the womb and plays rain, ocean and whales. Its cute, they brought it from Dubai so you can't find them over here.

Beau has been spoilt with toys and cuddly things today, I used the massive 30 pounds my dad gave me and my mum brought something - I'll post a piccy at the end :p

I was hoping to post a thread without moaning for once...but I NEED to moan about this!!! You know how I was moaning about living here, well. It just got worse! I mentioned yesterday that the apartment directly above us was being loud and that I had seen a chavy lad...Well, Adam was home last night and he bumped in to the lad on the way in. They have only moved in up there AND they have a damn Rottweiler!!!!!! She looks awful too. I now believe the apartment above us is a council apartment which I am fuming about. No one moves in to a 2nd floor apartment with a dog that big, they wear tracksuits, don't drive and unless they have taken a bit of time off to move, they don't work either. Oh and I never saw anyone move any furniture in so I assume it was furnished. And to top it off, Adam said he stunk of weed when he bumped in to him. I can't express enough at how angry I am, the area I live in is lovely and our roads have houses which are shy of 1mil - these apartments aren't expensive, ours is currently priced at 105k but one of the bigger ones sold at 130ish a couple of months ago. So why are we getting scum moving in??? I know a few years back people could rent their houses or apartments to the council for guaranteed rent, they don't do it anymore but ever since we have lived here, we have had horrible people live above us and they don't spend any longer than a year up there....we have had multiple people in and out. I want to complain but I don't know who to speak to!!! It just gets better and better. My mum has offered to help financially if we need it but it will only be a few thousand which we'd pay back. If we took a loss on selling this we are looking at around 10k which I just can't do. So I hope the rental thing works out, we are seeing someone about it tomorrow when Adam gets home.

I try and get out as much as I can but its hard and since being on mat leave I seriously getting stressed living here. *sigh* It has me in tears when I think about it.

Anyway, I need to try not to worry about it too much. Guess there are people out there who are much worse off than I am...


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Hayley, knew I missed something!! - about the thyroid problem. I can see why your anxious about it. I would be too. As Brittany said, you always worry more when something has happened to someone else. You will be fine though and DON'T go reading stories on the Internet!!!

When does everyone's LO have their injections? I'm dreading Beau having hers, the thought of something hurting her upsets me!! :(
Lauren, I would be angry about the people living above you too. Especially if they're in to drugs which would make me nervous about what kind of people would be coming around. I'm not sure who you would talk to though about the sketchy people moving in unless you would want to call the police. You could file a noise complaint and mention the suspected drugs assuming you have similar laws? If it's a council house and the police did find drugs would they still be allowed to stay?

Aiden gets his 2 month shots on June 11th. I made sure the appointment was in the evening so DH could be there too. I imagine I'm going to be crying just as hysterically as Aiden is. I hate seeing him cry. Especially since his new thing to do is to lock eyes with me while he's doing it. Makes me feel so bad since it's like he's counting on me to make everything better.

I'm still having breast pain and it's been over 48 hours now. Not sure if this is still a plugged duct or if it's something else. I tried calling my LC and it went right to the answering machine so haven't been able to ask about it.
Brittany sorry to hear you're still sore, I guess until you can speak to your LC just keep doing what you have been to try and unblock it in case it is a blocked duct. Does it feel any better?

Lauren, that stuff for Beau looks great! I love the pastel colours of the pram/car seat toy. All those sorts of things we bought before Izzy arrived so ours are all more neutral colours. Looks like she'll have lots to keep her busy! We do have a car seat toy for izzy but she's only looked at it once so far, and then she looked at it and fell straight asleep!!
Sorry to hear about more problems with your apartment block :( I know how much you want out of there, so it's just adding insult to injury. Are you allowed animals in them? I know lots of places - especially rentals - don't allow any pets at all. Especially massive dogs!
Our bouncer was £40 and it bounces (of course) and vibrates and has a toy bar with a musical owl - it's a fisher price one we got in Argos.

Hayley thanks soooo much for all that info :thumbup: I gave it to dh to read and do what he will with it :haha:
I'm sorry to hear about the other girl with thyroid issues dying, that must just put the fear of god in you. But think of all the people out there with similar problems who are still very healthy! There's more of them than of this girl :hugs:

Jabs: izzy will get hers at 8 weeks, no appointment made yet as I still have to register at the dr. Glad I'm not the only one fading it and thinking they will cry!

Afm: am off out tonight to a concert and leaving munchkin with Simon. I'm anxious to say the least! Not because I think he can't take care of her, but because I just imagine she won't settle without me - talk about thinking myself important!

And lastly, my friend had her baby on Wednesday. I've talked about her a lot in the last 10 months so thought I would update you on that! Little Lyla was expected to be around 5/6lbs- she was 7lb 2oz which was a shock for them as they only have premmie clothes! But she's doing great and has just as much hair as Isabelle which I love!
Sarah, congrats for your friend. Bless :) I also hope you have great night out!! Don't worry about Simon - they will be fine :)

Brittany, sorry to hear you are still sore. Hope its mastitis or something....I assume you just take antibiotics for that though. Anyhoo, hope you manage to speak to someone and have it sorted out.

I have some good news. WE ARE MOVING!!! :dance: we went to see the estate agent today (one which we are on the market with) and he is happy to put it on for us, told us what we need to do and what needs paying out. He said our apartment will rent out really well and thinks we will have someone living in here within a matter of weeks. We need to replace the oven, I have found a really cheap on on Argos for just over 100!! Everywhere else charge between 300-400 for their 'basic' ones. The reviews are really good too so I'm not worried about it being pants. We have to get a gas thing done and just tidy the place up a little (finish bits of painting that needs doing ect - I did paint AROUND the bed didn't I :haha: ) so need to sort that. We have also found a potential house which is in a lovely area - one of these places you drive through and think 'I'd love to live here' but we couldn't afford to buy a house there, rent though - yes!!! Sooo excited!! I am buying the oven tomorrow as their website isn't working which is annoying but I really think this is it!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

Brittany, as for the drugs thing. Yes the law is similar to where you are... they would get raided if the police thought they were selling but unfortunately nothing tends to happen if they hold a bit of cannabis, probably a warning then if they get caught x-amount of times they get a fine. Its worse if they are caught with class a drugs like cocaine ect. As for rentals and pets, some allow it. Although I can't see anyone agreeing to let a dog that big in an apartment that small. I know I had a dog but she was not much bigger than a cat, but even then I felt sorry for her because she didn't get much space to run around ect.
I tried to find out whether they were council, but got nowhere :dohh:
Brittany, sorry to hear about your plugged duct. I had one a few weeks ago and it felt like the upper part of my breast was bruised. I did pretty much everything you're doing (massage and keeping the breast as empty as possible) and it went away after a few days. I know for a fact that it lasted longer than 48 hours, though. Maybe 3-4 days? I watched out for a fever, flu-like symptoms or redness in case it turned into mastitis but luckily, it never did. I hope you start feeling better soon!

Lauren, YAY!!! I'm so excited for you!!! It must be such a relief to know that you're getting out of there! :happydance: :happydance:

Sarah has her 2 month shots next week. I'm not looking forward to it. I cry more than she does but it's so hard! I hope she sleeps it off like she did last time.

Sarah, have fun at the concert!! I'm sure Izzy will be fine with Simon. :) Seth has learned to settle Sarah himself and I'm so glad because it takes some of the pressure off of me. He puts her down for a nap several times a week even when I am home. Simon will find a way to settle her!

Sarah's 2 months old today! She slept 5.5 hours straight the other night and then 4.5 the next night, but is now back to her usual 2.5-3.5 (last night it was 11:30, 2, 4:30, 6). She is awesome at falling asleep on her own, though (without a paci even!! She refuses to take one). She suddenly hates her car seat. I don't know if it's because she's more aware now and more active and just hates being strapped in or what, but she fusses and/or screams every time we get in the car. We've adjusted the straps and made sure nothing is pinching her. She also dislikes her ring sling which makes me sad because I desperately want to use it. I'm considering the Ergo now that she's getting bigger. We plan on spending some time up at the cabin this summer, hiking and fishing, and that carrier just seems a lot sturdier for outdoors. Plus, you can wear it on your back which I think she would love.

She has so many expressions and "talks" to us all the time. She also acts like she's laughing, except no sound comes out. I can't wait until she can full-on laugh! I wish she would tolerate hair bows because we've had several people ask if she's a boy or a girl even if she's wearing pink. :dohh: I can't believe we're already going into the third month!!
(Ignore the spit-up on her shirt. She soaked both of us and seemed to think it was the funniest thing ever and then had a look like "Who, me?" Needless to say, we both got a bath.)
Aww Lindsey, Sarah is so cute!! I can't believe she is 2 months already. It doesn't seem two minutes ago since we were 2 months until due date!!
Beau frowns a lot which I find really funny, she has started smiling but it doesn't happen very often. I keep trying to encourage it but instead, I get frowns! I think it's strange that people ask you whether she is a boy or girl as I think she is very girly looking, I'm sure some people are just idiots. I haven't had it yet, might have something to do with the bright violet pushchair though lol.
It's a shame she doesn't like her sling, I can't work out how to use mine so don't know whether Beau will like it or not!!

I am so excited about finally going! The estate agent said we need to find a place and reserve it before we put ours on. So even though we've found one we really like, I still want to look around. Gives me something to do in the week :) although, I'd like to be with someone. Think I need to figure out how to use the sling properly too so I can carry beau around with me.
I got the answering machine every time I called the Lactation Center today and now they're closed so I have no answers about what is going on with my breast. Lindsey, I'm glad you mentioned your plugged duct taking 3 to 4 days to go. The LC I spoke to made it sound like it would definitely be gone in 24-48 hours so still having pain has made me so confused. I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and hope it goes soon.

I also think I'm having my first period. This would be day 2 of red bleeding. It's very, very light and the AF like cramping is hardly noticeable. I guess if I'm going to have periods while EBF I'd rather they be like this then like the periods Hayley and Lauren have described.

Sarah, I hope you have a great time at the concert. I'm sure Simon and Izzy will be fine. :) Also, congrats to your friend on the birth of her daughter. I don't think you can ever take the weight estimations seriously. They estimated 7 and a half pounds for Aiden and he was 6 lbs, 8 ozs.

Lauren, excellent news about moving! Very excited for you!

Lindsey, I love Sarah's facial expressions. Aiden gets me laughing so hard with some of his faces. Happy 2 months to her!
(finish bits of painting that needs doing ect - I did paint AROUND the bed didn't I :haha: )

:rofl: hilarious! But that is wonderful news! I know how much you've been stressing and hating being where you are, so I am so happy that you'll be out soon. And you can decorate a lovely room for Beau!!

Lindsey oh dear, not good news about Sarah and the sling. I've been using our carrier (a boba 3G- similar to the ergo) a lot this week and I love it! Izzy seems comfy as anything in it, and its really sturdy when out walking.
I'm so so glad to hear that Sarah is still doing small stretches at night. I have been worried/annoyed the last two nights as izzy has been back to doing the 2hr stints - even a 1.5hr stint- and for some reason I've been finding it tough. She had three nights last week that she did 5hr stretches so I thought we were on a winner :nope: so it definitely makes me feel better that she isn't the only one.
:kiss: she is so gorgeous in those pictures!!! A perfect little lady!

Brittany how are you feeling today? Still in pain? I hope you get through to your LC ASAP. It definitely sounds like your period is preferable to what the others have had, but I'm surprised it came back so soon. I have heard that ebf delays it coming back, so hadn't imagined I'd get mine for months!

Afm of course Simon and Izzy survived last night:blush: they were both fine, and she was asleep in her crib when I got home, so all good. I was very good and didnt even phone or text him to check on her! (He volunteered the info in a text himself!) but I did think I was going to cry when I was leaving the house!!
As I mentioned above, Izzy is sleeping a longish stretch at first, but then does short ones in the early morning - an hour- two hours. For some reason it's been really getting me down in the night. I think I assumed she'd be sleeping better by now, especially after some 5hr stretches last week. I'm hoping its just the first leap, and when she passes it (supposedly today is the last day!) then sleep is better.
My breast feels better today. I can't really feel any sore spots unless I really sit here and poke at my boob a lot to find out if it's sore. I'm starting to think it's me poking/massaging my breast that is making it feel sore still rather than it still being a plugged duct. Hoping to get ahold of someone at the lactation center today so I can ask about it, I can't believe the every time I called yesterday it went straight to the answering machine. I hate to think about the ladies that were calling yesterday with more serious issues and not getting help since no one seemed to be there during the hours they were open.

As for my period, I'm not really sure what is going on with it. It seemed heavier this morning with FMU but I'm not sure if that's due to me not peeing most of the night. I'm also not 100% sure it is a period. I've read so much conflicting information. Some things say to consider any bleeding prior to 8 weeks PP bleeding then other things say you can get a period a few weeks PP even with EBF (I guess periods while EBF are far more common then I was thinking). Then if it is a period, who knows when I'll get another one since it says periods while EBF can be really irregular. I'm looking forward to my PP checkup Tuesday so I can ask my OB what I should be considering this bleeding as because trying to guess is really frustrating.

Glad Isabelle behaved when you went out. I would think it will make going out in the future easier since you know she does settle for Simon.
Hi girls, not long arrived home from the baby show, feeling a little tired now! I am still play gym-less.... I couldn't find anything I liked without it costing too much. I am also comparing them all to the fancy one I saw the other day. I'm never happy am I lol.

Sleeping - beau generally sleeps 6 hour stretches but the other night she was only doing 3-4. I assume they'll continue to have the odd off night for a while. I dread the teething period as I know they can be really unsettled then!!

Brittany, glad your better today. What a pain not being able to get through to the centre. I'd be really frustrated. Could you not speak to anyone else - i.e a GP? I'm not sure how it works where you are, can you just go and see a doctor like we can here?

Sarah, glad you enjoyed your night :) and glad the two munchkins were ok together :p
Lauren, I hope you have fun house hunting! It's so exciting. When I get really bored, I check out new neighborhoods and walk through their model homes. Then I get home and want to remodel everything. :lol:

I don't personally own it but a lot of people have recommended the Kick and Play Piano Gym. It grows with your baby. I have the Baby Neptune Ocean Adventures, which she likes, but the other one seems to have a lot more to do.

Brittany, I can't believe you got the answering machine all day! I haven't had much luck with the LC's in my area. In any case, I'm glad you're feeling better!

My PP bleeding stopped around 2 weeks but I had some light brown spotting at 6 weeks. I don't know if it was the return of my period or not because I started my birth control that same day so it stopped altogether. My OBGYN seemed to think it was normal. :shrug: Hopefully you'll get some clarification at your appointment!

Sarah, you're not alone! I've been so depressed about sleep. I browse a few other baby sites and I've learned to avoid the "How many hours is your baby sleeping?" threads because everyone's babies seem to be sleeping better than mine. Family members always ask if she sleeps through the night yet. So annoying. :(

The only thing that's helped, honestly, is just accepting that it is what it is. She's only 9 weeks old (Izzy's even younger!) and exclusively breastfed - maybe it's unrealistic to expect her to sleep for 6-7 hours just yet. Last night she had a 4 hour stretch, followed by a 3 hour stretch, and then a 2 hour stretch. Not bad! Occasionally we regress to 1.5-2 hours but if she isn't fussing, I just rock her bassinet and give her time to fall back to sleep. If she doesn't, I feed her and we move on. Overall, though, the nights are improving. I'm sure Izzy's will, too.

I'm glad you enjoyed your time out and that Simon and Izzy did just fine! Does it help knowing that he can settle her if he needs to? Again, I loved Simon's blog. It's fun to read things from a dad's perspective.

As for me, we've had a busy week. Seth's sister is home from college and watched the baby for us while we went to the movies. Then, we had a BBQ at my parents' last night because my aunt is in town. We were over there for way too long. I kept trying to put Sarah down for a nap. I actually got her to sleep and then left her with my mom and aunt for literally 10 minutes while I picked my sister up from school and when I came back, they were playing with her. I just wanted them to stay out of her face and let her sleep!

Tonight we're all going out for dinner but that's it. I'm not going back to my parents' to socialize or anything. It'll be nice to spend an evening in my own home.
Lindsey, again so glad to know someone else feels the same about the sleep, it helps me feel normal! I've started waiting to see if izzy will go back to sleep and rocking her crib, but mostly she settles for a moment or two before fussing again. Sarah needs to come and give her some tips on how to settle better!! It's interesting to see Sarah also does a long stretch first at night, then they get shorter as that's exactly what we have :thumbup:

Lauren did you get anything at the baby show? Was it good?

Afm: saw my friends baby today - oh my lord she made Izzy look ENORMOUS! I know she has grown,but seriously, I don't remember her ever being anywhere near that teeny! In fairness, Lyla was a few ounces smaller than Izzy, but even still! Teeny!! I insisted everyone hold Izzy first before Lyla so they thought Lyla was light, not that Izzy was heavy :haha:
No I didn't actually buy anything from the baby show....there was lots to look at but nothing I needed. Think it might have been different if I went while pregnant.

I know Beau has good nights but at the moment her days are awful!!!! I could pull my hair out. Some days I literally cannot do anything, I will have about 20 minutes at a time to do stuff while she sleeps. As I am writing this she is crying. She had a full on crying fit earlier and I couldn't settle her. We soon realised that she was hungry, even though she had only had a bottle less an hour before...and THAT bottle was a second as she was still hungry after having her first one. I make 4oz and usually she doesn't quite drink it all, but today she could eat for England. I got a bit upset with not being able to settle her, I felt as though I had failed in some way. She has never cried like that. I think she is over tired now, just wish she'd fall asleep.
Oh Lauren that sounds awful :( people say a baby being awake all night is the worst, but I think that them screaming during the day is actually worse. You kind of expect at night in a way (even if you don't get it, if you have a bad night it is kind of what you expected it would be like, and you don't have anything else you should be doing) but you don't expect the days to be so horrific. And having no time to do anything is so awful. :hugs: I hope she falls asleep soon and gives you some peace.

Does anyone else have more clothes than they know what to do with?! We bought hardly anything for izzy, but we got so much as presents. I have sorted and washed all her 0-3 but the rest (and its mainly 3-6) is just in a heap. I need to sort it this week as its driving me mad!!!
It can be really stressful. She is really good when we go out, just sleeps. But as soon as we get home she gets ratty. I don't know what is wrong with her at the moment. She is really fussy when feeding too. I have to put her down for a nap every 2 hours because she won't sleep anywhere but her moses basket or hammock in the day and she can feed once every hour too!! I don't understand what is going on.....yet, she will sleep 4-6 hours at night.

Anyhoo. Yes we have lots of clothes in 3-6 months, most of it is in her drawer though and I'm not bothering washing any of it. I washed all her NB and up to 1 month stuff but stopped now. Her dresses are hanging in Adam's wardrobe, they look so cute and small next to all his stuff :) - I don't have any room in mine :haha: Her drawer has her baby grows, all of 1 vest (I need to buy more, didn't realise I had none), tops and leggins ect. When we move out I need to get her a wardrobe or something, we threw our old one out, which I kind of regret now as it was in good condition... think I'll get one off ebay.

I have just ordered an oven. Well 2....I have been searching for a cheap one all weekend now, finally found one, ordered it then realised I could have ordered it from another company and go and collect it today (rather than wait for it to be delivered). But the original company don't have a call centre, its all done over email...Monday to Friday :dohh: so I have emailed them to cancel my order and give me a refund and ordered a second from Currys. Oven shopping is more stressful than finding a new outfit lol. Ours trips out the electricity and the dial number things have all rubbed off from me cleaning it, so have to buy a new one to pass the electricity test thing we have to do for renting it out.
This post probably won't be very long as I'm just kind of skimming posts. I'm not going to be on very much this week due to a death in the family so I will need to travel to Indiana sometime this week for a funeral. I vented about the situation in my journal so check there if you want to know more about what is going on. I'm not putting details on FB as I don't feel it's appropriate.

Lauren, we can go to the doctor whenever we need to but you have to pay for whatever insurance doesn't cover. But it's hard to say how big of a bill you're going to get so I try not to go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary. Thankfully my breast pain is 100% gone so I haven't needed to see anyone. I think it was sore for so long because I kept poking and prodding at it to see if it was sore in addition the the massage I was told to do. I also have the same activity center that Lindsey has and Aiden also likes it. The Kick and Play Piano Gym is another one I would like to get at some point.

Sarah, I got a lot of clothes at my baby shower but it was a good variety of 0-3 and 3-6 clothing so I didn't have an overwhelming amount of one size.

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