Hi Girls!
I feel like I'm really struggling to keep up with the thread atm, I apologise if I forget to comment on something important - I'm struggling to remember anything lately!
I'm sorry you're all feeling a bit down about your other halves. It can be so frustrating - it does seem like their lives don't have to change as much as ours do, and its frustrating.
Lauren - congratulations on the house! Thats such great news

I'm sorry about the arguments with Adam - but I agree with Sarah, you are some kind of DIY Goddess! I wouldnt even know where to begin with sealing a bath - I'm not even 100% sure I know what it even means!!!! lol!
The Steiff donkey is so cute!!! Tyne was given a Steiff - I think its a dog?! Its buried in a bag of cuddly toys, I don't have anywhere to keep toys yet so they're all shoved in a gift bag together! I should probably take better care of it lol.
It was a nice gift but surprising for us, as the person who gave it is someone we barely know really - it was my sisters fiance's mother!!?
Sarah - I understand what you mean about feeling like Isabelle is your job now (in a way) and feeling that she's your responsibility, it totally makes sense. it was nice that Simon thought he was trying to help I guess, but I can see why you were miffed! Your poor Dad mustnt have known what to do for the best, running around after the little guy but wanting to help you out too!!
Lindsay - I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time with Sarah at the moment. If it makes you feel any better you're definitely not the only one whose baby doesn't sleep of a night - mine doesn't sleep like everybody elses either!! Admittedly he's been getting a little bit better and only waking every 3 hours, but he still seems to be a long way off catching up to everybody elses babies.
Tyne also sleeps a lot in the day too, so perhaps there is something in that theory.
But like Lauren said - I find that if he doesn't sleep in the day, he seems to be sleeping worse of a night - he gets REALLY grouchy and can't seem to settle himself at night time.
AFM - I'm having a lousy time. I'm still really unwell. I managed to perk myself up tonight and go out to dinner with Jon, but it was so much effort and I felt so weak the whole time. Its horrible!
I feel like such a horrible mother - I have NO energy to play with Tyne, I can barely even lift him atm - when I'm asleep I'm literally dead to the world and nothing wakes me, not even his cries.
I keep thinking about how the Drs all told me before I was pregnant that I should avoid getting pregnant because of my medical problems - I remember thinking "Ha! in your face, what do you know!" when I got pregnant and had a healthy baby - but now I'm starting to realise that actually maybe they didn't mean I should avoid it for that reason, maybe its more that my body can't cope with the after effects and won't let me care for the baby properly and do all the things a good mother should do.
It makes me feel horrible - I don't want Tyne to grow up with a Mummy who's too ill to play with him, and never has any energy - I certainly don't want him being stuck with a mummy who collapses while she's on her own with him!
Anyway. I don't have much other news really - except that Tyne is having his 8 week needles tomorrow. I'm terrified!!!! I hate the thought of him being hurt