First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Whoa ladies I am so impressed with all the cool stuff you have going on!

Lauren huge congrats on winning the radio prize, what a welcome cheque! You are obviously someone who has lots of luck - I never enter anything but any time I do, I don't win lol! And also great news about the prospective buyer. That would be the quickest house sale in history! Fingers crossed, but generally people only comeback a second time if they are very interested! :happydance: also great news about buying the hammock, you'll have to show us a pic when it's all set up! Also, I love Valentina for Beau's middle name! I think the whole name works really well!!!

Brittany I'm pretty forgetful and scatterbrained at the minute too! I go to get something and at work, and forget to actually get it, or don't take the thing I go to photocopy with me! Means lots of walking around school though, which is good considering how much I've eaten this week! Hmmm I wonder what the pain in your bump is? Is it a muscular/ligament type pain? And very exciting about your childbirth class - don't worry, I'm sure everyone will feel nervous about being there, just get dh on the case to chat and make the introductions!

Hayley that's so great about the stuff you are getting to do with your blog! Did you contact them or did they find you? I never understand how cool stuff like this happens to other people- nothing like that ever happens to me (although I don't blog...or enter maybe that's why?!) That is so weird about what we eat affecting the 'flavour' of the amniotic fluid. That grosses me out a little! Plus, right now, my baby must just be swimming in sugar, and in a sugar coma!! Is your sisters friends baby ok? 2lbs 12 is so tiny!!

Laura woohoo for 30 weeks! That's me today and I can't believe it! Lol at your pee routine! I am still trying to fight peeing in the middle of the ought (needless to say its Pee 1 - Sarah 0!) Sorry you are sore today - make sure you take it easy, especially if there has been anymore snow where you are. Beautiful bump!

Alex yay for being cosy inside with the snow! I got home from work and got the fire lit so am enjoying the same thing! Glad you got your sick note all sorted, but definitely stay away from the driving while the snow is out!

Afm last night was our school open evening, so we were in work until 11pm! I was on my feet from 8pm onwards and my back was properly pregnant lady achy at the end! But we got a half day today, so I can't really complain. I got home just as the snow started, and its sticking, but I don't imagine for long as its very 'wet' snow. I'm hoping it doesn't get too bad as we are supposed to be babysitting my gorgeous nephew all day tomorrow, and going to buy our nursery paint, which will all be cancelled I imagine if the snow gets worse. It can all appear on Sunday night though so Monday is a snow day!

I've also never heard of a breaded hens egg! Sounds to me a little like a scotch egg...without the weird extra meat layer (can you tell I don't like them?!)

I've been eating soooo badly this week and put on about 3lbs :blush: and that's after only putting on 15lbs in total before that! So I need to stop stuffing my face :munch: but with all the Christmas goodies in the house still, and my total lack of self control, it's easier said that done!!! I really, REALLY do not want to put on any more weight than necessary (does anyone?!) and I have this weird thing where I am terrified of my face getting fat :blush: I feel like people judge you when you are pregnant and have put weight on in your face, because its so much more obvious there, and they think you've been taking advantage of the eating for two. Well, in my mind they do, and I don't want that! So I MUST do better!!!
Hayley/Sarah the pain I'm having is very similar to feeling like round ligament pain, only it doesn't go away right away. I notice it at night mostly so I'm assuming it's from laying in the same position for so long or something. Everyone I've mentioned it to keep saying it sounds like it's just the muscles stretching and such and not anything I need to be concerned about. Hopefully my ob will have some tips or something to help when the pain is really noticeable.

HayleyAlso, I had no idea about the foods we're eating now affecting the flavor of the amniotic fluid. I'll have to start paying attention to the foods I eat an see what foods get lots of movements.

I hope everything goes well with your breast screening. Why is your doctor worried about the mastitis? Does she think you might have something else going on?

Alex glad you got everything sorted with the sick note.

I'm also noticing that some of the times I feel like my bladder is about to burst that I hardly pee anything like you mentioned.

Also, it's funny you mentioned the ball. I usually don't let my DH near my ball but he has done the bouncing it like a basketball thing when he's supposed to be carrying it. Then another time he threw it into the wall at the bottom of the stairs instead of just carrying it down the stairs. :dohh: I don't know why he seems to think it's a toy.

Laura, I didn't read the list of banned foods to my DH but my doctor gave us a list of meds that are okay during pregnancy and my DH would not get me anything that was not on that list. It really pissed me off because one of the meds that I read is safe for pregnancy and helpful for nausea he refused to get me.

Sarah, try not to stress too much about your weight. A few weeks ago I was posting about gaining 5lbs in one week. It really freaked me out but all that weight has since came right back off. I've read that if you eat foods with a high sodium content (I had wings the two days that I gained the 5 lbs on) that you can retain water and will therefore weigh more because of that. So the 3 lbs you have gained may come right back off in the next few days like the 5 lbs I gained did.
I feel terrible now as I weighed myself the other day and in total I have put on 22lb :cry: :wacko: That's terrible isn't it! I looked in my book and it was bang on target apparently for 30 weeks but I'm worried it's too much. I don't feel like I've put on weight all over, mainly just my tummy and thighs and face but I hope I lose it afterwards! TBH I have eaten terribly this whole pregnancy (I ate awful before!) so I'm not surprised! I'm surprised I haven't got GD actually the amount of sugar I consume!

I've stayed away from most banned foods however have been a little cheeky. Like I still have my steak medium and still have tea and pepsi. My friend has gone overboard and shouted at me for having cheesecake?!? I think you have to be sensible, like my dr said in the last trimester baby is fully formed so you aren't probably risking much. Plus most food bans is because of food poisoning and no offence but a runny egg has never given me food poisoning!

My phone cover is from accessorize mrshippo and quite a few people comment on it!
I don't have a clue how much I weigh and refuse to look at my weight in my notes. I have never owed a pair of scales either.... I have always used my image and the size of clothes I wear. So if I noticed my jeans had become a little tight, I'd cut out carbs for a few weeks or vice versa, if I think I need to stick a bit more weight on I'll eat more. I've never been under weight but I hate feeling skinny. I love curves, I think women should be curvy. But I like my stomach to be flat. Ill have to work on that after bean is here... Although I hate excersise with a passion!! But I am happy if I feel good :)

I've been good but not a complete angel. I was put off red meat for ages, I loved it before I was pregnant. I think I've eaten steak about 4 times since being pg, all being medium rare as I refuse to eat it over cooked!! Same as lamb ect, eaten that a couple of times too. As I've already mentioned, have eaten runny eggs but I'd say I eat 2-4 eggs a month. I went out to a really fancy restaurant a few months ago and they literally had nothing 'safe' on their menu so I ate three courses of 'naughty' food. Haven't eaten any cheese - apart from chedder ect. Errrm I think that's it actually. Oh and coffee... That was the first thing k went off but started drinking it again after 4 months but limit myself to 2 mugs a day.
Alex, try not to stress about your weight. 22 lbs gained sounds great. But if you're concerned about it the only thing you can really do is focus on eating more healthy foods and getting in some exercise. I personally do a 20 minute walk after I have lunch and then a 30 minute prenatal workout that I found on youtube. There is a workout for each month you're pregnant. I can link anyone who is interested to the page with all the videos.

Try to remember that your weight will fluctuate a lot though. I usually weigh myself first thing in the morning and it's amazing how much my weight changes. Like a few weeks ago, the scale was saying I had gained 5 lbs in one week, all that weight is no longer there though. I've now figured out that some foods that I eat (like wings, I don't eat healthy all the time either) will cause me to retain water and therefore cause the number on the scale to jump up quite a bit.
Lauren - Thanks! I'm excited about the blog stuff! :)
Ooh if you got your first win after 3 weeks I'm about due for one! lol! I have done about 20 comp entries a day since you told us about it lol.
I made sure I made good use of the auto-fill for forms, and I love the Twitter comps as they're sooooo easy! Follow & Retweet...ideal! lol.
I don't think I'm as lucky as you, but we'll see! ;)

That is SO weird, I was going to suggest Fleur as a middle name but I thought you might think it was odd! Lol, I swear I actually typed both Beau Fleur and Beau Aurora and deleted them lol!
I think Beau Fleur is lovely, but so is Beau Valentina! That makes me think of the Valentina advert where the lady with the heavy accent calls out "Valentina!" - I love it :)

I've never heard of breaded hens eggs either but now I want one lol.

Laura - You'd think they could get another copy sent wouldnt you?! Apparently these people are on hundreds of thousands of pounds a year to sit around and scratch their arses, and thats about it :growlmad:
So its a 3 week wait I guess! grrr!

Wooo yay for 30 weeks!!! :happydance: Lol aww bless your wee routine!

Heartburn and tiredness are killing me this week, too. Fun fun! :)

Ooh your bump looks fab! I don't know if its just the pic/clothes but it does look rounder! Last weeks looked more pointed and I wondered if that was coz of the placenta thing they mentioned at your scan?
Would the placenta have moved back again, or are they pretty much static?! I have literally no idea :/

Alex - Yay for snow! lol! Its THICK here, i'm scared to go outside! Don't blame you for changing your appointments, stay at home if you can for sure! I plan to! :D

I have the same wee-related issue! I go to the loo before bed, and LITERALLY in the time it takes me to walk back to my bedroom I feel like I need to go again - so I waddle back, and it will literally be the most pathetic little trickle ever! Yet I'd feel like I was BURSTING for a massive wee!!
I think I just have a nervous bladder :D

You look fab! I don't think 22 lbs is bad at all, it sounds about right, and from the pic you posted you look absolutely fine. You don't look at all like you've gained too much, you just look perfectly pregnant to me.
I know its hard but I would say just try not to stress about it - this is the only time a woman can get away with eating more than normal and have something to blame weight gain on, take advantage - we can always worry about shifting it later ;) And I plan on always blaming the baby for my weight for the rest of my life anyway...its a mother prerogative :D hehe

Aww thank you so much for the comments on my blog! I'm glad you like it :) I always worry that I'm going to offend people lol. But humour is my way of getting through it lol! I'm hoping the baby doesn't turn me into a gushy-mummy i'm-so-happy blubbering mess as the whiny cranky-mummy approach seems to work well lol!
Aww thanks for saying I'm fashionable. I feel like a right mess in those last photos I put up! BAD hair day lol.
New Look are really good for preg clothes you know, not even the maternity range - just the normal range but in a bigger size! The ax paris jumpers and the patterned leggings are SO comfy but they still look you've made an effort even when you haven't lol. They feel just like wearing PJs!
Don't worry though, for the first 6 months of this pregnancy I literally wore PJs everyday and I never bothered with make up - and I am somebody who hadn't left the house without make up on since I was 14!! :haha:

I can't believe your friend had a go at you for eating cheesecake!! Cheesecake is fine as long as its baked and most of them in cafes/restaurants etc are, so :thumbup:

Sarah - Congrats on 30 weeks!! Oooh that seems like SUCH a milestone to me, 30 sounds SO nearly there!!
With the blog thing, the dress company contacted me! They didn't even ask me first, they just emailed me a contract through and told me to send it back if I'm interested lol! I think bloggers are a new trend with advertisers, as they draw in big audiences but they're just run by regular people as hobbies so its cheap for them to advertise! :)
And the baby website who want me to write an article for them contacted me after I joined their website and posted a link to my blog :)
I've just signed up today to a company who link bloggers with advertisers, so I've allowed a few small banners ads on my page and I will get a bit of money for doing so which is nice, don't imagine it will be much though!

Yeah the baby is healthy, but because its so early they have to stay in hospital for the next 8 weeks until the due date! So thats a bit sad for them.

Wow, fancy them having a pregnant lady working so late! Boo! Did you get any snow yet?

Sarah/Brittany - I know! I only found out about the amniotic fluid/flavour thing from one of the many "your pregnancy week by week" updates I'm signed up to through email - I forget which one it was though! But very interesting! :)

Brittany - Aww I really hope that your OB can suggest something to help! Have you tried a band/girdle? I've read those can help with these pains but I haven't personally tried one yet. Do you have a pregnancy pillow?
I don't but I keep thinking of getting one.
I don't get bump pain in bed though, but my hip bone always REALLY aches on whatever side i'm laying on - probably due to immense weight thats being put on it :D

My Dr just said that now that the mastitis is cleared up, she's concerned about my nipple area still being mis-shapen .. she said its probably just tissue changes in pregnancy but that they have to double check :wacko:

Can I get the link to that workout? I'm the worlds worst person for exercise but its worth having a look at, as I'm a lazy cow and should probably be making an effort to get off the sofa occasionally :D

AFM - I am SO TIRED today. I have been ever since I got up.

Does anybody else suffer with aching ribs?! It only hurts on my right hand side but its soooooooooooooo annoying!

GUESS WHAT!!! I FINALLY received an appointment to discuss the c section/birth!!!
But its not until 6th February - I'll be 32 weeks then. Doesn't this same a little late in the day to be JUST discussing wether or not it will be a c section?! I mean, if it IS going to be a c section they usually do them at either 38 or 39 32 weeks seems kind of close?!
I can't even begin to work on a birth plan until I know what kind of birth I'm having...I'm tempted to call and complain, and ask them to bring it forward :/

As for banned foods, I have to admit - I have not been the strictest!
Steak is fine as I only ever liked it cooked well done anyway, and the funny thing with me is that I have always HATED eggs but in pregnancy I have been craving them! I only like them very well done though, so that hasn't been a problem either.
But I drink pepsi/cola/tea/coffee all the time - I tried to cut down in the beginning, but I just haven't been able to keep it up.
And just yesterday I gave in to my camembert craving - but I read that if you bake it for a long time, it takes away the risk anyway so I'm sure its ok - and like somebody else said, these kinds of things are less risky in the third trimester.
I'm just still waiting on that prosecco and the huge big wedge of Brie I intend to have the minute this baby is out of me.....:winkwink:
I've just looked at your blog....sorry to say, but for the first time!! I can't believe I haven't looked yet. I have always wanted to do one but not sure what on. I, like you are very much in to make up and looking good. I have done all sorts of strange things over the last few years lol...oh and I'd LOVE to write for a travel magazine but I just don't think I am good enough to entertain people through my writing :/ on your blog you seem very good with your wording. Oh and with the competitions, have you set up a new email address for it? As you are probably aware of, you get LOADS of junk!! And I am sure you will win something soon :) I haven't entered any all week, have lots of catching up to do :O)

Well the snow hit us quite heavy last night, my car is well and truely snowed in hehe. I want to go out and do something today but I don't know what. I REALLY need a new coat!!! I only own two and both open up over my bump :( I'm not planning on buying a maternity one, just a coat in a couple of sizes bigger unless I can get a cheap(ish) maternity one. As long as it wraps around me anyway, I am sick of getting a draft!! But if I go in to town I will most likely have to get the bus as our rear wheel drive is terrible in the snow. My next car will most certainly not be a BMW...they are lovely to look at but inpractical when it comes to weather. Oh and it moans. A lot. It beeps at me all the time - no seatbelt (bare in mind I haven't even started moving yet), needs fuel, weather is cold....its rather annoying!!!

My pregnancy moan is leg cramp!!! I mentioned a couple of weeks ago about that really painful one in my leg....well they just keep on coming. Always at night too!! But I find that come early evening I will be sitting on the sofa and I get that sensation in my legs and feet where it feels as though cramp is about to happen. I think its restless leg syndrome :/ its very uncomfortable. I am constantly moving around and have to keep getting up, walking tends to ease it off.

I am looking out the window now and I am very tempted to let the big kid come out of me and go make a snowman :p
Sorry for so many posts at the moment!! But for those in UK sign up to this website (if you haven't already). They have vouchers to give out and at the moment have a voucher for a free mum to be pack full of johnsons baby stuff which you can pick up at argos or boots.
I'm a little late but may I join? I'm due 31st March.

Currently very anxious as getting Af like pains and other early labour symptoms. Really hoping baby stays put for a bit longer.

Hi nuttynicnak :wave: what is your name (if you don't mind me asking :))

There are things which do happen in last tri which many women mistaken for early labour. But if your worried then speak to your midwife, they will offer the best advice.

I've attached my most recent photo - do have to apologise about it being laptop isn't letting me turn it!! >.<


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Hayely, I have not tried a band/girdle. I do have a pregnancy pillow though. I don't think it has much of an effect with the stretching pains I get at night. I like being able to shove it up against my bump when it's aching but I could do that with a regular pillow and I imagine it would have the same effect.

The workouts are all here, There are 3 workouts for each trimester, one for each month in that trimester. They use a stability ball and weights in the workouts so if you don't have a ball make sure you have a chair handy and if you don't have weights grab some soup cans or some water bottles. I'm really not a fan of working out but I do feel good after doing these so I've been sticking with it.

I would also call and see if you could move your appointment forward. You've been waiting to have this appointment for awhile now so I think it's not unreasonable for them to get you in as quickly as possible.

nuttynicnak welcome to the group! I'll add you to the first post.

AFM DH is finishing the painting today. He actually surprised me by being up and ready to go at 7:30 in the morning so that he could be at the store right at 8 when they opened. FX'ed that this paint that we need to touch up the spots where DH got sloppy is the right shade. Once the painting is done we can put furniture together. I'm so excited about possibly having some good pictures of the nursery to share with y'all tomorrow.

I've also attached my 29 week bump photo.


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Here's just some info on me. I'm 30, an English teacher cuerentlyiving in Northamptonshire. My OH has just left the army and is now working round the world on oil rigs. He's currently in Dubai and I'm praying baby comes right on time so he's home.

We're having a little girl, but this is not known to anyone other than bnb people. We wanted to know but wanted to keep it to ourselves. When we told people our plans they were unae to accept our decision and were putting pressure on us to tell 'them' and they'd keep it secret to. We decided that we want our wishes respected and told people we couldn't find out that baby wouldn't let us.

I do have a journal but always forget how to put the link in my signature!

I'm sorry people can't accept your decision to keep the gender to yourselves. DH and I made the decision to keep the name to ourselves and our families have both been rather annoying with constantly trying to guess the name and then telling us what they think we should name our child. I think they're under the impression that if they guess right we'll tell them or something. :wacko: Have you also decided to keep name ideas to yourselves as well since your family and friends are under the impression you don't know the gender?
No, we've been a lot more open with names and given both sexes. Again, if they don't like it they insist on telling you they don't!

Everyone was insisting that we 'just' told them. My parents didn't want to know so asked us not to say if we found out or at least try to. Thats what started us keeping it to ourselves.

I've been surprised actually how people behave around pregnancy and new mums. It's almost like your a possession or something. Not everyone, a lot of people are good, but things like grabbing the bump, disliking the names and insisting how much we know they don't like it (my partner will call it that just to be stubborn)

Glad I'm not the only one! Xx
I 100% agree about how other people behave. I was actually surprised at how much other people (namely my mom and MIL) contributed to making me dislike being pregnant. It's like they both suddenly expect me to want to talk to them 24/7 and share every single detail, even the personal stuff that is none of their business. I don't know how many times I've had both of them telling me they feel left out. It's like what do you think I'm over here doing, I'm waiting to do most of my baby purchasing after my baby shower so there is nothing to show them really. I mean I shared the ultrasound photos, talked a bit about the doctors appointments. I swear they think I have my entire nursery set up and everything I will need for my baby purchased and I'm just hiding it all or something.

I also agree about the bump thing. I didn't have people touching my stomach when I wasn't pg, I'm not sure why suddenly being pg makes people think it's okay to touch it now. It's not something I'm comfortable with. Then I try to explain this to people and it's like I'm supposed to feel bad for not being comfortable with it because they "just want to feel the baby kick" or they "loved people touching their belly when they're pg". I've probably wanted to shout, "I'm not you" at least 100 times.
Not just me then!

I live about 3 hours drive from my parents and his parents. That makes it a little easier. My mum just wants to buy and says she doesn't know what I've got. Even I don't as that many people but stuff for us or give us it's hard to keep track!

I ring my mum after the midwife appointments. They've never said they feel left out but MIL does not listen at all. I'm sure they Know that we know the sex. Everytime she rings she asks what it is. I haven't had a scan since my 20 week one. Yet she still asks. Feel like a broken record constantly telling her. She's like that about everything though. Does not listen to anything you say or want and does her own thing.

We have the issue of when we visit. Everyone 'needs' to see us but no-one arranges one place. We are expected to visit all houses. I've already stressed that when baby is here it isn't going to happen at all. They either visit one place or they don't get to see us.

It's hard when OH is away, I know they don't get to see him but I can't manage the drive round everywhere anymore.

Feel a bit more chilled knowing its going in all over. X
I'm so glad I don't have that problem with my family, I really do feel for you guys though who do. I think the reason mine aren't like it is because my family is quite young (my side anyway) and we have lots of young children. Two are still in nappies! So even though they do talk about it ect they aren't overly fussy. OH's family are though, they don't have any little ones....but I don't see them all that often so its not too big a problem. A lot of people know that I have a 'bubble' haha and I hate people being in my bubble, so I don't get touched very often.

I am sorry to hear your OH works away Nicola, it must be really hard. They are away for most of the year on oil rigs aren't they? if you don't mind me asking, why does he do it? I know they can pay quite well but I'd hate my OH to do it. He works away a week at a time sometimes and that is hard enough, he stays in this country but can be a few hours away.
I don't mind you asking. Yes, it is hard. I don't have any friends or family here. I seriously mean that as well!

I have work colleagues and just started to make a few friends from antenatal so I get really lonely.

He worked in the army for 15 years so the going away is sort of second nature to us. In the year I was down he was away for more than half on various tours/exercise etc.

He only started this job last week and to be honest I don't know why he choose that. He had interviews for my stable jobs but cancelled them when he got this in September last year.

I know he doesn't like bog standard jobs, he gets bored very easily. He wants to retire at 50/55 so is making sure yes earning the money so he can do that. He doesn't like being away from me, but being used to it he just sort of went down this route. I've always supported him and it's his career so never said how I feel about it. He does know its difficult for me beng here.

His current rotation is 6 weeks on and three weeks off. This is a lot better than the army as he can go away in a 24 hour LO, whereas this is more stable and strctured. We can actually plan things into the calendar and book leave.

If he lasts awhile n this company then the rotation could change to four on and four off.

We have discussed moving again so I'm nearer to family. We shall see whether this happens. I don't want to start again in a new school though, it's hard work building up relationships with pupils.

Lauren - Lol thats ok! Aww you should def try blogging. Before the pregnancy I just did beauty/fashion blogging - there's a HUGE online community for that! Its so fun getting to know people and getting followers etc.
Some people who blog don't do it for the writing skills, they just do review posts of products etc so its certainly not a requirement to be a good writer. It can be just good fun! :)

I do it for writing practice as I have always loved writing, I write novels and screenplays as a hobby - never sent them off anywhere but I intend to one day! I just enjoy doing it :)

I did create a new email address for the comps, glad I did - you do get a LOT of junk mail hehe!

I joined that website I can't find the voucher section though, will have to have a good look through later - entered all of their contests though lol.

Oh and lovely bump pic! Love the fishtail plait too, cute!

Aww the leg cramp sounds awful. That's one thing I haven't had yet! It sounds like a right nightmare :/

Brittany - Thanks for the link to the workouts, will give them a look over :)
Aww cute bump! Hows the nursery painting going?

Nicola - welcome to the group! :) And congrats on your little pink bean! We tried to keep the gender a secret too, we lasted until about 24 weeks but then I got bored and ended up announcing it lol. (We're having a boy).
Are you sharing your name on here or keeping it a secret?

AFM not much new since yesterday but I keep wondering where some of the ladies have gone - its been so long since we heard from some of them! (Amanda, JennynBump, Cherry, etc) I hope they're all ok.

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