First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hayley, I had a bit of a panic earlier too!! I was sitting on the sofa after a day of being busy and I started getting BH but quite bad... then she was moving around funny, well not funny, but I could really feel her deep in my stomach - rather than towards the surface. Its gone back to normal now but it made me panic about the whole early labour thing again and that I had nothing ready for hospital. I think its a sign that I should do it I am doing it tomorrow lol!! I think the next couple of months is going to be like this - worrying about every odd thing happening. My colleague asked me yesterday whether I had my hospital bag packed yet, when I said no she didn't go ''oh but you must!!'' but kindly reminded me that some CAN come early. I haven't thought about going in to labour by myself. Until now. lol. Adam works away, he can be a few hour drive away sometimes. I know he has asked work to be local from mid March but his company are crap and their local will still be a couple of hours away even though they will have something closer to home. Its like they purposely try and piss people off. My mum is going on holiday in March too. I guess if worse comes to worse I could always ask my sister to come, but then she doesn't drive so I'll end up with her OH with me too and he is the last person I want hanging around. He is lovely but he is one of those people that you can't spend too long around because they just irritate you lol. If not I have my stepmum, as much as she does my head in at times she is supportive. Then if I can't get anyone else I think I'll just go by myself, I don't even want to consider OH's family. Oh dear, lets hope that doesn't happen to either of us!!! I'm sure it won't but you never know. You will have to make sure there is someone on stand by at all times.

Alex, sounds as though they have just made a mistake. You should try and measure yourself as others have said. I think I felt my uterus earlier....I felt something round up at the top of my bump, it didn't feel like baby so I am assuming that is the top of the uterus? I feel as though I haven't changed much over the last couple of friend who had her baby the other weekend stopped growing around this stage. Well not stop, but slowed. She ended up with quite a small bump and she was telling me that the mw's were surprised when she pushed out a 7'12 baby as apparently she had a small bump. So I suppose the bump size isn't 100%, we could have loads of water or hardly any. But if you were too small then they would monitor you. I wonder what happens if the baby is too big, do you think they monitor you then?

So today I went in to the Radley shop to find a big bag (for my hospital bag) and came out with this instead :) Its the grey one I have.

I know its a little expensive but I have had my eye on them for a while now, think they are different.... think a lot of people are buying those pink lining ones so I wanted something else :) I also went and spent about 65 pounds in NEXT this morning :/ I only brought 4 things!!!! We spend about 35 in the sales and came back with loads. So glad I brought stuff then instead of leaving it all until now.

Had the viewing today too, I think it went pretty well. It was a young couple who currently rent an apartment up the road. They were only here for like 2 minutes though haha. It is always a little awkward so if they decided to come back for a 2nd viewing I will defo be asking the agent to come so I can go out. But fingers crossed. They did tell me they were off to another viewing once they left us so I guess it just depends on what they are after. When she looked at the bathroom she went 'a bathrooms just a bathroom isn't it, its all about the main living space' lol... but our kitchen is probably the highlight of this place but living space itself is quite small compared to some others, but then I think our finish is done to a high standard. So we will see...

So tonight I am by myself :( Adam has gone off to a friends 'lads only' house party. I have mixed feelings about it. Normally it wouldn't bother me but this time it does. I think its because I can't do anything at the moment, I can't go to the cinema because I find it uncomfortable to sit there for that long, can't go out in to town because I got really upset last time I did, can't do anything too physical like bowling.....I'm not one for spending the evening at a friends house either and I have no one to meet to go out for a meal or something like that because they either have kids or they are out down town. But its like he can go off, enjoy himself, get drunk and I have to sit in. Oh and I am taxi tonight I can't even chill out. But I know that if I told him to make his own way back he will be out to all hours of the morning and that will just make me really angry. I think I am just being hormonal but I think its the whole 'if I can't do it then you shouldn't be allowed to either'. But throughout the whole pregnancy he has only been out a couple of times and thats normally just to the local for a couple of hours. So I can't really complain. But we have always been ones to go out all the time at weekends ect and now all of a sudden I can't do anything but he can :'( Oh and he is going away for a stag weekend at the begining of June I think it is. LO will only be a couple of months if that, depending on when she comes. At this very moment in time I feel like my life has already come to a holt :cry:

Oh and to add, he hasn't once text me or anything since he went. If it was me out and he was at home I'd be getting phone calls and texts all the time. *sighs*
Lauren - I've been getting those sorts of movements too! eeek!

I think you're right, its a sign to be more prepared lol.
Sorry I didnt mean to scare anybody about the lone labour thing lol. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen to any of us!!!

My aunty lives across the road so if worst came to worst I'd have to call her - but I think I'd probably rather just do it on my own! lol.

If the baby is too big I believe they do monitor you, as sometimes it can be Big Baby syndrome - I saw somebody talking about it on the third tri boards a while ago! She had been diagnosed with it so they'd given her a c-section early - the baby was about 11 lbs I think, he didn't look massive but the umbilical cord looked like a big thick piece of rope, it was gigantic!!

*swoon* at your Radley bag!!

I can't decide what to use for my hospital bag - I have tons of massive bags but I stupidly left them all in storage in Devon. So I'm not sure I want to splash out on a new expensive one, I'd like to go to Primark and get one of their big bags but I can't be bothered with the queues!
I do love the Pink lining bags but it seems silly as I already have a changing bag that comes with my pram and matches it, so I'd be better off not buying an extra changing bag....

So I'm a bit stuck! lol. I have bought my nursing pads and two nighties so far...need everything else still though. Oops!

Aww I'm sorry you're feeling down :( I can totally understand how you're frustrated with OH going out when you can't and I wouldn't be too happy about the stag night either if I were you.
You should make sure you arrange a fun night out for around the same time as his stag weekend, so you have a night when YOU can go out and have fun and he can be on babysitting duty.
Just coz we're going to be mummies, doesn't mean our lives have to stop (though I bet we'll find once they're here that we don't actually want to go anywhere without them lol). :hugs:

AFM - been really freaking out about my change in my bump appearance, so I measured it. Then got OH to measure it to double check.
Its gone in reverse :/
I was 32 cm when the midwife last measured me about 2 weeks ago- now I'm 30 cm!
I know my measurements are right coz I actually found it REALLY easy to find the top of my uterus for once!
So either the midwifes last measurements were wrong - or baby has dropped/engaged?! My mum says they can engage and then come back up again so its nothing to worry about but erm....eeek?!
Well I just spoke to him and now I feel like a right bitch....but I'm kind of annoyed at the same time. I asked him when he wanted picking up and he was telling him how he don't mind getting a taxi, I said that if he did that he would just take the piss coming home and he started going on about how often I have gone out before and he has been at home and that I don't mind him coming in late when he is at work. AT WORK. I don't have an f*ing choice but to be ok with it when its work. And as for the going out in the past he has chosen to stay in while I went out. THEN he had the cheek to say 'your pregnant, you need to sleep. Need to make sure bean is healthy' blablabla. My reply was 'thats easy for you to say when your out drinking' then he got all arsey telling me to pick him up now. Oh and he said that I was more than welcome to go there - he told me it was a 'lads night' and so did Mark when I dropped them off.... so since when was I ever pissing welcome???

Its not that I don't want him going out enjoying himself its just the fact that I am sat here bored not being able to do anything because I am f*ing pregnant and now I feel really really crappy :cry: :cry: :cry: and I feel like a bad person for moaning at him for being out. So I text him and just told him to get a taxi back whenever. Otherwise I will just get moaned at when we get home. I don't want to deal with that. So instead I am just going to have to hang around and see what time he comes home because I certainly won't be able to sleep with him out...... god I feel so pathetic :cry:

I'm so sorry for the moan girls. I just needed to get it off my chest. Don't really have anyone else to talk to x

Oh and Hayley, I am sure everything is fine. My belly looks as though it has dropped sometimes and looks smaller but always seem to go back to normal eventually. Think it depends on where they are lying?
Aw Hun don't worry about the rant.
My ex used to be like that. He'd turn up a 4am or ring me nog knowing where he was going or where he was. I could never sleep when he was out either.

Hope you get it all sorted today. Fingers crossed anyway.

Sorry I've not been around. Just lots of little issues surrounding that hospital visit. Got another water infection. Iron and b12 low so going on tablets again.

Lost some of my plug and baby is 4/5ths engaged. Just feeling totally low about it all.

My parents came to see me this weekend to help out which has been great.

Will catch up this week xxx
Aww bless you :( I read that the mucus plug does repair itself though. I assume you've been put on antibiotics and stuff for the infection? Sorry you've not been feeling great :hugs:

I feel a bit better this morning. I felt really upset last night though, he got in about 1 but totally blanked me and just ended up going to bed. I think he was really drunk though...but even still, there was no need to be like that. We haven't spoke about it this morning, it will just start an argument so id rather just get on with my day.

I do apologise again for my moaning. Think I worked myself up a little too much.
Dont apologise we're all extra sensitive and if it bothers you then it needs getting out!
No-one should mind that.

My ex used to argue with me when he got home and smashed things up occasionally. Sometimes it's just not worth the stress of the argument. Hope you're ok :hugs:

Yeah on antibiotics and iron tablets. All exciting stuff! The plug. An repair so hopefully it's doing just that!

Missed so much on this thread. A few things I remember reading:
No lactating, yet!
Not packed my bag either and everything seems to have an issue with that.
Don't have a bag list (plan on pinching one of yours!)

I can't remember what else I missed:

Liverpool Lass, sorry about your tablets and how you're feeling. Wish there was something I could say/do to help.

Lauren I love your change bag! It is absolutely lovely! I'm glad the viewing went kind of well - I always found it so awkward looking round people's houses that we never stayed long, even if we loved it! So fingers crossed that it will turn out well. What about the guy that came before, who had the kid who stayed with him on weekends? Hear anything after that? And everyone is allowed to moan about OH - that's just part of having one! I'm sorry you had such a crappy night last night. Does oh know how worried you are about going into labour and him not being there? I know that's not connected directly to this, but maybe if he did he would be more reluctant to go out (drinking especially) and leave you alone. And do not apologise for moaning - half of my pregnancy has been spent moaning about something so far! And still plenty of time to go - its our prerogative at the minute :hugs:

Hayley I have heard that babies can go down and then back up again as well. I wouldn't worry too much about the bump size (says me after panicking about mine being too small!) as I think they are super inaccurate at telling what baby is actually doing and how they are growing. But you have a mw appointment tomorrow? Make sure you double check with her, but its sure all is fine. LO can't shrink ;)

Nicola :hugs: sorry to hear you are having a rough time. My LO is also head down, and at 4/5 engaged they could easily move back up again. Like Lauren, I've also heard that the plug can regenerate, and have heard about people losing it at 30 weeks and going to full term - and beyond. Try not to worry (although I think telling a pregnant woman not to worry is like telling the earth not to spin!)

Lauren- did you pack your bag today?

Afm, we had a funeral today which ended up taking up most of the day as it was quite far away. And tonight I have my "joint baby shower" which I am not looking forward to. I sound so ungrateful I know, but I found out that the girl I mentioned who is a Dr and has said some rude/mean things since new year is going to be there, and I just don't want her to be. Last night at our friends house warming she said "oh I have a breastfeeding DVD" and I said I would love to borrow it if possible. Se them said "everything I hear makes bf sound so horrific. All bleeding nipples and agony each time you feed. It sounds awful, so painful and difficult." To which our other friend was a bit like :shock: "I think she means bf is a lovely experience?"

This girl is just determined to make everything about pregnancy, birth and having a newborn sound awful. Ad of course, she is a Dr so obviously she knows :huh:
Nicola Glad to see you back! I was getting worried.

So sorry to hear about the problems you've been having :hugs:

Sounds gross, but I don't really know much about the mucus plug - how did you know you had lost it?
Also, how can you tell that the baby is part engaged? (I mean, obviously the Drs told you - but was it something you could feel yourself?)
I'm really wondering if mine is due to the drop in measurements and just how low and uncomfortable it suddenly feels.

Lauren - I hope you're feeling better today. I think you had every right to be annoyed :hugs:

Sarah - I'm not really worried about the bump size in relation to growth, I just read that a decrease can mean the baby is engaged so I'm wondering if thats the case!
Just with the sudden change in the appearance of the bump, the decrease in the size, and how low/uncomfortable it suddenly feels makes me wonder - and I've started to REALLY waddle, which I've heard is also a sign!
Baby was head down at my last appointment, so the other possibility would be that he's turned and is just in an uncomfortable position which had made him measure lower! I guess I'll find out tomorrow.

People have been telling me to feel for where the head is but I am useless - I can find the top of my uterus no problem but I absolutely cannot distinguish one part of the baby from another!!

I hope you enjoy your baby shower! What a pain that girl is going to be there. Who invited her?! It sounds like it would be like inviting the child catcher to a kids birthday party!!!
I wonder if maybe she does it coz she actually does want children and is over compensating?
I had a friend like that - she was ALWAYS going on and on about how much she hated kids, how she was child free by choice and she wondered why anybody would ever want to saddle themselves with kids - she's just had a baby, and now its all she talks about. She admitted that she always wanted kids, but she thought she couldnt have any and didnt want to admit it!

AFM - just got back from the Baby & Toddler show. I hope nobody travelled from far away for it, I didn't think there was much there!
Maybe if you hadn't already bought your big things like prams and car seats etc it would have been more worthwhile, or if you had kids with you as there was lots of entertainment for them.
But there just wasn't anywhere near as many stalls as I expected! A lot of them were quite boring.
I had a QI massage taster session which was nice but it just made me REALLY want a proper long massage as it only lasted about 4 minutes!!!
And I bought a really cool item called a Snugglebundl - has anyone seen them?

I was chatting to the designer, he was really cool - they're taking it on Dragons Den this year, its only available online at the moment, I thought it was a brilliant product as it has so many uses!!
I tried it out with one of those baby dolls that weigh the same as a newborn, and it was brilliant - its main purpose is to save your back from bending over all the time to scoop up the baby (particularly brilliant if you've had a c section!!!) but you can also use it for getting the baby in and out of the car seat without having to remove the whole seat, as a breastfeeding cover, and loads of other things!
I thought it was great and when I told him about my blog he gave me £15 off so I bought one lol!
That's fab. It looks really good, and I was thinking about something like that as well. Bargain with £15 off- that's a good buy!

The plus is really different from discharge and was pink tinged. I spoke to the midwife who confirmed it sounded like it. You can either lose it in clumps or in little bits. Mine was just little bits shedding away. It was caused by the internal examination they did that week at the hospital to check my waters.

The midwife felt and told me about the head, but I sort of knew that head was down there. It just felt different and like I hada bit of pressure. When they examined me she put in the speculum and as she pushed it in I felt babies head moving upwards. It was from there that I felt it and realised.

I'm on the mend now- didn't want to come in and be all doom and gloom. I have an appointment on Tuesday and I'm on all different things to combat the problems.

I missed so much of this journal it moves quite quick.

I really need to get my bag packed. I think With everything I should really have sorted it out. I don't even have a bag in mind yet. Got the outfit that I will be bringing the baby home in.

It's all getting near now, and so real.
mrshippo sorry you had a crappy evening :( must be horrible being stuck in home alone whilst OH goes off enjoying himself. I think sometimes you just have a realisation that your life is going to change, and although you love LO to bits and can't wait for them to arrive, at times I think you have to reflect and it's normal to feel a little down that things are changing. Change always panics me a little as well and sometimes I have a bit of a wobble when I think about what a life changing journey we are just beginning! Hope you had a nice day anywho and maybe got your bag packed, suppose I should start mine soon! I have the list but nothing packed yet, whoops! That'll be my job this week.

liverpool lass glad you had a good time at baby show, good job you hadn't travelled too far. I'd love to go to the big one at the NEC but think its in May so probably won't feel like it then. Well done on the discount :thumbup: your blog really does come in handy! Seems like a really nifty idea. I'll look out for it on dragons den!

Don't know what to say about bump apart from I'm starting to wonder how accurate this fundal measuring actually is! After my stressing yesterdays panic about dr writing down wrong measurement I got OH to measure my bump last night. Either I have shrunk 0.5 cm in 2 weeks or he wrote down 31cm by accident in one column but seemed to chart another measurement on my graph (28cm I think) which follows my line I should be on. Also for nearly 33 weeks my measurement I did last night is following the line I should be on nicely so he either measured me wrong and I've shrunk or he wrote it wrong! :dohh:

nuttynicnak sorry to hear about all your problems :hugs: hope the drs/hospital are looking after you well. Is OH still away? Must be so stressful not having him here and all this going on.

doggylover urgh sorry to hear the stupid dr is going to your baby shower! Was is she invited it she blatantly hates kids/pregnancy and obv takes pride in making you and your friend feel crap! You know what I'd just snap and say something along the lines of "until you have a baby maybe you shouldn't pass judgement" she needs a big slap round the head! Hope she doesn't wind you up too much and you have a nice baby shower.

as for me so as I wrote above I remeasured my bump as some people suggested and am more happy now. I also tested my urine again this morning no no more glucose :happydance: so hopefully just a one off scare. Trying to keep tabs on my sugar intake which is making me a bit grumpy as I think I'm having sugar withdrawal haha! Had a bit of an uncomfortable day. Just feel quite tired, lumbersome and full. Also my hips are killing from walking yesterday. Think I need to take it easier next time. Hopefully will feel better tomorrow after a good (hopefully) night sleep.
Yeah oh still away. Another week hopefully. Parents visited this weekend and did all my washing/ironing for baby!

I think Gd is a worry. Glad you haven't had anymore though. Is it possible it was just a one off? Hope so. It can be diet monitored I've heard and you'll be the expert on it so sounds like you're doing the right thing. Don't worry about the grumpiness, I think I've been like that all the way through the pregnancy! One big grumpy cow.

I never got around to doing my bag today... If I'm honest I have literally done nothing all day. I think last night tool it out of me lol. I will defo do it this coming week though, I'm planning on picking LOs clothes and washing them. I'll pop out to boots to buy all the lady bits, I have about £15 on my advantage card so I'll probably use that to buy it all. Glad you like my changing bag :) I love it.

Hayley, I'm glad I didn't go all the way to the b&t show today then!! Sounds a little disappointing. I have thought about the one at Birmingham too Alex, I'll see how I feel at the time. Don't mind driving there, Liverpool is a little too far. I have looked at those snuggle things before, think they are a tad expensive for what they are but getting a big chunk of money off is great :)

Alex, glad your feeling better about your measurements now and that your urine test came up ok. I have thought about my sugar levels as I have had a huge sweet tooth and I can eat my body weight in chocolate!!

I have felt so uncomfortable for the last few days with my bump, I find it hard to sit down in any position. I defo think it's time to BUY an excercise ball hehe. I also think I've been a little over emotional, hopefully I won't have anymore outbursts :) I blame the hormones!

Sarah, you'll have to let us know how your baby shower goes. I decided not to have one... The girls at work have decided that we are having a baby shower meal type thing next month which is sweet. I found out they have a little collection going around too. I hope they don't go making a huge thing on my last day otherwise I'll just turn in to an emotional wreck lol.
MrsHippo - I'm exactly the same as you when OH goes out. When I go out and he stays home, he texts me regularly (apparently to check i'm ok..) but when it's the other way around, it's like he's disappeared :shrug:
He's been planning a day at paintballing for his birthday at the end of this month and that's been winding me up lately. Firstly, he'll go paintballing all day, then he'll come home and moan that his friends are asking him to go to town.. we'll get into a massive argument and that'll be that. It's the same thing whenever he goes out with his friends - it's as if they won't accept he has a pregnant girlfriend sitting at home.
Secondly, we simply don't have the money for him to do all day and all night. At the minute, i'm working 5 days a week and he's only doing 3 (better than none) so money's a little tighter than usual - he won't understand this though and will say it's just because I don't want him going out :dohh:

BabyNurse - Glad your measurements are back on track - maybe he did just note it down wrong?

DoggyLover - How was the babyshower?

AsForMe.. - Absolutely nackered! My weekend was spent packing and sifting through stuff. I just want to be moved now! Because we're doing it bit by bit, it seems to be taking forever :(
Adam is the same. I don't even need to be out out for him to keep texting and ringing, I get it even if im at my mums or something. Then as soon as he is out (like Saturday) I text him 3 times, first was just to ask what time he'd like picking up ... And his response was 'I'm out chatting to the lads and I'm getting texts off you all the time' blablabla. Next time I go out I'll turn my phone off!!! I don't complain when he texts me and stuff even if I do find it annoying. I think they're all the same. Drives me mad. But I think he knew he had upset me as yesterday he was being all nice and stuff... I don't think he'll ever realise how much he upset me though, even if I told him :roll:

You'll be in your new house soon :) I have to do things bit by bit at the moment otherwise I'll feel awful after!
Morning ladies :)

Hayley sorry to hear the baby show was a bit crap, but at least you got one useful thing out of it AND a discount, which is a bonus!!

So my shower was OK. The 'lovely' Dr lady actually said "So when are you thinking of having number 2?" I was astounded. I replied "Well, I consider myself lucky to be able to have one at all, so we'll get this one OUT first, and then maybe start to think about no2 after that, if we're lucky enough." That was just one of many gems (Including "You could rip from your vagina to your anus" to which I responded "I could. That would be far from ideal, CLEARLY, but I could." I decided not to show any fear).

I got a big pile of lovely presents from my friends - all clothes but very cute. And they moaned at me about not knowing gender and making it difficult for them lol. But they did a great job of picking lovely stuff, and stuff from Marks and Spencer/Next etc that we wouldnt splash out on ourselves. My absolute FAVE present though was a pair of navy blue baby Toms
They are so cute I could eat them! And they match my Toms perfectly! Only downside is the smallest size she could get was a child's 6, so will have to wait AGES for them to fit!
So yeah, some lovely stuff, and it wasn't as bad as I expected lol!

oh and as for who invited the Dr - she is very close friends with two of my friends, and she now seems to be a permanent fixture at things. Darn it.
MrsHippo - I'm glad he was extra nice to you to make up for it :hugs:

DoggyLover - Glad you enjoyed your shower, shame about that bloody woman though :growlmad:

Also, forgot to mention earlier, I felt LO's hiccups for the first time on Friday night - AMAZING :cloud9:

Me and OH had just got laid in bed and I could feel what I thought were kicks/nudges so I had a peak at my belly. I then realised that it was 'twitching' every couple of seconds for a good 20-30 seconds :D OH couldn't believe it, nothing since though :(

Although she is seriously making herself known/felt lately. She seems to prefer to be right to the surface rather than cosy inside :roll: Even my mum was surprised at how hard my stomach was last night. It felt like she was pushing up against my right side/ribs but was kicking into my left hip area :wacko: Crazy baby! xx
Those little toms are really cute :) glad you got a few nice bits!

I have been feeling hiccups for a couple of weeks now, Adam felt them only for the first time yesterday though. My LO has been very active just recently, I can feel everything! Bless :)

Just waiting for the midwife now, I forgot to pee in a pot though and went to the toilet just before I left work too so I don't think I could go again for a little while. She might send me out to try though.
Oh Laura, glad you felt the hiccups! They freak me out a bit. It reminds me of when you get an eye twitch, and this is worse because it's not even ME that is twitching!! I've been feeling them a lot lately, and getting stronger which is weird - although i suppose as baby gets bigger that's normal.

Another gem from a co-worker just after lunch for me:
"What's your date again?"
"29th March"
"Right, well I hope you've a bag packed because no way are you making it to the 29th March"

i.e. FATSO.
I don't know what is wrong with people! My mum said I should pack my bag soon too but not because she might come early but because time is going so quick.

Well.... I am measuring too big, i should be around 31cm but came out at 33. Said it might be because of where LO is lying but when I go back in 3 weeks she will measure me again and if I am still ahead I will be referred to a doctor :/ then my iron levels are low. Apparently when your readings are 10.5 they put you on iron tablets and I coming out at 11.1. So she has asked me to start taking my pregnancy care tablets again or try and eat more leafy greens. But my iron levels have dropped quite a bit since it was last tested. Apparently we have to see a doctor around this time now too, something new she said, if we haven't been to see a doctor recently. I needed to go anyway so not too bothered. But managed to get an appointment tomorrow. At first I asked for a specific doctor and the receptionist goes 'he doesn't have anything for a few weeks' then asked if it was a midwife request, I said yes and all of a sudden he is available tomorrow!!! But before I see him I am seeing the nurse for my whooping cough and flu jab :( I have to have one in either arm!! So I hope my arms don't ache too much after so I can drive home lol.

But if I am referred to a doctor about my size she said I'd have to go for an ultrasound. But what happens then?? Do you go full term or can you be induced early?

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