First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

I have an appointment at 37 weeks because i'm 'Consultant Led' apparently :shrug:

My MW said that if they are concerned about baby's size or anything, they will scan you and they can actually change your due date.. so really, it would be like them inducing you early.. depending on how much they moved your date :thumbup: x
All confusing. My midwife says you can be 3cm either side of the measurement so 33 isn't out of this range.

I think they just measure to check dates and see whether baby is big or it's water.

Glad your baby shower was lovely, I love the Toms too.

What is it with people and them thinking that every pregnant person has the right to have their opinion thrown in their face. Really winds me up when they decide to treat your pregnancy like its their own and say what they think.

Obsessive about bag packing too. I mean is it really going to effect them/change their lives if my baby comes early and my bag isn't packed?

Rant over! Xxx
nuttynicnac, only just noticed your maternity leave ticker - are you working right up to 39 weeks? x
Lauren like Nicola I've heard you can be up to 3cm either side on bump measurements, and I've heard they aren't accurate so I'm surprised they are so worried about the 2cm. But a few extra dr appointments and a scan can only be good things to keep an eye on you and LO. I suppose if they think LO is getting big they may decide to induce you at 38-39 weeks. I've heard about people being induced then and always wondered why - maybe this is it? My iron levels are also low - I've just started a normal tesco supplement for it.

doctors appointments I think I mentioned before I have a hospital appointment next week, which I think is standard here. No idea what the heck will happen, but I assume I'll see a dr during it, and I'm hoping get a growth scan as well.

nicola I can't believe you are working until 39 weeks. You are crazy :haha: does that take you up to your school Easter holidays? I had originally wanted that too...then my date got moved forward and dh refused to let me go past 37 as I work so far from home. You're a brave woman! Ad yeah, as if going into early labour and not having a bag packed will somehow bring about the end of the world. Makes me cross when people imply that! Plus, if I go into labour I'm sure ill have 5 minutes to throw some pants etc into a bag :haha:

Afm got a letter from the department of education confirming my maternity leave, but asking where my MatB1 form is. Well, since I gave it to my headmaster before Christmas I have no fricking idea!!! If he has lost it I will be so cross!

Brittany hasn't been on in a few days, I know she said her comp wasn't working the best though, but hope she is ok.
Doggylover: yes, it takes me right up to the Easter holidays do I can startup maternity leave then. My replacement starts directly after half term and will work around the department which is good.

Good luck with the hosp appointment. Unless your consultant led or have complications then you're usually left to the midwife here.

My iron is 10.4 so on iron tablets at the minute, trying to make sure I get plenty of fibre in me too.
Oh fibre, good idea. Anyone I mention the iron levels to (just my family actually), go on to tell me about the awful black poo (or pooh as my brother spelt it....) so I need to make sure I eat plenty of fibre too and drink LOTS. I'mhave the lactulose at the ready as well...
Morning ladies,

I need to eat more too... Should start eating special k or bran flakes or something for breakfast (instead of coco pops :p)

Well hopefully my belly won't be too much of an issue. Her first measurement was 34cm then said she might have measured it wrong so tried again and it was 33. She said 'I'll use 33' but we will see. Imagine if I am big though, I could meet LO even sooner than expected!! :O although I am really hoping for it all to happen naturally rather than being induced.

I'm in a right hissy fit mood today. First I was running late, looked at the time and it was 25 past - I start at half past!! Fortunately only live 5 min drive away. But just before I ran out the door I put pup in her cage along with biscuits and water but only went and spilt half the bowl everywhere!! Then I couldn't find my shoes for the life of me. Then when I did eventually leave I get stuck in traffic!!! Fortunately our first patient isn't due until 10 rather than 9... Oh and when I realised what time it is I had a quick glance in the mirror before leaving and my hair looked so greasy!!! I only washed it night before last as I only wash it every other day otherwise it loses it's shine. So I shoved it up and brought the dry shampoo along with me. Looks much better now. But once i finished applying it I noticed it had dropped on my black top so I brushed it off not realising I had it all over my hands so my black top was mostly white!!! Hopefully that will be the worst of my day lol!!

Last night I started getting my bags ready, well LO's anyway. I picked out the clothes for it and washed them. I have one of those towel radiators in my bathroom so it all fit on that and was all dry by this morning. I have picked 3 vests, 3 sleep suits, 2 hats, 2 pairs of socks, 2 hand mittens (both different sizes), thick cardigan, thin cardigan and a couple of muslins. I'm putting all that in her changing bag. Them I have decided to use an old small suitcase pull along thing for my stuff. The nappies ect will all go in there too. Might order all my bits online from boots today.
MrsHippo - I'm using a small pull along suitcase too - pink to be precise (have to pack an 'incase' bag) ;)

I've still yet to pack my 'incase' bag but all baby's items are done and at my parents house. Has anyone else packed a couple of different sized outfits?
Because LO was measuring ahead at my scans and they said she was measuring tall/long, i've packed newborn and 0-3 items?

I was sorting through my purse last night and realised that I haven't even touched the Boots giftcard OH's grandparents got us :dohh: So we've got a nice £150 to spend right there! I'm planning on getting the baby monitors, a floaty bath sponge thing (I know OH won't be comfortable holding/washing LO on his own) and the bits/peices I need..

What baby monitors is everyone getting?

I want the BT 250 Monitor simply because my sister used them and said they were fab.

They have all the usual features but also have the talkback feature, LCD display, vibrating alert, 8 lullabies which you can set from the parent unit downstairs and also the baby unit acts as a temperature/night light too.

One of the main things I wanted was for the monitors to have the lullaby feature. My sister said it was a god-send not having to go upstairs everytime the lullaby timed out plus you don't have to disturb baby :thumbup: x
Laura91 I haven't packed my suitcase either yet :dohh: but planning to this week! I'm also totally confused what size clothes to take!! I'll probably end up taking waaay too many! I also don't know what to pack for my going home outfit! (Something really comfy and still maternity?!) I'll probably end up sending OH home hundreds of times to pick up stuff I've forgotten!

We brought the Angelcare movement and sound monitor. It suited us well as I wanted one with a movement monitor and a few friends recommended it.

Re: hiccups! I felt it for the first time the other day as well! At the dentist! Feels really weird but pretty amazing and very cute!

mrshippo sorry about your bad morning, hope it improves this afternoon! Have you tried measuring your bump yourself? All these bump measurements seem to be stressing everyone out, seem to do more harm than good!

nuttynicnak sorry your iron is low. I haven't heard what mine is still after 28 week bloods :dohh: but I've took my pregnacare all through pregnancy as my diet is pants so thought I might need the vitamins! Have you had anymore appointments to find out about your mucus plug?

doggylover glad you had a nice baby shower, sounds like you stood up to the dr from hell!! Love the shoes! Is anyone else having a baby shower soon? It's still quite a new thing here in the UK. I'm not having one but having a work lunch end of the month just to say goodbye to all the ladies I work with.

as for me nothing much to update. This week I'm really going to crack on with my hospital bag and doing LO's washing! Feeling much better than I did the other day, have more energy etc....have been eating a bit more sugar again though! (Still being good!) LO gave me a bit of a scare as didn't seem to be moving much yesterday or day before, was umming and ahhhing about calling triage, had a listed with doppler and HB was loud a clear. Had a bit of choccy and low and behold LO went crazy and booting the hell out of me! I said to OH they obv have my sweet tooth! :haha:
Nicola - Yeah I was really pleased with the discount :)

Thanks for filling me in about the plug, I just like to know what to look out for hehe! Have you been checked again to see how things are now with regards to the plug/baby being engaged?

Alex - Yeah, I really don't think the fundal measuring is too accurate. I know the midwives have loads of experience but mine always seem to be a bit slap-dash about it! This week she didn't even note it down on the measurement chart at all! I did it myself when I got home!!

Lauren - I'm surprised they're that concerned about your measurements too, my hospital also says they don't worry unless its 3 cms difference either way. Did she tell you what position baby is in? had it changed from last time you were measured? Coz that would def make a difference!
Like the others have said, all they will do is maybe give you a growth scan (nice to have an extra scan!) - they might change your dates, but they have to keep an eye in case of that "Big Baby Syndrome" thing!

Sorry to hear about your iron levels. Have you been feeling tired lately?
At least it sounds like your midwife is on the ball! I have NO idea what my iron levels are lol. I doubt anybody ever checks it.

When I had my jabs my arm didn't start to hurt until much later on, so you should be fine to drive home.

Oh and guess what! I won two competitions yesterday! lol!

Sarah - Glad you liked your shower! Lol at the Dr - I feel so bad for her patients. I hope she saves up all her loveliness for outside of work!
The toms are very cute! Ive never actually heard of them before!
Grr at peoples stupid comments! Hospital bags do seem to be a REAL issue with people, I wonder why?!

Laura - Nice surprise about the Boots voucher!! I love it when things like that happen! :)
I've been thinking of getting that monitor too - either that one or the BT 200 one. (From Amazon though, as its only £50 on there atm!)

I'm not going to bother with a movement monitor one but I think I will get the Snuza Go thing to use as well.

Aww the hiccups thing is quite cute. Annoying - but cute lol.

AFM - I had my midwife appointment yesterday. Everything seems to be fine. I'm measuring 32 cm apparently, which is correct. She said bean is back to breach again, so that would explain the change in bump size as he's all folded up - little monkey!!!

She roped us into signing up to her Active Birth class while we were there which was happening last night! We didnt have any plans so we went along - we were the only two people there!!!
We just watched a couple of birth videos, and she chatted to us about different techniques and the different forms of pain releif etc. It was really good actually as we had her all to ourselves so we got loads of information personal to us!

OOOH and I was SO pleased to find out that my hospital has just introduced a new policy where Dads can stay overnight with the mum and baby!!! YAY! :D
You have to pay £30 and they give them a mattress on the floor - I'm really pleased as I hated the idea of being by myself. Perfect timing!!!

I spoke to her about my anxiety too and she's recommend pregnancy yoga, so I might give that a go.

I've got the consultant tomorrow to FINALLY find out about the birth plans - nervous to see what his decision is!
Alex - I'm lucky really, if I get to have my homebirth then I don't have to think about a 'coming home outfit' as i'll already be 'home' - well sort of..
Glad baby responded to your chocolate overload :haha:

LiverpoolLass - I looked at the BT 200 and the only difference is that one doesn't have the lullaby's on it :shrug:
Glad everything went well at your MW appointment, at least you got an explanation re: change in bump :thumbup:
I bet you're glad you went along to the class now :haha:
Great news about your hospital too! I think they should be allowed to stay anyway - why is it less important for them to bond with baby straight away?

AsForMe.. For the last couple of hours, LO has been laid really awkward. She is right to the surface and accross the top of my stomach :| Bloody uncomfy! I keep giving her a little poke and she moves again but before I know it, she's back again :haha:
Hey all,

Hubby home! Only found out yesterday so currently cuddled up with him.

I had a midwife appointment today and baby has descended any further so just a monitoring programme now. Will get every few weeks unless I need to go.

I took pregnacare too and still ended up on the iron. Oh well suppose I will just have to live with it.

I'd love to find £150 in a voucher or cash. Would have loved to get that.

I got a set of monitors that had a thing that sits under the mattress to monitor movement. Can't remember the make of it will have to dig it out.

I still don't have my bags packed and I read think that I probably should with baby almost feeling ready to come out. Everyone has a bigger issue with it than me. Not only that though I'm really low on clothes so don't want to rule out another top or pair of pants because I need to have them in a case. Going to pack baby's things but just not my own.

What did you win Hayley?? You on a roll at the moment aren't you :) I haven't won anything since my handbag and the radio thing. I'm not entering them everyday, probably twice a week but I spend hours on it when I do so I am still entering a fair few.

I'm not buying a monitor - well I am in a small apartment so don't think its worth it as will hear everything no matter what room I am in. I will buy one when I move out but depends on when that is.

Just got back from the doctors, had my vaccines. The whooping cough one has made my arm very achy, the flu arm hasn't started...yet. Saw my doctor who just asked me how I was, tested BP, tested urine and listened to my heart as apparently murmurs can pop up in pregnancy. But everything is fine. Spoke to him and another doctor about that thing that popped up on my back, they said they will remove it (yey!!) but we are waiting until LO has been born as apparently it is hormone related and there is a big chance it will go by itself once baby is born. So we will see. At least they will get rid of it for me :)

As for sizes in my hospital bag, I have packed a couple of NB and up to 1 month which I think is up to 10 pounds. If she did come out small or early then I will just ask my mum to pick up some small baby stuff.

Oh and Hayley, all she said to me was that she is still out of the pelvis and floating above it but upside down as when she felt me she said 'oh here is what feels like the bum' which was high up. But nothing more. We will see what happens at the next measurment. I might measure it myself in a couple of days anyway and see what it says. I have been feeling extremely tired, not too bad these last couple of days but last week was awful. I am planning on popping to the shops tomorrow and picking up a steak or two along with a couple of bags of leafy greens :haha: hopefully that will raise my iron levels. The doctor today did say he agrees that it is on the low side but he isn't concerned, just said to watch my diet. My urine did show a bit of sugar today too but he asked when I last ate and what..... well today I have eaten coco pops for breakfast, tripple chocolate muffin for 'brunch', mcdonalds meal for lunch and followed by half another muffin :blush: haha so he thinks thats why.

You know your BH's where do you get it? Mine is always quite high, around my belly button and upwards. Its never below or to the sides.

Oh and what is it about MWs and doctors when it comes to classes?? I keep being asked 'so have you started going to classes yet?' NOOOO. Someone at work asked me too actually. I know the classes can be good but they just aren't for me. I don't want to go to any and even if I did I certainly don't want to go to them by myself. Adam can't have time off for stuff like that because his work is crap and they have to give loads of notice for time off and if he is working 3 hours away on nights he don't want to be driving all the way home for a class to then drive all the way back. He certainly won't get paid for the travel.
Evening ladies :)

lauren sorry your day started off crappy, and that your vaccines hurt. Not going to lie, my arm still hurts slightly from whooping cough, almost a week later! But I'm a big old wimp :haha: so I'm sure yours will be ok. Great news about the dr removing the wee growth on your back :thumbup: but may not come to that which would be super! I'm not going to antenatal classes either as the ones at my hospital are meant to be crap, and there aren't any other options here :shrug: but when my mw asked if I'd booked them I of course said yes! And lol at your sugar level in your urine and what you'd eaten! Sounds like an amazing menu, I'm so jealous of the muffin!! I think I might follow your lead and have some steak and leafy greens too this weekend!

Laura excellent news about the boots gift card! Score! That monitor looks good, the bt monitors seem to be great. We have an angelcare one with breathing mat, on loan from my SIL. We haven't decided on mobiles etc yet, but we want something in that department with constant music. We may go with just an mp3 dock and use our phones to play classical music (big fans of classical in our house lol!!) which would be on a loop. It'll help us fall asleep too lol! I hope LO is lying in a more comfy place now.

Alex sounds like LO was having a silent protest against you cutting out some sugar!! You are a sensible, medically trained lady - I'm sure your sugar intake isn't anything to be too worried about. But I know how it feels...I constantly feel like I'm stuffing my face with naughty things (because I am!) but I eat lots of good stuff too so I hope it cancels it out?!

Hayley more competition wins?! You are on a roll! Luckiest woman in Britain! Glad your active birth class went well - even if it was a surprise to find yourself there! That is such wonderful news about oh being allowed to stay in the hospital! That will make things so much easier, and mean you get such a great amount of time as a family. Will you have a private room in the hospital? Good luck with the consultant tomorrow.

Nicola :happydance: about hubby being home! Enjoy having him there!

Hospital bags I am going out this weekend to get some bits and bobs for mine - maternity pads, some dark towels etc. I need to write a list actually... But I still don't plan to pack it for a few weeks yet, same with LOs bag. I'm thinking I'll pack a few vests and sleepsuits in both first size/newborn/up to 1 month, and then some 0-3 months as well. I'll also get two little bundles ready and leave them in the house so dh can grab the correct size if we need more, or if LO is super tiny or super huge!

I'm just catching up on today's Neighbours - two new babies in there and they are so cute! Making me wish LO was here now!!!
Sarah - Ha! Only in the last few weeks, I swear - I had never won anything/got anything free in my life before! Maybe 2013 is my year!! :thumbup:
I always dreaded it coz I'm so superstitious, but some people say 13 is their lucky number don't they?!

At our hospital you get a private room if you have a "normal" birth and you're on a ward if you have a c-section - so I'm wondering if Dads are still allowed to stay in that case, coz surely they wouldn't have men on mattresses on the floor on a ward?!
I'll find out tomorrow morning which one I'll be though so...eeeek!

Awww I've found myself going ridiculously gooey over babies lately too! It just makes me wonder what mine will look like - I cannot picture him at ALL! Can anybody else picture what their babies might look like?!

I saw BRAND NEW twins in Boots yesterday - one in pink, one in blue - teeny weeny! I almost exploded from the cuteness!

Lauren - aww it was nothing that impressive - a crystal earring and necklace set, and a giveaway that had a make up set, accessorize necklace and bracelet, and a clutch bag in it!
I'm hoping for some nice cash or expensive wins like you've had, but grateful for anything hehe!
I do love this comping thing! Its so exciting!! The lists on the MSE forum of what people have won in a month are ASTOUNDING!!!!
I have a right little routine going with it now - I do my blogging, and then I go on the forum and spend about an hour doing comps lol. I enter about 20 a day I think - I won't enter the random ones like "Win a packet of tea bags" coz I'd just be gutted to get a phonecall saying i'd won and then find out the prize was something like that! There was one on there the other day to win a face cloth!!! lol.

I know what you mean about the monitor, I'm not breaking my neck to get one coz we won't need one until we move either.

Great news that they'll get rid of your back thing if it doesnt go by itself! :thumbup:

Omg I am so jealous of your eating!!! I still can't face the idea of McDonalds or Dominos etc :( Even though the morning sickness has gone, the thought of fast food still makes me feel physically sick. It sucks coz before pregnancy I LOVED my junk food! :(

I think the MW's must be made to encourage people to come to their classes. Mine looked so gutted last night when there was nobody there! I wondered if she was maybe going to get into trouble for not having enough people there or something!
I don't think the birthing ones are that important - I found it helpful coz we could ask her loads of questions as it was just us, but if it hadnt been and she was just generally talking to everybody I don't think I would have learned anything I couldn't have read in a book.
It was free though, so can't complain too much!

Nicola - awww fab news that hubby is home! Hope he's looking after you and you're all nice and relaxed :)

How long is he home for?

Laura - Yeah, they are really similar and I dont mind about the lullaby feature as we'll have a separate mobile anyway and I don't plan on it being me who goes up and down the stairs to put it on anyway, so I dont care :haha:

Yeah it does seem to make sense about the Dads staying! I wonder if all hospitals will start doing it? The MW seemed miffed about the change in policy, she said she didnt like it for "security reasons" but that they were doing it to make money :shrug:

Aww hope LO finds a new comfy place that works for both of you soon lol!

Hospital Bags - I'm taking a little suitcase too, I've decided. I don't think I'll find a bag big enough for everything otherwise!
I bought some stuff yesterday in Boots - Maternity pads, nursing pads, little toothpaste, little mouthwash, toothbrush, tissues, hand wipes, and mini dry shampoo! Got it all on my points too, yippee!
(I bought the baby bath yesterday too as Boots had a nice blue one for £7.99, and I had enough to get that on my points too.)
Haven't started packing it yet but might do it this weekend - give me something to do!

Classes - Is anybody planning on doing any first aid type classes?
I'd been thinking about it for a while but wasn't sure as they're so expensive. But I feel bad for wondering about it as it seems like something quite vital and something I should pay for - much like the Snuza go alarms!!!
But today I found out that a girl I know online through blogging lost her baby last night to cot death :cry:
She was 9 months old - It probably sounds really stupid, but I never think of older babies being vulnerable.
So now I'm even more paranoid than I was before - I'm DEFINITELY getting the snuza go, and I think I'm just going to have to find the money from somewhere for the first aid classes too. Its too horrible to even think about :nope:
Hayley that is awful about the 9 month old dying :cry: I am the same, you don't think of them being as vulnerable when they get to that age. I'm actually pretty sure that my SIL had stopped using the breathing mat with the monitor by then. That is so scary. I'm not planning on doing a first aid course, but I've had paediatric first aid training, albeit brief, in the past, and know how to resuscitate and deal with choking, which in my eyes are the two kind of "immediate" problems that need to be dealt with.

I need to check actually what my boots points situation is, and use some of those for hospital stuff. Also just got some tesco vouchers through so will be able to use those for money off too :thumbup:

Also, it seems a bit strange to me that if you have a c section at your hospital you are in a ward, you'd think it'd be the other way round- After major surgery they give you some private space?
I heard on Facebook that someone lost their baby at 9 months too :( But all we can do are the things we are told like using grow bags rather than blankets when they are in bed, I have blankets for pushchair/carseat and I will use them when she gets a bit older but I'm only buying the ones with holes in. Think they are cute anyway :) then things like not using pillows or putting teddies up near their heads ect.
As for first aid, there is a lot you can learn from books. I'd suggest you buy a baby first aid book or borrow one from the library. I do first aid and basic life support at work but don't do children or babies. So never actually practiced anything. There isn't much too complicated to know though, you can't do chest compressions or anything on them like you do adults (I'm sure that's right anyway) - Alex will probably know? Defo worth reading up about anyway. Then basic first aid is pretty much the same as ours. Think most important thing we need to keep our eyes on is their temperature. My baby brother had a fit early last year due to his temperature being slightly too high (apparently fits are common in babies when their temps are high) but you have to just let them finish then cool them down best you can. My mum was just told to take him to emergency doctors after.
But obviously if you would feel happier doing a class then do so. It's good to know. But like I said, you can learn a lot from books too :)

My diet is appalling lol. Before I was pg it was always quite good but as soon as I was feeling better after the MS I just can't help but eat crappy foods. I still eat fruit and veg, probably not as much as I used to but some is better than non right? I noticed yesterday that I've put on weight around my face though :( I looked in the mirror and thought OMG, I have some serious calorie cutting to do once LO is born lol

Nicola, happy to hear your OH is back at home too :)

As for c-sections they are still classed as being major operations aren't they and there can be complications after such as blood loss ect so I guess you have to be in view of midwives and nurses. Also, if you didn't have anyone with you (as some poor women have to go through it alone) they might not be able to alert anyone if something went wrong.

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