Sarah - Ha! Only in the last few weeks, I swear - I had never won anything/got anything free in my life before! Maybe 2013 is my year!!
I always dreaded it coz I'm so superstitious, but some people say 13 is their lucky number don't they?!
At our hospital you get a private room if you have a "normal" birth and you're on a ward if you have a c-section - so I'm wondering if Dads are still allowed to stay in that case, coz surely they wouldn't have men on mattresses on the floor on a ward?!
I'll find out tomorrow morning which one I'll be though so...eeeek!
Awww I've found myself going ridiculously gooey over babies lately too! It just makes me wonder what mine will look like - I cannot picture him at ALL! Can anybody else picture what their babies might look like?!
I saw BRAND NEW twins in Boots yesterday - one in pink, one in blue - teeny weeny! I almost exploded from the cuteness!
Lauren - aww it was nothing that impressive - a crystal earring and necklace set, and a giveaway that had a make up set, accessorize necklace and bracelet, and a clutch bag in it!
I'm hoping for some nice cash or expensive wins like you've had, but grateful for anything hehe!
I do love this comping thing! Its so exciting!! The lists on the MSE forum of what people have won in a month are ASTOUNDING!!!!
I have a right little routine going with it now - I do my blogging, and then I go on the forum and spend about an hour doing comps lol. I enter about 20 a day I think - I won't enter the random ones like "Win a packet of tea bags" coz I'd just be gutted to get a phonecall saying i'd won and then find out the prize was something like that! There was one on there the other day to win a face cloth!!! lol.
I know what you mean about the monitor, I'm not breaking my neck to get one coz we won't need one until we move either.
Great news that they'll get rid of your back thing if it doesnt go by itself!
Omg I am so jealous of your eating!!! I still can't face the idea of McDonalds or Dominos etc

Even though the morning sickness has gone, the thought of fast food still makes me feel physically sick. It sucks coz before pregnancy I LOVED my junk food!
I think the MW's must be made to encourage people to come to their classes. Mine looked so gutted last night when there was nobody there! I wondered if she was maybe going to get into trouble for not having enough people there or something!
I don't think the birthing ones are that important - I found it helpful coz we could ask her loads of questions as it was just us, but if it hadnt been and she was just generally talking to everybody I don't think I would have learned anything I couldn't have read in a book.
It was free though, so can't complain too much!
Nicola - awww fab news that hubby is home! Hope he's looking after you and you're all nice and relaxed
How long is he home for?
Laura - Yeah, they are really similar and I dont mind about the lullaby feature as we'll have a separate mobile anyway and I don't plan on it being me who goes up and down the stairs to put it on anyway, so I dont care
Yeah it does seem to make sense about the Dads staying! I wonder if all hospitals will start doing it? The MW seemed miffed about the change in policy, she said she didnt like it for "security reasons" but that they were doing it to make money
Aww hope LO finds a new comfy place that works for both of you soon lol!
Hospital Bags - I'm taking a little suitcase too, I've decided. I don't think I'll find a bag big enough for everything otherwise!
I bought some stuff yesterday in Boots - Maternity pads, nursing pads, little toothpaste, little mouthwash, toothbrush, tissues, hand wipes, and mini dry shampoo! Got it all on my points too, yippee!
(I bought the baby bath yesterday too as Boots had a nice blue one for £7.99, and I had enough to get that on my points too.)
Haven't started packing it yet but might do it this weekend - give me something to do!
Classes - Is anybody planning on doing any first aid type classes?
I'd been thinking about it for a while but wasn't sure as they're so expensive. But I feel bad for wondering about it as it seems like something quite vital and something I should pay for - much like the Snuza go alarms!!!
But today I found out that a girl I know online through blogging lost her baby last night to cot death

She was 9 months old - It probably sounds really stupid, but I never think of older babies being vulnerable.
So now I'm even more paranoid than I was before - I'm DEFINITELY getting the snuza go, and I think I'm just going to have to find the money from somewhere for the first aid classes too. Its too horrible to even think about