I've tried posting in here twice and both times I managed to knock the charger cord out of my computer which results in it instantly shutting down since my laptop battery no longer seems to work. Maybe the third time will be a success...
Laura, I've had the same nose problems you described. I read somewhere that the increased blood flow in our bodies during pregnancy can cause bloody noses (I've had one nosebleed since being pg) so I'm assuming it's the same kind of thing causing the blood in your nose. The ladies I have talked to that have had the same kind of symptoms have said the congestion goes away shortly after delivery so hopefully it won't be too much longer that we will have to deal with the stuffy/full noses.
DH and I registered for a simple baby monitor but DH has gotten very attached to the idea of getting some kind of high tech video monitor so I have no idea what we'll actually end up getting.
Lauren, the cherry amingioma sounds awful. Glad they're going to get rid of it though if it doesn't go by itself.
When I had my GTT done I was told I was borderline anemic. The doctor basically told me to try to eat more iron rich foods like red meat, raisins, etc. They haven't checked my blood in the two appointments I have had since the GTT one so I'm assuming it's not something to be too concerned about.
Alex, I've been having a lot of weird dreams like you. A lot of them I have woken up from rather upset. Like last night I dreamed some woman was telling me I was a terrible mother because I forgot to put a seat belt on (not sure why I would have forgotten that

). I also have some of the naughty dreams too which can also be a bit weird since some of the stuff I'm in to in my dreams are not things I'm at all interested in when I'm awake.
Your surprise trip sounds like it will be a great time. I would love to get away with DH before the baby arrives for at least a night but not quite sure if that will be practical considering how busy his work has been. These days we're lucky if he gets one day off.
For your going home outfit, I've read multiple times that you will still look 6-7 months pg after delivery so you'll still want to pack your maternity clothes. Most likely comfy clothes too since I'm sure we'll be sore. As for the baby, I'm thinking of packing a newborn outfit and a 0-3 month outfit. I don't expect to have a large baby but you never know, he may not fit into newborn at all. Hope that helps you some when you're packing your bags.
Hayley, my DH has already told his boss that once I go into labor he's leaving work right away (if I go into labor while he's working) and then he'll be taking off a week of work to be with me and the baby in the hospital/at home. He might have taken more if it would be paid leave but it's not, so we have been trying to put some money away for that week where he won't be getting a paycheck since the bills won't stop coming.
So glad your hospital changed their policy so OH will be able to stay with you overnight.

Not sure how the change in policy would cause any problems with security. The entire time my DH (or whoever the "support person" is) is staying at the hospital he has to wear an id tag on his wrist just like I do. I would think it would be similar for the dads that are staying over night so that the staff new they were supposed to be there?
As for what our babies will look like, I can't really picture Aiden. I have a theory that he'll have DH's hair color and eye color, but I think he'll have my hair texture. Other then that, I have no other idea. MIL was looking at the 3D ultrasounds though and has told both DH and I that she thinks Aiden has a lot of my facial features. We both think she's kind of nuts considering Aiden is only 20 weeks in those pictures.
Exciting news about your C-Section date. When my OB told me that they wouldn't let me go more then a week over my due date it was quite a shock realizing that April 5th could be Aiden's birthday at the latest. Even though we could go into labor sooner then that, it's nice knowing the latest that they'll be arriving.
Sarah, like I just told Lauren earlier in the post, I was told I was borderline anemic at my GTT appointment. I think having low iron levels, especially later in pregnancy is pretty common.
So glad to hear your baby shower went well and that you got some lovely things.
Nicola, so glad your hubby is home!
As for packing the bag, I don't really intend to focus on getting mine all packed until the beginning of March. I've gradually purchased some toiletries and stuff but I don't feel the need to focus on it too much now. I think you should pack your bag when you feel like it's time.
AFM, Yesterday I got a call from my bank about some suspicious charges. Turns out someone got a hold of my debit card info and decided to spend almost $800 on advertising stuff. Who steals someone debit/credit card info and goes and buys advertising junk? If I were going to do that I would be going on a shopping spree for some nice clothes, electronics, etc. Anyways, the all the charges that the idiot made on my account were refunded to me and my debit card was cancelled to prevent anymore charges from being made. What sucks about this is I now have to wait for my bank to mail me a new debit card so I have to resort to using cash or checks. This is such an inconvenience considering everyone uses debit cards these days because they're just so much faster. Really hoping the new card will arrive before DH and I leave to head out of town Friday evening but I'm kind of doubting that will be the case.
I had another doctors appointment last night. Everything went well with my weight, blood pressure, etc. Aiden really dislikes the doppler though. During my last appointment he tried to kick the doppler away as soon as it touched my belly. This time, he just moved away from it anytime my OB found his heartbeat so it took a little awhile for her to get a reading (135-140 bpm when he did decide to cooperate). The bad thing about my appointment is I peed right before leaving my house. I got so distracted talking to my DH that I forgot why I was holding my pee. Needless to say DH and I had to sit in the office for an extra 45 minutes or so waiting on me to be able to pee. Thankfully DH was a good sport about it.
My baby shower is this Saturday which is why DH and I are heading out of town for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to it being over with so I can actually start shopping for the little baby things that we'll need since after the shower I'll know what kind of stuff I still need to purchase. Waiting to be able to buy clothes and such has been driving me crazy because I keep seeing so many cute things.
My DH's birthday is this Sunday as well. We were originally planning to go out to eat for his birthday like what we did for mine but then DH said he wanted me to make him a caramel cake for his birthday instead so that will be my project for next week I guess.
I attached my 32 week bump picture.