First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Lauren, I'm currently watchin supersize vs super skinny and it always makes me feel better about what I eat :haha: never even half as much as the supersize, which is good! So I wouldn't worry about your diet until you are having coke with breakfast (as the current girl does!)
Sarah & Lauren - I know, its horrible isn't it :(

They think she got caught under her blankets and either suffocated or overheated. I wonder if its the same girl you read about Lauren, she's a really popular blogger with thousands of followers so could be - she has two year old twins too, so horrible for them as well :( Just doesn't bare thinking about....

I actually have done pediatric first aid before (I'm an NNEB qualified nanny/nursery nurse) but it was about 10 years ago and I never did a refresher course, and things change so often that I just think it'd be way too outdated now.
OH has done a St Johns first aid course for adults in the past, but never done one aimed at infants - I was paranoid anyway coz I've seen babies choke and have fits tons of times (never fatally but still absolutely terrifying!) in nurseries, but this has just made me think that its the same as the breathing monitors - I couldn't live with it if anything happened in the future and thinking back to this time and wondering wether or not to buy them/do the courses. Its just too horrible. :/

I was thinking about just one of us doing a course but then that makes me think imagine if something happened and the WRONG one of us was here! :wacko:

I swear, I'm way too panicky to be a parent. I don't know how I'm going to cope :nope:

With the c-sections - like Lauren said, its because they need to keep a closer eye on you so its easier for them to do the rounds on a ward and there are always people around.
The private rooms - while nice - are too secluded really, as everything is done by intercom so if anything went wrong after surgery they'd have no way of knowing unless you were able to buzz them.

I think a lot of hospitals in the UK do it the same way, my sister had a c section in Devon and she was on a ward too - and after her normal birth in Liverpool she was in a private room.
That makes total sense I guess about the c sections, I had just thought about it from the woman's pov and how she felt, not the medical aspect at all. In my hospital everyone is on a 4 person ward, so not an issue with me anyway (sadly, I'd love my own room. I don't share well :haha:)

Agh just about to order our wall decal but its so expensive (£108 with shipping) which just seems a ridiculous amount of money to spend what is essentially a big sticker!
Haha I always feel better after watching super size vs super skinny :)

Hayley, maybe you should look at doing one then if it will make you feel better. End of the day you can never be too prepared :)

I'm just watching benidorm ER (there is nothing else on that takes my fancy) and what is it with Brits wearing England football shirts???? I've watched a couple of these and on every one there has been at least two people on who have been wearing something englandy.... That's why I don't do places like benidorm lol, can't stand being around people who feel the need to tell the world that they are English.
I've seen a lovely wall sticker too on that is around £90 and is very simple but looks lovely :)
Brits on holiday are the worst aren't they?! I also agree with there not being much on tonight, TV is woeful! What am I going to watch when I am stuck up in the middle of the night with a baby?!

I just heard about this week. I must go and have a wee look actually. We normally would never spend £100 on something, but I fell in love with the decal and dh said since I love it so much and have wanted it for ever (literally since before I was pregnant!) I could get it lol!
It's one of my favourite websites, they have some lovely things :) the only down side is that they sell too much nice stuff and you could sit on there for ages looking at their things.

Well last night was the worst night of my whole pregnancy!!! I woke up at some point in the early hours with my arms absolutely killing me!! Both sides were as painful as each other. So I was sleeping on and off from then and now I'm really tired :( I can barely move my arms too, don't know how I'm going to brush my hair and put it up soon lol
:hugs: I know exactly how you feel - that was me last week (although in fairness only one of my arms, so I can't imagine how awful it is with both) I cried because it was so sore and I was so tired. I really don't think you should have been given both jabs at the same time! :huh:

Take it easy today.
Well to top off the soreness I either had a bit of a reaction or by BP dropped (think it was my BP) but around 9am I started feeling really poorly, thought I was going to be sick so went to see the girls to ask them to listen out for the door as I was going to sit in the back for a bit. Then all of a sudden my eye site went funny as did my hearing, first my ears popped then everything sounded echoey and I went all hot. So nearly fainted!! Had a lie down on one of the beds with my feet elevated. The dizziness went but then started feeling really sick so couldn't lie down anymore. Overall lasted about 40 minutes. I feel a bit better now although not 100%. But with it coming and going as quickly as it did I do think it was my BP. So now I'm just taking it easy and eating a muffin with a coffee (yes I have a box of muffins which I've been eating over the last couple of days lol). But should hopefully be up and running again soon.

So looking forward to not having episodes like this happening again!!

Oh and when I was feeling funny I started getting belly ache. Well all sorts started running through my mind then lol!! X
You should go home! Allow the muffin to kick in and you should take the rest of the day off to rest.
nuttynicnac - Glad your hubby's home :dance:
Also, glad i'm not the only one running out of options with clothes :haha:

MrsHippo - If we were to stay in the house we're in now, we wouldn't be bothering with a monitor to be fair - you can litterally hear everything.
Good news about your back :thumbup: but sorry about your poor arms! I agree, don't think they should give you both at the same time - bit harsh!

Classes - We should have been going to a birthing class tonight - either homebirth or waterbirthing, can't remember which.. but because of us moving we just don't have the time! There's another one in a couple of weeks I think anyway so will try and go to that one instead :)

DoggyLover - Could you not try finding the same wall decal on eBay to see if you could save some money? I love eBay for bargains :)

LiverpoolLass - I find it hard to picture our LO because she could either be really dark haired and lots of it with darker skin (as I was as a baby) or a few strands of auburn/red hair and pale (like OH). Not much difference :haha:
How many Boots points did you have? :shock: I struggle to save more than a couple of pounds worth :haha: I currently only have £2.17..

BritsAbroad - I swear they just find the most ridiculous people to film :haha: They always seem like very strange people!

TV - Don't even get me started on bloody TV last night :growlmad: We pay a fortune for Sky and lately theres bugger all on! (Yet we still won't cancel it :rofl:)

AsForMe - I was absolutely shattered last night :(
Mum phoned me to say that our pram had been delivered to hers. I told OH that we would be going straight after work to have a peak and then to B&Q for some paint. Got home from work and he wasn't ready and his clothes were still wet.
Apparently, he only left himself one outfit out for the next couple of days (all our clothes have been sent to the new house). How come i've managed to leave myself a couple of outfits, yet he is apparently incapable??
Cue a big hissy fit from him telling me to just go without him. Cue me telling him to grow up and just come in what he was wearing - shorts and a t-shirt :dohh:
This ended up with us both being annoyed with each other, me slamming the door and leaving with my mum to go to B&Q. I texted him to see if he wanted to be picked up on the way back so that he could just come to my mums but he refused.
A few texts were sent and he said that he'd had enough, he was going to stay at his mums and that he was sick of me doing everything with my mum and leaving him out :huh:
So, I got the paint and went back home - said i'd look at the pram tonight because I just totally was not in a mood to be excited about the pram :(
Got home, he was still there but didn't want to speak - tough i'm afraid! Lots of arguing, true feeling came out about how he feels left out of everything and that he thinks my mum is too overbearing/involved when it's not her place?
I tried to explain that, yes i'm close to my mum - as many females are - and yes, I need her input/support seen as though I don't get enough from him and the fact that she's been through pregnancy/birth/new baby etc before and he hasn't. I pointed out that she is only helping as neither of us have done this before.
It basically turned into him slagging my family off for being too involved which then turned into me giving him some home truths about how it looks that way because his family show no interest or give any help/support whatsoever. I said that after everything they do/offer/help us with, he just throws it back in my face and is ungrateful for it all.
We agreed that everything had been building stress wise but he couldn't let everything get on top of him like he has been doing.
Nobody apologised but we just dropped it and we seem to be okay now.
I felt really guilty afterwards though as LO was moving around etc. and it made me wonder how much she could sense.. :(

I fell asleep around midnight but then had 3 toilet trips during the night and on/off awake since 6am.. :sleep: So tired today and not in the mood to be at work. To top it off, we've got to finish moving tonight and then we're staying at my parents for the night - where i'll be wondering what OH is really thinking about them the whole time we're there..

Roll on the weekend ey.. :shrug:
Laura91 Sorry you and OH had a fight :hugs: Sounds like you both had some stuff that you needed to get off your chest. Moving house is stressful enough without a baby on top! It sounds like he's just finding it all a little overwhelming. Can you maybe just take a bit of nice time out together and not think about baby/moving and just chat and have a nice time - go for a nice meal or walk or on a day trip? Would be nice to do something (before baby arrives). Also is there some stuff he could get more involved with in regards to baby - I know what you mean your Mum is your Mum and knows best, has had kids, is your best friend, but he's Daddy so needs to feel important too. It sounds like in a weird way he's crying out for a bit more attention and involvement and that's not a bad thing so try and embrace it and let him get more involved.

MrsHippo I'm so dreading my whooping cough vaccine now!! The MW left me a message the other day to remind me to book it but I'm a bit scared now lol! Also sorry to hear about your funny turn, sounds scary! Make sure you get lots of rest today, sometimes our BP can go wonky when we're pregnant so just keep an eye and ring triage if you still feel unwell as blurred vision can be a sign of pre-pre-eclampsia (not to panic you, sure it was nothing!)

Oooh I LOVE notonthehighstreet, it's such a lovely website although quite expensive!! I have seen LOADS of stuff on there I want to buy once baby arrives haha!

With regards to CPR this is the latest advice You'll also find some good videos on youtube under "baby CPR". I would recommend first aid classes because it's all fair and well reading/watching a video, you need to practice it in real life. Saying that I have done CPR a few times and it never gets any less scary, and I can't imagine the fear going through your head as a parent. Remember to ring 999 ASAP as they will give you instructions if you forget and also open door off latch to let in ambulance. The idea with first aid classes is if god forbid the worst did happen you almost go into automatic mode and can do it without panic or fear getting in the way. Doing something even if its not exactly the text book CPR is better than doing nothing and won't do anymore harm than doing nothing so even if you can't remember how many chest compressions to breaths just do some either way and then let the 999 crew talk you through the rest. I think the main thing people stall over is trying to find a pulse/assess breathing - its so so hard to find a heartbeat when your relaxed let alone stressed so just go ahead and do the CPR it won't cause anymore harm - if your baby is unconscious and not breathing you'll just be able to tell they need it from their colour and lack of response. Right I'll get off my bandwagon now!

Nuttynicnak Glad your hubby is home and your getting in lots of cuddles :happydance:

LiverpoolLass That's fab about letting Dad's stay, my OH was really gutted when he found out he couldn't stay overnight and started fretting about being shoved out as soon as baby is born, bless.

As for me Started on my baby washing...I got over zealous though and washed loads and then ran out of drying space!! I managed to tumble dry a fair bit but couldn't tumble dry some as it'll just under up uber creased (top tip muslim cloths go VERY crumpled when you tumble dry them lol!) so my whole house is just covered in drying baby clothes!! It feels a bit surreal seeing them everywhere but lovely at the same time! LO has been lovely and active all of yesterday it just makes me so excited I want to get them out already for a little cuddle lol, does it feel weird to anyone else they are so close but so far at the same time!

Went to a 'bump and babies' class today with some antenatal class people, it's been quite nice as we've been socialising a fair bit these last few weeks. It's nice to chat to other people in same position as me who want to talk about babies 24/7 as my other friends without babies probably don't want to hear my innate ramblings on leaking boobs etc etc! We met some other Mum's with 5-6 month old babies who were sooo cute...when they were singing the one little boy baby was laughing loads and I felt myself welling up cos it was so cute, bloody hormones!!
Alex, we're staying at his dads house on Saturday night to watch their dog whilst they go away for the night so hopefully will find some time to relax and unwind a little there.

I do try and involve him as much as possible but it's a little hard.. he doesn't really like to feel her moving - still weirds him out a little.. he fades out when I talk about any classes.. puts reading/watching anything baby/pregnancy related off till 'later'

Like I said to him last night, I feel sometimes like he isn't interested and i'm doing it on my own. I've had to read/watch things to learn about what's happening, it didn't just come to me overnight like he thinks :shrug:

I'll just have to keep trying..

Well done on starting your washing, i'm planning on tumble-drying most of mine just out of laziness :shy: x
Ps. With regards to my mum coming everywhere with us, we don't really have another option. OH doesn't have a car at the minute so if we want to go anywhere, she takes us.. other than that, we'd have to get a taxi/bus :|

I explained this to him last night too, and I think he realised
Lauren - Hope you're feeling better now. I used to have fainting attacks and what you described sounds a lot like how I would go before I fainted, so is probably your bp! Do keep an eye on it or maybe mention it to your mw.

Alex - Aww thats so cute about the baby! I wish I was confident to go to a bumps and babies class, but I never feel like I have the confidence to go to those kinds of things alone :/
Thanks for the CPR tips :) I am thinking we will sign up for a class - I think I just need to do anything I possibly can to feel better about everything! And hopefully I'll never have to use any of it!

Laura - sorry to hear about your spat with OH :( I think its the time for outburts and arguments for all of us at the moment!
Good luck with all the moving stuff! :D

TV - does nobody watch The Undateables?! I love it! I haven't watched any TV for aaaaaages but now I have The Undateables on Tues, Derek & OBEM on Wednesdays, The New Normal and The Big Reunion on Thursdays and Up All Night on Mondays! lol, such a TV junkie these days!
Has anybody noticed how there seem to be loads of programmes on about pregnancy and new parents atm?! The New Normal and Up All Night are fab, so funny!

AFM - Just got back from the consultant. What a horrible horrible man :D

He's booked me in for a c-section on 26th March. Eeeeek! He's warned me that I am at risk of going into spontaneous labour before then though, so has recommended I still prepare for a natural labour. They're also sending me for a heart scan (!) to find out how serious my heart murmur is, and he's asked me to come in for a growth scan next week to find out if my thyroid problems have affected the growth at all - this is because I was supposed to have been consultant led all along and should have been having regular check ups with him, but my stupid midwife "didn't realise" despite the fact that I specifically asked her if I was still consultant led here like I was in Devon and she said "No"! Grrrr.

Still though - feels very odd to know that the 26th March might be LO's birthday!!!! 7 weeks yesterday! eeek!
LiverpoolLass, that's so great that you actually now know the date you'll have your baby by! xx
Aww Hayley that's great news about your date!! How exciting :) shame the doctor wasn't particuarly nice though.

Laura, sorry to hear about the fall out you and OH had. Bloody men drive me mad sometimes, you just can't win with them!! You try and involve them but if they make no effort then you just assume they aren't interested. End of the day we aren't mind readers are we. Glad your back to normal again though.

Thanks for the info Alex :)

I managed to stay at work for the rest of the day. I am so unbelievably tired though :( I'm planning on having a nap now because I don't even have the energy to get dressed, never mind walk the dog in a bit. So hopefully I'll have a nap, take pup out, make dinner then go to bed!!
Laura- sounds like you've tried to involve OH a fair bit then!! Men ey!! I think they sometimes just think it'll 'come to them' and they'll be naturals....think they're in for a shock when baby arrives and they see how difficult it is! Definetely keep pushing with the classes and trying to get him interested in those at least. Is your mum going to be at the birth? You want to make sure he has a 'part' otherwise he might go into a sulk if he doesn't get involved-try explaining that to him, how much u want him involved in birth and it only happens once so he should want to go to some classes of at least read some info on water birth, otherwise he can't complain if your mum takes a more active role. He can't have it both ways, either he supports you and gets involved with baby or you'll source that support from elsewhere, and rightly so!!

Liverpoollass - oooh your booked in on my due date! Bit jealous as you know you'll def have a baby by the whereas I might be 2 weeks later lol! Sorry your MW has (get again!) cocked things up. Hope scan goes ok.

I only went to those classes cos 2 other ladies I know went so gave me a bit of confidence! I'm just going to try bite the bullet and go to stuff like that as I worry when LO arrives I'll be prone to PND so am going to aim to try and get out the house everyday, even if its for a few hours to see friends or go to a class like that, just to keep me sane and also to give me a reason to get up and dressed! I tend to mull over things and feel down in the dumps when I'm sat at home not being sociable!

Sorry for the mega long CPR ramble by the way, realise I prob came across as a right know it all, give me a big slap lol!

Mrshippo - put your feet up and reelllaaaxxx!
Alex don't apologise. Its nice to know there is someone on here who knows what they are talking about :)

I'm just watching OBEM as I'm sure a couple of you are too....I start welling up as soon as the programme starts now lol :dohh:

I am also online buying my maternity pads ect from Boots. But got me thinking, as I am planning on pumping, possibly direct bf (depends what happens on the day) or if I can't then it will be formula. Obviously I will need to pack some bottles, when do I sterilise them?? :shrug:
I've tried posting in here twice and both times I managed to knock the charger cord out of my computer which results in it instantly shutting down since my laptop battery no longer seems to work. Maybe the third time will be a success...

Laura, I've had the same nose problems you described. I read somewhere that the increased blood flow in our bodies during pregnancy can cause bloody noses (I've had one nosebleed since being pg) so I'm assuming it's the same kind of thing causing the blood in your nose. The ladies I have talked to that have had the same kind of symptoms have said the congestion goes away shortly after delivery so hopefully it won't be too much longer that we will have to deal with the stuffy/full noses.

DH and I registered for a simple baby monitor but DH has gotten very attached to the idea of getting some kind of high tech video monitor so I have no idea what we'll actually end up getting.

Lauren, the cherry amingioma sounds awful. Glad they're going to get rid of it though if it doesn't go by itself.

When I had my GTT done I was told I was borderline anemic. The doctor basically told me to try to eat more iron rich foods like red meat, raisins, etc. They haven't checked my blood in the two appointments I have had since the GTT one so I'm assuming it's not something to be too concerned about. :shrug:

Alex, I've been having a lot of weird dreams like you. A lot of them I have woken up from rather upset. Like last night I dreamed some woman was telling me I was a terrible mother because I forgot to put a seat belt on (not sure why I would have forgotten that :wacko:). I also have some of the naughty dreams too which can also be a bit weird since some of the stuff I'm in to in my dreams are not things I'm at all interested in when I'm awake. :haha:

Your surprise trip sounds like it will be a great time. I would love to get away with DH before the baby arrives for at least a night but not quite sure if that will be practical considering how busy his work has been. These days we're lucky if he gets one day off.

For your going home outfit, I've read multiple times that you will still look 6-7 months pg after delivery so you'll still want to pack your maternity clothes. Most likely comfy clothes too since I'm sure we'll be sore. As for the baby, I'm thinking of packing a newborn outfit and a 0-3 month outfit. I don't expect to have a large baby but you never know, he may not fit into newborn at all. Hope that helps you some when you're packing your bags.

Hayley, my DH has already told his boss that once I go into labor he's leaving work right away (if I go into labor while he's working) and then he'll be taking off a week of work to be with me and the baby in the hospital/at home. He might have taken more if it would be paid leave but it's not, so we have been trying to put some money away for that week where he won't be getting a paycheck since the bills won't stop coming.

So glad your hospital changed their policy so OH will be able to stay with you overnight. :happydance: Not sure how the change in policy would cause any problems with security. The entire time my DH (or whoever the "support person" is) is staying at the hospital he has to wear an id tag on his wrist just like I do. I would think it would be similar for the dads that are staying over night so that the staff new they were supposed to be there?

As for what our babies will look like, I can't really picture Aiden. I have a theory that he'll have DH's hair color and eye color, but I think he'll have my hair texture. Other then that, I have no other idea. MIL was looking at the 3D ultrasounds though and has told both DH and I that she thinks Aiden has a lot of my facial features. We both think she's kind of nuts considering Aiden is only 20 weeks in those pictures.

Exciting news about your C-Section date. When my OB told me that they wouldn't let me go more then a week over my due date it was quite a shock realizing that April 5th could be Aiden's birthday at the latest. Even though we could go into labor sooner then that, it's nice knowing the latest that they'll be arriving.

Sarah, like I just told Lauren earlier in the post, I was told I was borderline anemic at my GTT appointment. I think having low iron levels, especially later in pregnancy is pretty common.

So glad to hear your baby shower went well and that you got some lovely things.

Nicola, so glad your hubby is home!

As for packing the bag, I don't really intend to focus on getting mine all packed until the beginning of March. I've gradually purchased some toiletries and stuff but I don't feel the need to focus on it too much now. I think you should pack your bag when you feel like it's time.

AFM, Yesterday I got a call from my bank about some suspicious charges. Turns out someone got a hold of my debit card info and decided to spend almost $800 on advertising stuff. Who steals someone debit/credit card info and goes and buys advertising junk? If I were going to do that I would be going on a shopping spree for some nice clothes, electronics, etc. Anyways, the all the charges that the idiot made on my account were refunded to me and my debit card was cancelled to prevent anymore charges from being made. What sucks about this is I now have to wait for my bank to mail me a new debit card so I have to resort to using cash or checks. This is such an inconvenience considering everyone uses debit cards these days because they're just so much faster. Really hoping the new card will arrive before DH and I leave to head out of town Friday evening but I'm kind of doubting that will be the case. :(

I had another doctors appointment last night. Everything went well with my weight, blood pressure, etc. Aiden really dislikes the doppler though. During my last appointment he tried to kick the doppler away as soon as it touched my belly. This time, he just moved away from it anytime my OB found his heartbeat so it took a little awhile for her to get a reading (135-140 bpm when he did decide to cooperate). The bad thing about my appointment is I peed right before leaving my house. I got so distracted talking to my DH that I forgot why I was holding my pee. Needless to say DH and I had to sit in the office for an extra 45 minutes or so waiting on me to be able to pee. Thankfully DH was a good sport about it.

My baby shower is this Saturday which is why DH and I are heading out of town for the weekend. I'm really looking forward to it being over with so I can actually start shopping for the little baby things that we'll need since after the shower I'll know what kind of stuff I still need to purchase. Waiting to be able to buy clothes and such has been driving me crazy because I keep seeing so many cute things.

My DH's birthday is this Sunday as well. We were originally planning to go out to eat for his birthday like what we did for mine but then DH said he wanted me to make him a caramel cake for his birthday instead so that will be my project for next week I guess.

I attached my 32 week bump picture.


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