First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Lauren, I love the name you decided on.

As for FB photos, I always look terrible in pictures other people take of me. I always dread when I get tagged in photos. :haha: I'll have to have a look through everyones photos when I have time. Will be nice to finally have faces to go with the names.

Lindsey, I'm sorry you have been having a rough time with Seth. I've been very hormonal with Aaron lately too. I actually burst into tears Sunday when he said it was freezing in the garage and he didn't want to clean it. I think I'm really starting to feel the pressure with it being at the end so I need everything to be done asap but he's not feeling the same thing so it drives me nuts.

Hayley, I added you on Facebook. I also hope you and Jon are able to get some time alone while your parents are away. DH and I actually went out for dinner tonight, seems like it's the first time we've gone out alone in a long time. Really enjoyed getting to spend some time out with it just being the two of since it won't be that way once Aiden arrives.
Hi ladies quickly checking in, will be on laptop tomorrow so will update/catch up properly then!

I'll do a bit of FB stalking and add the ones that have listed here :) Obviously my name's Laura so keep an eye out for my friend request ;) x
I sent you a friend request, Laura.

I have the worst heartburn/acid indigestion in the world today. It started at 2 AM last night and finally went away enough that I was able to go to sleep again around 3:30 AM. Now it's back. I can't wait until I'm no longer pregnant and can eat whatever I want and not have to worry about heartburn.
Glad everyone likes my name choice :)

I keep getting waves of panic everytime I think about how little time I have left!! I have a feeling I am losing my plug.... but I'm not 100%. Apparently it can have a blood tinge to it which mine doesn't have but I have heard and seen photos of other peoples and they don't always have colour in it. Been getting a lot more aches and pains too around my pelvic area and lower back. It tends to stay on one side at a time though. Maybe it means things are starting to get ready :shock:

My mw rang earlier with my appointment to see the consultant - they can't get me in until a week on Thursday!!! Thats like the end of the month!!! I was hoping I'd be seen this week :( lets hope she doesn't grow much more within that time.
I took down a lot of my Facebook pictures when I got divorced a few years ago and have been super lazy since then. Hopefully that will all change with the baby!

Seth and I are better. All of my pregnancy symptoms just make me feel so alone sometimes! Thanks for the encouragement, ladies. :)

Hayley, I hope you and Jon enjoy your alone time! So crazy to think that there will be a third little person joining us very soon.

Lauren, I can't believe they're making you wait that long! Did they seem very concerned? The doctors kept warning my ex sister-in-law (who was a type 1 diabetic and consistently measured ahead) that she was going to have a 10 lb baby...she had a c-section at 37 weeks due to her diabetes and the baby was barely 8 lbs. So maybe it was just your baby's position or amount of amniotic fluid or something?

I'm the same with the aches and pains. Everything is so random. This morning I had what felt like horrible gas pains but I didn't have to use the bathroom or anything but they went away before I could get excited. And I had a dream that my water broke. I woke up checking the sheets and everything!! I just wish I knew when/how LO was coming!

Brittany, my heartburn has gotten way worse. Like, Tums aren't cutting it anymore. I wonder if it's a sign?

Let us know how your doctor's appointment and tour goes!

As for me, I have a doctor's appointment today too. My labs for preeclampsia came back normal and my BP has been fine here at home...until this morning. :( It was almost as bad as it was at the doctor's last time. I don't know why and it's frustrating. I'm seeing my favorite doctor today so I'm not nervous or anything. I was gonna go have lunch with a girlfriend before my appointment but now I think I'll stay home and rest and then get Seth to go with me to the doctor just in case they don't want to send me home. I still don't have any swelling, protein in my urine, headaches, seeing stars so hopefully they won't mention induction or anything like that!! I've had a pretty uneventful pregnancy and I'd like it to stay that way! Wish me luck!
Lindsey sorry to hear your hormones are playing up. Like you mentioned I think this waiting game we are now playing is awful, and definitely putting us a bit more on edge. I keep saying to Simon "I just wish he/she would get out!" And he is all :shrug: it'll happen when it happens. Really helpful :haha: men just don't get what we are going through ATM, and even though I know Simon is excited to meet LO, I think it's very different for us, and starting to send us all a little mad!!
Fingers crossed that your appointment goes well and there is no mention of induction and you get home safe and sound.

Hayley :haha: at your family all rallying round! That's so sweet of them, but at the same time I'm sure you just want a bit of peace and quiet!

Brittany poor Aaron being forced into the cold garage by his pregnant wife :rofl: I know what you mean about them not feeling the pressure - its like they don't realise that the babies will be here so soon, and then we will all have no time to do ANYTHING let alone clean and tidy! In fairness, as I speak, Simon has been forced into the cold garage by his pregnant wife and is currently tidying it!! Got all our carpets, rugs and sofas shampooed today as well, so I can't complain that he is slacking. But gosh, we are filthy! The water afterwards was just :shock:!

Lauren I have no idea what a plug is like, so I'm no help here! But I think it all sounds very much like you are moving forward and LO is getting ready to make her appearance! That's so exciting, (and I am unbelievably jealous :haha:)
I wonder why it's taking them so long to get you to a consultant? But hopefully it's a good sign in a way as it means they aren't too worried about her size.

afm dh was off today so we poddled about and cleaned bits and bobs then went for lunch and took the dogs. It's so nice to be able to spend time together during the week! I'm sure he maybe wishes he could still have his days off without me annoying him though! :haha:
I slept so badly last night. My back was really sore, and my butt cheeks have started going numb when I lie on one side for too long! So not a comfy night. In the middle, I woke up and had what I would describe as a period pain and of course thought "yes! This is it!"
Needless to say it wasn't!
I have another hospital appointment tomorrow (as with the last one I have no idea why!) but I'm hoping to sort out the issue with my due date. I'm going in like this --> :growlmad: until I get what I want! Then spending the day with my dad and nephew which will be lovely!
I honestly don't know where I fitted a job into my life.....
Lauren, will they do a cervical check or anything at your appointment so you will know whether you have lost any of your plug?

I really hope you can somehow get in to see someone earlier. I would think it would be more urgent for you to be checked out, especially after you MW made that comment about you holding her in for the next 6 days.

Lindsey, Tums weren't helping me last night or this morning either. I haven't read about heartburn being a sign of labor though, I did read that once our babies engaged we might get some relief from it though since the baby won't be pushing on the stomach as much.

Glad you labs for preeclampsia came back normal. Sorry your BP is still up though. Hopefully they'll have some new ideas of what is causing it to be increased at your appointment today.

Sarah, so glad you got your garage cleaned and carpets shampooed. I've been gradually working at my carpets room by room. The dining room wasn't too awful since I've probably shampooed it 5 times the past week since I discovered one of the cats peed on the floor in there. The living room on the other hand was terribly dirty. It always amazes me how much dirt gets pushed into the carpet. Hardwood floors are definitely a requirement when DH and I look at buying a house in a year or two. Carpet is just not the way to go with 2 cats and a dog and then with young kids that will spill stuff I'm sure.

AFM, going to be getting ready for my doctors appointment soon. Really hoping DH will show up before I have to leave but since he left his phone at home I have no idea how long he'll be working today so may be going to this one alone. :(

I also have a question for y'all, has anyone else been experiencing pain in between their legs? I don't really know exactly how to describe it but along my bikini line I have been noticing a lot of pain when I move around. I originally thought I just pulled a muscle or something when I was shoveling snow since I did slip a bit but it's still sticking around so now I'm thinking it's pregnancy related. I've also noticed some pain around my hip bone, especially on my right side. It almost feels like a burning sensation. I've been kind of wondering if maybe the baby has engaged at all and that's why I've been noticing the pelvic pains but then I had it at my last doctors appointment and she never said anything so I'm clueless.
Brittany I get that pain your describing too. I can only describe it as a pulled muscle sensation...let us know how your doctor appointment goes anyway. They don't usually do internal checks here unless they need to so doubt they will, but you never know.

I really don't have a clue what is happening. My mum reckons she will be here before I get chance to see my consultant - I'd be happy with that too, but back of my mind tells me I am going to have a few more weeks of aches and pains before she decides to show. I am a little annoyed that my appointment is so far away...there is nothing I can do about it though, there is no one to ring to see if there has been cancellations or anything. Also my mw told me I will have to tell the consultant what I am going for!!!! apparently she ''couldn't leave a note or anything'' so I will be telling the consultant why I am seeing him. I think that is a little bad.

Oh and I don't think I mentioned this when I told you about the appointment, when my mw felt my lower stomach to see if she had dropped in to my pelvis it REALLY hurt. She was being gentle too. I am dreading being examined by the doctor next week if it hurts like that everytime I get touched.

Sarah, lets hope you get some answers soon. Let us know how the hospital appointment goes!
Brittany - Aww glad you and Aaron got to go for a nice dinner together! Its funny to think that these are the last times for us all being a twosome!!
I keep thinking about it - like how next Wednesday will be Jons last day off before the baby arrives, so its our last day alone together! eeek! lol

With the pain - I've been getting the burning pain in my hip (especially at night) and the stitch type pain in my lower bump/bikini area for a while now. They did tell me a couple of weeks back that baby was engaged, so maybe that is why.
Its pretty annoying!!

Hope your Drs appointment went well!

Lauren - Howcome you feel like you're using your plug? Is it just like....discharge? (sorry couldnt think of a less gross way of asking!)

I can't beleive they cant get you in until a week Thursday AND the consultant wont even know beforehand what you're there for!!! Thats ridiculuous!
Are you under a community midwife rather than one from the hospital?

This is what drives me mad - when I see midwives at the hospital they are fab and can pass messages between themselves and the consultant etc, when I see the community ones at the local centres they are always useless and they insist that they have NO lines of communications with the whats the point?!! grrr!

AFM - had a nice day today, went out for a meal with my friend and spent the whole day catching up with her.
But for some reason I've ended up in a really bad mood tonight for no apparent reason!
I think I overate and now I'm too full, uncomfortable and fed up. And my tooth has just decided to start aching. Yay.

I'm getting REALLY sick of the period pains and pain in my back when I walk too - if something was happening, fair enough but it doesnt seem to be and my periods will be back soon enough - I don't want the constant pain now thank you very much! :growlmad:

I actually wish I would just go into labour now coz I'm sick of being pregnant and just want it over and done with!!! I know I shouldnt complain coz at least I know that the longest I have to wait is 13 days from today and you ladies must be thinking I should stop whining and be pleased with that lol! But it still feels like forever away, and I'm SO dreading the operation :/

I've got the mw tomorrow morning - I'm thinking it MIGHT be my last mw appointment, as the following Friday is my pre-op appointment and the Tuesday after that is the c section?! eeeek!

Alex - where is she?!?!?!!? Does anybody else think she might have gone in to have the baby/had it already?! She's not usually this quiet for this long!
Sarah, I agree that it's definitely different for us than it is for the men. I just feel bad. Seth has been amazing this whole pregnancy but sometimes I just can't control the things that come out of my mouth in the middle of a mood swing. Afterwards, I can see that I totally overreacted.

Sorry you had such a bad night's sleep and for the false alarm. :( I wake up every 2 hours or so to switch sides due to aching/numb hips. Hopefully you'll get a better night's sleep tonight so you can enjoy your time with your dad and nephew! And let us know how your appointment goes.

Brittany, how was your appointment and the tour? Hopefully DH was able to go with you. I haven't had the pain your describing but I do get the occasional shooting pain in my crotch. I've just started to assume that anything and everything is normal at this point. :shrug:

Lauren, maybe it is your plug! That would be cool. I haven't been looking out for mine but I don't think I've started losing it yet. I wish I had some labor signs but I haven't really aside from period cramps, hip pain, etc., except my BH's have been more frequent and way more intense. I've actually practiced some breathing techniques on some of them!

Hayley, sorry that your good day turned bad! I feel the same way about the cramps. Half the time I want to check to make sure I'm not getting my period! Hopefully it's a productive pain that means things are moving in the right direction. I'm not sure how to feel about everything...some days I'm over pregnancy and just want my baby and other days I want to keep her in there forever (thinking she'll be easier to take care of that way). Right now, I just want to go into labor so I can get it over with and stop all the what-if's!

As for me, my BP was 145/98 at the doctor's office. :wacko: They let me go home because my urine is clean, my blood work is normal and I don't have any other symptoms of pre-e but I will be writing down my BP at home (I still have my mom's machine) and resting and drinking lots of water. And keeping my eye out for other signs. No one said anything about induction so that's good. Hopefully this is the worst it gets!

Also, I popped my birthing ball! I was sunbathing again in the backyard and bouncing on my ball at the same time. I got up for 2 seconds and the wind blew my ball into a cactus. :( We tried to save it but will have to get a new one. At least it was only $10!
Lindsay - aww well i'm glad they didn't mention induction but that is so strange about your BP! I hope it comes down while you're at home and the rest and water help.
My mum was always kept in hospital when she was pregnant with high bp, they do say the best thing for it is just bed rest (when its not caused by other conditions) so definitely just try to rest up as much as possible!

Aww what a pain having to get a new birthing ball so close to the end!

AFM - I just got back from my MW appointment. I waited over an HOUR to be seen while they called in all the people who arrived after me! :growlmad:
But luckily - it was my last appointment! I NEVER HAVE TO GO BACK THERE AGAIN!!! :D I was worried that the baby clinics might be run from the same place, but I asked and they said I'll be under a different clinic for post-natal care - so yay, never have to go back to that hell hole again! :D

Everything was fine - I'm measuring 36 weeks which she said is fine as I'm not 37 weeks until tomorrow. She said babies position is good, and his heartbeat is lovely.
She took more bloods to check again for cholestasis coz my itching is still bad, but I'm sure it'll be clear - I think its just one of those things!

She didn't say much about the birth - she told me a little about the spinal, and said my stay in hospital will be about 2 or 3 days if my recovery is all good.

That was it! So now I have nothing else until my pre-op appointment which is a week on Friday! Eeeeek!
Hi girls,

Hayley I am glad to hear you no longer have to go back there :D I am under the community midwife, she is lovely but a pain in the backside too. She is so vague about everything. She rang this morning about the results from the blood I had done on Monday for the itching and I have to go back next week for more!! She said ''as I said before, there are three outcomes from these results. Anything under 6 is normal, between 6-14 you have to come back in a week for more bloods and if results were over 14 you'd have to be admitted. You have come in at 7 so will need to have more blood taken next week'' So I have to ring my GP to book an appointment with a nurse to have more bloods done. But that was it - what does it mean??? I don't even know for sure what it was they tested??? You ask her questions and like I said before, she is so vague with her answers.

Oh and as for the suspected plug, it was just like a big bit of discharge. The best way to describe it was a tissue full of snot :haha: sorry if thats tmi. I have always had a lot of discharge which does sometimes come out like that but this bit was different, it looked more usual. But haven't had anymore, just the usual lady leakages. So we will see.

Lindsey, sorry about your ball. It did make me giggle though....we don't have cacti over here unless you plant it yourself but even then they aren't too sharpe. Don't think they'd do very well in our gardens though. Its too wet here :rain: I wouldn't worry too much about your BP if they have sent you home, but defo keep an eye on it at home.

I am getting a little annoyed with the cramps and aches too. I had a dream last night that I was having contractions :/ but slept awfully as I was tossing and turning all the time because everything was hurting.

I haven't got much to report, I went for lunch with my stepmum today then went to IKEA after....and spent more than I was planning on. I went there to look for storage and came out with a bag full of stuff - non of which is storage lol. I have a new sheepskin rug for LO's room which is really pretty :) its a nice caramel colour. Oh and I went to BHS and came out with some BRIGHT yellow bath towels. I couldn't help myself. They really stand out and I think they'll add a nice bit of colour to my bathroom.

I am really struggling to walk around now though, I definately think she is well and truely settled in my pelvis. I am tired too, might have to make a coffee to wake myself up a little :)
Hi ladies, the appointment last night went well. I asked about the pain I mentioned having and my OB said it's totally normal. I guess it's caused by the ligaments stretching and such so nothing to worry about. The baby is also engaged so that's probably part of the reason the pains have gotten more intense the past few weeks.

Heartrate was a healthy 135 bpm (I'm really going to miss getting to hear his heartbeat when he's born :(), total weight gain is 29 lbs which was good, BP was also good. My belly only measures 36 weeks though. I feel like I'm as big as a house so this surprised me but my OB didn't seem concerned since she said the smaller measurement is due to his head moving down.

Had another cervical check, I still found it uncomfortable but I like knowing that things are progressing. I'm now almost 2 cm dilated and nearly 70% effaced.

The birthing center tour was great too. The labor rooms are HUGE!! I was really shocked by the size since I imagined them to be much smaller. DH and I also learned that Aiden will be rooming with us 24/7 once he's born. Really pleased with this since I don't think I would like him being away from me or DH. He's not even here yet but I already feel really possessive of him. Like I really don't want to share him at all with anyone but DH. I guess I kind of feel like we made him and I went through all this pain for him so when he's here I want us to get to enjoy him before we have to deal with everyone else wanting to hold him and stuff. Does anyone else feel like this at all?

Hayley, I'm right there with you on wanting the pregnancy to just be done and over with. I never really understood why women would get induced early until now when moving at all causes me a lot of pain. I hate to say it but I think if they would induce early on a first pregnancy I'd probably be doing it. We just have to hang in there I suppose.

Glad all your post natal care will be somewhere else. :)

Lindsey, I hope keeping hydrated and resting helps with your BP.

Sorry you popped your ball. At least it wasn't expensive.
Lindsey when you said you popped your ball I thought you meant when you were on it! :rofl: glad to hear that isn't the case! Glad your urine was clear so no major pre-e signs apart from the BP. No wonder it's high though as I'm sure you are worrying about it, then sending it higher...a vicious circle! It's wonderful that you can keep an eye on it at home, to give yourself peace of mind.

Brittany not to be a creep, but well done your cervix on getting things moving! :happydance: I know they say you can be dilated for ages before labour, but you are going the right way and that's great. Glad the birthing centre tour went well. Is Dh allowed to stay overnight with you and Aiden? Definitely good news about Aiden staying in with you. It's pretty rare now in the UK for babies to be taken away (unless it's to the NICU) and it always surprises me that they still are in a lot of places in the USA. Definitely not something I would be comfortable with.
I don't feel possessive over LO in the way that you mentioned, but what I do feel is that I will be the one in charge i.e. nobody can make me feel uncomfortable if I am cuddling him to long and make me feel expected to give him/her back because they are all MINE!!! :mrgreen:
Also, we have hardwood floors...the dog hair collects on them like crazy! But much easier to care for than carpets when you have pets!

Hayley You have every right to moan about wanting lo here!! I'm so jealous you know when it's happening BUT I can see how it could be a disadvantage as well! We all feel the same about wanting to get to the finish line, so you're no exception - moan away :haha:
We had to wait 2 1/2 hours at the hospital today - your hour is something I would cherish haha! But glad your experience with the MW is now over, must be such a relief! 2-3 days for a stay would be great, that's so short! I always imagine it's at least 5 for some reason. Fingers crossed you and LO are perfect and get out asap!

Lauren Ikea is just too amazing to go and not buy lots of stuff! And last weekend we went out with no intention of buying baby stuff and came home with lots - they are little money leeches already!! :haha: at the phrase "lady leakages" but glad your plug is still intact in there! Although I can't imagine it'll be long now until we start seeing them for real! :wacko:

Afm No word of a lie: I have another due date. BUT we are pretty much totally disregarding it...

So we went in for the appointment (after a 2 1/2 hour wait) and the woman was SO RUDE. We explained what had happened in the past (i.e. dates changed at every hospital appointment) and she said "On who's authority? These have been changed by people who have no authority to do so." To which DH said "Well, they were changed in the file, we were told to base maternity leave on that, how are we supposed to know who has 'the authority' to change them? As far as we are concerned they were changed" :thumbup: go proactive Simon!
And she went on and on about how basically this was OUR FAULT for listening to someone who "wasn't a dr" and letting them change the dates :huh: Sorry, if a medical professional tells me the dates change, in my mind, THE DATES HAVE CHANGED!
Anyway, she did a scan and LO is measuring around 37 weeks, so pretty much on track.
Then I aired my fears about going overdue, and she said that if there is confusion about dates, the consultant will agree to induce you on the latest due date (so for me the 10th April), but she went away to ask him.
She came back with the news that the consultant had said that I needed a new due date, and decided to go half way between the other 2 - i.e. 3rd April, BUT to say they won't let me go any more than 7 days over i.e. 10th April. Even she seemed confused about that! :dohh:

So basically, the lastest I will meet LO is 4 weeks today :happydance: I am thrilled that this has finally been sorted, more or less, and we are sticking to 29th March as our EDD as the difference the change to April 3rd would make is negligable. Actually, if we were 29th and had to go 14 days overdue then I would have been induced on 12th April, so actually have managed to bring my latest date forward...?!

If you have managed to follow that saga then major congrats, because I am so confused about it all still! All I know is...MAXIMUM 4 weeks. Thank the lord.
I can't believe the mess with the dates and who was she to tell you that its your fault???? She just sounds a bitch. End of the day we trust our midwives ect to advise us properly, we aren't going to turn around to them and say 'I don't think you have authority to do that, I demand to see someone who does' - do you know what I mean?? grrr what a horrible woman. Well its nice to know you will meet your LO within the next FOUR weeks!! eek how exciting!!!

As for money spent on LO, I dread to think how much I have spent on her. I probably have a few hundreds worth of clothes alone in her drawers and even though she now has plenty of things I still buy stuff. Last night I found a really cute little jumper which was half price, it was supposed to be 50 but went down to 25.50 or something and I am actually considering buying it :shock: what is wrong with me!!!

So the last two nights I have had dreams about contractions starting soon. I have that feeling I had before I knew the sex too.... so lets see if my 'prediction dreams' are right :haha:

I want to know if I am dilated, some women actually know how to do it themselves. I'd love to know what I was doing lol...not that I can reach round and up anyway, I have a rather large bump in the way which doesn't let me bend :rofl:
Lauren - I know! I'm sooooo happy not to have to go there again - honestly its awful, its in a really bad area so its full of scummy mummies - theres a horrible little cafe in there so it always STINKS of fried eggs and there are loads of skanky people sitting round in their pyjamas waiting for appointments! :/ Hate hate hate!!!

As for the blood tests, they're retesting mine too - my last results came out at 5. Basically its just testing your Bile acids(or bile salts maybe!?) - I gather that if you're producing a certain amount its too much and can be dangerous for the baby so they'll keep you in and sometimes induce early.
But if yours is 7 thats definitely toward the lower end so it should be ok!

lol @ the "snotty plug!" funny you should mention it though - I have definitely noticed my discharge is getting thicker and more often. And today I remember wiping and thinking to myself "that looks a bit yellow!" - like not SHOCKINGLY so but just thicker and darker than normal. Definitely looked like snot if you have an infection and its not running clear! :sick: won't it be lovely when we don't have to talk about all these gross things anymore?! lmao!

Oooh Ikea is soooo dangerous when it comes to spending!! I love it though.

Brittany - I'm glad everything went well at the appointment and that you enjoyed the hospital tour!
Oooh 2cms now, so things are definitely happening!!
I kind of wish they did cervical checks here - I'd love to have an idea of where I stand!

Thats great that Aiden will be staying with you guys after the birth! I hadn't thought about that as like Sarah said - here in the UK the baby is always left with the mother unless there is some kind of problem and they need to be monitored in NICU etc.

I think these is quite recent though, as my mum said when she had us kids the babies were taken away to the nursery over night and she hated it coz she could hear us crying but they weren't allowed to go and see what was wrong. That must be hard for new mums!

Sarah - Lol thanks for the permission to moan, I will take it! ;)

Geez a 2.5 hour wait! How ridiculous!! Yeah I totally expected a 5 day stay too! Though I kind of thought that because its coming up to the Easter bank holiday weekend they might try to rush us all out!!
I'd be happy enough with a 3 day stay but I'm not going to push them to release me early as my house is going to be MAYHEM until the Easter Monday when my sister goes back to Devon! My sister, her fiance and her two kids will be staying here - along with me and jon and the baby, and my mum and dad! Thats 9 people in a 3 bedroom house with one bathroom!!! With a new baby and me recovering from a c section!!
AAARGH! Maybe the 5 day stay in hospital would be

OMG I can't beleive how rude that woman was!!! Who was she?! A consultant or dr or what?
Well done Simon for standing up to her!!!! Sounds like he said exactly the right thing! Like Lauren said, how on earth are you supposed to know who does and doesnt have the authority?!

It all sounds SO confusing, I don't know how much it must be messing with your head!!! Geez! But at least you know now that 4 weeks is the maximum wait and thats a nice rounded number - not long at all! It will FLY past! :D (It feels like two minutes ago I was saying it was 4 weeks until my date, and now that time has halved! It goes so quickly!)

AFM - I totally wasted today. It was OH's day off and such a lovely day weather-wise, and all I wanted to do after the MW appointment was sleep! I went back to bed at noon and slept until FIVE pm!!!! :/

Looking forward to tomorrow as I'm supposed to be having my highlights done - my final prep for before the birth hehe!! Goodness knows when I'll have chance to get them done again in the future lol.

Smoking - I hope this doesn't offend anybody if any of you are smokers who have carried on in pregnancy, but smoking has been doing my head in lately.
Last night when I went out with my friend for a meal, she was driving me home and was smoking in the car - with the window down, but still! Right next to me. I felt like I STANK all night of smoke, even after a bath.

I was saying to Jon how selfish it is but that I couldn't expect anything less as she smoked throughout both of her own pregnancies so why would she care about mine!

Then today (which, ironically, is National No Smoking Day in the UK!) - we came out of the MW office, and as we were walking down the path the stench of cigarette smoke hit me....I realised the woman in front of us was smoking.
I commented to Jon that I was sick of breathing in other peoples smoke - then I looked back to the girl - and realised she had a massive bump!!!

As we were getting in the car I was looking at her and just found it SO shocking - she was standing outside of a MIDWIFES office, obviously waiting for her appointment, with a massive bump and just smoking away with no shame whatsoever!!! On national no smoking day too!!!!

Honestly...I felt like taking a picture on my phone and putting it on Facebook - except that I'd offend loads of people on my friends list who also all smoked AND drank through their pregnancies.

And what bugs me most is that these are people who have a go at ME for not breast feeding - WTF?!!!!!
Sarah, yes DH will be able to be with me regardless of where I'm at in the hospital. They have pull out beds for the support person in both the labor room and in the postpartum room.

I think I feel a bit more possessive of Aiden even though he's not here because of my MIL. She has basically tried to make everything all about her since I got pg. You would think this was HER baby with the way she has behaved. Not to mention, when I saw her with my nephew a few weeks after he was born, she refused to let anyone else hold him. She even told SIL no when she asked for him back and it's SIL's son! Then she has said she's going to be calling to come over every week to see him which I definitely don't want. I guess her behavior makes me feel like I need to be possessive of him if that makes sense?

So sorry about all the issues with your due date. I've been counting to April 3rd as my due date since at all my scans Aiden measured 5 days behind the due date they gave me (March 29th) but at the last two appointments after the cervical checks they still seem to be set on using March 29th as my appointment so I'm just going to start going with that rather then counting to April 3rd like I had been doing. Plus the 29th due date means I'll be induced April 5th at the latest if I don't go naturally before then since they will only allow me to go a week over. I kind of prefer that over the 10th being when they would induce me if they did the April 3rd due date. So almost 3 weeks before Aiden is here. It's nice having a latest date to count down to.

Also, I think it's ridiculous that woman would say things are your fault. How are you supposed to know who is allowed to change stuff and who isn't.

Lauren, I'm clueless on how to check anything with the cervix. I remember reading about people checking their cervix while TTC and stuff and I never understood it.

Hayley, I'm glad you're going out to get your highlights done. Next week I'm planning to go and get my nails done (mainly since I can't even reach my toes) as a treat to myself. And like you, I have no idea when I would be able to go and get my nails done again in the future.

I also agree with you on the smoking thing. Thankfully, my family (they're all smokers) have been rather considerate since I've been pg. When DH and I are staying with them they always go outside to smoke even if it's freezing so that I don't have to breathe in the smoke (they smoke in their house).

It does surprise me seeing pg people smoking though. I always think I would use my unborn baby as motivation to quit but then I guess since I've never been a smoker so it's harder for me to understand how difficult it is to quit.
Oh Hayley I could go on and on about smoking. It literally makes my blood boil - I was actually moaning about it on the main forum last night. I used to smoke in my teens for about 5 years, it was just something I got in to because my friends did but soon grew out of that habit. Even if I didn't, I am sure I would have stopped when I started working where I do. But I was still addicted and it did take a lot of willpower to stop so I completely understand the struggles some smokers have to stop. But its those who literally don't give two f*cks about their health or anyone around them. I work really close to the maternity unit at work so I reguarly go (sorry, should rephrase that - USED to go) up there to grab lunch. You'd be amazed at how many selfish people there are that just stand outside the door knowing that is the main enterance to maternity. So they are happy to have little new born babies breath in their smoke :x most people have an attidue of ''well my children are ok'' so don't care what they do around others. I just wish people had the balls to say something to these people, its like people feel embarrased to say something. End of the day THEY are in the wrong not us. We choose not to smoke for a reason, we shouldn't have to be exposed to the harmful chemicals of their cigarettes and we have every right not to have our babies exposed to it too!!! A girl I know (I think I might have mentioned it on here before) smoked throughout her pregnancies and still continues to smoke around her children - she had the attidue of ''they all turned out fine'' but one of them isn't fine. She is only a couple of years old and has been rushed in to hospital multiple times because her lungs have collapsed or she has had bad asthma attacks. Yet she still doesn't think it is her fault!!!! Selfish selfish scum, thats all I have to say.

I have read a lot recently about third hand smoking (where the toxins stay on hands, breath, clothes ect for a few hours after having one) and it does worry me. A couple of Adam's relatives smoke, including his mum who is a heavy smoker.....I have already told him I want him to tell his mum that she has to wait a couple of hours before holding LO and she is to wash her hands before touching her. I hope she respects my wishes and does that, if not I will be very upset.

My friend smoked during pregnancy and I was so annoyed with her. But she'd make up excuses for not stopping all the time and it was always - I am stopping on X date. It was the biggest load of bull. She had no intention of stopping because she didn't care!

But I can't believe your friend smoked while you were in the car with you in it!!!! I would be angry if someone did that with me in their car even if I wasn't pregnant. But if you haven't already worked it out I am massively against smoking during pregnancy - well smoking all together actually.

I think there are two problems, the main one is that people don't know enough about the health problems smoking causes. A lot seem to be in denial too, like they refuse to accept what they are doing to themselves. But on the other hand, as mentioned above - some people are just very selfish and don't care. They are the ones who make me angry.

Anyway, I am going to stop there or I will bore you all lol. I also apologise if any of you smoke or have different opinions to me. I don't mean to purposely offend anyone.

Glad your getting your hair and nails done girls :) I had my nails done last week and I have only gone and chipped two nails!! so now they look ruined :(
Oh and Hayley - guess what! My mum brought me one of those beanbags :D I am so excited. It was delivered at her's this morning and she got it out and put the cover on. It is so cute. She brought it to surprise me bless her :) but she is doing waaay to much for me, she hasn't told me exactly how much she has brought but every now and then she will say something like 'I've brought her that' as we are walking around a shop....that has happened more than a handful of times too. I can see her coming round with a suitcase full of stuff when LO is born!!!
Brittany Ooh getting your nails done will be nice! I'd like to get mine does - like false nails, but I hear you're not supposed to have anything covering your natural nails for a c section coz they need to see your natual nail colour during the procedure - so I guess I cant!
I'm gonna HATE not having my toe nails painted!!! I never have no colour on my nails - Jon has been keeping them painted for me since I haven't been able to reach them!

Lauren - It is horrible :/ I wish I had the nerve to say something to people, I just hate confrontation lol.

I remember being sat outside the maternity wing at Exeter hospital waiting for Jon to pull the car around, and there was only one bench so I sat on that - I had a "hands off the bump" top on so it was CLEAR I was pregnant, and then this woman (not pregnant) came and sat next to me and started smoking away! Then two guys came along and started smoking right in front of me - I was surrounded!!!
And there were no other benches anywhere - so I, the pregnant woman, had to stand up and move somewhere else and stand up to wait - so that they could sit down and smoke!!!
I was SO tempted to say something to them but I couldn't get the nerve up to do it lol.

Oh YAY for the Bambeano!!!! has she got you a pink one? They are SOOOOO cute!!!! :)
Did you get the toddler cover with it too? I think thats so good that they're giving them for free, as once the baby outgrows the beanbag you empty the beans into the new cover and it lasts until they're 5!! How cool?!

My mum is exactly the same with the baby stuff! I know shes buying us the pram (which I chose), and the moses basket which she wants to surprise me with - and shes doing us a basket too but I'm not allowed to know whats in it, but shes always saying "Oh I've already got that" everytime I mention something I need to pick up! lol.

Moan - I really need to have a little rant.

I've just got off the phone with my sister. She's PREGNANT!!!!

Now...don't get me wrong. I'm happy for her....she already has two daughters (aged 5 and 3) and I LOVE my nieces to death, I'd have a million of them happily!!

But OMG the timing!!!

Her 12 week scan is this coming Monday - and shes planning on announcing it then.

Which is almost exactly a week before my baby is born - so now I feel like all the attention is going to be on her when the baby is born, coz everybody will be like "Oh Laura, you'll be next!" etc etc :/

AND I was SO looking forward to Bean having his 1st Christmas and being the Baby of the family - but now, he's only going to have 6 months of being "the baby" before another one comes along.
And at Christmas, there'll be two babies - he won't get to have a first Christmas where the focus is on him, he won't even be the youngest baby! :(

I just feel so...confused?! I don't want to be a cow and be selfish, and I'm happy that she's having a baby coz it'll be nice for Bean to have a cousin close in age to him.

I just feel like she's stolen my thunder a bit - and at the worst time, SO close to the end.

Especially coz this is my first baby - and she's already had two babies and had the attention solely on her and them for their births.

Couldn't she have waited just until he was a few weeks old at least or something to announce it?! :/

Do I sound like a proper cow?! I must!

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