Lauren - I know! I'm sooooo happy not to have to go there again - honestly its awful, its in a really bad area so its full of scummy mummies - theres a horrible little cafe in there so it always STINKS of fried eggs and there are loads of skanky people sitting round in their pyjamas waiting for appointments! :/ Hate hate hate!!!
As for the blood tests, they're retesting mine too - my last results came out at 5. Basically its just testing your Bile acids(or bile salts maybe!?) - I gather that if you're producing a certain amount its too much and can be dangerous for the baby so they'll keep you in and sometimes induce early.
But if yours is 7 thats definitely toward the lower end so it should be ok!
lol @ the "snotty plug!" funny you should mention it though - I have definitely noticed my discharge is getting thicker and more often. And today I remember wiping and thinking to myself "that looks a bit yellow!" - like not SHOCKINGLY so but just thicker and darker than normal. Definitely looked like snot if you have an infection and its not running clear!

won't it be lovely when we don't have to talk about all these gross things anymore?! lmao!
Oooh Ikea is soooo dangerous when it comes to spending!! I love it though.
Brittany - I'm glad everything went well at the appointment and that you enjoyed the hospital tour!
Oooh 2cms now, so things are definitely happening!!
I kind of wish they did cervical checks here - I'd love to have an idea of where I stand!
Thats great that Aiden will be staying with you guys after the birth! I hadn't thought about that as like Sarah said - here in the UK the baby is always left with the mother unless there is some kind of problem and they need to be monitored in NICU etc.
I think these is quite recent though, as my mum said when she had us kids the babies were taken away to the nursery over night and she hated it coz she could hear us crying but they weren't allowed to go and see what was wrong. That must be hard for new mums!
Sarah - Lol thanks for the permission to moan, I will take it!
Geez a 2.5 hour wait! How ridiculous!! Yeah I totally expected a 5 day stay too! Though I kind of thought that because its coming up to the Easter bank holiday weekend they might try to rush us all out!!
I'd be happy enough with a 3 day stay but I'm not going to push them to release me early as my house is going to be MAYHEM until the Easter Monday when my sister goes back to Devon! My sister, her fiance and her two kids will be staying here - along with me and jon and the baby, and my mum and dad! Thats 9 people in a 3 bedroom house with one bathroom!!! With a new baby and me recovering from a c section!!
AAARGH! Maybe the 5 day stay in hospital would be
OMG I can't beleive how rude that woman was!!! Who was she?! A consultant or dr or what?
Well done Simon for standing up to her!!!! Sounds like he said exactly the right thing! Like Lauren said, how on earth are you supposed to know who does and doesnt have the authority?!
It all sounds SO confusing, I don't know how much it must be messing with your head!!! Geez! But at least you know now that 4 weeks is the maximum wait and thats a nice rounded number - not long at all! It will FLY past!

(It feels like two minutes ago I was saying it was 4 weeks until my date, and now that time has halved! It goes so quickly!)
AFM - I totally wasted today. It was OH's day off and such a lovely day weather-wise, and all I wanted to do after the MW appointment was sleep! I went back to bed at noon and slept until FIVE pm!!!! :/
Looking forward to tomorrow as I'm supposed to be having my highlights done - my final prep for before the birth hehe!! Goodness knows when I'll have chance to get them done again in the future lol.
Smoking - I hope this doesn't offend anybody if any of you are smokers who have carried on in pregnancy, but smoking has been doing my head in lately.
Last night when I went out with my friend for a meal, she was driving me home and was smoking in the car - with the window down, but still! Right next to me. I felt like I STANK all night of smoke, even after a bath.
I was saying to Jon how selfish it is but that I couldn't expect anything less as she smoked throughout both of her own pregnancies so why would she care about mine!
Then today (which, ironically, is National No Smoking Day in the UK!) - we came out of the MW office, and as we were walking down the path the stench of cigarette smoke hit me....I realised the woman in front of us was smoking.
I commented to Jon that I was sick of breathing in other peoples smoke - then I looked back to the girl - and realised she had a massive bump!!!
As we were getting in the car I was looking at her and just found it SO shocking - she was standing outside of a MIDWIFES office, obviously waiting for her appointment, with a massive bump and just smoking away with no shame whatsoever!!! On national no smoking day too!!!!
Honestly...I felt like taking a picture on my phone and putting it on Facebook - except that I'd offend loads of people on my friends list who also all smoked AND drank through their pregnancies.
And what bugs me most is that these are people who have a go at ME for not breast feeding - WTF?!!!!!