First Time Mom's - Due March/April 2013

Hayley you know what? My SIL wants to have another baby, and I am praying that they do, of course, but that they don't get pregnant in the next two months for the EXACT reason that I want our LO to have a first Christmas where they are the baby. So I know exactly what you mean, and think that it's perfectly natural as well. We just want our LOs to be the special star for as long as possible, and I think that is 100% normal.
But whenever bean gets here, everyone will be concentrating on how wonderful he is, and they'll still be excited about your sister of course, but your LO will be the centre of attention no doubt :hugs:
What you said about the scummy mummies (:haha:) made me think of the people I saw at the hospital yesterday. It is a scary cross section of our society :shock:
Jeez no wonder you wouldn't mind a longer stay in hospital - sounds like your house will be insane over Easter, and if you are sore that'll be the last thing you want. Maybe you could sweet talk them into letting you stay longer lol!

Brittany sounds like all our dates are very similar, I'd love if our LOs ended up coming on the same day!! But thinking a maximum of three weeks, that is so exciting. I cannot believe Aiden will be here that soon, where has all this time gone?
I forgot about how your mil acts :/ it's not a surprise at all that you feel how you do about Aiden with her in the background.

Lauren I fully plan on having a lazy day today - nothing wrong with that! Especially if you think LO is going to make an early appearance- fingers crossed!

smoking hate it. I can't believe people actually smoke when pregnant - how idiotic? I've never seen that, if I did I'd probably drop dead of a heart attack on the spot! Luckily nobody in our family or friends smokes so its not something we have to worry about.

afm super sleepy today. I feel like I have a lot of cleaning to do lol, but I am so tired I think today is going to be a very lazy day...
Hayley, don't worry about feeling a cow. I would feel exactly the same if a relative of mine announced they were pregnant now. Especially if they already have children. It's not very often we are in the limelight and we all want our LO's to be centre of attention... Just for a little bit :) I am assuming you feel like saying 'hay, you've had your time. This is mine' but we all know we can't say that.

Beanbag - yes it does come with the toddler bag (I think that's what I saw in the photo anyway lol) and yes it's pink :) I actually would have brought the beige one but the pink is still pretty.

I don't feel particuarly well today. I was alright when I first got up but I've gradually gone down hill. We have a viewing tomorrow so I was planning on doing bits like polishing, cleaning skirting boards ect. I have a load of clothes to put away too which I have been doing but I have to lie down every 20 minutes or so because I start feeling off. I feel like I should have a dodgy stomach too but haven't... If that makes sense? I hope it passes soon :/

I just rang my gp to book my blood test for next week and the receptionist told me she tried ringing this morning (from a withheld number >.<). My gp wants to call me tomorrow to discuss my results from Monday. She said it wasn't marked as urgent so nothing to worry about. At least someone can explain what the hell they mean because my midwife certainly isn't much help!!

The weather looks lovely outside, cold but it's really sunny. Wish I had the energy to go out and do something.

Oh, it's Adam's birthday on the 5th April so I want to buy him something sooner rather than later. Do I buy him a gift from bean too? If so, what?
Hayley, I can kind of relate to how you're feeling. About a month before DH and I were going to start TTC we found out SIL and BIL were pg with baby number 3. At first, I was really upset about the whole thing. If we fell pg while she was pg I didn't want to have to share the spotlight with her and if DH and I had fertility problems the last thing I would want is SIL's pregnancy being flaunted in my face. But we ended up falling pg right away so I started looking at the positives. Since SIL was pg too, she was able to deal with MIL as well so I wasn't constantly being bugged by her. Especially with the MS I had when I didn't want anyone bothering me at all. It was also nice having her to chat with about all our pg problems. As for our babies, they're only going to be 4-5 months apart so I tried to focus on the fact that Aiden is going to have a cousin who is very close to his age so he'll always have someone to play with that would most likely be interested in the same things. I guess I kind of came to the realization that SIL being pg and having a baby a few months before me is only going to be a negative thing I make it that way, iykwim?

Lauren, sorry you're not feeling very well. Hopefully whatever it is passes.

Glad your GP will be calling you to explain your results tomorrow. It's the worst being told something and then it not being explained.

DH just had his birthday in February but I didn't buy him a gift from the baby so I'm no help. I did consider getting DH a shirt and then getting a matching one for Aiden. I remember seeing SIL with a shirt that said "yoga mama" and then my niece having one that said "yoga baby" so I thought something like that would have been cool if it was something that fit DH's interests.

AFM, going to be reading today. Just realized I only have 5 days to finish my library book before it's due back and I'm not even halfway through so I need to get on it.
Brittany I think that's a really positive way to look at your SIL pregnancy, and its so true that it will be nice for Aiden to have a cousin to be close with. I was really touched last night as my brother was saying to my nephew (who is 20 months) "and when the baby comes it will be your cousin. But you'll be better than cousins, more likes brothers". I'm so close to my brother and sister, and can't wait for our LOs to grow up together and hopefully be very close as well.
Plus my nephew is so cute if you ask where the baby is he comes over and lifts up my shirt and pats my belly!
I have two books at the minute which my sister and SIL bought me to keep me amused on maternity - haven't even touched them yet! Plus I got £60 of book tokens from someone at school when I left so I'm planning on spending those tomorrow and getting a whole pile more. I don't know when I'll have time to read them all! Hope you enjoy your quiet reading day.

Lauren sorry you aren't feeling the best today, definitely do not overdo it getting ready for the viewing tomorrow, nobody will notice if the skirting is a little dusty.
I am now convinced you are going to pop at any moment!! Feeling off, having a bit of a dodgy tummy, these are all things I've heard people say they felt before going into labour! I'm on tenterhooks now - don't let me down :winkwink:
And since there is the real possibility that LO could be here before Adams birthday, I think it'd be lovely to get him a gift. Tough to know what to get though - you could go super cheesy and get him some "worlds best dad" t shirt/mugs etc (which is my plan for Simon for Father's Day!) if you thought he would like them, or something like Brittany mentioned with matching shirts would be very cute too.
Failing that, give him a voucher for babysitting duties! :haha:
At least the test results aren't urgent which is a good sign, but it will be a relief to know what is happening and what the results say. Keep us updated!

My Snuza Go arrived this morning. I'm really pleased with it - gave it a test and it works perfectly, and you can customise the settings to whatever you want which is super. I know we had some discussion on whether it would make people more paranoid, but its definitely going To give me some peace of mind when LO is in the Moses basket or at my parents, so I'm chuffed!
Sarah - I'm glad to know I'm not the only one with the Christmas thing :/
I think thats what is bothering me the most. Especially as this my first baby, and my sister has already had that special spotlight solely on her kids twice already. I just wanted ONE Christmas that was about my baby, but No.... :/

What kind of settings does the Snuza Go have?

I decided to buy one, I'm about to order it today actually - there's this new website called Flubit which you use to send a web link with a product price and they respond with a lower price for you.

I've been asked to review the Flubit website on my blog and they're giving me £30 credit to use - they've given a price on the Snuza Go £5 lower than Amazon, which means with the credit I can get it for £17!

I wasn't sure whether to go for that or something else I need like a cot mobile or an in ear thermometer, but I think I'll go for the Snuza for peace of mind?!

Lauren - I REALLY do feel like saying that to her. I said things like it in a jokey way and she laughed, but god - its so annoying. Like you say - especially coz shes already had two children!!

Aww I hope you're feeling better?

I think it would be nice to get something from Bean for Adam.
Maybe something with Daddy on it?

Jon has a thing for robots, so I've ordered him a personalised robot keyring from which says "Hello Daddy! Love from Tyne xxx" to give to him when the baby arrives :D

I think a little token kind of gift like that would be great, as you don't know for definite whether or not Bean will be there by then or not!

Brittany - I think if my sister had been pregnant earlier on in my pregnancy I wouldnt have minded so much, as it might have been nice to go through the pregnancy together and experience it at the same time,
But the way it is - it feels like she's just swept in right at the last minute and stole the limelight.

Its too late for us to share anything of the pregnancies, and she's announcing it exactly one week before I have my baby :/ I wish she'd just wait a few weeks at least and give us just that short time of not having the share the limelight.

And I also wouldnt mind so much if she hadn't already had two children - she's had two occasions where she was the centre of attention, and nobody else was having babies.

AFM - I'm having a really shitty, manic depressive day.

You know when your day starts off fine and then your mood kicks in and just goes rapidly down hill?!

My friend/hairdresser was supposed to come and do my highlights - she didnt show! Second time in a row she's done that! The way its going, I'm never going to get them done before the baby is born and they look AWFUL!!!

Then I ended up having an argument with Jon over something really stupid - he went off to work and was trying to make up before he went, but I wasnt having any of it and wouldnt say goodbye to him - so now I feel guilty about that.

And the thing with my sisters pregnancy is still really annoying me.

I know its really selfish - but god! I just wanted for ONCE to have something to myself.

She's younger than me, and so when she had both of her babies I had all the family going on at me with all of the "Oh when are YOU going to have a baby" etc etc - which was SO annoying, but I just grinned and put up with it.

I've waited a long time to be able to have this baby, and now I'm so close to the end I was looking forward to him being the baby of the family - there's only me and my sister in the family, so her daughters are the only grandchildren and are spoilt rotten and the absolute apple of my parents eye.
I was just looking forward to my baby getting that attention.

And now - he only gets 6 months of being "the baby".

He doesn't get a single "First Christmas" to himself - he gets to be one of two babies having their first Christmas together, and not even the youngest one! He'll be 9 months old and the other baby will be 3 months and all new and cute. :/

There's nothing I can do about any of it of course - but it makes me feel really sad.

And one thing that my sister COULD do is save her news for just a couple of weeks longer - its not like its her first baby and she can't wait to announce it! Shes not even telling her own kids until shes about 7 months along (She doesnt show until then usually and she doesnt want them constantly asking when the baby is coming!), so rather than announce it exactly ONE week before my baby arrives she could wait another week or two.

Just so that I have just a couple of weeks of the limelight just to myself and the baby - but no. Shes announcing it. Meaning that when everybody comes to visit when she's staying here, instead of everybodys focus being on my baby and me - and them asking HER all the annoying questions like "Oh does it make you broody?!" that I had to go through - instead they'll commenting on how "she's next" and asking about her pregnancy etc.

I know I sound like a cow and I don't mean to, coz like I said - I ADORE my nieces and I'd be very happy if my sister had twenty more kids! But I'm so annoyed that it all has to be NOW. :growlmad:
Hayley, perhaps a small consolation, but at least your little one will be the only boy when he arrives! Everyone will go nuts over him after having two girls, so he is going to be very, very special to the whole family. And even though it sucks having to share his first Christmas, for you, LO and Jon it will still be all about LO, and it will be the only first Christmas you three have together, so there is no way at all it could end up not being special. :hugs:
Don't let this news about your sister affect you too much. In 12 days LO will be here! And that's a lot more exciting than just being 12 weeks pregnant! It is definitely rude of her to spill her secret next week if she could easily keep it quiet a bit longer, that just seems mean. But like Brittany said, think how great it will be for LO to have a cousin who is so close in age to play with!

With the snuza you can have it so it flashes every time baby breathes/moves, or it have a flash and a beep. You can change the volume level of the beep if you are going to be out of the room. And although its pre-set for the alarm to sound at 20 seconds of no movement, you can change it to 15 or 18 if you prefer.
All of which is pretty amazing considering it's teeny and only actually has two buttons!!

I'm jealous yours is only going to be £17! Mine was the full £52 from amazon :growlmad:!!

Now, perhaps stupidly, I have decided to watch the full series of obem on 4od. I need to face the realities of child birth in the coming weeks...I'm taking this as my preparation!
I agree with Sarah about your LO being here being way more exciting then your sister being 12 weeks pg. When SIL had my nephew, my pregnacy was definitely not the topic of conversation for quite a bit since everyone was so excited about meeting my nephew. Though I definitely preferred that since at that point I wanted everyone to leave me alone anyways.

I do agree that your sister could wait to announce her news though. Did you perhaps mention to her how you would rather her wait to announce her pregnancy a week or two so your babies birth isn't being overshadowed? She may be really understanding considering she has two kids already, I would think she would understand how you feel.

If she does still announce, it could be a good thing. I'm sure you'll be sore after the c-section and it might be nice for you to be able to use your sisters pregnancy as a way to get some time to yourself if the attention gets to be too much, iykwim? I know when MIL would start driving me nuts with all her questions, especially ones that she had no right asking I would change the subject to SIL's pg which would quickly get her off the topic of me.

If nothing else, just remember this is your FIRST child and this is your sister's THIRD. Since she's had kids before your family already has kids to compare her baby too. They don't have that with you and Jon so your baby is going to be brand new and exciting in that sense too. Not to mention, you're having the first boy!!

Hopefully some of what I'm trying to say makes sense. I'm not sure if I was doing a good job wording things well. Will be thinking of you and I really hope your day improves. :hugs:
Sarah, I'm not getting my hopes up just yet lol. I have felt pretty crappy all day and haven't done any cleaning up. Adam is home tonight - well early hours of tomorrow morning. He can help me clean up if I still feel pants.

Hayley, I agree with the other girls. Although he won't be the only baby at Christmas, it will still be YOUR first Christmas as your own family and it will be a very special one for you. I know your upset and angry at the moment, as I would be too. But try not to let it get to you too much :hugs:

I love notonthehighstreet....I think I might have to look at something on there. Have you seen those t-shirts (for boys) where the dads will say 'full pint' and the baby t-shirt says 'half pint'? I think they are quite cute.

It is my work meal thing on Saturday, it was originally supposed to be a couple of weeks ago but had to be moved due to people not being able to make it. I am looking forward to it but have nothing to wear!! So I am going to pop in to town tomorrow to try and find a dress or something. I really didn't want to spend anymore money on maternity wear but I hardly have any clothes, other than plain tops ect. I want to feel nice. So we will see if we can find anything.

Reading, I have loads of books I haven't read. I have this strange obsession with buying new ones. I have loads :haha: so I think I should drag them out of hibernation and get reading :)
Lauren I just bought a dress for my friends wedding which is on 4th April. Because I don't know what on earth will be happening then (will baby be here? Will I be in labour? Will I be waiting?!) I didn't want to buy something super expensive, so just bought a maxi dress from new look, only £20. I know what you mean about wanting to look nice, I feel like I am living in slob clothing now I'm not at work anymore!

Love the full pint/half pint tops! They sound so cute! I need to get on this notonthehighstreet business!
I am planning on going in to new look. I found a really nice dress on NEXT, thought I could order it and have it here by tomorrow...then it tells me it is out of stock!! New look is great for cheap clothes though so hopefully I will find something :)

Oh and when I was on earlier Alex was on....I come back to see if she had posted something but hasn't. Hope your ok Alex?? xx
Lauren, I have no clothes either. I feel like anytime I go out I wear the same thing (yoga pants and a plain tee). I hate winter though because I'm just not a fan of pants and stuff. I would much rather live somewhere where it's warm year round and I can wear dresses all the time. :haha: I hope you find something nice though for the work meal.

The full pint and half pint shirts sound cute too.

AFM, I think I'm losing my plug/may have lost it. I was noticing quite a bit of snot like CM that was streaked with brown blood just about every time I used the bathroom yesterday. I'm not sure if I'm noticing this because of the cervical check I had on the 12th since I do spot after that or if I'm actually losing the plug.

Either way, it kind of made me freak out yesterday so I ended up cleaning the entire upstairs. So much for a lazy day though I did feel bad for DH since he got dragged into cleaning when all he wanted to do was spend the evening relaxing with me. I am hoping to have my to-do list completed today though as long as my DH will cooperate since a large portion of the stuff on the list is stuff he needs to do.
I don't really know anything about plugs, but from what I've read Brittany that definitely sounds similar to other people's experiences! Aiden is getting ready to evict himself! Don't work yourself too hard today though.
Brittany that does sound like your plug. I have heard stories about cervical checks setting them off too.

I read... Or watched... Can't remember now :/ but a midwife was saying that women think it means something but apparently doesn't mean much to the midwives. I know people can loose their plug at anytime but it usually re-generates. You'd think loosing it this late on would mean something though?

Eeek it's so exciting though. Really, any of us could go in to labour at anytime!!!

I'm hoping to get all my last minute bits done, but nearly finished now. All washing is done ect so soon I'll have nothing left!!
So, had an eventful day yesterday!
Woke up yesterday morning with a really itchy foot - only one though. It looked like a nettle sting on top of my foot, itchy and hot. Anyway, it disappeared aftrt a while.
Got into bed early last night (7:30 ;)) and it started again! I rang my mum to see what I could take and she told me to call the NHS direct or ring Triage at the hospital to get some advice - ive been feeling a bit off it for the last couple of days with headache, back ache and still full of cold. Oh and lots of BH!
They told me to go in :dohh:

They out me on the baby heartrate monitor and had to stay on that for an hour. They took my bloods, checked my BP, my temperature, listened to my chest etc.

In the end a doctor came in and said he wasnt worried about the rash the thing that was worrying him was that I was so warm (yet had no temperature) and my face was so flushed? He said they'd send my bloods off to check all my levels incase the itching is Obstetric Cholestasis - if any results come back pointing to this, I have to go back in to be induced!

Also, with me having the cold and the flushing, if it continues or I just generally feel unwell or headachey then I have to go in and be induced too :shock:

It all felt so unreal lsid on the hospital bed with the monitors on! I think it felt worse because I was in the delivery suite section.. I expected to just go into a little side room like on OBEM :haha:

Other than the above, if I go into labour naturally I can still have my homebirth :dance:

Oh I asked the doctor to check to see how engaged she was too and she's now 3/5's ! She was only 1/5 a week ago so I think using my birthing ball has helped a lot :)

When he said how engaged she was, he said " I think it'll be a couple of days" :shock:

Im gonna get bouncing on my ball again and hopefully start something off!

No belly picture cause youve probably all seen it on facebook.. :flower:

EDIT: Excuse typos, on my phone!
Oooooo lets hope it is a couple of days Laura :D sorry you had to go in to hospital though, I didn't like being on the maternity assessment unit when I went in because it was so close to ladies having babies!!! Did you get the results from the bloods? thats what I had tested on Monday and have to have it re-tested this coming Monday as mine were slightly abnormal. Haven't had itchy feet or hands though which is where people tend to get it. Just have it everywhere else which is rather annoying!!

Get bouncing on that ball girl - we need this little baby to make an appearance :D
Lauren, I've read that once you lose your mucus plug you can go into labor in days or it could still be another 2 to 3 weeks before labor begins. Perhaps that's why the MWs don't think it means much? Not to mention, the plug can regenerate though I don't imagine it would this late? I guess all we can do is wait and see at this point.

Laura, I hope you're able to still have your home birth rather then having to be induced. Have you started to plan for a hospital birth in case you do need to be induced though?
Brittany, Sarah & Lauren - Thanks for your support/advice and listening to me whine lol. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

I'm going to mention to my Mum that I wish she'd wait to announce it just for a week or so, and see what happens.

I was still really upset about it yesterday, I kept thinking of other things that annoyed me about it (Like how at Christmas her baby has another side of the family where it will be the ONLY baby so it will still get spoiled and get all the "Babies first Christmas" attention but because OHs family are all dead, my baby won't have that!)

It sounds bad, but the only thing that will make me feel better is if their baby is a girl - coz that way Bean will still be the only boy/grandson! *fingers crossed*
Bitchy coz they're desperate for a boy - I'm not wishing that they never have a boy, just that THIS baby is another girl :haha:

Plugs/Twinges/Etc! - oooh sounds like things are starting to happen!!! :happydance:
How exciting!!!!! I really hope one of us has their baby this week!

With the monitoring, when I had it I was on the maternity unit too - the woman in the bed next to me had come in coz her waters had gone at 32 weeks!!! I was like "OMG!" was quite terrifying! They were going to induce her that night if nothing had happened naturally - I SO wanted to stay and see what happened, but I was all done before they'd induced lol.

Maternity wear - New Look is definitely good for things like maxi dresses. The ones I bought recently weren't from the Maternity range so they'll still do me for a while after the birth - they're so loose fitting anyway that there's room for a bump but it also doesn't really matter because they're supposed to hang loose so your normal size or a size up in the normal range will probably be fine!
They had some lovely ones in stock when I was there the other week.

AFM - Everybody is still clucking around me lol. Its driving me mad! My friend turned up today to do my highlights (a day late but oh well! At least they're done!), and as soon as she left my Aunty came over to see if I needed any shopping or if I'd had any twinges - bless them but omg leave me alone lol.

The parents are home tomorrow, so this week we'll be doing things like picking up the pram (yay!) and getting the room ready - and then thats it! My sister and nieces will arrive next Saturday, and then its baby time! AAAAAH!!!
Hayley glad you got your hair done eventually! Better late than never! Oh my gosh, I cannot believe that next week is your last week without a baby! Sounds like you'll be busy as well so it's going to fly in. Glad your parents will be home so everyone else will leave you alone slightly! And fingers crossed for another girl for your sis ;)

Laura :shock: a few days?! Oh my goodness that is so exciting :happydance: I hope this prediction is true and we have our first baby before this time next week! I'm jealous, I'm still not engaged at all, and I bounce so much! What's your secret :winkwink: sorry to hear about your trip to hospital, hopefully you don't have to go in to be induced and this lo decides to come before that is necessary.

maternity wear my new look dress arrived today. Oh my gosh it makes me look huge!!!! I mean, if I end up able to go to this wedding I will be 40+6 so nobody will expect me to look that great, but honestly, it's insane! From the front you can barely tell I'm pregnant (if you're partially blind :haha:) then I turn and BAM! Massive! So not entirely thrilled, but needs must in this case!

Afm I am starting to get the feeling my baby will never come out :( I'm not engaged, I'm having no BH, no plug, nada. I keep yelling at the thing to get out, I'm walking lots, bouncing...but I am 100% sure I will be getting induced on April 10th which is so disappointing. I'm going to be waiting on something major happening, and its never going to come. I know this is stupid as there is no way to know when it'll happen- I could go into labour in two minutes time- but I just am starting to get disheartened listening to everyone else's symptoms that I have none, and am going to have to force this baby to leave my uterus. I shouldn't have let him/her get so comfy lol.
Aww Sarah, don't go worrying about not having symptoms. For the couple of us who have had the odd thing happen it doesn't mean labour is going to be any time soon. I've read so many things on the main forum about people thinking they are in early labour then it all stops and they are left waiting. And don't forget, most first time babies go over their due date...

Talking of labour though, me and OH went out for dinner around 4, we were greedy and went for three courses - when I stood up after and started heading for the door I honestly thought LO was going to fall out of me there and then!!! I think I'd eaten so much it must have squashed her and forced more pressure down below. I could barely walk and I had to hold Adam like a crutch lol. It was rather embarrasing and a tad painful!

Hayley I can't believe how quickly your date has come. I really hope you keep us well updated :D and we want photos!! Next week is going to be one if those weeks where it will drag and you purposely go to bed early every night to speed it up :haha:

So my doctor called this afternoon to explain the blood results to me, said he isn't concerned but does recommend I have the repeat test done (which I have on Monday) to see if it continues to rise, if it does then they may want to speak to a specialist but they don't usually act on it unless levels are over 14. Mine are 7. So he doubts anything will happen. I asked if there is anything I can use to help the itching as it is more frustrating than anything, not to mention the marks I am leaving behind as a result of scratching. He said to use creams like e45 ... So I'll buy a small bottle of that tomorrow. Also said that the only way to completely stop the itching is by giving birth - because we all have a button we can press to bring baby out on demand lol. Hopefully my next results will come back fine :)
Sarah, I'm not sure it will make you feel any better but I haven't had many signs or symptoms of labor! I haven't lost my plug and don't know if I'm dilated or if the baby's engaged. I do get Braxton Hicks but that's nothing new, and the period-like cramps never turn into anything real. I'm thinking that one of these days, it's all just going to take me by surprise. At least I hope so. Besides, it seems like things can change in an instant so you never know - you could go tomorrow!

Hayley, it does seem selfish of your sister to announce her pregnancy right before you're due. Hopefully she had the best of intentions and just wasn't thinking. Or maybe she wanted to get it out there before your baby's born so that she won't have to announce it right after, which might seem even more like she's trying to steal your thunder. I totally agree with what others have said - her announcement won't even compare to the birth of your little man!! And even though it sucks now, maybe in the future it will be nice for him to have a cousin so close in age.

And yes, you definitely have to keep us updated! Just a few more days! :)

Laura, that's so exciting!! Sorry you aren't feeling well and had to go to the hospital but that's great news about your baby! I would feel the same way being in the hospital. I felt weird being in triage just to register (there were preggo's waiting for a room). Let us know if anything happens!

Lauren, I've had that happen! I'm kinda scared to stand up sometimes because I feel like she's going to fall out, and at the very least she makes me feel like I'm going to pee myself. I literally can't stand up straight. I can't tell if she's dropped, though, because sometimes she feels really low and I can breathe normally and bend over, etc., but then other times (like right now) her butt is right under my ribs again. I wish she would pick a spot and stay there!

I hope your next blood tests come back normal!

AFM, I've turned into such a homebody. Last week all I wanted was to get out of the house. Then today Seth said he would finish some of the chores if I wanted to go do something for myself...and now I can't think of a single thing I want to do bad enough to actually go do it. I'm not sleeping well and am just tired and uncomfortable. I've been pretty active up until recently and my mom and I are having lunch tomorrow so I'm not a complete hermit...but now I'd seriously rather just be in the comfort of my own home!

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