First Timer looking for others in the first tri to chat

I hope lifting doesn't hurt baby because my toddler is 30 lbs and I frequently carry her.

It does not. Due to the loosening of joints, there is an easier chance of a woman hurting herself if not used to lifting/carrying such and such weight.
It’s true that most MCs are due to chromosome abnormalities, but stating that lifestyle factors cannot contribute to miscarriage risk is false.

Regarding coffee, the first article clearly stated that the studies regarding caffeine use were inconclusive, so they recommended limiting caffeine as a pre-caution. Not that it caused miscarriage.

The second article (after it mostly discussed chromosomal problems and other body issues such as immune disorders and cervixes) had a tiny paragraph where it discussed a few lifestyle things such as women working in different workstations where there seemed to be a higher rate of miscarriage but that they could not find clear links.

Correlation does not equate causation.

As for smoking, well... everyone knows that's bad for you, regardless. So..

Anyway, If a woman chooses to limit/abstain from certain things during her pregnancy, that is certainly her choice. But I am very tired of all the fearmongering, stress, women-blaming, and self-blaming that has unfortunately become part of "pregnancy culture" in recent years. Every day there is another thing that *may* cause problems, and people fly into a panic.

Use every day common sense, listen to your body, and hopefully you will have a stress-free, non-problematic pregnancy.
Barring any real complications (some women have a partial placental abruption later on, a woman in my July group is going through this currently and was told to rest), Witchrose is right. Miscarriage is not your fault (trust me I did enough blaming of myself, but I know I wanted and loved that baby and did all I could), if it happens to you, there's very likely nothing at all you could do to prevent or stop it, particularly so early on.

It certainly makes perfect sense to take it easy! You're growing a life and that's hard work! Put your feet up, relax, hubby can make dinner. your life! If you want to work out work out. Carry your other kids. Have a coffee occasionally (I can't get through my morning without it). Do what feels right for your body, listen to your doctor, and be smart. Women have been having babies for a long time, and science has gotten us very far (and helped us so much!)...but, it's also made us worriers.
If a miscarriage is going to happen, it will happen regardless of what you do. I've had three in the past and I kept asking myself after each "what did I do wrong?" I kept going over all the things that I did that *could* potentially have contributed to miscarriage. I live on a farm and do a some heavy lifting occasionally, like cleaning stalls, carrying hay bales and 25-50 pound feed bags so I brought this up to the doctor. She told me that since my body was used to doing it, that wouldn't have contributed to miscarriage. I'm sure carrying your toddler, since your body is used to it, isn't going to cause miscarriage so try not to stress too much. In the end and after much testing that resulted in nothing that should prevent me from carrying a baby to birth, I finally accepted that my miscarriages were not my fault and did, in fact, go on to carry two more healthy babies despite continuing my routine.
I had a bleed yesterday which scared me went A&E who did nothing just said they would pass my details onto early pregnancy unit who would call me, they did but scan wasnt till today so we managed to get into a private clinic and paid for a scan everything was fine baby happy and healthy even waved at us. Went scan today at hospital and all still good baby was now upside down could see cord and placenta and baby was kicking out with its feet and punching out with its arms aswell was so surreal to see. Both couldnt find the reason for my bleeding said it could be blood vessels bursting in cervix as could be sensitive but no issues inside the womb xx Ive added both pics one from hospital isnt very clear as the baby was just too active moving about it looks like a cockroach lol xx

Also Im confused how far along I am now clinic said Im a day ahead so would be 10wks 6 days today 11wks tomorrow but hospital measured me today at 11wks and 1 day

Also annoyed at midwife was really upset tried calling her no answer sent her a message saying please call me urgently not had any call back at all so Im asking for a new midwife too Im not happy with her x


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Angela I'm no doctor, of course, but I would guess then that the bleeding was probably coming from your cervix, if they found nothing on two different ultrasounds. The cervix is extremely sensitive during pregnancy... you'd be surprised what could irritate it. Sorry for the tmi but even sex can cause it to bleed a little. Regarding measurements, it is also normal to measure up to a week ahead/behind and doctors usually won't change your due date, since babies come in different sizes. Early scans taken at between 6-8 weeks are the most accurate for determining your due date and anything after that is just an indicator of baby's size. It sounds like your baby might be a little larger than average, but that's ok. My babies always have been large for gestational age too. DS2 was born the size of a full term baby at only 35 weeks. When I had my first scan with him at 7 weeks, he was measuring 3 days behind. Everything sounds good to me and those are cute pictures of your jelly bean btw!
Glad everything looks ok after your scare, Angela! As caviar said, measuring a couple of days ahead or behind is normal. I’m sorry your midwife hadn’t responded to you - that’s crap! I hope you find a better one.

Did you all get the flu shot? I haven’t as the few times I’ve gotten it I ended up more sick than all the years I didn’t get it. And I don’t like the idea of injecting preservatives and formaldehyde, etc into my body with a tiny baby growing. I know it’s recommended but I’m not feeling comfortable with getting it. My doctor hasn’t said anything. Also, I read it’s likely only effective against 10% of flu strains this year...
Ive started bleedong again only slightly its worrying but I know they wont do anything as Ive already had 2 scans my next scan is on 30th so not long to wait x

I had the flu jab and glad I did as DH had flu really bad not long after I had it x
Hi ladies!

My name is Brittany. I am currently almost 5 weeks along. I work as an artist and a doula out of Colorado. :) My husband Huy and I have been married for 5 years but together for 14.

As far as TTC journey, we started TTC back in 2012 and I had problems with PCOS so I had to go through fertility treatment to help conceive (luckily just femara and progesterone, no IUI or IVF). First pregnancy was ectopic and finally in July 2015, we conceived my son, Desmond. We didnt want to have two babies super close so I got a copper IUD after Desi was born and we removed that this summer in order to TTC #2. Of course, though, I had issues with my cycle/ovulation again this time around as my cycles were anywhere from 30-70 days apart. I went back to my fertility doctor and she said that I dont have PCOS this time but still have ovulation issues for some reason. So, they put me on progesterone to force a period se we could start femara again. Well, apparently I managed to ovulate after taking the progesterone and got pregnant. But, unfortunately, the progesterone did it's damage already (it thinned out my lining too much) and I miscarried that pregnancy last month. They let me start femara right away and what do you know, I am pregnant again!

My first HCG test was at 23 (at 4 weeks) and I go back in tomorrow morning to see what my HCG is now. My urine tests are getting slightly darker so I'm hopeful that my HCG has atleast doubled but historically, I can never seem to get past that second blood test (which is usually when they tell me I'll miscarry) so I'm nervous about it! I'll feel much better tomorrow when I get those results back as the only pregnancy that has doubled properly was my son.

If this one sticks, Ill be due on September 25th :)
Angela, I'm sorry to hear about another bleed, but I'm glad you're not as worried this time. Did you end up buying anything from aldi ?

Bee! We're very close, I'm due the 28th! How do you like working as a souls?

Star, sorry your scan got bumped back! Ugh! I guess I'm pretty lucky to be getting my first scan around 8 wks. I'll be going in for my second beta draw Monday, so I'll be thinking of you in the 9ffice!

I'm going to a fundraising event tomorrow that's going to have an open bar, and among my friends, I'm well known as the happy hour planner. It's going to be really obvious really fast that something is up when people notice I've stopped drinking. I'm going to say I'm on antibiotics, but we'll see how that goes...
Welcome Bee I have everything crossed for you the this will be the perfect little bean xx I too have had a long TTC journey we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility which is frustrating had 1 natural BFP ended in MC at 5wks did 6 mnths clomid all failed no BFP 1 fresh cycle IVF failed and this time a natural FET (frozen embryo transfer) no drugs and its worked so I know how worrying this first tri can be xx

Green I hope you get away with the antibiotic story it was hard for me over xmas keeping it all secret lol x Yes I did buy some stuff from Aldi in the end got my cot, pram and buggy and also some other stuff I know its early but the deals were too good to miss also anyone seen the deal on mothercare for the whole Tommie Tippie bottle set comes with 8 or 10 bottles, two cool/warm bags, electric bottle warmer, electric steam sterilizer, 8 powder holders, pair of tongs and a scrubbing brush all for £74.99 reduced from £154.99 think I might buy that too xx
Welcome Bee! Keeping everything crossed for your 2nd beta! I’m 9w4d pregnant after IVF with PGS. I had 3 chemicals prior to doing IVF and testing our embryos. I know how trying this journey can be! There are several of us here.

Green - can you get away with tonic water with a lime? Looks like a gin and tonic!
My results came back and my first HCG was 23 on Wednesday and today they were 139! You dont even know what a huge weight that takes off of my shoulders! I know that I could still possibly miscarry but like I was saying, I never get past the second blood test, so this is a huge milestone for me. :)

Bee! We're very close, I'm due the 28th! How do you like working as a souls?

Actually, if you count conception day instead it says the 28th as well! So, we are super close! Is this your first? Cuz firsts typically come late and seconds come a bit earlier. :p

I love working as a doula! I only just started the work a few months ago but I've had 2 births already and I just love helping Mamas bring babies into the world!

Welcome Bee I have everything crossed for you the this will be the perfect little bean xx I too have had a long TTC journey we were diagnosed with unexplained infertility which is frustrating had 1 natural BFP ended in MC at 5wks did 6 mnths clomid all failed no BFP 1 fresh cycle IVF failed and this time a natural FET (frozen embryo transfer) no drugs and its worked so I know how worrying this first tri can be xx

Thank you! I hope everything goes well. Man, youve been through a lot! Luckily, I never had to do IUI or IVF but they were this close to making me do it with my son and they were going to suggest it this time if after 3 cycles on femara, I didnt get my BFP.

Welcome Bee! Keeping everything crossed for your 2nd beta! I’m 9w4d pregnant after IVF with PGS. I had 2 chemicals prior to doing IVF and testing our embryos. I know how trying this journey can be! There are several of us here.

Thank you! <3
Congrats Bee on the positive beta!

Angela, you're doing great stocking up now! Great idea to catch those deals!

I'm so bummed, I've been feeling really good the last couple days. Maybe puked once or twice but actually felt better afterwards. Today, I just feel crummy. Was out late last night and will be again tonight. Got a good nap in and rested all afternoon, so hopefully i make it!
Constipation is hitting me hard again! I went week with none then I ate cheese. Mistake!

Also still dealing with nausea.

How's everyone else?
Congrats Bee! That&#8217;s wonderful news!

MK and Star - sorry you aren&#8217;t feeling well. :( I hope the nausea eases off soon!

I&#8217;ve been doing pretty well. As long as I eat regularly. DH and I went on a long hike today and I&#8217;m so sore. It&#8217;s still icy/snowy out so I had on my big heavy Sorels and that did a number on those muscles that connect your abdomen to your thighs. I can barely lift my legs!
I'm doing well but Im also not super far along yet. When I was pregnant with my son, nausea hit right at 6 weeks like a light switch had been turned on. So far, just super tired and SUPER thirsty and I have this tightness just slightly above my groin area on both sides. I had this with my son as well. Its like I have to brace that area when i sneeze or cough or I cant get up too quick or I feel like I'm going to sprain it.
Congrats on the numbers Bee I have everything crossed that they keep climbing xx

MKaykes cant you cancel if you dont feel up to it xx

Starlight how far now till your scan hows the weather xx

Im 11 wks today whoop whoop just two weeks left of the first tri xx
I'm already in the second tri now and still feeling "off" all day. Not as nauseated as I used to be but my stomach still feels unsettled and I still have that gaggy feeling in the back of my throat sometimes. Really wish MS would just become a thing of the past, but I've had it until 16-18 weeks in previous pregnancies so I'm not surprised it is still hanging on. I'm ready to drop Diclegis for good though. Would love to feel normal again and finally enjoy pregnancy.

So close now, Angela! Excited for you :)

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