First TWW, looking for buddies! :)

Js32313, I just hope you get either BFP or AF really soon. You mentioned a change in your diet/exercise routine; did you start a more strenuous routine or start a diet deficit? I know when I do that I usually delay my AF a little bit or end up with a really short/light AF. So it very well could be that.

Akirkland, I’m sorry you got a BFN, but I’m glad you feel better. Now you can go into the weekend a little less stressed. I think I'm starting to feel the AF blues, myself. I have jury duty Friday so if :witch: is about to show up, "You're all guilty!"

Twinsie, Thanks! I also use the wondfo tests. I didn’t think I was going to use opks, but that amazon price was just too good to say no to. Good luck with your test tonight/tomorrow!
AKirkland- sorry to hear about your BFN. There is still hope though. My doc told me to wait a week after a missed AF. He's a guy though so don't think he understands how hard it is to wait. I'm really not sure what's going on with me. I pretty much counted myself out on Sunday. Now I have no idea what to think. I don't know if I should try a test or keep waiting.

Oodles- I did start working out harder and more often. I also am tracking calories and do have a deficit although not to crazy. I do tho k that might have been why my last cycle was so long last time. I started at end of October and that was same time of last cycle before December cycle. I called the doc then because I was concerned. They did say that could be why. This is my next cycle so doc said we will have to see if they return to normal. I hope so. I have symptoms that have to ether be PMS or pregnancy. Something has to happen. At least I hope.
Twinsie-It's so hard not to test! I'm going to wait a few more days until I test again, hopefully it's just too early. No symptoms can be good, I've heard that tons of women don't get any until a period is missed. Good luck with your tests and I'll be ordering some of those once AF shows up. :flower:

Oodles- I've never have been called in for jury duty yet, tell me how it goes! I'm glad I took the test because if AF does show up, I'll be a bit more prepared for it.

Js32313- There is still hope for us all, no one is out until AF truly shows up. I'm with oodles on that though, it could be different due to diet/exercise change. Our bodies are so picky sometimes. Will you be taking a test next week then? Just to confirm it was AF?

I've had so many symptoms as of late, today I've had a few hot flashes which being up north I really shouldn't. I think it's only 30 degrees at it's highest today. So that's not normal for me, I'm pretty sure all of what I have been feeling is a normal cycle and I'm expecting AF by this weekend. Unless by some miracle we managed to catch the egg in time.
So I decided to just go and test since I was driving myself crazy. I got this. Tell me if you see it or if I am just crazy. Hopefully the picture works.


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So I decided to just go and test since I was driving myself crazy. I got this. Tell me if you see it or if I am just crazy. Hopefully the picture works.

OMG!!!! OMG!!! I so see a second pink line! Congrats, I would call your doctor and set up an appointment for them to take some blood to confirm it. :hugs: Woohoo! First :bfp: of the group!!!!
I was freaking out when I saw that. I did not think I would see anything. I was just stressing so decided to just give it a try. I even sent my friend a pic to see if she saw it too. My husband is at work so can't tell him until he gets home which is 3 am. I'm gonna wait until later this week and see if it gets stronger then I'll call the doc.
I was freaking out when I saw that. I did not think I would see anything. I was just stressing so decided to just give it a try. I even sent my friend a pic to see if she saw it too. My husband is at work so can't tell him until he gets home which is 3 am. I'm gonna wait until later this week and see if it gets stronger then I'll call the doc.

Are you going to tell your husband or will you do some sort of surprise for him? I don't know if I could hold out until 3am, gah! How exciting is this for you!

My cramping seems to be nonstop, it's been this way for a few days and mainly just on my left side. I really feel like it could be a cyst or something, my lower back is even hurting right now too. I just wish AF would arrive because everything feels like it will. I'm so not a patient person! lol
I have been having cramping for the last week. I was sure Friday that AF was coming and then spotted. There has been a lot on my left side also. Could be a good sign. I wish I didn't have to wait. He is going to call me in a bit but we don't get lots of time to talk. Rather tell him in person anyway.
I have been having cramping for the last week. I was sure Friday that AF was coming and then spotted. There has been a lot on my left side also. Could be a good sign. I wish I didn't have to wait. He is going to call me in a bit but we don't get lots of time to talk. Rather tell him in person anyway.

It must have been implantation bleeding for you, I haven't noticed anything like that for myself but it's super rare actually to have IB. Most of this cycle since I ovulated I've had cramping on my left side. Which is what makes me think it's a cyst bursting, I've struggled with those things in the past. I hope it's a good sign but I want to be realistic with myself. I can get my hopes up so easily and I'm scared to be upset over this, even more so because of how much I've been paying attention this cycle.

I'd want to tell my hubby in person too, gosh that's just so exciting! Are you going to go out and purchase more tests? I think if I saw that I'd want to pee on every stick I could get my hands on! :haha:
Js32313- that's it DEF a positive!!!!! What dpo are you again?? How exciting!!!!!! That is so awesome!

I'm still debating testing tom at 10dpo, I wonder if the egg has even implanted yet? I have no cramping or anything whatsoever! A part of me doesn't want cramps or implantation bleeding though cuz I'll prob freak out that it's AF coming and get bummed out. But then again I want to feel some kind of signs!! Lol. Anyways, excited for you JS! Keep us updated on future tests .

AKirkland- cramps and back pain sound pretty good for prego symptoms. Maybe wait till Thursday to test again.
Side note: how do you put a pic in ur profile on this site ??
Js32313- that's it DEF a positive!!!!! What dpo are you again?? How exciting!!!!!! That is so awesome!

I'm still debating testing tom at 10dpo, I wonder if the egg has even implanted yet? I have no cramping or anything whatsoever! A part of me doesn't want cramps or implantation bleeding though cuz I'll prob freak out that it's AF coming and get bummed out. But then again I want to feel some kind of signs!! Lol. Anyways, excited for you JS! Keep us updated on future tests .

AKirkland- cramps and back pain sound pretty good for prego symptoms. Maybe wait till Thursday to test again.

I'm in the same boat as you Twinsie, I wonder if the egg has even implanted yet if it's there and maybe my HCG levels are just not high enough to show on a test. But then I keep thinking of all these signs that I'm just not. It's so frustrating! Why can't time just go by quicker so AF can show or I can get a :bfp: I'm not going to test tomorrow for sure, too much going on to do that but I will certainly test on Thursday and Friday.

Good luck to you if you decide to test at 10dpo! my fingers are crossed for you!
I wish time went by quicker too!!! The day goes by fast but I still feel like this TWW has been going on forever! I can't wait to get my bfp though. I bought a shirt on etsy that says "this girl is preggers" with two hands pointing inwards at my belly. I have it hidden so when I get my bfp I'll put it on and that night and see how long it takes my husband to notice lol!! :). Do any of you girls have any ideas on how to tell your Fam and husbands/wives?
AKirkland- I am definitely going to test agian. I want to give it a few days and see if the line gets darker. Hopefully that will mean things are moving along well. I know it's hard when you get your hopes up. I had to test because I was stressing so much. Thought if I saw a BFN then I'd at least move on. Fortunately it was good news. You still have time. Hopefully yours will be too!

Twinsie- I am I think 14 DPO but not completely sure. Could have been earlier but doubt later. Good luck on yours. To post a pic you just hit the paper clip at top. Then it will let you select a picture.
Twinsie-That's super cute! I haven't bought anything to announce anything yet. I think once I find out I am I'll order something, I'll probably just tell him though and show him the stick once I do get a bfp. As for family, I thought about the grandparents by making them mugs that say grandma and grandpa on them, or signs that say the best parents turn into grandparents. For the rest of the family we might do a cute photo shoot and announce it that way. Not totally sure yet, I daydream about this stuff all the time, all I'm missing is that bfp.:haha:

Js32313-You're strong, I don't know how I would hold out a few days once I saw the first bfp. The line was pretty dark already, I hope it is a sticky bean for you! I hope I just tested too early this morning and that I'm not totally out, although I certainly feel out for this month.
I think I might test again tomorrow. I'm only 10 days past O so I don't have high hopes for a bfp but I'll do it anyways! I was researching the wundfo tests I'm using and I've been reading mixed reviews about how early they detect hcg levels. We shall see!

Also, to tell my DH I'm planning on getting a little football (he is a football fanatic) and giving it to him as one of his birthday gifts all wrapped up! I think it would be AMAZING to tell him on his bday!
AKirkland- good luck. I hope you get a BFP. Give it a few days. I bet if I had tested a few days ago it wouldn't have been positive. I did test agian this morning just to be sure. Wanted to do it first thing in the morning. It was darker which is good. I drink tons of water so I know morning would be better.

RedDirtMama- good luck on your test. I really like the football idea. That is cute. My family is a big football family. We love anything football.
Reddirtmama-Let us know how your testing goes! My fingers are crossed for you and I hope you get a bfp! The football idea is so cute, when is your DH's birthday?

Js32313-I'm so happy the test is darker for you today! Did you end up telling your DH? Is he excited and shocked? I hope I get a bfp soon but I'm not certain I will.

I've had a runny nose the last few days and last night the cramping which was due to being gassy. (TMI) was so painful, I was constipated and just uncomfortable which the whole constipation thing doesn't happen to me very often. I could have sworn AF was going to show up but she didn't and so far this morning she is still not here.

The cramping has settled down quite a bit, I'm hoping I don't have anymore issues with it today. I'll be testing tomorrow morning again, I should either be at 12dpo or 14dpo.

Good luck to those testing soon!
Redirtmama- gl testing! The little football idea is cute!!

JS- that's awesome it got darker! Hooray! It must've been such a happy moment to tell your DH!! I can't wait for that moment

AKirkland- GL testing tom!!! I love the mugs for grandparents idea :). Running out of the bathroom with ur bfp and showing ur DH will be an incredible moment. Can't wait for you to get your bfp !

As for me, I tested today but it was bfn. However, it wasn't my first morning pee cuz the dog got me up at 4:30 and I had to pee then. So tested at 9:30. I'm not really upset , maybe slightly bummed since it would be nice to get an early bfp but I know I still have a chance so I'm trying to stay hopeful!!! Even though I still have no signs ! But no period yet either so either way I'm happy. Last month I got my period 7 days after I ovulated which isn't good, and this cycle it's already been 10 days after O. So that's progress! Vitex is working!

Fx for us all testing this week!!!!!
This morning was a bfn. I'll probably test again on Friday morning and if that's a bfn then I'll wait until Monday since AF is supposed to show on Saturday.

DH is only in town every other weekend due to work and it just so happens that he will be here Feb 6th, which is his bday. Also means I'll hang to keep the secret for two weeks if I am! Ha! :)

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