flutter by babies symptoms

Can your DH see the lines? I'm just surprised that you aren't more confident now - it sounds like you've had loads of lines!! But then again, you are getting a mixed message if there's nothing on FRER or Equate. It's all so damn frustrating!! Can you get photos of the lines yet?
Can your DH see the lines? I'm just surprised that you aren't more confident now - it sounds like you've had loads of lines!! But then again, you are getting a mixed message if there's nothing on FRER or Equate. It's all so damn frustrating!! Can you get photos of the lines yet?

yeah I would be more confident if the lines were darker and showing up better so i could take pics of them...I can see them, and he can see them, but when I try to take a pic its barely there so you can see it...my camera is frustrating me and the fact that the lines won't show up on FRER frustrates me...it also feels like AF is gonna show but i've heard that women feel that way and they end up pg...but honesty for some reason I think AF is coming for me...:( but I can still try next month!!! so i'm staying positive whether af comes or not!
Can your DH see the lines? I'm just surprised that you aren't more confident now - it sounds like you've had loads of lines!! But then again, you are getting a mixed message if there's nothing on FRER or Equate. It's all so damn frustrating!! Can you get photos of the lines yet?

yeah I would be more confident if the lines were darker and showing up better so i could take pics of them...I can see them, and he can see them, but when I try to take a pic its barely there so you can see it...my camera is frustrating me and the fact that the lines won't show up on FRER frustrates me...it also feels like AF is gonna show but i've heard that women feel that way and they end up pg...but honesty for some reason I think AF is coming for me...:( but I can still try next month!!! so i'm staying positive whether af comes or not!

At least your DH can see them so you know you're not going mad! I know what you mean about the FRER though - they're supposed to be the best so it would worry me too. AF is so similar to pregnancy, just another of nature's little mind tricks! At least if both of our AF's arrive we can keep each other company next month. :hug:
Can your DH see the lines? I'm just surprised that you aren't more confident now - it sounds like you've had loads of lines!! But then again, you are getting a mixed message if there's nothing on FRER or Equate. It's all so damn frustrating!! Can you get photos of the lines yet?

yeah I would be more confident if the lines were darker and showing up better so i could take pics of them...I can see them, and he can see them, but when I try to take a pic its barely there so you can see it...my camera is frustrating me and the fact that the lines won't show up on FRER frustrates me...it also feels like AF is gonna show but i've heard that women feel that way and they end up pg...but honesty for some reason I think AF is coming for me...:( but I can still try next month!!! so i'm staying positive whether af comes or not!

At least your DH can see them so you know you're not going mad! I know what you mean about the FRER though - they're supposed to be the best so it would worry me too. AF is so similar to pregnancy, just another of nature's little mind tricks! At least if both of our AF's arrive we can keep each other company next month. :hug:

yeah, i think it may be that I have a bad bunch of ICs like Tbuns had...i don't think i'll use them again if AF shows...yeah it sucks, cuz i feel so pg! its prob just pms though...for sure if AF shows up for us we'll be buddies again next month...i'm gonna start temping this next cycle...i'm kind of excited about it...:)
I reckon 'i don't think i'll use them again if AF shows' are famous last words! :wink: I'm trying to get through all of mine so that I can't use them again because I know I'd be so tempted if they're just sitting there, winking at me! I think I've got 7 left now so if I use one a day until AF arrives I should only have a couple left for next month and I don't think I'll be tempted to test early if I have that few.

Good luck with the temping. I've been quite tempted to do it as well but I think I'm going to give it a miss for now. If anything I want to try and be a bit less obsessed next month so I'll probably get some preseed because that's really just lube anyway. I've probably got OPK's for next month but I'm not going to buy anymore of those either once they run out. I think that CM can give a good enough indication of when to BD. Pregnacare conception tablets have been recommended but I've already got Sanatogen Mother To Be tablets (just folic acid and some other vitamins) and I don't see much difference between the two.
I reckon 'i don't think i'll use them again if AF shows' are famous last words! :wink: I'm trying to get through all of mine so that I can't use them again because I know I'd be so tempted if they're just sitting there, winking at me! I think I've got 7 left now so if I use one a day until AF arrives I should only have a couple left for next month and I don't think I'll be tempted to test early if I have that few.

Good luck with the temping. I've been quite tempted to do it as well but I think I'm going to give it a miss for now. If anything I want to try and be a bit less obsessed next month so I'll probably get some preseed because that's really just lube anyway. I've probably got OPK's for next month but I'm not going to buy anymore of those either once they run out. I think that CM can give a good enough indication of when to BD. Pregnacare conception tablets have been recommended but I've already got Sanatogen Mother To Be tablets (just folic acid and some other vitamins) and I don't see much difference between the two.

lol, yeah I probably be on ebay ordering more tests if AF shows. lol :haha: I've never tried temping so I figure I'll give it a shot. I think you're right about CM, that plus O pains always lets me know I'm ovulating every month...so we only got to BD on CD 12 and 14 so we may not have BD enough or I O'd earlier or later than I thought...It was during his car accident that I was fertile so we really couldn't go crazy with BD because of his broken leg...he's getting alot better though, so I think next month will be the month..lol I can tell he's getting better cuz he keeps saying we can BD more next month if I'm not pg...:haha: so far no signs of AF though...if I'm not supposed to start till Friday... I'll feel alot better about being pg...:)
I didn't know about your DH's car accident - that sounds awful if it was bad enough to break his leg! Hope he's healing well - sounds like he is judging by his libido!

I wonder if we didn't BD for long enough. I don't keep track of the actual days that we do it because it seems to happen so often but I did think that if I ov'd 48 hours after surge it might be possible that we missed it. My libido tends to drop right off after ov so I think we probably did get it but you just never know.

Hopefully we'll both find out we're pregnant by Friday and then all of this will be irrelevant anyway!!
Hi girls - i spent my whole lunch reading your thread from beginning to end, it was so lovely to see all the support you are giving each other. Many congratulations for the :bfp:!!

Do you mind if i join you, even if I am a bit late in the ol' cycle!:blush:? I am 13DPO today so i am about the same as you all and since about 3DPO i have been having on and off AF twinges but thats my only sign of PG, until yesterday when i had shooting pains in my bbs but they dont hurt all the time ifykwim? I had a faint line on an IC with FMU on monday and nothing on one in the evening and i havent tested since cos i am not sure I am ready for the disappointment..... DH wants me to do one tomorrow before he goes to work - ahhhhhh!!

Hope you all have lovely afternoons, TTFN, Moo xx
I didn't know about your DH's car accident - that sounds awful if it was bad enough to break his leg! Hope he's healing well - sounds like he is judging by his libido!

I wonder if we didn't BD for long enough. I don't keep track of the actual days that we do it because it seems to happen so often but I did think that if I ov'd 48 hours after surge it might be possible that we missed it. My libido tends to drop right off after ov so I think we probably did get it but you just never know.

Hopefully we'll both find out we're pregnant by Friday and then all of this will be irrelevant anyway!!

Yeah he had a seizure from his meds, he's never had one before, and he hit a forklift, and broke his right femur and dislocated his right ankle...it was pretty scary cuz my boys were going to go with him and he was going to take the interstate but I'm glad they wanted to stay home and he decided to take the regular highway...could have been much worse, so we are greatful...he's fine, he'll be back to normal by the end of August...:) My libido does the same thing after O... I think it will be awesome if we both get our BFP on Friday or Saturday that would be hilarious...I had a very vivid dream of taking two FRER pregnancy tests at work and I turned down and was shocked to see they were very dark positives!!! and there was two of them! so its got to a good sign!!!:thumbup:
Hi girls - i spent my whole lunch reading your thread from beginning to end, it was so lovely to see all the support you are giving each other. Many congratulations for the :bfp:!!

Do you mind if i join you, even if I am a bit late in the ol' cycle!:blush:? I am 13DPO today so i am about the same as you all and since about 3DPO i have been having on and off AF twinges but thats my only sign of PG, until yesterday when i had shooting pains in my bbs but they dont hurt all the time ifykwim? I had a faint line on an IC with FMU on monday and nothing on one in the evening and i havent tested since cos i am not sure I am ready for the disappointment..... DH wants me to do one tomorrow before he goes to work - ahhhhhh!!

Hope you all have lovely afternoons, TTFN, Moo xx

Love the name!! We're still hoping for a flurry more BFP's and hopefully yours will be one of them as well! If we all get one, we can take the thread over into first tri with us which would be cool.

How long have you been trying for? What things are you doing each month (temping, OPK's etc etc)?

I didn't know about your DH's car accident - that sounds awful if it was bad enough to break his leg! Hope he's healing well - sounds like he is judging by his libido!

I wonder if we didn't BD for long enough. I don't keep track of the actual days that we do it because it seems to happen so often but I did think that if I ov'd 48 hours after surge it might be possible that we missed it. My libido tends to drop right off after ov so I think we probably did get it but you just never know.

Hopefully we'll both find out we're pregnant by Friday and then all of this will be irrelevant anyway!!

Yeah he had a seizure from his meds, he's never had one before, and he hit a forklift, and broke his right femur and dislocated his right ankle...it was pretty scary cuz my boys were going to go with him and he was going to take the interstate but I'm glad they wanted to stay home and he decided to take the regular highway...could have been much worse, so we are greatful...he's fine, he'll be back to normal by the end of August...:) My libido does the same thing after O... I think it will be awesome if we both get our BFP on Friday or Saturday that would be hilarious...I had a very vivid dream of taking two FRER pregnancy tests at work and I turned down and was shocked to see they were very dark positives!!! and there was two of them! so its got to a good sign!!!:thumbup:

Wow! I can't believe how bad it could have been. It's bad enough what happened but, as you said, it could have been so much worse. Makes you feel like someone's looking out for you when that kind of thing happens!

I love the pregnancy dreams! Sometimes I'm taking tests and other times I'm pregnant. I found it a bit upsetting when it happened last month and then I got BFN's when I woke up but I quite like it now. At least in the dreams I haven't been questionning whether I've got line eye or not! I had one last night and with a FRER as well (odd since I hardly ever use them and the other dreams have all been IC's). I'd love it to be a good sign! xx
Alynn - so sorry to read bout your OHs accident... that must have been a scary time for you all. Hope that he gets better quickly but it sounds like he is feeling ok if he is talking about BDing already!

We have been TTC for 4 years now, I am kinda a pro i think at all sign watching and hope control. I have tried everything from hypnotherapy to reflexology to temping and find IC OPKs to be the best and now, after 48 months i kinda 'know' when i am OVing.... however, i have yet to have a :BFP: so every month i go through the sign spotting and obssesive googling of symptoms, much like this month. But then i found your lovely thread and thought i would actually post rather than lurk :oops:

However as soon as i posted i realised that i might be out of the running this month, i am 99% sure AF will turn up tomorrow, the old cow, as I had the familiar and hated first aches. Harrrrumph.

Sorry for the selfish post, Moo x
Alynn - so sorry to read bout your OHs accident... that must have been a scary time for you all. Hope that he gets better quickly but it sounds like he is feeling ok if he is talking about BDing already!

We have been TTC for 4 years now, I am kinda a pro i think at all sign watching and hope control. I have tried everything from hypnotherapy to reflexology to temping and find IC OPKs to be the best and now, after 48 months i kinda 'know' when i am OVing.... however, i have yet to have a :BFP: so every month i go through the sign spotting and obssesive googling of symptoms, much like this month. But then i found your lovely thread and thought i would actually post rather than lurk :oops:

However as soon as i posted i realised that i might be out of the running this month, i am 99% sure AF will turn up tomorrow, the old cow, as I had the familiar and hated first aches. Harrrrumph.

Sorry for the selfish post, Moo x

Thanks, he'll be fine...:) gotta be tough to be in my family :p that's what I tell him...hehe
Wow, TTC for 4 years...I admire your strength...I'm going to try temping for the first time next cycle if AF shows...well if she shows for us we'll be cycle buddies...AF is due on Friday for me...I think Sat or so for Ellieb but here's to hoping she's on vacation for 9 months! :thumbup:
Wow, 4 years is a long time, you have some real determination! Have you been tested and stuff now? I've got endo so although we've been trying for 18 months I'm not worrying too much yet (and we couldn't try for 18 cycles as I had to have a couple of op's in between).

I just had a little bout of cramps and think it might be AF on her way too. I'm still going to hope that it's not, for now! I don't know my body as well as a lot of women because I was on the pill until Jan 09, had about 6 months before an endo flair up so I've had BCP or endo messing everything up for ages.

Not pregnancy related but my right arm feels as though it's been in the sun for hours and is burning - even though I'm inside. It's really quite unpleasant!!
'here's to hoping she's on vacation for 9 months' AMEN to that (but I'm not even religious!)
Do you know what, its amazing how quickly 4 years can fly by. Have had loads of tests, they thought i had PCOS for about 2 years then realised the only sign for that that i have it is easy weight gain (but surely thats true with most women!?!) so now its 'undetermined' and one consultant even said it could be pshycological - have had some Clomid in the past to make sure the eggs are nicely ripe but the next stage is IVF but i really hoping we can do it on our own.....

Until AF turns up with her suitcase we can all keep hoping that we will be in the first tri thread together! Yay! PMA!

One other thing - why isnt it home time yet?
Ellie - have you used a new moisturiser or anything recently to make your arm react like that ?
No, no new creams. I get eczema and I've got to go to the chemists to pick up my recent prescription so that should help (I hope). I'm wondering if I'm dehydrating and it's making my skin tighten (it is very hot in here) but being dehydrated as never made my skin feel this odd.

Getting all sorts of stabbing pains and cramps this afternoon - definitely think it's AF on the way even though I've got nothing to compare it to.

I know what you mean re IVF - I really don't want to do it and will carry on trying for years until we go down that route. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? As you probably guessed from my name, I'm 31 so I've for a few more years left before I need to think seriously about that.

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