Flying to UK. I've got some qestions for you girls!


Mummy of a prince
Jan 12, 2008
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I am flying to the UK on sunday evening and will be on a red-eye flight, I'm so stressed out and I'm dreading the 6h flight with Josh and the 3h car journey to Staffordshire.

Also I may sound stupid but hey... I don't know if you have all the same stuff as Canada and I want to make sure!

Playtex drop-ins (bottle feeding)
Nestle goodstart with omega 3 & 6 formula?
Heinz organic puree jars?

Also, I need tips on flying. I'm so stressed out to the idea of flying with Josh. I'm worried with the luggage weight limit. I'm also worried that I won't be able to bring Josh's bumbo & toys due to the weight limit. :dohh:

How do you do diaper changes on the plane? That must be a nightmare! :dohh::dohh:
Ive never seen Nestle formula over here hun but perhaps that's because ive never looked :)
me neither. But im pretty sure we have the heinz jars.
we have the heniz jars hun, nestle isn't that farleys????
You should be fine. I was worried when we flew to the UK and it was no big deal. We also did a late night flight on the way over, and Bren slept most of the way. Before we boarded, I did a little quick night time routine, lavender lotion and his pj's. Give him a bottle or a pacifier on the way up and the way down. Sucking helps with their ears. You can change diapers in the toilets, as there are changing tables. Call the airline ahead and see if you can book an bulk head seat and get a baby cot. This really helps as well.

What airline are you flying?
Hienz jars we have but havn't seen the nestle formula.
ive also seen heinz but not sure about the others i live about an hour away from staffordshire and been there a few times aswell xxx xxx
I don't think we do the drop-ins, don't do Nestle Formula & have Heinz jars but not the organic range, we have a range of 'mums own recipe' There are organic jars avaiable though - Jack eats the Hipp organic range which I have found to be very good if that'ss any help. Good luck with the flight & enjoy your stay!:happydance:

You could have some delivered to the UK address your staying at?


You could have some delivered to the UK address your staying at?


Bloody hell, they're expensive!!!!!!! I get them for the equivalent of 3.50£ for 100!!! I guess I'll just bring my own box then! Thanks Wobbles! x
Also, when you pack the carryon, be sure to bring at least 2 changes of clothes for Josh and something for you. We had to change Bren 3 times on the way there due to poo leakage. I also brought several different types of outfits because I was unsure if the plane would be warm or cold or what.
Thanks girls! What worries me the most is the weight... How can you pack with a weight limit when you have a baby. :dohh:
How can you pack with a weight limit when you have a baby. :dohh:

Its impossible to stay within a weight limit with a lap infant!! All youre entitled to is the car seat, stroller and a diaper bag. I went to NY for 2 weeks and only brought in whatever I needed for 1 day. I bought everything else once I got there. I didnt even go buck wild shopping in NY, but I needed an additional suitcase for the return flight, literally 99% of the stuff was hers.
Overseas flight can be tricky, especially with a 5 mo, so maybe look into shipping formula as well as his brand of fruit and veggie jars and take as much as you need until your package comes in England. I wouldnt risks switching things around. The last thing I need on a vacation is a baby with an upset stomach and rampant diarrhea!
When we went to Sweden for 2 weeks we took our own jars of food and cans of formula. On the plane we were allowed to take ready made bottles however we had to drink from them - OH Job lol!
no advice i've haven't seen any of that here, but there is lots of other bits :) wanted to say hope it goes well jess, thinking of you and josh :hugs:
I would call ahead to the airline and ask about weight, excess baggage and carry one.
If you have the Zapp you can carry that on, different airlines have different weights etc for you check in baggage.

Baby gear wise perhaps thinking about shops like Primark where you can pick up extras dirt cheap?
Dont forget you cannot carry on liquids over 100ml

on a different note if you check on additional gear as 'ski luggage' there is no weight limit on that!? (but you'll need a ski/board bag)
Dont forget you cannot carry on liquids over 100ml

i believe this doesnt include baby milk and medicines.

Good luck missjess!
I fly to the UK from France in a couple of weeks and I am nervous about that and it's only a 1.5 hour flight!!! Fingers crossed for you - you chose well by picking a night flight I think.

I'm flying at 3 ish..just in time for Teddy's usual afternoon scream. Oh god..
Thanks for your tips girls!

I'm gonna post some cans of formula & drop-ins bags. I'm crossing my fingers everything goes smoothly. It just seems like we have so much stuff to bring! I'm just a bit worried for once we'll be over there, Josh won't have all the toys he has at home, no swings etc... I hope he doesn't get bored :dohh::dohh:

And I'm praying he won't be too affected by the difference of time... He sleeps so well through the night !
Just pay for the excess weight.
I flew on a 9hr flight when Skyler was one month old and it was easy however I stressed a lot beforehand. It's not that bad and it will be over quickly.good luck.

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